Int Dragon Mag A/wk Final 11/3/08 09:34 Page 40 Undefeated!in 2007 JANUARY 2008 ASSOCIATION Y EARBOOK The Fritz sails dragon scoreboard 2007 Worlds 07, Dublin/Ireland 1.4. Copa del Mediterraneo, Palma 1. Gold Cup, Palma 1.2.3 Austrian Championship, Attersee 1. Kiel Week, Kiel Campionat de France, Deauville 1.4.5. Europeans 07, Hankö 1.3.4 TechnoGym Wellness Cup, Koege 1. Swiss Championship; Thunersee 1. HLL Dragon Grand Prix, Kiel Pfingstpreis, Tutzing 1.2.3. Derby Dragon, La Boule 1.4. Princesa Sophia, Palma 1.2. Pfingstbusch, Kiel Drachen Humpen, Utting 1.3. Swedish Championship, Saltsjöbaden 1. Grand Prix, Douarnenez 1. Sommerpokal, Starnberg 1. Osterpokal/Maibaum; Possenhofen 1.4. Vasco de Gama, Arcachon, France 1. FRITZ-Segel GmbH · ERNSDORFER STRASSE 66 · D-83209 PRIEN AM CHIEMSEE PHONE + 49(0) 80 51/43 27 · FAX + 49(0) 80 51/6 22 02 · E-Mail:
[email protected] WWW. INTDRAGON. ORG Int Dragon Mag A/wk Final 11/3/08 09:31 Page 2 Chairman’s Message his year the IDA held its AGM in Oslo, courtesy of The major IDA TThe Kongelig Norsk Seilforening (KNS). I would like events in 2007 were to thank KNS and its members for their excellent the Gold Cup in organisation and hospitality. Rupert Fischer (Germany) Palma, Majorca, the retired after two very busy years as Chairman and Europeans in Hanko, previously as a Vice-Chairman, and on your behalf, I Finland and the thank him for his outstanding contribution – I World Championship understand Rupert is continuing his work as Chairman in Dun Laoghaire, of the German Association, so his contribution to our Ireland.