THE HUNTERIAN IN 2016 The Hunterian, founded in 1807, is one of Scotland’s greatest cultural assets and one of the world’s leading university museums. 2016 has been transformational with the opening of our new Hunterian Collections Study Centre at Kelvin Hall. State of the art facilities allow us to offer greater support to the University of in delivering world-changing research, raising our international profile and providing unique and enriching student experiences.

OUR VISION As part of a world-class world-changing university and through our rich heritage, collections and knowledge we will enlighten and inspire, bringing innovation to the museum sector and creating a world-class experience for our visitors.


1 Developing a world-class collection 2 Engaging audiences through building and sharing knowledge 3 Developing our workforce and the next generation (professionals and students) 4 Building national and global connections

This is a snapshot of our activities and achievements in 2016, reported against our strategic themes. More information can be found on our website

2 Image © Andrew Lee 3 HIGHLIGHTS OF OUR YEAR The highlight of 2016 has to be the opening of The Hunterian Collections Study Centre and offices at Kelvin Hall. For the first time, all our study collections will be under the one roof, giving new opportunities for research, teaching, learning and public engagement.

39% OF OUR 1,778 8% 1.5 MILLION STUDENTS INCREASE OBJECTS AND SPECIMENS ON COURSES IN OUR VISITORS FROM 2015 MOVED TO THE KELVIN HALL involving Hunterian collections a year on year rise and 40% to be used in The Hunterian increase since 2013 Collections Study Centre 11,107 195 FOLLOWERS 7,930 ON SOCIAL MEDIA PEOPLE STUDENTS ATTENDED EVENTS RECRUITED including our innovative TO 14 COLLECTIONS-BASED 511,718 Night at the Museum series POSTGRADUATE PAGEVIEWS PROGRAMMES OFFERED OF OUR WEBSITE AT KELVIN HALL and 406,404 unique pageviews 437,092 including 114 students from outside the UK PEOPLE 179 VISITED UNIVERSITY EXHIBITIONS AT 13 412 OBJECTS MUSEUMS WORLDWIDE USED IN 13 RESEARCH AND OF GLASGOW featuring items on loan TEACHING EVENTS from The Hunterian in the first three months STUDENTS of operation of The Hunterian ENGAGED IN OUR RESEARCH Collections Study Centre and in delivering our public programme 1,092 198,352 PUBLIC VISITORS 174,658 GALLERY TO OUR MUSEUM AND OBJECTS TOURS GALLERY SPACES FROM OUR COLLECTIONS DELIVERED BY 70 MUSES on the main University campus now available online (Museum Student Educators)

4 5 Scotland’s First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, STRATEGIC THEME 1 officially opening The Hunterian Collection Study Centre Developing a world-class collection at Kelvin Hall, November 2016.


After five years in the planning, the study rooms, teaching labs, undergraduate through postgraduate first phase of mixed use development conservation and digitisation studios and lifelong learning, encouraging at Kelvin Hall was officially opened by and a dedicated conference suite, the greater use of the collections and Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Study Centre enables much greater enriching arts, humanities and sciences Sturgeon in November 2016. The access to the collections whilst forging education. External researchers and partners, , new academic practices around interested members of the public Glasgow Life, the historic objects and specimens. The can request access to the collections and the National Library of Scotland, Centre is the most extensive by appointment. Fourteen collections- have transformed one of Glasgow’s multi-collections research facility in the based Masters programmes have been landmark buildings into a centre of Higher Education world. established at Kelvin Hall from the research, cultural heritage, civic, autumn of 2016 and this programme media, sport and commercial activities The Hunterian Collections Study Centre will be enhanced in future years. with few parallels across the world. will operate as an Object Laboratory, in which museum collections and Our existing public exhibition galleries As part of the development, the objects are selected and delivered into (Museums, Art Gallery and The University has created The Hunterian purpose-designed teaching and study Mackintosh House) remain open on Collections Study Centre which offers a spaces according to academic, the University campus in their current state of the art environment for educational or curatorial training locations. Hunterian staff are now collections-based research, teaching purposes. The Centre will service co-located in new offices at Kelvin Hall and training. Featuring a consolidated classes and research activities drawn together with the study collections. central collections store for The from across the University of Glasgow Hunterian’s multiple collections, object and its partners, at all levels from

Collections-based postgraduate programmes, built on innovative curatorial theory and practice, now offered at Kelvin Hall: • Ancient Cultures • Art History: Dress and Textile Histories • Art History: Collecting and Provenance in an International Context • Art History: Technical Art History, Making and Meaning • Art History: Inventing Modern Art, 1768-1918 • Creative Industries and Cultural Policy • Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) • Film Curation • Material Culture and Artefact Studies • Media Management • Museum Education • Museum Education (Online) • Museum Studies • Textile Conservation

6 7 STRATEGIC THEME 1 Developing a world-class collection


For over 200 years we have collected collection complements our existing The Hunterian through Treasure Trove, President, and one of only twelve medals and show scenes from kabuki plays. watercolour titled Skye by Scottish across multiple disciplines for research, Scottish entomology holdings. and thirteen 18th and 19th century made from the first gold produced artist Tom H. Shanks RGI, and three teaching and learning. Our collections Scottish banknotes from Glasgow and from Scotland’s new mine at Cononish A German Expressionist print by Karl works by BP Portrait Award 2016 are still growing and this year we An extremely rare portrait medal the West of Scotland, purchased at the was generously reserved for The Schmidt-Rottluff titled Trauernde am nominee Jane Gardiner, purchased started the relocation of over 1.5 million depicting Francis Tulloch of Tannahie, London auction of the collection of the Hunterian collection by Scotgold and Strand (Women in mourning, on the with the assistance of The Hunterian items to our purpose-designed study an officer in the 42nd Foot (Black Institute of Bankers in Scotland with the sponsored by Mr Graham Donaldson. beach) has also been acquired. The Friends. The oil paintings, Pink, Double and storage facilities at Kelvin Hall. Watch) was added to our coins and assistance of a grant from The National woodcut of 1914 is printed in black ink. Pink and The Whistler, all c. 2015, show medals collection this year. The Fund for Acquisitions. Artworks added to The Hunterian Other additions include three abstract views of the Hunterian Art Gallery and In 2016 we acquired 8171 new items medal, dated 1797, was acquired collection this year include three sets collages by painter and printmaker form part of a series of works inspired through donation and purchase. A large through the Walter Allen Fund. Other The Haggis Club of Glasgow, one of 19th century Japanese woodblock Philip Reeves - Transition, Burnt Hillside, by museums and art galleries. portion of these was a collection of additions include two medieval coin of Scotland’s oldest Burns Clubs, prints by Kunichika Toyohara, owned by Blackford and Lulworth, the latter two beetles collected on the Isle of Raasay hoards, mainly of Edward I silver presented us with a specially produced Sir Eduardo Paolozzi and donated by donated by Neville D. Shaffer. over forty years by the late Richard pennies, discovered at Bankfoot and Past President’s Badge, named to Lady Freda Paolozzi. The three triptychs Moore. This comprehensive research Morebattle, which were allocated to N.G. Young 1881, the first recorded are made in coloured inks on paper Also added to the collection was a

8 Image © Andrew Lee 9 Exhibition curators Emily Sargent (Wellcome Collection) STRATEGIC THEME 2 and Jelena Bekvalac (Museum of London) at the Engaging audiences through building and sharing knowledge launch of Skeletons: Our Buried Bones.


In 2016 we welcomed 198,352 visitors from a wide range of contexts, from William Hunter to Damien Hirst: The to our public gallery spaces on the main the oldest archaeologically recorded Dead Teach the Living, our University campus. Our exhibitions, settlements in Scotland to Roman contemporary art show in 2016, wider public programme and exhibition and Medieval London. The exhibition featured Damien Hirst’s 2007 work loans activity has raised the profile of challenged visitor perceptions of life Necromancer alongside rarely seen The Hunterian and the University of and death in the past and sensitivities objects from William Hunter’s 18th Glasgow locally, nationally and about displaying human remains. century collection and works by Scott internationally. Rogers and Catherine Street. It Research exhibits allow us to present examined synergies between anatomy We held two major special exhibitions, key pieces of research on our collection and art and was featured in The five research exhibits and five rotational to our visitors. Among the most Guardian’s ‘Five of the shows’ displays in our two main venues, the important this year have been Moments for the summer of 2016. Hunterian Museum and the Hunterian in History: William Hunter’s British Art Gallery. Our major exhibitions Medals, Ichthyosaurs, In War and Peace: Tracking Animals, the latest Hunterian were Comic Invention (March to July) The Erskine Story, and Renaissance Science Showcase presented new and and Skeletons: Our Buried Bones Prints. Moments in History explored ongoing research from the Institute (September 2016 to January 2017). British medals acquired by our founder of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comic Invention challenged public William Hunter in the last thirteen years Comparative Medicine (IBAHCM) at the thinking about the comic medium and of his life which he felt illustrated and University of Glasgow using satellites, its impact on graphic art over time confirmed moments in the nation’s drones and lightweight tracking devices and space with Glasgow placed at the history. Ichthyosaurs presented research to remotely and precisely monitor and centre of the story for the first time. into ichthyosaurs from The Hunterian record the movement and behaviour of The exhibition achieved excellent visitor collection including the first Scottish animal populations and individuals. numbers and extensive international ichthyosaur with a Gaelic name. media coverage. A new evaluation In War and Peace, part of the centenary We were delighted to open two new methodology for exhibitions as Case commemorations of Erskine Hospital, showcase spaces in 2016 – one at Studies for research was successfully examined the involvement of Kelvin Hall and the other at the piloted during the course of Comic pioneering surgeon Sir William University’s Crichton Campus. The Invention. Macewen in its foundation and his Hunterian in the South, a showcase contribution to the development of giving a flavour of our collections was Skeletons, a collaboration with prosthetics, most famously the ‘Erskine launched officially at the Crichton Wellcome Collection and the Museum Limb’. Renaissance Prints focused on Campus in Dumfries in autumn 2016. of London exploring latest three major Italian Renaissance artists The first display is around the bio-archaeological technologies, - Andrea Mantegna, Marcantonio architecture and designs of Charles investigated the biographies of skeletons Raimondi and Parmigianino, examining Rennie Mackintosh and includes a from the Museum of London’s through some of their finest prints the number of models commissioned for 20,000-strong collection of human changes that took place in the way the Mackintosh Architecture exhibition skeletal remains together with a group artists made and used prints in the at the Hunterian Art Gallery and Royal from Scotland. The bodies came period 1460-1540. Institute of British Architects in 2014-15.

10 Image © Maverick Photo Agency Ltd 11 STRATEGIC THEME 2 Engaging audiences through building and sharing knowledge


Our public events programme in 2016 by Museums Galleries Scotland and this year, Comic Invention and Hunterian Friends popular with Friends, as they gain of Hunterian Poems will be published attracted 7,930 people to a variety of Scotland’s Winter Festivals, the events Skeletons: Our Buried Bones. These special insights from lead curators on in 2017, following the success of the curatorial talks, tours, concerts and were part of our contribution to the Year included In Conversation events, study The Hunterian Friends scheme offers the significance and stories behind first edition. family events. of Innovation, Architecture and Design. days run in association with the Centre members a range of exclusive benefits specific objects. A number of these We were delighted to be a finalist at the for Open Studies at the University, and and participation opportunities, were offered in 2016, as was an Our Friends are also offered exclusive Our innovative Night at the Museum Scottish Event Awards in the category of the ever-popular Salon des Refusés, including a variety of events led by exclusive first look at the new Hunterian opportunities to attend talks and events, initiated in 2015, continued to Educational Event of the Year with our curator led events where participants Hunterian curators. 2016 began with a Collections Study Centre at Kelvin previews from our sponsor Lyon & grow in popularity and brought The Night at the Museum event Exploration: get to see objects and artworks which curator led visit in January to the Hall. Our final event of the year saw Turnbull, one of the longest established Hunterian and our collections to the Inspiring Scots nominated alongside failed to make it into the final exhibition Scottish National Gallery in Edinburgh leading Scottish poets return to The fine art and antiques auction houses in attention of a wider audience, attracting the Glasgow Science Festival and the selection. Free tours of our galleries to see exhibitions on Turner Hunterian to read poems inspired by the United Kingdom. They have been a much younger demographic. Events University of Edinburgh. and special exhibitions, offered by our watercolours and Modern Scottish our collections. This year the focus our exclusive sponsor of The Hunterian in 2016 coincided with Burns Night student guides, are extremely popular Women: Painters and Sculptors was on objects of human and scientific Friends since 2012 and we are and St Andrew’s Night and attracted Special event programmes with our visitors, giving them a different 1885-1965. Private tours of our major history in the Hunterian Museum and delighted that they have agreed to around 900 visitors each. Supported accompanied our two major exhibitions perspective and insight. and research exhibitions are always we are delighted that a second edition extend that relationship till 2020.

12 13 STRATEGIC THEME 2 Engaging audiences through building and sharing knowledge


The Hunterian is home to one of the William Hunter Visiting Research Impact Case finest university collections in the world, Fellowships Study Pilot offering a rich resource for researchers. The Hunterian hosted the first Visiting The Hunterian is piloting new Impact William Hunter Research Fellowships this year Case Study evaluation methodology Tercentenary Curatorial enabling international scholars to for its exhibitions, to measure evidence Traineeship undertake collections-based research of Research Impact. Beginning with in Glasgow. An initial priority for the Comic Invention in 2016, this new form Funded by Museums Galleries Fellows programme are projects of evaluation assesses to what extent Scotland, this new traineeship supports that align with the William Hunter the aims of the exhibition have been the William Hunter Tercentenary Tercentenary research themes. Our achieved. Evaluation carried out by programme through object-based first Fellow, Dr Dominik Huenniger from Esme Rankin included an audience research and documentation relating the University of Gottingen, studied survey which captured visitors’ to Hunter’s original collections. It taxonomic questions within Hunter’s attitudes to the exhibition, before and supports both the forthcoming Hunter natural history collections. In the next after a visit, and if that attitude was Tercentenary exhibition, a publication few years, Fellows from the University changed by the exhibition experience. partnership with the Yale Center for of Cambridge and the Smithsonian The prototyping of this new evaluation British Art and the future development Institution in Washington DC will method will help support the of permanent Enlightenment galleries undertake research into Hunter’s measurement of Research Impact and at The Hunterian. ethnographic collections and on John the securing of future resources. Anderson, the University’s Professor of Joint Academic Curatorial Natural Philosophy and founder of the Positions University of Strathclyde.

A number of joint academic/curatorial Leverhulme Trust Doctoral positions with the College of Arts have Scholarships Project been established this year. The lecturer/curatorships will lead on The Hunterian is a major participant Whistler Studies, Contemporary Art, in the ongoing £1M Leverhulme Trust Mackintosh Studies and Frontier Doctoral Scholarships project Archaeology, establishing a new Collections: An Enlightenment template for the curatorial role in a Pedagogy for the 21st Century, funding research-intensive university and 15 PhD researchers over three years, mobilising The Hunterian collections for from diverse subject areas, for new research and teaching ventures. museum and archival collections. The grant is one of only 14 awards given by the Leverhulme Trust in a nationwide competition.

14 15 STRATEGIC THEME 3 Developing our workforce and the next generation


The Hunterian is positioning itself as an credit bearing placements this year Our joint Lecturer/Curator post in international leader in developing the and our staff supervised 33 voluntary Digital Humanities with the College of next generation in the museums and internships and 4 PhD researchers. Arts has been instrumental in cultural sector. 119 students were recruited as enhancing The Hunterian Exhibition volunteers offering gallery tours and Development Course in the MSc in Academy for Culture and support at public engagement events. Museum Studies, and has created a Heritage Skills 70 students were engaged as MUSEs Scottish Network on Digital Cultural (Museum University Student Educators) Resources. This year also saw the The Hunterian Collections Study and offered 1092 tours. introduction of the new Curating the Centre at Kelvin Hall provides the Sciences option for the MSc in infrastructure to develop an Academy 2016 has seen an increase in students Museum Studies. The joint University of for Cultural and Heritage Skills, offering volunteering at events. A new model of Glasgow/Glasgow School of Art MLitt next generation and in-service training engagement gives students the added course in Curatorial Practice for the museums and cultural sectors responsibility of a coordination role at (Contemporary Art) staged the nationally and internationally, including events such as our popular Nights at the student-led exhibition William Hunter enterprise and business growth and Museum. We had student guide teams to Damien Hirst: The Dead Teach the executive skillsets. We are working for the Cradle of Scotland and Comic Living, featuring Necromancer, a work closely with the Adam Smith Business Invention exhibitions, and they provided by Damien Hirst on public display for School, other University colleagues support at University Open Days and the first time. 12 Masters programmes and national cultural partners on the European Researchers Night events. offered by the Colleges of Arts and development of programmes. Social Sciences have been transferred The Hunterian Associates Programme to the new Hunterian Collections Study Student Engagement welcomed 15 post-graduate doctoral Centre at Kelvin Hall. researchers from a range of academic Our student engagement offer continues disciplines. The programme enables In October, The Hunterian collaborated to inspire and develop University of them to bring their own research with the Scottish Graduate School in Glasgow students with our collections knowledge to the collections and the Arts and Humanities in the launch used across a broad range of subject provides a valuable opportunity to of a new doctoral training programme areas. 1,778 University of Glasgow develop public engagement and in material culture research (The Stuff students took formal courses involving knowledge exchange skills. Hunterian of Research) at Kelvin Hall. Attracting Hunterian collections in 2016. Our visitors also benefit from access to the 25 students from 11 universities in Zoological collections, for example, latest research generated on the Scotland, the two-day programme directly support teaching in Biology collections. Associates delivered gallery combined formal lectures, hands-on courses at Undergraduate and talks, tours and digital activity and the object research seminars and Postgraduate Masters levels with over programme featured at the Museums masterclasses given by leaders in the 5000 student hours of specimen contact. Association Conference in Glasgow field of material culture research. in November and at the European 17 students on a range of Researchers Night – a European-wide postgraduate courses profited from festival celebrating research.

16 17 STRATEGIC THEME 2 Engaging audiences through building and sharing knowledge


Each year we lend objects from our Photography from the Pre-Raphaelites William Hunter’s anatomical specimens work Leonora has been on show at the 2015, The Hunterian has continued to The Hunterian has formalised project collections to museums and galleries to the Modern Age; 24 oil paintings and to The National Library of Scotland’s Sidney Cooper Gallery at Canterbury build a research network addressing collaborations with The Yale Center for around the world. 437,092 people works on paper to Drents Museum in exhibition Plagues, which examined Christ Church University. the design and mobilisation of Object British Art, New Haven, Connecticut visited exhibitions at 13 museums the Netherlands for The Glasgow Boys: contagious diseases affecting Scotland Laboratories in university museums. and Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, worldwide featuring items from The Pioneers of Scottish Painting; and two over the past 700 years. Three oil In 2016, The Hunterian continued The emerging research network Massachusetts. A collaborative Hunterian in 2016. Amongst the most oil paintings to the Singer Museum in paintings, including Lamplight by Bessie to build its international university involves university museums in exchange with The Smithsonian significant loans were a number of the Netherlands for their James McNeill MacNicol, travelled to the National museum networks and partnerships. Glasgow, Reading, Oxford, Uppsala, Institution, Washington DC has also etchings, including two by James Whistler exhibition. Galleries Scotland for the exhibition Originating from a University of Goettingen, Amsterdam, Strasbourg been advanced through a formal McNeill Whistler, to Tate Britain for their Modern Scottish Women: Painters and Glasgow International Partner and New York (Bard Graduate Center). Memorandum of Understanding with exhibition Painting with Light: Art and Closer to home, we lent a series of Sculptors 1885-1965; and Lucy Skaer’s Development Fund colloquium in May the University of Glasgow.

18 19 Artist impression Page\Park Architects: Artist Rooms: Louise Burgeois.


This report will appear as I prepare to The First Minister’s opening of the first Hall. Kelvin Hall offers a long-term I anticipate these exciting ambitions the Mount Stuart Trust. Art of Power: the oldest in the world. This will be leave for a new role in Auckland, New phase of development at Kelvin Hall sustainable environment for our turning into reality over the next few Masterpieces from the Bute Collection, followed by our collaboration with Zealand. This has been a very difficult has secured the foothold for further collections together with significantly years. In the meantime, we look explores the creation of the 3rd Earl of the Yale Center, which will review the decision for me, both professionally partner investments in this landmark improved public access and forward to one of the most important Bute’s art collection. The tercentenary contribution made by Hunter himself to and personally, given what we have civic building. In the coming years the interpretation, creating a considerably anniversaries in our long history, the in 2018 will be marked by two special material knowledge and collecting in achieved over the past few years and University of Glasgow will examine enriched visitor experience. Exploiting tercentenary of our founder Dr William exhibitions organised in collaboration the formative 18th century. have in prospect for the future. Recent the feasibility of relocating our public the street presence of this new location, Hunter’s birth in 1718. Over 2017 with our two North American university developments have helped secure The galleries to Kelvin Hall, further The Hunterian would enhance its and 2018, we will be celebrating museum partners, the Harvard University Since its foundation, the history of The Hunterian’s position as a leader in the connecting The Hunterian with visibility as a leading Glasgow visitor this milestone through a connected Art Museum and the Yale Center for Hunterian has been one of continuous university museum world. As a facility Kelvingrove and Riverside museums to attraction. For the University of Glasgow, programme of special exhibitions, British Art. The exhibition Philosophy change. I very much hope you will dedicated to supporting and create a new cultural quarter for the close alignment of Kelvin Hall and exploring knowledge production in the Chamber: Harvard’s Lost Collection will continue to support The Hunterian as it advancing the museum collections Glasgow. Kelvin Hall Phase 2 would the expanded campus on the Western Enlightenment and the formation of the be the first opportunity for audiences approaches its next evolution. pedagogy and curatorial training we link The Hunterian Collections Study Infirmary site creates a gateway to the modern museum. We will launch this on this side of the Atlantic to explore are the envy of our peers. Centre with new exhibition galleries in a new University, cementing the programme in the spring of 2017 with the collections of the first university Professor David Gaimster, consolidated Hunterian offer at Kelvin ‘Campus in the City’ vision. a jointly curated special exhibition with museum of the Americas and one of Director


The exceptional generosity and vision of individuals, private companies, trusts and public sector bodies have helped The Hunterian to become what it is today – one of the world’s leading university museums.

We would like to thank all our talented and knowledgeable volunteers, Lyon & Turnbull (exclusive sponsor of The Hunterian Friends) and the Friends of the University Library and John Watson Charitable Trust for supporting our Comic Invention exhibition.

We would also like to thank the University of Glasgow, Scottish Funding Council, Heritage Lottery Fund, Museums Galleries Scotland, Art Fund, National Fund for Acquisitions, Hugh Bain, Deborah Bennett, Anthony D’Offay, The Ferguson Bequest, Museum of London, The Hunterian Friends, VisitScotland and Wellcome Collection for their generous support and collaboration.

Thanks to the Crichton Foundation and Mrs Eileen Powell, widow of the late Dr John Powell (Consultant in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the then Crichton Royal Hospital) for supporting the establishment of The Hunterian in the South showcase at the Crichton campus, Dumfries.

Thanks also to the many colleagues and partners across the University of Glasgow who help us achieve so much – we are indebted to each and every one of you.

If you would like to find out more about how you can become involved and help support The Hunterian, please visit

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The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401 Design by

Image © Andrew Lee