March 2021 [email protected] Volume LXXX M a r c h 2 0 2 1 Bulletin No. 7 Adar / Nisan 5781 TempleTemple IsraelIsrael BulletinBulletin From the Rabbi’s Desk (Fast of Esther) in commemoration of the dress up, spiels, games, gift giving, chari- fast requested to help Esther and the Jews table gifts, and treats and parties. [For a complete schedule of Temple events prepare for the moment when Esther will Passover is our holiday celebrating and religious services, please see “March risk her life in her bid to save the Jews. redemption and salvation, liberation at a Glance.” Please note: the access infor- Leading into Passover, it is the Ta’anit Be- from enslavement, and the demonstra- mation/LINKS for events and religious ser- chorot (Fast of the firstborn), commemo- tion and fulfilling of the covenant be- vices are sent in a separate weekly email. rating the sparing of the lives of the tween G-d and the Hebrew Please consult that message to connect.] people. It is observed with the Seder (an ordered ritual that Shalom and greetings! includes telling the story, and Calendar Notes the use and consumption of symbolic foods – bitter herbs, As I write this, we are salt water, greens, a roasted quickly approaching Purim; bone and egg, and charoset [a only a month following that mortar like mixture] - and ritu- we will be at Passover. al actions, such as breaking Looking at the calendar, the middle matzah and con- our Christian friends are about suming four cups of wine). The to observe Shrove Tuesday main feature of this holiday and Ash Wednesday this week period, of course, is the avoid- as they enter into the period ance of leavened items and leading to their Easter Cele- those that may become leav- Photo by Glenn Goldfarb bration. The first day of Passo- ened, so we consume only ver coincides with Palm Sun- bread that has not been leav- day, and Easter Sunday is the ened (matzah) and dispense seventh day of Passover this year. The Heading in the right direction with all items that might violate the pro- Islamic holidays of Isra and Mi’raj fall on hibition for the period of the festival. March 11. St. Patrick’s Day is March 17. firstborn of the Hebrews in the tenth Starting on the evening that starts It is a Spring, a time full of religious plague, the Death of the Firstborn. Because the second day of Passover, we begin to celebrations and observances. Passover begins on Saturday night (March count the Omer, commemorating the collection of the barley harvest leading Both Purim and Passover traditionally 27), and it is not permitted to fast on Shab- up to making the offering of the ‘first open with a day of fasting from Sunup to bat, this fast is ‘backed up’ to Thursday, fruits’ of this crop at Shavuot - which falls Sundown as we prepare to enter into the March 25. precisely seven weeks and one day after holiday. For Purim, it is the Ta’anit Ester Purim is our celebration of a miracu- Passover starts. lous salvation from what appears to be cer- tain doom, a complete change of fortune Purim is too often seen as a sort of ‘carnival’ holiday; fun but not serious or Masthead photos and the reversal of all that might be ex- meaningful. In fact, it can be viewed as Pesahplate.jpg By Gilabrand - No machine-readable pected. Though G-d is not mentioned in the source provided. Own work assumed (based on copyright story, it is understood that this is a tale of deeply spiritual, tapping into the hidden claims)., CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/ nature of G-d in the world around us, w/index.php?curid=14969244 things that are hidden and concealed; cer- tainly G-d, but also the wisdom, power, and and perhaps, within us. 3matzot.jpg By Jonathunder - Own work, GFDL 1.2, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php? leadership of Esther. We celebrate and re- Passover is very much seen as a sig- curid=15202975 member, telling the story, rejoicing in deliv- (Continued on page 4) erance, and enjoying mirth and humor, Please recycle.Founded 1873—Affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism Temple Israel · Charleston, W.Va. Vol. LXXX, No. 7 MarchMarch worshipworship servicesservices Rabbi Blair sends out emails regularly to keep the congregation up to date. Zoom links to online events are emailed to those on the Temple’s mailing lists. Shabbat services are sched- uled every Friday at 5:30 PM. All religious services are via Zoom unless otherwise noted. Friday, March 5 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service “Refugee Shabbat” - this event was listed in error in the February Bulletin Saturday, March 6 at 10:30 AM Torah study—Parashah Ki Tisa and Shabbat Parah Friday, March 12 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service Friday, March 19 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service Friday, March 26 at 5:30 PM LIVE Virtual Shabbat service In the Congregation [This includes only those who have ap- Ken Kleeman Among those we know who are/were to be proved having their name included.] Ann Kushner acknowledged we include: Refuah Shelemah/Mi Sheberach (Healing Ladonna Kushner February: Barrie and Tod Kaufman, Ronni & Wholeness/Blessings) to those who Gary Markham Cohen Spudich, Carole Lewis Bloom, David have been included in recent Mi Sheber- Hedy Poppelsdorf Stern, Bob Aaron, Hal Selinger, Margot Bill Rosenfeld and the Klausnitzer family ach lists at services, and wishes for contin- Jogwick, Barrie Baer Kaufman, Julie Adams Linda Rubin & Josh Barrett ued good health for those who are on the All who are impacted by the Pandemic mend or have returned to full health: March: Rachel Dash (Milestone), Amy & All affected by natural disasters, includ- David Shapiro, Marsha Albert, Shelly & Da- Tom Becker ing Fire, Hurricanes, and Typhoons vid Winowich, Gary Markham, Bob Kimball, Lois Coleman All suffering due to violence, civil unrest, Eugenia & David Feibelmann, Glenn Gold- Patricia Cohen Coniglio war, or other causes farb Jonathan Freedman Mazal Tov (Congratulations): April: Zel Lewis, Ditty Markham Roy Gooding and Shelly and David (Milestone), Roy Gooding, Karl Gattlieb, Winowich and family [Please tell us about these events so we can acknowledge them as appropriate.] Lynn & Karl Gattlieb Doris Goldfarb Roy Herzbach and Laurie Thompsen and To those who reached or will reach mile- If you have a milestone event of any kind, family stones in the past month or this one, and or any birthday, anniversary, or life event Margie Hutt and Mel Hutt to all who had any birthday or anniversary that is worthy of celebration, please let us or other life event worth celebrating! (Continued on page 7) Please contact Rabbi Blair T EMPLE I SRAEL If you are having any difficulties You can call me on Shabbat, and if it is 2312 Kanawha Blvd. E. getting groceries or medicine, feel a need an emergency, leave me a message telling Charleston, W.Va. 25311 to talk with someone, have a pastoral me that it is urgent – I will call back as soon (304) 342-5852 concern, or just want to chat, please feel as I can. www.templeisraelwv.org free to call me (the rabbi) at 304-989- [email protected] At this time, though I would love to 4014 or email me at see you, in light of the Covid-19 case load Joshua I. Barrett, President [email protected] numbers and the recommendations of Joseph M. Blair, Rabbi I am in the building for at least part many health professionals, I am erring on Rabbis Emeriti of most days (Saturdays excepted), and the side of caution and avoiding in-person Rabbi James D. Cohn, Z”L can always find time to talk to you. I read meetings. I want to keep all of us safe and Israel B. Koller, Z”L email regularly (except on Shabbat or healthy. Soon, G-d willing, we will begin to holidays). move past this situation. 2 www.templeisraelwv.org March 2021 [email protected] MarchMarch yahrzeitsyahrzeits Names are read the Friday evening prior to the yahrzeit date, which is in parentheses. M a rch 5 t h Barbara Boiarsky (18) Lee Silverstein (6) Jennie Cohen Lewis (18) Marjorie Freedman (7) Morris Eisinger (19) Helen Margolis Kahn (7) A. Joseph Garner (19) Nettie Golden (8) Melvin Hammer (19) Ben Joseph (8) Nathan Deutsch (9) M a rch 1 9 t h Bertha Weisberg (9) Tina Holmes (20) Ruth Segall (11) Trixie Shifflette (20) Ivor Franklin Boiarsky (12) Arnold Treibis (20) Ruth Lieberman Cohen (12) Bruce "Bob" Marks (21) Helen Foster Thalheimer (29) Harry Rosen (12) Michael Case (22) Sara Baker (30) Sanford Lewis (22) Estelle Darling (30) Chuck Lundy (22) M a rch 1 2 t h Edith Goldstein Hallam (30) Eva Wills (13) Tressa Silverstein Moskowitz (22) Florence Treibis (30) Marcus Berman (15) Leo Gordon Kopelman (23) Harvey Jurin (31) Albert Irwin Mendeloff (15) Jane Gleason (26) Alvin Lindenberg (31) Samuel Abraham Schneider (15) Sam Silverstein Jr. (26) Dorothy Kandel (April 1) Anthony Thompson (15) Sam Silverstein Sr. (April 1) Charlotte R. Polan (16) M a rch 2 6 t h Benjamin Brown (April 2) Minnie Rotgin (16) Jeanette Adler (28) Murray Lewis (April 2) Nathan Stabins (16) Robert W. Garner (28) Clara Schwartz Stern (2) Emily Szczepaniak (16) Richard Thalheimer (28) Blanche E. Jacobson (17) Frances L. Angel (29) Sarah Fine Machanoff (17) Don Garvin (29) Condolences on p. 7 Louis Ruda (17) George Greenwald (29) March at a Glance All services, meetings, classes and events Thursday, March 4 at 3 PM – A Bissel Torah Monday, March 8 at 10 AM – Zoom check are virtual with one exception*, via Zoom Thursday, March 4 at 6:30 PM – Two -in until further notice.
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