Proposed Disposal of Lands at Ulu Langat
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THISTHIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR IS IS IMPORTANT IMPORTANT AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES YOUR YOUR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. ATTENTION. THIS THISTHIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR CIRCULAR IS IS IMPORTANT ISIMPORTANT IMPORTANT AND AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES REQUIRES YOUR YOUR YOUR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. ATTENTION. ATTENTION. If If you you are are in in anyany doubtdoubt asas toto the the coursecourse ofof action action to to bebe taken,taken, youyou shouldshould consultconsult youryour stockbroker, stockbroker, banker,banker, solicitor,solicitor, IfaccountantIfaccountant you Ifyou you are are arein orin or any inother anyother any doubt doubt professional professionaldoubt as as asto to the tothe advisers advisers thecourse course course immediately. ofimmediately. of action ofaction action to to be tobe betaken, taken, taken, you you you should should should consult consult consult your your your stockbroker, stockbroker, stockbroker, banker, banker, banker, solicitor, solicitor, solicitor, THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. accountant accountantaccountant or or other orother other professional professional professional advisers advisers advisers immediately. immediately. immediately. Bursa Bursa Malaysia Malaysia Securities Securities Berhad Berhad takes takes no no responsibility responsibility for for the the contents contents of of this this Circular, Circular, Valuation Valuation Certificate Certificate and and Valuation Valuation If you are in any doubt as to the course of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, banker, solicitor, BursaReport,BursaIfReport, you Malaysia Malaysia aremakes makes in any noSecurities noSecurities representation doubtrepresentation asBerhad Berhad to the takesas astakes course to to itsno itsno accuracyresponsibility accuracyresponsibilityof action or orto completeness, completeness,forbe for thetaken, the contents contents you and and shouldof of thisexpressly thisexpressly Circular, consultCircular, disclaims disclaims yourValuation Valuation stockbroker, any any Certificate Certificate liability liability banker, whatsoever whatsoeverand and Valuation Valuation solicitor, for for accountantBursa Malaysia or other Securities professional Berhad advisers takes responsibility for the contents of this Circular, Valuation Certificate and Valuation anyaccountantany loss loss howsoever howsoever or other arising professionalarising from from or advisersor in in reliance reliance immediately. upon upon the the whole whole or or any any part part of of the the contents contents of of this this Circular. Circular. Report, Report,Report, makes makes makes no no representationno representation representation as as toas to its toits accuracyits accuracy accuracy or or completeness, orcompleteness, completeness, and and and expressly expressly expressly disclaims disclaims disclaims any any any liability liability liability whatsoever whatsoever whatsoever for for for anyBursaanyany loss loss Malaysialoss howsoever howsoever howsoever Securities arising arising arising Berhadfrom from from or or takesin orin reliance inreliance noreliance responsibility upon upon upon the the thewhole whole for whole the or or contentsany orany any part part part ofof of thisthe ofthe theCircular,contents contents contents Valuationof of this ofthis this Circular. Circular. CertificateCircular. and Valuation Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad takes no responsibility for the contents of this Circular, Valuation Certificate and Valuation Report, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness, and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this Circular. SYMPHONY LIFE BERHAD SYMPHONY LIFE BERHAD (Registration(RegistrationSYMPHONYSYMPHONYSYMPHONY No. No. 196401000264 196401000264 LIFE LIFE LIFE BERHAD BERHAD BERHAD (5572-H)) (5572-H)) (Registration(Registration (Incorporated (Incorporated No. No. 196401000264 196401000264 in in Malaysia) Malaysia) (5572-H)) (5572-H)) (Registration No. 196401000264 (5572-H)) SYMPHONY (Incorporated (Incorporated (Incorporated LIFE in in Malaysia) inMalaysia) BERHAD Malaysia) SYMPHONY LIFE BERHAD (Registration No. 196401000264 (5572-H)) CIRCULARCIRCULAR TO TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS IN IN RELATION RELATION TO TO THE THE (Incorporated in Malaysia) CIRCULARCIRCULARCIRCULAR TO TO TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERS IN IN RELATIONIN RELATION RELATION TO TO TO THE THE THE PROPOSED DISPOSAL BY PRESTIGE CAPITAL SDN BHD, A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF PROPOSED DISPOSAL BY PRESTIGE CAPITAL SDN BHD, A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF PROPOSEDSYMPHONYPROPOSED DISPOSALDISPOSALLIFE BERHAD BYBY PRESTIGE(“SYMLIFE”PRESTIGE CAPITAL CAPITALOR “COMPANY”) SDNSDN BHD,BHD, OF AA WHOLLY-OWNEDSIXWHOLLY-OWNED (6) PARCELS SUBSIDIARYSUBSIDIARYOF INDUSTRIAL OFOF SYMPHONYPROPOSED LIFE DISPOSAL BERHADCIRCULAR BY (“SYMLIFE” PRESTIGE TO SHAREHOLDERS ORCAPITAL “COMPANY”) SDN INBHD, RELATIONOF SIXA WHOLLY-OWNED (6) TO PARCELS THE OF SUBSIDIARY INDUSTRIAL OF SYMPHONYDEVELOPMENTSYMPHONY LIFELIFE LAND BERHADBERHAD IDENTIFIED (“SYMLIFE”(“SYMLIFE” AS LOTS OROR PT “COMPANY”) “COMPANY”)12269 TO PT 12274,OFOF SIXSIX ALL (6)(6) LOCATED PARCELSPARCELS WITHIN OFOF INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIALMUKIM AND DEVELOPMENTSYMPHONY LIFELAND BERHAD IDENTIFIED (“SYMLIFE” AS LOTS PTOR 12269 “COMPANY”) TO PT 12274, OF ALLSIX LOCATED(6) PARCELS WITHIN OF MUKIM INDUSTRIAL AND DEVELOPMENTDISTRICTDEVELOPMENT OF ULULAND LAND LANGAT, IDENTIFIED IDENTIFIED SELANGOR AS AS LOTS LOTS PT DARULPT 12269 12269 EHSAN TO TO PT PT 12274, 12274,TO FANTASTIC ALL ALL LOCATED LOCATED STARHILL WITHIN WITHIN SDNMUKIM MUKIM BHD, AND AND A DISTRICTPROPOSEDDEVELOPMENT OF DISPOSALULU LAND LANGAT, IDENTIFIEDBY PRESTIGESELANGOR AS LOTSCAPITAL DARUL PT 12269 EHSANSDN TO BHD, PTTO 12274, AFANTASTIC WHOLLY-OWNED ALL LOCATED STARHILL WITHINSUBSIDIARY SDN MUKIM BHD, OFANDA DISTRICTWHOLLY-OWNEDDISTRICT OFOF ULUULU LANGAT,SUBSIDIARYLANGAT, SELANGORSELANGOR OF PERDANA DARULDARUL EHSANPARKCITYEHSAN TOTO FANTASTICSDNFANTASTIC BHD STARHILLFORSTARHILL A TOTAL SDNSDN BHD, BHD,CASH AA WHOLLY-OWNEDSYMPHONYDISTRICT OFLIFE ULU SUBSIDIARYBERHAD LANGAT, (“SYMLIFE” SELANGOROF PERDANA OR DARUL “COMPANY”) PARKCITY EHSAN OF TOSDN SIXFANTASTIC BHD(6) PARCELS FOR STARHILL A OFTOTAL INDUSTRIALSDN CASHBHD, A WHOLLY-OWNEDCONSIDERATIONWHOLLY-OWNED OFSUBSIDIARYSUBSIDIARY RM250.00 MILLION OFOF PERDANAPERDANA ("PROPOSED PARKCITYPARKCITY DISPOSAL") SDNSDN BHDBHD FORFOR AA TOTALTOTAL CASHCASH CONSIDERATIONDEVELOPMENTWHOLLY-OWNED LAND OF RM250.00SUBSIDIARY IDENTIFIED MILLION ASOF LOTS ("PROPOSEDPERDANA PT 12269 PARKCITYDISPOSAL")TO PT 12274, SDN ALL LOCATEDBHD FOR WITHIN A TOTAL MUKIM ANDCASH CONSIDERATIONCONSIDERATION OF OF RM250.00 RM250.00 MILLION MILLION ("PROPOSED ("PROPOSED DISPOSAL") DISPOSAL") DISTRICTCONSIDERATION OF ULU OFLANGAT, RM250.00 SELANGOR MILLION ("PROPOSED DARUL EHSAN DISPOSAL") TO FANTASTIC STARHILL SDN BHD, A WHOLLY-OWNED SUBSIDIARY OF PERDANA PARKCITY SDN BHD FOR A TOTAL CASH CONSIDERATION OF RM250.00 MILLION ("PROPOSED DISPOSAL") PrincipalPrincipal Adviser Adviser PrincipalPrincipal Adviser Adviser Principal Adviser Principal Adviser Principal Adviser AFFIN HWANG INVESTMENT BANK BERHAD (Registration No. 197301000792 (14389-U)) AFFIN HWANG INVESTMENT BANK BERHAD (Registration No. 197301000792 (14389-U)) AFFINAFFIN HWANG HWANG(A(A INVESTMENT Participating INVESTMENTParticipating Organisation Organisation BANK BANK BERHAD BERHAD of of Bursa Bursa (Registration (Registration Malaysia Malaysia Securities Securities No. No. 197301000792 197301000792 Berhad) Berhad) (14389-U)) (14389-U)) AFFIN HWANG INVESTMENT BANK BERHAD (Registration No. 197301000792 (14389-U)) (A(A Participating Participating Organisation Organisation of of Bursa Bursa Malaysia Malaysia Securities Securities Berhad) Berhad) (A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad) The Proposed Disposal will be tabled at the Extraordinary General Meeting (“ ”) of the Company to be conducted on a The ProposedAFFIN Disposal HWANG will be INVESTMENT tabled at the ExtraordinaryBANK BERHAD General (Registration Meeting (“ No.EGMEGM 197301000792”) of the Company (14389-U)) to be conducted on a ThefullyThefully Proposedvirtual Proposedvirtual basis AFFINbasis Disposal Disposal from from HWANG its itswill willbroadcast broadcast be beINVESTMENT tabled tabled venue venueat at the the at Extraordinaryat BANKExtraordinary Auditorium, Auditorium, BERHAD 3AGeneral 3AGeneral Floor, (RegistrationFloor, Meeting MeetingMenara Menara (“ Symphony,(“ No.EGMSymphony,EGM 197301000792”)”) of of the theNo. No. Company Company 5, 5, Jalan Jalan(14389-U)) to Prof. toProf. be be conductedKhoo conducted Khoo Kay Kay onKim, Kim,on a a The Proposed Disposal(A will Participating be tabled at Organisation the Extraordinary of Bursa General Malaysia Meeting Securities (“EGM ”)Berhad) of the Company to be conducted on a fullySeksyenfullySeksyenfully virtual virtual virtual 13, 13, basis basis 46200 46200basis from from Petaling fromPetaling its its broadcastits broadcast broadcastJaya, Jaya, Selangor venueSelangor venue venue at at DarulAuditorium, DarulatAuditorium, Auditorium, Ehsan Ehsan 3A (“ 3A(“Broadcast Broadcast3AFloor, Floor, Floor, Menara Menara Menara Venue Venue Symphony, Symphony,”), Symphony,”), on on Tuesday, Tuesday, No. No. No. 5, 5, 9Jalan 5,9Jalan March MarchJalan Prof. Prof. 2021 Prof.2021 Khoo Khoo atKhoo at 9.30 Kay 9.30Kay Kay Kim,a.m. Kim,a.m. Kim, SeksyenororSeksyen