33 New Ectoparasite (Phthiraptera; Siphonaptera; Diptera) Records from (Strigiformes: Passeriformes) and Mammals (Lagomorpha; Rodentia) in Southeastern Oklahoma Chris T. McAllister Science and Mathematics Division, Eastern Oklahoma State College, Idabel, OK 74745 Lance A. Durden Department of Biology, Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA 30458 Kylie N. Brecheisen Science and Mathematics Division, Eastern Oklahoma State College, Idabel, OK 74745 Will K. Reeves USDA-APHIS-BRS, Fort Collins, CO 80526

Abstract: Little is known about many of the ectoparasites occurring on higher vertebrate hosts LQ2NODKRPD+HUHZHUHSRUWQLQHWD[DRIHFWRSDUDVLWHVIURP2NODKRPDIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH7KHVH LQFOXGH ¿YH VSHFLHV RI FKHZLQJ OLFH >Degeeriella fulva from Buteo lineatus (red-shouldered hawk), Strigiphilus otus from Megascops asio (eastern screech owl), Philopterus osborni and Myrsidea interrupta from Corvus brachyrhynchos (common crow), and Stachiella octomaculatus from 6\OYLODJXV ÀRULGDQXV HDVWHUQ FRWWRQWDLO @ WKUHH VSHFLHV RI ÀHDV >&ediopsylla simplex and Odontopsyllus multisinosus from 6 ÀRULGDQXV and Polygenis gwyni from 1HRWRPD ÀRULGDQD (eastern woodrat)], and a dipteran (Ornithoctona erythrocephala from B. lineatus).

UDWKHUWKDQKDYLQJWRFROOHFWDQGWKHQHXWKDQL]H Introduction live specimens. Here, we continue that research by reporting new state records for nine taxa of Over the past half-decade, our research ectoparasites from select birds and mammals. consortium has provided information on various ectoparasites occurring on hosts in Oklahoma for Methods WKH¿UVWWLPH 0F$OOLVWHUHWDODE  D  0F$OOLVWHU DQG 'XUGHQ 7KUHH DYLDQV IURP 0F&XUWDLQ &RXQW\ D E  &RQQLRU HW DO   2QH RI including a common crow (Corvus these reports presented information on a road- brachyrhynchos), eastern screech owl killed great-horned owl (Bubo virginianus) from (Megascops asio), and red-shouldered hawk WKHVWDWHWKDW\LHOGHGLQIRUPDWLRQRQ¿YHWD[DRI (Buteo lineatus) were found dead on the road. SDUDVLWHV7KLVVKRZHGWKDWXWLOL]LQJURDGNLOOHG In addition, an eastern cottontail (Sylvilagus raptors for parasite surveys was an excellent way ÀRULGDQXV) was shot and an eastern woodrat to conduct research in the name of conservation (1HRWRPD ÀRULGDQD) was found dead. All Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 98: pp 33 - 36 (2018) 34 C.T. McAllister, L.A. Durden, K.N. Brecheisen, and W.K. Reeves were brought to the laboratory for ectoparasitic restricted to owls. Previous records from M. asio H[DPLQDWLRQ7KRVHVSHFLPHQVWKDWDSSHDUHGWR DUHIURP$UL]RQD*HRUJLD,QGLDQD0DU\ODQG be recently killed showed no sign of putrefaction. 0LQQHVRWD 1HZ

FROOHFWHG RQ  0DUFK  IURP +DZRUWK %HTXDHUW0DD'LFN  ƒ¶´1ƒ¶´: 7KLV LV D ZLGHVSUHDG ÀHD RI ODJRPRUSKV DQG WKHLU In conclusion, we document nine new predators in the eastern two-thirds of North distributional records for ectoparasites of some $PHULFD +ROODQG'XUGHQHWDO  common birds and mammals from Oklahoma. 2QFH DJDLQ VHH 1HOGHU DQG 5HHYHV  Rhopalopsyllidae 0F$OOLVWHU HW DO   WKLV VXUYH\ LOOXVWUDWHV Polygenis gwyni (C. Fox). – A single male WKHVLJQL¿FDQFHRIVDOYDJLQJURDGNLOOHGUDSWRUV P. gwyni / ZDVIRXQGRQD1ÀRULGDQD and other birds and vertebrates which can yield FROOHFWHGRQ-DQXDU\LQ6PLWKYLOOH ƒ knowledge on their parasites when data could ¶´1ƒ¶´: 7KLVLVDQ not be otherwise obtained because of state and unusual occurrence since woodrats tend to be IHGHUDOUHVWULFWLRQVRQFROOHFWLQJDQGHXWKDQL]LQJ XQFRPPRQKRVWVRIWKLVÀHD,WLVPRUHRIWHQ live birds, all in the spirit of conservation. In reported from hispid cotton rats (Sigmodon addition, these ectoparasites can be screened for hispidus), the most commonly recorded host of VLJQL¿FDQWWLFNORXVHDQGÀHDERUQHSDWKRJHQV P. gwyni 0F$OOLVWHUHWDOE ,QDGGLWLRQ as shown by Reeves et al. (2005). there are also several records of P. gwyni from Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) and Acknowledgments some other mammals throughout its range in the VRXWKHUQ86 6PLW'XUGHQHWDO  7KH 2NODKRPD 'HSDUWPHQW RI :LOGOLIH &RQVHUYDWLRQDQG86)LVKDQG:LOGOLIH6HUYLFH Leptopsyllidae IRU SURYLGHG 6FLHQWL¿F &ROOHFWLQJ 3HUPLWV WR Odontopsyllus multispinosus Baker. – One &70WRVDOYDJHPLJUDWRU\ELUGV, permit numbers male and one female O. multispinosus /  DQG0%&, respectively. were found on 6 ÀRULGDQXV FROOHFWHG RQ  0DUFKIURP+DZRUWK ƒ¶´1 References ƒ¶´: 7KLVLVDODUJHÀHDDVVRFLDWHG with leporids and their predators in eastern North %HTXDHUW -&  7KH +LSSRERVFRLGHD RU $PHULFD +ROODQG'XUGHQHWDO  ORXVH ÀLHV 'LSWHUD  RI PDPPDOV DQG ELUGV 3DUW,,7D[RQRP\HYROXWLRQDQGUHYLVLRQRI Diptera: American genera and species. Entomol Amer Ornithoctona erythrocephala (Leach). –  QV ± A single female of O. erythrocephala (CSUC) &OD\WRQ '+   +RVW VSHFL¿FLW\ was taken from B. lineata collected on 2 March of Strigiphilus owl lice (Ischnocera: IURP:ULJKW&LW\ ƒ¶´1ƒ Philopteridae) with description of new species ¶ ´:   7KLV ORXVH À\ LQIHVWV UDSWRUV and host associations. J Med Entomol 27:257– DQGRWKHUPHGLXPWRODUJHVL]HGELUGV %HTXDHUW 265.    ,W KDV D ZLGH JHRJUDSKLF GLVWULEXWLRQ &RQQLRU 0% 'XUGHQ /$ 0F$OOLVWHU &7 and has been recorded from seven Canadian 1HZFRXQW\UHFRUGIRUWKHOHDVWVKUHZ Provinces, 24 U. S. states, and México, as well Cryptotis parva, and notes on an ectoparasite, as Central and South America as far south as Haemogamasus longitarsus. Proc Okla Acad &KLOH  7R GDWH  JHQHUD  IDPLOLHV DQG 6FL±  RUGHUV RI ELUGV DUH NQRZQ DV KRVWV 7KH 'LFN &:    &KHFNOLVW RI ZRUOG broad geographic distribution and wide host Hippoboscidae (Diptera: ). range could indicate that the nominal taxon O. Chicago (IL): Field Museum of Natural erythrocephala actually includes several cryptic History. 7 p. species, molecular studies might clarify this. 'XUGHQ /$  /LFH 3KWKLUDSWHUD  ,Q /RXVH ÀLHV  VSHFLHV  EHORQJ WR D IDPLO\ Mullen GR and Durden LA, editors. Medical of pupiparous dipterans, which in their adult and veterinary entomology, 3rd ed. San Diego stage are ectoparasites of birds and mammals &$ (OVHYLHU3UHVVS± Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 98: pp 33 - 36 (2018) 36 C.T. McAllister, L.A. Durden, K.N. Brecheisen, and W.K. Reeves

'XUGHQ /$ :LOVRQ 1 (FNHUOLQ 53 %DNHU 0F$OOLVWHU &7 'XUGHQ /$ &RQQLRU 0% ::  7KH ÀHD 6LSKRQDSWHUD  IDXQD D 1HZ VWDWH UHFRUGV IRU WKH VXFNLQJ of Georgia, USA: Hosts, distribution and louse, Hoplopleura sciuiricola (Anoplura: medical-veterinary importance. Ann Carnegie 3KWKLUDSWHUD+RSORSOHXULGDH DQGÀHD Foxella 0XV± ignota (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae), from (PHUVRQ .&  $ SUHOLPLQDU\ OLVW RI WKH Oklahoma. 3URF2NOD$FDG6FL± Mallophaga (biting lice) of Oklahoma. Proc 0F$OOLVWHU &7 'XUGHQ /$ &RQQLRU 0% 2NOD$FDG6FL± 5RELVRQ+:E3DUDVLWLVPRIUHSWLOHVE\ (PHUVRQ.&$QHZPDOORSKDJDQIURP the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) and the screech owl (Philopteridae). Proc Entomol western blacklegged tick (,[RGHV SDFL¿FXV) 6RF:DVK± with new records of I. scapularis from (PHUVRQ.&&KHFNOLVWRIWKH0DOORSKDJD $UNDQVDVDQG2NODKRPDOL]DUGVLPSOLFDWLRQV of North America (north of Mexico). Part IV. for Lyme Disease epidemiology. Herpetol Rev %LUG KRVW OLVW 'XJZD\ 87  'HVHUHW 7HVW ± &HQWHUS 0F$OOLVWHU &7 'XUGHQ /$ 5LFKDUGVRQ +ROODQG*37KHÀHDVRI&DQDGD$ODVND '0 +QLGD -$ D 6RPH SDUDVLWHV and Greenland (Siphonaptera). Mem Entomol $SLFRPSOH[D 7UHPDWRGD 1HPDWRGD 6RF&DQDGD1RS Acanthocephala, Phthiraptera) of the common 0DD7&$UHYLVHGFKHFNOLVWDQGFRQFLVH great horned owl, Bubo virginianus (Aves: KRVWLQGH[RI+LSSRERVFLGDH 'LSWHUD 3DFL¿F Strigiformes: Strigidae), from southeastern ,QVHFWV0RQRJU± 2NODKRPD3URF2NOD$FDG6FL± 0F$OOLVWHU &7 %XUVH\ &5 &RQQLRU 0% 0F$OOLVWHU &7 'XUGHQ /$ 5RELVRQ +: 'XUGHQ /$ 5RELVRQ +:  +HOPLQWK &RQQLRU 0% E 7KH ÀHDV $UWKURSRGD and arthropod parasites of the ground skink, Insecta: Siphonaptera) of Arkansas. J Ark Scincella lateralis (Sauria: Scincidae), from $FDG6FL± Arkansas and Oklahoma. Comp Parasitol 0F$OOLVWHU &7 0LWFKHOO -& 'XUGHQ /$ ±  /LIH KLVWRU\ QRWHV Acris blanchardi 0F$OOLVWHU &7 &RQQLRU 0% %XUVH\ &5 (FWRSDUDVLWHV +HUSHWRO5HY± 'XUGHQ/$6HYLOOH565RELVRQ+:7UDXWK 1HOGHU035HHYHV:.(FWRSDUDVLWHVRI 6(  3DUDVLWHV &RFFLGLD 7UHPDWRGD road-killed vertebrates in northwestern South Acari) of tri-colored bats, Perimyotis &DUROLQD86$9HW3DUDVLWRO± VXEÀDYXV (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae): new Price RD, Hellenthal RA, Palma RL, Johnson geographical records for Oklahoma. Proc .3 &OD\WRQ '+  7KH FKHZLQJ OLFH Okla Acad Sci ± :RUOG FKHFNOLVW DQG ELRORJLFDO RYHUYLHZ 0F$OOLVWHU&7'XUGHQ/$DNew records ,OOLQRLV1DW+LVW6XUY6SHF3XES of chiggers and ticks from an Oklahoma 5HHYHV :. 1HOGHU 03 .RUHFNL -$  amphibian and reptile. Proc Okla Acad Sci Bartonella and Rickettsia LQ ÀHDV DQG OLFH ± from mammals in South Carolina, USA. J 0F$OOLVWHU &7 'XUGHQ /$ E Vector Ecol ± Haemogamasus harperi Keegan 6PLW )*$0  $Q LOOXVWUDWHG FDWDORJXH (Arthopoda:Acari: Laelapidae): New to the RI WKH 5RWKVFKLOG FROOHFWLRQ RI ÀHDV mite fauna of Oklahoma. Proc Okla Acad Sci (Siphonaptera) in the British Museum (Natural ± History) with keys and short descriptions 0F$OOLVWHU &7 'XUGHQ /$  3DUDVLWLF IRU WKH LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI IDPLOLHV JHQHUD Acari from four Oklahoma vertebrates (Aves, species and subspecies of the Order. Volume Mammalia), including new state records VII. Malacopsylloidea (Malacopsyllidae for mites (Laelapidae, Listrophoridae, and Rhopalopsyllidae). Oxford and London: 0DFURQ\VVLGDH  3URF 2NOD$FDG 6FL ± 2[IRUG 8QLYHUVLW\ 3UHVV DQG 7KH %ULWLVK 24. Museum (Natural History). 380 p. 6XEPLWWHG6HSWHPEHU$FFHSWHG'HFHPEHU

Proc. Okla. Acad. Sci. 98: pp 33 - 36 (2018)