Construction of a Wind Farm at Halsary Forest, Watten by Scottish Power
Agenda THE HIGHLAND COUNCIL 5.1 Item Report North Planning Applications Committee – 13 August 2013 PLN/073/13 No Construction of a wind farm containing 15 (as amended) wind turbines, crane hardstandings, site accesses from the A9(T), fenced substation and switchgear compound, on-site underground cabling, on-site access tracks and associated pipe bridges and watercourse crossings, removal of forestry, one permanent steel lattice or tubular tower anemometry mast, two temporary power performance assessment masts, and ancillary construction development including two temporary construction compounds/lay-down areas at Halsary Forest, Watten, Caithness. 09/00399/FULCA: Halsary Wind Farm, Scottish Power Renewables Ltd Report by Head of Planning and Building Standards SUMMARY Description: The proposal is a 15 turbine wind farm development with installed capacity of 34.5MW located at a site approximately 15km south of Thurso and 17km west of Wick, in Caithness, adjacent to the A9(T). The operational Causeymire Wind Farm operated by RWE NRL, lies immediately to the west on the opposite side of the A9(T). The turbines will be a maximum of 100m to blade tip in height. Access will be taken directly from the A9(T). Recommendation: GRANT planning permission. Ward: 4 – Landward Caithness Development category: Major. Pre-determination hearing: None Reason referred to Committee: More than 5 objections. 1.0 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 1.1 It is proposed to develop a windfarm consisting of 15 wind turbines and associated infrastructure, including a control building, electrical infrastructure, access tracks, crane hardstandings, electrical cabling, one 60 metre high permanent wind measuring mast, upgraded watercourse crossings and two upgraded site accesses from the A9(T).
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