Confidence Interval

Some concepts: Interval estimate, coverage probability, confidence coefficient, (CI)

Definition: an interval estimate for a real-valued θ based on a sample X ≡ (X1,… , Xn) is a pair of functions L(X ) and U(X ) so that L(X ) ≤ U(X ) for all X , that is 퐿푋, 푈푋. Note: • The above is a two-sided confidence interval, one can also define one-sided intervals: (-∞, U(X )] or [L(X), ∞).

Definition: the coverage probability of an interval estimator is

푃휃 ∈ 퐿푋, 푈푋 = 푃퐿푋 ≤ 휃, 푈푋 ≥ 휃 Note: • This is the probability that the random interval 퐿푋, 푈푋 covers the true θ. • One problem about the coverage probability is that it can vary depend on what θ is.

Definition: For an interval estimator 퐿푋, 푈푋 of a parameter

θ, the confidence coefficient ≡ 푖푛푓푃휃 ∈ 퐿푋, 푈푋.

Note: • The term confidence interval refers to the interval estimate along with its confidence coefficient.


There are two general approaches to derive the confidence interval: (1) the privotal quantitymethod, and (2) invert the test, a introduced next.

1. General approach for deriving CI’s : The Pivotal Quantity Method

Definition: A pivotal quantity is a function of the sample and the parameter of interest. Furthermore, its distribution is entirely known.

Example. Point estimator and confidence interval for µ when the population is normal and the population is known.

- Let X 1 , X 2 ,, X n be a random sample for a normal

population with  and variance  2 . That is,

iid . X N(, 2 ),i  1,...,n . i ~ - For now, we assume that  2 is known.

(1). We start by looking at the point estimator of  :

 2 X ~ N(, ) n

(2). Then we found the pivotal quantity Z: X   Z  ~ N(0,1)  n Now we shall start the derivation for the symmetrical CI’s for µ from the PDF of the pivotal quantity Z


100(1-)% CI for , 0<<1 (e.g. =0.05 ⇒ 95% C.I.)

P(Z 2  Z  Z 2 )  1

X   P(Z 2   Z 2 )  1   n   P(Z 2   X    Z 2  )  1 n n   P(X  Z 2     X  Z 2  )  1 n n   P(X  Z 2     X  Z 2  )  1 n n   P(X  Z 2     X  Z 2  )  1 n n   (3) ∴ the 100(1-α)% C.I. for μ is [X  Z 2  , X  Z 2  ] n n *Note, some special values for 훂 and the corresponding

퐙훂/ퟐvalues are:


1. The 95% CI, where 훂 = ퟎ. ퟎퟓ and the corresponding

퐙훂 = 퐙ퟎ.ퟎퟐퟓ = ퟏ. ퟗퟔ ퟐ 2. The 90% CI, where 훂 = ퟎ. ퟏ and the corresponding

퐙훂 = 퐙ퟎ.ퟎퟓ = ퟏ. ퟔퟒퟓ ퟐ 3. The 99% CI, where 훂 = ퟎ. ퟎퟏ and the corresponding

퐙훂 = 퐙ퟎ.ퟎퟎퟓ = ퟐ. ퟓퟕퟓ ퟐ

∴Recall the 100(1-α)% symmetric C.I. for μ is   [X  Z 2  , X  Z 2  ] n n *Please note that this CI is symmetric around 푿

 Lsy  2  Z  The length of this CI is: 2 n

(4) Now we derive a non-symmetrical CI:


P(Z  Z  Z )  1  2  3 3 100(1-α)% C.I. for μ   ⇒ [X  Z  , X  Z  ] 2  1  3 n 3 n Compare the lengths of the C.I.’s, one can prove theoretically   that: L  (Z  Z )   L  2  Z   2  sy  3 3 n 2 n You can try a few numerical values for α, and see for yourself. For example, 훂 = ퟎ. ퟎퟓ

Theorem: Let f(y) be a unimodal pdf. If the interval satisfies (i) 푓(푦) 푑푦 =1− 훼 ∫ (ii) f(a) = f(b) > 0 ∗ ∗ (iii) a ≤ 푦 ≤ b, where 푦 is a of f(y), then [a, b] is the shortest lengthed interval satisfying (i).

Note: • y in the above theorem denotes the pivotal upon which the CI is based • f(y) need not be symmetric: (graph) ∗ • However, when f(y) is symmetric, and 푦 = 0, then a = -b. This is the case for the N(0, 1) density and the t density.


Example. Large Sample Confidence interval for a population mean (*any population) and a population proportion p

푋 − 휇 → 푍 = ⎯⎯ 푁(0,1) 휎/√푛 When n is large enough, we have

푋 − 휇 푍 = ~̇ 푁(0,1) 휎/√푛

That Z follows approximately the normal (0,1) distribution.

Application #1. Inference on  when the population distribution is unknown but the sample size is large X   Z ~ N (0,1)  / n By Slutsky’s Theorem We can also obtain another pivotal quantity when σ is unknown by plugging the sample S as follows: X   Z ~ N (0,1) S/ n We subsequently obtain the 100(1 )% C.I. using the second P.Q. S for  : X Z  /2 n

Application #2. Inference on one population proportion p when the population is Bernoulli(p) *** i... i d

Let Xi ~ Bernoulli ( p ), i 1, , n , please find the 100(1-α)% CI for p. n  X i Point estimator : pˆ  X  i1 (ex. n 1000 , pˆ  0.6 ) n Our goal: derive a 100(1-α)% C.I. for p

Thus for the Bernoulli population, we have: 휇 = 퐸(푋) = 푝

휎 = 푉푎푟(푋) = 푝(1 − 푝) Thus by the CLT we have:


X p Z ~ N (0,1) p(1 p ) n Furthermore, we have for this situation: 푋 = 푝̂ Therefore we obtain the following pivotal quantity Z for p:

pˆ  p Z ~ N (0,1) p(1 p ) n

By Slustky’s theorem, we can replace the population proportion in the denominator with the sample proportion and obtain another pivotal quantity for p:

푝̂ − 푝 푍∗ = ~̇ 푁(0,1) 푝̂(1 − 푝̂) 푛

# Thus the 100(1 )% (approximate, or large sample) C.I. for p based on the second pivotal quantity 푍∗ is:

* Pz(/ 2  Z z  / 2 )  1  pˆ  p Pz(  z )  1  / 2pˆ(1 pˆ )  / 2 n

pˆ(1p ˆ ) pˆ (1  pˆ ) Ppz(ˆ  ppzˆ )  1  / 2n  / 2 n pˆ(1 pˆ ) pˆ (1  p ˆ ) Ppz(ˆ  ppz ˆ )  1  / 2n  / 2 n => The 100(1 )% large sample C.I. for p is pˆ(1 pˆ )p ˆ (1  pˆ ) [pZˆ  , pZˆ  ] . /2n  /2 n # CLT => n large usually means n  30 # special case for the inference on p based on a Bernoulli population. The sample size n is large means n Let X  X i , large sample means: i1 npˆ  X  5 (*Here X= total # of ‘S’), and n(1 pˆ )  nX  5 (*Here n-X= total # of ‘F’)


Example: normal population,  2 unknown

 2 1. : X~ N (, ) n X   2. Z ~ N (0,1)  n 3. Theorem. from normal population a. Z~ N (0,1) n1 S 2 b. W  ~  2  2 n1 c. Z and W are independent.

Z X   Definition. T  ~ t W( n 1) S n n1

------Derivation of CI, normal population,  2 is unknown ------

 2 X~ N (, ) is not a pivotal quantity. n

 2 X  ~ N (0, ) is not a pivotal quantity. n

X   Z ~ N (0,1) is not a pivotal quantity.  / n

Remove  !!!

X   Therefore T ~ t is a pivotal quantity. S/ n n1

Now we will use this pivotal quantity to derive the 100(1- α)% confidence interval for μ.

We start by plotting the pdf of the t-distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom as follows:


The above pdf plot corresponds to the following probability statement:

Pt(n1, /2  Tt n  1,  /2 )  1 

X   => Pt(   t )  1  n1, /2S/ n n  1,  /2

SS => Pt(  X t )  1  n1, /2n n  1,  /2 n

SS => PXt(  Xt )  1  n1, /2n n  1,  /2 n

SS => PXt(  Xt )  1  n1, /2n n  1,  /2 n

SS => PXt(  Xt )  1  n1, /2n n  1,  /2 n

=> Thus the 100(1 )% C.I. for  when  2 is unknown is

SS [Xt , Xt  ] . (*Please note that n1, /2n n  1,  /2 n

tn1, /2 Z  /2 )


Example. Inference on 2 population means, when both populations are normal. We have 2 independent samples, the population

2 2 2 are unknown but equal (1  2   ) pooled- variance t-test.

iid : X,, X ~(, N   2 ) 1n1 1 1

iid Y,, Y ~(, N   2 ) 1n2 2 2

Goal: Compare 1 and 2

1) Point estimator:

σ σ 1 1 μ−μ =X −Y~N μ −μ, + =N μ −μ, + σ n n n n

2) Pivotal quantity:

(X Y )( 1   2 ) 1 1    Z n1 n 2 (X Y )( 1   2 ) T  ~ tn n 2 W (n 1) S2 ( n  1) S 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 S  2 2 p n1 n 2  2   n 1 n 2

n1 n 2  2 .

2 2 2 (n1 1) S 1  ( n 2  1) S 2 where S p  is the pooled variance. n1 n 2  2

This is the PQ of the inference on the parameter of interest

(1  2 )


3) Confidence Interval for (1  2 )

1 Pt (  Tt  ) n n2, n  n 2, 1 22 1 2 2

(X Y )( 1   2 ) 1 Pt (   t  ) n n2, n  n 2, 1 221 1 1 2 2 S p  n1 n 2 1 1 1 1 1(P t  Sp  ()() X Y 1 2 t   S p  ) n n2, n  n 2, 1 22n1 n 2 1 2 2 n 1 n 2 1 1 1 1 1PXYt (   Sp  1 2 XYt  S p  ) n n2, n  n 2, 1 22 n1 n 2 1 2 2 n1 n 2

 This is the 100(1 )% C.I for (1  2 )


2. General approach for deriving CI’s : Inverting a Test

Hypothesis test: under a given 퐻 : θ = 휃,

푃 (푇 ∈ 푅) = 훼 ⟺ 푃 (푇 ∉ 푅) =1− 훼 where 푇 is a .

We can use this to construct a (1 - α) confidence interval:

• Define acceptance region A = ℝ\푅.

• If you fix α, but vary the null hypothesis 휃, then you obtain R(휃), a rejection region for each 휃 such that, by construction:

∀휃 ∈ Θ: 푃 푇 ∉ 푅(휃) = 푃 푇 ∈ 퐴(휃) =1− 훼

• Now, for a given sample X ~ ≡ X1, …, Xn, consider the set

퐶푋 ≡ 휃: 푇푋 ∈ 퐴(휃)

By construction:

푃 휃 ∈ 퐶푋 = 푃 푇푋 ∈ 퐴(휃) ,∀휃 ∈Θ

Therefore, 퐶푋 is a (1 - α) confidence interval for θ.

• The confidence interval 퐶푋 is the set of θ’s such that, for

the given data 푋 and for each 휃 ∈ 퐶푋, you would not be able to reject the null hypothesis

퐻 : θ = 휃.

• In hypothesis testing, the acceptance region is the set of 푋

which are very likely for a fixed 휃.

In , the confidence interval is the set of θ’s which make 푋 very likely, for a fixed 푋 .


Example: X1, …, Xn ∼ i.i.d. N(µ,1). We want to construct a 95% CI for µ by inverting the Z-test.

• We know that, under each null hypothesis 퐻: 휇 = 휇,

√푛푋 − 휇~푁(0,1)

• Hence, for each 휇, a 95% acceptance region is

−1.96 ≤ √푛푋 − 휇 ≤ 1.96

1 1 ⟺ 푋 − 1.96 ≤ 휇 ≤ 푋 + 1.96 √푛 √푛

• Now consider what happens when we invert one-sided test.

Consider the hypotheses 퐻: 휇 ≤ 휇vs. 퐻: 휇 > 휇. Then a 95% acceptance region is

√푛푋 − 휇 ≤ 1.645

1 ⟺ 휇 ≥ 푋 − 1.645 √푛


Let the random sample 푋, 푋,… 푋 ~푁(휇, 휎 ), where both 휇 and 휎 are unknown (1) Derive the 100(1-α)% CI for 휎 using the pivotal quantity method; (2) Derive the 100(1-α)% CI for 휎 by inverting the two sided test 퐻: 휎 = 휎 푣푠 퐻: 휎 ≠ 휎 (3) Are your CIs in (1) and (2) the same? (4) Are your CI(s) optimal? If not, please derive the optimal CI.