Warrane Journal 2008
Autumn 2008. Volume 36, No. 1. ISSN 0310-8104 WARRANE JOURNAL David Gonski ‘Risky’ musical Daniel Manu Mike Munro: In this on ethics in was a triumph presents ‘Life is what Australian for Warrane sports awards you make it’. issue: business drama group College to recognise 35 high achievers with scholar’s medals arrane residents had a very successful academic Engineering 4, Ann Lee, Mechanical and Manufacturing year in 2007, with 35 achieving the distinc- Engineering 4, David Maunder, Electrical Engineering/ tion average necessary to be awarded a College Science 4, Adam McCosker, Medical Science 1, Lincoln WScholar’s medalion. Their efforts will be recog- Morris, Mining Engineering 2, Oliver Nawrot, Chemical nised when the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Sydney University, Engineering 2, John O’Callaghan, Planning 2, Camillus Professor John Hearn, awards the medallions at a special O’Kane, Planning 3, Miguel Paredes, Architecture 2, Alex- dinner on Wednesday May 7, 2008, ander Perrottet, Secondary Teacher Education, Sebas- The scholars for 2007, some of whom are pictured above, tian Sanhueza, Philosophy 4, Kamal Sattar, Commerce are: Dean Berwick Computer Science 1, Thomas Bolton, 3, Vineet Shrivasatava, Mechanical & Manufacturing Optometry 3, Thomas Burger, Petroleum Engineering 3, Engineering 4, Andrew Subramaniam, Engineering/ Com- Christopher Chiofalo, Arts 3, David Claridge, Computer merce 2, Ryan Tebb, International Studies/Law 1, Benja- Science 1, Steven Dejong, International Studies/Law 5, min Ting, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
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