1.3 Clutha District
S C H E D U L E 1 1.3 Clutha District Water body Description of Mouth and Boundary* Mouth grid reference Boundary grid reference 31. Taieri River The ―mouth‖ where it enters the sea, the I45 (Edition 1 1980) I45 (Edition 1 1980) 923 ―boundary‖ at the downstream side of the 930 575, 936 582 581, 925 582 road bridge at Taieri Mouth. 32. Duckbend Creek The ―mouth‖ where it enters the sea, the I45 (Edition 1 1980) I45 (Edition 1 1980) 926 ―boundary‖ at the downstream side of the 930 570, 930 568 567, 927 569 Sawmill Road bridge. 33. Akatore Creek The ―mouth‖ where it enters the estuary, I45 (Edition 1 1980) I45 (Edition 1 1980) 904 the ―boundary‖ five times the width of the 905 516, 906 515 516, 905 515 mouth upstream. 34. Bull Creek The ―mouth‖ where it enters the sea, the H45 (Edition 1 1981) H45 (Edition 1 1981) 882 ―boundary‖ at the picnic area. 882 439, 884 440 439, 883 441 35. Tokomairiro The ―mouth‖ where it enters the sea, the H45 (Edition 1 1981) H45 (Edition 1 1981) 807 River ―boundary‖ five times the width of the 811 409, 813 411 410, 808 413 mouth upstream. 36. Wangaloa Creek The ―mouth‖ at the first constriction, the H46 (Edition 1 1981) H46 (Edition 1 1981) 782 ―boundary‖ at the second constriction. 785 357, 786 356 353, 781 354 37. Washpool Creek The ―mouth‖ where it enters the sea, the H46 (Edition 1 1981) H46 (Edition 1 1981) 751 ―boundary‖ at the downstream side of the 752 324, 754 325 326, 752 326 Wangaloa Mouth Road bridge.
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