January 9, 2007 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 1 633 MR. AMIGO 2006 I urge my colleagues to join me in com- came to the mainland to earn a master’s de- mending Lucero, the 2006 Mr. Amigo, as well gree at Columbia University and a nursing de- HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ as the cities of Brownsville and Matamoros, gree at Stanford. She met her future husband OF TEXAS for their dedication to international goodwill be- Calvin, an orthopedic surgeon, at Stanford, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tween the United States and . and they married in 1939. They moved to f Marin in 1946. Calvin passed away in 1990. Tuesday, January 9, 2007 She is survived by their daughter Lynn Ellen, Mr. ORTIZ. Madam Speaker, I wish today to TRIBUTE TO ELIZABETH their son John, and grandsons Dana, Ryan, commend the 2006 ‘‘Mr. Amigo,’’ Lucero TERWILLIGER and Sean. Hoganza Leo´n, chosen recently by the Mr. Elizabeth Terwilliger earned numerous well- Amigo Association of Brownsville, TX, and HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY deserved accolades and awards, but her true Matamoros, Tamaulipas, in Mexico. Like Cher, OF CALIFORNIA legacy is the contagious passion she inspired Ms. Leo´n is popularly known only as ‘‘Lucero’’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in children and adults. Everywhere we see among her many fans in the U.S. and Mexico. Tuesday, January 9, 2007 people living her watchword, ‘‘This is my coun- Each year the Mr. Amigo Association honors try. Wherever I go, I will leave it more beautiful a Mexican citizen with the title of ‘‘Mr. Amigo,’’ Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, I rise than I found it.’’ and that person acts as a goodwill ambas- today to honor Elizabeth Terwilliger, one of Madam Speaker, Mrs. T. truly left this coun- sador between our two countries. Marin County’s most beloved heroines, an en- try beautiful, and we thank and honor her for The Mr. Amigo Award began in 1964 as an vironmentalist who instilled a love of nature in her for it. annual tribute to an outstanding Mexican cit- children of all ages. ‘‘Mrs. T.,’’ as she was f izen who has made a lasting contribution dur- known to all, died on November 27, 2006, at ing the previous year to international solidarity the age of 97. ARMY SPECIALIST JOHN PAUL and goodwill. ‘‘Mr. Amigo’’ presides over the Her enthusiastic and interactive teaching BARTA: SOUTH TEXAN LOST IN annual Charro Days Festival. style made learning about nature especially IRAQ The Charro Days Festival is a pre-Lenten entertaining and instructive for children and event, much like Mardi Gras in New Orleans, adults alike. This included President Reagan HON. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ held in Brownsville and Matamoros. Charro who, along with an audience at a White House OF TEXAS Days festivities last for several days; this year Volunteer Action Award ceremony, flapped his IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they will be February 25–28 and will include arms like ‘‘Mr. Vulture’’ under her guidance. Tuesday, January 9, 2007 parades and appearances by Lucero. Charro Her irresistible style ranged from mimicking Days is an opportunity to enjoy the unique animal behaviors to demonstrations with Mr. ORTIZ. Madam Speaker, since this border culture of the Rio Grande Valley area. taxidermied animals, some of which had come House last met before Christmas, another As Mr. Amigo 2005, Lucero will head the via her own freezer. In her trademark straw South Texan from my Congressional District international parade of Brownsville Charro hat, she led field trips until she was 85, where has fallen in battle in Iraq, and I ask my col- Days and Matamoros Fiestas Mexicanas fes- her call of ‘‘Something special!’’ alerted eager leagues to join me in honoring this life lost in tivities. participants to yet another marvel of the nat- the service of our Nation. During Charro Days, South Texans cele- ural world. Army SPC John Paul Barta, 25, was as- brate the food, music, dances, and traditions Mrs. T’s long-time passion for the environ- signed to the 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regi- of both the United States and Mexico. The ment had burgeoned when she started hiking ment, 3rd Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division out of United States-Mexican border has a unique, to avoid housework in the 1960s. From that, Ft. Hood, Texas. He never saw Christmas blended history of cowboys, bandits, lawmen, she became committed to inspire the people Eve; he was killed in Buhriz, Iraq, about 30 farmers, fishermen, oil riggers, soldiers, sci- of the Bay Area to care for the natural world miles north of Baghdad, during combat oper- entists, entrepreneurs, and teachers. as she did. ‘‘People take care of what they ations on Dec. 23. The border has its own language and cus- love,’’ she claimed. Madam Speaker, each time we lose a sol- toms. On both sides of the border, there is a This mission began with including other dier—a member of our American family—we deep sense of history, much of which the bor- housewives, and then their children, on her lose a little piece of ourselves. Each time, it is der has seen from the front row. We have hikes, as well as leading field trips for her chil- just unbearable. Let me tell you more about seen war and peace; we have known pros- dren’s schools and clubs. By the late 60s, she this noble patriot who gave the last full meas- perity and bad times. Charro Days is a time was leading volunteer trips 5 days a week for ure of devotion to the nation he loved. for all of us to reflect on our rich history, to re- teachers and wildlife organizations and, in An exceptional athlete, Specialist Barta was member our past and to celebrate our future. 1970, created Terwilliger Nature Guides with remembered as a well-mannered and respect- Lucero was chosen for this honor based on other volunteers. In 1975, the Elizabeth ful young man. He attended Flour Bluff High her accomplishments as an entertainer and Terwilliger Nature Education Foundation was School in Corpus Christi, excelling on both the her efforts for people with disabilities. Her phil- formed; it later merged with the California baseball and football fields. anthropic career started in December 1997 Center for Wildlife and became WildCare, an Throughout his 4-year teenage athletic ca- when she hosted 27 uninterrupted hours of a organization which today teaches 40,000 Bay reer, coaches and teammates in both sports telethon to raise money for a rehabilitation Area school children annually. knew him as a go-to player who came through center for the handicapped. ‘‘WildCare is honored to follow directly in even when the odds were long. This star While Lucero has won many awards as an Mrs. T’s adventurous footsteps,’’ said Execu- baseball player also gently mentored his team- entertainer, she has also been named the re- tive Director Karen J. Wilson.’’ We are all for- mates. From time to time he was known as a cipient of the 2002 Double Eagle Leadership tunate that her enthusiasm and energy will live perfectionist. Award. She has recorded 20 albums, including on in the generations of children she has in- And while he was a natural competitor de- ‘‘Ocho Quince,’’ and starred in 6 in spired. To underscore her Bay Area legacy, pended upon by teammates for the big play, her career. Currently, she stars in the ac- WildCare recently named our San Rafael facil- he confided to a friend months ago about the claimed ‘‘Alborada.’’ She co-hosted ity in her honor—we have become the ever-present fear of serving in Iraq. He was the seventh annual in Terwilliger WildCare Center.’’ humble and he was competitive; precisely the early 2006. She was also a tireless advocate for the en- type of person you’d want to wear the sacred During difficult times in our world, the Mr. vironment and open space. Her mark is every- uniform of the United States. Amigo concept unites sister cities on both where in Marin County from the establishment Specialist Barta is survived by his wife, Eun sides of the border and sends a message that of the Butterfly Grove at Muir Beach to cre- Ji, of Killeen; his mother, Laurie Barta, broth- we are neighbors, and mends that trust, un- ation of countywide bike paths to preservation ers Josh and Billy Ray Barta, and grand- derstand, and respect each other. We share a of Angel Island and countless other conserva- parents Adolph Barta, of Corpus Christi, and language, customs and during Charro Days, tion efforts. Jackie and Larry Blake of Milton, FL. we take time to celebrate our distinctive cul- Born in Hawaii in 1909, Elizabeth Terwilliger Everyone in the greater South Texas com- ture. attended the University of Hawaii, and then munity will miss him, but nobody will miss him

VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:57 May 25, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00216 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 1\DAT FILES\BR09JA07.DAT BR09JA07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD 634 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 153, Pt. 1 January 9, 2007 like his family. We mourn with this family; we Mr. Scrivner married Bertha M. ‘‘Honey’’ COACH BOB KNIGHT lift up our broken hearts in gratitude to his Guenther on September 3, 1949. They were family, and we all want to see the end of the blessed with three wonderful daughters and HON. TED POE war in Iraq. two granddaughters. Madam Speaker, I ask the House to join me OF TEXAS Mr. Scrivner and his wife established the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in honoring Army SPC John Paul Barta and Scrivner Funeral Home in Versailles in Janu- his service on behalf of the United States and ary of 1952 and opened additional funeral Tuesday, January 9, 2007 to offer our thanks and our deepest sympathy homes in Stover and Russellville. In 1984, Mr. Mr. POE. Madam Speaker, in West Texas, to the family of this warrior, who gave the last Scrivner’s daughter and son-in-law became football has been king since the beginning of full measure of devotion to our Nation and the partners in the family business and in 2004 time. Other sports were ‘‘foreign’’ to the flat, United States Army. assumed full ownership from Jim and Honey. dry plains. Then somebody from a college in f Along with his successful business, Mr. Indiana showed up, with a round ball and IN RECOGNITION OF THE 70TH AN- Scrivner was very active in his community and changed the Texas sports landscape. Bob NIVERSARY OF THE MONT- church. He served as mayor of Versailles from ‘‘The General’’ Knight became the head coach GOMERY ALUMNAE CHAPTER OF 1972–1979. In 1972 he received the ‘‘Certifi- of the Texas Tech Red Raiders men’s basket- DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, cate of Appreciation’’ from the Missouri Munic- ball team—yes, basketball. On January 1, INC. ipal League and in 1981 was the recipient of 2007, the threshold into a new year, Knight an Economic Development Award from the crossed another important threshold—becom- HON. MIKE ROGERS Missouri Division of Commerce and Industrial ing the winningest coach ever in NCAA Divi- OF ALABAMA Development. Mr. Scrivner was also very ac- sion I basketball with a total of 880 victories. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tive with the Versailles Chamber of Com- This record came in a win, by Texas Tech, over the University of New Mexico Lobos, with Tuesday, January 9, 2007 merce, the Morgan County Fair Board, the Versailles Lions Club, and local politics. For a score of 70–68. The previous record holder Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam Speaker, the last 10 years, he has served as a volun- was Dean Smith, head coach of the University I respectfully ask the attention of the House teer with the Capital Region Medical Center in of North Carolina. Coach Knight has made today to pay recognition to the 70th Anniver- Jefferson City. In addition, Jim was a member basketball at Texas Tech into a cause and sary of the Montgomery Alumnae Chapter of of the Versailles United Methodist Church. crusade. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in Mont- Madam Speaker, James Roiter Scrivner A review of Knight’s collegiate coaching ca- gomery, Alabama. With nearly 425 members, was a valuable leader in his church and com- reer is in order. We start where Knight, him- this chapter remains focused and committed munity and a very dear friend. I know the self, started—the West Point Military Acad- to public service and education in the commu- Members of the House will join me in extend- emy. It was there that Knight earned his first nity. ing heartfelt condolences to his family: his wife head coaching job at the extraordinarily young The Montgomery Alumnae Chapter was age of 24. It was at West Point that Knight founded in 1937 on the campus of Alabama Honey; his three daughters, Mona, Sherry, and Jamie; and his two grandchildren. earned the nickname ‘‘The General.’’ His ten- State University. Members will gather on Sat- ure at West Point produced a basketball urday, January 13, 2007, to observe the anni- record of 102 wins and 50 losses. f versary event with a luncheon and rededica- After West Point, Knight went on to the bas- tion ceremony. Throughout the decades, Delta HONORING THE MEMORY OF MARY ketball state of Indiana, and the University of Sigma Theta has been and remains com- LOU PALMER Indiana Hoosiers, in 1971. Leading the Hoo- mitted to what is known as the Sororities Five siers is where the achievements began to pile Point Programmatic Thrust: Economic Devel- up in the trophy room. Knight’s accomplish- opment, Educational Development, Political HON. BRIAN HIGGINS ments boast three National Championships Awareness and Involvement, Physical and (1976, 1981, and 1987), a never replicated, OF NEW YORK Mental Health and International Awareness undefeated season (1976), eleven Big Ten and Involvement. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Conference titles (1973–1976, 1980–1981, I salute these women and their commitment 1983, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993), National Tuesday, January 9, 2007 to philanthropy and wish them the best on this Coach of the Year (1975, 1976, 1987, 1989), milestone in their chapter. Congratulations to Mr. HIGGINS. Madam Speaker, I rise today and Big Ten Coach of the Year (1973, 1975, the Montgomery Alumnae Chapter of Delta to honor a great Western New Yorker and a 1976, 1980, 1981). As a Hoosier, Knight aver- Sigma Theta on their 70th Anniversary. longtime, dedicated aide to my predecessor in aged a 73% success rate with 662 wins and f Congress. Mary Lou Palmer of Hamburg, New 239 losses. IN MEMORY OF JAMES ROITER York, served as chief of staff to my prede- Outside of the NCAA national champion- SCRIVNER cessor, former Congressman Jack Quinn, for ships, Knight has led teams to three other the entirety of his 12 years in Congress, and championships. In 1979, the Hoosiers won the did so with dignity, grace, and effectiveness. NIT Championship. Also, in 1979, Knight HON. IKE SKELTON coached the Pan American team to a gold OF MISSOURI Born Mary Lou Brown in our common medal. In 1984, Knight had the privilege of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hometown of South Buffalo, New York, Mary leading the U.S. men’s basketball team to a Lou was a devoted wife and mother who ran Tuesday, January 9, 2007 Gold Medal at the Summer Olympics in Los a successful business here in Western New Angeles. On May 13, 1991, Knight was me- Mr. SKELTON of Missouri. Madam Speaker, York. She started in politics as a volunteer morialized when he was inducted, for his it is with deep sadness that I inform the House and rose to be chief of staff to my prede- coaching, in the Naismith Basketball Hall of of the death of Mr. James (Jim) Roiter cessor, never forgetting from whence she Fame. Scrivner of Versailles, MO. came, or the people that her boss rep- Mr. Scrivner was born in Stover, MO, on resented. In 2001, Knight accepted the head coach May 4, 1926, son of James Oscar and Adelia position at Texas Tech and quickly turned the B. ‘‘Della’’ Roiter Scrivner. He graduated from Mary Lou was a tremendous help to my program around into a winning organization. Stover High School in 1943 and went on to own senior staff during the transition period Coach takes ordinary players and teaches serve his country in World War II with the between my predecessor’s service in Con- them to perform above their ability. We can United States Navy as a surgical technician. gress and my own. expect to see the Red Raider’s basketball He came back to Missouri and attended Cen- It is with great sadness, Madam Speaker, team to continue to excel in the future. tral Methodist College, graduating in 1949. In that I announce Mary Lou’s passing to the Finally, it is worth noting that Knight’s ac- October 1950, he graduated as valedictorian House, and I am certain that our colleagues complishments extend beyond the court, be- from the Kansas City College of Mortuary will join with me in extending to Mary Lou’s yond the victories—he is first and foremost a Service in Kansas City, Kansas. family our deepest sympathies. teacher. High graduation rates mark his

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