
CSWD Materials Recovery Facility

July 22, 2019 CSWD Town of Newport

Sarah Reeves Jen Holliday Josh Tyler What is Recycling

Vermont Solid Management Rules . Section 6-201: “Recycle” means the process of utilizing solid waste for the production of materials or products, but shall not include processing solid waste to produce energy or fuel products. Vermont Recycling System

Market Driven

. Two Single-stream Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) – Rutland and Williston . NEK Solid Waste District & Northwest Solid Waste District – Source separated . Haulers and municipalities choose where to bring their recyclables in state or out of state. Recycled Glass - Cullet

Source-separated glass Color-separated cullet

https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1&biw=1472&bih=724&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=u51YXLDAEYbn_Qbmo7CoBg&q=cullet+glass&oq=Cullet&gs_l=img.3.1.0l5j0i5i30j0i30l4.73494.76791..79352...0.0..0.80.584.8...... 1....1..gws-wiz-img...... 35i39j0i67.5MtnSVIuGBg#imgrc=q0OrJFmvH1lHkM: Recycled Glass - PGA

Single-stream recycling Processed glass aggregate Processed Glass Aggregate Uses

. Insulation . Aggregates in making & civil engineering projects . Filtration medium . Abrasives ANR Acceptable Uses for Processed Glass Aggregate (Rev. 2002)

Materials Recovery Facility

PGA • 95% of the material shall pass a 1-inch sieve • Not more than 3% of the material passing a No. 4 sieve shall pass a No. 200 sieve • Material shall be less than 5% china dishes, ceramics, plate (window or mirror) glass, or other glass products • Material shall be less than 1% screw tops, cap rings or other contaminants • Material shall not be toxic or a hazardous material* • Process control shall be performed once per 2500 cubic yards • Process control shall be documented for consistency

*Toxicity and Hazardous material analysis included with this protocol

Approximate annual PGA generation: 6,600 tons PGA VTRANS Applications

. Aggregate Sub-base blending . Crushed Gravel for subbase, fine graded . 704.05A VTRANS Specification . Sand Borrow PGA VTRANS Applications . Sand Borrow . Work with UVM CE 180 Geotechnical Principals Lab . Hydraulic conductivity . Porosity . Particle size distribution . Compaction . Organic analysis PGA Processing and Recycling Costs

. Costs to separate and process at the CSWD MRF

(payment to contractor) = $59.75/ton

. Costs to market PGA (Whitcomb’s and 2M Resources) = 4.55/ton - $45/ton

Total Processing and Recycling Costs $64.30 - $104.75/ton

Does not include capital or administrative costs. PGA Revenue and Cost

Tip Fee = $65.00/ton FY19 Cost = $65.34/ton Thank You