Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999) Brethren in Christ Church Archives

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Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999) Brethren in Christ Church Archives Messiah University Mosaic Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999) Brethren in Christ Church Archives 10-20-1913 Evangelical Visitor- October 20, 1913. Vol. XXVII. No. 21. George Detwiler Follow this and additional works at: https://mosaic.messiah.edu/evanvisitor Part of the History of Religion Commons, and the Religion Commons Permanent URL: https://mosaic.messiah.edu/evanvisitor/596 Recommended Citation Detwiler, George, "Evangelical Visitor- October 20, 1913. Vol. XXVII. No. 21." (1913). Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999). 596. https://mosaic.messiah.edu/evanvisitor/596 Sharpening Intellect | Deepening Christian Faith | Inspiring Action Messiah University is a Christian university of the liberal and applied arts and sciences. Our mission is to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society. www.Messiah.edu One University Ave. | Mechanicsburg PA 17055 5or» -ustin The Earth Shall Chariots, and some Be Full of the jn horses; but Knowledge cfthp v^i 11 remember —?Lordr— the name of the as the -—rhord '— 'Waters Cover our the Sea..— jy — Gooo— Psa.20. 7 Is a. XI, 9. .1 Evangelical IPteitov The Gospel of Christ Saves all Who Believe V^OL. XXVII. GRANTHAM, PA., MONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1913. No. 21. EDITORIAL:—• There's cowering shame wthere beauty Special Mention and Notes, 2 reigned, Gleanings 4 Despair where hope had stood; POETRY:— And rampant evil, raging round, The Demon's Trap 1 Has oractised as it wbuld; Seed-time and Harvest, 16 A beggar's nags where wealth had beeti, A Neglected Call 16 A beggar's crust for food; Li vest Thou Me? 17 In homes where all was joy and peace, How Mv Boy Went Down 17 Now want and woe intrude. CONTRIBUTED:— A sister stands \Vith saddened brow. I Am Often Weary, M. Alice Keefer 9 And views tfhe ruin wrought; Be Ye Thankful, G. S. Grim 7 A widow kneels in tears of grace, Death a Blessing in Disguise, To bear it as sihe ought— W. R. Smith 8 A ruined home, a ruined name, Upland California 31 A ruined hope and trust; SELECTED :— The brightest joy of human life Tihe Altar Sanctifieth the Gift 18 AM trampled in the dust. Eternal Punishment 19 The dead, the bartered dead, that fait Tf the World Would only Listen 21 Are but the toll the rum fiend takes The Way of Prosperity 22 To desolate the land. The Cigarette's Own Story 24 Man names the price, and g-rants the right The Midnight Robber 2s To spoil the hitman race; Cast Them Out 28 Rum pays the golden bribe, and flings Begin at Home 29 Our dead men in our face. A Practical Talk to Fathers 29 Going to Hell 3c Our hundred thousand drunken dead. The Ministry of Intercession 30 Which Heaven's books record, NEWS OF CHURCH ACTIVITY ETC., JO Are sold to fill the traitor's purse, OBITUARY ETC 20 As Judas sold his Lord. OUR YOUNG PEOPLE, 24 And still we sit, and still we dTeaaa Of peace and duty done, While this gigiantie tidal wave Writers Please Notice. Ralls westward with the sun. Then fling the temperance banner out If we could reach the ears of Between the earth and sky. Your Captain is on high. all those who write for these col- Your battlefield is here below, umns we would say as loudly as The hosts of God are with tihe rigiht, we c.o-uld. Donf try to save And Right shall victor be; And some slhall sing the victor song paper by crowding the writing. Write Thru all eternity. plainly. Be sure you spell O, haste the day when love shall reigw. all proper names correctly and When wickedness shall cease; When this old earth shall know agai» let the letters be correctly The blessedness of peace. formed. Thalt glorious morning will not wait: Its coming may be soon, Wlhen God Himself shall reckon wisk THE DEMON'S TRAP. "The Tidal Wave Saloon." Where dr'ink is sold, I passed one day, With senses all attune Thou might's't have sent from heaven To the ruin wrought, and read this sign, albove "The Tidal Wave Saloon." Angelic hosts to tell the story; O, what a truth was written there In that repellent sign, Rut in Tfav condescending' love As they might tell whose ruined souls On men thou hast conferred the g'lory. Went out on the flow of wine! i6 1 EVANGELICAL VISITOR October 20, 1913. Evangelical Visitor. EDITORIAL. A Bi-Weekly RUSSELISM. Religious Journal At a State Council, held at Harrisburg, For the exposition of true, practical piety and devoted to the spread of EVANGELICAL truth» Pa., several years ago, Bishop S. R. and the Unity of the church. Smith was authorized to edit a pamph- let, in which Russelism would be explain- ed and refuted. Pressure of work has Published in the interests of the prevented Bra. Smith from completing Brethren in Christ Church this work, and since there is a pressing of need for a work of this kind, the Messiah U. S. A. Canada and Foreign Countries, Bible School, to have reliable matter in At Grantham, Pa. reference to this subject, arranged with Printed by the GRANTHAM PRINTING CO. the C'has. C. Cook Publishing Co., for the publication of five hundred copies of Millennial Dawnism, "The Blasphemous EDITOR GEO. DETWILER. Religion Which teaches the Annihilation of Jesus Christ," by I. M. Haldeman, SUBSCRIPTION. D. D. PER YEAR $1.00 Six MONTHS, 50 cts The regular price of these pamphlets To FOREIGN COUNTRIES, $1.25 A YEAR. is ten cents per copy, but on account of (SAMPLE COPIES FREE.) a large order, the school is enabled to sell Remittances should be made by P. O. them at seven cents post paid, to any Money order, or Bank drafts. address, United States or Canada. U. Entered as Second-Class Matter S. stamps accepted in payment. December 20, 1912, at the post office We believe this papm'hlet to be the at Grantham, Pennsylvania, under the best yet published against Russelism, and Act of March 3, 1879. think that it should be in the hands of Office Manager, every minister, at least, of our church. GEORGE DETWILER. For copies address Enos H. Hess, secy, Grantham, Pa. Enos H. Hess V. Pres.,& Secy. ASSOCIATES : ELDER W. O. BAKER, . .Louisville, Ohio. S. R. SMITH, - .Grantham, Pa. The following letter frdm Bro. T. A. F.NOS H. HESS, Grantham, Pa. Long, SalCm, Texas, ought to meet the eyes of some minister 'brother to whom The Associate Editors shall be equally re- the proposition would appeal. Sr. Long sponsible with the Editor for all articles is now in the East, and iiif Bro. Long that appear in the Evangelical secures the release he asks for he will Visitor—Conference decision. come East too, and be ready to answer calls in the evangelistic field as indicated Wotice.—The date printed after your name in his letter. The letter follows: jn the label denotes the time to which you A MINISTER WANTED. have paid. Keep it in the future. If some 'brother who would wish to spend the Winter in the South would Address the editor, 1216 Walnut St., Harris- jurg, Pa. came to Salem, Texias, and assist Bro. October 20, 1913. EVANGELICAL, VISITOR 3 Peter Fike in my stead, I could give isfaction. All new subscriptions will be myself to the Evangelistic field for the credited to Jan. 1915, from now on. coming Winter, to labor where called Will send back numbers of October as 011. For such who suffer from the cold long as the supply las(ts. Those who Winters in the North this is a good are not ready to renew early can secure place. Many come to the Gulf Coast the Calendar and motto by dropping us to recuperate. Many thousands come a card, thus getting them to them early. over Winter. I wrote Bro. F. Elliott We would be glad for a thousand orders of Richmond Hill, Ont., some time ago by December 1. Calendars in quantities, inviting him to come and take my place. 5 for $1.00; 12 for $2.25. Should he decide to come, we would feel well provided. Should he refuse In a brief obituary elsewhere ia this the place is open for some one else. issue there is the announcement of the The one who accepts the offer can passing away at the home of her son, take possession of our dwelling and Henry N., in Abilene, Kan., of Sister all connected with it, one or two cows, Engle, widoiw of the late bishop Jesse chickens, garden, horse and buggy to Engle, well and favorably known thru- attend the meetings away from our place. out the Brotherhod, not only as a gifted Our church house is within a few rods church officer and preacher, but as the of our yard. pioneer missionary of the church, and Mar£p, who have weak lungs come here who lies buried at the Matopo Mission, to escape the cold Northern climate. South Africa. In all the aatJivities of We wish to state to any who contem- Bish., Engle, he had the loyal support plate coming that we have a few days of his wife. She stood loyally by him occasionally when the North winds are when passing thru most trying circum- •quite chilly and good warm clothes are stances, accompanied him fto Africa, in demand. I hope to hear from some sharing with him the hardships attending ®tie who will volunteer to come.
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