Wilson Still 'Shocked' by Release from Als
Wilson still 'shocked' by release from Als Flory. Since tIlen, in a series lease by Saskatchewan. Wil 'Mind-boggling' of emails with The Gazette, son broke into the Canadian Wilson confirmed he would Football League with Win move, veteran says talk, eventually, once he felt nipeg in 2002. He spent three more comfortable discussing seasons with the Blue Bomb the scenario. Throughout Ole ers, wrapped around a two HERB ZURKOWSKY conversation, he reiterated year stin t with the Miami THE CiA,Z£TT( his desire to express his side Dolphins. '. I '-!"1A",':'C!i i? of the story, <Iud the respect Popp had n othing but Although a month has passed he was seeking. praise for Wilson following since he was released by "I wanted to leave with hisrelease,callinghima "tre the Alouettes, the sting and respect. I always did what mendous player and leader-" shock behind the move re was asked," Wilson said "r In five seasons with the mains prevalent in the mind was the sixth ofienslve-line Als, Wilson had 54 defensive of EricWilsOll. man, the fullback on short tackles. He played in three In an exclusive interview yardage, Ole wedge of kick re Grey CUps, wlnningtwo. with The Gazette, the veteran turns. This is mind-boggling. Wilson stlll hopes to play defensive tackle admitted he "llUlderstand the football one season with another CFL didn't see the move coming. aspecl, the salary cap and team. His agents.Paul Shee "When I left last November, the fact you're gettingoldel;" MIl(( CASSESE QEUllRS fll[ PHOTO hy and Wan-en Schmidt, have I had 110 inkling.
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