LIST 24 15 June 2018 Applications Registered between 11/06/18 – 15/06/18 ST. EDMUNDSBURY BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED The following applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building, Conservation Area and Advertisement Consent and relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas have been made to this Council. A copy of the applications and plans accompanying them may be inspected on our website . Representations should be made in writing, quoting the application number and emailed to
[email protected] to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of this list. Application No. Proposal Location DC/18/1016/HH Householder Planning Application - Single Park Cottage VALID DATE: storey side extension Heath Road 28.05.2018 Sapiston APPLICANT: Mrs Anna Kerr Suffolk EXPIRY DATE: AGENT: Mr Michael Kreckler IP31 1RY 23.07.2018 CASE OFFICER: Mr Nicholas Yager WARD: Bardwell GRID REF: PARISH: Bardwell 594026 277196 DC/18/1112/CLP Application for Lawful Development 32 Oakey Ley VALID DATE: Certificate for Proposed Use or Development Bradfield St George 08.06.2018 - (i) 2 no. rooflights on front elevation and IP30 0AU (ii) 1 no. dormer on rear elevation EXPIRY DATE: 03.08.2018 APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs Martin GRID REF: AGENT: Mr David Jones 591218 259285 WARD: Rougham CASE OFFICER: Savannah Cobbold PARISH: Bradfield St. George DC/18/0912/HH Householder Planning Application - Access to 51B York Road VALID DATE: be widened by 2 metres Bury St Edmunds 14.06.2018 Suffolk APPLICANT: Mr Hubert Ferdinand IP33 3EG EXPIRY DATE: 09.08.2018 CASE OFFICER: Matthew Harmsworth WARD: Risbygate GRID REF: 584258 264289 PARISH: Bury St Edmunds Town Council (EMAIL) DC/18/0904/FUL Planning Application - 3no.