Procedure for Lectors , Sayre, PA Preparing for Mass

Study and prepare for your reading during the week of your assigned Mass. Since God speaks to the faithful through the Lector, the effectiveness of your proclamation of God’s Word depends significantly on your conviction, preparation, and delivery of Scripture. Please read, “Ministry of Lectors”, for training on reading Scripture, prepared by the Epiphany Parish Liturgical committee.

Dress for Reading Scripture LLLeeeccctttooorrrsss,,, aaasss mmmiiinnniiisssttteeerrrsss,,, dddrrreeessssss fffooorrr ttthhheee sssaaannnccctttiiitttyyy ooofff rrreeeaaadddiiinnnggg SSScccrrriiippptttuuurrreee sssooo aaasss nnnooottt tttooo dddrrraaawww aaatttttteeennntttiiiooonnn iiinnnaaapppppprrroooppprrriiiaaattteeelllyyy... OOOuuurrr dddrrreeessssss ssshhhooouuulllddd rrreeefffllleeecccttt rrreeevvveeerrreeennnccceee aaannnddd ttthhheee sssaaannnccctttiiitttyyy ooofff ttthhheee oooccccccaaasssiiiooonnn...

Men: Suit, or Sport-coat with dress shirt, tie, and dress slacks, or dress shirt and tie with dress slacks. Women: Modest dresses (no strapless, or sleeveless dresses) dress blouse and pants, or a 2- piece pantsuit. Unacceptable: Jeans, sneakers, shorts, t-shirts, non-dress shirts, strapless or sleeveless dresses, or sandals.

Arrive 15 minutes ahead of your scheduled Mass. Please sign in by initialing the schedule. If you are a substitute, please initial next to the assigned persons name. This will give the scheduling office information for future schedules. This 15 minutes will give you to do a final practice reading, read over the Prayers of the Faithful, and speak with the Celebrant regarding any special readings or procedures. Ask questions: Is there a or cantor for the Responsorial Psalm? Will the Cantor come to the Lectern or remain with the Choir? Who will be the first lector, the second lector? When the first Lector begins the Rosary, please leave the vestment room and participate in praying one decade of the Rosary.

Ensure the lights ( wall panel), and the microphone (Sunday Vestment room wall switch) is turned on five minutes before Mass.

Notice: For all readings, Lectors and Cantors will approach the Sanctuary from the center aisle, reverence

the altar with a bow from the waist, walk to the Lectern and then return the same way.

Five Minutes before Mass

The first Lector will carry the and Prayers of the Faithful Binder and walk down the center aisle. Read the opening prayer announcement in the Book of the Faithful Binder, and lead the PRAYING of one decade of the Rosary. When the Rosary pray is completed, place the Lectionary on the Lectern opened to the page for the first reading. Look to the rear of the Church, and watch the Celebrant for a gesture that he is ready to begin the procession. Read the welcome announcement in the Prayers of the Faithful Binder, announce the processional hymn, and return to your seat. The procession will begin after your seated.

Entrance Procession:

The second Lector is in the procession. The Lector lines up directly behind the altar servers. The Lector carries the Book (unless a deacon is present), held high. The procession order is: Altar servers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Deacon, and . If a Deacon is present, he will carry the .

Hold the Gospel Book high as you carry it in with the cross design facing forward, towards the altar. Show reverence and dignity as you hold the book and approach the altar.

When the procession arrives in front of the altar, the Lector will stand on the RIGHT side of . Pause and watch for the Priest to begin his bow. The entire procession group bows at the same time. After the bow, the lector immediately moves to the right towards the Altar, and places the Gospel Book on the Corporal leaving space for the Celebrant to kiss the Altar and returns to his/her seat.

First Lector: After the opening prayer, when Father sits down, walk down the center aisle and bow with reverence to the altar from the waist, move to the lectern, and begin the FIRST READING with a simple “A Reading from the Book of” (exactly as written in the Lectionary).

End the First Reading with “The Word of the Lord”. After a pause, read the responsorial psalm (if there is no choir or cantor), and return to your seat. If the choir, or a Cantor will sing the responsorial psalm return to your seat after the first reading. The Cantor will wait for you to return to your seat.

Only One Lector: If you are the only Lector, and there is a Cantor who will be at the lectern, move behind the Lectern during the Responsorial Psalm. Wait for the Cantor to return to his/her seat then begin the second reading.

Second Lector: After the Choir/Cantor or first reader sings/reads the Responsorial Psalm, the Second Lector waits for the cantor or first reader to return to their seat then approaches the altar, bows and walks to the lectern to begin the reading. End the Second Reading with “The Word of the Lord”. After your reading, clear the lectern of all books, walk to the center aisle, reverence the altar with a bow at the waist, and return to your seat.

Toward the end of the Creed (at “one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church”), begin walking toward the lectern, reverence the altar with a bow from the waist, and place the Prayers of the Faithful Binder on the lectern. Be ready to start the prayers of the faithful as soon the Celebrant finishes his introductory prayer. Read the prayers slowly and distinctly. When you are finished, stand silent until the Celebrant concludes the Prayers of the Faithful. Pause, and then announce the Offertory Hymn. Leave the Prayers of the Faithful Binder near the lectern and return to your seat.

After Mass: Do not carry the Lectionary out at the end of Mass. The Word now remains in the people and they carry it out in their hearts.

All lectors line up when the priest comes to the front of the Sanctuary for the exit procession. The lectors stand at the right of the Priest, and after all bow together, exit is in the same order as the entrance procession.

Following the end of the procession, the Lector for the Second Reading retrieves the Lectionary, Gospel, and Prayers of the Faithful Binder from the Lectern and returns it to the Sunday Vestment Room ready for the next Mass.

SUBSTITUTES: When you cannot serve at your appointed time, you are responsible for finding a replacement from the List of Lectors. Please allow time for your replacement to prepare. If you are unable to find a replacement, call Bob Dydynski at 888-1452 or email: [email protected]

Copies of MMMiiinnniiissstttrrryyy ooofff LLLeeeccctttooorrrsss,,, and MMMaaassssss PPPrrroooccceeeddduuurrreee fffooorrr EEEpppiiippphhhaaannnyyy PPPaaarrriiissshhh LLLeeeccctttooorrrsss are available on the Parish Web site at

Thanks for your dedication to Scripture.

Epiphany Parish Liturgical Committee May 24, 2010