Heat Transport by Fluids During Late Cretaceous Regional Metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, Southeastern California

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Heat Transport by Fluids During Late Cretaceous Regional Metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, Southeastern California Heat transport by fluids during Late Cretaceous regional metamorphism in the Big Maria Mountains, southeastern California THOMAS D. HOISCH U.S. Geological Survey, M.S. 964, Federal Center, Denver, Colorado 80225 ABSTRACT The Big María Mountains of southeastern California comprise a Late Cretaceous re- gional metamorphic terrain involving Paleo- zoic cratonal sediments. Siliceous limestone of the upper Paleozoic Supai Formation has reacted to form massive wollastonite, requir- ing an enormous fluid flux. The minimum volume ratio of fluid:rock that is necessary to explain the formation of wollastonite may be calculated from the reaction quartz + calcite = wollastonite + C02, using the method of Rice and Ferry. Given average conditions of 3 kbar, 500 °C, an infiltrating fluid of composi- tion XH2O = 1.00, an equilibrium fluid compo- sition of XH2Q = 0.97, and 90% wollastonite in the final rock, a fluid:rock ratio of 17:1 may be calculated. Infiltrating fluids of composi- tion 1.00 > XH2O > 0.97 require still higher ratios. Metamorphic reactions which took A ' Two-feldspar thermometry (°C) place in other units of the sequence (metape- O - Calcite-dolomite thermometry (°C) lites, massive carbonates, metavolcaniclastics) LTZ = Lower Talc Zone did not record the massive fluid flux, but UTZ = Upper Talc Zone DTZ = Diopside-Tremolite Zone fluids must have passed through them to have FZ = Forsterite Zone affected structurally isolated masses of Supai Formation. Passage of fluids must have oc- curred along fractures. 0 1 2 3 4 5 km 33°45'+ Neither magmatism nor radioactive heat 114°40' sources are adequate to explain the tem- peratures of metamorphism. If the minimum quantity of fluid that is estimated to have passed through the area was initially at 680 °C, it would result in a 300-degree rise in temperature over that of the stable- craton geotherm. Late metamorphic pegma- tite dikes which are most abundant in areas of high metamorphic grade may stem from melts anatectically derived at deeper levels, perhaps Figure 1. Map of the Big Maria Mountains, showing metamorphic temperatures which are as a result of the same fluid flux. Heat that is determined by calcite-dolomite and two-feldspar thermometry and isograds which are deter- introduced by large fluid fluxes may be an mined on the basis of mineral assemblages observed in siliceous dolomites (adapted from important cause of anomalously high temper- Hoisch and others, in press). The calcite-dolomite geothermometer used is that of Rice (1977), atures which are observed in many cases in and the two-feldspar geothermometer used is that of Whitney and Stormer (1977) modified by regional metamorphic terrains. adding 50°. See Hoisch and others (in press) for a detailed discussion of thermobarometry. Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 98, p. 549-553, 5 figs., May 1987. 549 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/98/5/549/3445251/i0016-7606-98-5-549.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 550 T. D. HOISCH Figure 2. Schematic isobaric T-X^ diagram show- ing reactions in the siliceous dolomite system MgO- Ca0-Si02-H20-C02 (for example, Skippen, 1974) and the basis for isograds and metamorphic zones. Volatfles in reactions are emitted for clarity. Mineral abbrevia- tions: Cc = calcife, Di = diopside, Do = dolomite, Fo = forsterite, Qz = quartz, Tc = talc, Tr = tremolite. Meta- morphic zones: 1LTZ = lower talc zone, UTZ = upper talc zone, DTZ = diopside-tremolite zone, FZ = forster- ite zone. INTRODUCTION The conditions of metamorphism which are preserved in regional metamorphic terrains are in many cases hotter than those predicted by steady-state geotberms. Higher temperatures I may result from the introduction of hot fluids or 0 0.5 1.0 magmas (see, for example, Lachenbruch and X(C02) Sass, 1977), from rapid crustal thinning (Lachenbruch and Sass, 1978; Wickham and REGIONAL METAMORPHISM IN ing. Tectonism in southeastern California was Oxburgh, 1985), or from radioactive decay THE BIG MARIA MOUNTAINS concurrent with Sevier thrusting in southern following crustal thickening (for example, Eng- Nevada. (Hoisch and others, in press) but is land and Thompson, 1984). Briefly elevated iso- The Big Maria Mountains of southeastern much different in character. Differences may re- therms may result from sudden uplift (England California constitute a Late Cretaceous regional flect the response of different crustal levels and Thompson, 1984). In areas which expe- metamorphic terrain -200 km2 in area. Meta- (Haxel and others, 1984) or different deep- rience peak metamorphic temperatures during morphism occurred at -3.0 ± 1 kbar and at crustal structures to the same general compres- crustal thickening, only the introduction of heat temperatures that increased northwestward from sive regime. In southern Nevada, thrusting was by fluids or magmas may be called upon to 430 to 590 °C (Hoisch, 1985; Fig. 1). Isograds initiated along the Paleozoic miogeocline and explain anomalously high temperatures. If such are crudely defined from mineral assemblages does not involve crystalline basement, whereas areas also lack evidence of synmetamorphic within the siliceous dolomitic limestones of the in southeastern California, structures formed plutonism, then the introduction of heat by cratonal sequence by consideration of isobaric within the ancient craton. fluids may remair as the only plausible explana- invariant points and isobaric univariant thermal tion. Such areas are common, but evidence of maxima within the system Mg0-Ca0-Si02- Evidence for Fluid Flux during Regional fluid fluxes of sufficient magnitude to explain H20-C02 (method of Rice, 1977; Fig. 2). Four Metamorphism significant high-temperature anomalies is not re- metamorphic zones are distinguished, the lower corded in many ciises. That fluids may efficiently talc zone (LTZ), upper talc zone (UTZ), Within the Paleozoic to lower Mesozoic cra- transport heat within the crust has been well diopside-tremolite zone (DTZ), and forsterite tonal aissemblage, there is a wide variety of documented. Circulating fluids may distribute zone (FZ), in order of increasing grade (Fig. 1). sedimentary protoliths, including sandstones, pe- heat around intruding plutons (Cathles, 1977; In the direction of increasing temperature, zone lites, siliceous limestones and dolomites, and Ferry, 1980) and cause anomalous surface heat boundaries are recognized by (1) the limit of volcaniclastic sediments. Siliceous limestone of flow (Donaldson, 1962; Lowell, 1975). stability of quartz + talc + calcite, (2) the limit of the upper Paleozoic Supai Formation has In southeastern California, Late Cretaceous stability of talc + calcite, and (3) the occurrence reacted to form massive wollastonite every- regional metamo:rphism is preserved in several of the assemblage calcite + dolomite + tremolite where but in the lowest grade southeastern part mountain ranges, associated with ductile defor- + diopside + forsterite. The isograds corroborate of the area (Fig. 3). The resultant rock is typi- mation of ancient craton and overlying plat- the trend of northwestward increasing tempera- cally 80%-95% wollastonite, containing also form-facies Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic strata ture indicated by geothermometry (Fig. 1). varying amounts of grossular, diopside, vesuvi- correlative with those of the Grand Canyon (for The Paleozoic and lower Mesozoic cratonal anite, and sphene. Quartz, calcite, and It- example, Stone and others, 1983; Miller and strata were attenuated by as much as a factor of feldspar are also present in some cases. others, 1982; Hoisch and others, in press). These 100 concomitant with basement-involved re- The formation of the massive wollastonite re- areas were metamorphosed at conditions hotter cumbent and isoclinal folding (Hamilton, 1982, quired an enormous flux of nearly pure H20 than those predicted by steady-state geotherms 1984). Mineral lineations in rocks showing fluid. The minimum ratio of fluid:rock that is (Hoisch and others, in press). In the present granoblastic polygonal elongate texture parallel needed may be calculated based on the reaction study, evidence for a large flux of hot fluids the axes of large and small folds, indicating that calcite + quartz = wollastonite + C02, using the during regional metamorphism in one area, the their formation was synmetamorphic. The cra- method of Rice and Ferry (1982). Mineral reac- Big Maria Mountains, is presented, and the pos- tonal strata were probably carried to mid-crustal tions which buffer the con: position of a H20- sibility that the fluids introduced heat sufficient depths during the formation of these structures. C02 fluid will progress to an extent that is to cause a 300-Celsius-degree increase in This implies that the peak conditions of meta- dependent upon the composition and quantity temperature is discussed. morphism were achieved during crustal thicken- of infiltrating fluids. For such reactions, a fluid Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/98/5/549/3445251/i0016-7606-98-5-549.pdf by guest on 23 September 2021 HEAT TRANSPORT BY FLUIDS DURING METAMORPHISM, CALIFORNIA 551 semblages in the siliceous dolomitic limestones were richer in CO2 (XH2Q = 0.8-0.1) than were fluid compositions in the Supai Formation (Hoisch and others, in press). This is indicated by mineral assemblages which were buffered along isobaric univariant or invariant equilibria (Fig. 2). Fluid:rock ratios which are required by these assemblages are also much less, generally
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