1948 Number 1
cyfotmnS^"^ /^4S^ of PHI KRPPn P$l The Phi Kappa Psi Frafernify was founded February 19, 1852, at JefFerson College, Canonsburg, Pa., by WILLIAM HENRY LETTERMAN Born Aug. 12, 1832, at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania Died May 23, 1881, at DufFau, Texas CHARLES PAGE THOMAS MOORE Born Feb. 8, 1831, in Greenbrier County, Virginia Died July 7, 1904, in Mason County, West Virginia THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL OFFICERS President—Howard L. Hamilton, 113 University Hall, Columbus 10, Ohio. Vice President—Homer D. Lininger, The Lod^e on the Desert, Tucson, Ariz. Treasurer—Harlan B. Selby, Box 797, Morgantown, W. Va. Secretary—C. T. Williams, 1940 E. Sixth St., Cleveland 14, Ohio. ARCHONS District 1—H. Calvin Coolidge, 100 Meeting Street, Providence 6, R. I. District 2—Robert E. Leber, Phi Kappa Psi House, Gettysburg, Pa. District 3—Dana F. Harland, Phi Kappa Psi House, 543 N. Main Street, Meadville, Pa. District 4—Prank S. Whiting .Jr.. Phi Kappa Psi House, 911 So. Fourth St., Champaign, HI. District 5—Gene R. McLaughlin, Phi Kappa Psi House, 1100 Indiana Ave., Lawrence, Kans. District 6—John C. Noble Jr., Rt. 1, Box 110, Lake Grove, Oregon. *• • • APPOINTED OFFICERS Attorney General—John J. Yowell, 111 West Washington St., Chicago 2, 111. Director of Alumni Associations—Homer D. Lininger, (see above). Scholarship Director—Frank C. Baldwin, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Assistant Secretary-Editor—Ralph D. Daniel, 1940 East Sixth Street, Cleveland 14, Ohio. Director of Fraternity Education—W. Lyle Jones, 201 Court House, Clarksburg, W. Va. Mystagogue—Sion B. Smith, 192 North Sprague Ave., Bellevue, Pittsburgh 2, Pa.
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