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Relief End of Next AVVACi DABX C M M C nLAVm fit April. IN t 5 . 2 7 5 _ r if-M m AaMt Bniw«. •f EXPECT SCHOOL BOY CONFESSES \\ EXPENSE TO 0 0 SITIN G BLAZE RELIEF lNNEWAIIBratN| r a m S30(,i)w •« ' X N»- END OF NEXT • :s »v>Xw- <' •, N V- :X Last O b A d e to Genera Dh- Budget Prepared Last IGid>t Bat Ekven Tears OUj He r . - Xv arm am ^ Treaty M EASURElGwenior Says Matter M TeDs Police He Started Does Not Indide Main* m or^ J ays^F t^ |WORRIES DffiECTORS tonnee Cost ■** Seven Fire That Jiade Orerl '"'r' ' Toy; Cables Tbudn. _ _ _ lore— Anodnr Coitfen 500Homeless. 'V'.'A Teadiers Not to Retem. X?- >-5!^ Osnsva, Mmy' 19.-^(AP>— Ger­ RoaiPs Ability to Weather ance of Tax Experts ani tohool budget for 1988-S4 In Auburn, Maine, May 19.— (A P )— many accepted the British disarma­ iU probability will not istceed The arraignment of Renaud'Cote» ment plan tod^r as^-ia bauria for an the Depretsien Most Be] Party Leaders to Be HeU 1184,000, It waa announced today by 11 year old Auburn boy who poUce agreement to be reached by the Buperintendent of Scboole P. say confessed he set the lire which world disarmnhient conference. Shown. on MonAy. Verplandc, following a meetbg of swept the New Auburn secUon of Count Rudolf lYadolny, the German the Board of Biducation last night, the city Monday, rendering more delegate, informed the conference of the decision of his government. Hartford, May 19.—(AP)—Gov­ Thla figure la exelualTe of the than 1600 homeless and causing ..nilsThis serious clash between V^sconsln’awisconsms ™milk s^tfs and c^mgw^^NaMo^ of the state militia.mltiS?* This New York, May 19.— (AP)— Manifestations of aj^roval greet­ ernor WUbur L. Cross aapreased o f aehool buildinge, ant damage in excess of 81,000,000 waa gas, clubs and rocks were freely woimdld and 200 taken Banking houses associated with ed Nadcdny when he said that any oonfldsnce today that a program of la aeven per cent less than lait sreai' ^“ “ ie “ *** S ;t ^ y- "t o _ ^--------- v ^ wttoriae.' ■ ------------- -----------taken near Shawano at the height of “ ti2 °bS5£ German suggeations would dovetedi railway financing are oumiiig mid­ and morethan thirty-five per cent time' for further investigation and | prisoners, It shows guardsmen-deputles, wearing with the British draft, which al­ night oU analysing th^ possible ef rriief for flnanclally distressed lower than two yeara ago. permit an examination of the boy’s ready bad b ^ accMpt^ by all na- feet of the administration’s pro­ municipalities would jo ready for Effective In September mental condition. tioDS save Germany. presentation to the Legislature, by Renaud was left in the custody of posed tramsportatlon 'dll on rail A five per cent ^ *T hope this will be regarded aa stockholders and bondholders. the end of next wael^ of teachers and other em- his father, Arsene Cote. His hear- new proof of German moderation,” Attention is concentrated large^ iiig was set for next Wednesday. the Berlin delegate said. ' He refer­ Satisfactory progr^ the gover­ nloyea o f the local pubUc achoola MENTION HUGH JO H N aw lW ™ ?!^ on ^e section which dictates how nor said, has been made on the re­ aif> voted in an effort to pare Only Boy’s Word ■ ^ 1 red to President Roosevelt’s disarm­ financial aid is to be meted out to ament message to the worid as "cm- lief problem during his series of the budget for year to the needy carriers. conferences with ^ experts and ifiifiifwnm figiure. Thla cut bringa other great manifestatioa df peace.” This states that the commission His entire address was conriUatory. l^fislative leaders of both parties. the total reduction in salaries dw- -S S w s S FOR INDUSTRIAL LEADER! cannot approve a loam “unless it The latest conference was held yes-, Inr the last two years to twMW- word for It, and there a re. many [ Brltlsb Envoy Pndses. shall find that the financial struc­ per cent, and is effective at the ihlngs to bo taken into considora- terday afternoon and emother will Ask S ^ WaBice to Preroit Opfrjtta Anthony ESden of Great ture of the carrier is such that be held Monday. op«m g of the fall term in Septem- ; O n . Britsto empharised the importance there is reasonable prospect that “Qreat as is the suffering from Illinois Hanofactorer Slated such carrier can without reorg^an- Asked If there was..ahy possibil­ MOONEY’S RETRIAL of Germany's decirion to cooperate ity that the relief plan might be The budget announced today by thla disaster, for which young Cote Fanners from Tomnig to without stint, and spoke glowingly Isation survive the existing eco- Mr. Verplanck la not exact or finm. may have originally been responsi­ of the spirit in which the decision 1 nomic depression and provide for its completed at the Mcmday cwifep- The bud^t to be recommended to to WieU the Fidest ence, the governor replied: ble, the state desires to work no TO START MONDAY was announced. 1 capital needs thereafter.” the Joint Board of School Ehependi- wrong upon him." M3k Prodnetkm. Rene Massigti for France pledged what yardstick can measure a ‘I t may be.” tures late in Jtme for formal ap- The county attorney said permis­ Thus far no definite indicatloiN roval before submlasion to the Power Ever Granted an his government’s readiness to coop- railroad’s ability to weather de- sion of the parents would be sought erate, and asserted ttet Nadotoys | pression ? have been received from those E3wn meeting in October will be in jtor an examination of the boy by working on the subject as to how the vicinity of 8284,000, Mr. Ver­ Famons Prisoner Now WaAington, May 19.—/ AP) —^If statement meant that now there Seeking an answer to this ques­ planck said. It is in^osslble, at alienists. American. plana are worked out br "Secretary was no obstacle in the way of com­ tion, transportation quarters are in­ far the state will go In extending « ii« tinM, to rdease actual figures pleting a disarmament treaty. terested in data compiled by MiO aid to mimicipalities and their ub- WaOhoe for agreement/ farm- Cable to Boosevrit. Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and em^oyed ritUmna. At the conclu- as the salary item la the only ooe Frisco Connly Ja3 m 'ta reduce aoreagee tteVoted to la mw avadl^e. The Board ^ Waahington, M i^ 19.— (AP) — The conference voted "to send & Pacific raUroad In its reoen ^ ppli- |^on of yM terda/s conference, w W t, cotton, coni and tobemco, rep- cabl^jam to President Rooaevrit cation for a loan, under authority I gnyamgr said the conferees were Eduoatioa' wlD have exact figures to HOLD ACCOUNTANTS President Roosevelt has been con­ jeseptatlAes of dairy groups Intend preiMit at the June meeting. Avail ike Hwrai. voicing appreciation for his dittarma- the ReconstruCtien FlnszMe O0t--| pgt committed to any specific plan ferring with Hugh Johnson, MoUiie, tb Insist on this point: ment iHropoeals and assuring himiporation Act. 'IF' and that they were still open-mind­ Met bo RD VnesMlee ____ That the. agreement contain a Have Four Tests Throupi rae*ganlsatl« <rf tte HL, manufacturer, on the industrial I pfovlsioii that the farmer will not 'that they would be given evriy con- j ed on the question. IN RlDLEY MURDER! slderatlon. As filed with the interstotn com­ o f the lo- control program now before Con­ San Francisco, May 12—(A P) — I t m to dairyino- ii«4Mv»ht anS 'otiMr changes, seven gress; but was said today at the Before the German delegate merce commission, this conrittates HOOK’S OPINION Back in the dty which 17 years ago Sbdrjruiln assert that there will four tests ^ ^ ch have been npidled rs will not return to their White House as having yet to make be k natural tendency to make such New Havrii, May 19 — (AP) — it posltloea h ^ .lB Swtmnber. bis ^poiutments to administer the shook from a preparedness day (CODttnoed ea Page Twe) to the 48 rauroads that bad M ssoot positioBS nasB a switch and, they contend, it would revenues <rf 812,000,0<» or more^ That ConxieCticut would be unable to VeiTdanck atatad empoatlcaHy luMo Bet up, in event ^ it is written bomb explosion which sent him to duallfy ia t a share in the |60(),000,- Mystery Case B a i ^ Spot- hake the -rifect of over expanding 1982. ^ that In no Instaaepwni the vacan­ into law. Iffison evicted a t murder^ Thomas daliry productioin „ ,The first yaoliOrit ^tomputen r r i l e f i l ^ W *ho cies be filled by alMltkna to tts These Ipaportant a p p oW m w ^ o f I y Uyaqww awaitedi I thy Start I Tney tajjM ^ perenntoge e|itoftjnBat»n grosa m - teaching staff. ___ as S kn da Hill Up CONgse^ must await McSuPtiU '5 'r tMority )y quired> t o j i y "^all "fheed tnteresf Tbs seven wha WBI Isana at siowml setlee*j*s * -...... .. -^(fithji^inddenness that, caugt i-Treii5h'“tlh d 8 rt!n ff' charges. 'Ine eccond rixowsrtbe dt^ iod *today. of James W. HooJl . lew-CInasi-.. MeenwhHe, however, Johnson-' *> by aurprife the 601 (8arm^ it act-A lars "of fined intinreit JDearing debt j state chaMfidn a f;^ e an effioe in the State- bum oowvlct '!wast Daffy H w a n n K n i u per 199 tsaffic units of 1981.
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