RASMUSSEN: “Index” — 2006/9/20 — 19:01 — Page 521 — #1 522 Index
Absolute value, 473 second-price sealed-bid, 397 Action, 13 silent-exit, 391 Action combination, 13 Vickrey, 397 Action set, 13 Auditing, 100 Advertising, 348, 350 Authority (medium), 205 Affiliation, 425 Axelrod tournament, 169 Affine transformation, 82 Agent, 182 All-pay auction, 399 Backward induction, 129 Almost perfect information, 65 Bagehot Model, 260 Amazon auction, 391 Bandit Anonymity, 360 two-armed bandit, 60 Argentina, 1 Bankruptcy constraint, 212, 240 Ascending auction, 390 Bargaining, 409, 469 Assumptions, 2 Battle of the sexes, 28, 35, 103 Assurance game, 35 Bayesian equlibrium, 56 Asymmetric information, 51 Beer-Quiche game, 174 Auction, 127 Behavior strategy, 98 Auctions Belief all-pay, 399 posterior, 56 Amazon, 391 Beliefs, 324 ascending auction, 390 common knowledge, 49, 64 common-value, 387 complete robustness, 164 descending, 398 concordant, 49 dollar, 402 forward induction, 173 Dutch, 398 intuitive criterion, 163, 174 eBay, 391 mutual knowledge, 49 English auction, 390 out-of-equilibrium beliefs, 159 first-price, 392 passive conjectures, 160, 163 first-price sealed-bid, 392 posterior, 57 loser-pays, 402 prior, 55 open-cry auction, 390 prior beliefs, 57 open-exit auction, 390, 391 Bertrand, 90, 101, 437 private-value, 386 Best reply, 19 second-price, 397 Best response, 19, 88 RASMUSSEN: “index” — 2006/9/20 — 19:01 — page 521 — #1 522 Index Bilateral trading, 370 incentive compatibility, 139, 194, 245 Bimatrix game, 23 individual rationality constraint, 195, 203 Biology, 123, 151 interim participation, 269 Blackboxing,
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