March 2021 [email protected]

Volume LXXX M a r c h 2 0 2 1 Bulletin No. 7 / 5781 TempleTemple IsraelIsrael BulletinBulletin

From the Rabbi’s Desk (Fast of ) in commemoration of the dress up, spiels, games, gift giving, chari- fast requested to help Esther and the table gifts, and treats and parties. [For a complete schedule of Temple events prepare for the moment when Esther will is our holiday celebrating and religious services, please see “March risk her life in her bid to save the Jews. redemption and salvation, liberation at a Glance.” Please note: the access infor- Leading into Passover, it is the Ta’anit Be- from enslavement, and the demonstra- mation/LINKS for events and religious ser- chorot (Fast of the ), commemo- tion and fulfilling of the covenant be- vices are sent in a separate weekly email. rating the sparing of the lives of the tween G-d and the Hebrew Please consult that message to connect.] people. It is observed with the Seder (an ordered ritual that Shalom and greetings! includes telling the story, and Calendar Notes the use and consumption of symbolic foods – bitter herbs, As I write this, we are salt water, greens, a roasted quickly approaching ; bone and egg, and [a only a month following that mortar like mixture] - and ritu- we will be at Passover. al actions, such as breaking Looking at the calendar, the middle matzah and con- our Christian friends are about suming four cups of wine). The to observe Shrove Tuesday main feature of this holiday and Ash Wednesday this week period, of course, is the avoid- as they enter into the period ance of leavened items and leading to their Easter Cele- those that may become leav- Photo by Glenn Goldfarb bration. The first day of Passo- ened, so we consume only ver coincides with Palm Sun- bread that has not been leav- day, and Easter Sunday is the ened (matzah) and dispense seventh day of Passover this year. The Heading in the right direction with all items that might violate the pro- Islamic holidays of Isra and Mi’raj fall on hibition for the period of the festival. March 11. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. firstborn of the Hebrews in the tenth Starting on the evening that starts It is a Spring, a time full of religious plague, the Death of the Firstborn. Because the second day of Passover, we begin to celebrations and observances. Passover begins on Saturday night (March count the Omer, commemorating the collection of the barley harvest leading Both Purim and Passover traditionally 27), and it is not permitted to fast on Shab- up to making the offering of the ‘first open with a day of from Sunup to bat, this fast is ‘backed up’ to Thursday, fruits’ of this crop at - which falls Sundown as we prepare to enter into the March 25. precisely seven weeks and one day after holiday. For Purim, it is the Ta’anit Ester Purim is our celebration of a miracu- Passover starts. lous salvation from what appears to be cer- tain doom, a complete change of fortune Purim is too often seen as a sort of ‘carnival’ holiday; fun but not serious or Masthead photos and the reversal of all that might be ex- meaningful. In fact, it can be viewed as Pesahplate.jpg By Gilabrand - No machine-readable pected. Though G-d is not mentioned in the source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright story, it is understood that this is a tale of deeply spiritual, tapping into the hidden claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0, nature of G-d in the world around us, w/index.php?curid=14969244 things that are hidden and concealed; cer- tainly G-d, but also the wisdom, power, and and perhaps, within us. 3matzot.jpg By Jonathunder - Own work, GFDL 1.2, leadership of Esther. We celebrate and re- Passover is very much seen as a sig- curid=15202975 member, telling the story, rejoicing in deliv- (Continued on page 4) erance, and enjoying mirth and humor,

Please recycle.Founded 1873—Affiliated with the Union for Reform Temple Israel · Charleston, W.Va. Vol. LXXX, No. 7

MarchMarch worshipworship servicesservices

Rabbi Blair sends out emails regularly to keep the congregation up to date. Zoom links to online events are emailed to those on the Temple’s mailing lists. services are sched- uled every Friday at 5:30 PM. All religious services are via Zoom unless otherwise noted.

Friday, March 5 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service “Refugee Shabbat” - this event was listed in error in the February Bulletin Saturday, March 6 at 10:30 AM study—Parashah Ki Tisa and Shabbat Parah Friday, March 12 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service Friday, March 19 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service Friday, March 26 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service

In the Congregation [This includes only those who have ap- Ken Kleeman Among those we know who are/were to be proved having their name included.] Ann Kushner acknowledged we include: Refuah Shelemah/Mi Sheberach (Healing Ladonna Kushner February: Barrie and Tod Kaufman, Ronni & Wholeness/Blessings) to those who Gary Markham Cohen Spudich, Carole Lewis Bloom, David have been included in recent Mi Sheber- Hedy Poppelsdorf Stern, Bob Aaron, Hal Selinger, Margot Bill Rosenfeld and the Klausnitzer family ach lists at services, and wishes for contin- Jogwick, Barrie Baer Kaufman, Julie Adams Linda Rubin & Josh Barrett ued good health for those who are on the All who are impacted by the Pandemic mend or have returned to full health: March: Rachel Dash (Milestone), Amy & All affected by natural disasters, includ- David Shapiro, Marsha Albert, Shelly & Da- Tom Becker ing Fire, Hurricanes, and Typhoons vid Winowich, Gary Markham, Bob Kimball, Lois Coleman All suffering due to violence, civil unrest, Eugenia & David Feibelmann, Glenn Gold- Patricia Cohen Coniglio war, or other causes farb Jonathan Freedman Mazal Tov (Congratulations): April: Zel Lewis, Ditty Markham Roy Gooding and Shelly and David (Milestone), Roy Gooding, Karl Gattlieb, Winowich and family [Please tell us about these events so we can acknowledge them as appropriate.] Lynn & Karl Gattlieb Doris Goldfarb Roy Herzbach and Laurie Thompsen and To those who reached or will reach mile- If you have a milestone event of any kind, family stones in the past month or this one, and or any birthday, anniversary, or life event Margie Hutt and Mel Hutt to all who had any birthday or anniversary that is worthy of celebration, please let us or other life event worth celebrating! (Continued on page 7)

Please contact Rabbi Blair T EMPLE I SRAEL If you are having any difficulties You can call me on Shabbat, and if it is 2312 Kanawha Blvd. E. getting groceries or medicine, feel a need an emergency, leave me a message telling Charleston, W.Va. 25311 to talk with someone, have a pastoral me that it is urgent – I will call back as soon (304) 342-5852 concern, or just want to chat, please feel as I can. free to call me (the rabbi) at 304-989- [email protected] At this time, though I would love to 4014 or email me at see you, in light of the Covid-19 case load Joshua I. Barrett, President [email protected] numbers and the recommendations of Joseph M. Blair, Rabbi I am in the building for at least part many health professionals, I am erring on Rabbis Emeriti of most days (Saturdays excepted), and the side of caution and avoiding in-person Rabbi James D. Cohn, Z”L can always find time to talk to you. I read meetings. I want to keep all of us safe and Israel B. Koller, Z”L email regularly (except on Shabbat or healthy. Soon, G-d willing, we will begin to holidays). move past this situation. 2 March 2021 [email protected]

MarchMarch yahrzeitsyahrzeits Names are read the Friday evening prior to the yahrzeit date, which is in parentheses.

M a rch 5 t h Barbara Boiarsky (18) Lee Silverstein (6) Jennie Cohen Lewis (18) Marjorie Freedman (7) Morris Eisinger (19) Helen Margolis Kahn (7) A. Joseph Garner (19) Nettie Golden (8) Melvin Hammer (19) Ben Joseph (8) Nathan Deutsch (9) M a rch 1 9 t h Bertha Weisberg (9) Tina Holmes (20) Ruth Segall (11) Trixie Shifflette (20) Ivor Franklin Boiarsky (12) Arnold Treibis (20) Ruth Lieberman Cohen (12) Bruce "Bob" Marks (21) Helen Foster Thalheimer (29) Harry Rosen (12) Michael Case (22) Sara Baker (30) Sanford Lewis (22) Estelle Darling (30) Chuck Lundy (22) M a rch 1 2 t h Edith Goldstein Hallam (30) Eva Wills (13) Tressa Silverstein Moskowitz (22) Florence Treibis (30) Marcus Berman (15) Leo Gordon Kopelman (23) Harvey Jurin (31) Albert Irwin Mendeloff (15) Jane Gleason (26) Alvin Lindenberg (31) Samuel Abraham Schneider (15) Sam Silverstein Jr. (26) Dorothy Kandel (April 1) Anthony Thompson (15) Sam Silverstein Sr. (April 1) Charlotte R. Polan (16) M a rch 2 6 t h Benjamin Brown (April 2) Minnie Rotgin (16) Jeanette Adler (28) Murray Lewis (April 2) Nathan Stabins (16) Robert W. Garner (28) Clara Schwartz Stern (2) Emily Szczepaniak (16) Richard Thalheimer (28)

Blanche E. Jacobson (17) Frances L. Angel (29) Sarah Fine Machanoff (17) Don Garvin (29) Condolences on p. 7 Louis Ruda (17) George Greenwald (29)

March at a Glance

All services, meetings, classes and events Thursday, March 4 at 3 PM – A Bissel Torah Monday, March 8 at 10 AM – Zoom check are virtual with one exception*, via Zoom Thursday, March 4 at 6:30 PM – Two -in until further notice. If you aren’t receiving Charleston Rabbis Discussion Tuesday, March 9 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob emails from Rabbi Blair about these *Friday, March 5 at *St. Marks UMC in Torah class sessions, please let him know. downtown Charleston *outdoors: Tuesday, March 9 at 5:30 PM – Temple There will be Zoom check-ins every 12-12:15 PM: Interfaith Service of board meeting Monday except March 22. There won’t be Unity and Reconciliation (masks Thursday, March 11 at 10 AM – B’nai a Charleston Death Café this month; that and social distancing required) Jacob class discussion group next meets on April 18. Friday, March 5 at 5:30 PM – LIVE and Thursday, March 11 at 3 PM – A Bissel Monday, March 1 at 10 AM – Zoom check- Virtual Shabbat service – Shabbat Torah Parah and “Refugee Shabbat.” in Friday, March 12 at 5:30 PM – LIVE and Torah Parashah Ki Tisa. Tuesday, March 2 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob Virtual Shabbat service with Torah class Saturday, March 6 at 10:30 AM – Torah Pulpit Exchange study – Ex. 31:18 – 33:11, Num. Thursday, March 4 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob 19:1 – 22. (Continued on page 4) Talmud class Please recycle. 3 Temple Israel · Charleston, W.Va. Vol. LXXX, No. 7

Virtual Shabbat service March at a Glance—continued from p. 3 Monday, March 29 at 10 AM – Zoom check-in (Continued from page 3) Thursday, March 18 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob Monday, March 29 at 6:30 PM – Social Talmud class Action Committee meeting Saturday, March 13 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob Thursday, March 18 at 3 PM – A Bissel Tuesday, March 30 at 10 AM – B’nai Shabbat service with Pulpit Torah Exchange Jacob Torah class Friday, March 19 at 5:30 PM – LIVE and Sunday, March 14 at 10:30 AM – Virtual Shabbat service Next Month Sisterhood board meeting Tuesday, March 23 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob Friday, April 2 at 5:30 PM – LIVE and Sunday, March 14 at 2 PM – Jewish Torah class Virtual Shabbat service Literature Thursday, March 25 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob Saturday, April 3 at 10:30 AM – Torah Monday, March 15 at 10 AM – Zoom check Talmud class study. Parashah for that week is -in (no check-in on the following the Shabbat reading for Thursday, March 25 at 3 PM – A Bissel Monday) Passover day 7 on Shabbat – Ex. Torah Tuesday, March 16 at 10 AM – B’nai Jacob 13:17-15:26 and Num. 28:19-25. Thursday, March 25 at 6:30 PM – Two Torah class The Haftarah is 2 Samuel 22:1- Charleston Rabbis Discussion 51. Wednesday, March 17 at 7 PM – Leora Friday, March 26 at 5:30 PM – LIVE and May Book Club

to those over 65 years of age and those From the Rabbi’s Desk, continued from p. 1 with medical conditions at various clinic (Continued from page 1) Urecki on March 12 and 13. We will each locations through the state, as doses are address the other congregation. All are wel- available. The easiest way to register is nificant holiday with deep meanings, in- come to attend both services. at cluding the connection to liberation, re- There are reports that some phar- The class will meet March demption, the covenant with G-d, the sal- macies and doctors’ offices may have 14. There will be a pause over Passover, and vation and preservation of the Jewish peo- vaccines – if you wish to, you can ask we will pick up again on April 11. ple, as well as deep mystical understand- that your name be on the list of those ings of the four levels that permeate this The Temple Israel Board will meet on March who are in line to be vaccinated at those world and the world to come. 9, then next on April 13. sites. These holidays are very different, yet The Sisterhood board will meet on March 14, If you are eligible, I hope you will take advantage of the opportunity and each has lessons we can learn if we open and there will be a board and general receive the vaccination – that will help ourselves to them. meeting on April 18. speed along the time when we can begin , the new month of Ni- The Leora May Book group will meet on to return to our accustomed activities – san is on March 14. March 17 and April 21. Contact Amy Shapiro but simply getting the vaccine is not March 5 is Shabbat Parah, March 12 is for more information. enough yet, and we will need to continue Shabbat HaChodesh, and March 26 is our current policies for some time. It is The Charleston Death Café will bypass March Shabbat Hagadol. These three, with Shab- likely to be some months before all who bat Zachor and Shabbat Shekalim, make up due to the holiday season, and will next wish can receive the vaccine. five of the special Shabbatot in our calen- meet on April 18. The experts continue to urge that dar. The holiday of Passover (Pesach) begins Sat- we all remain cautious and careful. As a result, the Temple building is closed, and R e m in d e rs urday evening, March 27 at sundown. The holiday runs from through sundown April 4 there are no in-person meetings or The Two Charleston Rabbis will hold a con- events permitted. (April 5 for those who observe eight days). versation on March 4 at 6:30 PM. The next Please stay safe and healthy – use The Social Action Committee will meet meeting will be March 25. masks, handwashing, and social distanc- March 29 and then April 26. Contact Rachel There is a Torah Study on March 6 ing, and get vaccinated when you are Dash or Cookie Glasser for information. (Parashah Ki Tisa and Shabbat Parah). It is able. also Refugee Shabbat. S t a t u s Online Activities— We are continu-

There will be a Pulpit Exchange with Rabbi Covid-19 Concerns — As I write this, (Continued on page 7) appointments for vaccinations are available

4 March 2021 [email protected]

Sisterhood Message Looking beyond to see what others do— WRJ emails, Facebook and Twitter are welcome resources for Sisterhood members

This message was originally scheduled for I encourage you to look beyond what Jacob, let’s make every effort, as I hope publication in the February 2021 issue of we do to see what others do and decide they too will attend, when we offer an in- the Temple Bulletin. to participate or not. vite to one of our programs. From a political standpoint it is fair to “It’s not what you know, but what Get your Covid vaccine when it be- acknowledge how much all of us are in you do with what you know, ya know!” comes available. Continue wearing your need of change. mask and staying six feet apart. Fran Thalheimer turned me on to this As the most hopeful I can possibly be, information and then I spent some time With all the events that have occurred I am excited for the beginning of our new with Sarah Jacobs, Marilyn Miller plus and all the possibilities that exist I wish you administration, knowing we will be led by others and, in fact, some of them may be good health and my warmest best wishes. healthy and focused people with no hid- joining our Yid/Lit class offered by Rabbi Smiling from behind my face mask, den agendas. Blair on selected Sunday afternoons. What a whirlwind it has been watch- Also, when we have an opportunity to Millie Snyder, ing the chaos of Jan. 6 where several peo- join in with our sister congregation B’nai President ple lost their lives and we ask why? Deaths that were totally unnecessary. And mentioning change, I decided to Keeping our Sisterhood members informed dip my curiosity into WRJ (Women of Re- form Judaism) and I liked what I heard You now have additional ways to stay on top of what is and the people I met on Zoom. happening in the WRJ Mid-Atlantic District, in which our No different than us, they too want Temple Israel Sisterhood is a member. This includes: to grow their circle of other Jewish wom-  Signing up for the WRJ Mid-Atlantic District newsletter, en and share through their experience The Candle different program offerings, areas of in- terest that you as a Sisterhood member  Visiting the WRJ website at may be thrilled to check out. As part of your dues to Sisterhood, an amount of  Following on Twitter @Midwrj money is sent into WRJ, which opens up a  Following on the WRJ Mid-Atlantic District Facebook page plethora of things you may find inter- esting. Join the WRJ Mid-Atlantic District Yammer group by sending an email to Among the points that impressed me [email protected] to request an invitation to join. (Yammer is a social networking was, on the Friday following the chaos in tool to openly connect and engage across your organization. Please note that Washington D.C., WRJ offered an earlier Yammer is safe to use. It has been an excellent tool for communicating with opportunity for healing and reconciliation Sisterhoods in our district and in other WRJ districts.) at 3:30 in the afternoon on the eve of Please contact me if you are interested and/or need assistance. I can email you a Sabbath to help whoever was interested copy of the latest WRJ Mid-Atlantic District newsletter, The Candle, if you would like and zoomed in to listen and absorb the to read it. Just send me an email and I will forward it to you. Thanks to Zoom, you messages to begin the healing. With this can attend meetings and events that Sisterhoods are holding in our district and in message I am sharing the email that I other districts. The Candle and Yammer provide information about these wonderful meetings and events. received, which provides contact infor- mation for WRJ.

Our own Rabbi Blair offered a spec- Fran Thalheimer, Chair, Critical Issues for Temple tacular Friday night service to help us as Israel Sisterhood; and Chair, Social Advocacy for WRJ well! Mid-Atlantic District

Please recycle. 5 Temple Israel · Charleston, W.Va. Vol. LXXX, No. 7

Our Thoughtful Contributors It’s that time of y ea r a g a i n — Donations received after the Bulletin Israel Sisterhood, noting which fund on the spring is just deadline will be acknowledged in the memo line. around the next issue. Donations to the Temple Israel Social c o r n e r. . . • Action Fund should be made payable to that fund. If you would like to make a donation to a Temple or Sisterhood fund, please mail Donations to the Rabbi’s Discretionary your check to Temple Israel and tell us to Fund are used to help Temple members in whom you would like a card to be sent. financial distress. Donations should be made payable to that fund. Donations to a Sisterhood fund (Care Committee, Floral Fund or Y.E.S. Fund): Donations to the Unrestricted Fund or checks should be made payable to Temple those to the Library should be made payable to Temple Israel.

Please write separate checks when making contributions to more than one fund or when paying membership dues. …and Passover We are gearing up for this our begins the 67TH ANNUAL BULB SALES evening of Saturday, March Start thinking about your 27th choices for spring! By Jonathunder - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, “Where flowers bloom index.php?curid=6493099 so does hope” Photo courtesy Doornbosch Bros. — Lady Bird Johnson

Social Action Corner Thank you Jan. 25 program a success; join us for To Betty Stern and the Helen F. March 29 “Issues of Conscience” Thalheimer Care Committee, Temple Israel and Sisterhood members: The Social Action Committee devoted well attended with about 20 attendees, We would like to express our deep its Jan. 25 meeting to a compelling and including members of the Social Action appreciation for the calls, cards, informative panel presentation and discus- Committee as well as other members of sion, “Poverty and Mental Healthcare: the congregation. dinners, donations and outpouring of love we have received during a Stigma, Accessibility, and Action Steps.” The next Social Action Committee very sad time in our lives—the loss The panelists were Elliott Birckhead, “Issues of Conscience” presentation of Terrie Rosenfeld, a loving wife, Deputy Commissioner for Programs and meeting will be on March 29. Watch for mother, and grandmother. Policy at the WV Department of Behavior- future announcements for the topic. al Health, and Dr. Emily Selby-Nelson, a Again, thank you so much, for Rachel Dash and Cookie Glasser, clinical psychologist who serves as the keeping her, and us, in your hearts Director of Behavioral Health at Cabin Co-chairs and prayers. Creek Health Systems, who is a behavioral health provider at that facility as well. She Sincerely, is also Clinical Assistant Faculty at both The Rosenfelds and the Klausnitzers WVU Medical School, Charleston Division, Except where noted, photos by (Bill, Jessica, Markus and Emilia) and Marshall University. The meeting was Greg Proctor

6 March 2021 [email protected]

her husband, Fedor Poppelsdorf. May the From the Rabbi’s Desk—continued memory be a blessing. Temple Israel offers condolences to tion, and a world renewed, and we look (Continued from page 4) the families of Roy Gooding, and Shelly and forward to a return of lovely weather, David Winowich on the recent death of which will allow us to comfortably enjoy ing to refine and upgrade what we can do Betsy Gooding. May the memory be a with the equipment, to allow us to con- the outdoors – socially distanced and blessing. tinue and improve our online presence, masked, but feeling the sunshine and while planning ahead to operate both breezes. May we all enjoy good health, We pray that all of those who are online and in-person, when that is possi- come to enjoy and celebrate the simple mourning or bereaved will be comforted ble. Plans are being made for permanent pleasures and joys that return to us at this from heaven. installation of the equipment (without season, and soon – speedily, in our days, impact to in-person options), with flexi- reach a time of peace that includes the bility for use in several areas of the build- ability to gather and freely exchange affec- ing in addition to the main sanctuary. tionate greetings with those we care about need is great and love. We are delighted to have those of Please be generous – at this time there you who are able to join us from other As always, we want to serve you in as are so many who are struggling, and needs locales – we welcome you! Please contin- many ways and as well as it is possible. continue to run unusually high in light of ue to come to our services and events, Please be in touch with me (the rabbi), the the Corona Virus Pandemic impact in limi- and invite others you know. office (Greg), or members of the board if tations on businesses, resulting job losses, you have any needs, suggestions, concerns, housing costs, and rampant health care Services – We will continue weekly or questions. costs that are hitting those who can least Shabbat services as we have been, open- afford them, to name only a few of the ing the Zoom session at 5 PM, with ser- B’virkat Shalom (with bless- causes. vices starting at 5:30. Other events are ings of peace) also offered online (including classes, In addition, there are many suffering Rabbi Joe Blair check ins, and meetings) – see the weekly from natural disasters, including volcanoes, LINKS email for how to connect. flooding, typhoons, and fires, far too many In the Congregation— endangered by violence caused by civil Prayer Books – As long as it will ben- unrest and war in many locales, and un- efit congregants, we are prepared to lend continued countable numbers who are being hit by prayer books for your use. If you wish to (Continued from page 2) supply chain failures for food and medi- borrow a siddur for Shabbat please be in cines in many areas. This is not only locally, touch with the Rabbi or the Office to ar- acknowledge and celebrate it with you! Tell but globally. range to pick one up. You don’t need to the Rabbi about it. come in the building at all – just let us The result is that needs are greater If you have a milestone event of any now than at almost any other time, and the know when you plan to come by. We will kind, or any birthday, anniversary, or life urgency is even greater than it might have place them on the bench on the front event that is worthy of celebration, please porch) and you can take the bag with let us acknowledge and celebrate it with been. Please think generously and donate your name on it. you! Tell the Rabbi about it. as you are able. Federated Jewish Charities, AJWS, HIAS, and so many other organiza- Blessings Amid Sadness— It has Baruch Dayan Haemet tions are faced with requests from an over- been cold and wintry of late, and we have (Condolences) whelming number of those in dire need. had far too many losses, disappoint- Temple Israel offers condolences to Please remember the many Tzedakah ments, and things missed; it has been Laurie Thompsen, Roy Herzbach, and family opportunities locally: Manna Meal, Cove- hard on all of us. Now, with the distribu- on the loss of Richard Thompsen, who died nant House, Sojourner’s Shelter/YWCA, tion of vaccines that may offer some in Racine, Wis. May the memory be a bless- RCCR, Mazon, and all the other worthy measure of comfort in process, and the ing. imminent arrival of the first signs of causes in our community, and those be- Spring that we are eagerly anticipating, Temple Israel offers condolences to Bill yond. Rosenfeld, Markus and Jessica and Emilia we can turn our thoughts to happier days Please make your donations directly to Maya Klausnitzer on the recent loss of Ter- and times ahead, and look for some re- the worthy organization(s) of your choice, rie Rosenfeld. May the memory be a bless- lief. Purim, the holiday of reversals and and be as generous as you are able. happy endings in upon us, and our Spring ing. holiday, Passover, is on the horizon now, Temple Israel offers condolences to Joe bringing thoughts of liberation, redemp- Hedy Poppelsdorf on the recent death of Rabbi Joe Blair

Please recycle. 7