The Key Laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics, Ministry of Education

Annual Report 2017

南开大学弱光非线性光子学 教育部重点实验室

Annual Report 2017

The Key Laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics, Ministry of Education

南开大学弱光非线性光子学 教育部重点实验室

弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室学术年会在泰达应用物理研究院召开。 (2017.1.7)

弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室在泰达应用物理研究院召开 2017 年学术委员会会 议暨 2016 年度考核会议。 (2017.3.19)

清华大学物理系吴扬博士访问重点实验室,并为师生做题为“Topological quantum phases in low-dimensional materials”的学术报告。 (2017.3.30)

Nature communications 编辑 Nina Meinzer 访问重点实验室,并为师生作题为“Nature Communications: Open Access all areas”的学术报告。 (2017.4.26)

弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室外聘专家、乌克兰国家科学院 Andrey Ilyin 研究员来 重点实验室进行研究工作,并指导研究生的科研实验工作。 (2017.6.21-7.29)

弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室外聘专家、美国阿拉巴马农工大学物理系 Nickolai V.Kukhtarev 教授来重点实验室进行科研和指导研究生工作。 (2017.7.9-8.9)

弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室外聘专家、奥地利维也纳大学 Romano Rupp 教授 来重点实验室进行科研和指导研究生工作,并为研究生授课。(2017.7.6-9.30)

物理科学学院和泰达应用物理研究院于 2017 年 7 月 4 日至 7 月 7 日举办“2017 年南开 大学‘我爱物理’优秀大学生夏令营”。7 月 6 日,近 70 名夏令营学生参观弱光非线性 光子学教育部重点实验室,并进行师生交流等。 (2017.7.6)

为增强实验室安全意识,吴强教授和潘雷霆副教授为即将进入重点实验室进行科研实验 的学生分别做光学、电学、生物和化学等方面的实验室安全知识讲座,并安排学生进行 相关实验室安全知识学习。 (2017.7.12)

奥地利维也纳大学物理系研究生 Dominik Lucas WIND 和 Mathias FLEISCH 作为留学生来 重点实验室进行为期五个月的国际合作项目研究。 (2017.8.30-2018.1.31)

陈树琪教授课题组接收平顶山学院电气与机械工程学院教师万明理来重点实验室进行 为期一年的访问学习。 (2017.9-2018.6)

为培养学术交流能力,拓展学术视野,促进学术交流,泰达应用物理研究院学生会举办 了第七届“南开大学光学与光子学前沿科学论坛”。 (2017.9.23)

教育部重点实验室特聘教授,卢布雅尔娜大学& 斯特藩研究所教授 Irena Drevenšek-Olenik 来重点实验室从事教学和科研工作,并为师生作题为“Tunable Surface Properties of Soft Magnetoactive Elastomers”的学术报告。 (2017.9.26)

国家千人计划入选者、重点实验室陈志刚教授召开国家重点研发计划“量子调控与量子 信息”重点专项“具有拓扑特性的空间光场产生、调控及与微结构相互作用”项目启动 会。 (2017.9.30)

上海师范大学数理学院赵振宇副研究员访问重点实验室,并为师生作题为“新型功能材 料在太赫兹产生、探测、操控中的应用”的学术报告。 (2017.11.13)

北京石墨烯研究院陈旭东博士访问重点实验室,并为师生作题为“二维纳米碳材料—— 从石墨烯到石墨炔”的学术报告。 (2017.11.29)

目 录/Contents

人员结构/Organization ...... 1

承担课题/Projects under Researching ...... 5

仪器设备平台/Facilities ...... 12

研究工作报告/Scientific Report ...... 14

发表论文/Publications in Journal ...... 70

专利/Patents ...... 77

国际合作与交流/International Cooperation and Exchange ...... 79

国内、国际会议报告/Talks at Conferences ...... 84

主办国内、国际会议/Conferences Sponsored by the Laboratory ...... 91

学术组织与期刊任职/Academic Service ...... 94

获奖情况/Awards & Honors ...... 97

学位论文/Dissertations ...... 98

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报


实验室主任/Director 张国权 教 授 实验室副主任/Deputy Directors 学术秘书/Academical Secretary 刘智波 教 授 禹宣伊 副教授 李勇男 教 授 研究方向负责人/Research Group Leaders 弱光非线性及量子相干光学 许京军 教 授 非线性物理与光子技术 田建国 教 授 非线性光子学材料及先进制备技术 孔勇发 教 授 光场调控及其应用 王慧田 教 授 光谱表征及传感技术 宋 峰 教 授 学术委员会/Academic Committee 主 任/Chairman 李树深 院 士 (中国科学院半导体研究所) 委 员/ Committee Members 薛其坤 院 士 (清华大学) 孙昌璞 院 士 (中国工程物理研究院北京计算科学研究中心) 龚旗煌 院 士 (北京大学) 陆 卫 研究员 (中国科学院上海技术物理研究所) 资 剑 教 授 (复旦大学) 申德振 研究员 (中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所) 曾和平 教 授 (华东师范大学) 童利民 教 授 (浙江大学) 王雪华 教 授 (中山大学) 陈 峰 教 授 (山东大学) 田建国 教 授 (南开大学) 王慧田 教 授 (南开大学) 许京军 教 授 (南开大学) 张国权 教 授 (南开大学) 外籍学术顾问委员 Yuri Kivshar 院 士 澳大利亚国立大学 D. Kip 教 授 德国 Clausthal 工业大学 L. Hessenlink 教 授 美国斯坦福大学物理系 R. A. Rupp 教 授 奥地利维也纳大学实验物理所 T. Volk 教 授 俄罗斯国家晶体研究所 Y. Tomita 教 授 日本电气通信大学 K. A. Nelson 教 授 美国麻省理工学院


Annual Report 2016

杰出人才/Intelligent Staff

教育部“长江奖励计划”特聘教授 许京军(1999) 王慧田(1999) 陈志刚(2006)

国家杰出青年基金获得者 许京军(1998) 田建国(2001) 王慧田(2003) 李宝会(2009)

教育部“优秀青年教师资助计划”入选者 张国权(2002) 宋 峰(2003)

教育部“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划”入选者 许京军(1998) 田建国(2000) 孙 骞(2001) 孔勇发(2002)

教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”入选者 张国权(2004) 宋 峰(2004) 臧维平(2005) 李宝会(2005) 孙甲明(2007) 张心正(2008) 刘智波(2009) 陈 璟(2009) 顾 兵(2010) 楼慈波(2010) 张天浩(2011) 武 莉(2011) 周向锋(2012) 陈树琪(2013) 孙 军(2013)

首批新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选 田建国(2004)

国家海外青年学者合作研究基金获得者 陈志刚(2005)

“天津市授衔专家”称号获得者 许京军(2005) 田建国(2005)



2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

弱光非线性光子学重点实验室人员名录/Name List

研究人员/Scientific Staff(52 人) 许京军 王慧田 田建国 陈志刚 张国权 孔勇发 孙 骞 宋 智 宋 峰 臧维平 李宝会 姚江宏 赵丽娟 曹亚安 张天浩 李玉栋 徐晓轩 张心正 周文远 邢晓东 禹宣伊 余 华 吴 强 孙同庆 武 莉 高 峰 刘智波 李祖斌 薄 方 齐继伟 叶 青 潘雷霆 蔡 卫 陈树琪 宋道红 孙 军 陈 璟 李勇男 刘宏德 王 斌 皮 彪 任梦昕 涂成厚 周向锋 胡 毅 鄢小卿 程 化 杨 帆 郑大怀 张玲(兼) 刘士国(兼) Romano A. Rupp

技术人员/Technical Staff(4 人) 行政人员/ administrative Staff(3 人) 陈绍林 张 玲 刘士国 兀 伟 刘 烨 李 威 唐柏权

博士生/Ph.D Students(113 人) 龚圣超 徐晓丹 熊 浩 高博峰 江晓洁 李 丽 裴雨苗 李致力 王兆远 王海平 马吉娜 李登辉 石 彬 潘崇佩 李存波 罗维维 冀志超 王 杰 李志向 杜成林 张 琦 邢福临 谢 飞 高少华 蒋鹏翀 马增红 贾子熙 进晓荣 王 聪 马军军 徐鹏伟 张明偲 刘建基 焦跃健 张 路 李利明 高晓梅 常朋发 郝振中 胡卨俊 刘志瑶 颜 赛 王维维 李清连 单 排 曹丽萍 赵明天 郝金龙 武丽伟 葛新宇 郭宇翱 付钰婷 商继芳 吴 婧 兰子鉴 栗亚楠 李青霄 张景雪 宋永兵 郑玲飞 吴佳坪 陈慧敏 杨亚俊 韩中兴 赵 侨 诸 玲 孔腾飞 薛丽云 李文灿 戴 凡 齐文荣 孔令军 任志成 蔡孟强 潘 岳 司 宇 刘 瑞 王周祥 李萍萍 高旭珍 吕家琪 王 丹 赵梦丹 张冠林 翁晓基 刘汉雄 崔文静 巨丹丹 任杨阳 周爱华 韩迎东 李小宽 苏宝旺 黄凯旋 刘 芳 姜一凡 蒋文帅 辛 巍 金森林 孙骥文 高晓光 陈少楠 姜小强 史秋帅 黄凯程 刘诗可 李占成 刘文玮 谢博阳 杨 勃 李 智 王 超 Adnan Khan

硕士生/M.S. Students(195 人) 樊 江 李 羽 王佳艺 宋 筱 弓 楠 王俞萱 李金泽 张 迪 张 平 赵雅丽 朱砚涵 刘 旭 杨朋真 皮泽坤 张春妹 仇玉洁 牟 雪 张 平 贾鹏博 康倩倩 刘秀英 夏士齐 戴芷轩 王 楠 燕文超 郑秀燕 杨 晨 张 茹 张煜晨 曹博弢 李彩芬 周冬旭 曾 强 赵文娟 刘 丹 薛淑情 牛林玉 战 瑜 魏 巍 苏 菁 李逸凡 刘 艳 高宁慧 耿 娟 张玉娇 刘 洋 翟艳子 郭 埠 荀 爽 李喆明 杨建宇 回振海 王艳娥 杨慧梅 卢 瑶 王丹阳 赵晓敏 张 妮 栾 敏 栗星星 吕雪峰 闫 娜 范洪鸣 韩小芳 刘甲琛 邵 震 陆一平 马姝琼 张 莉 杨夏夏 李晓婷 刘锦锦 武 兵 梁丹丹 化梦梦 康倩倩 汪海军 安亚文 李金泽 边达民 刘雪婷 赵 艺 孙文倩 郑忠忠 董 瑞 陈桂林 李瀚博 薄莹雷 何慧霞 曹 翰 王烁琳 胡梦媛 范友静 张晓雨 郭晓菁 秦 娟 齐禹纯 李庆红 孙 颖 张健铭 宋晓波 李聪聪 刘锦利 吴剑棋 白宇星 陈静静 朱闪闪 李金宸 江泽清 靳建宁 郭丽英 白江波 姚 森 周 超 王倩倩 马进勇 王日德 李 强 黄 松 张 灯 冯 源 刘冬雪 殷子杭 李星业 强美娟 李 珊 颜 森 刘 磊 刘雪刚 王谢地 黄少蕾 石召君 张 月 龚子涵 曲 达 宋晓鹏 贾龙飞 钟 阳 梁朋辉 谢语晨 王 敏 张海涵 蔚莹琪 郭丽娟 张洪爽 黄露露 台玉可 王焱坤 张 瑜 梁 娟 戴 凡 黄双印 董海阳 何新玲 朱梦红 王 珂 王 强 井志平 宋飞飞 郑 颖 石家榕 胡慧敏 王 欢 王雪晴 蔄诗洁 车 颖 梁 菁 徐阳阳 赖 翔 付苏阳


Annual Report 2016

杨江涛 时金蒙 文虹镜 李德康 霍唱福 郭浩玮 谢俊芳 黄宁宁 玛地娜 吴佳琪 陈烈裕 王 晓 金晓伟 赵清波 杨 超 安炳旭 辛秀峰 张跃变 张 娅 刘 慧 马梦琳 赵宏阳 杨鹏宇 陈国行 许恩泽


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

承担主要课题/Projects under Researching

序号 项 目 名 称 项 目 来 源 起止时间 负责人

1 新型线性和非线性人工微结构及器件 科技部重点专项 2016.06-2021.05 田建国

具有拓扑特性的光量子态与量子效应 2 国家重点研发计划 2017.7-2022.06 许京军 2017YFA0303803

自然科学基金中英合 3 全介质手性纳米材料 11711530205 2017.4-2019.3 许京军 作与交流项目

任梦昕 人工微结构中的光/声拓扑性质研究 国家重点研发计划青 4 2017.1-2021.12 (子任务 2017YFA0305100 年项目 负责人)

纳/微结构中光学非线性光学机理及光 国家重点基础研究发 5 2013.01-2017.12 张国权 调控研究 展计划(973)

介观结构新型氧化物紫外/深紫外光 国家重点基础研究发 6 2013.01-2017.12 孔勇发 电探测及器件研究* 展计划(973)

基于等离激元结构的材料制备与红外 国家重点基础研究发 7 2013.01-2017.12 宋道红 光电转换增强效应研究* 展计划(973)

单光子时间分辨成像光谱仪研发与应 国家重大科学仪器设 8 用 任务一:单光子时间分辨成像光谱 2013.10-2018.09 田建国 备开发专项 仪整机性能评估、标定与调试

具有拓扑特性的空间光场产生、调控及 9 国家重点研发专项 2017.07-2022.06 陈志刚 与微结构相互作用 2017YFA0303800

国家自然科学基金重 10 高通量高分辨病理切片扫描仪 2016.01-2020.12 周文远 大科学仪器研制专项


Annual Report 2016

空域分形光场的调控、新效应及其潜在 国家自然科学基金重 11 2016.01-2020.12 王慧田 应用 点项目

内窥型 OCT 设备环状模体研制及关键 12 国家重点研发计划 2016.07-2020.12 叶青 参数计量检测方法的研究*

典型西部缺水地区农村供水排水一体 13 国家重点研发计划 2016.07-2020.12 徐晓轩 化技术及应用示范*

激光器工程化与清洗应用中的关键技 14 国家重点研发计划 2017.07-2020.12 宋峰 术 2017YFB0405105

西部地区农村供排水水质智能化监测 科技部重点研发计划 15 2017.01-2020.12 徐晓轩 评估技术 项目子任务

微米尺寸铌酸锂晶体回音壁模式微腔 国家自然科学基金面 16 2014.01-2017.12 薄方 的制备和光学非线性增强研究 上项目

基于石墨烯表面等离激元的红外光场 国家自然科学基金面 17 2014.01-2017.12 蔡卫 调控研究 上项目

国家自然科学基金面 18 高效率 TiO2 基光热协同催化剂的制备 2014.01-2017.12 曹亚安 上项目

梯度渐变超材料光学特性调控及其应 国家自然科学基金面 19 2014.01-2017.12 陈树琪 用 上项目

多维光量子态空域调控及量子刻蚀研 国家自然科学基金面 20 2014.01-2017.12 李勇男 究 上项目

基于全内反射结构的石墨烯光学性质 国家自然科学基金面 21 2014.01-2017.12 田建国 及其应用研究 上项目

基于时间分辨定量成像的太赫兹声子 国家自然科学基金面 22 2014.01-2017.12 吴强 极化激元的研究 上项目


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

单相多波长可调硼酸盐基荧光粉的合 国家自然科学基金面 23 2014.01-2017.12 武莉 成与发光性能调控 上项目

国家自然科学基金面 24 折射率显微镜技术及其应用研究 2015.01-2018.12 叶青 上项目

国家自然科学基金面 25 数字双光子干涉、聚焦及其应用 2015.01-2018.12 张国权 上项目

基于微纳光学角动量模式的光场调控 国家自然科学基金面 26 2016.01-2019.12 陈璟 及应用 上项目

少层超表面高效调控光学特性和新型 国家自然科学基金面 27 2016.01-2019.12 程化 光场研究 上项目

对向双光驱动回音廊模光机械参量调 国家自然科学基金面 28 2016.01-2019.12 高峰 控的研究 上项目

整形脉冲对光纤中色散波产生的优化 国家自然科学基金面 29 2016.01-2019.12 胡毅 与调控研究 上项目

溶剂退火过程中嵌段共聚物薄膜形态 国家自然科学基金面 30 2016.01-2019.12 李宝会 的分子模拟研究 上项目

基于光刻技术的小胶质细胞间通讯特 国家自然科学基金面 31 2016.01-2019.12 潘雷霆 性及机制的研究 上项目

名义纯及高掺镁铌酸锂晶体 1.06μm 激 国家自然科学基金面 32 2016.01-2019.12 孙军 光损伤的研究 上项目

超快激光超饱和掺杂微观机制及材料 国家自然科学基金面 33 2016.01-2019.12 姚江宏 物性研究 上项目

稀土体相掺杂氟化物纳米晶的制备、性 国家自然科学基金面 34 2016.01-2019.12 赵丽娟 能优化及应用研究 上项目


Annual Report 2016

聚合物手性液晶无序微纳复合材料中的 国家自然科学基金面上 35 2017.1-2020.12 张心正 光子局域化及随机激射研究 11674182 项目

光诱导蜂窝型光子晶格中与赝自旋相关 国家自然科学基金面上 36 2017.1- 2020. 12 宋道红 涡旋现象的研究 11674180 项目

抗光损伤铌酸锂晶体与体光生伏打效 国家自然科学基金面 37 2017.1- 2020. 12 孔勇发 应的研究 11674179 上项目

基于铌酸锂微盘腔的窄带宽可调谐宣 国家自然科学基金面 38 2017.1- 2020. 12 薄 方 布式单光子源 11674181 上项目

基于光折变表面波的切趾啁啾波导阵 国家自然科学基金面 39 2017.1- 2020. 12 张天浩 列研究 61675101 上项目

低维硼的结构预测及性质研究 国家自然科学基金面 40 2017.1- 2020. 12 周向锋 11674176 上项目

国家自然科学基金面 41 基于铌酸锂芯片的量子光源 11674184 2017.1- 2020. 12 李勇男 上项目

稀土包覆金属纳米核壳结构掺杂液晶 国家自然科学基金面 42 2017.1- 2020. 12 宋峰 的发光调控 11674183 上项目

国家自然科学基金青 43 非线性无衍射光束的设计与特性研究 2016.01-2018.12 胡毅 年基金

国家自然科学基金青 44 表面等离激元塔姆态及其应用研究 2016.01-2018.12 向吟啸 年基金

利用 XRD-XRF 进行铁矿石矿物定量与 国家自然科学基金联 45 2015.01-2018.12 武莉 表征方法* 合基金项目

国家自然科学基金海 嵌段共聚物界面的涨落对其在纳米刻 46 外及港澳学者合作研 2016.01-2017.12 李宝会 蚀应用中的影响:模拟研究 究基础项目

液晶取向的微图案化及其在微流控器 科技部政府间合作项 47 2016.11-2018.10 张心正 件中的应用 目


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

48 XXXXXXX 国防科工局(军工) 2015.01-2018.12 孙军

教育部留学回国人员 49 自加速光的调控与应用 2015.01-2017.12 胡毅 科研启动基金

基于“定制”微纳结构的光场调控研究 天津市自然科学基金 50 2016.4.2019.3 涂成厚 16JCZDJC31300 重点项目

LED 用单相全色荧光粉的制备与发光 天津市自然科学基金 51 2014.04-2017.03 武莉 性能调控 面上项目

基于飞秒光聚合的新型液晶定向技术 天津市自然科学基金 52 及其在矢量光场产生中的应用 2017.3-2019.9 张心正 面上项目 17JCYBJC16700

深紫外非线性光学磷酸盐功能晶体的 天津市自然科学基金 53 设计、生长和构效关系研究 2017.04-2020.03 孙同庆 面上项目 17JCYBJC17800

紫外光激发的金属纳米结构增强发光 天津市自然科学基金 54 的单一基质白光 LED 荧光材料 2017.06-2020.03 宋峰 面上项目 17JCZDJC37800

天津市杰出青年科学 55 硼烯的生长表征及性质 2017.10-2021.09 周向锋 基金

天津市自然科学基金 56 折射率显微镜技术及其应用研究 2015.04-2018.03 叶青 青年基金项目

农用轻便型全自主飞行器及配套设备 天津市科技支撑计划 57 2014.04-2017.03 王斌 的研发* 重点项目

一种无机用低成本可见近红外成像光 天津市科委科技特派 58 2015.04-2017.3 王斌 谱仪的研发 员项目

天津市滨海新区科技 59 海绵城市智能决策评估平台 2017.01-2017.12 王斌 项目

60 激光清洗系统的研发 横向 2015.01-2017.12 宋峰


Annual Report 2016

孙军/郑 61 高温 Nd:YAG 晶体生长的工业研究 横向 2016.11-2019.12 大怀

张玲/刘 62 光学级铌酸锂晶体研制 横向 2016.11-2018.12 士国

光栅分光式紫外可见波段气体监测光 63 横向 2016.12-2018.12 徐晓轩 学系统平台

光栅分光式紫外可见波段气体监测光 64 横向 2017.01-2018.12 徐晓轩 学系统平台

光学信息技术科学教 基于微腔的高效率矢量涡旋光场发生 65 育部重点实验室开放 2016.06-2017.12 薄方 器 课题

新型作用结构石墨烯线性和非线性光 南开大学百名青年学 66 2013.12-2017.12 刘智波 学性质 科带头人培养计划

红外石墨烯等离激元的激发与调控研 南开大学百名青年学 67 2013.12-2017.12 张心正 究 科带头人培养计划

南开大学百名青年学 68 自加速光的设计与调控以及应用 2014.08-2018.08 胡毅 科带头人培养计划

梯度渐变超材料光学特性调控及其应 南开大学百名青年学 69 2014.11-2018.11 陈树琪 用 科带头人培养计划

南开大学百名青年学 70 富硼材料的结构预测及物理性质研究 2015.01-2018.12 周向锋 科带头人培养计划

利用阴极荧光光谱实现等离激元超分 南开大学百名青年学 71 2015.01-2018.12 蔡卫 辨成像的研究 科带头人培养计划

等离激元耦合体系中非线性旋光效应 南开大学百名青年学 72 2016.01-2019.12 任梦昕 对光波偏振的调控研究 科带头人培养计划

南开大学百名青年学 73 光子石墨烯中新颖物理现象的研究 2016.01-2019.12 宋道红 科带头人培养计划


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

南开大学青年教师及 74 自加速光场的调控与应用研究 海外留学归国人员研 2016.01-2017.12 胡毅 究启动项目


Annual Report 2016


仪器设备名称 规格型号 购置时间 聚焦离子束电子显微镜 nanolab 600i 2014.06 分子速外延生长炉 Compact 21T 2003.12 扫描探针显微镜 Nonoscope Ⅲa 2006.04 激光显微竟拉曼光谱仪 inVia 2009.09 近场扫描光学显微镜系统 MV4000 2009.09 飞秒激光器系统 Legend Elite clsp 2010.03 散射式近场光学显微镜 neaSNOM 2015.04 荧光光谱仪 FSP920 2008.12 研磨抛光系统 2003.12 多轴激光并行直写光刻系统 Microlab 4A-100 2012.04 磁控溅射薄膜沉积系统 KJLC-LAB18 2010.09 激光器工作站 899-29 2005.11 飞秒激光器 VF-T2S 2000.09 时间分辨光谱及瞬态吸收光谱系统 2002.06 飞秒倍频系统 2002.06 显微拉曼光谱仪 MKI2000 1998.01 激光分子束外延系统 LMBE450A 2006.05 钛宝石激光器系统 PRO-FIKXP 2010.03 准分子激光器 COMPexPro205 2009.06 原子力显微镜 MULTZMDE V 2010.03 全自动宽带调谐飞秒激光器 UltraII 2012.12 傅立叶变换红外光谱仪 VERTEX 70 2014.12 连续钛宝石激光器 SolsTis 4000S BRF XF 2015.09 显微弱光探测系统 2008.04 大功率超快激光器 Mai Tai HP 2016.01 显微镜 TI-E 2014.09 服务器 HS21 2009.07 无液氦低温光学恒温器 4106-510 2016.05 超精细多功能无液氦低温光学恒温器 4200-520N 2015.01 皮秒激光器 PY61 2003.12 高脉冲固体激光器 EMPPWER 30-220 2009.01 光谱仪 iHR550 2010.07 倒置显微镜 Axio OpeseverA1 2009.01 纳微结构光耦合测试仪 AP-SA25L003-CM 2014.01 超连续谱光纤激光器 EXR-15 2013.12 高温综合热分析仪 SETSYS Evo 2014.01 氩离子激光器系统 Innova 308C 2007.01 荧光光谱仪 FluoroLog-3 2014.06 氩离子激光器 Inno1a 92-0C-A6 2008.07 纳秒激光器 Panther OPO 2003.12 高级倒置显微镜 TiU 2013.01


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

光谱型成像椭偏仪 Nanofilm_EP4SE 2017.09 原子力显微镜 MFP-3D Infinity 2017.10 超窄线宽可调谐环形激光器 Matisse 2 DX 2017.11 倒置研究型显微镜 Ti-U 2017.09 高性能计算服务器 X240M5 2017.03 半导体参数测试仪 4200A-SCS 2017.06 倒置研究型显微镜 Ti-E 2017.11 超快激光脉冲整形器 MIIPS-HD 2017.12 超连续谱光纤激光器 EXR-20 2017.06



Annual Report 2016

研究工作报告/Scientific Report

非线性物理与光子技术/ Nonlinear Physics and Photonics Techniques 负责人:田建国

本方向涉及石墨烯光学性质、等离子激 电扫描成像实验所验证。该理论为二维材料 元、超材料、光学传感、光在介质中的传播、 微纳器件在理论和实验上的发展奠定了基 光子帯隙材料、亚波长微结构等方面。本年 础。 度发表论文 篇;申请或授权专利 项。 18 6 在研课题经费 3830 万元。2017 年度“非线 性物理与光子技术”方向主要在以下方面取


In this field, we mainly focused on optical properties of graphene, plasmonics, metamaterials, optical sensor, one dimensional photon crystal, and sub-wavelength 图 1 转角堆叠黑磷光电响应示意图。 microstructure. 18 papers have been published Fig. 1 photoelectric response of twist-controlled black phosphorus in international academic journals, and 6 junctions patents applicanted. The total researching As one kind of vdWHs, twist-controlled founds are 3380 millions. This year, we 2DM heterojunction (2DM-TH) has come into obtained some important results as following: people's perspective recently. 2DM-TH can (1) 转角堆叠二维材料不仅可以与普通 not only perfectly combine with vdWHs, but also supplies another two degree of freedom in 的二维材料异质结完美结合,而且其又在旋 terms of twisted angle and crystal orientation, 转角度和晶向角度方面提供了两个新的“自 which provides a space for the design and 由度”,为二维材料光电子器件的进一步调 modulation of nanodevices and injects new 控提供了空间。我们系统研究了硅基 90°堆 vitality for the development of vdWHs. We studied the field effect characteristics and 叠黑磷、0°堆叠黑磷和十字黑磷样品的场 photovoltaic properties of the 90 °, 0 ° 效应特性和光伏特性。在 °堆叠黑磷中, 90 twist-controlled black phosphorus junctions 我们观察到了类似于传统半导体 pn 结的电 (TBPHs) and cross-shaped BP systematically. 学整流现象以及反常的门控区域性光电增 In 90 ° TBPHs, we have observed the electrical rectification which is similar to 强现象。此现象在 0°堆叠黑磷和十字黑磷 traditional semiconductor pn junction and 样品中没有被发现,说明黑磷的不同“晶向” abnormal gate-tunable regional photocurrent 在光电过程中起到了关键作用。基于此,我 enhancement. These behaviors are not found 们结合第一性原理以及传统半导体异质结 in 0 ° TBPHs and cross-shaped BPs, indicating that the "crystal orientation" of BP 的光电理论,提出了全新的“晶向导向”的 plays a key role in photoeleceric reactions. On 能带理论。该理论不仅可以有效的解释实验 this basis, we combine the first principles and 中所观察到的光电现象,而且可以被微区光 the theories of traditional semiconductor 14

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 heterojunctions to set up a new immobilizing corresponding antibody/antigen "orientation-induced" band theory. The theory on the surface of the graphene. Considering can not only effectively explain the the low cost and large scale preparation of photoelectric phenomena observed in the RGO, the sensor should be a potential experiments, but also can be verified by candidate for biosensing. micro-area photoelectric scanning imaging. This theory lays the foundation for the development of theoretical and experimental methods for 2DMs.

(2)将热还原法制备的还原氧化石墨 烯( RGO)和石墨烯的偏振依赖吸收效应相 结合,我们发展了一种用于生物分子检测的 图 2 RGO 传感器装置图,抗原-抗体在 RGO 表面的反应。 光学生物传感器。在该传感器中,RGO 既 Fig. 2 Schematic of RGO optical biosensor. The reaction of 是传感层,又是生物分子链接层。该传感器 antigen antibody on the surface of RGO

具有高灵敏度的特点。通过在 RGO 表面接 (3)高光谱成像技术在食品分析、医 种 goat anti-rabbit IgG,该传感器对 rabbit 学和生物技术等领域发挥着越来越重要的 IgG 表现出比商业的表面等离子共振(SPR) 作用。 为了提高成像速度和提高光通量, 传感器更好的检测结果。除此之外,该传感 本文提出了一种基于单像素技术的傅里叶 器还能够对生物分子进行无标记的、实时的 变换高光谱成像系统。与现有的光谱成像方 检测。又因为该传感器具有较好的特异性, 法相比,本文所提出的光谱系统具有更宽的 通过在石墨烯表面接种不同的抗体/抗原, 光谱范围(400-1100nm),和更高的光谱分 相应的抗原/抗体能够被检测。考虑到 RGO 辨率(1nm),并且需要更少的测量数据(采 的低成本和大规模制备简单,该传感器应该 样率 6.25%)。 该系统的性能在马铃薯的无 能成为生物传感领域一个潜在的候选者。 损检测中得到了验证。

We developed an optical biosensor for Hyperspectral imaging technology is biomolecule detection in combination with the playing an increasingly important role in the polarization-dependent absorption of graphene fields of food analysis, medicine and and graphene (RGO) prepared by thermal biotechnology. To improve the speed of . In this sensor, RGO is both the operation and increase the light throughput in sensing layer and the biomolecule link layer. a compact equipment structure, a Fourier The sensor has a high sensitivity transform hyperspectral imaging system based characteristics. By immobilizing goat on a singlepixel technique is proposed in this anti-rabbit IgG on the RGO surface, the sensor study. Compared with current imaging showed better response for rabbit IgG than spectrometry approaches, the proposed system commercial surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has a wider spectral range (400–1100 nm), a sensors. In addition, the sensor can also better spectral resolution (1 nm) andrequires achieve label-free, real-time detection. fewer measurement data (a sample rate of Because the sensor shows good specificity, the 6.25%). The performance of this system was antigen/antibody can be detected by verifiedby its application to the 15

Annual Report 2016

non-destructive testing of potatoes. 声学天线、声学隐身材料、声学透镜、声波 调制器和声二极管等声学器件的研发和集


图 3. 基于单像素技术的傅里叶变换高光谱成像系统装置示意图。 Fig. 3 Schematic setup of the proposed Fourier transform hyperspectral imaging system based on single pixel technology (4)声学超表面是一种二维亚波长人 图 4 (a) 编码单元“0”和“1”的示意图与结构图;(b) 三种不同编码产 工微结构,它在实现对声波的灵活操控以及 生的声场分布; 编码单元 和 的透射率和相位; 成果在 (c) “0” “1” (d) 实现声学器件高度集成方面具有巨大的潜 Advanced Materials 当期的 Frontispiece。

力。近日,研究人员提出了基于人工微结构 Fig. 4 (a) The schematic of the planar coding metasurface composed of 的光学编码超材料,完成了对电磁波散射行 squared coding element “0” and “1.” Translucent arrows indicate the incident and transmitted waves. Photograph of the fabricated “0” and 为的多种灵活操控,为人工光学微结构的小 “1” coding elements. (b) Simulated far field distributions of 型化、集成化的相关研究提供了新的方向和 transmission through three different type of coding metasurfaces. (c) 无限的可能性。尽管编码超材料在光学研究 Transmission amplitude and phase of acoustic waves transmitting 领域受到了国内外研究者的广泛关注,由于 through the coding elements of “0” and “1.” (d) Frontispiece. Based on local resonant modes, we design 结构集成与动态调控方面的困难,在声学领 binary structures, which can serve as the 域缺少一个可以与之对应的设计被实现。可 building elements or coding bits to compose 以预见,声学编码人工微结构的实现对于声 variant functional metasurfaces working in a 学器件的小型化、集成化研究具有重要意义。 certain bandwidth. For bits “0” and “1,” the 我们突破了国际上该领域相关研究中结构 transmitted wave has “” phase shift but equal amplitude. The occurrence of phase difference 相位延迟不稳定这一技术难点,在国际上首 is explained by the local resonance inside the 次实现了针对单一声波频率具有稳定相位 bits. Metasurfaces coded with the coding bits 延迟分别为 0 和 π 的两种结构单元。进而, which exhibit wave branching effects, are demonstrated in simulations and in 我们设计并在国际上首次实现了可以对声 experiments. We also present the coding of 波进行灵活操控的声学可编码器件,填补了 Fresnel zone plate, which shows excellent 声学人工微结构研究领域的这一空白。我们 focusing performance. With the concept of the 的设计具有非常高的灵活性和自由度,可以 acoustic coding metamaterials or metasurfaces, innovative acoustic devices may be developed 通过对超表面基本结构单元的有序排布进 and used in acoustic wave processing, digital 而实现多样的声学功能,如控制透射声波的 lenses, diffusion cloaking and wave field 远场分布、声波聚焦、声非对称传播等,为 modulations.


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

(5)电二极管是信息技术发展的基石。 alternating arrangement of the coding elements 0 and 1. The asymmetric 相应的,非对称透射作为电磁学和声学信息 transmission effect can be easily controlled to 处理的基础,一直是电磁学和声学研究的活 selectively achieve off and on by coding 跃领域。与光子晶体或声子晶体相比,超材 different patterns. Both frequency- and 料在尺寸和集成度方面有卓越的优势。声学 angle-selective transmission is discussed. The proposed multiband asymmetric transmission 二极管通常使用散射材料、非线性材料、热 stems from the constructive and destructive 力学材料、零折射率超材料和拓扑超材料来 interferences of acoustic-wave coupling 产生非对称特性。然而,这些设计的厚度在 between the coded elements. The experimental 波长量级,亚波长非对称透射器件的设计仍 results are in relative agreement with numerical simulations. This work opens an 存在着挑战。为此,我们设计了一种多带非 alternative path for ultrathin acoustic-device 对称透射编码超表面。超表面由二进制编码 design and shows promise for application in 单元“0101…”相间排列而成。通过两种编码 acoustic rectification and noise control. 单元的耦合,声波在出射端干涉相消或相长, (6)利用离散人工微结构产生的离散 从而产生非对称特性。这种超表面具有角度 相位分布来拟合连续性相位分布进而调控 及频率选择的非对称透射特性,可以通过旋 电磁波波前是目前超表面领域的主要研究 转角度或改变入射声波频率来改变透射方 思路。这种做法的有效性通常由亚波长条件 向。我们只用单层超表面就实现了声波的非 来保证,即微结构的尺寸大小小于波长即可。 对称透射,因此极大地降低了非对称透射器 然而,我们通过建立普适性的理论模型,对 件的厚度。这一工作有望促进声学和光学超 任意胞间弱耦合微结构的表面动量进行了 薄非对称器件的研究。 严格的理论计算,发现了亚波长条件的必要 不充分性(尤其是对于不规则相位分布),

并提出了稳定性条件来补全离散相位分布 设计的有效性。同时,基于我们提出的动量



能信息传输设计等。作为案例,我们利用该 图 5. (a)编码单元“0”和“1”的示意图与结构图;(b) 编码阵列“0101…”的正反 理论提出了:1)一种任意多焦点透镜,该 向透射率及非对称度。(c) 正向透过场与(d)反向透过场。

透镜采用简单的相位分布,可以实现同时产 Fig. 5 (a) Schematic diagram of the metasurface coding elements 0 and 1. (b) 生多个等强度焦点,且焦点个数正比于超表 The shaded regions represent the simulated asymmetric transmission bands. (c) The simulated and (d) corresponding measured spatial pressure intensity 面的面积;2)一种凹凸双透镜,电磁波经 distribution for forward and backward incidence. 过该透镜,被发散与被会聚的概率各为 50%。 We present the design, characterization, 该理论对超表面的设计具有普遍指导意义, and theoretical and experimental 为超表面的实用化以及功能定制化设计提 demonstration of multiband asymmetric transmission of airborne sound using an 供了基础性指导,因而在光子学领域、微纳 ultrathin coded metasurface formed by an 17

Annual Report 2016

信息领域有广泛的应用。 applications. (7)传统的人工微结构吸收器主要采

用金属 电介质 金属的三明治型结构,已经 - - 实现了诸如偏振无关、广角、多带、宽带吸 收器,可被应用在光捕获、光传感、光转化



比有明显差距。我们提出了利用相位排布实 现光吸收的新机理,通过设计双层镂空金属



图 6. (a)胞间弱耦合微结构的电磁波散射模型;(b)元胞相位球,极角为 位梯度大于入射光的波矢,从而同时抑制反 /2,方位角为 kxi;(c)凹凸双透镜的出射电场分布;(d)周期性多焦点

透镜的光强分布,周期 D 为 28.6 m。 射光与透射光形成攸逝波,并达到完美吸收

Fig. 6 (a) Schematic of an arbitrarily designed metasurface with radiation 的目的。该设计对于正反两个方向的吸收相


/2 and azimuthal angle kxi. (c)Transmitted field profile of the diverged and 收容量提高了一倍。基于双层镂空金属波导 focused wave fronts. (d) Amplitude distribution of a five-focus metalens. 的双向完美吸收的实现,为微纳光学领域光 Utilizing discrete phase distribution to fit 与物质相互作用的研究提供了新的思路,也 continuous phase distribution has been a 为新型光吸收器件的开发提供了新的可能。 primary routine for designing metasurfaces. In the existing method, the validation of the discrete designs is guaranteed only by using the subwavelength condition of unit cells, which is insufficient-especially for arbitrary phase distribution. Herein, we propose an analytical method to design metasurfaces by estimating the width of the source in a unit cell. Also, by calculating field patterns in both real and momentum space, we provide four guidelines for directing future applications of 图 7. (a)双层金属镂空波导模式的产生;(b)两个方向入射光的相位差不 metasurfaces, such as an arbitrary multifocal 同,对于出射光的强度无影响;(c)正向入射光的吸收率;(d)反射入射 lens with the same strength of each focus, a 光的吸收率。。 convex-concave double lens, and a lens with a Fig. 7 (a) Schematic illustration of the unit cell in lateral view. (b) large numerical aperture that can precisely Simulated output intensity spectrum as a function of the phase difference prevent undesired diffraction orders. In between the incidents light that illuminates both sides. (c) Simulated and addition to metalenses, this methodology can (d) experimental absorption spectra of the sample when the incident light provide a wide platform for designing tailored illuminates the front side and multifunctional metasurfaces in the future,

especially large-area ones in practical Much effort has been made to achieve


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 metasurface absorbers with 显著的光子霍尔效应。然而单层金属人工微 polarization-insensitive, wide-angle, 结构在引入相位梯度的同时由于其自身存 multiband, or broadband performance from 在较大的损耗,因此所产生的光子霍尔效应 gigahertz to terahertz to optical ranges. However, there are well-known challenges in 的效率较低,提高单层金属人工微结构产生 optimizing the performance of metasurface 的光子霍尔效应的效率是该研究方向的重 absorbers, due to the existence of a theoretical 点。同时如何实现对光子霍尔效应的灵活操 limit. It is urgent to extend and improve the 控也是相关研究的热点问题。我们提出了一 optical properties of metasurface absorbers to satisfy the requirements for practical 种新型的纳米金属天线人工微结构设计,通 applications. Here, a novel free substrate 过单层微结构就实现了对光场 的相位延 metasurface absorber is demonstrated that has 迟,在引入相位梯度的同时极大的减小了微 high spatial frequencies on the surface and can 结构本身的损耗,进而在近红外波段实现了 prevent light transmission and reflection by transforming free-space incident waves into 高效率的光子霍尔效应。该设计可以通过基 evanescent waves. Experimental and 本阵列单元的改变调控出射左旋和右旋光 simulation results show that the proposed 束的空间传播方向,实现了对光子霍尔效应 metasurface absorber can realize bidirectional 的灵活操控。此外通过对基本结构单元几何 perfect absorption and that the absorption of the light incident on one side of the 尺寸的有效设计,我们证明了该设计在多个 metasurface is independent of the light 波长下实现显著的光子霍尔效应。该设计在 incident on the other. Hence, the bidirectional 光子自旋与轨道角动量操控领域具有非常 perfect absorption does not depend on 广的应用。 coherence of the beams. The proposed metasurface provides new degrees of freedom The photonic spin Hall effect (PSHE) has to realize a perfect absorber with twice the attracted great interest of the scientific absorption capacity. It could have a wide community because of the wide range of range of applications and profound spin-controlled nano-photonics applications implications in photodetection, solar light that it can provide. However, the PSHE is very harvesting, and sensing. weak in the reflection and refraction at an (8)光子霍尔效应体现了光子的自旋和轨 interface because of the extremely small spin– 道角动量之间的耦合,是众多自旋轨道耦合 orbit interaction. Here, a significant photonic spin Hall effect is reported exhibiting over 70% 现象中最基本的一种。在传统方法中,光子 efficiency in refraction by a 霍尔效应的实现通常依赖于光束传播方向 gold-nanorod-based metasurface. Moreover, 的改变,然而通过这种方法产生的光子霍尔 the spin-dependent wave-vector and 效应非常的微弱,不易于被观察和应用。人 beam-centroid shifts of the converted refracted waves can be manipulated effectively by 工微结构在亚波长尺度下对光场相位的灵 changing the periodic length of the proposed 活操控为光子霍尔效应的研究提供了新的 metasurface and the transmission distance, 方向。通过人工微结构在垂直于光束传播方 respectively. The results suggest intriguing 向上引入亚波长尺度的相位梯度,可以产生 possibilities for manipulating photon spins and orbital angular momentum for applications in


Annual Report 2016

nano-photonics and optical communications. 人工微结构设计,产生了显著的三维手性光

学响应。通过两种具有 C4 旋转对称的双层

金属纳米天线阵列,我们分别实现了对左旋 和右旋偏振光的高效率选择性透过。同时,

我们证明通过调节双层金属纳米天线阵列 层间的相对旋转角度,可以实现对微结构手 性的连续调控,可以实现从左手手性到右手

手性的完全变换。该项设计可以被应用于对 光场的不同自旋分量进行有效的选择和检

测,对手性人工微结构的设计具有广泛的指 图 8. (a)所设计的单层金属纳米天线结构的光学响应示意图。(b)利用设 导意义。 计微结构实现光子霍尔效应示意图。 (c)具有不同相位梯度的三种微结


Fig. 8 (a) A rendering of the near-perfect circular-to-circular polarization conversion in a nanorod array. The proposed nanorod array induces a  phase delay along the x-axis, which causes the LCP or RCP spin of transmission to be opposed to the incident light. (b) A depiction of the

PSHE in a nanorod-based metasurface. A transmitted linear-polarized incident beam will be divided into two parts with two propagation directions and opposite spins. (c) The designed nanorod-based metasurface with different phase gradients. (d) The calculated beam-centroid shift of the PSHE for different transmission distances in a nanorod-based metasurface with different phase gradients (9)手性是物体在三维空间缺少镜面


手性广泛的存在于碳水化合物,氨基酸,蛋 白质等自然界中的分子当中,对于生物和化 图 9. (a) -(d)所设计的人工微结构的手性光学响应示意图。(e)具有左旋 手性的人工微结构设计的透射光谱图。(f)具有右旋手性的人工微结构 学领域基本原理的研究具有重要意义。然而 设计的透射光谱图。

自然界中所存在的手性现象非常微弱,其探 Fig. 9 ( a-d) Illustrations of spin-selective transmission in the two-layer 测和分辨十分困难。不同于自然界中的分子, metasurfaces for twisted nanorods with orientation angle α equal to 45° or 人工微结构作为一种人造结构可以实现显 −45°. The chiral optical responses exhibited by these two metasurfaces are opposite; thus, they can be treated as enantiomers. (e) and (f) Simulation 著的手性光学响应。利用人工微结构产生显 results for the squared moduli Tij =|tij|2 of the circular base coefficients of 著的手性光学响应,为手性的研究和分析提 the two- layer metasurface with values of the orientation angle α of 45° and 供了一种有效的方式。同时利用具有显著手 −45°, respectively 性响应的人工微结构实现对光场自旋态和 Chirality is a nearly ubiquitous natural 偏振态的操控也是相关研究的热点问题。我 phenomenon. Its minute presence in most naturally occurring materials makes it 们提出了一类具有 C 旋转对称特性的少层 4 incredibly difficult to detect. Recent advances


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 in metasurfaces indicate that they exhibit 能对特定的入射偏振态进行偏振转化,怎样 devisable chirality in novel forms; this finding 利用超表面实现传统半波片的功能仍是待 offers an effective opening for studying 解决的问题。我们提出了一种单层等离子体 chirality and its features in such 超表面材料来实现偏振转换角与波长无关 nanostructures. These metasurfaces display vast possibilities for highly sensitive chirality 的宽带半波片。利用设计后的超表面材料可 discrimination in biological and chemical 以对任意线偏振光的偏振角进行从 θ 到-θ 的 systems. Here, we show that two-layer 转换且能自动将转化光与原偏振光分离。我 metasurfaces based on twisted nanorods can 们通过展示对不同波长下不同线偏振光的 generate giant spin-selective transmission and 偏振转换现象很好的表征了等离子体超材 support engineered chirality in the near-infrared region. Two designed 料的光学特性。同时,我们也进一步利用此 metasurfaces with opposite spin-selective 材料实现了原偏振光与转化光的空间分离。 transmission are proposed for treatment as 此工作提出了一种对光偏振态进行调控的 enantiomers and can be used widely for spin 通用方法,在光子学领域具有非常广的应用。 selection and enhanced chiral sensing. Specifically, we demonstrate that the chirality in these proposed metasurfaces can be adjusted effectively by simply changing the orientation angle between the twisted nanorods. Our results offer simple and straightforward rules for chirality engineering in metasurfaces and suggest intriguing possibilities for the applications of such metasurfaces in spin and chiral sensing. (10)偏振调控是现代光学的基石之一。传

统方法是利用光在晶体和聚合物中的双折 图 10.(a) 半波片样品的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征图;(b)像光偏振角与线偏 射和全内反射现象来实现对光偏振态的控 度随入射光偏振角的变化; (c)实验得到的像光的透射强度随探测角度的变化。 制。同时,传统的光学器件往往体积庞大、 插图展示了入射光的偏振角为 135°,像光的偏振角为 45°。蓝色符号和红色符 窄带的光谱响应等问题,所以很难实现光学 号分别表示检偏片角度为 45°和 135°时的测量结果。 系统的小型化和集成化,也无法满足新兴技 Fig. 10 . Experimental validation of metasurface functioning as a half-wave plate. (a) SEM image of the metasurface half-wave plate with optical axis along the x-axis; 术发展的需求。最近,等离子体超材料通过 the nanoantenna has the length l=200 nm, width w=50 nm, and thickness t=40 nm, 对微纳结构的设计实现了大量奇特的光学 and each nanoantenna pair maintains φ1+φ2=0. (b) Polarization angle of the image 现象和功能。利用结构的各向异性和共振特 light as a function of the polarization angle of the incident light at wavelength 980 性,等离子体超材料可以在界面处实现光偏 nm. Orange symbols represent experimental measurements and the orange line 振状态转换与正交偏振间相位差的改变,从 indicates the behavior of a classical half-wave plate. The degree of linear polarization is given by the blue symbols at correspondent incident polarization 而实现四分之一波片与半波片。结合宽带响 angles. (c) Measured transmission intensity of the image light as a function of 应的特性,此材料也可以实现高效的宽带波 detection angle. The inset shows that the polarization angle is 135° for the incident 片。此类光学器件的发展开辟了平面光学的 light (object) and 45° for the image light. Blue and red symbols are results when 新领域。然而,目前的超表面半波片大多只 analyzer angle was set to 45° and 135°, respectively


Annual Report 2016

Manipulation of polarization state is of 光的偏振态不敏感,且能实现宽带广 great fundamental importance and plays a 角的近完美吸收。我们通过展示样品 crucial role in modern photonic applications 的吸收谱很好地表征了二硫化钼超薄 such as optical communication, imaging, and sensing. Metamaterials and meta-surfaces 近完美吸收器的光学特性。同时我们 have attracted increasing interest in this area 也从理论与模拟上系统研究了吸收器 because they facilitate designer optical 在不同偏振、不同入射角下的吸收特 response through engineering the composite 性。提出的近完美吸收器拓展了二维 subwavelength structures. Here we propose a general methods of designing half-wave plate 材料在光学领域的应用,在光子学与 and demonstrate in the near-infrared 光电材料领域具有非常广的应用。 wavelength range an optically thin plasmonic metasurface half-wave plates that rotate the polarization direction of the linearly polarized incident light with a high degree of linear polarization. The half-wave plate functionality is realized through arranging the orientation of the nanoantennas to form an appropriate spatial distribution profile, which behave exactly as in classical half-wave plates but over in a wavelength-independent way.

(11)近完美吸收器在光电探测 图 11. (a)二硫化钼薄膜样品的扫描电子显微镜(SEM)表征图;(b)样

品表面的原子力显微镜(AFM)表征图;(c)通过椭偏仪测量得到的薄 与太阳能转换等领域有广泛应用。但 膜的复折射率;(d)利用不同数值孔径的物镜测量得到的吸收谱与利用 现有的近完美吸收器大多厚度较厚且 (c)中复折射率计算得到的吸收谱。 对入射角度比较敏感,很难实现小型 Fig. 11. (a) SEM image of the MoS2 film. (b) AFM image of the sample

化和集成化。一些基于超表面的近完 surface. (c) Extracted real (n) and imaginary (k) parts of the refractive index

of our MoS2 film from ellipsometry measurements. (d) Simulated 美吸收器制造工艺复杂,且生产成本 absorption spectra using the complex refractive index shown in (c) and 过高,不利于大面积制造。另一方面, measured absorption spectra of the MoS2 absorber 二维材料因其厚度较薄,与光的相互 We report the design, characterization, 作用大多比较弱,怎样增强二维材料 and experimental demonstration of a 与光的相互作用仍是待解决的问题。 broadband near-perfect absorber in the visible 我们提出了一种基于少层二硫化钼的 regime based on strong interference in 超薄表面,利用光在损耗介质表面的 ultrathin molybdenum disulfide films obtained by the spin-coating method. The absorber is 非平庸相位改变与多波干涉效应,大 polarization-insensitive, and the absorption 大增强了光与二硫化钼薄膜的相互作 peak maintains a high value for large angles of 用,实现了超薄的近完美吸收器。我 incidence, which provides more efficient 们通过在金膜上旋涂二硫化钼来制造 absorption for non-polarized or oblique incident beams. The experimental results show 此吸收器,工艺简单且方便大面积制 that the absorption can reach more than 87% 造。我们提出的近完美吸收器对入射 22

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 between 400 nm and 640 nm, which is in Here, we theoretically and experimentally reasonable agreement with the simulated demonstrate that an ultrathin, multifunctional results. This work may offer a further step in metasurface, consisting of an array of the development of solar absorption-based nanorods, can perform various functions at nano-optoelectronic devices.. different wavelengths. Simulated and (12)超表面的产生及发展不但孕育了 experimental results indicate that nearly perfect absorption, linear-to-circular 新颖光学现象的出现,更使得微纳集成器件 conversion, and linear cross-polarization 代替传统光学器不断成为可能。但目前为止 conversion can be integrated into one 绝大多数的超表面都是按照单一功能进行 multifunctional metasurface. Furthermore, the 设计制造的,现在光子学应用需要更高集成、 multifunctional metasurface can maintain very high performance across a large range of 更多功能的设备以满足其快速发展的要求。 incident angles. The proposed configuration is 以往出现的多功能超表面许多都需要不同 extremely compact and easy to fabricate; these 的几何单元来实现不同功能的独立控制,这 qualities should support the development of 种思路由于其制造的难度较大限制了实际 practical applications. 的应用。我们提出的这种超表面设计可以利

用想用排布的结构单元在不同波长来分别 实现近完美吸收,四分之一波片及半波片功

能。一种超表面在不同波长集成了四分之一 波片及吸收器的功能、一种超表面在不同波 长集成了四分之一波片及半波片的功能、最

后一种超表面在不同波长同时集成了四分 之一波片,半波片及近完美吸收器的功能。

此外,以上的超表面均具有良好的广角性质, 图 12. (a) 不同波长多功能超表面示意图;(b)多功能超表面扫描电 进一步使得其实际应用成为可能。由于结构 子显微镜(SEM)局部放大图;集成三种功能的超表面在不同波 长分别实现 (c)四分之一波片;(d)半波片及(e)近完美吸收。 相同,这类超表面易于加工,在实际的集成 Fig. 12 (a) A depiction of simultaneously realized linear 光路中具有良好的应用前景。最后,这一思 cross-polarization conversion, linear-to-circular conversion, and

路易于扩展,更多实际应用,例如同时实现 nearly perfect absorption. (b) A SEM image showing the top view of

生物传感及偏振控制等功能均可以通过设 the fabricated multi-functional metasurface. (c) Experimental linear cross-polarization conversion at 1151 nm. (d) Experimental 计结构单元来得以实现。 linear-to-circular conversion at 1267 nm. (e) Experimental Manipulating electromagnetic waves with absorption spectra for the proposed multifunctional metasurface artificial nanostructures has garnered great (13)非线性光学自激光器诞生以来得 interest for their properties and potential applications. However, existing devices 到了快速发展并逐渐成为了光学领域的一 performing various desired operations at 门重要分支。传统光学晶体由于非线性材料 different wavelengths usually require 本征极化率低的特点,需要很长的光与晶体 cascading with different geometry patterns, 相互作用距离,即便引入相位匹配,这一作 which does not offer satisfactory simplicity. 23

Annual Report 2016

用距离依然无法避免。这一特点严重阻碍了 combination of the abovementioned features allows for the realization of a 非线性光学在微纳领域的应用及集成。利用 second-harmonic generation (SHG) 超表面优良的局域场增强能力可以在纳米 −8 conversion efficiency of 5.55×10 , and the 尺寸激发出非线性信号,此外,由于尺寸超 SHG signal is twice that obtained with dipole 薄,不需要考虑相位匹配问题,大大提高了 hybrid metasurfaces. Our designed metasurface may pave the way for optimizing 超表面的设计灵活性。在超表面领域内,研 non-linear light-matter interactions at the 究者提出了用模式匹配的方式来提高非线 nanoscale. 性过程的转化效率。同时,法诺共振由于其 在散射谱上呈谷状,在共振位置散射光被聚

集到结构内部形成局域场增强,被广泛应用 于超表面非线性信号增强的过程中。基于以 上两点考虑,我们将法诺共振和模式匹配相

结合,将偶极共振调节至基频光频率,将八 极子法诺共振调节至二倍频处,由于存在相

位延迟效应,这一位置的八极子法诺共振既 能够提供良好的局域场增强,又能够提供模

式匹配所需要的高散射性质。我们提出的这 一超表面理论研究证明在纳米尺度上实现 了高于 10-8 的转化效率,远高于同尺度的

传统晶体。这一将法诺共振与模式匹配结合 的思路还可以应用到其他非线性过程上,为

非线性信号产生及增强提供了新的思路。 图 13. (a) 杂化超表面二倍频过程示意图;(b)散射截面(红线) 及电介质中心局域场增强(蓝线);(c)激发光(红虚线)及超表 Plasmonic nanostructures have been 面二倍频响应(蓝线)指数谱 。 considered as potential candidates for Fig. 13 (a) Schematic of two-photon upconversion with the enhancing the nonlinear upconversion rate at proposed hybrid metasurface. (b) Scattering cross-section (red line) nanoscale levels due to their strong near-field of the hybrid metasurface and the near-field enhancement (blue enhancement. Here, we propose a line) at the center of ZnS nanoparticles. The spectrum shows a Fano-resonance-based mode-matching hybrid simultaneous pronounced over-lap with the fundamental and SHG metasurface that combines the advantages of wavelengths, which are marked by red and blue stripes. (c) Log Fano resonances and mode-matching for plot of the spectrum of SHG response (blue line) as defined by the boosting second-harmonic conversion. A SHG enhancement factor τ. The red-dashed line represents the confined and strong near-field intensity is pump light with the same processing generated by gold nanoantennas within the volume of polycrystalline zinc sulfide nanoparticles, thus resulting in a larger effective second-harmonic coefficient. The


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

光子学材料及先进制备技术/ Photonics Materials and Advanced Fabrication Techniques 负责人:孔勇发

本方向涉及多功能光学晶体、低维功能 frequency that we want, and frequency 材料、软物质、微晶玻璃陶瓷、光子学微结 conversion is an effective way to obtain 构等方面。本年度发表论文21篇,申请发明 different frequency laser through a nonlinear optical crystal. MgO-doped LiNbO (Mg:LN) 专利3项,在研课题经费1215万元。取得的 3 crystal has usually been used for second 代表性成果如下: harmonic generation (SHG) through In this field, we mainly focused on the temperature-matching configuration with a multi-functional optical crystals, stove, till now a room temperature 90° low-dimensional functional materials, soft phase-matching is still lack. We grew a series matter, nano-crystalline ceramics, and of LiNbO3 co-doping with 5.0 mol.% MgO photonic microstructure. 21 papers were and various ZrO2 concentration. And 90° published in international academic journals, phase-matched SHG is achieved by using a and 3 patents applied. The total researching Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with a wavelength founds are 12.15 million. This year, we of 1064 nm. A monotonic decrease of obtained some important results, they are phase-matching temperature is firstly found mainly shown as following: with the increase of doping concentration, as 激光作为上世纪最伟大的发明之一已 shown in Fig. 1. The SHG of Nd:YAG laser is 经被应用到越来越多的领域,但是目前我们 achieved at 26.1°C while the optical damage 2 仍然没有做到能够随心所欲地获得任意波 resistance is higher than 6.5 MW/cm in 长的激光,晶体的非线性光学效应是获得其 Zr1.7,Mg5.0:LN crystal. As shown in Fig. 2(a), 他频率激光的有效手段。掺镁铌酸锂是获得 the measured temperature tolerance for phase-matching ΔT is 1.2°C, where ΔT is also 倍频的常用晶体,但是其90°相位匹配的温 the full width at the half-maximum green 度较高,需要通过外加电炉调控其相匹配温 output (FWHM). An average second harmonic 度,室温下就能够得到有效倍频输出的铌酸 power of 91.5 mW is obtained with a 锂晶体仍然缺乏。我们生长了系列锆镁双掺 conversion efficiency of 28.6% at the 铌酸锂晶体,其中镁的掺杂量固定为5.0 2 peak-power density of 50 MW/cm , as shown mol.%,锆的掺杂量从0.5 mol.%到1.7 mol.%。 in Fig. 2(b). 研究首次发现,铌酸锂晶体的相匹配温度随




室温相匹配。如图2(a) 所 示 , 对 于

Zr ,Mg :LN晶体,可在26.1°C实现倍频输 1.7 5.0 出,并且输出峰值的半宽温度为1.2 °C,较

单掺镁铌酸锂晶体也有大幅展宽。在不镀膜 图 1. 相匹配温度随掺杂量的变化:(a)锆镁双掺铌酸锂晶体;(b)掺镁 的情况下,晶体的倍频转换效率可达28.6%, 铌酸锂晶体。图中实心圆点为实验数据,红线为拟合曲线 。 同时晶体的抗光损伤能力在6.5 MW/cm2以 Fig. 1 Phase-matching temperatures (TPM) versus the doping concentration 上。这些结果表明锆镁双掺铌酸锂晶体具有 in the melt of (a) Zr,Mg:LN crystals and (b) Mg:LN crystals. The dotted 比单掺镁铌酸锂晶体更加优异的倍频性能。 symbols represent the experimental data, and the red guided line is a Laser has been widely used in many func tion fitting aspects, by now it is difficult to get each 25

Annual Report 2016

show that at the temperature of 1100 ℃,the + -9 2 diffusivity of Li increases from 3.2×10 cm /s ([Li2O] is 48.6 mol%) is 48.7mol%) to -9 2 13.0×10 cm /s ([Li2O] is 49.56mol%),and the diffusivity increases nearly three times at 1145 ℃ than that at 1100 ℃. It can be concluded that increasing the diffusion 图 2. (a) 90°正入射 Zr1.7,Mg5.0:LN 晶体时 1064 nm 激光的倍频输出随温 temperature reasonably is an effective way to 度的变化,其中临界相位匹配温度为 26.1°C,半峰宽为 1.2°C;(b) improve the efficiency for preparing Zr1.7,Mg5.0:LN 晶体对于 1064 nm 激光的倍频转换效率随入射光功率密 stoichiometric low MgO-doped LiNbO3 度的变化,其中晶体长度 10 mm,脉宽 8 ns。 crystals by VTE method. Fig2. (a) Temperature tuning curve for 90° phase-matching at 1064 nm in

Zr1.7,Mg5.0:LN crystal. The noncritical phase-matching occurs at 26.1°C with a FWHM bandwidth of 1.2°C. (b) Power conversion efficiency of 90° phase-matched Zr 1.7,Mg5.0:LN crystal as a function of the incident 1064 nm peak-power density. Crystal length is 10mm and pulse width is 8 ns

本课题组研究了锂离子在低掺镁铌酸 锂晶体中的扩散。采用气相输运平衡法制备 了掺杂1mol% MgO的不同锂含量的铌酸锂 晶体,并采用热分析仪测试了晶体的居里温 度。制备了一系列不同锂含量的Mg1LN多晶 图 3. 锂离子 在铌酸锂晶体中扩散系数随晶体锂含量的分布。

+ 料,拟合了晶体锂含量与居里温度的关系 Fig 3. Li diffusivity depends on Li2O content of LiNbO3 crystals (见图3、4)。采用Boltzmann-Matano法求解 了扩散方程,结果表明,扩散温度为1100℃ 时,Mg1LN 晶体中锂离子扩散系数为 3×10-9cm2/s~13×10-9cm2/s , 当 扩 散 温 度 为 1145℃时,锂离子扩散系数约是1100℃时扩 散系数的三倍。因此,我们认为适当提高扩



Lithium diffusion in low MgO-doped 图 4. 不同温度扩散后晶体中锂含量分布。

LiNbO3 crystals was investigated under Li Fig4. The Li2O content of LiNbO3 wafers rich environment at high temperature. The 掺杂 铌酸锂晶体锂含量与 vapor transport equilibration (VTE) method 1mol%MgO was used to prepare 1 mol% MgO-doped 晶体居里温度的关系:

LiNbO3 crystals with widely varying The relation of the lithium composition

diffusion-limited Li2O content profiles. The and the Curie Temperature in 1mol% MgO thermal analyzer was used to measure the LN: Curie temperature of samples. Mg1LN Tc=-688.3814+38.30932C (1) polycrystalline powders with different Li O 2 C=18.36034+0.02577T (2) content were prepared to fit the correlation 设计了一种新型的单块加压式铌酸锂 between the Li2O content and Curie 电光调 开关,其可以在不使用 波片或者 temperature (see in Fig. 3, 4). A Q 1/4 Boltzmann-Matano mathematical method was 检偏镜的情况下独立实现加压式电光调Q。 used to solve the diffusion equation. Results 通过理论分析和计算,确定了LN晶体合适


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

的朝向,结果为=1.7o,=±45o,并且发现 angular variation between the wave normal 其1/4波电压与传统LN电光调Q开关的相同。 and optic axis were analyzed to be negligible. 此外,分析表明,晶体端面法线和光轴间的 For the first time to our best knowledge, a LN o o 小角度偏离带来的各种影响可以忽略。在以 crystal was (xztw)-1.2 /1.2 -cut and used successfully in the pulse-on cavity in which no 上分析的基础上,首次制备了(xztw)-1.2°/1.2° QWP or analyzer was used. The performance 切的铌酸锂电光调Q开关,并成功在没有四 of novel Q-switched laser and its temperature 分之一波片或检偏镜的激光系统中实现了 dependence were verified to be almost 加压式电光调Q。实验(见表1和图5)表明: identical to those of conventional pulse-on LN 此新型电光调 开关的性能及其温度稳定性 Q EO Q-switched laser, which strongly 与传统LN电光调Q开关的相同,说明其具有 demonstrates the practicability of novel 实用性。这种新型电光调Q开关更有助于激 Q-switch (see in Table 1 and Fig. 5.). It is 光腔的紧凑性和稳定性,因而更加利于工程 clear that the novel Q-switch we design is 化应用。 more conducive to the compactness and 表 1. 两种电光调 Q 开关在 Nd:YAG 激光系统中的能量 stability of laser cavity which are of great 输出结果 concern in engineering application. Table 1. Output results of the two pulse-on LN EO Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers. Crystal Contrast E (mJ) E (mJ) E (mJ) E (mJ) τ(ns) U(V) Orientation 1 2 3 4 ratio z-cut 201 — 195 200 6.2 2200 — (xztw)-1.2°/1.2°- 201 0.3 187 192 6.2 2000 640 cut 基于第一性原理计算,研究了空间结构

和元素组成对KMP3O9(M = Mg、Zn)的禁 带宽度、双折射以及二阶非线性光学系数等

性质的影响。KMP3O9由于基本结构基元 3− [PO4] 的链接方式不同形成两种不同结构 3n− 的阴离子基团,分别为链式[P3O9]n 和环式 3− [P3O9] 。环式KZnP3O9、链式KZnP3O9、环 式KMgP O 和链式KMgP O 四种晶体在 3 9 3 9 GGA近似下的能带结构的禁带宽度计算值

图 5. 两种不同电光调 Q 开关在不同温度下输出的能量与 分别为3.38 eV、4.93 eV、5.23 eV和5.69 eV, 其双折射分别为 、 、 、 其在室温下 输出的能量的比值随温度分布。 0.0337 0.0221 0.0265 Fig5. The ratios of output energy at every temperature to that 0.0101(@532 nm)和 0.0366、0.0259、0.0308、

at room temperature versus temperature. 0.105(@266 nm),表1列出了其二阶非线性 系数。由以上结果可见,对于同样的元素组 A novel LiNbO3 (lithium niobate, LN) 3− electro-optic (EO) Q-switch, which can work 成,结构基元[PO4] 的链接方式对晶体性质 in pulse-on regime independently without the 有着重要影响:链式比环式结构具有较大的 assistance of quarter-wave plate or analyzer, is 禁带宽度,其晶体可拥有更短的紫外截止吸 designed and used. By theoretical analysis and 收边;但是,环式结构比链式的有着大的双 calculation, the proper orientation of LN was 折射和高的二阶非线性光学系数,将在相位 determined as =1.7o and =±45o. And the 匹配波长范围和倍频能力上更有优势。对于 quarter-wave voltage was identical to that of 同一种结构类型,含锌磷酸盐晶体比含镁磷 conventional LN EO Q-switch. In addition, 酸盐晶体有着更大的双折射数值和二阶非 the possible influences caused by the small 27

Annual Report 2016

线性光学系数;但同时,Zn2+的引入却降低 chain-type crystals, and the same to the 了禁带宽度,会使晶体的紫外截止吸收边被 second-order nonlinear optical coefficients. So, 2+ 红移。上述结果主要来自于Zn 的3d轨道上 the KMP3O9 (M = Mg, Zn) with cyclic 电子的影响。因此,对于深紫外非线性光学 structure have advantages on the 晶体材料的探索,在紫外截止吸收边和倍频 phase-matchable wavelength range and the 性能等之间寻找一个平衡将是非常重要的。 ability of second-harmonic generation. For the 表 2. 四种 KMP3O9 晶体的二阶非线性系数模拟值(@1064 nm) isomorphic crystals, the electronic (单位:10−7 esu) configuration 3d10 of Zn2+ induce the Table 2. Second-order nonlinear optical coefficients of −7 KMP3O9 crystals (unit: 10 esu) following results. The birefringence and Crystal χ111 χ131 χ222 χ333 second-order nonlinear optical

cyclic-KZnP3O9 0.2875 coefficients of KZnP3O9 are chain-KZnP O 0.1134 0.0599 0.0327 0.0293 3 9 higher than those of KMgP3O9. cyclic-KMgP3O9 0.0366 However, the band gaps of chain-KMgP3O9 0.0573 0.0297 0.0067 0.0499 KZnP3O9 are lower than those of

The influences of crystal structure and KMgP3O9. So, it will be important to balance element composition on the band gap, the UV cutoff absorption edge and the birefringence, and second-order nonlinear performance of SHG when discovering new optical coefficients were studied for KMP3O9 deep-UV nonlinear optical crystal. (M = Mg, Zn) crystals based on the first 研究了掺杂离子在晶格中占位及晶场 principle calculation. There are two kinds of 环境对离子发光的影响,探索具有高热稳定 3n− anion group for KMP3O9, i.e., chain-[P3O9]n 性的新型发光材料。通过 Rietveld 结构精修, 3− 3+ 3+ and cyclic-[P3O9] , due to different 研究了 Ba2ZnB2O6:Ce 荧光粉中,Ce 离子 3− connection of basic structural unit [PO4] . 的占位情况。在 350nm 近紫外光激发下, The energy band gaps of the four crystals 3+ Ba2ZnB2O6:Ce 荧光粉发射峰位为 430nm 的 (cyclic-KZnP3O9, chain-KZnP3O9, 不对称宽谱,这是由于 Ce3+离子占据 Ba1 cyclic-KMgP O and chain-KMgP O ) are 3 9 3 9 和 Ba3 位置。随着掺杂浓度升高,Ce3+出现 3.38 eV, 4.93 eV, 5.23 eV and 5.69 eV, 了择优占位情况,随掺杂浓度升高更倾向于 respectively; the corresponding values of 占据 Ba3 位。Ce3+的择优占位使荧光粉的发 birefringence for the crystals are 0.0337, 光由蓝光向蓝绿色区域发生了明显的漂移。 0.0221, 0.0265, 0.0101 (@532 nm) and 鉴于局域晶体学环境对离子发光的显 0.0366, 0.0259, 0.0308, 0.105 (@266 nm). 著影响,设计合成了色度可调的新型发光材 The Table 1 listed their second-order nonlinear 3+ 3+ 3+ optical coefficients. From the above calculated 料 CaBi2B2O7:Dy , Eu 。稀土离子 Dy 的 results, we can have the following deductions. 发光包括蓝绿色的磁偶极跃迁和黄色的电 The connecting type of basic structural unit 偶极跃迁,其中电偶极跃迁对所处晶场环境 3− [PO4] evidently affect the properties of 非常敏感,低对称性晶体学环境会导致较强 crystal: the crystals with chain-type structure 的电偶极跃迁,而高对称性的晶体学环境则 would have shorter UV cutoff absorption edge 导致较强的磁偶极跃迁。基于此,通过掺杂 than those with cyclic structure due their Eu3+离子,提高了 Dy3+所处的局域晶体学环 bigger band gap when the crystals are 境的对称性,调节 Dy3+的发光,并获得色度 constituted by the same elements. However, 坐标为(0.343,0.322)色温为 4984.9K 的 the birefringence value of the crystals with 单相暖白色荧光粉。 cyclic structure are higher those of the 在LED工作时,其结温致使发光材料长 28

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

时间高温工作,可导致材料发生相变、高温 concentration increasing, the emission 3+ 热猝灭以及被氧化而出现色度坐标的偏移, intensity of Ba2ZnB2O6:xCe reaches the 3+ 从而使整个器件性能劣化。开发高热稳定性 maximum at x=0.01 and Ce prefer to occupy the Ba3 site. The preferred occupation of Ce3+ 发光材料对于大功率LED器件性能的提升 in Ba ZnB O makes the color of phosphor 具有重要意义。由于红色荧光粉在高温下的 2 2 6 tuning from blue to blue-green. 热稳定性对白光LED性能有显著影响,我们



色荧光粉 3+ 3+,本年度用高 SrBi2B2O7:Sm ,Eu 3+ 温固相合成法制备了稀土离子Sm 激活的 3+ 硼酸盐荧光粉Ba3B2O6:Sm ,并对其发光性 能进行了研究。变温PL谱显示该荧光粉具有 极佳的热稳定性,随温度升高,强度变化很 小。

图 7.(a)Ba B O :0.05Sm3+的 PL 谱;(b)温度与强度关系图, 3 2 6 插图为 ln(I /I -1)-1/k T 关系图。 0 T B 图 6. CaBi B O :0.04Dy3+,0.01Eu3+ (a);CaBi B O :0.04Dy3+,0.02Eu3+ 3+ 2 2 7 2 2 7 Fig.7 (a) Temperature-dependent PL spectra of Ba3B2O6:0.05Sm ; 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ (b);CaBi2B2O7:0.04Dy ,0.03Eu (c);CaBi2B2O7:0.04Dy ,0.04Eu (b) Normalized PL intensity as a function of temperature. Inset is (d) 在 361nm 激发下的色度坐标图及发光照片。 the ln(I 0/IT − 1) vs. 1/kBT activation energy graph. Fig6. CIE chromaticity coordinates and facula pictures of It is well known that Dy3+ can trigger a CaBi B O :0.04Dy3+,0.01Eu3+ (a), CaBi B O :0.04Dy3+,0.02Eu3+ (b), 2 2 7 2 2 7 bluish green emission and a yellow emission 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ CaBi2B2O7:0.04Dy ,0.03Eu (c), CaBi2B2O7:0.04Dy ,0.04Eu (d) derives from the magnetic dipole transition under the excitation of 361 nm. 4 6 F9/2→ H15/2 and the electric dipole transition 4 6 The occupancy of doping ions in host, the F9/2→ H13/2, respectively. As the electric influence of different crystal field dipole transition is highly sensitive to the local environment on luminescent properties, and environment, a low symmetric local developing novel phosphors with high thermal environment can lead to a relatively strong stability were investigated. The occupancy of electric dipole transition, while a relatively 3+ Ce ions in Ba2ZnB2O6 is studied by Rietveld strong magnetic dipole transition can be 3+ refinement. Ba2ZnB2O6:Ce reveals a broad obtained in high symmetric sites. Based on the and asymmetric blue-emission band peaking dependence of the emission of Dy3+ on the at 430 nm under 350 nm excitation. The symmetry of local environment, introducing structure refinement result indicates the co-doping ions was found to be an effective asymmetric emission band corresponding to way to enhance the symmetry of Dy3+ sites as 3+ 3+ the Ce in Ba1 and Ba3 sites. With Ce well as tuning the emission of Dy3+. By


Annual Report 2016

3+ varying the content of Eu , the emission color 应用,该成果展示于2017 IEEE NSS/MIC会 can be changed from light blue to light red. A 议,获得极大反响。 warm white light emission with CIE The laboratory for scintillator manufacture coordinates and color temperature of (0.343, and investigation has been built up 0.322) and 4984.9K respectively was obtained preliminarily. At present, the research is by CaBi B O : 0.04Dy3+, 0.03Eu3+ under 2 2 7 focused on the manufacture of neutron excitation of 361nm, which indicated it a detection scintillators and detectors design. potential application on w-LED. The Bridgman crystal growth furnaces, Phosphors deposited on the chip will be Carbon film coating furnace and Glove box heated to ~ 150℃ as the chip works because workstation have been set up. And the of the thermal effect of the p-n junction. Thus, research has obtained the support of NSFC most of the phosphors cannot show a good funding for investigation on the design and performance at such high temperature as well manufacture of Li based neutron detection as they do at room temperature due to the scintillation eutectic. The application of n/γ thermal quenching, a possible phase transition, dual readout neutron detectors will also been or chromaticity coordinate deviation by being promoted. The other research is investigation oxidized at high temperature. Therefore, it is on ultrafast scintillators with sub-nanosecond very important to improve the thermal stability decay time. The rare earth doped barium of phosphors for the performance elevation of fluoride crystals have been developed which the high power LEDs. It is a continuous keep its fast scintillation and has slow challenge to improve the thermal stability of scintillation greatly suppressed (4% of red phosphors. Considering of the improved undoped crystal). The crystal has great thermal stability of the red phosphor potential in the new generation calorimeter. SrBi B O : Sm3+, Eu3+ synthesized last year, 2 2 7 The result has been shown in the 2017 IEEE another borate phosphor Ba B O :Sm3+ was 3 2 6 NSS/MIC conference and excited a lot of synthesized by a high temperature solid state interest. reaction method this year. The 无序结构晶体中的 AREF4(A=alkali, photoluminescence properties were studied, RE=rare earth metal)晶体家族,由于其具有 and the temperature-dependent PL spectra 低声子能量、长荧光寿命、大的斯托克斯偏 verified the amazing thermal stability of the 移、窄发射带、高抑制漂白作用、低毒性、 red phosphor. 高的量子产率的物化优点,在三维显示、数 搭建起闪烁晶体的科学研究平台,购置 据储存和生物应用方面具有潜在的应用前 并安装开展相关科研工作所需的仪器设备。 目前,研究方向一是聚焦于中子探测用闪烁 景。而 NaYF4 作为 AREF4 家族中红绿蓝发 材料的制备以及探测器的设计工作,已购置 光效率最高的物质之一,在应用方面具有先 有多工位下降法晶体生长炉、水平熏碳炉以 天的优势,因此成为了无机材料中的一大研 及手套箱等大型设备,探索新型锂基中子探 究热点。但是其存在的两相转化机制影响着 测闪烁共晶的设计、制备,推动新型n/γ双读 研究者对其内部结构的进一步探究以及高

出型中子探测器的研发与应用;另一研究方 发光效率 NaYF4 的制备,以及其上转换荧光

向是超快闪烁材料(亚纳秒衰减)的探索, 强度的进一步的提高,所以 NaYF4 两相间的 目前通过国际合作参与开发出稀土掺杂的 转化机制是研究者们迫切需要解决的问题。 氟化钡晶体,可以实现保持亚纳秒的超快发 采用“水热法”获得稀土掺杂的立方相 光,同时慢发光被抑制为原来的4%,该材 NaYF4纳米晶材料,后采用双坩埚高温热处 料有望在新一代的粒子物理量能器中获得 30

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

理的方式对立方相NaYF4纳米晶进行结构 (XRD) and high-resolution transmission 相变,利用X射线衍射、高分辨率透射电子 electron microscopy (HRTEM) were used to

显微镜来研究氟离子诱导的NaYF4纳米晶 study the phase transition process of NaYF4 结构相转变过程,并利用稳/瞬态荧光光谱 nanocrystal induced by fluoride ion.

仪来观测相转变前后NaYF4纳米晶的荧光 Fluorescence spectra of NaYF4 nanocrystals

光谱。首次提出了F-诱导的NaYF4结构相转 phase transition before and after was

变物理模型:在NaYF4纳米晶结构相转变过 characterized by stable/transient fluorescence 程中,氟离子的多少对于结构相转变过程起 spectroscopy. The experimental results show 到了决定性的作用。当反应环境中存在大量 that the F- induced phase transition physical

游离的氟离子时,NaYF4纳米晶结构相转变 model is proposed for the first time and 过程更容易完成。当在高温氧气环境下, verified in solid and liquid experiments,

NaYF4纳米晶完成结构相转变过程之后会 respectively, and a complete description of the

发生氧化还原反应,我们将此反应称之为贋 NaYF4 phase transition process is given to 结构相转变过程。此外,上述过程分别在固 clarify some controversy in the literature

体和液体实验上予以验证,而且对NaYF4相 reported earlier. It can be concluded that the 转变过程给出了一个全面的描述,澄清了之 number of fluoride ions plays a decisive role 前文献中所报道的一些争议之处。 in the process of phase transition during The AREF (A = alkali, RE = rare earth 4 NaYF4 nanocrystalline phase transition. When metal) crystal family in the disordered a large amount of free fluoride ions are present structure crystals has a low phonon energy, in the reaction environment, the NaYF4 long fluorescence lifetime, large Stokes shift, nanocrystal phase transition process is easier narrow emission band, high inhibition to complete. When the NaYF4 nanocrystals bleaching low toxicity, high quantum yield of undergo a redox reaction after the structural physical and chemical advantages, in phase transition process in the high three-dimensional display, data storage and temperature oxygen atmosphere, we call this biological applications have potential reaction a pseudo-structural phase transition applications. NaYF4 is one of the most process. The activity of NaYF4 nanocrystals efficient materials in the AREF4 family, and has a congenital advantage in the application. before and after phase change was verified by It has become a hot research topic in inorganic comparing the fluorescence spectra of NaYF4 materials. However, the existence of the nanocrystals at the gradient of Eu3+ before and two-phase transformation mechanism of the after phase transformation. researchers to its internal structure of the 聚电解质链在如温度,溶剂质量,或盐 further exploration and high luminous 浓度等外部刺激下的构象变化对众多的生 efficiency NaYF4 preparation, and its further 物和合成过程至关重要。我们采用并行回火 conversion of fluorescence intensity is still the 蒙特卡罗方法研究了聚电解质单链在显含 researchers are an urgent need to solve the 不良溶剂的溶液中的链构象转变。对链构象 problem. 转变进行了微正则分析,确定了构象转变的 The rare earth doped cubic NaYF4 临界温度以及在临界温度时能量分布函数 nanocrystal material samples is obtained by 以及自由能曲线。结果表明,在显含溶剂的 hydrothermal method. The structure phase 不良溶液中温度、链长和溶剂的性质对链构 transition of cubic phase NaYF4 nanocrystals 象以及链构象有重要的影响,体系的能量与 is carried out by double crucible high 熵之间的竞争以及静电能与疏水相互作用 temperature heat treatment. X-ray Diffraction 能之间的竞争导致了一系列复杂的链构象;


Annual Report 2016

项链构象可以稳定存在;并且不同链珠数的 first-order nature of the conformation 项链构象之间的转变具有一级相变的特征。 transitions between the m-pearl and the The conformational changes of (m-1)-pearl necklaces. With the increase of ε, polyelectrolyte chains under external stimuli the transition temperature increases and the such as temperature, solvent quality, pulling first-order feature becomes more pronounced. force, or salt are of critical importance to It is deduced that at the thermodynamic limit numerous biological and synthetic processes, of infinitely long chain length, the as well as to their potential applications. The conformational transitions between the thermodynamic behaviors of a flexible m-pearl and the (m-1)-pearl necklaces may polyelectrolyte chain in a good solvent have remain to be the first-order when ε >0 and m=2 been extensively studied. Compared to the or 3. Pearl-necklace conformations cannot be case in a good solvent, poor solvent conditions observed when either ε is too larger or N is too are expected to lend further complexities. We smaller. To observe a pearl-necklace studied the thermodynamic behaviors of a conformation, the T value needs to be strongly charged polyelectrolyte chain in a carefully chosen for simulations performed at poor solvent using replica-exchange only a single temperature. Monte-Carlo simulations on a lattice model, 垂直形貌的嵌段共聚物薄膜在纳米刻 focusing on the effects of finite chain length 蚀、超滤纳米薄膜等领域中有着重要应用。 and the solvent quality on the chain 我们采用Monte Carlo模拟研究了溶剂蒸发 conformation and conformation transitions. 条件下两嵌段共聚物薄膜的自组装行为。我 The neutralizing counterions and solvent 们考察了气体选择性、溶剂选择性、溶剂蒸 molecules are considered explicitly. 发速率等因素对溶剂蒸发后薄膜形貌的影 Thermodynamic quantities varying 响;确定了垂直柱形貌能够出现的表面选择 continuously with temperature in a wide range 性范围。发现垂直柱状相更易在强溶剂选择 are obtained using the multiple histogram 性和快速蒸发的条件下出现。并将薄膜在溶 reweighting method. Our results suggest that 剂蒸发中不同时刻的形貌与相同厚度下非 the strength of the short-range hydrophobic 溶剂蒸发的溶液薄膜形态或平衡态薄膜形 interaction, the chain length, and the 态进行对比,研究了溶剂蒸发和溶剂退火对 temperature of the system, characterized by ε, 垂直形貌生成的影响以及垂直柱形成的机 N, and T, respectively, are important 理。 parameters that control the conformations of a Block copolymers are a class of soft charged chain. When ε is moderate, the material capable of self-assembling to form competition between the electrostatic energy ordered structures at nanometer scales, and the short-range hydrophobic interaction providing potential for a wide variety of leads to rich conformations and conformation applications. We studied the self-assembly of transitions for a longer chain with a fixed cylinder-forming diblock copolymer thin films length. Our results have unambiguously upon solvent evaporation using Monte Carlo demonstrated the stability of the simulations. The effects of solvent selectivity, n-pearl-necklace structures where n has a surface preference and solvent evaporation maximum value and decreases with rate on the morphology evolutions during decreasing the temperature. The maximum n solvent evaporation are systematically value increases with increasing the chain investigated. It is found that the perpendicular length. Our results have also demonstrated the cylinder morphology tends to form under


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 weak surface preference, whereas under stronger surface preference, this morphology is promoted by the fast solvent evaporation rate and the stronger solvent selectivity. The surface preference window for forming perpendicular cylinders is found to be wider when with the solvent evaporation than that obtained from the thermal annealing, especially it is much wider when the solvent 图 9. PbBiO Cl (A, B), PbBiO Br (C, D) and PbBiO I (E, F) evaporation starts from a randomly initial state. 2 2 2 的 SEM 和 TEM 照片。 A mechanism of perpendicular cylinder Fig9. SEM and TEM images of PbBiO2Cl (A, B), PbBiO2Br formation is elucidated based on simulations (C, D) and PbBiO2I (E, F). Inset of B, D and E shows HR-TEM of “static” films with different thicknesses. image of PbBiO2Cl, PbBiO2Br and PbBiO2I, respectively Hexagonally packed short cylinders formed at the earlier stage of the solvent evaporation may remain to the dry film when the solvent selectivity to the majority block is stronger or the solvent evaporation is fast, which results in the enlargement of the surface preference window of perpendicular cylinder morphology. Mix-orientated morphology with one or two layers of parallel cylinders at the top of the film and perpendicular cylinders throughout the remaining film is predicted and its formation mechanism is discussed. 采用水热法制备出三种新型的

PbBiO2X (X= Cl, Br and I)纳米片。它们的晶 体结构、形貌、带结构和载流子的行为被研 图 10. PbBiO2Cl (A, B), PbBiO2Br (C, D) and PbBiO2I (E, F) 的 带结构和态密度。 究。结果表明,PbBiO2X (X= Cl, Br and I) Fig10. Theory calculated band structure and projected density of 纳米片光催化活性的提高应归于它们的微 states for PbBiO Cl (A, B), PbBiO Br (C, D) and PbBiO I (E, F) 结构和带结构。 2 2 2

图 8. PbBiO2X (X= Cl, Br and I)的 XRD 和晶体结构。 图 10. PbBiO2Cl (A, B), PbBiO2Br (C, D) and PbBiO2I (E, F) 的 Fig8. Crystal structure and XRD patterns of PbBiO2X (X= Cl, 带结构和态密度 。 Br and I) along [110]. Fig 10. Theory calculated band structure and projected density of

Three new type of single crystallite states for PbBiO2Cl (A, B), PbBiO2Br (C, D) and PbBiO2I (E, F)

PbBiO2X (X= Cl, Br and I) square nanoplates synthesized via a simple hydrothermal method. with several hundred nanometers in length are The crystal structure and morphology are


Annual Report 2016 investigated by several characterization techniques. The band structure as well as the behavior of the charge carriers is also investigated theoretically and experimentally.

It is found both the PbBiO2X nanopaltes exhibit improved photocatalytic activity on photodegradation of organic pollutant, owing to their novel microstructure and satisfied band structure.

图 11. PbBiO2X (X= Cl, Br and I)的吸收谱、XPS 价带谱和光催 图 13. TiO2 (a), TiO2/C (b), TiO2-Pd (c) and TiO2-Pd/C (d)样品 化活性。 的 XRD 和 HR-TEM 照片。 Fig11. Diffuse reflectance absorption spectra of PbBiO2X (X= Cl, Fig13. XRD patterns and HR-TEM images of TiO2 (a), TiO2/C Br and I). Inset shows the XPS valence band spectra of PbBiO2X (b), TiO2-Pd (c) and TiO2-Pd/C (d) samples (X= Cl, Br and I), and Photocatalytic activity of PbBiO2X (X= Cl,

Br and I) for degradation of Methyl Orange (MO) under visible irradiation (λ > 420 nm)

图 14. 碳的带结构、态密度和 XPS 价带潽。

Fig 14. (a) band structure, (b) DOS (density of states) and (c) XPS

valence band spectrum of elemental carbon

图 12. PbBiO2Cl, PbBiO2Br and PbBiO2I 的能带结构。

Fig12. Schematic diagram of the band structure for PbBiO2Cl,

PbBiO2Br and PbBiO2I

采用溶胶-凝胶法制备出一组TiO2-Pd/C 光催化剂。采用XRD, Raman, BET, HRTEM, EDAX, XPS和 PL等表征技术研究了催化 剂的性质。结果表明,Pd以O-Pd-O物种的形 式而C是以粒子的形式存在于催化剂的表面。 图 14 . 碳的带结构、态密度和 XPS 价带潽。 O-Pd-O和C是以粒子的存在,扩展催化剂的 Fig 14. (a) band structure, (b) DOS (density of states) and (c) XPS 吸收范围到可见区,促进了载流子的分离, valence band spectrum of elemental carbon

导致了光催化活性的有效提高。 carbon nanoparticles photocatalyst (TiO2-Pd/C)

A novel Pd-modified TiO2 composited with was synthesized via a sol-gel method.


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

Characterized by XRD, Raman, BET, HRTEM, PL谱和时间分辨光谱确定了金属离子(Me: EDAX, XPS, absorption spectra and PL Pd, Cu and Mn )是以-O-Me-O-物种存在于催 techniques, the introduced Pd existed as 化剂的表面。采用理论计算的方法研究了表 unique O-Pd-O species and C existed as the 面金属离子(Me: Pd, Cu and Mn )的能带结

substance carbon nanoparticles on the surface 构和态密度。对于光催化还原CO2合成 CH4

of TiO2, behaving as a composited 的研究,金属离子(Pd, Cu and Mn)表面修

photocatalyst on nanoscale. Based on the 饰的TiO2催化剂显示出较高的光催化活性, experimental results and theoretical 应归于表面金属离子(Pd, Cu and Mn)的贡

calculation, it is found that the introduction of 献。该研究对于调控TiO2的能带结构,设计 O-Pd-O surface species and the carbon 高活性光催化剂提供理论依据。 nanoparticles extend the absorption into the visible light region, facilitate the separation of photogenerated charge carriers, resulting in a much better photocatalytic activity on

photo-reduction of CO2 into CH4 than TiO2-Pd

and TiO2/C samples.

图 17. TiO , TiO -Pd 1%, TiO -Cu 1% and TiO -Mn 1%的 XRD 2 2 2 2 谱、Pd 3d XPS 谱、Cu 2p XPS 谱和 Mn 2p XPS 谱。

Fig17. XRD patterns of pure TiO , TiO -Pd 1%, TiO -Cu 1% and 2 2 2 TiO2-Mn 1%,and (a) Pd 3d XPS spectra of TiO2-Pd x%; (b) Cu

2p XPS spectra of TiO2-Cu x%;(c) Mn 2p XPS spectra of

TiO2-Mn x% samples

图 15. TiO 2-Pd 的晶体结构、带结构、态密度和 XPS 价带潽。 Fig15. (a) theory model (b) band structure and (c) DOS of TiO2-Pd and (d) XPS valence band spectra of TiO2-Pd

图 16. TiO 2, TiO2/C, TiO2-Pd and TiO2-Pd/C 样品还原 CO2 合成 图 18. pure TiO2, TiO2-Pd 1%, TiO2-Cu 1% and TiO2-Mn 1%样品 CH4 光催化活性和机理。 的吸收谱、价带谱和光催化活性 。

Fig16. Photoreduction of CO2 into CH4 for TiO2, TiO2/C, TiO2-Pd Fig18. Diffuse reflectance absorption spectra, the XPS valence and TiO2-Pd/C, and Band structure diagram of TiO2-Pd/C band spectra of Photocatalytic activity of pure TiO2, TiO2-Pd 1%,

采用溶胶凝胶法制备出一组金属离子 TiO2- Cu 1% and TiO2-Mn 1% samples for reduction of CO2 into

(Pd, Cu and Mn)表面修饰的TiO2催化剂。 CH4 (a) and CO (b) 利用XRD, Raman, XPS, EDAX, 吸收光谱, A series of the metal ions (Pd, Cu and Mn)


Annual Report 2016

modified TiO2 photocatalysts were prepared 压电催化活性。 via a simple sol-gel method. Characterized by XRD, Raman, XPS, EDAX, UV-vis absorption spectra, PL and time-resolved PL decay curves, it is revealed that the introduced metal ions exist as -O-Me-O- species (Me: Pd,

Cu and Mn ) on the surface of TiO2. The

corresponding DFT calculation is used to 3+ 图 20. 纯 TiO2 和 Fe 掺杂 TiO2 的 XRD 谱。 investigate the band structure and electronic Fig20. X-ray diffraction patterns of (A) P-500 and D-500-x (x = 5, density of states of the metal ions (Pd, Cu and 10, 20, 30 and 40) samples and (B) P-800 and D-800-x (x = 5, 10, Mn) modified TiO . The modified TiO 2 2 20 and 30) samples photocatalysts exhibit an enhanced

photocatalytic activity for reduction of CO2

and H2O into CH4, attributed to the contribution of surface species by enhancing the visible absorption efficiently, facilitating the separation of photogenerated charge carriers and matching of the redox potential on 3+ 图 21. Fe 掺杂 TiO2 催化剂 CH4 和 CO 的生成量。 the photoreduction of CO2 into CH4. This work may offer a better understanding about Fig21. CH4 (A) and CO (B) generation over the catalysts

the adjustment and matching of the energy A series of Fe-doped TiO2 samples with level for the design and synthesis of functional different concentration of Fe3+ ions and materials with high photocatalytic annealed at different temperature were performance. prepared using a sol–gel method. For 3+ Fe-doped TiO2, the existing states of Fe , the transformation of existing states and the phase transition are investigated by XRD, Raman, XPS and HR-TEM. It is revealed that The existing states of Fe3+ and the transformation 3+ of existing states (substitutional Fe , -Fe2O3

and Fe2TiO5) are closely related to the annealing temperature and the concentration of Fe3+. The anatase-rutile (A-R) transition temperature is promoted by the substitutioanl

doped Fe in TiO2 lattice. In addition, the 图 样品的光催化机理示意图。 19. TiO 2-Pd, TiO2-Cu and TiO2-Mn Fe-doped TiO2 with high calcination o Fig19. Schematic diagram of photocatalytic mechanism for TiO2-Pd, temperature (800 C) and high TiO2-Cu and TiO2-Mn photocatalysts concentration(x>20) show obvious ultrasonic 采用溶胶凝胶法制备出一组不同Fe掺 piezoelectric catalytic activity for reduction of 3+ 杂浓度和不同焙烧温度的Fe 掺杂TiO2催化 CO2 into CH4.This work may be useful in 剂。利用XRD, Raman, XPS and HR-TEM等 understanding the doping mechanisms of 3+ 技术,研究了Fe 离子的掺杂态、态的转换 Fe-doped TiO2, and fabrication of new catalyst 和晶型转换机理。同时研究了催化剂的超声 materials.


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

在光催化体系中引入传统的Pd催化交 oxidative addition reaction on ―O―Pd―Cl 叉偶联反应的思想。在TiO2表面修饰―O― species is also demonstrated. This work may Pd―Cl物种促进可见光催化活性的提高应 enable realization of the practical applications 归于Pd0(―O―Pd0―Cl)的生成,―O― of photocatalysis. Pd0―Cl能够与4-BrPh发生氧化加成反应生 成羟苯基自由基,然后在进一步的光催化降 解。―O―Pd―Cl氧化加成反应光催化机理 被证明。

图 22. TiO2, TiO2-Pd and TiO2-Pd-Cl 样品降解 4-BrPh 和 phenol 的光催化活性 。 图 24. 体系中没加 4-BrPh 降解物可见光照射后 TiO2-Pd and -5 -1 Fig22. Photocatalytic degradation of 4-BrPh (5  10 mol L ) TiO2-Pd-Cl 催化剂的 Pd 3d XPS 谱和体系中加有 4-BrPh 降 -5 -1 (A) and phenol (5  10 mol L ) (B) using pure TiO2, TiO2-Pd 解物可见光照射前后 TiO2-Pd and TiO2-Pd-Cl 催化剂的 and TiO2-Pd-Cl upon visible light irradiation ( > 420 nm) Raman 谱。

Fig24. Pd 3d XPS spectra of TiO2-Pd and TiO2-Pd-Cl after

visible irradiation for 4 h without the addition of 4-BrPh, and

Raman spectra of the photocatalyst before and after visible

irradiation for 6 h with 4-BrPh

图 23. TiO2, TiO2-Pd 和 TiO2-Pd-Cl 样品的 Pd3d XPS 谱、吸收

光谱和 PL 谱。

Fig23. XPS spectra of Pd 3d, UV-vis absorption spectra and

Photoluminescence spectra of pure TiO2, TiO2-Pd and

TiO2 -Pd-C

We introduced the idea of conventional Pd 图 25.TiO 2-Pd (A) and TiO2-Pd-Cl (B)催化剂在光催化过程中 catalysis used in cross-coupling reactions into 4-BrPh 降解物的吸收光谱。 photocatalysis. The ―O―Pd―Cl surface Fig25. Absorption spectra of 4-BrPh solution during the species modified on TiO2 can remarkably photodegradation with the presence of TiO2-Pd (A) and enhance the photocatalytic activity under TiO2-Pd -Cl (B) visible-light irradiation on degradation of 采用水热法制备出一组C3N4/CeO2X% 4-Bromophenol. It is revealed that the 异质结构光催化剂。通过理论计算和实验方 0 catalytically active Pd is in situ generated by 法研究了C3N4/CeO2X%催化剂的带结构和 reduction of photogenerated electrons from 载流子的行为。研究表明,对于 0 TiO2. The ―O―Pd ―Cl species can react C3N4/CeO2X%,CeO2与C3N4的能带匹配促 with 4-Bromophenol to form hydroxyphenyl 进了可见光的吸收和光生载流子的分离,提 radicals via oxidative additon reaction. The 高了催化剂的光催化活性。该研究对于新型 photocatalytic mechanism assisted by the 高活性催化剂的制备和能带结构的设计提


Annual Report 2016

供了理论依据。 CeO2 on C3N4 matched the energy band, enhanced absorption in the visible region, separated photogenerated electrons and holes.

Owing to the modification of CeO2 on C3N4, the photocatalytic performance was significantly improved as compared to that of

C3N4. This study may offer a new strategy to fabricate and design a band structure of a new photocatalyst with high photocatalytic performance. 图 26. C3N4, CeO2 和 C3N4/CeO240%样品的 XRD 谱。

Fig26. XRD patterns of C3N4, CeO2 and C3N4/CeO240%


图 27. C3N4/CeO240%样品的 HRTEM 照片。 Fig 27. (a) TEM image and (b,c) high-magnification transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) images of C3 N4/CeO240% sample

图 29. C3N4 , CeO2 and C3N4/CeO240%样品的瞬态荧光光谱。 Fig29. Photoluminescence spectra (a) and the time-resolved PL decay curves(b) of C3N4 , CeO2 and C3N4/CeO240% samples

图 28. C3N4, CeO2 和 C3N4/CeO240%样品的吸收光谱和 XPS 价带谱。 Fig 28. UV−vis diffuse reflectance spectra (A) and the XPS valence band spectra(B) for C3N4, CeO2 and C3N4/CeO240% samples 图 30. C3N4, CeO2, C3N4/CeO240%样品还原 CO2 生成 CH4

A series of CeO2-modified C3N4 的光催化活性 。

(C3N4/CeO2X%) heterostructure Fig30. Photocatalytic activity for reduction of CO2 into CH4 (a) photocatalysts was synthesized via a and CO (b) of C3N4, CeO2, C3N4/CeO240% samples hydrothermal method. Their band structure was studied via theoretical calculation and experimental characterization. The behavior of charge carriers was investigated via absorption spectra, PL, and time- resolved PL decay curves. It was found that the modification of


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

弱光非线性及量子相干光学/ Weak Light Nonlinear Optics and Quantum Coherent Optics 负责人:许京军

本年度主要围绕石墨烯、金属纳微结构、 光子晶格、微腔、光纤等纳微结构体系的非 线性光学效应与光场调控及其应用、超分辨 干涉和成像以及细胞光子学等开展研究,取 得了一系列阶段性的成果。具体如下: In this year, we mainly focused on the nonlinear photonic properties, optical field 图1. (a) 结构配置图 (b) Gps近场分布图。 manipulation and their applications of Fig1. (a) Schematic illustration of the Au-graphene composite graphene, the plasmonics in metalic structure.(b) The real part of z-component for the electric micro-/nano-structure, photonic lattices, near-field [Re(Ez)]. micro-resonators and optical fibers, super-resolution interference and imaging, and Controllable manipulation of propagating cell photonics. The followings are the main surface plasmon polaritons is critical in chievements. plasmonics and important for nanophotonic 1. 石墨烯、金属微纳结构的等离激元调控 applications. Here, we demonstrate 及其应用 theoretically that graphene plasmons (GPs) can be unidirectionally excited in an 如何操控表面等离激元在界面处的传 Au-graphene composite structure by a linearly 播在纳米光子学以及集成光路中是一个至 polarized optical wave. Moreover, the physical 关重要的课题。我们设计了一种简单的金- mechanism of this unidirectional launching 石墨烯复合结构,在该配置中可以利用线偏 comes from the near-field interference 振光激发单方向传播的石墨烯等离激元 between the symmetric and anti-symmetric (GPs),并且通过改变入射线偏振光的入射 plasmon amplitudes induced by the gold 角度,可以有效的操控 GPs 在石墨烯界面处 antennas. Therefore, how the maximum 的传播。研究发现该单方向传播的 GPs 来源 unidirectional ratios and the corresponding 于由石墨烯上方金棒诱导的对称模式与反 incidence angles affect by aspect ratio of gold 对称模式近场的叠加。我们研究了不同的金 rods and different rod sizes are demonstrated. 棒截面的纵横以及不同的尺寸大小对 GPs Our results indicate that by using a free beam 单方向比以及入射角度的影响,结果表明当 at the wavelength of 10.2 µm, the 金棒的截面为正方形且其边长为 1.2 μm 时, unidirectional ratio reaches to a maximum of 对于波长为 10.2 μm 的入射光,当入射角度 900 with the incidence angle at 37.7° off 为 37.7o 时单方向性最强,通过角谱分析得 normal for a square gold rod with the width of 到其最大单方向比可高达 900。同时考虑以 1.2µm , which can be obtained by the angular 后具体的实验设置,我们计算了不同的基底 spectrum of GPs. Besides, the substrate effect 对 GPs 单方向传播的影响,结果表明对于具 on unidirectional GPs launching is also 有较小介电常数的基底或者矩形金棒截面, considered for a real experiment and a 仍可以得到较大的单方向比。该配置简单易 substrate with low refractive index or a 行可通过 s-SNOM 在实验上进行探测,使得 rectangular gold rod can be used to obtain 其在纳米光电集成电路中具有极大的应用 better unidirectional ratios. Our suggested 潜力。 unidirectional launching method should have


Annual Report 2016

potential applications in active plasmonic quadrupole modes in gold ring cavities. Our devices since the unidirectional GPs excitation work provides an efficient way to explore the configuration with a linearly polarized wave is initial nature of surface plasmon modes in simple, which can be easily verified metal nanostructures. experimentally by using s-SNOM. 为了实现极大的电磁场增益,并且摆脱 在纳米光子学领域中,贵金属纳米结构 场增益效果对波导末端尖端结构的依赖性, 表面等离激元模式的光谱分辨和成像具有 我们设计了一种基于 MIM 空气隙布拉格反 重要的应用。我们利用阴极荧光光谱(CL) 射器的新型表面等离激元塔姆态(PTSs)结 技术激发并探测了金纳米圆环腔的表面等 构。该结构结合了塔姆态的共振增强与表面 离激元准暗模式。基于边界元方法的数值模 等离激元的空间尺寸压缩的双重电磁场增 拟,我们得到了金纳米圆环腔结构的 CL 谱 益特性,可以同时实现垂直于能量传播方向 和电磁场分布,与实验结果具有很好的一致 与平行于能量传播方向上的场聚焦。不同于 性。特别地,传统的光学手段难以探测到四 通过周期性改变 MIM 波导内填充介质来实 极暗模式,而我们的实验结果表明,CL 是 现 PTSs 的结构,空气隙 PTSs 结构在实验制 一种探测四极模式的有效手段。此外,金纳 备上更加简单方便,实验可行性更高。我们 米圆环腔四极暗模式的普塞尔因子可以超 首先通过基于阻抗匹配的传输矩阵方法优 过 100。我们的工作提供了一种有效的方式 化结构参数,然后利用时域有限差分法模拟 来探索金属纳米结构表面等离激元的本质. 验证。模拟结果表明,在 2D 和 3D 情况下, PTSs 结构均可以实现三个数量级的电磁场 强度增益。得益于这个特性,PTSs 结构在 增强非线性,表面增强拉曼散射,表面增强 荧光等方面将会有重要的应用.

图2. 实验与模拟的 CL谱对比,及归一化CL强度的空间分布。

Fig2. Comparison of the measured and calculated CL spectra, and the normalized CL map Spectral resolving and imaging surface plasmon modes in noble metal nanostructures 图3 3D 结构下归一化电磁场分布。 are important for applications in Fig3 The normalized electromagnetic field distribution in 3D nanophotonics. Here, we use structures . cathodoluminescence (CL) spectroscopy to To achieve extreme electromagnetic excite and probe quasi-dark plasmon modes of enhancement, we propose a plasmonic Tamm Au nanoring cavities. Numerical simulations states (PTSs) configuration based on the of both the spectra and the electromagnetic metal-insulator-metal Bragg reflector, which is field distribution are carried out by using realized by periodically modulating the width boundary element method. Good agreement of the insulator. Both the thick (2D) and thin between the experimental and simulated (3D) structures are discussed. Through results is obtained. Particularly, CL is shown optimization performed by the as an efficient method to probe quadrupole impedance-based transfer matrix method and modes, which is difficult for traditional optical the finite difference time domain method, we means. Moreover, a high Purcell factor in find that both the electric field and magnetic excess of 100 is obtained for the dark field intensities can be increased by three


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 orders of magnitude. The field-enhancement cavities possess enhanced confinements in 3D inside the PTSs configuration is not limited to and steerable plasmon resonances, potential in extremely sharp waveguide terminal, which applications for sensing and emission control can greatly reduce processing difficulties. at the nanoscale. Besides graphene boundaries 中红外光谱技术是一种先进的生物分 obtained by mask lithography, graphene 子分辨技术,其通过获得分子的指纹频率实 defects engineered by ion beams have shown 现物质分辨。而利用局域等离激元效应,石 efficient plasmon reflections. Here, near-field 墨烯纳米结构可以实现对中红外光的强局 responses of structured graphene achieved by 域,进而极大地提高对生物分子传感的灵敏 ion beam direct-writing are investigated. 度。其中一个重要的条件是通过电压动态调 Graphene nanoresonators are fabricated easily 控石墨烯纳米结构的响应。现有的体系采用 and precisely with a spatial resolution better 的都是一维石墨烯纳米带,而基于二维石墨 than 30 nm. Breathing modes are observed in 烯结构的生物传感具有更加灵活的应用,但 graphene disks. The amorphous carbons 在实验上难以实现。针对此问题,我们在实 around weaken the response of edge modes in 验上实现了对二维石墨烯圆盘结构近场的 the resonators, but meanwhile render the 电调节。利用离子束直写的方法得到二维石 isolated resonators in-plane electrical 墨烯结构,之后的近场光学显微镜测试证明 connections, where near-fields are proved 了石墨烯圆盘的近场可以通过改变在石墨 gate-tunable. The realization of gate-tunable 烯和背栅之间的电压进行调节。二维孤立石 near-fields of graphene 2D resonators opens 墨烯结构的电调性受益于其周围存在的仍 up tunable nearfield couplings with matters. 有一定导电性的非晶碳,这些非晶碳是由离 Moreover, graphene nonconcentric rings with 子束辐照产生。此外,我们还利用离子束直 engineered near-field confinement 写的方法加工了石墨烯偏心圆环结构,在其 distributions are demonstrated, where the 中观察到了对中红外光场的深亚波长尺寸 quadrupole plasmon modes are excited. 的近场聚集现象,这种现象可以通过改变结 Near-field mappings reveal concentrations at -4 2 构形状进行调节。由于具有流程简单、加工 the scale of 3.810 λ0 within certain zones 分辨率高的优势,离子束直写的方法有望用 which can be engineered. The realization of 于实现石墨烯纳米光子学器件中. electrically tunable graphene nanoresonators by ion beam direct-writing is promising for active manipulation of emission and sensing at the nanoscale. 对量子点自发辐射的调控在传感、集成 光子学以及量子光学等许多应用方面是至 关重要的。将量子点与机械系统集成在一起 也为应变传感器提供了一个途径。在不破坏 图4. 石墨烯纳米结构近场成像示意图以及背栅调控近场信号 石墨烯晶格结构的前提下,我们通过数值模 变化图。 拟以及格林函数解析计算方法,研究了由单 Fig4. Schematic illustration of near-field mapping of graphene 轴应变作用引起的石墨烯电导率各向异性, structures and backgate tunable signals. 以及激发的各向异性石墨烯等离激元对量 Graphene plasmons provide great 子点自发辐射的调控。结果表明,量子点辐 opportunities in light–matter interactions 射率可以通过作用于石墨烯的应变进行很 benefiting from the extreme confinement and 好的调控,并且调制幅度依赖于其偏振方向。 electrical tunability. Structured graphene 与此同时,在低频区域,当量子点的偏振方


Annual Report 2016

向垂直于应变石墨烯表面时,对真空归一化 the strain of graphene, which depends on the 自发辐射率最大可增强至 2.4 倍。当量子点 polarized orientation of the emitter. More 的偏振方向平行于应变石墨烯表面时,我们 specifically, the decay rate can be enhanced 计算了辐射率对其在面内偏振角的依赖。同 for 2.4 times if the emitter is polarized 时,我们计算了自发辐射衰减率对其他一些 perpendicular to graphene under strain. 参数如石墨烯费米能级、载流子迁移率、应 Azimuthal angle dependent oscillation of 变大小以及量子点距石墨烯表面距离的依 decay rate exists for the emitter polarized 赖。值得一提的是,应变石墨烯对量子点自 parallel to the graphene. What’s more, the 发辐射的调控来源于其各向异性石墨烯等 Fermi energy, carrier mobility of graphene, 离激元的激发,这在其相应的动量空间石墨 strain modulus κ as well as the distance 烯等离激元场分布中得到了很好的证明。我 dependence of spontaneous decay rate for an 们的研究表明,应变作用于石墨烯,为量子 optical emitter is considered. It is worth 点自发辐射的调控提供了一个新的平台,这 mentioning that the controllable decay of the 为应变传感器和量子器件的设计提供了令 emitter comes from the anisotropic plasmons 人感兴趣的可能性. excitation in strained graphene, which is verified by the corresponding isofrequency contours of plasmons. The strain engineering provides a new platform for dynamic spontaneous emission modulation of emitters coupled with graphene, which opens up

图5. (a) 应变作用于石墨烯结构配置图 (b) z-偏振量子点位于 intriguing possibilities for the design of strain

无应变 (黑线)与应变(红线)石墨烯上的自发辐射衰减率 (c) 无 sensors and quantum devices. 应变与应变石墨烯等离激元近场分布 。 在诸如显示、光谱测量、信息编码等领 Fig5. (a) Schematic illustration of the strain engineering in 域,需要实现对于光场偏振的动态调控。目 graphene . (b) Normalized decay rate Γ/Γ0 of a z-oriented 前普遍采用的方法大多基于电光、磁光调制, quantum emitter above the unstrained (black line) and strained 不可避免伴随着光电信号的转换。为适应未 (red line) graphene sheet (c) The surface plasmon polariton 来全光信息处理的发展,亟需一种全光偏振 propagation on graphene surface with and without strain 调控的手段与方法。最近我们提出一种超构 engineering .. 材料同光致异构非线性介质乙基红相结合 Spontaneous emission control of an 的微纳复合材料 [图 6(a)]。由于超构材料的 optical emitter is critical for many applications, 结构设计采用具有手性及各向异性对称性 such as in the fields of sensing, integrated 的“L”型,使其可将入射线偏振光转化为 photonics and quantum optics. Integrating 椭圆偏振光出射,其偏振特性可用极角 ϕ 与 optical emitters with a mechanical system can 椭偏角 χ 描述,如图 6(b)中所示。在绿光激 provide an avenue for strain sensors as well. 发下,乙基红将发生光致异构相变[图 6(a) Here, without substantially destroying its 中子图所示],改变其同超构材料层的耦合 crystal structures, by using both standard 作用,使整个体系偏振效应色散特性发生改 Green’s function derived analytic method and 变[如图 6(b)中色散曲线蓝移所示],实现非 full-wave electromagnetic simulation, the 线性偏振调控。我们实现了低光强条件下 dynamic spontaneous emission modification (4mW 连续光激发)分别达 17°与 24°的椭 of an emitter coupled to graphene by uniaxial 偏角与极角的非线性调控[如图 6(c)]。这一 strain is demonstrated. Our results show that 结果将在新型光学显示、光计算、传感、新 the emission rate can be controlled by tuning 型量子光学元件及实时光全息等领域具有


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

重要的潜在应用. become elliptically polarized, and its polarization azimuth rotates after passing through such a medium, which are characterized in terms of polarization azimuth rotation ϕ and ellipticity angle χ [Fig. 6(b)]. Under green light irradiation, the isomerization happens in ethyl red molecule, and its coupling with the resonant plasmonic modes is switchable, which leads to more than 图6 基于等离激元纳米复合 材料的非线性偏振调控。(a)超构材料- 20° nonlinear optical polarization modulation 乙基红复合材料示意图。子图中所示为乙基红分子光致异构相变过 under excitation of just a few milliwatts [Fig. 程。(b)复合材料线性(实线)与非线性(虚线)偏振响应色散曲 6(c)]. Such components open the gateway 线,χ与ϕ分别为椭偏角与偏振极角。( c)不同绿光泵浦功率下的非线 towards the creation of various photonic 性偏振调控特性 。 functions, including novel displaying, optical Fig 6 The nonlinear polarization control based on the hybrid computations, sensing, novel quantum optics metamaterials. (a) The schematic of the hybrid metamaterials consisting of devices, and real-time holograms. a periodic array of ‘L’ shaped slits and a layer of ethyl red polymer. The 通过模拟计算,研究了导电连接金纳米 inset gives the photoisomerization of the ethyl red molecule under 棒非对称二聚体的同相共振(SB)模式,反 irradiation of green light. (b) Spectral dependence of the polarization 相共振(SA)模式和电荷转移(CTP)模式。 changes by the nanostructure in terms of polarization azimuth rotation ϕ 以上三种模式的强度都可以修改模型参数 and ellipticity angle χ. Solid lines and dashed lines show the results 进行调节。甚至 SA 模式的强度可以高于 SB without and with control beams, respectively. (c) Measured nonlinear 模式,这一点在非连接的二聚体中是很难实 changes in the polarization parameters for various control light powers.. 现的。此外,以上三种模式的波长也可以进 Dynamic control over the light 行调节,SB 模式的波长取决于较长纳米柱 polarization is useful in many applications, 的长度,SA 模式的波长取决于较短纳米柱 such as displaying, spectroscopic technology, 的长度,CTP 模式的波长取决于两个纳米柱 information encoding, and so on. The current 的长度之和。研究结果对于表面拉曼增强 methods are mainly based on the electro-optic, (SERS)效应,荧光增强效应,和等离子 and magneto-optic effects, which need 体量尺等设计都有重要意义。. conversion between optical and electronic Screened bonding (SB), screened signals. In order to realize the all-optical antibonding (SA) and charge transfer plasmon information processing, the polarization (CTP) modes in the conductively connected control in all-optical manner is highly desired. nanorod heterodimer are studied in detail by We here experimentally demonstrate a hybrid simulation. All of the SB, SA and CTP modes metamaterial at optical wavelengths that can be observed in the extinction spectra of exhibits tunable polarization behavior upon the conductively connected nanorod light stimulation. In our paradigm, we heterodimer. And the amplitudes of three combine the metallic nanostructure layer with modes can be tuned by changing the radius of a switching layer, i.e., a thin layer of the cylinder conductive connection. Even the photoisomerizable azo ethyl red [Fig. 6(a)]. amplitude of the SA mode can be tuned to be The individual ‘L’ shaped meta-atoms are higher than that of the SB mode, which is chiral and anisotropic in geometry. Thus, a difficult to achieve in unconnected nanorod wave with initially linear polarization would heterodimer. Furthermore, the wavelengths of


Annual Report 2016 the three plasmon modes can be adjusted with 间距,可以调制金属微腔的性质。我们设计 a high degree of freedom, since the 的金属微腔为得到更大 Q 因子和更小模式 wavelength of SB mode mainly depends on 体积的腔提供了一个新的参考. the length of the longer nanorod, the wavelength of SA mode mainly depends on the length of the shorter nanorod and the wavelength of CTP mode mainly depends on the total length of the nanorod heterodimer. Our study will be helpful for the design of plasmon enhancement devices, such as surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), plasmon enhanced fluorescence, plasmon rulers and so on. 图8. (a ) 同心双环金属微腔的随入射波长变化的透射光谱,

G=34nm 。(b)每一个单环的透射光谱,R’=241nm和R’=325nm。

每一个透射共振峰的磁场分布 Hz。

Fig 8. (a)Transmission spectrum of this CDMR metallic

micro-cavity as a function of the incident wavelength with

G=34nm. (b)Transmission spectra of each single MIM ring

cavity as a function of the incident wavelength with the radius (a) R’=241nm and R’=325nm respectively. The magnetic field distributions Hz of all these above resonance dips are also shown in this figure . We propose and numerically investigate a novel ultra-high quality (Q) factor metallic micro-cavity based on concentric double metal-insulator-metal (MIM) rings (CDMR). (b) In this CDMR cavity, because of the angular

图7. (a) 导电连接纳米柱二聚体模型的示意图。(b) 导电连接圆 momentum matching, the strong coupling

柱体半径从 0nm(非连接)到5nm变化时,纳米柱二聚体的消光 occurs between the same order modes of the

光谱。其中, L1=80nm与 L2=120nm保持固定不变。 inner and outer rings with huge resonance Fig7. (a) The schematic structure of conductively connected frequency difference. Consequently, the nanorod dimer. (b) The extinction spectra of unconnected (r=0) and energy distribution between in the inner and conductively connected nanorod dimer with r increasing from 2nm outer rings presents enormous difference. to 5nm. Here L1=80nm and L2=120nm are fixed. Especially, for the quasi-in-phase CDMR 我们提出和模拟研究了基于同心双环 modes, the energy is confined in the inner ring 的高 Q 值金属微腔。根据角相位匹配条件, mainly, which suppresses the radiation loss 外环和内环的具有很大共振频率差的同级 greatly and results in ultra-narrow resonance 模式可以发生强耦合。所以,内外环的能量 dips and ultra-high Q factors. The full width at 分布也有很大差异。尤其是准同相位模式, half-maximum (FWHM) of this CDMR cavity 能量主要集中在内环,这样减少了能量向外 can be less than 2nm and the Q factor can be 损失,可以得到超窄的共振峰位和大的 Q 值。 higher than 300. Moreover, the character of 这个金属微腔的半高宽可以小于 2nm,Q 因 this CDMR metallic micro-cavity can be 子可以高于 300。此外,通过改变内外环的 modulated by varying the gap width between


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

the two MIM rings. Our CDMR metallic discrimination, polarization-sensitive optical micro-cavity provides a new perspective to devices and sensing. These practical design the advanced optical cavity with high application make the need of the materials Q factor and small mode volumes. with larger-area and low-cost fabrication and 近年来,赝手性结构在手性催化、手性 giant optical activity. The common method to 识别、偏振敏感光学探测器、光谱以及分子 fabricated extrinsic chiral structures, however, 开关等方面展现出极大的应用前景。实际应 have been electron beam lithography and 用需要大面积低成本且具有巨大光学活性 focused ion beam, which are very expensive 的材料。然而赝手性结构的制备方法多是电 and inappropriate for large-area production. 子束光刻技术或聚焦离子束技术。这种技术 Nanosphere lithography technique is another 花费昂贵并且不适合大面积生产样品。纳米 approach and suited to produce large-area and 球刻蚀技术是制备大面积金属纳米新月结 low-cost metal nanocrescents, but up to date 构的另一种方法。但是到目前为止,对于金 their optical responses have been investigated 属新月结构的赝手性效应研究的很少。我们 in-depth only for linear polarization light. 通过实验和模拟说明了大面积金属新月结 Overall, research concentrating on the 构具有很强的赝手性。金属纳米新月可以激 extrinsic chirality of the large-area metal 发出很强且可调的圆二向色性,那是由于在 nanocrescent is still lacking. We demonstrate 非零的入射角度下,对于两种圆偏振光激发 the strong extrinsic chirality of the large-area 的局域表面等离子共振模式的激发效率是 metal nanocrescent by experiments and 不同的。实验结构和模拟结果基本一致。实 simulations. The metal nanocrescent exhibits 验中,在入射角度为 60°时,826nm 的波 giant and tunable circular dichroism (CD), 长激发的最大 CD 是 0.37.而且,CD 光谱能 which is due to the excitation efficiencies 够通过改变金属新月结构的尺寸来进行调 difference of localized surface plasmon 节。金属新月结构的尺寸能通过纳米粒子的 resonance modes for two kinds of circularly 尺寸调节. polarized light at a non-zero incident angle. The experimental results are basically consistent with the ones in simulations. The largest CD of 0.37 is obtained at the wavelength of 826 nm with the incident angle of 60 ° in experiment. Furthermore, the CD spectra can be tuned flexibly by changing size

图9.(a)随着入射角度增大的金属纳米新月结构的 CD光谱。(b,c)圆 of the metal nanocrescent, which is achieved 偏振光激发的偶极和三级模式的新月表面的最佳电荷分布图。黑色箭头 by dimensional adjustability of nanospheres.

代表泵浦光的偏振方向。红色虚线代表正电荷,蓝色虚线代表负电荷 。 Fig 9. (a) The calculated CD spectra of the metal nanocrescent with the 2. 基于纳微结构的光场调控和非线性光 increase of . (b,c) Sketch of the optimum electric field distribution on the 学效应及其应用 surface of the nanocrescent of circularly polarized light to excite dipole and 由于具有高品质因子、小模式体积,可 tripolar modes, respectively. The black arrows show the polarization 以显著增强腔内的光场强度,回音廊模式光 direction of pump light. The red dashed lines stand for positive charges and 学微腔具有在低功率泵浦下实现非线性光 blue dashed lines stand for negative charges. 学效应的能力。本年度,我们报道了在片上 Recently, extrinsic chiral structures have 铌酸锂晶体微腔内实现和频效应的实验结 promising application foreground in many 果。在两台 1550nm 独立激光器泵浦的情况 fields such as chiral catalysis, chiral 下,我们在 780nm 波段观察到了两束激光


Annual Report 2016

各自的倍频信号和他们之间的和频信号。和 合情况下无法实现临界耦合的较粗的光纤, 频效应的转换效率为 1.4 × 10−7 mW−1。该工 可以在两个区域耦合的情况下实现临界耦 作为实现基于铌酸锂晶体微腔的红外单光 合。两点耦合导致的耦合振荡效应发现将惠 子探测和红外光谱探测提供了可能性. 及回音廊模式光学微腔内基础和应用两方 面的研究.

图 锥形光纤和盘形回音廊模式光学微腔之间的多个区域 11. 耦合现象振荡现象。 图10. 脉冲泵浦光的SHG信号(a),连续泵浦光的SHG信号(b) Fig11. The oscillation of coupling between a 以及他们的和频信号 (c)。 whispering-gallery-mode microdisk resonator and a fiber taper Fig10. The SHG signals of the pulsed pump (a) and the which exchange energies at multiple distinct regions. continue -wave pump (b) and their sum-frequency signal (c). Whispering gallery mode resonators was We report a theoretical and experimental wide used to achieved nonlinear optical effects study of coupling between a with low pump for the dramatically enhanced whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) microdisk light intensity due the high quality factors and resonator and a fiber taper which exchange small mode volume. We report the observation energies at two distinct regions. We observe an of sum-frequency generation in on-chip oscillatory behavior in the coupling strength as lithium niobate microdisk resonators. The a function of the distance between the two sum-frequency signal in the 780 nm band, coupling regions when a fiber taper is moved distinct in wavelength from second harmonic laterally above the resonator at fixed vertical signals, was obtained in lithium niobate distance. Two-region coupling relaxes the microresonators under the pump of two conditions for achieving critical coupling in individual 1550 nm band lasers. The waveguide-resonator systems. The discovery sum-frequency conversion efficiency was of this previously unnoticed oscillatory measured to be 1.4 × 10−7 mW−1. This work behavior in two-region coupling between a paves the way for applications of on-chip WGM resonator and a waveguide will benefit lithium niobate microdisk resonators ranging both fundamental studies and practical from infrared single-photon detection to applications based on WGM resonators. infrared spectroscopy. Cherenkov 辐射在自然界中是一个基本 我们研究了锥形光纤和盘形回音廊模 的现象,它描述的是匀速运动的带电粒子速 式光学微腔之间的多个区域耦合现象。观察 度超过介质中电磁波的相速时能激发出电 到了锥形光纤和盘形微腔之间耦合系数随 磁波,这个图像一直占据经典以至发生在不 着两者之间横向位置变化的振荡效应。通过 同物理系统(如非线性光学,自旋电子学, 两个区域实现锥形光纤和盘腔之间的耦合, 表 面 等 离 子 体 光 子 学 等 )中更广义的 可以放宽临界耦合实现的条件。在单区域耦 Cherenkov 辐射的研究。在这些情形中,辐


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

射场沿着锥形面发射出来,这不利于后续的 emitted spreads along a “cone”, making it 应用。我们利用自加速光场来调控一类广义 impractical for most applications. Here, we 的 Cherenkov 辐射(即光纤中的色散波辐射) employ a self-accelerating optical pump 的产生过程。我们的实验和数值模拟表明, wave-packet to demonstrate controlled 利用自加速脉冲作为泵浦能将其产生的色 shaping of one type of generalized Cherenkov 散波汇聚在某个时空位置上(见图 12), 并 radiation - the dispersive waves in optical 且这个位置可以通过自加速脉冲的加速度 fibers. We show experimentally and 和入射功率来调节,这为其它物理系统类似 numerically that, the emitted waves via 的调控铺平了道路。 self-accelerating pulses can converge to a spatiotemporal location (Fig. 12). Furthermore, such locations can be controlled by the acceleration and input power of the self-accelerating pulse, paving the way to such control in any physical system. 在之前的工作基础上,我们优化了双波 长可调谐激光器的制备工艺,避免了使用危 险的 HF,而采用了拉锥方法。在此基础上, 进一步研究了双波长激光器参量控制的方 法,使双波长的中心波长以及波长间距均可 以实现调节,并且给出了理论的模拟,为这 方面的研究奠定了基础。实验结果发表于 Optics Express。

图12. 实验 和数值模拟展示利用自加速脉冲实现的色散波整

形。(a)实验上 测得的不同长度光纤出射的色散波的频谱(左

列)和自相关 强度(右列):(b)利用实验参数来模拟的色散

波的演化过程 。

Fig12. Observation and the associated simulations of DW shaping by employing a self-accelerating pulse. (a) Measured spectrum (left column) and autocorrelation intensity (right column) of the generated DWs at the output for different lengths of fiber. (b) Simulated DW evolution by using the parameters in 图13.( a)中心波长的调谐,(b)不同声光驱动功率下输出的 experiment . 激光光谱。( c)不同声光驱动功率对双波长间距的调谐。 Cherenkov radiation is a ubiquitous Fig13. (a) the tuning of the centerwavelength, (b) the spectra of phenomenon in nature. It describes the output wavelengths at different driving power, (c) the tuning electromagnetic radiation from a charged of the spacing between two output wavelength. particle moving in a medium with a uniform We improved the fabrication for the all velocity larger than the phase velocity of light fiber tunable two wavelength laser, replacing in the same medium. Such a picture is HF-etching process with heat and stretch typically adopted in the investigation of methods, i. e., tapering technique. Furthermore, traditional Cherenkov radiation as well as its the lasering was totally parametrically counterparts in different branches of physics, controlled. Not only its central wavelength but including nonlinear optics, spintronics and also the spacing between the two output plasmonics. In these cases, the radiation lasering could be tuned. The theoretical


Annual Report 2016

calculation was also provided for the further vectorial vortex beams, is efficiently optimization of the laser. The result was demonstrated. published in Optics Express. 过去数十年里,基于光学微腔的器件在 我们提出了一种基于面外径向聚合物 很多应用中已不可或缺,例如腔量子电动力 条带微图案的新方法,可平滑、连续地改变 学、腔光机械、光子学、生物传感以及非线 微图案结构中液晶分子的空间取向。设计制 性光学等。在这些应用中,典型方法例如透

作了 q = 1 和0= 0 的液晶 q 波片,并对其电 射光谱和腔衰荡光谱,被用来测量微腔的 Q 光特性进行测量,发现在 633nm 波长下具 因子和模式寿命。这些方法尽管具有高灵敏 有 4的相位延迟调节能力,为利用电调谐 度,然而并不能提供电磁波与微腔作用的时 液晶 q 波片产生特殊光场提供保证。展示了 空信息,因此无法给出这种时间相关过程的 利用电调谐,在不改变光路的前提下,可以 直观图像。当考虑微腔中波的演化时,我们 实现涡旋光场和矢量涡旋光场之间的转换; 更倾向于利用时间分辨相干成像方法。我们 通过改变入射线偏光的偏振方向或波片组 针对太赫兹波段制作出法布里-珀罗腔结 合可以实现同阶矢量光场或同阶矢量涡旋 构,并实现了对谐振腔内实时过程的相干成 光场的转换。 像。我们利用超短光学脉冲通过冲击受激拉 曼散射作用在铌酸锂晶片中激发出太赫兹 波,并使用泵浦——探测技术将太赫兹电场 进行记录。太赫兹波的产生、传输、控制以 及探测都被完全集成在一块单一的铌酸锂 晶片上,作为全功能的太赫兹系统,这块芯 片可用作太赫兹信号处理或太赫兹光谱。

图14. 四种不同相位延迟( a)2;( b)3/2;( c);( d)/2,产生特 殊光场的偏振、相位分布以及无检偏器和有检偏器时光斑轮廓,第 1列 中黑色带箭头圆圈表示入射光偏振态,第 4~7 列顶端虚圆框内黑色箭头 表示检偏器偏振透光方向 。 Fig14. SOP, phase fronts, and generated beam profiles detected with/without analyzer for four different optical retardations: (a) 2; (b) 3/2; (c) ; (d) 图15. 展示了不同时刻截取的图片,从而给出了腔中太赫兹场演化的直观效 /2. The orientation of the black arrows in dashed circles (see top of 果。为了方便读者阅读,我们将虚线方框围起来的部分放大,放置在图的右 columns 4-7) represents the transmission axis of the analyzer. 边。黄色箭头表示太赫兹波的传输方向。 (a)展示了太赫兹波刚刚激发时的情

We develop a new method for smooth 况(0.2 ps)。 (b) 当太赫兹波产生后,它变为两支波包沿相反方向传播。图(c)

and continuous space-variant alignment of the 到(e)描述了 1.6 ps内两束相向传播的太赫兹波的作用过程。(f) 35.8 ps后,太赫

liquid crystal medium in micro-patterned 兹波仍然束缚在腔中 。

structures, which is based on a radial Fig15. Images of the THz electric field distribution at different time delays. For

micro-structured pattern of polymeric ribbons readability, the central sections are enlarged and red graphs indicating THz pulse

exhibiting out-of-plane orientation with electric field amplitude are attached. Note that yellow arrows are plotted to denote

respect to the ITO-coated glass plates. Thanks the propagation directions of THz waves. (a) The THz pulse is just launched at the

to the broad range of electrical tunability of center of the cavity after the initial time point (0.2 ps). (b) The generated THz the optical retardation for the micro-patterned waves breaks into two branches and propagates laterally along X-axis at 1.4 ps. liquid crystal structures, transformation of the (c)-(e) The two THz waves in opposite directions interact with each other, fundamental Gaussian beam into different revealing the process of interference in time domain. (f) Remaining waves types of specific beams, including generalized confined in the cavity are still discernible at 35.8 ps. In vivid contrast, THz wave cylindrical vector beams, vortex beams, and in unstructured LN slab has propagated far away


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

single LN micro-chip, the platform works as a full-featured THz system which could be applied in both THz signal processing and spectroscopy. such as quantum cavity electrodynamics and cavity optomechanics in future. 我们展示了一种简便方法,利用一块铌 图16(a)将传输过程的动画用时空图表示出来。(b)傅里叶变换(a) 酸锂微片,获得微腔系统中的实时信息。铌 的白点线框住的部分(40-90 ps)。三个共振模式清晰可见。 酸锂微腔和布拉格光栅镜相结合,实现了驻 Fig16. (a) Space-time plot generated by averaging over the vertical 波模式以及太赫兹波局域。使用相干探测和 dimension of frames in Fig. 1. The center of LN cavity is set as the origin. 相衬法成像,记录并分析了太赫兹场的时空 (b) Fourier transform result along the t axis of the portion of (a) enclosed 信息。随后,时域演化、频域响应以及不同 by the dashed white lines (in time range from 40 ps to 90 ps). Three 微腔模式的场分布都进行了深入讨论。这种 resonance modes are clearly shown. 方法可以延伸到其他微腔系统例如六角光

Over the past decades, devices based on 子晶体微腔、回音廊模式微腔等。它为从时 optical microcavities have already been 域角度研究腔物理提供了一个有效的工具。 indispensable for a wide range of applications 此外,这里展示的结果还可以用来实现太赫 and studies including cavity quantum 兹器件,如太赫兹传感器等。 electrodynamics, cavity optomechanics, photonics, biosensing and nonlinear optics. In these applications, typical transmission spectra and cavity ring-down measurement are deployed in determining the Q-factor and the mode lifetime. Despite their high sensitivity, these techniques cannot provide spatiotemporal information when the electromagnetic field interacts with the cavity, therefore give no intuitive picture of the time- 图17. 不同驻波模式的太赫兹电场在腔中的分布:(a) 0.36 THz dependent process. In dealing with the (b) 0.44 THz and (c) 0.54 THz。三个驻波分别是3、4、5阶。 evolution of wave in the cavity, real-space and Fig17. Spatial distribution along X-axis of THz electric fields for real- time coherent imaging is preferred, cavity modes resonant at (a) 0.36 THz (b) 0.44 THz and (c) 0.54 which has rarely been investigated to date. To THz. The three standing waves are 3rd-order, 4th-order and fill this gap, we implemented a Fabry-Perot 5th-order, respectively resonator structure for Terahertz (THz) wave We demonstrate here a compact way to and realized the coherent imaging of the achieve real-time information in a cavity real-time process in the resonator. In our system using an individual micro-chip. By experiment, we generated THz waves in a combining a LN cavity with two Bragg

LiNbO3 (LN) slab via impulsive stimulated grating mirrors, standing wave modes and Raman scattering (ISRS) using ultrashort confinement of THz wave in the cavity are optical pulses and then recorded the electric realized. Using coherent detection and phase field of THz waves by pump-probe imaging contrast imaging method, the spatiotemporal method. With THz generation, guiding, information of THz fields is recorded and control and detection totally integrated on a analyzed. After that, the temporal evolution,


Annual Report 2016 frequency information and field distribution of years. However, the power of the available different cavity modes are thoroughly THz sources generated in LN slab by discussed. This method introduces an effective femtosecond laser is still low, and most power paradigm which can be easily extended to of electric field concentrates inside the crystal. some more complex cavities such as These disadvantages make this platform hexagonal photonic crystal cavity and whisper difficult to sever as a sensor or other utility gallery mode cavity. In this way, it provides a applications. powerful toolkit to investigate the physics in 我们利用亚波长 LN 平板波导和金属 cavity in time regime. In addition, the results 复合天线结构的耦合结构来解决这个问题。 presented in this paper may facilitate 在 LN 亚波长波导的表面镀上金属天线,我 capabilities of functional devices such as THz 们可以在天线缝隙中获得频率相关的 THz sensor. 场增强。并且,我们还证实了当 THz 的频 光学集成回路极大地促进了近红外和 率与天线的一阶共振频率相同时,几乎全部 中红外波在传感和通讯中的应用,有着广泛 的 THz 能量被天线局域到 LN 晶片的表面。 的发展。同时,太赫兹频段因为其优越的特 为了获得更好更局域的 THz 增强,我们给 性吸引了更多的关注,比如强大的信息存储 条状天线复合了一个领结结构,从而在实验 量和对 THz 敏感的物质辨别。因此,把集 中获得了 14 倍的增强效果,它明显比简单 成光子学推进到太赫兹领域是一个必要且 的条状天线的效果好,因为尖端结构可以聚 紧迫的需求。其关键在于寻找一个可以将 集更多的电荷。 THz 的激发、调控和探测集成的方法。铌酸 We propose to use the coupling of a 锂(LN)晶片便是一个可以将上述过程集 subwavelength LN slab waveguide and a 成的平台,它因此在近些年吸引了大量的关 composite antenna structure to solve the 注。然而,用飞秒激光在铌酸锂晶片中激发 problem. Depositing antennas on a LN 的可利用的太赫兹能力比较弱,并且大部分 subwavelength waveguide surface, we can 的能量集中在晶片的内部,这些缺点大大削 achieve the antenna-induced 弱了这个平台在传感或者其他应用中的实 frequency-dependent THz field enhancement 用性。 between the gap of the antennas. What’s more, Photonic integrated circuits are widely we demonstrate that almost full energy of THz developed in near-infrared and mid-infrared waves is mainly localized on the surface of the frequencies, as they are critical to advancing LN slab when its frequency is identical to the science for applications in sensing and antennas’ first resonant mode. To gain larger telecommunications. Moreover, more studies and more localized enhancement, we combine focus on THz regime nowadays for its a bowtie structure with two strip antennas, and excellent characteristics such as strong achieve 14-fold enhancement in our information carrying capacity and experiment, which is obviously larger than THz-sensitive material identification. As a simple antennas without composite structure result, to move integrated photonics toward as a result of more charges are gathered the THz spectrum is a necessary and urgent around the cutting-edge of the bowtie demand. The key is finding ways to integrate structure. generation, control and detection of THz 如图 18(a)的插图所示,我们选择了三 radiation. A LiNbO3 (LN) slab can serve as a 个点:天线缝隙中、远离天线(参考)、天 platform for above-mentioned THz processing, 线之后各一个。图 18 展示了这三个点处通 which attracts considerable attention in these 过对时域信号的傅里叶变换得到的频域振


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

幅谱。在图 18(a)中展示了 SBAs 的实验结果, SBAs. According to the reference point (black 黑色的线表示激发出来的 THz 波是中心频 curve), it can be seen that the excited THz 率在 0.36THz 的宽谱,而蓝线表示缝隙处的 wave has a broad-band spectrum with a 强度峰值在 0.26THz,同时在 0.65THz 处有 central frequency of 0.36 THz. The peak in the 一个次峰。同样在图 18(b)中展示了 SBAs region of the gap (blue curve) is at 0.26 THz. 的实验结果,激发出来的 THz 波也是中心 In addition, a small peak at 0.65 THz appears 频率在 0.36THz 的宽谱,缝隙处的强度峰值 in the gap. The same method is used to 在 0.26THz 和 0.65THz 处。SBAs 和 TBAs analyze the TBAs, the amplitude spectrum of 缝隙中信号与参考信号的比值在图 18(c)和 which is shown in Fig. 18(b). The reference (d)中展示,它们都在 0.22THz 和 0.65THz point also has a central frequency of 0.36 THz, 处出现了峰值,我们认为这两个频率是天线 and the peak amplitude in the gap is at the 的共振频率。并且,SBAs 的对 THz 放大了 same frequencies with SBAs, 0.26 THz and 4 倍,而 TBAs 放大了 14 倍。 0.65 THz. The ratio of the signal (in-gap) to reference, corresponding to the SBAs and TBAs, are shown in Fig. 18(c) and (d). The peak amplitude appears at same frequencies: 0.22 THz and 0.65 THz, which are considered as the resonant frequencies of the antennas. Moreover, the peak amplitude of the SBAs is enhanced 4-fold relative to the reference trace, while the peak amplitude enhancement of the TBAs is 14-fold. 利用有限时域差分(FDTD)的方法我 图18. 被天线放大的 THz频域信息。(a)和(b)是缝隙(蓝)、参考 们对 TBAs 的情况进行了模拟。在图 19 中, (黑)和传播点(粉)的频域振幅图。 (c)和(d)展示了缝隙点和 我们用虚线表示出了晶片的区域,我们模拟 参考点的信号比 。 了电场分布随着厚度方向(y 方向)的变化, Fig18. Frequency-domain characterization of the THz waves 试图弄清天线结构对电场分布的影响。图 enhanced by the antennas. (a) and (b) are the spectral amplitude of 19(a)表示没有天线的情况,可以看出天线的 each trace for the SBAs and the TBAs (blue gap spot, black 能量几乎集中在晶体内部。而图 19(b)和 19(c) reference spot and the magenta transmission spot in the inset of 是有天线的情况,波源的中心频率均为天线 (a)), respectively. (c) and (d) exhibit the ratio of the gap signal to 的最低共振频率相同,而前者频宽 0.2THz, the reference corresponding to (a) and (b), respectively 后者 0.06THz。我们可以明显看出,窄频的 We spatially select three detecting points, 波源几乎全部被天线局域到了表面。这个结 shown in the inset of Fig. 18(a): a point in the 果说明了金属天线有表面局域能量的能力, antenna gap, a point far away from the 它取决于天线的共振频率和波源的性质。 antennas as reference signal, and a point soon The simulations were performed for the after the THz wave propagating through the TBAs structure set on the surface of the THz antennas. The amplitude spectrum of the crystal by finite-difference time-domain three points, calculated by taking the Fourier (FDTD) method, as shown in the inset of Fig. transforms of the time domain signals (our 19(a). The LN slab, whose thickness lies time-resolved image sequence), are shown in between y = ±25 μm, is marked by the black Fig. 18. Figure 18(a) demonstrates the dotted lines in Fig. 19. We simulated the amplitude spectrum of the three points of the electric field intensity in y direction of the gap


Annual Report 2016

(x = z = 0, the center of the antennas) to find 子激光器、量子级联激光器、倾斜脉冲波前、 out how the antenna structure influences the 有机晶体、超材料、PPLN 波导等等,这也 distribution of THz wave. We drew the 使得在该领域取得了极大的发展。但是,尽 space-time plot of the propagating THz waves, 管有很多方法可以产生窄带 THz 波,但是 and found that, as shown in Fig. 19(a), when 目前室温下窄带也仅仅能做到 50 GHz,更 there is no antenna, the electric field intensity 窄的 THz 波源的产生对于基础科学和实际 distributes inside the crystal. While, as shown 应用非常必要。 in Fig. 19(b), the THz source was set as a With the special location in the center frequency at the lowest resonant mode electromagnetic spectrum, terahertz wave (0.1 of the antenna and a 0.2 THz span. It is shown THz-10 THz) presents a series of special that the electric field intensity appears at y = properties, such as instantaneity, low energy, −25 μm, where the antenna lies. And in Fig. penetrability, high bandwidth and security, 19(c), we set the THz source as a narrow-band which makes it have broad application radiation which has a 0.06 THz span, it shows prospect in sensing, biomedical analysis, and that the most energy of THz wave is obviously illicit drugs inspection and so on. Also, intense localized on the surface of the LN crystal, and tunable coherent THz sources is beneficial which we expect to see. That means metallic to promote their precision, sensitivity and antennas have the ability to realize strong field flexibility so efficient narrowband, high localization on the crystal surface, depending amplitude and compact THz sources have on the resonant frequency of the antennas and become hot issues in scientific research. In the the property of the source. last decades, an unprecedented advancement has occurred in this field based on numerous proposed schemes, such as free electron lasers, quantum cascade lasers, tilting optical pulse fronts, organic crystals, meta-material

图19. 利用 FDTD对表面局域的模拟。(a)没有天线时的电场分 structures, periodically poled lithium niobate

布。(b)和 (c)有TBAs时的电场分布。(b)天线被宽频波源激励。(c) (PPLN) waveguides and etc. Although so

天线被窄频波源激励 。 many methods can generate narrowband THz Fig19. Simulation results by FDTD about surface localization. (a) waves, so far, the minimum linewidth is only The electric field intensity distribution when there is no antenna. 50 GHz at room temperature, while narrower (b) and (c) The electric field intensity distribution for antennas with THz radiation is desirable in the basic sciences tips. (b) Antennas excited by a broad-band THz source. (c) and applications. Antennas excited by a narrow-band source 常用的利用飞秒泵浦到铁电晶体上激 太赫兹波频段处于微波和红外线之间 发 THz 波的实验装置中,因为泵浦和 THz (0.1 THz-10 THz),由于其在电磁波谱中所 波折射率差值很大,因此两者并不能实现共 处的特殊位置,具有瞬态性、低能性、穿透 线传输。相反,THz 波沿侧向传播形成切伦 性、高带宽以及安全性等一系列特殊的性质, 科夫模式。但在亚波长波导中,由于波导的 这使得太赫兹波在传感、生物医学分析、毒 强限制效应,THz 波与泵浦光的传输方向相 品检测等领域有广泛的应用前景。而窄带太 互垂直。因此,我们充分利用亚波长波导的 赫兹波的产生对于提高探测的灵敏度特别 强色散效应,通过侧向激发实现了准单色 重要。因此,一直以来窄带高能 THz 波源 THz 波的高效产生和频率调谐。 的产生是科学研究的热点。近些年,产生窄 In the general experimental setup, the 带太赫兹波的方法层出不穷,譬如:自由电 THz waves generated in the ferroelectric


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 crystal do not propagate collinearly with the 色散有很大关系,而色散可以通过改变波导 pump femtosecond laser beam, because of the 的厚度来实现。图 21(c)给出铌酸锂厚度 large difference of refractive index between 为 30 μm, 50 μm, 70 μm, 90 μm 的理论色散 the pump laser and THz waves. Instead the 曲线。可以看到随着厚度增加,选频逐渐减 THz waves propagate primarily in the lateral 小。 direction, shown as a Cherenkov radiation pattern. Furthermore, in the subwavelength waveguide, the THz waves propagate perpendicular to the optical pump beam, due to the strong confinement effect of the waveguide. Thus, taking advantage of the intense of subwavelength waveguide, efficient generation and frequency modulation of quasi-monochromatic THz waves are achieved by adopting lateral excitation model.

图21. (a)x = 7 mm处不同厚度铌酸锂中THz波频谱分布。(b)

频率和带宽随厚度的变化曲线;( c)厚度为30,50,70,90μm

的铌酸锂波导中 THz波的理论色散曲线;(d)不同厚度铌酸锂

中THz 波的有效折射率曲线,黑线代表飞秒激光脉冲的群速度。

Fig21. (a) The frequency domain spectra of different thickness samples at the positon x=7 mm. (b) The thickness-dependent

图20. 侧向激发模型示意图。泵浦光通过柱透镜线聚焦到铌酸 variation of frequency and bandwidth. (c) The theoretical

锂晶体侧面,平行于晶体表面沿 x方向传输,偏振沿光轴(z轴)。 dispersion curves of LN waveguide with the thickness of 30 μm,50

THz波的偏振也沿 z轴,和泵浦光共线传输。(b)相应的模拟图 μm,70 μm,and 90 μm, respectively. (d) The calculation of the 示。d是样品厚度,偶极子源是由飞秒激光泵浦铌酸锂产生,用 effective THz refractive index for different thickness from 10 μm to 来辐射THz 波。 90 μm, step for 20 μm, and the black line represents the group Fig20. (a) Schematic illustration of the LE model. The pump is index of femtosecond laser pulses line-focused by a cylindrical lens onto the lateral surface of LN Since maximum efficiency waveguide, which is propagating along x direction, parallel to its frequency-selective excitation has been surface, polarized along optical axis (z axis). The THz wave is also achieved on the basis of long-distance phase polarized along z, propagating with pump collinearly. (b) The matching, accordingly, the center frequency correspond ing simulation structure. d is the sample thickness, and and linewidth can be modulated efficiently by dipole source excited by femtosecond laser pulse to produce THz controlling the dispersion of THz waves. It wave can be operated by changing the thickness of 基于亚波长波导的相位匹配,可以实现 subwavelength waveguide. Figure 21(a) 高效选频激发。进一步改变亚波长波导厚度, shows the frequency-dependent field profiles 调控 THz 波的色散,选频和线宽也得到了 of THz waves with different thickness range 调控。图 21(a)给出厚度从 10-100 μm THz from 10 μm to 100 μm with a step of 10 μm. 波电场随频率的分布曲线,频率实现了 The central frequency can be tuned from 0.09 0.09-0.82 THz 的调谐,线宽从 36.8 降到 32.3 to 0.82 THz, and bandwidth is decreased from GHz,这在图 21(b)中有更直观的展示。 36.8 to 32.3 GHz, as Fig. 21(b) shows. 由此看出,频率和线宽的大小和 THz 波的 Obviously, the center frequency and


Annual Report 2016 bandwidth have very big concern with As Fig. 22(a) shows, two gold mirrors dispersion of THz waves, which can be are put symmetrically along y axis of the adjusted by changing the waveguide thickness. sample, which forms an Au-Air-LN-Air-Au Figure 21(c) gives the theoretical dispersion multilayer LE structure. The air gap between curves of LN with thickness of 30 μm, 50 μm, Au and LN is denoted by h, which can be 70 μm, and 90 μm, respectively. The center adjusted from 0 μm to 100 μm. In this frequency is gradually reduced as the configuration, we use the same excitation way thickness increases. to line focus the pump onto the lateral surface 如图 22(a)所示,两片金镜沿着 y 轴 of LN waveguide as before, which 对称放置在样品两侧,形成 subsequently results in guide mode of THz Au-Air-LN-Air-Au 多层结构,Au 和 LN 的 waves propagating in the waveguide. Because 空气间隙是 h,从 0-100 μm 可调。我们采用 of the change of boundary condition, the 相同的激发方式线聚焦泵浦光到铌酸锂表 stricter phase matching makes the bandwidth 面,在铌酸锂中激发出的 THz 波会以导模 narrower compared with individual waveguide. 形式传播。因为边界条件的改变,和单层波 In addition, by adjusting the gap between Au 导相比,该结构更严格的相位匹配条件实现 mirrors and LN waveguide symmetrically, the 了更窄线宽的 THz 波。另外,通过对称调 frequency of THz waves can be tuned 节 Au 镜和 LN 波导的间隙,THz 的频率可 dynamically and easily. 以很容易实现动态调谐。 同样以厚度为 30 μm 的 LN 为例,图 22 (b)给出了在位置 x = 7 mm 处不同空气隙 的频域分布,其中 h = 0 μm 和 no gold 代表 两种极限情况:(1)金镜无限接近 LN;( 2) 单层 LN 平板波导。图 4(c)给出在优化的 模型中,将金镜和 LN 的间距从 0 调到 100 μm,频率和线宽的变化情况:选频从 0.9 降 到 0.27THz;当间隙小至 30 μm 时,线宽能 窄到 10 GHz。 For the LN with thickness of 30 μm, the frequency domain profiles for different air gap at position of x=7 mm are shown in Fig. 22(b), 图 22. (a)Au-Air-LN-Air-Au 多层侧向激发模型;(b)不同空 in which h=0 μm and no gold denote two 气隙下 THz 波 limiting cases: (1) the gold mirrors close to 的频谱图;( c)频率和带宽随空气隙的变化曲线图;(d)多层 LN infinitely; (2) individual LN slab 波导中 THz波的色散曲线(gap = 30 μm)。 η0和η1分别对应单波 waveguide. In the optimized model, adjusting 导和多层波导中 DS和THz波色散曲线的夹角。 the gap between Au and LN from 0 to 100 μm, Fig22. (a) The multilayer LE configuration of Au-Air-LN-Air-Au the selected frequency decreased from 0.9 to for narrow bandwidth. (b) The frequency domain THz spectra for 0.27 THz,and the linewidth is tuned narrower different air gap. (c) The selected frequency and bandwidth vary than 10 GHz when gap is smaller than 30 μm, with the gap size. (d) The dispersion curves for multilayer which can be seen clearly in Fig. 8(c). waveguide with the gap of 30 μm. η0 and η1 are the angle of 在这个工作中,我们提出了侧向激发的 dispersion curves between DS and THz waves, corresponding to 方法,在 LN 平板波导中通过冲击受激拉曼 individual waveguide, multilayer waveguide with the gap of 30 μm, 激发出准单色 THz 波。运用 FDTD 模拟和 respectively 平面波导理论,我们对 THz 波的中心频率


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

和线宽等光谱信息进行了详细分析。同时, waves can also be tuned dynamically by 对不同结构中频率和线宽的调谐进行了探 varying the distance between LN slab and Au 讨。我们证明了当飞秒激光脉冲和 THz 波 mirrors flexibly, which can be manipulated 满足长距离相位匹配时,窄带 THz 波的电 and implemented in actual experiment. In the 场可以实现增强。随着样品厚度的减小,模 view of this work, the optimized LE structure 式色散发生改变,相应的频率和线宽实现有 will be great significance for the development 效调谐。然而,对于单层波导的结果,线宽 of narrowband THz sources. 仍旧不够窄,并且频率的实时调谐仍旧非常 困难。因此,我们设计了 Au-Air-LN-Air-Au 3. 超分辨干涉和成像技术研究 3+ 多层结构,边界条件的改变导致模式色散发 我们在 Pr :Y2SiO5 晶体中基于电磁感 生剧烈变化,使得线宽小于 10 GHz 的 THz 应透明效应的光脉冲存储和读取技术实现 波产生。在这种情况下,通过改变 LN 波导 了高可见度的一阶亚波长干涉。首先通过电 和 Au 镜的距离,准单色 THz 波的频率实现 磁感应透明效应将双缝的干涉光场存储于 3+ 了动态调谐,这在实验当中也是可操控和实 Pr :Y2SiO5 晶体中,然后用一束空间调制的 施的。因此,优化的 LE 结构,对于窄带 THz 读出光束读取所存储的信息。理论上,上述 波源的发展具有重大的意义。 过程中所获得的光场是双缝干涉光场与空 In this work, a kind of LE configuration 间调制的读出光场的乘积。通过设计读出光 has been proposed for quasi-monochromatic 场的空间光场分布,可以实现有效波长为入 terahertz generation via impulsive stimulated 射光波长 n 分之一的高可见度一阶亚波长干 Raman scattering in a LN subwavelength slab 涉条纹。实验上,我们实现了有效波长为入 waveguide. Using finite different time domain 射光波长三分之一、可见度为 67%的一阶亚 method and planar waveguide theory, the 波长干涉。 spectrum information of THz waves, such as central frequency and linewidth, is analyzed. Simultaneously, the frequency and linewidth modulations in different structure are thoroughly discussed. We have demonstrated that the electric field enhancement of narrowband THz waves can be realized when 图 23 ( a)双缝的一阶相干条纹,(b)基于电磁感应透明效应 long-distance phase matching is fulfilled 的光脉冲存储与读取实现的亚波长干涉,有效波长为入射光波 between femtosecond laser pulse and THz 长的三分之一,可见度为 67%。 waves. With reducing thickness of LN sample, Fig23 (a) Interference fringes of a double-slit, (b) subwavelength the changes of mode dispersion make interference based on light pulse storage and retrieval via electromagnetically induced transparency with an effective frequency and linewidth modulated effectively. wavelength of /3 and a visibility of 67% Nonetheless, the linewidth is still not narrow enough and in time frequency modulation is We achieved high visibility first-order difficult. Thus, we design an subwavelength interference based on light Au-Air-LN-Air-Au multilayer LE set up, in pulse storage and retrieval technique via which boundary condition has changed the electromagnetically induced transparency 3+ mode dispersion of THz waves dramatically, effect in a Pr :Y2SiO5 crystal. By first storing so that the frequency linewidth narrower than the interference field of a double-slit in a 3+ 10 GHz is realized. Additionally, the central Pr :Y2SiO5 crystal based on EIT effect, and frequency of quasi-monochromatic THz then read out the stored field through a


Annual Report 2016 spatially modulated readout beam. The 波通讯的响应率及响应强度,发现钙波传递 retrieved output field is proportional to the 具有距离依赖性,发现主要钙来源为膜 P2Y product of the input interference field of the 受体相关的 IP3 敏感型钙库。又通过 RT-PCR、 double-slit and the spatially modulated Western-blot 及免疫荧光实验,检测到 readout field. High visibility first-order P2Y2,6,12,13,14 受体在 BV-2 细胞上均有表达, subwavelength interference with an effective 尤以 P2Y12 表达量为高。结合受体脱敏及抑 wavelength of /n, where  is the wavelength 制实验,我们确定介导 BV-2 小胶质胞间钙 of the input light field and n is the positive 波通讯的受体为 P2Y12/13 受体,信使分子为 integer, can be obtained by designing the ATP 代谢生成的 ADP。最后,通过对比钙 spatial modulation structure of the readout 响应动力学特征,认为细胞在钙波通讯过程 field. Experimentally, first-order 中感受到信号分子的浓度约为 0.3 μm。该结 subwavelength interference with an effective 果有助于深入理解小胶质细胞如何快速有 wavelength of /3 and a visibility of 67% 效地保护中枢神经系统,并为神经退行性疾 were demonstrated. 病治疗新颖研究视角和实验支撑。 我们提出了一种具有海森堡空间分辨 极限能力的 N-光子响应成像方案。通过设 计一块具有特殊相位时空关联特性的相位 板以替换普通透镜,我们引进了同位 N-光 子干涉效应,从而有可能突破传统瑞利衍射 极限,将成像的空间分辨率提高 N 倍。在通 常的宽场照明模式下,只有采用纠缠光源才 能实现具有海森堡空间分辨能力的成像。如 果采用点扫描照明方式,则采用经典光源也 能实现具有海森堡空间分辨能力的成像。 图 24. 微局域力刺激引起小胶质细胞间钙波传递机制图。 We proposed a N-photon imaging Fig24. Mechanism underlying mechanical stimulation-elicited scheme with its resolution reaching the ICWs among BV-2 microglia fundamental Heisenberg limit. By designing a Here, we employed a mechanical phase-controlled screen which introduces stimulus to an individual BV-2 microglia to synchronous-position N-photon interference, it simulate localized injury. Remarkable ICW is possible to enhanced resolution that exceeds propagation was observed no matter whether the well-known Rayleigh resolution limit by a calcium was in the environment or not. factor of N. In the standard wide-field Apyrase, suramin, 2-APB (IP3 receptor illumination situation, our imaging scheme blocker) and thapsigargin potently inhibited requires an entangled source to illuminate the these ICWs, respectively, indicating the object. If a scanning-focused-beam dependence of nucleotide signals and P2Y illumination is used, classical light is also receptors. Then, results showed that applicable to realize this desensitization with ATP and ADP could block Heisenberg-resolution imaging. ICW propagation in a dose-dependent manner,

whereas other nucleotides had little effect. 4. 细胞光子学 Meanwhile, we found P2Y12/13 receptors 基于局域机械力刺激在单细胞水平研 activation mostly contributed to ICWs. 究了 BV-2 小胶质细胞间钙波传递机制。首 Besides, we estimated that extracellular ATP 先通过统计分析距刺激细胞不同距离处钙 and ADP concentration sensed by BV-2 56

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 microglia was about 0.3 μM during ICWs by cell viability as tested by trypan blue assay analyzing calcium dynamic characteristics. even if distilled water or saponin is added. The Taken together, these results demonstrated that oxidants hydrogen peroxide and cumene the nucleotides ATP and ADP were hydroperoxide partly simulate the protective predominant signal transmitters in mechanical effects. Taken together, these results stimulation-induced ICW communication demonstrate that 365 nm UVA irradiation can through acting on P2Y12/13 receptors in BV-2 protect the biconcave profile of human microglia. erythrocytes through membrane-skeleton 红细胞是脊椎动物血液中数量最多的 enhancement associated with a production of 一种细胞,呈特殊双凹圆饼状,具有极强的 oxidants. 变形性。我们系统研究了 365 nm 长波紫外 光对红细胞渗透脆性、变形性等生理功能的 影响。纯水由于低的渗透压可以快速裂解红 细胞,使其裂解成血影。我们实验发现,UVA 辐照超过一定剂量,红细胞渗透脆性明显降 低,可完全抵御纯水的裂解作用,继续保持 双凹圆饼状形态。而可见光辐照没有类似的 保护作用。随着辐照剂量的增加,细胞膜完 整性呈周期性变化,而不是简单的线性变化。 图 25. 长波紫外对红细胞双凹饼形态周期性保护作用原理图。 但毛细管虹吸等实验表明 UVA 处理过的细 Fig25. Schematic drawing of the proposed mechanism of the periodically 胞变形性大大削弱。最终,我们分析认为 protective effect of UVA on the erythrocytes morphology 通过依次加强红细胞的血影蛋白骨架 UVA 系统和细胞质膜降低渗透脆性并维持细胞 类风湿关节炎是一种以关节滑膜炎为 双凹圆饼状形态,同时让细胞膜完整性呈现 主要表现的慢性系统性自身免疫性重大疾 周期性变化,该过程与氧自由基生成密切相 病。我们构建了类风湿关节炎大鼠模型并提 关。以上结果可为临床上合理有效使用紫外 取病变关节滑膜成纤维细胞,在体外研究了 线照射自血回输疗法以及深入认识太阳紫 低渗透压环境对滑膜细胞的作用和可能的 外光对人体健康影响提供新的思考视角。 分子机制。发现低渗溶液可梯度依赖性地诱 To perform various physiological 发细胞钙离子内流、炎症小分子 ATP 的快 functions, erythrocytes possess a unique 速释放和细胞内氧自由基的生成,并最终促 biconcave shape provided by a special 进细胞的增殖能力。又实验证明了上述细胞 architecture of the membrane-skeleton system. 反应均与细胞膜上 TRPV4 受体的活化相关。 We use a simple irradiation method to treat 研究结果研究类风湿关节炎的发病机制和 human erythrocytes with 365 nm ultraviolet-A 病理过程提供基础实验支持,并为以 TRPV4 (UVA) light at the single-cell level in vitro. 为靶点的新药开发提供细胞学依据 Depending on the irradiation dose, UVA show Hypotonicity of synovial fluid is typical protection of the biconcave profile against the characteristics of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), detrimental action of distilled water. This which may play pivotal roles in RA protective effect can also be confirmed for pathogenesis. In this work, we studied the saponin that damages the membrane-skeleton responses of RA synovial fibroblasts to by vesiculation and pore formation. hypotonic stress in vitro and further explored Interestingly, at two irradiation doses of UVA the underlying mechanisms. Data showed that pretreatment, erythrocytes still seem to exhibit hyposmotic solutions significantly triggered


Annual Report 2016 increases in [Ca2+]c of synoviocytes. 的特殊性,已诞生了激发依赖的、激活依赖 Subsequently, it caused rapid release of ATP, 的、分光依赖的等数种有特点的多色成像方 as well as remarkable production of 法。本文介绍了六种主要的多色单分子定位 intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS). 超分辨成像技术,从分色能力、光谱窜扰、 Meanwhile, hypotonic stimulus promoted the 采集效率等角度分析了各方法的优缺点,并 proliferation of synovial fibroblasts. These 讨论了与多色成像相关的细胞固定方法,以 effects were almost abolished by calcium-free 期帮助研究人员根据自身实验需求选择合 buffer and significantly inhibited by 适可靠的多色成像手段探讨相应的科学问 gadolinium (III) chloride (a mechanosensitive 题。 Ca2+ channel blocker) and ruthenium red (a transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 (TRPV4) blocker). A specific agonist of TRPV4 also mimicked hypotonic shock-induced responses shown above. Furthermore, RT-PCR and western blotting evidently detected TRPV4 expression at mRNA and protein level in isolated synoviocytes. Taken together, our results 图 27. 双通道多色超分辨成像光路示意图。 indicated that hypotonic stimulus resulted in Fig27. Schematic diagram of the two-channel super resolution ATP release, ROS production, and cell microscopy proliferation depending on Ca2+ entry through Multicolor imaging is an important activation of TRPV4 channel in synoviocytes capability of super-resolution microscopy since it allows for detailed investigation of colocalization and interaction between different sub-cellular structures, which facilitate understanding of various life phenomena and processes. Based on the special working principle of single-molecule localization super-resolution microscopy (SMLM), several multicolor technologies have been accomplished including excitation-dependent, activation-dependent, split-dependent multicolor SMLM and so on. Here we discuss the advantages and limitations among six different multicolor

图 26. 低渗 刺激通过激活 TRPV4 通道引起胞内钙内流。 SMLM according to split ability, color 2+ Fig26. Hypotonic stress induced increases in [Ca ]c through cross-talk and data collection efficiency. In activation of TRPV4 channel in synoviocytes addition, we introduce various fixation 多色成像作为超分辨成像技术的重要 protocols in relation to the multicolor SMLM. 延伸,极大地增强了人们研究亚细胞结构定 This review may be helpful for researchers to 位与交互关系的能力,从而有助于研究者深 seek suitable and reliable multicolor SMLM 入理解细胞内复杂的生命现象与过程。单分 for corresponding experimental conditions. 子定位超分辨显微成像术由于其工作原理


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

光谱表征及传感技术/Spectral Charaterization and Sensing Techniques 负责人:宋 峰

本方向涉及制备稀土发光材料、微纳体 Here, we synthesized the uniform 系光谱表征、成像表征,研究稀土材料发光 core-shell micro-structured compounds with

的机理及其应用,以及微纳结构的光学性质 hexagonal phase NaYF4:Er/Yb microrods as

等方面。取得的代表性成果如下: the core and hexagonal phase NaLnF4

In this field, we mainly focused on the (NaYbF4, NaLuF4:Yb/Tm, NaYF4:Yb/Er,

preparation of rare earth luminescent materials, NaYF4:Eu) as the shell based on the the research of their mechanisms of hydrothermal reaction. Their superior luminescence and their applications, spectral performances are attributed to the unique characterization and imaging characterization nanostructure of core-shell type of micro and nano structure materials. Some representative results are as follows: 1. 利用水热方法合成了均匀的微米核

壳结构复合物,将 NaYF4:Er/Yb 作为核,而

NaLnF4 (NaYbF4, NaLuF4:Yb/Tm,

NaYF4:Yb/Er, NaYF4:Eu)作为壳。材料显著 的优点是由于独特的核壳结构。

图 2. (a) Er3+, Yb3+和 Tm3+上转换能级图像 (b) 不同体积下的上转换图像。 内部的表格为 R/G 比率关系。(c) 微米棒的泵浦能量依赖关系图像。(d)上 图 1. (a-d)微米晶体 NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%, Y), NaYF4: Yb/Er 转换双指数关系图像 . (e) 不同辐射下相对强度变化图像。(f) 不同能量下 (20/2 mol%)@NaYbF4, NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%, Y)@NaLuF4: Yb/Tm (20/0.2 mol%) and NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%, Y)@NaYF4: 的 CIE 坐标图象。 Yb/Er (80/2 mol%, R) 的 SEM 图像。(e1-3) NaYF4:Yb/Er Fig.2. (a) Schematic diagram of the energy levels of Er3+, Yb3+, and Tm3+ and (Y)@NaYbF 4 的 STEM 图像,元素分布图像 Yb 和 Y 对于单一核壳 微米棒。(f1- 3) NaYF4:Yb/Er (G)@ NaLuF4: Yb/Tm 的 STEM 图像, UC progresses under 980 nm laser excitation. (b) UCL spectra of the 以及元素分布图像。(g1-3) NaYF4:Yb/Er @NaYF4: Yb/Er 的 STEM 图像以及相关元素分布。 (h1-j2)线扫元素分布图像 NaYF4: Yb/Er core-shell microcrystals with different volumes of shell precursor under the (20/2 mol%)@NaYbF4, NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%, Y)@NaLuF4: irradiation of 980 nm(~10W/cm2). The inset of (b) shows the G/R ratio as the Yb/Tm (20/0.2 mol%) 和 NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%, Y)@NaYF4: Yb/Er (80/2 mol%, R)。 function of the volume of shell precursor. (c) Pump-power-dependent UCL Fig.1. (a-d) SEM images of the microcrystals, NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%, Y), NaYF 4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%)@NaYbF4, NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 emission spectra of core-shell structured microcrystals (d) Log-log plots of UC mol%, Y)@NaLuF4: Yb/Tm (20/0.2 mol%) and NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 emission intensity versus excitation power density. (e) Relative intensity of mol%, Y)@NaYF 4: Yb/Er (80/2 mol%, R). (e1-3) Scanning transmission electron microscopy image (STEM) of the NaYF4:Yb/Er different emission bands under different irradiation (f) CIE chromaticity (Y)@NaYbF 4 microrods and element mappings of Yb and Y in a single core-shell microrod. (f1-3) STEM image of the NaYF :Yb/Er 4 coordinates of the emission for different excitation power density. (G)@ NaLuF 4: Yb/Tm microrods and element mappings of Yb and Y in the core-shell microrod shown in figure (c). (g1-3) STEM image and element mappings of Yb, Y in a single core-shell microrod 我们研究了不同壳层厚度发光特性。 (NaYF4:Yb/Er @NaYF4: Yb/Er). The white boxes show the position 3+ 3+ 3+ of the core microrods in (e-g). (h1-j2) Line scans of the elemental Yb , Er 和 Tm 对于结构 distribution in NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%)@NaYbF4, NaYF4: Yb/Er β-NaYF4:Yb/Er@β-NaLuF4:Yb/Tm 的能级示 (20/2 mol%, Y)@NaLuF4: Yb/Tm (20/0.2 mol%) and NaYF4: Yb/Er (20/2 mol%, Y)@NaYF4: Yb/Er (80/2 mol%, R) microrods, 意图也进行乐相关的分析。有强的发光在 respectively. 59

Annual Report 2016

24HI 3+ 3+ 3+ 523nm,542nm 和 647nm 分别来自于 11/215/2 , NaGdTiO4:Er , NaGdTiO4:Yb /Tm and 24SI 44FI 3+ 3+ 3/215/2 和 9/215/2 能量传递过程。发光谱 NaGdTiO4:Yb /Er are mainly dominated by 可以拓展到整个光谱范围。光学核壳结构可 green, blue and yellow light emissions under 以实现在防伪光电等方面的应用。 980nm diode laser, respectively. The intensity We investigated the upconversion ratios of red to green luminescence and blue to emission of the core-shell microcrystals with green luminescence increase with increasing different shell thicknesses. The energy level the concentration of Yb3+ in 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ diagram of Yb , Er , and Tm and the NaGdTiO4:Yb /Tm /Er phosphors. upconversion mechanisms for the Changing the power of laser can influence the

β-NaYF4:Yb/Er@β-NaLuF4:Yb/Tm system photon transfer pathways and eventually tune also systematically investigated. The strong the emission colors. Additionally, the laser emission bands of core microrods centered at excitation heating effect and the temperature 523 nm, 542 nm and 647 nm correspond to dependent spectra were also investigated, , , and processes, which indicated that the laser-induced heating respectively. The emission peaks of shell at effect was not the main reason for the laser 362 nm, 450 nm, 475 nm, 646 nm and 696 nm power to change the emission. The CIE 13 13DH DF derive from the transition of 26, 24, chromaticity coordinates of 33 13GH 13GF FH 3+ 3+ 3+ 46, 44, and 36. The emission NaGdTiO4:60%Yb /1%Tm /5%Er are fluorescence would extend to almost the close to the standard white light (x=0.33, whole visible spectral region. The obtained y=0.33) and the sample has a good thermal core-shell microcrystals may be of great stability. The strategies for color tuning of potential in anti-counterfeiting and upconversion emission proposed in the photovoltaic applications. NaGdTiO4 would be beneficial to achieve

2. 颜色可调节的 NaGdTiO4 荧光粉通过 efficient multicolor (including white light) 3+ 高 温 固 相 的 方 法 合 成 。 NaGdTiO4:Er , luminescence. 3+ 3+ NaGdTiO4:Yb /Tm 和 3+ 3+ NaGdTiO4:Yb /Er 分别发绿光,蓝光,黄 光在 980nm 激 光 器 的 激 发 下 。 在 3+ 3+ 3+ NaGdTiO4:Er , NaGdTiO4:Yb /Tm and 3+ 3+ NaGdTiO4:Yb /Er 样品中,发光红绿光比 率以及绿蓝光比率随着 Yb3+的浓度的变化 而变化。改变泵浦能量改变了发光的路径, 3+ 3+ 3+ 从而调节了发光的变化。同时我们也研究了 图 3. (a)NaGdTiO 4:5%Er , (b) NaGdTiO4:20%Yb /1%Tm , 3+ 3+ 激光的热效应以及温度变化特性对于光谱 (c) NaGdTiO 4:20%Yb /5%Er 的 shang 转换发光谱。(d)相关 的影响,从而表明了激光引入的热效应不是 的 CIE 以及发光照片。 主要引起发光变化的原因。 Fig.3 Upconversion emission spectra of 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ (a)NaGdTiO4:5%Er ,(b) NaGdTiO4:20%Yb /1%Tm ,(c) NaGdTiO4:60%Yb /1%Tm /5%Er 的 CIE 3+ 3+ 坐标接近与白光坐标同时还具有很好的稳 NaGdTiO 4:20%Yb /5%Er under 980nm excitation (laser 定性。材料的多色发光以及白光发光可以应 power=1.5A (3W)) and (d) CIE chromaticity diagrams and 用于 LED 领域。 corresponding emission photographs, respectively. Color-tunable upconversion emission 3. 镧系掺杂的上转换材料可以应用在 was explored in the NaGdTiO4 synthesized by 光电,显示领域,防伪以及生物成像和治疗。 a high temperature solid-state reaction process. 典型的调节上转换的方式有控制相,组成,


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

形态尺寸可以帮助我们进行光谱寿命的调 to rationally manipulate emission profiles and 节使用连续波长激光器。在这里我们发现在 lifetimes of lanthanide ions by using 泵 浦 激 光 器 激 发 下 NaYF4:Er/Tm continuous-wave laser excitation. Here we (2/0.5%)@NaYF4 核壳结构可以明显的出现 demonstrate that under pulsed laser excitation 由绿光到红光的变化。而且,脉冲持续时间 the emission color of NaYF4:Er/Tm 和重复频率可以来进行相关调节上转换发 (2/0.5%)@NaYF4 core-shell nanoparticles has 光颜色。发光机理可能是首先激发到了非稳 an obvious transformation from green to red 态上转换能级,在脉冲时间里面切断了没有 colors. Moreover, both pulse duration and 完成的泵浦过程。这个泵浦依赖关系可以实 repetition frequency are responsible for 现发光颜色的调节,从而使 manipulating the upconversion emission color. NaYF4:Er/Tm(2/0.5%)@NaYF4 可以实现防 The mechanism of the phenomena may be that 伪印刷。 the pulsed laser sequence triggers the emission levels to non-steady upconversion states first, and then cuts off the unfinished population process within the pulse duration. This pump source dependent and resultant tunable fluorescence emission enables NaYF4:Er/Tm(2/0.5%)@NaYF4 nanoparticles as a promising fluorophore in the transparent anti-fake printing.

图 4. 暂时性控制上转换发光。 (a–b) NaYF4:Er/Tm@NaYF4 的发光

谱在 980nm 激发下: (a) x µs, 100 Hz (x = 100, 500, 1000, 6000) 和 (b)

100 µs, y Hz (y = 100, 300, 500, 1000); (c) 980nm 激发下的设备图以 及寿命测试;(d) NaYF4:Er/Tm and NaYF4:Er/Tm@NaYF4 样品在 541nm 和 654nm 处的寿命上升和下降图像。 Fig.4 Temporal control of upconversion luminescence. (a–b) Photoluminescence spectra of NaYF4:Er/Tm@NaYF4 nanocrystals under pulse 980 nm diode laser excitation: (a) x µs, 100 Hz (x = 100, 500, 1000, 6000) and (b) 100 µs, y Hz (y = 100, 300, 500, 1000); (c) Experimental setup for upconversion spectra detection under pulsed 980 nm laser excitation and lifetime measurement; (d) Time-dependent 图 5 . 调节发光色 NaYF4:Er/Tm@NaYF4 的照片在泵浦激 evolutions of emission intensity at 541 nm and 654 nm of 光器激发下的反防伪应用。尺寸特点是 3mm*3mm。 NaYF4:Er/Tm and NaYF4:Er/Tm@NaYF4 nanocrystals showing the Fig5 The photograph of tunable emission color of rising time and decay curve.. NaYF4:Er/Tm@NaYF4 nanoparticles under pulsed laser Lanthanide-doped upconversion excitation for anti-counterfiting. The size of character is nanomaterials are emerging as promising 3mm*3mm. . candidates in optoelectronics, volumetric 我们利用环形涡旋损耗光束提高横向 display, anti-counterfeiting as well as 分辨率研究的相关实验。 biological imaging and therapy. Typical 由 STED 原理我们知道,产生完美的环 modulations of upconversion through 形轮廓和缩小损耗光束中心强度为零的区 chemical methods, such as controlling phase, 域,对于改善 STED 的性能是至关重要的。 composition, morphology and size enable us 各种研究已经提出了关于聚焦具有不同偏


Annual Report 2016

振的矢量光束,以形成一个理想的环形光束 had restricted the spatial resolution of optical 的理论基础。然而,操纵焦斑来设计 STED microscopy in the far-field for a long time. In 显微镜的 PSF 的实验实非常缺少。我们提出 this paper, we theoretically and experimently 了利用环形幅度掩模来改善 STED 横向分辨 demonstrate that the attainable 率的实验演示,以调整损耗光束分布。由于 two-dimensional (2D) resolution of STED 中心阻塞环形涡旋照明引起的圆环焦斑变 nanoscopy can be further enhanced by using 窄,与传统的 STED 相比,系统的有效 PSF amplitude modulation. In particular, we 被压缩,其半峰全宽(FWHM)降低了 20%以 employ an annular mask to the depletion beam 上。实验上证明了增加环形光束的内半径导 to enable a compression to the size of effective 致横向上被压缩,当ε从 0 增加到 0.75 时, point spread function (PSF) by at least 26% FWHM 从 222nm 到 196nm 显着地被抑制。与数 compared with a conventional one. We 值计算非常吻合。为了检验 A-STED 的性能, optimize the size of the corresponding PSFs 通过对 40nm 荧光小球进行成像来验证用环 and thus improve the resolving ability of 形损耗装置来增强空间分辨率的能力。我们 STED. 对共聚焦,常规 STED 和 A-STED 进行记录相


损耗强度下,在 STAR635P 标记的波形蛋上



上和实验上获得的 STED 成像的增强分辨率。

通过对 40nm 荧光小球以及生物样品进行成

像来验证用环形损耗装置来增强空间分辨 率的能力。该原理在生物超分辨成像,基于 STED 的纳米光刻和高密度光学数据存储等 研究领域具有巨大的应用潜力。 我们进行了金纳米颗粒饱和散射超分 辨成像的研究的相关实验。 利用非荧光的超分辨成像技术,观测的 gold nanoparticles 的超分辨成像。主要测 量了不同尺寸 gold nanoparticles 的消光 光谱;测量了不同尺寸 gold nanoparticles 的饱和散射曲线;测量不同尺寸 gold nanoparticles 的 639 对 561 的强度调制深 度曲线;用 561 做激发,CW639 做抑制,观 测超分辨成像。 Fig 6 (a) Schematic diagram of the A-STED setup by annular beam converter. Inset: the structure of the beam blocker used in 我们认为等离激元纳米颗粒由于其光 our system. (b) Simulated results on the effect of beam blocking. 稳定性和高信噪比可以成为优异的探针。使 Cross sections of normalized intensity for different modalities 用超分辨率成像通过探测纳米尺寸的结构/ respectively, Comparison of line intensity profiles without (red) 功能关系来增强我们对等离子体纳米结构 and with (blue) additional annular beam converter modulation of 的理解,更好的将等离子体纳米结构整合到 depletion beam. Comparison of normalized line intensity profiles 超分辨率成像技术中以提高其性能。 of the effective PSFs in the Confocal (black), STED (orange) and Stimulated emission depletion (STED) A-STED (olive). Inset: Intensity distributions of STED and nanoscopy has been proved to be an effective A-STED method to break the diffraction barrier which


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

Fig.8 (a) Imaging of 40 nm crimson fluorescent

microspheres via confocal, STED and A-STED.

(b) Averaged resolution of 40 nm crimson fluorescent

microspheres via confocal, STED and A-STED imaging as a

function of power of depletion beam. Inset: the data of

power depletion beam and the resolution of STED and

A-STED. (c) Averaged resolution of 40 nm crimson

fluorescent microspheres via confocal, STED and A-STED

imaging as a function of ε. Fig .7 Intensity distributions and its cross sections of 150nm gold nanoparticles. Intensity distributions of 150nm gold nanoparticles are shown in (a), (b), (e) and (f), respectively. (c),(d),(g) and (h) Cross section profiles along dotted lines in (a),(b), (e) and (f). (I) the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of doughtnut as a function of 훆 in simulation and experiment .

Fig .9 Images of the sample Vimention taken with (a) a confocal microscope, (b) STED and (c) A-STED. (d) The intensity profiles of the same region for each method. As described in the text, excitation laser of 640 nm and depletion laser of 775 nm were used for STED images. White scale bar shown on the images is 2μm.The profiles reveal a narrower PSF in STED than in A-STED. FWHM: 298nm(Confocal), 180 nm(STED), 141nm(A-STED).


Annual Report 2016

光场调控及其应用/Manipulation of Optical Fields and Its Application 负责人:王慧田

本方向主要开展新型矢量光场的调控 道时称:“该发现有助于理解惰性气体、化 生成、焦场工程、新颖光学轨道角动量的设 学键和巨行星的关系,例如木星就含相当多 计、非线性光学效应、微加工和微操纵及新 的氦气”。 材料的理论预测等方向的研究。取得的代表


In this field, we mainly focused on the generation of the new kind of vector optical fields, the focusing engineering, the design of (a) the orbital angular momentum of photons, the nonlinear effect, the micro-manipulation and fabrication by the new optical fields. This year, we obtained some respective results as following.

(一)高压下合成稳定氦钠化合物/ A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure (b) 预测并合成自然条件下不能存在的新 图 1. (a) 高压下合成 Na2He 的示意图,(b) Na2He 晶体结构 材料,一直是物理学、化学和材料学领域的 示意图,紫色、绿色,红色分别代表 Na, He 和局域电子。 巨大挑战。理论预测发现:高压下(大于 160 Fig1. (a) illustration of formation of Na2He at high pressure, GPa)获得一种稳定的钠-氦化合物 Na2He, (b) crystal structure of Na2He; sodium, helium atoms and 它是一种绝缘体的电子化合物(electride)。高 localized electrons are colored in purple, green and red. 压下受内层电子的强烈排斥作用,电子被 “挤”到了体系的空间空隙。在此情况下,无 Prediction and synthesis of new materials, 原子核的孤立电子可以被看成阴离子。简而 which can’t be existed in ambient conditions, is always a big challenge for physics, material 言之,Na2He 实际上是 Na、He 和孤立电子 组成的新型离子化合物,最终被金刚石对顶 and chemistry. For example, Helium, on par 砧成功合成。结果发表于 Nature Chem. 9, with neon, is the most chemically inert 440 (2017)。该发现突破了“氦(He)作为最惰 element in the Periodic Table. Due to its 性元素,不可能与其它元素形成稳定化合物” extremely stable closed-shell electronic 的传统认识,得到广泛关注和高度评价。 configuration with a record-high ionization Nature Chemistry 刊 登 专 题 文 章 “Helium potential and zero electron affinity, helium is chemistry: React with nobility”[Nature Chem. not known to form thermodynamically stable 9, 404 (2017)],出 “氦,最不活跃的惰性气体, compounds, except a few inclusion 其仅能与一些分子或离子团以范德华力结 compounds. Recently, using the ab initio 合;高压显然改变了这一传统认识,稳定的 evolutionary algorithm USPEX and 固态含氦化合物得以出现 ” 。 Nature 以 subsequent high-pressure synthesis in a “Helium succumbs to pressure”(氦屈服于压 diamond anvil cell, thermodynamically stable 力)[Nature 542, 274 (2017)]为题进行亮点报 compound, Na2He, is discovered have a


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 fluorite-type structure and stable at 控制。因此,通过仔细设计用于曝光的光场 pressures >113 GPa. In the compounds, the 的偏振分布,即可控制液晶分子的取向,进 presence of He atoms causes strong electron 而实现输出 o 光和 e 光偏振分布的任意调控。 localization and makes this material insulating. 我们提出的矢量起偏器的优点是方便 This phase is an electride, with electron pairs 大规模、大面积制作,而且可以任意设计复 localized in interstices, forming eight-centre 杂的液晶分子取向排列,因此可以实现任意 two-electron bonds within empty Na8 cubes. 偏振的偏振光输出。此外,我们设计的这种 This work was published in Nature Chem. 9, 矢量偏振器不光可以空域调控光场的偏振、 440 (2017), and highlighted by Nature and 强度,而且可以作为一种高效率的矢量光场 Nature Chemistry with the titles of “Helium 生成器,这是矢量激光器的重要部件可以被 succumbs to pressure” and “Helium chemistry: 用来制备新型的光子态,因此具有非常重要 React with nobility”, respectively. 的意义。相关结果发表于[APL Photonics 2,

126102 (2017)]。 (二)基于液晶材料的介电宽带矢量型偏振 分 光 器 件 / broadband meta-vector-polarizers based on nematic liquid crystal

起偏器作为各种光学系统中广泛应用 的器件,它的功能是将光分解成偏振互相垂 直的两束光。由于矢量光场的出现及独特性 能,矢量起偏器可以满足各种不同的应用需 求。传统的偏振分光器原理有基于全反射、 图 2 基于液晶材料的介电宽带矢量型偏振分光器原理图。 布鲁斯特反射等。基于这些原理要想实现矢 Fig2 Illustration of dielectric broadband meta-vector-polarizers 量型偏振分光器比较困难,制作工艺比较复 based on nematic liquid crystal 杂。我们利用液晶材料实现了矢量型偏振分 光器,基本物理模型为双折射材料制成的棱 Polarizer, as an indispensable optical 镜(楔形液晶片),如图 2 所示。楔形液晶 element, has been widely used in various 片由两片非平行但夹角很小的衬底组成,在 optical systems, which splits a beam into two 衬底上涂覆对光偏振敏感的染料分子层,通 beams of orthogonal linear polarizations. Due 过成熟的光控分子取向技术可以由曝光所 to the appearance of the vector optical field 用光场的偏振设计实现对液晶分子取向的 (VOF) and its unique properties, the vector 空域调控。对于液晶分子,由于其可以看作 polarizer also meets the requirement in a wide variety of applications. Traditional 是单轴晶体,因此偏振平行(e 光)及垂直 polarization beam splitters are based on total (o 光)于其晶轴的光会有不同的折射率, internal reflection, the Brewster’s effect, etc. 形成双折射效应。当入射光在第一个面正入 However, it is very difficult to realize a 射,经过第二个面则会斜入射,o 光和 e 光 vectoral beam splitter due to the complex 由于折射率不同,在界面处的折射角则不同, fabrication process. Herein, we illustrated a 因此出射时在空间上会形成有一定夹角的 vector polarizer based on the liquid crystal, 两束光。控制液晶材料光轴的空域取向,则 whose physical model is based on the 折射光场的偏振方向也会随之变化。由于染 birefringent prism (wedged liquid cell), as 料分子对曝光光场的偏振敏感,楔形液晶片 shown in Fig. 2. Wedged liquid cell is 中的液晶分子的取向由染料分子的取向来 composed of two substrate coated with


Annual Report 2016 polarization sensitive dye films with a small fields angle. The liquid crystal molecules orientation can be controlled by designing the spatially 已经提出的矢量光场普遍具有长轴取 polarization distribution of the optical field 向空间变化的偏振态分布,或是具有椭偏率 used for the photo-alignment technique. For 和长轴取向共同变化的偏振态分布。尚未有 liquid crystal, the o and e light have different 人提出偏振态的椭偏率空间变化、长轴取向 refractive index due to the fact that liquid 空间不变的矢量光场。为此,我们提出了一 crystal can be considered as a uniaxial crystal. 种新型的椭偏率空间变化的矢量光场,并利 When light is normally incident to the bottom 用已提出的庞加莱球和波前重构的矢量光 substrate, it will be oblique incident on the 场生成方案,在实验中成功生成了这种矢量 second substrate. The refractive angle will be 场。我们进一步计算了椭偏率空间变化的矢 different for o light and e light due the 量光场的紧聚焦场,并模拟了在焦面上的能 different refractive indexes of them. As a 流分布。图 3 给出了椭偏率空间变化的矢量 result, the two light beam will be spatially 光场的紧聚焦场的横向能流,其能流可以将 separated. When controlling the orientation of 吸收性粒子输运到特定的位置(图中白色圆 liquid crystal, the polarization distribution of 点位置)。 the refractive optical field will also change with it. Because the dye molecule is polarization sensitive to the exposing optical field, and the orientation of liquid crystal is controlled by the dye molecule. As a result, liquid crystal’s orientation can be arbitrarily controlled by deliberately designing the polarization state of the exposing optical field, 图 3 椭偏率空间变化的矢量光场的紧聚焦场场强(第一行) hence the polarization distributions of o and e 和横向能流分布(第二行)。 light. Fig3 The intensity (first row) and transverse energy distribution The vector polarizers via a LC-SV-UAC (second row) of ellipticity-variant vector optical fields have the advantages of mass-production and (EV-VOFs) when tightly focused. easy fabrication of largesize and complex structures. In particular, the high-performance 鉴于在矢量光场上加上位相掩膜版可 broadband vector polarizers we presented and 以控制矢量光场的位相分布,进而可以得到 fabricated can not only flexibly tailor the 具有丰富性质的矢量光场,我们考虑在椭偏 polarization structures and the intensity 率空间变化的矢量光场上加入位相掩膜版 patterns of optical fields but also act as a 的能流分布情况。图 4 给出了加入扇形位相 high-efficiency generator of VOF, and a key 掩膜版之后,椭偏率空间变化的矢量光场在 element for realizing the VOF laser and for 紧聚焦条件下具有多环形状的横向能流,可 fabricating the novel photon states in the 以控制多个粒子沿环形路径运动。当我们加 future. The results are published in [APL 入涡旋位相的位相掩膜版,就可以得到具有 Photonics 2, 126102 (2017)]. 多边形环状横向能流分布的紧聚焦场,可以 控制粒子沿着特定的路径运动。综上所述, (三)紧聚焦椭偏矢量光场的能流再分配 我们利用设计得到的椭偏率空间变化的矢 /Redistributing the energy flow of tightly 量光场,配合不同的位相掩膜版,可以得到 具有丰富横向能流分布的紧聚焦场,进而应 focused ellipticity-variant vector optical 用于光学微操纵等领域。相关结果发布于


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

[Photonics Res. 5(6), 640-648 (2017)]。 along certain paths. To conclude, we design the EV-VOFs and with the help of different phase

masks, we gain tight focusing fields with various kinds of transverse energy flow, which can be used in the areas such as optical manipulation.

The results are published in [Photonics Res. 5(6), 640-648 (2017)].

(四)超材料中三维光子狄拉克点/Three Dimensional Photonic Dirac Points in 图 4 加入不同的扇形位相掩膜版(第一行)之后,椭偏率空 Metamaterials 间变化的矢量光场的紧聚焦场的横向能流分布(第二行)。

Fig4 The intensity (first row) and transverse energy distribution 以量子霍尔效应为诱导的拓扑物理概 (second row) of ellipticity-variant vector optical fields 念的提出,从根本上改变了人们对物质状态 (EV-VOFs) when tightly focused with different sector phase masks 的理解。近年来,伴随着拓扑绝缘体的广泛 The polarization of the existed vector 讨论,拓扑相的概念已经从电子体系转移到 optical field always has space-variant 光子系统,从而推动诸如光子-量子类比的 orientation of long axis, or both the orientation 光学霍尔效应、二维和三维光子拓扑绝缘体, of long axis and ellipticity are space-variant. So far, there has no research studying the Weyl 点和 Dirac 点的提出与展示。这些进展 vector optical fields with the polarization of 极大地丰富了经典光学研究体系,开创了光 the space-invariant orientation of the long axis 学研究的新方向,有望在表面光学的基础与 and space-variant ellipticity. Hence, we 应用研究领域展示革命性的新物理和新效 propose this new kind of ellipticity-variant vector optical fields (EV-VOFs), which are 应。其中,Dirac 点是一个典型物理概念。 experimentally generated based on the Poincare 它指代的是在三维动量空间中的四重简并 sphere and the wavefront reconstruction. We 交叉点,在其周围能带结构沿任意方向都具 calculate the tight focusing fields of the EV-VOFs and the transverse energy flow. Figure 有线性色散。作为一个无带隙的拓扑相位, 3 shows the transverse energy flow of the tight Dirac 半金属是属于传统绝缘体、拓扑绝缘 focusing fields of the EV-VOFs, which can 体和 Weyl 半金属之间的一种特殊材料。如 transport absorptive particles to fixed positions 果其中的时间反转或反演对称性被打破,它 (white points in Fig. 3). As the vector optical fields modulated by the phases masks have 将分裂成手性相反的两个 Weyl 点。 variety of properties, we consider the transverse 一般来讲,在光子学中四重简并的狄拉 energy flow of the EV-VOFs with phase masks. 克点可以通过利用光子晶体中布洛赫模式 Fig. 4 shows the EV-VOFs modulated by the 提供的空间对称性来实现的。我们利用电磁 phase masks can have multiple circular transverse energy flow, which can control the 场内在的偏振自由度,基于电-磁互易性, particles moving along circular paths. When we 证明在一个均匀介质中同样可以实现三维 use vortex phase masks, we can get tight 的光子 Dirac。可以通过设计弹簧状螺旋结 focusing fields with polygon–shaped transverse energy flow, which can transport the particles 构予以实现,如图 5 所示。


Annual Report 2016

这种 Dirac 点是基于偏振的,其具有两 topological phase has changed from 种特殊性质。其一,它与空气的界面上存在 electronic system to photon system, and promotes the presentation and performance 与光子自旋相关的拓扑表面态,与电子体系 of some concepts such as the optical Hall 中的费米弧类似。因为色散关系呈线性,在 effect similar to quantum Hall effect, 2D 动量空间围绕着这类 Dirac 兼并点,光场的 and 3D photonic topological insulator, Weyl points and Dirac points. These progresses 反射会形成偏振敏感的涡旋场,如图 6 所示。 have greatly enriched the research system of 其二,其在边界的传播上,还会呈现与拓扑 classical optics and pioneer the new field of 绝缘体类似的单向传输性能。该单向传输是 optical research. And it is expected to show the revolutionary new physics and effect in 偏振敏感的。典型数值模拟结果如图 7 所示。 the research field of surface optics and its 与英国伯明翰大学张霜教授合作,该文 application. Among these concepts, Dirac 章“Three dimensional photonic Dirac points points which represents the four degenerate in metamaterials”发表在 Physics Review cross points in a three-dimensional Letters 上,我们主要负责里面的数值模拟方 momentum space where the band structure 面。 has a linear dispersion in either direction is a typical physical concept. As a non-bandgap

topological phase, Dirac semimetal belongs

to a special class of materials between

traditional insulators, topological insulators

and Weyl semimetals. If the time reversal or

inversion symmetry is broken, it splits into

two Weyl points with opposite chirality.

In general, quadruple degenerate Dirac

图 5 左图:一种具体的结构设计,由弹簧状金属线构成。右图: points in photonics can be achieved by

典型色散曲线的三维构型,以及在若干平面内的投影。[PRL 119, exploiting the spatial symmetry provided by

213901 (2017)]。 the Bloch mode in photonic crystals. We use

Fig5 Left: The metamaterial structure with a top view of one unit the inherent polarization of the cell composed with C4 symmetry distributed helix pairs and the electromagnetic field, based on the front view of a pair of mirrored helixes with opposite rotation electro-magnetic reciprocity, to prove that directions. Right: Band structure of bulk states (a) Effective bulk we can also achieve three-dimensional

photon Dirac in a homogeneous medium. band structure on the ky-kz plane with the Dirac points marked by This can be done by designing a spring-like blue spheres. (b) The dispersion relation along the ky and kz spiral structure, as shown in Figure 5. direction, respectively, while (c) gives the dispersion along the ky This kind of Dirac points is based on direction with kz fixed at the Dirac point. In both (b) and (c), the polarization, and it has two unique features. Dirac points are marked with the blue points. (d) Equifrequency Firstly, there exists topological surface contour at a frequency below the Dirac points, which indicates the states related to the photonic spin in the hyperbolic property of the material corresponds to the Dirac cone interface between it and the air, which is The concept of topological physics similar to the Fermi arc in the electronic induced by quantum Hall effect has changed system. Due to the linear dispersion, the people’s understanding of the state of matter. reflection of optical field will form a Recent years, as a broad discussion of polarization-sensitive vortex in the topological insulators, the concept of


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报 momentum space around this kind of Dirac degenerate point, as shown in Fig. 6. Secondly, it will show the unidirectional transmission property similar to the topological insulator in the interface, and this kind of transmission is polarization 图 7 三维界面上不同偏振光源激发的传播特性。[PRL 119, dependent. The simulative results are shown 213901 (2017)]。 in Fig.7. Fig.7 Surface states indicated by power flow simulated in 3D by

CST time domain. The (a) spin-up and (b) spin-down surface states propagate helically along the z direction clockwise and anticlockwise, respectively, on the surface of cuboid effective

material which is capsulated by a vacuum.

图 6 在 Dirac 点附近入射时反射谱。(a)是示意图。(b)至(d)是不

同偏振入射情况下反射谱在动量空间的分布。对于圆偏振入射, 反射模式依然是圆偏振,但位相有变化,类似空间中的光学涡


类似空间光场中的径向和旋向偏振光 。

Fig6 Reflection spectrum around a Dirac point. (a) Configuration

of the reflection calculation and Dirac points (two blue dots) in

momentum space. One plane wave is incident from the backgroud

material x > 0 and totally reflected back at the interface as

indicated. (b) and (c) show the reflected E field with respect to

right- or left-circular polarization incidence, respectively. (d) and

(e) are similar to (b) and (c) with the incidences of two orthogonal

linear polarizations. The incident polarization state is illustrated on

the bottom of each panel.

This study is cooperated with Prof. Shuang Zhang in University of Birmingham in UK, the paper “Three dimensional photonic Dirac points in metamaterials” was published in Physics Review Letters, and we are responsible for the simulation. 69

Annual Report 2016

发表论文/Publications in Journal

1. Xiao Dong, Artem R. Oganov, Alexander F. Goncharov, Elissaios Stavrou, Sergey Lobanov, Gabriele Saleh, Guang-Rui Qian, Qiang Zhu, Carlo Gatti, Volker L. Deringer, Richard Dronskowski, Xiang-Feng Zhou, Vitali B. Prakapenka, Zuzana Konôpková, Ivan A. Popov, Alexander I. Boldyrev and Hui-Tian Wang, “A stable compound of helium and sodium at high pressure”, Nat. Chem. 9, 440–445 (2017). * 2. Meng-Xin Ren, Wei Wu, Wei Cai, Biao Pi, Xin-Zheng Zhang and Jing-Jun Xu, “Reconfigurable metasurfaces that enable light-polarization control by light”, Light: Sci. & Appl. 6, e16254 (2017). 3. Weiwei Luo, Wei Cai, Yinxiao Xiang, Wei Wu, Bin Shi, Xiaojie Jiang, Ni Zhang, Mengxin Ren, Xinzheng Zhang, and Jingjun Xu. “In-plane electrical connectivity and near-field concentration of isolated graphene resonators realized by ion beams”, Adv. Mater. 29, 1701083 (2017). 4. Wei Xin, Xiao-Kuan Li, Xin-Ling He, Bao-Wang Su, Xiao-Qiang Jiang, Kai-Xuan Huang, Xiang-Feng Zhou, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Black-Phosphorus-Based Orientation- Induced Diodes. Advanced Materials, adma.201704653 (2017). 5. Boyang Xie, Kun Tang, Hua Cheng, Zhengyou Liu, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Coding acoustic metasurfaces,” Adv. Mater. 29, 1603507 (2017). 6. Zhe Liu, Shuo Du, Ajuan Cui, Zhancheng Li, Yuancheng Fan, Shuqi Chen, Wuxia Li, Junjie Li, and Changzhi Gu, “High-quality-factor mid-infrared toroidal excitation in folded 3D metamaterials,” Adv. Mater. 29, 1606298 (2017). 7. Mohsen Rahmani, Lei Xu, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, Andrei Komar, Rocio Camacho-Morales, Haitao Chen, Yair Zarate, Sergey Kruk, Guoquan Zhang, Dragomir N. Neshev, and Yuri S. Kivshar, “Reversible Thermal Tuning of All-Dielectric Metasurfaces”, Advanced Function Materials, 1700580 (2017). 8. Cun-Bo Li, Zhe-Ming Li, Shuang Xun, Peng-Chong Jiang, Rui Yan, Min-Cai Chen, Fen Hu, Romano A. Rupp, Xin-Zheng Zhang, Lei-Ting Pan, Jing-Jun Xu, “Protection of the biconcave profile of human erythrocytes against osmotic damage by ultraviolet-A irradiation through membrane-cytoskeleton enhancement”, Cell Death Discovery 3, 17040 (2017). 9. Yue Sun, Feilong Song, Chenjiang Qian, Kai Peng, Sibai Sun, Yanhui Zhao, Zelong Bai, Jing Tang, Shiyao Wu, Hassan Ali, Fang Bo, Haizheng Zhong, Kuijuan Jin, and Xiulai Xu*, "High-Q Microcavity Enhanced Optical Properties of CuInS2/ZnS Colloidal Quantum Dots toward Non-Photodegradation," ACS Photon. 4, 369-377 (2017). 10. Zhaocheng Liu, Zhancheng Li, Zhe Liu, Hua Cheng, Wenwei Liu, Chengchun Tang, Changzhi Gu, Junjie Li, Hou-Tong Chen, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Single-layer plasmonic metasurface half-wave plates with wavelength-independent polarization conversion angle,” ACS Photonics 4, 2061 (2017). 11. Jianxiong Li, Ping Yu, Chengchun Tang, Hua Cheng, Junjie Li, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Bidirectional perfect absorber using free substrate plasmonic metasurfaces,” Adv. Opt. Mater. 5, 1700152 (2017). 12. Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Manipulation of the photonic spin Hall effect with high efficiency in gold-nanorod-based metasurfaces,” Adv. Opt. Mater. 5, 1700413 (2017). 13. Hua Cheng, Xiaoyun Wei, Ping Yu, Zhancheng Li, Zhe Liu, Junjie Li, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Integrating polarization conversion and nearly perfect absorption with multifunctional metasurfaces,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 171903 (2017).

* 选录论文/Selected papers 70

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

14. Yuebian Zhang, Wenwei Liu, Zhancheng Li, Hua Cheng, Yanbang Zhang, Guozhi Jia, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Ultrathin polarization-insensitive wide-angle broadband near-perfect absorber in the visible regime based on few-layer MoS2 films,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 111109, (2017). 15. Wenwei Liu, Zhancheng Li, Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Momentum analysis for metasurfaces,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 8, 014012 (2017). 16. Boyang Xie, Hua Cheng, Kun Tang, Zhengyou Liu, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Multi-band asymmetric transmission of airborne sound by coded metasurfaces,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 7, 024010 (2017). 17. Yongnan Li, Zhi-Cheng Ren, Ling-Jun Kong, Chenghou Tu and Hui-Tian Wang, “Trajectory-based unveiling of the angular momentum of photons”, Phys.Rev.A 95, 043830 (2017). 18. Zhenzhong Hao, Jie Wang, Shuqiong Ma, Wenbo Mao, Fang Bo*, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, "Sum-frequency generation in on-chip lithium niobate microdisk resonators," Photonics Res. 5, 623-628 (2017). 19. Zhixiang Li, Jianji Liu, Hongming Fan, Jiachen Liu and Guoquan Zhang, "High visibility first-order subwavelength interference based on light pulse storage via electromagnetically induced transparency", Scientific Reports 7, 2361 (2017). 20. Yi Hu, Zhili Li, Benjamin Wetzel, Roberto Morandotti, Zhigang Chen, and Jingjun Xu, “Cherenkov Radiation Control via Self-accelerating Wave-packets,” Scientific Reports 7, 8695 (2017) 21. Zhancheng Li, Wenwei Liu, Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen and Jianguo Tian, “Spin-selective transmission and devisable chirality in two-layer metasurfaces,” Sci. Rep. 7, 8204 (2017). 22. Chenglin Du, Wei Cai, Wei Wu, Yinxiao Xiang, Lei Wang, Mengxin Ren, Xinzheng Zhang, and Jingjun Xu. “Unveiling quasi-dark surface plasmon modes in Au nanoring cavities by cathodoluminescence”, Sci. Rep. 7, 1402 (2017). 23. Jinlong Hao, Zhan Wang, Zheng Wang, Yuhua Yin, Run Jiang, Baohui Li*, Qiang Wang, "Self-Assembly in Block Copolymer Thin Films upon Solvent Evaporation: A Simulation Study", Macromolecules, 50(11), 4384–4396 (2017). 5.835 24. Qi Zhang, Jiwei Qi, Qiang Wu, Yao Lu, Wenjuan Zhao, Ride Wang, Chongpei Pan, Shibiao Wang and Jingjun Xu, “Surface enhancement of THz wave by coupling a subwavelength LiNbO3 slab waveguide with a composite antenna structure”, Scientific Reports, 7(1), 17602 (2017). 25. Senlin Jin, Wangwei Hui, Yunlong Wang, Kaicheng Huang, Qiushuai Shi, Cuifeng Ying, Dongqi Liu, Qing Ye, Wenyuan Zhou & Jianguo Tian, “Hyperspectral imaging using the single-pixel Fourier transform technique,” Scientific Reports 7, 45209 (2017). 26. Meiling Jiang, Jiwei Qi*, Mingsi Zhang, Qian Sun, Jing Chen, Zongqiang Chen, Xuanyi Yu, Yudong Li*, and Jianguo Tian. Ultra-high quality factor metallic micro-cavity based on concentric double metal-insulator-metal rings, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 15663 27. Yingdong Han, Hongyu Li, Yangbo Wang, Yue Pan, Ling Huang, Feng Song, Wei Huang, “Upconversion Modulation through Pulsed Laser Excitation for Anti-counterfeiting”, Sci Rep 7, 13201-13208 (2017). 28. Fang Bo*, Şahin Kaya Özdemir*, Faraz Monifi, Jing Zhang, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, and Lan Yang*, "Controllable oscillatory lateral coupling in a waveguide-microdisk-resonator system," Sci. Rep. 7, 8045 (2017). 29. Jifang Shang, Jun Sun, Qinglian Li, Jinfeng Yang, Ling Zhang, Jingjun Xu. Single-block pulse-on electro-optic Q-switch made of LiNbO3. Scientific Reports, 2017,7(1):4651


Annual Report 2016

30. Xiaolei Wang, Bowen Zhu, Yuxin Dong, Shuai Wang, Zhuqing Zhu, Fang Bo, and Xiangping Li*, "Generation of equilateral-polygon-like flat-top focus by tightly focusing radially polarized beams superposed with off-axis vortex arrays," Opt. Express 25, 26844-26852 (2017). 31. Peilong Hong and Guoquan Zhang, “Heisenberg-resolution imaging through a phase-controlled screen”, Optics Express 25(19), 22789-22796 (2017). 32. Zenghong Ma, Wei Cai, Yinxiao Xiang, Mengxin Ren, Xinzheng Zhang, and Jingjun Xu. “Dynamic spontaneous emission control of an optical emitter coupled to plasmons in strained graphene”, Opt. Express 25, 23070 (2017). 33. Huimei Yang, Jiwei Qi, Chongpei Pan, Yao Lu, Qiang Wu, Jianghong Yao, and Jingjun Xu, "Efficient generation and frequency modulation of quasi-monochromatic terahertz wave in Lithium Niobate subwavelength waveguide," Opt. Express 25, 14766-14773 (2017). 34. Chongpei Pan, Qiang Wu, Qi Zhang, Wenjuan Zhao, Jiwei Qi, Jianghong Yao, Chunling Zhang, W. T. Hill, and Jingjun Xu, "Direct visualization of light confinement and standing wave in THz Fabry-Perot resonator with Bragg mirrors," Opt. Express 25, 9768-9777 (2017). 35. Zenghong Ma, Wei Cai, Lei Wang, Yinxiao Xiang, Mengxin Ren, Xinzheng Zhang, and Jingjun Xu. “Unidirectional excitation of graphene plasmons in Au-graphene composite structures by a linearly polarized light beam”, Opt. Express 25, 4680 (2017). 36. Na Yan, Xiaofang Han, Pengfa Chang, Ligang Huang, Feng Gao, Xuanyi Yu, Wending Zhang, Ze Zhang, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, “Tunable dual-wavelength fiber laser with unique gain system based on in-fiber acousto-optic Mach–Zehnder interferometer,” Optics Express Vol. 25, Issue 22, pp. 27609-27615 (2017). 37. L. Q. Wang, R. D. Xue, W. Wang, R. X. Wang, R. P. Guo, and J. Chen*, “Coherent-trapped helical mode in parity-time symmetric metamaterials”, Opt. Express 25, 15231 (2017). 38. R. D. Xue, W. Wang, L. Q. Wang, H. L. Chen, R. P. Guo, and J. Chen*, “Localization and oscillation of optical beams in Moire lattices”, Opt. Express 25, 5788 (2017). 39. Wending Zhang, Keyan Wei, Dong Mao, Heng Wang, Feng Gao, Ligang Huang, Ting Mei, and Jianlin Zhao, “Generation of femtosecond optical vortex pulse in fiber based on an acoustically induced fiber grating”, Optics Letters Vol. 42, Issue 3, pp. 454-457 (2017). 40. Improved lateral resolution with an annular vortex depletion beam in STED microscopy,Bin Wang, Jinmeng Shi, Tianyue Zhang, Xiaoxuan Xu, Yaoyu Cao, and Xiangping Li,Optics Letters Vol. 42, Issue 23, pp. 4885-4888 (2017). 41. Zhi Li, Wenwei Liu, Zhancheng Li, Hua Cheng, Shuqi Chen, and Jianguo Tian, “Fano-resonance-based mode-matching hybrid metasurface for enhanced second-harmonic generation,” Opt. Lett. 42, 3117 (2017). 42. Keyan Wei, Wending Zhang*, Ligang Huang, Dong Mao, Feng Gao, Ting Mei, and Jianlin Zhao, “Generation of cylindrical vector beams and optical vortex by two acoustically induced fiber gratings with orthogonal vibration directions”, Optics Express Vol. 25, Issue 3, pp. 2733-2741 (2017). 43. Huimei Yang, Jiwei Qi, Chongpei Pan, Yao Lu,Qiang Wu, Jianghong Yao, “Efficient generation and frequency modulation of quasi-monochromatic terahertz wave in Lithium Niobate subwavelength waveguide”, Optics Express, Vol .25(13):14766-14773 (2017). 44. Chongpei Pan, Qiang Wu, Qi Zhang, Wenjuan Zhao, Jiwei Qi, Jianghong Yao,”Direct visualization of light confinement and standing wave in THz Fabry-Perot resonator with Bragg mirrors”, Optics Express, Vol. 25(9):9768-9777 (2017).


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

45. Wen-Shuai Jiang, Wei Xin, Shuang Xun, Shao-Nan Chen, Xiao-Guang Gao, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Reduced graphene oxide-based optical sensor for detecting specific protein. Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, 249, 142-148 (2017). 46. Yan Yabin, Yu Yanlong, Huang Shaolong, Cao, Yaan*. Adjustment and Matching of Energy Band of TiO2-Based Photocatalysts by Metal Ions (Pd, Cu, Mn) for Photoreduction of CO2 into CH4 [J]. J Phys Chem C, 2017, (121): 1089-1098. 影响因子:4.536 47. Yang Yajun, Yu Yanlong, Zhang Chunling, Cao, Yaan*. Improved Visible Photocatalytic Activity on Titania Modified with -O-Pd-Cl Species Assisted by Oxidative Addition Reaction of Pd-0 [J]. J Phys Chem C, 2017, 121(1): 375-380. 影响因子:4.536 48. Lang Wang, Zheng Wang, Run Jiang, Yuhua Yin, Baohui Li*, “Conformation transitions of a single polyelectrolyte chain in a poor solvent: a replica-exchange lattice Monte-Carlo study”, Soft Matter, 13, 2216 - 2227 (2017) 3.889 49. Yang Yajun, Yu Yanlong, Wang Jingsheng, Cao, Yaan*. Doping and transformation mechanisms of Fe3+ ions in Fe-doped TiO2 [J]. CrystEngComm, 2017, 19: 1100-1105. 影 响因子:3.474 50. Han Zhongxing, Yu Yanlong, Zheng Wenjun, Cao, Yaan*. The Band Structure and Photocatalytic Mechanism for CeO2 Modified C3N4 Photocatalyst [J]. New J Chem, 2017, 41: 9724-9730. 影响因子:3.269 51. Yanlong Yu, Zijian Lan, Limei Guo, Cao, Yaan*. Synergistic effects of Zn and Pd species in TiO2 towards efficient photo-reduction of CO2 into CH4 [J]. New J Chem, accept. 影响因 子:3.269 52. Yu Yanlong, Zheng Wenjun, Cao, Yaan*. TiO2-Pd/C Composited Photocatalyst with Improved Photocatalytic Activity for Photoreduction of CO2 into CH4 [J]. New J Chem, 2017, 41: 3204-3210. 影响因子:3.269 53. Yu Yanlong, Huang Shaolei, Gu Yao, Cao, Yaan*. Study of PbBiO 2 X (X = Cl, Br and I) square nanoplates with efficient visible photocatalytic performance [J]. Appl Surf Sci, 2018, 428: 844-850. 影响因子:3.387 54. L. W. Wu, Y. X. Bai, L. Wu*, H. Yi, Y. F. Kong, Y. Zhang*, J. J. Xu, “Sm3+ and Eu3+ codoped SrBi2B2O7: a red-emitting phosphor with improved thermal stability”, RSC Advances, 7: 1146-1153 (2017). 3.108 55. Yanbang Zhang, Peng Wang, Qian Zhang, Xiaoyin Wei, Jianghong Yao, “Size effect on near infrared photothermal conversion properties of liquid-exfoliated MoS2 and MoSe2”, Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol. 105: 22-27 (2017). 2.123 56. Zheng Wang, Yuhua Yin, Run Jiang, Baohui Li*, “Morphological transformations of diblock copolymers in binary solvents: A simulation study”, FRONTIERS OF PHYSICS, 12(6), 128201 (2017) 2.579 57. Zhongxing Han, Yanlong Yu, Cao, Yaan*. Doping Mechanism of Ge 4+ Ions in Ge 4+ -Doped TiO 2[J]. physica status solidi (b), 2017:1700289. 影响因子:1.674 58. Xiaoyu Zhang, Hua Yu, Liying Guo, Jianning Jin, Qingxuan Li, Yuao Guo, Yuting Fu, Yahui Shi, Lijuan Zhao, Comprehensive model and investigation of F− ions-induced cubic-to-hexagonal phase transformation in NaYF4, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 728C:1254-1259 59. Peng-Chong Jiang, Fu-Lin Xing, Bu Guo, Jian-Yu Yang, Zhe-Ming Li, Wei Wei, Fen Hu, Imshik Lee, Xin-Zzheng Zhang, Lei-Ting Pan*, Jing-Jun Xu, “Nucleotide transmitters ATP and ADP mediate intercellular calcium wave communication via P2Y12/13 receptors among BV-2 microglia”, PLoS ONE 12, e0183114 (2017).


Annual Report 2016

60. Fen Hu, Zhen-Hai Hui, Wei Wei, Jian-Yu Yang, Zi-Yuan Chen, Bu Guo, Fu-Lin Xing, Xin-Zheng Zhang, Lei-Ting Pan*, Jing-Jun Xu, “Hypotonic stress promotes ATP release, reactive oxygen species production and cell proliferation via TRPV4 activation in rheumatoid arthritis rat synovial fibroblasts”, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 486, 108~115 (2017). 61. Wending Zhang, Zhen Chen, Biqiang Jiang, Ligang Huang, Dong Mao, Feng Gao, Ting Mei, Dexing Yang, Lin Zhang, and Jianlin Zhao, “Optical Heterodyne Microvibration Detection Based on All-Fiber Acousto-Optic Superlattice Modulation,” J. light. Tech. VOL. 35, NO. 18, 3821-3823(2017). 62. Xiaomei Gao, Jiafang Li*, Zhenzhong Hao, Fang Bo*, Chenyang Hu, Jie Wang, Zhiguang Liu, Zhi-Yuan Li, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu, "Vertical microgoblet resonator with high sensitivity fabricated by direct laser writing on a Si substrate," J. Appl. Phys. 121, 064502 (2017). 63. Ming Kang, Hui-Tian Wang and Weiren Zhu, “Wavefront manipulation with a dipolar metasurface under coherent control”, J. Appl. Phys. 122, 013105 (2017). 64. Wen-Shuai Jiang, Wei Xin, Shao-Nan Chen, Cun-Bo Li, Xiao-Guang Gao, Lei-Ting Pan, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Microshell Arrays Enhanced Sensitivity in Detection of Specific Antibody for Reduced Graphene Oxide Optical Sensor. Sensors, 17, 221 (2017). 65. Xiao-Qing Yan, Fang Liu, Xiang-Tian Kong, Jun Yao, Xin Zhao,Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Polarization dependence of graphene transient optical response: interplay between incident direction and anisotropic distribution of nonequilibrium carriers, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34(1),218-226 (2017). 66. Zhichao Deng, Jin Wang, Qing Ye, Tengqian Sun, Shike Liu, Wenyuan Zhou, Chunping Zhang, Jianchun Mei, Jianguo Tian, “A method for measuring the continuous dispersion spectrum of nonlinear refraction coefficients of materials,” Optics and Laser Technology, 98 (2018), 252–256 (2017). 67. Zhi-Chao Deng, Jin Wang, Zhi-Xiong Hu, Jian-Chun Mei & Qing Ye,“ Study on the relation between the refractive index of fresh muscle tissue and its water content from 400 to 750 nm,” Journal of Modern Optics ,1362-3044, (2017). 68. Meng-Qiang Cai, Zhou-Xiang Wang, Juan Liang, Yan-Kun Wang, Xu-Zhen Gao, Yongnan Li, Chenghou Tu and Hui-Tian Wang, “High-efficiency and flexible generation of vector vortex optical fields by a reflective phase-only spatial light modulator”, Appl. Opt. 56(22), 6175-6180 (2017). 69. Zheyong Zhang, Jianping Ding and Hui-Tian Wang, “Entanglement and nonlocality in a coupled-cavity system”, Photonics Res. 5(3), 224-232 (2017). 70. Xu-Zhen Gao, Yue Pan, Guan-Lin Zhang, Meng-Dan Zhao, Zhi-Cheng Ren, Chen-Ghou Tu, Yong-Nan Li and Hui-Tian Wang, “Redistributing the energy flow of tightly focused ellipticity-variant vector optical fields”, Photonics Res. 5(6), 640-648 (2017). 71. Aihua Zhou, Feng Song, Yingdong Han, Feifei Song, Dandan Ju, Khan Adnan, Lisa Liu, Ming Feng, “Color-tunable emission by adjusting sensitizer (Yb3+) and excitation power of 980 nm in NaGdTiO4:Yb3+/Tm3+/Er3+ phosphors for light emitting diodes”, Journal of Luminescence 194, 225–230 (2018). 72. Dandan Ju, Feng Song, Yingdong Han, Wenjing Cui, Aihua Zhou, Shujing Liu, Xueqin Wang, Ming Feng, Chengguo Ming, “Sequential Growth of Uniform _-NaYF4@_-NaLnF4(Ln = Y, Lu, Yb) Microcrystals with Luminescent Properties of Multicolor Tuning and Dual-Mode Emission”, Nanomaterials 7, 4481-44812 (2017). 73. Gui-Geng Liu, Yun-Han Lee, Yuge Huang, Zheyuan Zhu, Guanjun Tan, Meng-Qiang Cai, Ping-Ping Li, Dan Wang, Yongnan Li, Shuo Pang, Chenghou Tu, Shin-Tson Wu, and


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

Hui-Tian Wang, Dielectric broadband meta-vector-polarizers based on nematic liquid crystal, APL Photonics 2, 126102 (2017). 74. Ning Yuan, Hongxue Sun, Dandan Ju, Dayu Liu, Zibo Zhang, Wing han Wong, Feng Song, Daoyin Yu, Edwin Yuebun Pun, Delong Zhang, A simple, compact, low-cost, highly efficient thermometer based on green fluorescence of Er3+/Yb3+ -codoped NaYF4 microcrystals, & ENGINEERING C-MATERIALS FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS, 81, 177-181 (2017). 75. Yue Shi, Chenxiang Zhao, Jacob Yeuklung Ho, Valery V. Vashchenko, Abhishek Kumar Srivastava, Vladimir G. Chiigrinov, Hoising Kwok, Feng Song, Dan Luo, Exotic Property of Azobenzenesulfonic Photoalignment Material Based on Relative Humidity, LANGMUIR, 33, 3968-3974 (2017). 76. Chengguo Ming, Feng Song, Xiaobin Ren, Fengying Yuan, Yueting Qin, Liqun An, Yuanxue Cai, Converting sunlight into red light in fluorosilicate glass for amorphous solar cells, JOURNAL OF LUMINESCENCE, 183, 433-436 (2017). 77. Yuanxue Cai, Chengguo Ming, Feng Song, Eu3+/Tb3+ co-doped polymethyl methacrylate for white light-emitting applications, MATERIALS RESEARCH EXPRESS, 4, 026201 (2017). 78. Zhichao Ji, Xinzheng Zhang, Yujiao Zhang, Zhenhua Wang, Irena Drevensek-Olenik, Romano Rupp, Wei Li, Qiang Wu, and Jingjun Xu, "Electrically tunable generation of vectorial vortex beams with micro-patterned liquid crystal structures", Chin. Opt. Lett. 15(7) 070501 (2017). 79. Lingjun Kong, Rui Liu, Yu Si, Zhouxiang Wang, Chenghou Tu, Yongnan Li and Hui-Tian Wang, “Time-resolved multiple imaging by detecting photons with changeable wavelengths”, Chin. Opt. Lett. 15(8), 081101(2017). 80. Yu Si, Ling-Jun Kong, Yu Zhang, Zhi-Cheng Ren, Yue Pan, Chenghou Tu, Yongnan Li and Hui-Tian Wang, “Spatial-variant geometric phase of hybrid-polarized vector optical fields”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 34(4), 044204(2017). 81. Ling-Jun Kong, Yu Si, Rui Liu, Zhou-Xiang Wang, Wen-Rong Qi, Chenghou Tu, Yongnan Li and Hui-Tian Wang, “Robust ghost imaging based on degenerate spontaneous parametric down-conversion”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 34(5), 054206 (2017). 82. Li Qing-lian, Sun Jun, Shang Ji-fang, Yang Jin-feng, Zhang Ling, Xu Jing-jun. Lithium diffusion in low MgO-doped Lithium Niobate Crystals at High Temperature. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2017,3(46):433-438 (非 SCI) 83. Xinling He, Xiaoji Weng, Yue Zhang, Zhisheng Zhao, Zhenhai Wang, Bo Xu, Artem R. Oganov, Yongjun Tian, Xiangfeng F. Zhou and Hui-Tian Wang, “Two-dimensional boron on Pb (110) surface”, Flatchem (2017). (in press) (非 SCI)

84. 张心正,夏峰,许京军,“激光超衍射加工机理与研究进展”,物理学报 66(14) 144207-16 (2017)。

85. 潘雷霆,胡芬,张心正,许京军*,“多色单分子定位超分辨显微成像术的研究”,光学 学报 37(3),0318010 (2017)。

86. 杨建宇,潘雷霆,胡芬,张心正,许京军,“随机光学重构显微术及其应用研究进展”, 红外与激光工程 46(11),1103008 (2017)。

87. 贾子熙,黄松,进晓荣,杨明,陈战东,姚江宏,吴强,许京军,“飞秒激光过饱和掺 杂硅材料的研究及发展”,(综述)电光工程(2017)。

88. 李志向,刘建基,范洪鸣,张国权,“基于量子存储机制实现光学信息卷积操作的研究”, 光学学报 37(2),0207003 (2017).


Annual Report 2016

89. 任国浩,杨帆,“卤化物闪烁晶体的研究历史和现状”,中国科学:技术科学 47(11), 1149-1164 (2017)。


非第一单位 90. Q. H. Guo, B. Yang B, L. Xia, W. Gao, H. Liu, J. Chen, Y. Xiang, and S. Zhang, “Three dimensional photonic Dirac points in metamaterials”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 213901 (2017). 91. J. Lamstein, A. Bezryadina, D. Preece, J.C Chen, and Z. Chen, “Optical tug-of-war tweezers: shaping light for dynamic control of bacterial cells” Chinese Optics Letters 15(3), 030010(2017). (非第一单位)

92. P. Zhang, D. Gallardo, S. Liu, Y. Gao, T. Li, Y. Wang, Z. Chen, and X. Zhang, “Vortex degeneracy lifting and Aharonov–Bohm-like interference in deformed photonic graphene”, Opt. Lett. 42 (5), 915-918 (2017). (非第一单位)

出版专著: 1. Guoquan Zhang, Weijin Kong, Jingjun Xu, “Photorefractive Photonics 2017, Journal of Physics: Conference Series”, Vol. 867, IOP Publishing, ISSN: 1742-6588 (2017.07)


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报


申请专利/ Patents Applied [1] 201710218841.3;一种触发方式的微波辅助高品质还原氧化石墨烯的制备方法; 发明; 刘智波,蒋文帅,田建国。南开大学(2017.03.30) [2] 201711074580.9;一种黑磷取向二极管及其制备方法;发明;刘智波,辛巍,田建国。 南开大学(2017.11.02) [3] 201710452229.2;一种声学超表面;发明;陈树琪,谢博阳,程化,田建国。南开大学 (2017.06.15) [4] 201710452220.1;一种声学超表面和声波聚焦装置;发明;陈树琪,谢博阳,程化,田 建国。南开大学(2017.06.15) [5] 201710655642.9;傅里叶透镜、傅里叶透镜设计方法及纹影仪;发明;陈树琪,刘文玮, 程化,田建国。南开大学(2017.07.20) [6] PO1781110BJ ;Fourier Lens, Method for designing Fourier Lens, and Schlieren Apparatus;发明(美 国);陈树琪,刘文玮,程化,田建国。南开大学(2017.08.03) [7] 201710583316.1;一种基于铌酸锂材料的摩擦纳米发电机及其制备方法;发明;张心正, 耿娟,许京军,孔勇发,翟艳子,李文灿。南开大学(2017.7.11) [8] 201710461601.6;一种激光诱导石墨烯微纳结构的加工方法及其系统;发明;张心正, 许京军,石彬,徐晓丹,刘洋,任梦昕,蔡卫,吴强,伊瑞娜。南开大学(2017.6.14) [9] 201710345527. ;一种基于亚波长波导的窄带太赫兹波发生器及检测的方法;发明;吴 强,杨慧梅,卢瑶,潘崇佩,齐继伟,张春玲,姚江宏,许京军。南开大学(2017.5.12) [10] 201710127413. X;一种表面过饱和掺杂光电探测器的钝化方法;发明;吴强,曾强,张 春玲,姚江宏,刘丹,齐继伟,许京军。南开大学(2017.3.1) [11] 201711114695.6;一种基于声光作用的全光纤光学移频器及其移频方法;发明; 高峰,韩 小芳,张国权,许京军。南开大学(2017.12.12) [12] 201711364094.0;一种基于声光作用的全光纤反射式光学移频器及移频方法;发明;高 峰,李晓婷,韩小芳,黄礼刚,许京军。南开大学(2017.12.18) [13] CN107059123A;四偏磷酸二钾锶晶体的制备方法及其用途;发明;孙同庆,王策,孔勇 发,刘宏德,刘士国,许京军。南开大学(2017.08.18) [14] CN106929917A ;一种室温 90°相位匹配的双掺铌酸锂晶体;发明;孔勇发,孔腾飞, 刘士国,刘宏德,陈绍林,郑大怀,葛新宇,徐培明,卞志勇,许京军。南开大学(2017.07.07) [15] 2017110067868 ;一种利用金属掺杂二氧化钛催化剂热催化降解甲醛等大气有机污染物的 方法;发明;曹亚安,兰子鉴。南开大学(2017.10.31) [16] 201510771396.4;一种基于高光谱成像的监控激光清洗进程的方法;发明;宋峰。南开 大学(2017.12.12)


Annual Report 2016

[17] 201711170471.7;一种低成本水质多参数监测装置;发明;徐晓轩,王斌,黄津辉,杨江 涛,时金蒙,文虹镜,车颖,徐阳阳,梁菁。南开大学(2017.11.22) [18] 201711170394.5;一种手持式水质快检试纸条比对装置;发明;徐晓轩,王斌,黄津辉, 杨江涛,时金蒙,文虹镜,车颖,徐阳阳,梁菁。南开大学(2017.11.22 ) [19] 201711321256.2;一种基于移动基站大数据的人群移动预测方法;发明; 徐晓轩,王斌, 朱箭,李强,杨江涛。南开大学(2017.12.12) [20] 201711322610.3;人群在城市公共场所聚集模式的密度估算方法;发明; 徐晓轩,王斌, 朱箭,李强,杨江涛。南开大学(2017.12.13) [21] 201711343399.3;一种紫外光固化纳米压印方法;发明;徐晓轩,王斌,梁菁,文虹镜, 杨江涛。南开大学(2017.12.15) [22] 201711343398.9;一种超分辨荧光显微方法;发明;王斌,徐晓轩,黄津辉,车颖,时 金蒙。南开大学(2017.12.15) [23] 201711343400.2;一种叶绿素荧光光谱测量方法;发明;徐晓轩,王斌,黄津辉,徐阳 阳。南开大学(2017.12.15) [24] 201721749125.X;一种紫外光固化纳米压印方法;实用新型;徐晓轩,王斌,梁菁,文 虹镜,杨江涛。南开大学(2017.12.15) [25] 201721749121.1;一种超分辨荧光显微方法;实用新型;王斌,徐晓轩,黄津辉,车颖, 时金蒙。南开大学(2017.12.15) [26] 201721749835.2;一种叶绿素荧光光谱测量方法;实用新型;徐晓轩,王斌,黄津辉, 徐阳阳。南开大学(2017.12.15)

授权专利/ Patents Approved [1] ZL201510236182.7;一种微结构阵列光学应变传感器设计及其制造方法;发明;兀伟, 任梦昕,皮彪,蔡卫,张心正,许京军。南开大学(2017.9.1) [2] ZL201510445700.6;一种微结构阵列光学位移传感器的制造方法及其用于检测微小位移 的方法;发明;兀伟,任梦昕,皮彪,蔡卫,张心正,许京军。南开大学(2017.9.1) [3] CN104310403.B;一种窄带发光黄色纳米硅颗粒的制备方法;发明;姚江宏,栗瑜梅,潘 玉松,赵丽,杨明,陈战东,吴强,许京军。南开大学(2017.12.19) [4] ZL201510531256.X;一种用于暖白光 LED 的蓝色荧光粉的制备方法和应用;发明;易欢, 武莉,张毅。南开大学(2017.03.29) [5] 201610321341.8;一种稀土离子掺杂的磷酸盐玻璃微晶光纤;发明;宋峰。南开大学 (2017.3.15) [6] ZL201310712517.9;波导光学照明测色探头;发明;徐晓轩,孙希鹏,王斌。南开大学


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

国际合作与交流/International Cooperation and Exchange

来访人员名单/Visitors List

序号 姓名 国家或地区 单位 技术职称 报告题目 来访时间 来访目的 Random lasing in a chiral nematic 1. Andrii Ilyin 乌克兰 乌克兰科学院物理所 研究员 2017.6.21-7.28 合作交流 liquid crystal Photogalvanic self-pulsing of Nickolai V. 美国阿拉巴马农工大 2. 美国 教授 electro-wetting of LC droplet on 2017.7.8-8.8 合作交流 Kukhtarev 学 LN-crystal Marko SHG in periodically structured AlN 3. 斯洛文尼亚 斯特藩研究所 教授 2017.7.15-7.28 合作交流 Zgonik waveguides Irena Micro-patterned liquid crystalline 4. Olenik-Dreve 斯洛文尼亚 斯特藩研究所 教授 structures for application in 2017.9.19-9.30 合作交流 nsek microfluidic devices Romano Perspectives for photorefractive 2017.7.9-7.25 5. 奥地利 维也纳大学 教授 合作交流 Rupp materials in neutron physics 2017.8.30-9.30 Nature Communications: Open Access 工作访问 6. Nina Meinzer 英国 Nature 杂志基团 副编辑 2017.4.25-4.27 all areas 学术交流 上海师范大学数理学 新型功能材料在太赫茲產生、探測、 工作访问 7. 赵振宇 中国 副研究员 2017.11.12-11.13 院 操控中的應用 学术交流 北京大学化学与分钟 二维纳米碳材料——从石墨烯到石 工作访问 8. 陈旭东 中国 博士后 2017.11.29-2017.11.29 工程学院 墨炔 学术交流

9. 刘 荣 澳大利亚 西悉尼大学 博士 Nano-resolution Secondary Ion 2017.5.24-26 工作访问


Annual Report 2016

Mass Spectrometry (SIMS): 学术交流 Techniques and Applications in emerging Materials and Biological Science 超快激光微纳加工技术及其应用研 工作访问 10. 吴 东 中国 中国科技大学 教授 2017.7.15-16 究 学术交流 普渡大学物理和天文 激光悬浮微纳粒子及量子自旋光力 工作访问 11. 李统藏 美国 助理教授 2017.7.20-7.22 系 学 学术交流 教授、院 工作访问 12. 沈元壤 美国 加州大学伯克利分校 Personal View of Nonlinear Optics 2017.10.20-10.22 士 讲学

教授、院 All-dielectric nanophotonics and 工作访问 13. Yuri Kivshar 澳大利亚 澳大利亚国立大学 2017.10.20-10.22 士 meta-optics driven by Mie resonances 讲学

Complementarity and Entanglement— 工作访问 14. 钱晓峰 美国 罗切斯特大学 博士 2017.10.20-10.22 Beyond Wave and Particle 学术交流

Optical Superoscillation Technologies: Nikolay 工作访问 15. 英国 南安普顿大学 教授 Subdiffraction Focusing and 2017.10.20-10.22 Zheludev 讲学 Label-Free Imaging

Direct laser writing of ferroelectric 工作访问 16. Yan Sheng 澳大利亚 澳大利亚国立大学 博士 2017.10.20-10.22 domain patterns 学术交流

Nonlinear Optics of Self-Assembled 17. Ping Yu 美国 密苏里大学 教授 2017.10.15-10.23 合作研究 Peptide-Polymer Nanostructures

Daniel IBS Center for Nonlinear Phenomena in Photonic 18. 韩国 博士 2017.10.20-10.22 学术交流 Leykam Theoretical Physics of Topological Insulators Complex Systems (PCS),


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

Korea Metasurfaces rewrite the rule of optical 19. 陈献忠 英国 Heriot-Watt University 助理教授 2017.11.12-11.15 学术交流 design 20. Karsten Buse 德国 Fraunhofer IPM 教授 2017.07.16-07.22 学术交流 今日物理:Non-Classical Mechanism 俄罗斯科学院物理所 of Crystal Growth by Agglomeration Pavel P. 材料室/General Physics 工作访问 21. 俄罗斯 教授 of Nanoparticles 2017.2.29-3.14 Fedorov Insititute, Russian 学术交流 研究生学术周末:Fluoride Academy of Science Nanoparticles 科罗拉多州立大学化 嵌段共聚物界面的涨落对其在纳米 工作访问 22. Wang Qiang, 美国 副教授 2017.6.17-21 工系 刻蚀应用中的影响 学术交流 科罗拉多州立大学化 嵌段共聚物界面的涨落对其在纳米 工作访问 23. Wang Qiang, 美国 副教授 2017.10.17-18 工系 刻蚀应用中的影响 讲学

Shi, 工作访问 24. 加拿大 麦克马斯特大学 教授 嵌段共聚物自组装形成的复杂相 2017.7.3-7.6 An-Chang 讲学


Annual Report 2016

出访人员名单/Personnel exchange Researchers List

序 国家或 姓名 单位 职称或职位 出访时间 出访目的 号 地区 Salk Institute for 1. 1 叶 青 美国 Biological 副教授 2016.8-2018.2 访问学者 Studies 西班牙光子学研 2. 2 蔡 卫 西班牙 副教授 2016.12-2017.12 访问学习 究所 澳大利 澳大利亚国立大 3. 徐 雷 博士后 2016.6-20018.6 合作研究 亚 学 斯洛文 2017.6.15-2017. 4. 张心正 斯特藩研究所 教 授 合作研究 尼亚 6.24 2017.6.25-2017. 5. 张心正 德国 CLEO@Europe 教 授 国际会议 6.30 莫纳什大学、思 维本科技大学、 澳大利 访问、合 6. 吴 强 新南威尔士大 教 授 2017.3.18-3.24 亚 作 学、悉尼大学、 西悉尼大学

英国伦敦帝国理 2017.9.3-2017.9. 7. 任梦昕 英国 副教授 合作研究 工学院 12

澳大利 2017.12.10-2017 8. 任梦昕 斯文本科技大学 副教授 合作研究 亚 .12.13 休斯顿大学化学 9. 孙同庆 美国 副教授 2017.10.14- 访问学者 系 参加“第 五届高分 参加国际学术会 10. 李宝会 西班牙 教 授 2017.16-20 子科学前 议 沿国际研 讨会” 2017.1.8-2017.1. 11. 宋峰 柬埔寨 金边大学物理系 教 授 国际会议 13 悉尼大学、新南 澳大利 12. 宋峰 威尔士大学、莫 教 授 2017.3.20-3.27 访问交流 亚 纳什大学 国际物理 13. 宋峰 瑞典 哥德堡大学 教 授 2017.4.10-4.17 学术比赛 14. 宋峰 澳门 澳门大学物理系 教 授 2017.6.2-6.5 访问交流 东京大学、卡西 15. 宋峰 日本 教 授 2017.6.10-6.14 访问交流 欧公司

16. 宋峰 新加坡 新加坡国立大学 教 授 2017.7.5-13 青年物理


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

学家学术 竞赛 旧金山州立大 学、萨克生物研 17. 刘智波 美国 教 授 2017.8.10-8.21 学术交流 究所、加州大学 洛杉矶分校 旧金山州立大 学、萨克生物研 18. 田建国 美国 教 授 2017.8.10-8.21 学术交流 究所、加州大学 洛杉矶分校

研究生交流情况/Personnel exchange Students List

序 国家或 博士生/ 姓名 单位 出访时间 出访目的 号 地区 硕士生 2015.10-2017.0 1. 1 任志成 奥地利 维也纳大学 博 士 联合培养 4 斯洛文 2017.5.8-2017. 2. 2 高少华 斯特藩研究所 博士生 合作研究 尼亚 5.21 3. 任杨阳 香港 香港科技大学 博士生 2017.6.20-9.20 学术交流 4. 张 康 香港 香港科技大学 硕士生 2017.6.20-9.20 学术交流


Annual Report 2016

国内、国际会议报告/Talks at Conferences

1 Mengxin Ren, Wei Wu, Wei Cai, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Nonlinear Light Polarization Control by Metamaterials”, SPIE NanoPhotonics Australasia, Melbourne, Australia, Dec 10-13 (2017). (Invited talk)

2 Qiang Wu, Jianghong Yao, Chunling Zhang, Jiwei Qi, Chongpei Pan and Jingjun Xu, “Femtosecond Laser Hyperdoping Crystal: Principle and Applications”, The 18th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2017), Toyama, Japan, June5-8 (2017). (Invited talk)

3 Qiang Wu, Jianghong Yao, Chunling Zhang, Jiwei Qi, Chongpei Pan and Jingjun Xu, “Interaction of femtosecond laser with crystals: from THz photonics to hyperdoping crystals”, The 9th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2017), Herbin, China, July 17-20 (2017). (Invited talk)

4 Baohui Li, “Self-assembly of Block Copolymer Thin Films upon Solvent Evaporation: A Simulation Study”, Outlook of Soft Matter Physics and Its Applications, Beijing ( 2017.12.15-18) (Invited talk)

5 Y. Hu, Z. Li, B. Wetzel, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen, and J. Xu, "Controlling Cherenkov Radiation Emission through Self-accelerating Wave-packets," PIERS 2017, Singapore, November 19–22 (2017). (Invited talk)

6 Z. Chen, “Nonlinear self-action of light through biological suspensions”, The 7th International Multidisciplinary Conference on (Optofluidics2017), Singapore, July 25-28(2017) [Keynote talk]

7 Fang Bo, Zhenzhong Hao, Jie Wang, Shuqiong Ma, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang and Jingjun Xu, “Sum-frequency and second-harmonic effects in on-chip lithium niobate microdisk resonators”, 2017 International Conference on Optical Instrument and Technology (OIT’2017), Beijing, China, Oct. 28-30 (2017). (Invited talk)

8 Fang Bo, “Nonlinear optical effects in on-chip lithium niobate microdisk resonators”, OPS-NKU2017, Tianjin, China, Oct. 20-22 (2017). (Invited talk)

9 Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Zhenzhong Hao, Jiao Cui, Sahin Ozdemir, Yongfa Kong, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang, LanYang, Jingjun Xu, “Fabrication and Nonlinear Effects of Lithium Niobate Microdisk Resonators”, The 8th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2017), Incheon-Seoul, Korea, July 25-28 (2017). (Invited talk)

10 Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Zhenzhong Hao, Jiao Cui, Sahin Ozdemir, Guoquan Zhang, Yongfa Kong, Lan Yang, and Jingjun Xu, “Fabrication and nonlinear effects in lithium niobate microdisk resonators”, Workshop on Asymmetric Microcavity and Wave Chaos, Beijing, China, March 19-22 (2017). (Invited talk)


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

11 Fang Bo, Jie Wang, Zhenzhong Hao, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Lithium niobate microdisk resonators on a chip”, SPIE Photonics West 2017, San Francisco, California, USA, Jan. 28 – Feb. 2 (, 2017). (Invited talk)

12 Z. Chen, “Novel phenomena in photonic graphene”, 第十二届全国光学前沿问题讨论会 2017, 重庆(2017.11. 17-21) [Keynote talk]

13 裴雨苗,胡毅,楼慈波,宋道红,唐莉勤,许京军,陈志刚,“周期光学微结构中正负 “质量”光场间同向加速的研究”, 第四届全国光孤子学术研讨会,上海(2017.11.3-5)。 (邀请报告)

14 薄方,“铌酸锂晶体回音廊模式光学微腔的制备和非线性光学效应”,中国科协第 329 次青 年科学家论坛——太赫兹波与微纳光子学,青岛(2017.11.3-5)。( 邀请报告)

15 Z. Chen and Y. Hu, , 第十二届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议暨(LTO2017),上海 (2017.3.12-15)(邀请报告) 16 潘雷霆,“基于随机光学重建显微术的人红细胞骨架结构的研究”, 第二届生物医学成 像新技术新方法青年论坛,西安(2017.8.27-28)。 (邀请报告)

17 吴强、姚江宏、张春玲、齐继伟、许京军,“飞秒激光与晶体材料的相互作用”,第十二 届全国激光技术与光电子学学术会议(LTO2017),上海(20017.3.12-15)。 (邀请报告)

18 吴强、姚江宏、张春玲、齐继伟、潘崇培、杨富华、许京军,“基于集成芯片的 THz 声 子极化激元的研究”,2017 年超快激光精密加工技术及应用研讨会,杭州(2017.12.15-17)。 (邀请报告)

19 王朗,李宝会,“Conformation transitions of a single polyelectrolyte chain in a poor solvent: a replica-exchange lattice Monte-Carlo study” 第十届全国软物质与生命物质物理学术会 议,厦门(2017. 3.24-27)。 (分会邀请报告)

20 王朗,李宝会,“Conformation transitions of a single polyelectrolyte chain in a poor solvent: A simulation study”, 2017 第一届自组装理论模拟方法与应用研讨会,长春(2017. 5.5-8). (邀请报告)

21 杨帆,“超快闪烁材料的研究现状与探索”,2017 东方科技论坛,上海(2017,12.8)( 邀 请报告)

22 李宝会,王朗,“聚电解质单链在显含不良溶剂的溶液中链构象转变的模拟研究”,软物 质交叉科学研讨会,伊犁(2017. 7.29-8.3)(邀请报告)

23 王朗,李宝会,“聚电解质单链在显含不良溶剂的溶液中链构象转变的模拟研究”,2017 年高分子学术论文报告会,成都(2017. 10.10-14). (邀请报告)

24 郝金龙,李宝会“体相形成柱状相的两嵌段共聚物薄膜在溶剂退火条件下自组装行为的 分子模拟研究”,第十四届全国计算(机)化学学术会议(南京,2017.11.17-20), (分会邀请 报告)

25 武莉,武丽伟,白宇星,张毅,孔勇发,许京军,“具有高热稳定性发光材料的相变与 发光机制”,第九届全国稀土发光材料学术研讨会暨国际论坛,广州(2017.11.30-12.3) (邀请报告)


Annual Report 2016

26 刘智波,“基于二维材料的光学生物传感技术”,中国科协第 330 次青年科学家论坛— 智能光子学传感器科学与技术前沿,沈阳(2017.10.3-5)。( 邀请报告)

27 陈树琪, “Manipulation of optical fields by plasmonic Metasurface”, Optics Frontier—The 9th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, 哈尔滨(2017 年 7 月 17 日-20 日)。(邀请报告)

28 张国权,王晓杰,焦跃健,邵震,许京军,“铌酸锂纳米畴壁的制备与固定”,第九届全国 光学青年学术论坛,福州,2017 年 11 月 24-27 日。(邀请报告)

29 Zhenzhong Hao, Jie Wang, Shuqiong Ma, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Sum Frequency and Second Harmonic Generations in Lithium Niobate Microdisk Resonators on a Chip”, Photorefractive Photonics 2017, Qingdao, China, July 17-20, (2017). (oral presentation)

30 Zhixiang Li, Jianji Liu, Hongming Fan, Guoquan Zhang, “Convolution Operation of Optical Information via Quantum Storage”, Photorefractive Photonics 2017, Qingdao, China, July 17-20, (2017). (oral presentation)

31 Dan Wang, Jiaqi Lv, Guigeng Liu, Pingping Li, Mengqiang Cai, Yongnan Li, Chenghou Tu, and Huitian Wang, “Control the Collapse of Optical Fields by Anisotropic Media”, Nonlinear Optics (NLO) Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, July17-21(2017). (oral presentation)

32 Jia-Qi Lv, Dan Wang, Ping-Ping Li, Meng-Qiang Cai, Yong-Nan Li, Cheng-Hou Tu and Hui-Tian Wang, “Nested structure field for extending optical filaments”, Nonlinear Optics (NLO) Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, July17-21(2017). (oral presentation)

33 Ping-Ping Li, Meng-Qiang Cai, Jia-Qi Lv, Dan Wang, Cheng-hou Tu, Yong-nan Li, Hui-Tian Wang, “Control of Femtosecond Multi-flamentation In Glass by Designable Patterned Optical Fields”, Nonlinear Optics (NLO) Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, July17-21(2017). (oral presentation)

34 Yinxiao Xiang, Wei Cai, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Direct viewing the unidirectional mid-infrared radiation of Yagi-Uda antenna in scattering-type scanning near-field microscopy”, The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics, Dalian, China, April 27-30(2017). (Oral presentation)

35 Zenghong Ma, Wei Cai, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Dynamic spontaneous emission control of an optical emitter coupled to plasmons instrained graphene”, The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics, Dalian, China, April 27-30(2017). (Oral presentation)

36 Chenglin Du, Wei Cai, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Imaging and Spectroscopy of Surface Plasmon Modes in Single-Crystal Aluminum Ridge Nanoantennas”, The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics, Dalian, China, April 27-30(2017). (Oral presentation)

37 Xiaojie Jiang, Wei Cai, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Nano-imaging of plasmons in triangular graphene nanoresonators”, The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics, Dalian, China, April 27-30(2017). (Oral presentation) 86

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

38 Li Li, Wei Cai, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Single-Crystal Aluminum Plasmonic Nano-triangle Cavity”, The International Symposium On Plasmonics and Nano-photonics, Dalian, China, April 27-30(2017). (Oral presentation)

39 Juan Geng, Xinzheng Zhang, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, “Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on Lithium Niobate Film”, Photorefractive Photonics 2017, Qingdao, China, Jul. 17-20 (2017) (Oral presentation)

40 Nickoly Kukhtarev, Tatiana Kukhtareva, Juan Geng, Xinzheng Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Photogalvanic self-pulsing of electro-wetting of LC droplet on LN-crystal”, Photorefractive Photonics 2017, Qingdao, China, Jul. 17-20 (2017) (Oral presentation)

41 Fan Yang, Liyuan Zhang, Ren-Yuan Zhu, “Slow Scintillation Component and Radiation Induced Photocurrent and Readout Noise in Pure CsI Crystals”, The 7th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology, Changchun, China, Oct 15-18(2017). (Oral)

42 L. Wu, H. Yi, L. W. Wu, Y. X. Bai, Y. Zhang, Y. F. Kong, J. J. Xu, “Structure and properties of luminescent materials at high temperature”, The 7th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology(第七届亚洲晶体生长与晶体技术会),长春(2017.10.15-18)( 口 头报告)

43 Dahuai Zheng,Da Qu, Weiwei Wang, Yang Zhong, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, The Updatable Holographic Display of Bismuth and Magnesium Co-doped Lithium Niobate Crystal, The 7th Asian Conference on Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology(第七届亚洲 晶体生长与晶体技术会),长春(2017.10.15-18)( 口头报告)

44 Xiaopeng Song, Wencan Li, Dahuai Zheng, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, "Pure phase Manganese doped BiFeO3 thin film deposited on SrTiO3: Nb buffered Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si", The 9th China-Japan Symposium on Ferroelectric Materials and their Applications, Sep. 14-18, 2017, Chengdu, China. (Oral)

45 高峰,“回音廊模微腔阵列的位置传感应用”,第七届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛, 吉林省长春市,2017 年 8 月 4-6 日(口头报告)。

46 武莉,武丽伟,白宇星,张毅,孔勇发,许京军,“发光材料在高温下的结构与发光性 质”,中国材料大会 2017 暨银川国际材料周,银川(2017.7.5-12)( 口头报告)

47 武莉,武丽伟,白宇星,张毅,孔勇发,许京军,“发光材料在高温下的结构与发光性 质”,2017 中国(国际)功能材料科技与产业高层论坛,银川(2017.8.18-21)( 口头报 告)

48 武莉,武丽伟,白宇星,张毅,孔勇发,许京军,“发光材料在高温下的结构与发光性 质”,第十六届全国青年材料科学技术研讨会,天津(2017.10.13-16)( 口头报告)

49 潘雷霆,“Super-resolution microscopy reveals the native ultrastructure of the erythrocyte cytoskeleton”, 第 15 次中国暨国际生物物理大会,上海(2017.11.3-6)。 (口头报告)

50 潘雷霆,“Protection of the biconcave profile of human erythrocytes against osmotic damage by ultraviolet-A irradiation”, 第 15 次中国暨国际生物物理大会,上海(2017.11.3-6)。 (口 头报告)


Annual Report 2016

51 Bin Shi, Xiaodan Xu, Xinzheng Zhang, Mengxin Ren, Wei Cai and Jingjun Xu, “Structured Graphene Fabricated by Laser Direct Writing beyond the Diffraction Limit”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017, Munich, Germany, June 25-29 (2017) (poster)

52 Zhenzhong Hao, Jie Wang, Shuqiong Ma, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu. “Sum Frequency Generation in On-chip Lithium Niobate Microdisk Resonators”. 653. WE-Heraeus-Seminar on “Optical Microcavities and Their Applications”, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, November 6-10 (2017). (poster)

53 Zhi-Bo Liu, Wei Xin, Xu-Dong Chen, Jian-Guo Tian, “Photovoltage Enhancement in Twisted-Bilayer Graphene using Surface Plasmon Resonance”, International conference on Advances in Functional Materials, University of California, Los Angeles, USA, August 14-17 (2017). (Poster)

54 Zhenzhong Hao, Jie Wang, Shuqiong Ma, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang, Jingjun Xu, “Sum Frequency and Second Harmonic Generations in Lithium Niobate Microdisk Resonators on a Chip”, Photorefractive Photonics 2017, Qingdao, Shandong, July 17-20 (2017). (poster)

55 Zhenzhong Hao, Jie Wang, Fang Bo, Feng Gao, Guoquan Zhang, and Jingjun Xu. “Mode Polarization Determination Based on Thermal-Effect of Lithium Niobate Microdisk Resonators”, Workshop on Asymmetric Microcavity and Wave Chaos, Beijing, China, March 19-22 (2017). (p oster)

56 Jianji Liu, Zhixiang Li, Hongming Fan, Jiachen Liu, Guoquan Zhang, “Subwavelength Interference Based on Light Pulse Storage via Electromagnetically Induced Transparency”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2017, San Jose, California United States, USA, 14-19 May (2017). (Poster)

57 Dahuai Zheng, Da Qu, Shiguo Liu, Hongde Liu, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu, “The fast photorefrative response of LN:Bi,Mg crystal in CW laser”, Photorefractive PhotonicsPR’17, July 17-20, 2017, Qingdao, China. (Poster)

58 Zeqing Jiang, Hongde Liu, Dahuai Zheng, Tengfei Kong, Shiguo Liu, Shaolin Chen, Yongfa Kong and Jingjun Xu, “ Wide temperature tuning Second Harmonic Generation in Lithium Niobate by voltage-tuning phase matching”, Photorefractive PhotonicsPR’17, July 17-20, 2017, Qingdao, China. (Poster)

59 Jinlong Hao,, Baohui Li, “Self-assembly of block copolymer thin films upon solvent evaporation: a simulation study, 5th International Symposium - Frontiers in Polymer Science 2017, Seville, Spain(2017. 5.17-19) (Poster)

60 Wei Xin, Xu-Dong Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, Jian-Guo Tian, “Photovoltage Enhancement in Twisted-Bilayer Graphene using Surface Plasmon Resonance”, Graphene2017, Barcelona, Spain, March 28-31 (2017). (Poster)

61 Yuejian Jiao, Xiaojie Wang, Yunfan Zhang, Fang Bo, Yongfa Kong, Jingjun Xu and Guoquan Zhang. “Fabrication of nano-scale domain structures in bulk Mg-doped LiNbO3 crystals”, Photorefractive Photonics 2017, Qingdao, Shandong, July 17-20 (2017). (Poster)

62 Jinlong Hao,, Baohui Li, “Self-assembly of block copolymer thin films upon solvent 88

2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

evaporation: A simulation study”, 2017 13thKorea-China Bilateral Symposium on Polymer Materials, 西安, (2017.8.13-17). (Poster)

63 Xu-Zhen Gao, Yue Pan, Meng-Dan Zhao, Guan-Lin Zhang, Chenghou Tu, Yongnan Li and Hui-Tian Wang, “The application of fractal vector optial fields in optical trapping”,中国物 理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。(张贴报告)

64 Xiao-Ji Weng, Xiang-Feng Zhou, “M-B28: a new two-dimensional antiferromagnetic semiconductor”, 中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。(张贴 报告)

65 吕家琪,王丹,李萍萍,李勇男,涂成厚,王慧田,“利用嵌套结构光场延长飞秒激光 成丝”,中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。(张贴报告)

66 王丹,吕家琪,李萍萍,刘癸庚,涂成厚,李勇男,王慧田“飞秒矢量光场在氟化钡晶 体中的非线性坍缩”,中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。 (口头报告)

67 李萍萍,涂成厚,李勇男,王慧田“利用光丝之间相互作用调制超连续光谱的偏振性质 的研究”,中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。(张贴报告)

68 赵梦丹,高旭珍,潘岳,张冠林,涂成厚,李勇男,王慧田,“基于分数傅里叶变换与 分形结构相位掩膜的光学图像加密”,中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都 (2017.9.7-10)。( 张贴报告)

69 王珂,梁娟,涂成厚,李勇男,王慧田,“矢量贝塞尔光束的生成及特性研究”,中国物 理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。(张贴报告)

70 何新玲,周向锋,“在 Pb(110)表面模拟生长二维硼”,中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季 学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。(张贴报告)

71 刘瑞,孔令军,李勇男,王慧田,“利用 Mach-Zehnder 干涉和 Hong-Ou-Mandle 效应相 结合对双光子干涉的研究”,中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。 (张贴报告)

72 齐文荣,“基于关联光子对的涡旋光量子双缝干涉”, 中国物理学会(CPS)2017 秋季 学术会议,成都(2017.9.7-10)。(张贴报告)

73 郝振中, 王杰, 薄方*, 高峰, 张国权, 许京军。“基于热效应的铌酸锂微盘腔模式偏振检测”, 2017 中国光学学术大会,长春(2017.08.10-14)。( 张贴报告)

74 闫娜,韩小芳,常朋发,高峰*,薄方,张国权,许京军, “波长间距连续可调谐的双波长光 纤激光器”,中国物理学会 2017 年秋季会议,四川省成都市,2017 年 9 月 7 日至 10 日。(张 贴报告)

75 韩小芳,常朋发,闫娜,高峰*,薄方,张国权,许京军, “基于全光纤声光效应和回音廊模 微腔的光学移频器”,中国物理学会 2017 年秋季会议,四川省成都市,2017 年 9 月 7 日至 10 日。(张贴报告)

76 张路,陆一平,李利明,张国权,“基于随机相位类光栅结构的双光子超聚束效应”,中国 物理学会 2017 年秋季会议,成都,2017 年 9 月 7-10 日。(张贴报告)


Annual Report 2016

77 Alexey Taichenachev, “ 俄罗斯光子学暑期学校及研讨会” , 新 西 伯 利 亚 大 学 (2017.8.20-31)

78 黄维, “2017 中俄激光物理基础及应用光子学研讨会”,南京工业大学 (2017.4.21-24)

79 Chongpei Pan, Yane Wang, Yao Lu, Wenjuan Zhao, Qi Zhang, Qiang Wu, and Jingjun Xu, “Real-space and real-time imaging of THz wave confinement and standing wave in a Fabry-Perot resonator”, Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2017), San Jose, USA May 14-19 (2017).

80 Y. Hu, Z. Li, B. Wetzel, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen, and J. Xu, "Controlling Cherenkov Radiation Emission through Self-accelerating Wave-packets," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, May 14–19 (2017).

81 Y. Pei, Y. Hu, C. Lou, D. Song, L. Tang, J. Xu, and Z. Chen, "Observation of Spatial Optical Diametric Drive Acceleration," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, San Jose, California United States, May 14–19 (2017).

82 Xiaoting Li, Pengfa Chang, Xiaofang Han, Feng Gao*, Fang Bo, Guoquan Zhang1,2 and Jingjun Xu, “Position sensing based on the bottle-shaped whispering gallery modes resonators”, QingDao Shandong, 2017.7.17-2017.7.20.

83 宋道红,陈志刚,许京军,” Observation of Valley dependent topological charge flipping in photonic graphene” 第七届全国原子分子光物理青年科学家论坛” 长春 (2017.8.4-6).

84 刘秀英,宋道红,许京军,陈志刚,” “Pseudospin-dependent transformation of vortices in photonic graphene”” Photorefractive Photonics 2017, 青岛(2017.7.17--20)

85 Z. Chen, “Intriguing phenomena in photorefractive lattices”, Photorefractive Photonics, (PR17), 青岛(2017.7.17-20)

86 薄方,片上铌酸锂晶体回音廊模式光学微腔,第一届京津冀青年物理学术论坛,天津 (2017.12.15-17)。

87 薄方,王杰,郝振中,马姝琼,毛文博,高峰,张国权,许京军,“片上铌酸锂晶体微腔内 非线性效应”,2017 年微腔光子学学术研讨会,上海(2017.10.12-15)。

88 毛文博,薄方,张国权,许京军,“铌酸锂单晶微腔内参量下转换效应的双通道和温度上限 现象”, 2017 年微腔光子学学术研讨会,上海(2017.10.12-15)。

89 郝振中,张莉,薄方,高峰,张国权,许京军。“铌酸锂微盘腔内的类频梳非线性光谱”, 2017 年微腔光子学学术研讨会,上海(2017.10.12-15)。

90 孙军,第一届海峡两岸“氧化镓及其相关材料与器件研讨会”,上海(2017.11.18-21)

91 刘宏德,先进高功率高能激光技术与应用研讨会,山东·威海,(2017.12.08-10)

92 Wenshuai Jiang, Chao Yang, Guoxing Chen, Xiaoqing Yan, Shaonan Chen, Baowang Su, Zhibo Liu, Jianguo Tian, “High-Quality Graphene Preparation by Triggered Microwave Reduction”, 2017 国际石墨烯高峰论坛, 深圳(2017.49-12)


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

主办国内、国际会议/Conferences Sponsored by the Laboratory

2017 年微腔光子学前沿论坛(2017.6.30-7.2;天津)




献。为了促进学术交流,探讨微腔光子学的未来发展,2017 年 6 月 30 日至 7 月 2 日,重

点实验室在南开大学物理科学学院举办了“2017 年微腔光子学前沿论坛”。


清华大学、上海光机所、西安光机所、长春光机所、中国科学技术大学等 10 家单位的 13


内容进行了交流,共有来自 14 个单位的 50 余名师生参加了会议。在会议过程中,与会者


南开大学弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室/ The Key laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics (Nankai University, Tianjin 300457), Ministry of Education, China


Annual Report 2016



验室和青岛大学物理科学学院联合承办的 “第十六届光折变光子学国际会议”于 2017 年

7 月 17 日至 7 月 20 日在山东省青岛市成功举办。

本次会议共有来自 12 个国家 31 个单位的 60 余名会议代表参会。会议共安排了邀请报

告 14 个,口头报告 22 个,张贴报告 23 个。与会代表就波耦合效应及其应用、光与物质非



光折变光子学国际会议为 The International Conference on Photorefractive Effects,

Materials and Applications 会议的延承。该系列会议始于 1987 年,每两年一届,是光折变光




力具有积极意义。实验室曾于 2005 年承办过该系列会议,本次会议是该系列会议时隔 12


南开大学弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室/ The Key laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics (Nankai University, Tianjin 300457), Ministry of Education, China


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

光学与光子学南开论坛 2017(2017.10.20-10.22;天津)

2017 年 10 月 20 日至 22 日,光学与光子学南开论坛 2017(Optics and Photonics

Symposium in Nankai University, OPS-NKU2017)在南开大学举行。本次论坛由南开大学物理



本次论坛邀请了美国加州大学伯克利分校沈元壤教授、澳大利亚国立大学 Yuri

Kivshar 教授、英国南安普顿大学 Nikolay Zheludev 教授、同济大学王占山教授、浙江大学



英国南安普顿大学、澳大利亚国立大学、日本国立物质材料研究所、韩国 IBSCenter for

Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems、北京大学、同济大学、浙江大学、哈尔滨工业大学、



单位的代表共 150 余人参加了论坛。论坛开幕式由弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室主




南开大学弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室/ The Key laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics (Nankai University, Tianjin 300457), Ministry of Education, China


Annual Report 2016

学术组织与期刊任职/Academic Service

国内外学术组织任职/Service to the Professional Societies

序号 姓名 任职机构 职位 任期 中国高校知识产权研究 1 许京军 副理事长 2008- 会 2 许京军 中国光学学会 理事 2006- 3 许京军 天津市光学学会 副理事长 2010- 4 许京军 天津市激光技术学会 副理事长 2010- 许京军 应用光学国家重点实验 主任 2009- 5 室 陈志刚 Advances in Physics: X, Editor 2015 6 (Taylor & Francis Group) 陈志刚 Scientific Reports (Nature Editorial Board 2015- 7 Publishing Group) Member 陈志刚 Optics Letters (Optical Optics Letters (Optical 2014- 8 Society of America ) Society of America ) 陈志刚 Science Bulletin (Springer) Editorial Board 2014- 9 Member 10 张国权 中国光学学会 理事 2017-- 中国材料研究学会青年 11 武 莉 理事 2014.12-至今 工作委员会 12 武 莉 国际粉末衍射数据中心 会员 2010.03-至今 中国光学学会激光技术 13 宋 峰 委员 专业委员会 14 宋 峰 天津市物理学会 常务理事兼秘书长 2008.7- 15 宋 峰 天津市激光技术学会 副理事长 2009-至今 16 张心正 天津市激光技术学会 理事 2015-2020 17 田建国 天津市光学学会 常务理事 18 张心正 天津市光学学会 常务理事 2015-2020 19 孙 骞 天津市光电子学会 常务理事 中国光学学会光电技术 20 孙 骞 委员 2006- 委员会 孙 骞 教育部实验室建设专家 委员 2013-2017 21 委员会 22 张天浩 天津市照明学会 常务理事 2008- 中国仪器仪表学会光机 23 宋 峰 常务理事 2007.6- 电技术与系统成分会 中国硅酸盐学会晶体生 24 孔勇发 理事 2012-至今 长与材料分会 中国仪器仪表学会近红 25 徐晓轩 专业委员 2013-至今 外光谱专业分会 26 徐晓轩 中国仪器仪表学会物理 专业委员 2013-至今


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

光学仪器专业委员会 国家标准化管理委员会 27 孙 军 人工晶体标准化技术委 委员 2012.9- 员会 中国微循环学会微循环 28 潘雷霆 常委 与血液治疗专业委员会 中国生物物理学会自由 29 潘雷霆 基生物学与自由基医学 青年委员 学会 中国光学学会生物医学 青年委员 30 潘雷霆 光子学专业委员会 天津市物联网开发与应 副理事长 2018.12.31 31 王 斌 用协会 全国中学生物理竞赛委 常委 2010.4- 32 宋 峰 员会 高级会员(Senior 33 张国权 OSA 2013- Member)

国内外期刊任职/Service to the Journals

序号 姓名 任职机构 职位 任期 1 许京军 journal of Optics topic editor 陈志刚 Science Bulletin Editorial Board 2014- 2 Member 3 陈志刚 Advances in Physics: X, Editor 2015- 陈志刚 Scientific Reports Editorial Board 2015- 4 Member 5 陈志刚 Optics Letters Topical Editor 2014- 6 陈志刚 The Optical Soceity (OSA) Fellow member American Physical Society Fellow 7 陈志刚 (APS) member Editorial Board 8 田建国 Scientific Reports member 吴 强 Scientific Reports Editorial Board 9 Member Editorial Board 10 李宝会 Scientific Reports 2014-至今 Member 11 李宝会 EPL (Europhysics Letters) Co-Editor 2015-2018 12 胡 毅 Institute of Physics Invited editor Editorial Board 13 王慧田 Chinese Physics letter member 14 王慧田 Chinese Optics letters Topic editor 15 许京军 《光学学报》 副主编 2008- 16 宋 峰 《大学物理》 副主编 2009.5-


Annual Report 2016

17 许京军 《红外与毫米波学报》 编委 18 许京军 Chinese Physics Letters 编委 2009- 19 许京军 《中国光学与应用光学》 编委 2008- 20 张国权 《激光技术》 编委 2006-2018 21 张国权 《激光与光电子学进展》 编委 2010- 22 宋 峰 《清洗世界》 编委 2011- 23 张心正 《激光技术》 编委 2015-2018


序号 姓名 性别 出生年月 职称 研究方向 1 杨 帆 男 1982.5 副教授 闪烁材料的制备与应用


序号 姓名 性别 年龄 合作导师 在站时间 1 刘伯飞 男 31 许京军 2014.04.06-2017.10.17 2 林赏心 男 38 宋 峰 2015.10.09- 3 王 烁 男 33 田建国 2015.11.10 4 石 玥 女 33 宋 峰 2015.12.16- 5 董繁龙 男 33 宋 峰 2016.10.21- 6 陈东学 男 31 王慧田 2016.11.17- 7 李清连 女 29 胡 毅 2017.07.10- 8 武丽伟 女 28 孔勇发 2017.07.10- 9 杨俊龙 男 28 张心正 2017.11.28-


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

获奖情况/Awards & Honors

获奖教师/Award for excellent teachers

南开大学优秀本科毕业论文(刘癸庚) 指导教师:涂成厚 吴诗聪

获奖学生/Award for excellent students

全国第十五届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖: 谢博阳 李占成 张 娅 刘文玮

2017 天津市第十四届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖: 谢博阳 李占成 张 娅



研究生国家奖学金: 博士生:李占成 谢博阳

硕士生:何新玲 李喆明 杨慧梅

南开大学奖学金: 特等奖学金:谢博阳 一等奖学金:马增红 回振海 二等奖学金:李萍萍 高旭珍 刘文玮,李智,张跃变 商继芳 杜成林 王聪 裴雨苗 李致 力 高晓梅 刘建基 三等奖学金:耿娟

光华奖学金:郭丽英 盛帆奖学金:王艳娥

2017 年“南开十杰”获得者:谢博阳 2017 南开大学学生校园年度人物:李占成 南开大学优秀毕业生:潘 岳 2017 南开大学三好学生:李占成 回振海 南开大学优秀党员:杨慧梅 王 丹 赵梦丹 南开大学优秀学生干部:李逸凡 王日德 赵梦丹 张冠林


Annual Report 2016


1. 博士学位论文 Dissertation for Doctoral Degree [1] 罗维维,基于石墨烯等离激元的中红外光场的近场与远场调控;导师:许京军 [2] 石彬,基于石墨烯的新型电光和光电器件特性研究;导师:许京军 [3] 冀志超,基于聚合物液晶复合结构的光场调控研究;导师:Romano A. Rupp [4] 李存波,365 nm 长波紫外光对人主要血细胞的影响及机制的研究;导师:Romano A. Rupp [5] 潘崇培,太赫兹声子极化激元与微结构相互作用的研究;导师:吴强 [6] 王杰,铌酸锂微盘腔的制备和非线性光学效应研究;导师:李乙钢 [7] 李志向,基于掺镨硅酸钇晶体电磁感应透明效应的光学信息处理,导师:张国权 [8] 李清连,高质量低掺镁近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体及器件的制备;导师:曹学伟,孙 军 [9] 单排,新型深紫外非线性磷酸盐功能晶体的探索;导师:孔勇发、孙同庆 [10] 曹丽萍,飞秒激光微构造硅材料的退火性质及其机理研究;导师:姚江宏 [11] 武丽伟,新型 LED 用硼酸盐基荧光粉的制备、结构与性质;导师:孔勇发、武莉 [12] 孔令军,光自旋与轨道角动量特性与应用研究;导师:王慧田 [13] 蔡孟强,空间结构光场调控及其飞秒微纳加工应用研究;导师:王慧田 [14] 潘岳,矢量光场设计、生成与性质的研究;导师:王慧田 [15] 司宇,贝尔态测量、鬼成像与几何位相研究;导师:王慧田 [16] 任志成,光场调控及矢量光场的几何表征;导师:王慧田 [17] 崔文静,矢量光场聚焦特性及其对粒子捕获性能的研究;导师:宋峰 [18] 辛巍,二维材料的转角可控堆叠及其光电性质的研究;导师:刘智波 [19] 蒋文帅,还原氧化石墨烯及其微结构的制备和应用;导师:刘智波 [20] 孙骥文,组织仿体复折射率测量及组织切片成像的研究;导师:周文远

2. 硕士学位论文 Dissertation for Master Degree [1] 薛淑情,应力调控下石墨烯表面等离激元的研究;导师:蔡卫 [2] 牛林玉,表面等离激元塔姆态及其应用研究,导师:蔡卫 [3] 魏巍,基于脉冲激光消融技术的斑马鱼图案化机制的研究;导师:潘雷霆 [4] 战瑜,染料掺杂聚合物微腔中的激射研究;导师:张心正 [5] 刘丹,黑硅光电探测器的响应研究;导师:吴强 [6] 曾强,黑硅光电探测器的制备及其应用的研究;导师:吴强 [7] 苏菁,光子石墨烯中赝自旋物理现象的研究; 导师:陈志刚

[8] 张晓雨,氟离子诱导 NaYF4 结构相转变的研究;导师:余华 [9] 孙颖,低掺镁近化学计量比铌酸锂晶体的周期极化研究;导师:孙军 [10] 齐禹纯,掺杂铌酸锂晶体相互作用势函数以及晶格振动的研究;导师:张玲,王玉 芳 [11] 秦娟,提拉法生长铌酸锂晶体的热场数值模拟;导师:黄存新,孙军


2016 年弱光非线性光子学教育部重点实验室年报

[12] 郭晓菁,高掺镁铌酸锂晶体的生长研究;导师:胡永钊,孙军 [13] 李庆红,电光用铌酸锂晶体的缺陷分级研究;导师:孙军

[14] 张健铭,KMP3O9 (M= Mg, Zn) 磷酸盐晶体材料的第一性原理研究;导师:孙同庆

[15] 宋晓波,CO2 激光热加工光纤微结构及其应用研究;导师:姚江宏、高峰 [16] 白宇星,掺 Mn2+硼磷酸盐基荧光粉的第一性原理计算与研究;导师:武莉 [17] 陈静静,多晶衍射结构精修在几种材料研究中的应用;导师:武莉 [18] 李金宸,锆镁双掺铌酸锂晶体的生长与相位匹配研究;导师:孔勇发 [19] 朱闪闪,铌酸锂晶体缺陷结构的第一性原理研究;导师:孔勇发 [20] 王焱坤,磁控溅射制备铜薄膜及飞秒微加工研究;导师:王慧田 [21] 梁娟,矢量贝塞尔光场的生成及其特性研究;导师:涂成厚 [22] 戴凡,矢量光场与金属微结构相互作用及矢量光场在加密中的应用;导师:涂成厚 [23] 张瑜,圆柱矢量光场紧聚焦场的研究;导师:李勇男 [24] 郑颖,LD 端面泵浦 Nd:YAG 固体激光器热效应的实时调控机理研究;导师:宋峰 [25] 宋飞飞,矢量光场的焦场特性以及应用潜力的研究;导师:宋峰 [26] 赖翔,基于紫外差分吸收光谱技术的烟气在线监测装置研究;导师:徐晓轩 [27] 付苏阳,基于 CMOS 图像传感器的多光谱成像技术研究;导师:徐晓轩 [28] 金晓伟,基于组织清透技术的生物组织光学参数测量的研究;导师:叶青 [29] 赵清波,频域 OCT 在光透明组织折射率测量中的应用;导师:田建国