As work on BPL’s distribution systems in Abaco concludes, BPL is ramping up efforts to rebuild and improve its Transmission Network on the island to improve the efficient and reliable provision of power. BPL is also work- ing with the Government of and its consultants to increase solar penetration with installations slated for the various hospitals and clinics on the island. Further, BPL is working to restore supply to a number of Cays, repairing or preparing to replace subsea cables damaged by the storm. We also continue to reconnect customers who have completed repairs to their homes and businesses and have received inspection certificates for their electrical installations. Lastly, teams began in earnest the restoration of Street Lighting in the territory installing nearly 200 lights on the mainland and Cays. Customers are reminded to make application to the Ministry of Works for the needed inspections where appli- cable, and to provide BPL with a copy of the Installation Approvals once received so that supply can be made available.

BPL advises that teams are presently working in the following areas:

ABACO MAINLAND UPDATE • North Abaco – Work to rebuild overhead infrastructure to connect Treasure Cay and Coopers Town has been completed. This will allow for the elimination of the temporary generating site at the Treasure Cay Airport Ferry Terminal, which previously supplied Green Turtle Cay, Treasure Cay, Leisure Lee and Turtle Rocks. It will also allow the reconnection of any individual residential, agricultural or commercial customer along this route. It should be noted that the Treasure Cay/Blackwood Water and Sewerage Wellfields has already received supply from this work. • Red Bay – Work within the community of Red Bay has been completed. Teams are now concluding the line construction from Turtle Rocks to tie in and energize this area. The schedule for this area has been improved to January 20, 2021 (from 31/1/2021) • Eastern Shores – Trenching in this area to lay ducts for BPL and the communications companies is at 90%. Once the trenching is completed and ducts installed, BPL will replace the underground cabling servicing this community and Sugar Loaf Cay. • Teams also continued preparation to connect the remaining Cays to the mainland by building lines to the Cross- ing Beach Area. The would allow the elimination of temporary generation on a number of Cays. ABACO UPDATE: POST DORIAN RESTORATION

CAYS UPDATE • Dickies Cay – Work on Dickies Cay has been completed. There is one transformer that cannot be re- ABACOstored as the debris from theUPDATE house it serviced is preventing access. This house is naturally not in condi- tion to receive power. Awaiting remaining customers to apply for service. POST• Sandy DORIAN Cay – All areas completed RESTORATION and all transformers are online. Awaiting remaining customers to apply for service • Scotland Cay – Completed/All high voltage systems restored. Awaiting remaining customers to apply for service • – Most of Elbow Cay has been completely restored. The areas of Friars Mango was energized and four customers who were ready have been provided with supply. Four transformers were restored leaving only three transformers remaining in this area. These are due to be completed by the end of this week. • Guana Cay – Teams continued work on Guana Cay to energize the remaining communities on the north end of the cay. All areas on Guana Cay are to be energized by the end of January. • Man-O-War – Work to repair the subsea section of cable servicing the north of Man O War continued this period. It is expected that this work (save for the last two customers where the road has been washed out) will be completed by the end of January. • Lubbers Cay – teams continued work on the cay to test and repair damaged cables and transformers on Lubbers Cay. The subsea cable back to the mainland, however has a number of damages. The affected section of cable has been identified and crews are being mobilized to replace a section of the subsea cable. Lubbers Cay is also the jumping off point for other cays to the south (Tilloo, Channel, Cornish Cay). • Tillooo Cay – Works on Tilloo Cay is scheduled to commence on February 1, 2021 behind the energization of Lubbers Cay. • Garden Cay – The subsea cabling to Garden Cay has been energized. Additional work however is required on the cay to prepare for the connection of customers. This work is scheduled for the week ending Jan- uary 24. • Assessments are presently also being done on Sugar Loaf (requires the completion of Eastern Shores Trenching Works), Johnnys Cay, and Parrots Cay. • Matt Lowes Cay – The replacement transformer for the last unit on the Cay has now been received in Ab- aco and will be installed by the end of January. • Pelican Cay (off Green Turtle) – Assessments for this area started this period. It has been identified that a portion of subsea cabling here requires repair. This work is being scheduled.

Transmission System Works in Progress • OPS Feeder – Upgrading and hardening of the power system from the Marsh Harbour Power Station out to East Bay Street and out to Crossing Beach remains in progress. This new transmission circuit will improve re- liability in the eastern end of Marsh Harbour and out to the Cays. It will also allow for increased supply capacity for new developments on the Cays. • Marsh Harbour To Red Bay - Work is also being done to connect the system from Marsh Harbour to Coo- pers Town to allow supply from Wilson City to feed the entire island. Lines have already been constructed as far north as Bahama Coral Island and the team is working to conclude the installation to Red Bay within the next three weeks • Marsh Harbour to Blackwood 69kV Transmission Line – This is a new hardened construction double circuit transmission line on steel poles designed to withstand extreme storm events. Work has commenced to plant the steel towers heading north from Marsh Harbour. Thus far 85 of the required steel towers have arrived with 20 installed. • Wilson City to Marsh Harbour – Teams are presently preparing to commence the reconstruction of the sec- ond circuit between the two power station sites on the island. Two circuits are necessary to provide redundancy for planned and unplanned outage events on either line since Wilson City provides the lion share of power on the island. Since the hurricane, one circuit has connected Wilson City to Marsh Harbour and provided supply for the Marsh Harbour area. Now that repairs on the island are at an advanced stage, teams will be working to rebuild the second line and restore the redundancy. NB: Our subsea cable replacements have been delayed as we must obtain the necessary environmental approvals and clearances. This will affect: Marsh Harbour/Matt Lowes Cay Matt Lowes Cay to Man O War Cay Man O War Cay to Scotland Cay ABACO UPDATE: POST DORIAN RESTORATION


To date, supplies have been restored or our systems have been reenergized in the following areas. BPL re- minds our customers that in some of these areas, meters were removed from damaged buildings that must ABACOreceive the relevant inspections and UPDATEinstallation approvals before we are able to safely restore the supply. POST DORIAN RESTORATION • North Abaco – Blackwood, Fire Road, Coopers Town, Cedar Harbour, Fox Town, Crown Haven, Mount Hope, Wood Cay. • South Abaco – Spring City, Cherokee Sound, Crossing Rock, Casu- arina Point, Winding Bay, Bahama Palm Shores, Island Homes, Sands Cove Estate, Schooner Bay, Sandy Point. • Central Abaco (Marsh Harbour) – Southside Road West, Shell Road East, Agape’s Gym Corner, Parish Hall, Amon’s Drive, Emmit Bootle Corner, Sylvia Knowles Corner, Lenny Dawkins Corner, Southside Road, Bill Swain Street, Nixon Johnson Street, Grace Avenue, Treasure Cay Marina Drive and Baha- ma Beach Club, Christie Street, Audrey Wright Corner, Lenny Dawkins Corner, Cubel Davis Street, corners off of Shell Road, Great Cistern, Rubis Corner, Bougainvillea Street, Archer’s Hill and Friendship Tabernacle Church, Royal Harbour, Great Abaco Beach Club, Ace Hard- ware Corner, and Airport Hotel, Founders Way and Frederick Street in Murphy Town, Queen Elizabeth Drive from Ambassador Inn to Brown’s Bay, Dundas Town along Forest Drive from Central Pines to Crockett Drive Round and from Crockett Drive Roundabout to Ambassador Inn, Treasure Cay: Treasure Cay Drive, St Andrews Drive, the Beach Villas, Hummingbird Way, Ocean Boulevard, Madiera Park, Flamingo Drive, Dormivilla, Doubloon Way, Dundas Town along Forest Drive to Crocket Drive , Pelican Shores, Little Orchard, and East Bay Street (between Pelican Shores and the Crossing Ferry Dock), Forest Drive West (Murphy Town), Sweetings Village, Don McKay Boulevard (north end) from SC Boo- tle to Bay Street, Central Pines, Sunrise Bay, Stede Bonnet Road, Crockett Drive, Jacks Lane, Gully Drive, Airport Road, Don McKay South of SC Bootle Highway, Forest Drive between Tamarind Drive and Central Abaco Primary, Nathan Key Drive, Malone Boulevard, Williams Avenue, Charles Sawyer Boulevard (from SC Bootle Highway to Crockett Drive), Fire Road, East Bay Street (from BTC to Great Abaco Beach), SC Bootle Highway from Marsh Harbour Power Station to Don McKay Boulevard. • Islands and Cays – Great Guana Cay, Moores Island, Little Grand Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Elbow Cay and Man-O-War Cay.

Visit our website at www.bplco.com Marsh Harbour Power Station Emergency:242.577.2240 Wilson City Power Station: 242.577.7173