Ancient Myths by the 4th and 5th Grade told in narrative and picture form

Poughkeepsie Day School 2019-20

Ancient Myths by the 4th and 5th Grade

Table of Contents

GOTHY CATS by Malcolm Agresta pg. 3

Athena and Tyche ( the fight …) by Gia Beck pg. 8

Bastet’s Cats by Chloe Becker pg. 12

The Heat Wave by Nicky Berenzon pg. 14

Korova’s True Love by Oskar Bertucci-Miller pg. 16

The Shaking Grounds by Matty Canez pg. 26

The Light Battle by Cameron Czaijkowski pg. 29

Zeus the Avenger by Walter Dunk pg. 32

How Knows the Sky by Ella Glassford pg. 35

The Blue Water by Sam Gutierrez pg. 41

How the World Started HATE by Arlo King pg. 44

Demeter and Perephone by Jaiden Lanchester pg. 47

A Tale of Bast by David Lozada pg. 52

The Enchanted Brew by Crosby Reis-Larson pg. 57

The Myth of Demeter by Japer Sagaties pg. 68

Ku’s Dragon by A.J. Sayago pg. 71

-Page 2- -Page 3-

-Page 4- -Page 5- -Page 6- GOTHY CATS by Malcolm Agresta

Deep in the god temple with its various jewels and offerings, its gold plated hieroglyphs were glowing. There is a conversation of gods…

“YOU ARE TOO GOTHIC FOR MY CAAATSSS S SSS SS S.” “Ya. So I'm the lord of death. That's gothy, so me will be gothie,” said snarkishly.

“You will pay! Your bones will look so hideous not even the dead will be able to look at you,” said as she stormed off.

Later Bastet concocted an ugly cat that she called a dog. She would make it into a liquid and pour it into his goblet at the god festival. So she bottled it and left. X `qolLater at the god festival even Anubis was having fun so it was easy to slip the dog into Anubis's goblet! When Anubis drank it, like Bastet said, not even the dead could look at him because his head was a jackal. So he retired to being the god of mummification…...


!!!!!!!!\ -TOO GOTHY!! ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ”​ ​ ​ ​ ​


-Page 7- Athena and Tyche ( the fight …) by Gia Beck

Once upon a time two sisters fought so much they …… well you will see.


“See sister I can see the future  and I see you losing all your powers,” said Tyche.

“YOU DON'T FRIGHTEN ME,” hollered Athena.

Well this happened a lot back and forth but the sisters still loved each other. One day Athena was angry because Tyche said she was the coldest human being ever. Being the of war she was aggressive. Love was a small priority to her. So she declared that she no longer loved Tyche.

The next day Demeter came home for a family get together. Demeter is feeling uncomfortable. She feels unsettled with the arguing happening in the family. Demeter wanted to stop the fighting and tried to help sometimes. But she did not want to get in the middle of the fighting. The sisters continued to fight like dwarf hamsters even though Demeter tried to make peace sometimes.



Tyche c​ racked ​ ​her knuckles to show Athena who she was messing with. Athena had a deadly smirk.​ ​ Demeter was terrified. Athena took her sword and slashed.

-Page 8- Demeter screamed, “ NO. You are sisters so you can't kill each other. That's S​ INFUL.”

Tyche said in an aggravated way, “Fine.” Then thought of something that suddenly popped in her head and added, “Oh, I’m predicting a quest.” Tyche had forseen this quest in her head.

Demeter asked, “Oh, well do you have any more information on this quest?”

Tyche replied, “Yes, it’s a quest for Athena and me to prove who is the best. You’ll be the one to write it”

Athena added in, “Oh well if this is going to happen then I’ll be the toughest. I know I’ll win since I’m the best.”

Later that day...Demeter sat in her palace dining room at a fancy, carved table made out ​ of expensive hickory wood. On the table was a papyrus paper and dried bananas for her snack. She began writing the quest: “You are the chosen one. The other shall give in. To prove this the chosen one must discover the hidden note and bring it back with a pigeon feather attached to it.”

Once Demeter was finished writing up the quest, her trained domestic goat hid the quest note somewhere that no one would ever think of. So, the goat ventured off to a ’s cave. She went so deep into the bat’s cave that it was pitch black. She could feel the bats’ wings brushing against her. The goat was timid and quickly walked even deeper into the cave She ended up going so deep that no one had ever been there before. It was probably a record of how deep into a cave she went.

Meanwhile, Athena who was so competitive wanted to get the quest started. However, Tyche wished this had never happened. They both started on the quest looking for the note. They both started walking.

Tyche strolled along mumbling in frustration to herself, “This is ridiculous.”

Athena, however, was excited….excited to go on her first quest. She had all her equipment ready. She was confident that she would find the note.

-Page 9- Tyche took a break when she reached the mountain near the bat cave. She started pacing and wondering where a goat would hide the note. She knew it must be an intricate place because this was a quest. She suddenly saw the future and realized that the note must be in a bat cave. However, she only could see a bat cave but didn’t know which one. She sped up the mountain to the closest cave which was where the note really was hidden. Tyche starts searching for the note at the entrance. She was not expecting it to be deep in the cave.

Meanwhile, Athena was climbing the same mountain but on the other side. She was thinking that she was super close because she felt something in her heart.

She said to herself, “Aghh! Feelings! I don't know where they are coming from but they are pulling me towards that cave.”

When Athena enters the bat cave she doesn't realize Tyche is there because it is so dark. It is dark like space. Athena tippy toes around the cave. She wants to be the first one so she is quiet and on her tippy toes speed walking.

In the cave, Tyche hears something and thinks the cave is haunted. In her head she says, ‘This darn goat brought me here for a reason. This cave is haunted!’

In the cave Athena continues to be pulled by her feelings and Tyche who now thinks this is all a joke. Athena and Tyche end up side by side but have no idea in the dark. They can just feel the breeze of the note which was only 50 feet away now. Both hands magically reach out in the dark and clasp onto the note! Next thing, they are tugging their hands and yelling.

“Let go! I got it first!” they both yelled.

Athena screamed, “I’m Athena. I’m better than you. It even says that in the note.” Tyche replied, “This is all a joke. Let go and I'll rip the note into shreds.”

The magical feeling that Athena had when she entered the cave spread into both of their spirits. The feeling inside of them made them suddenly drop the note and hug each other.

-Page 10- Athena said, “What is going on? But this is a nice warm hug.”

Tyche said, “I don’t know either but I agree. I’m sorry I said that you would lose all your powers. I think you will gain more as you grow older.”

Athena said, “And, I’m, s-s-s-s-sorry. I guess I was being full of myself and I shouldn’t have. You are a great sister.”

The two sisters said, “Let’s walk back home together and enjoy a nice cup of herbal tea.”

As they walked home, Athena cried, “I call the lemon tea!”

When they arrived home, Demeter was happy to see them. As she made them their tea, she said, “I’m proud of you guys.”

From that day on the sisters were friends and had learned their lesson.

-Page 11- Bastet’s Cats by Chloe Becker

One day, all the Ancient Egyptians stopped worshiping the goddess Bastet. so then the cats ran out of their homes and left their owners behind.

The owners were looking all around their homes, but they couldn’t find them. They looked around the banks of the Nile River. The cats were there, but on the other side of the river.

The owners found a log and used it to get across the river. Then the cats ran away while the owners were getting across the river. One of the owners got off the log and chased the cats, but the cats were faster!

The cats ran to the Temple of Bastet at Memphis. Bastet quickly ran out of her temple. “What do you come here for?” she asked in a powerful voice.

The cats answered, “We just came here because our owners didn’t worship you. Can you play your magic and do something about this?”

“I will do it on one condition,” she said. “If you slave for me for one week and bring me to the Nile River for a drink of water, I will do as you ask.”

The cats said, “It’s a deal.”

The cats slaved for Bastet for one week, and Bastet did as they asked. But the cats decided they were going to stay with Bastet in her temple because

-Page 12- they didn’t want to deal with their owners. And the people of Egypt are still wondering what became of all of their cats.


-Page 13-

The Heat Wave by Nicky Berenzon

-Page 14- The Heat Wave by Nicky Berenzon

One day Sobeck the crocodile god asked the god of heat and top god to make a heatwave that would cause a drought and the ground to be desert rock for a block of gold because there is no land for his fellow crocodiles to warm up. Ra says that is fine under the condition that the secret Ra told Sobeck under the full moon when they were blessed as gods stays a secret. Sobeck agreed and the next day the ground turned to desert rock and a drought began.

Meanwhile Bastet the the cat goddess and daughter of Ra was listening and was very worried for the people on the land below because they needed water for crops and nuritioning land so they could grow food to eat. Bastet [the cat god] got an idea to tell her best friend Tefnut [the goddess of moisture] to challenge Ra to bring back the water and [the god of Earth] to bring back nourishing land. Tefnut is worried because Ra is top god and she was just a water goddess but Bastet said that she would distract her father while they battle by cheering for him. Finally Tefnut agreed.

Bastet met up with Geb and Tefnut to defeat Ra. Sobeck came to thank Ra and saw Tefnut, Geb, and Bastet. Sobeck asked them what they were doing and before Bastet could answer Tefnut slammed a colossal tsunami in his face and it was so loud that Ra heard it and came to check it out then the battle started and Tefnut sends another murky, salty wave to Bastet’s father. As that colossal wave hit Ra it sent water to the land below. All the people on the land below were rejoicing but that is not the end of the battle.Tefnut sends another bone crushing wave to Ra and to Earth but this time it floods the town of Luxor and the people flee for safety.

This time Ra screams confused and wet. Then he strikes a heat bolt toward Tefnut but missed. The bolt actually hit Earth and dried up all the water. The People enjoyed this and came out of cowering in the cracks of rocks in fiery dessert. Ra was confused why Tefnut was acting like this because she was always well behaved.

Geb was planting bushes like a crazed gazelle being chased by a to make a protective wall from Ra but all the bushes caught on fire but luckily Tefnut put it out. Ra was getting more agitated by the minute and Tefnut and Bastet and Geb were running out of ideas. Ra shot another blazing fireball that hit Tefnut and she fell to the ground as soft as a feather. Geb freaked out because he liked Tefnut; so he grew a massive rainforest tree and it grew right under Ra’s feet so he rose higher and higher until he fell and gave up.

Tefnut survived but has a scorching burn mark. Tefnut married Geb and as the gods promised they restored the land below them. Sobeck was tortured and slowly withered until he himself straight and everyone was happy that they could go back to their natural ways.

The End

-Page 15- Korova’s True Love Based off a myth by Oskar Hugo Bertucci-Miller Written by Oskar Bertucci-Miller

Korova: Oh my true love, why won't you come back to me? Oh come back to me, I am still waiting. Everyday I wait for you to return. I will never remarry, I will be a widow forever.

Narrator : Meanwhile in Olympus the palace of eternal glory

Zeus: Hera, I am so done with your bratty outrageous behavior. You can not practice your javelin throwing on innocent Spartans or on the people of Santorini.

Hera: I am the queen of the gods. I will do what I want for entertainment or practice.

Zeus: I am the king of the gods and you will obey me. I am also going on a long vacation as a mortal being

Hera: Fine then, I assume I will be left in charge.

Zeus: No Apollo will be left in charge.

Hera: You ungrateful little scoundrel.

Zeus: Well then I'll leave Apollo to deal with you

Hera: Why did you not leave or Hades in charge? That might be reasonable but Apollo? Just why?!

Zeus: Apollo is a responsible outstanding entertainer. And Poseidon and Hades are coming with me on vacation.

Hera: Why am I not coming? Not that I would want to.

Zeus: The king of gods has his secrets.

Hera: I'm on to you, you're up to something.

Zeus: Well bye then. I’ll transform now.

Hera: Wait.

Zeus: What on earth? Why I’m going on vacation... is there something wrong?

-Page 16- Hera: Let me talk to Poseidon first.

Zeus: What is the meaning of that? Why do you need to talk to Poseidon?

Hera: The queen of the gods has her secrets.

Zeus: What is that supposed to mean? Ah ok fine, I’ll call him here.

Hera: Be quick with it soon to be mortal.

Zeus: I’m not a mortal yet, I’m still the king of the gods.

Narrator: Two days later Poseidon arrived (in the time of a mortal-- two minutes in the the time of a god).

Poseidon: Zeus you called me here?

Zeus: Yes I did. Hera wants to talk to you. I will leave you two alone.

Hera: Thank you.

Poseidon: Why have you called me here?

Hera: Will you tell me if Zeus does anything bad? Keep an eye on him.

Poseidon: Ok fine. If I give you information will you reward me?

Hera: Ok fine fine fine.

Zeus: Are you two done yet?

Hera/Poseidon: Yes, you can come back in.

Zeus: We will leave see you soon, Hera.

Hera: Bye.

Narrator: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades transform into mortals.

Zeus: This ship is rocking a lot.

Narrator: Meanwhile Korova was sitting on the beach.

Korova: My husband will return.

Korova: What is that ship out there? It looks like it's sinking, oh my god!

-Page 17- Aesop: What are you staring at?

Korova: Who are you? Get away from me.

Aesop: Why you’re a widow, aren't you?

Korova: I said get away from me!

Aesop: Fine have it your way. you will regret it.

Aesop: Oh my god. Do you see that man floating to shore?

Korova: I will help him. My husband drowned at sea.

Aesop: I knew it.

Korova: How did you know that? Wait where did you go? I don't know your name. Come back!

Narrator: Zeus washes up on the shore

Korova: I will bring you poor man back to health.

Zeus: Ahh.

Narrator: One week later Zeus woke up

Zeus: Wait what happened?

Korova: You’re awake. You washed up at shore.

Zeus: Will you marry me, Korova?

Korova: How do you know my name?

Zeus: I have my ways. Will you marry me, Korova?

Korova: I would never even consider marrying you. You are the most ugly horrifying man I have ever seen! The only reason I saved you was because my own husband died at sea.

Narrator: Meanwhile Zeus transforms into a breathtaking god.

Korova: Ahahah oh my god, I reconsider! I reconsider! It would be a honor!

Zeus: We wed tomorrow.

Narrator: The next day Poseidon and Hades arrived at Korova’s house in mortal form.

-Page 18- Korova: What are you doing here? You're the man from the beach.

Narrator: Meanwhile Poseidon transformed and then Hades.

Korova: What is happening? Poseidon, Hades, please come in! Are you here to congratulate Zeus?

Hades: Yes now step aside, peasant.

Korova: How dare you.. I mean, yes, sir.

Poseidon: Sorry my brother can be offensive sometimes.

Hades: Come on, she is a peasant.

Poseidon: Treat her with respect. She's Zeus's bride.

Hades: Oh shut up.

Zeus: Silence.

Hades: Oh Zeus, there you are finally!

Zeus: Shut up.

Hades: If you do not let us marry mortals too we will tell Hera.

Poseidon: Yeah, we will.

Zeus: At least you're agreeing. Wait! Are you blackmailing me? How dare you! I’m the king of the gods!

Korova: Oh right! You’re married to Hera

Zeus: Nonsense.

Korova: Zeus, please you do not have to do this.

Zeus: No I do want to.

Korova: Ok great then.

Narrator: Later that day Zeus and Korova were wed. Poseidon decided to tell Hera. He took off to Mount Olympus .

Poseidon: How far away is it?

-Page 19- Poseidon: Finally here it is.

Hera: There you are. What's your news?

Poseidon: Zeus married a mortal.

Hera: What? How dare he! I will get revenge!!!!

Narrator: Zeus and Korova were having lunch when Hera swooped down and grabbed Korova viciously.

Korova: What are you doing?

Hera: Doing what is right.

Korova: What?

Hera: Killing you!

Korova: Zeus made me immortal.

Hera: I will drop you into the depths of Tartarus.

Korova: No, I'll stay away from Zeus!

Hera: You will suffer.

Narrator: Hera dropped Korova into Tartarus but she felt madly guilty.

Hera: I feel horrible. I will return to Olympus.

Narrator: Zeus was waiting there.

Zeus: I’m so sorry.

Hera: Same.

Zeus: What did you do?

Hera: I dropped Korova in Tartarus.

Zeus: Maybe that's for the better. She was kind of annoying.

Hera: Sorry anyway.

Narrator: THE END!!!!!!!!!!

-Page 20-

-Page 21- Korova’s True Love by Oskar Bertucci-Miller

Chapter One: Korova’s True Love

Once there was a very beautiful woman named Korova. She waited everyday on a stool for her true love to come find her. She weaved clothes for her true love. But her true love had not come back from the Spartan War. He had drowned when his ship crashed.

Every man in the Santorini came to marry Korova but she was waiting for her true love. Men came from far and wide to see Korova. Every time she said she would not remarry. And nobody came until one day she saw a man wash up at the shore of Santorini.

Korova decided on helping him. She nursed him back to health. One day she was weaving when she saw him wake up she asked him what his name was. He said he was the god Zeus. She said, “Oh my god. You’re not Zeus.”

Zeus said, “I want you for my wife.”

She said, “Are you kidding? You are the most ugly being ever seen.” As she said that he transformed to his normal body. She froze.

-Page 22-

He said, “We will marry tomorrow.”

She went to bed. Zeus came.

When they woke up they heard a knock at the door. It was Hades and Poseidon, his brothers. They said they would not tell Hera if he let them marry mortal beings.

They were married on a beach in Santorini. Poseidon returned to his underwater palace. He would tell Hera if he got a very valuable reward. He set off to Mount Olympus.

Chapter Two: Hera's Revenge

Poseidon flew with the force of a harpie striking its prey. He saw Mount Olympus. Its beauty was like Korova’s face. He arrived at the great Mount Olympus. It was a heavenly site. He started walking to Hera's throne. She was so beautiful he wondered why Zeus was loving another life form.

Hera said in a loud voice, “Why are you here?”

Poseidon said back in a roaring voice, “Zeus married a mortal on earth.” Hera thanked him and flew to earth

-Page 23- with the force of a meteorite. She flew across greece with the anger of death itself.

Poseidon was mad. He had not been rewarded. Now Zeus would punish him. He had betrayed his brother the king of the gods. He crumpled up into a ball almost like he was a dead sheep.

Hera flew through the clouds.She saw a man that resembled Zeus. His beard, his body shape, and especially his necklace. It was his special symbol. It resembled an eagle. She swooped down at him with a glare that would drive a man mad. She grabbed Korova with the force of a minotaur striking a man with its club.

Hera swooped over the city of Sparta. She flew to the great home of the gods. As she flew she thought, “Why would Zeus betray me? Why? why? why?!!” Was she not beautiful enough for him or was she not a good enough queen for him? She swooped down to Mount Olympus. But then she thought, “What if I chop her up and throw her into Tartarus?” She started to chuckle like an evil queen.

Hera flew to the entrance of Tartarus. She would reclaim Zeus and have some fun. She was approaching it. Then she thought, “What am I doing? I

-Page 24- am not a vicious killer.” But then she remembered the evil way she looked at Zeus. It was for his own good. But obviously he knew that. She chuckled evilly. She transformed into a harpie and clawed korava into many bloody pieces. Her decapitated body looked like a god inside out. Had Zeus made her immortal?

Hera saw Korova merge back together. She decided just to push into the bottomless pit of Tartarus. She shoved her with so much force that the whole world shook. Hera felt strangely unsatisfied. She started to feel pretty guilty. She flew to Mount Olympus. Her guilt felt like she was being stabbed in the chest with a sword. Zeus was angrily waiting in the entrance hall.

Hera and Zeus embraced as they apologized to each other.

-Page 25- The Shaking Grounds by Matty Canez

-Page 26- The Shaking Grounds by Matty Canez

One day in the early times in a place green and lush, Ares got an evil and cruel idea. It was to kill HADES ​ and take the underworld but there was one problem. Hades was stronger than him so he needed to make an army big enough to kill Hades and take the underworld. So he decided to take the people in the nearest town.

Ares disguised himself as a pig so some of the people would follow Ares into the underworld, a place of death and despair, where lava flows at every turn. Ares ran like his life depended on it.

Ares found Hades and quickly and efficiently slashed off Hades’s head. Hades sounded and acted like a dying goat but he didn't go anywhere because he was already in the underworld. Hades counter attacked with an uppercut. Ares started boxing Hades. Hades started to punch back. Soon they were beating each other up with the undead and the hunters were fighting around the two gods.

Eventually Poseidon came and stabbed Ares through the heart with his . He tossed Ares into an endless pit of lava but still he didn't go anywhere

-Page 27- because he was still in the underworld. Ares got out and after they found out they weren't going to kill each other they started talking until Poseidon took Ares as fast as lightning. Ares had no time to react. Poseidon threw Ares into the deepest pit on earth. Zeus had no idea this even happened; he was too busy doing nothing and trying to look cool to notice his son was in the biggest pit on earth. Hades thanked Poseidon and Ares was gone.

296 days later Poseidon came to visit Ares and although Ares wasn't happy because Ares knew Poseidon had come not for a visit but had come to finally kill Ares. But Ares quickly dodged Poseidon’s trident and put Poseidon in a headlock. Poseidon broke free and slammed Ares on the ground. It felt like a stampede hit Areas. Ares fainted and got imprisoned and that smash created all of the shaking grounds.

-Page 28- -Page 29-

-Page 30- The Light Battle ​ ​ ​ ​ by Cameron Czaijkowski

Once a long time ago there lived a god named Geb, the god of the earth. Geb was glad that everything was in its place on Earth which was filled with life.

But one day two gods named the moon god and Ra the sun god had a bet. That bet was to have a battle and whoever flees first had to give up their light to the other.The battle was worse than a battle against fire and air until Geb sent to break the battle up. That was the first ever solar eclipse.

So she put them in two cages made up of magical wind that would only break when collided and that would happen every two years. But when they break they go again and again. And it worked so she had to do it every two years.

-Page 31- Zeus the Avenger A play by Walter Dunk

Narrator: One day two gods named Zeus and Hercules wanted to take over the world so Zeus could be king.

Zeus: Hercules!

Hercules: What!

Zeus: I want to take over the world.

Hercules: But how?

Zeus: Make allies with Chaos.

Hercules: Ok, but how are we gonna kill the titans?

Zeus: Use Chaos.

Hercules: K

Narrator: A few days later Zeus, Hercules, and Chaos kill the titans.

Zeus: Hercules, it’s time.

Hercules: Ok.

-Page 32-

Narrator: Zeus walks up to Chaos, thunderbolts him in the face, and traps they put in the ground go through chaos killing him.

Zeus: Yes! We can go back to the village to call me king.

Narrator: Zeus and Hercules go back to the village to see who is called king. But by mistake Hercules is called king and not Zeus.

Zeus: What? He is an idiot. How can he be called king.

Person: Because he can.

Narrator: 2 years later

Zeus: I’m gonna sneak up on Hercules to kill him because I was supposed to be king and people hate him.

Narrator: Zeus kills Hercules. Then Zeus becomes king for 20 years till Chaos comes back and kills Zeus and chaos becomes king forever.

-Page 33- Zeus the Avenger by Walter Dunk

One day Zeus and his son Hercules wanted to kill all the gods so that Zeus would be king. First he and had to put deadly metal spikes covered in smooth rock to kill the Titans.

Before this they had to make allies with Chaos and then Chaos said yes to be allies with Zeus and his son. Zeus got so happy he would break walls since he was so excited.

Then they fought a crazy war with the Titans and defeated them. After this Zeus and Hercules were very proud of themselves for killing the Titans.

This was when they tried to kill Chaos but since Chaos controlled the world he made the ground shake so Zues could get scared and distracted. But Hercules jumped on Chaos’s back and pressed to the floor. This is when Zeus pulled the lever and the spike on the mountain went through Chaos killing him.

But when Hercules and Zeus went back to the village they made Hercules king instead of Zeus. This made Zeus furious because Hercules would make dumb decisions and he was a bad leader.

It was two years until they replaced Hercules with Zeus to be king. But Zeus ruled 20 years and the people were happy. Until Chaos came back and then killed Zeus and then killed Hercules so Chaos could be king forever.

-Page 34- How Nut Knows The Sky a play by Ella Glassford

A Mother and daughter are taking a walk in the woods. The sun is shining and it is a cold morning. No one would ever guess the pain that Nut and Tefnut would experience that evening.

Nut (daughter): Are we there yet?

Tefnut (mother): It’s a walk, Nut. We go wherever the world takes us.

Nut: Uggggg, whatever.

Tefnut: It’s not like there is anything danger………

Set Set (evil character): Nut will be torn by the limbs. No one steals glory like Nut and no one steals fame from Set, not even Inpu.

Nut Nut: I fainted and all I can remember is waking up in complete darkness. No one was there, just me. I tried calling out a few times. No one answered. It felt like I was falling through the earth. No one could stop me. I screamed no answer.

Tefnut Tefnut: “Nut I yelled. I don’t know where she went. She disappeared into thin air. I’m going to do everything in my power to bring her back. I need to grab Geb and we will search together and we will bring her back.


Set: Hello NUT.

Nut: Who are you?

Set:You’ll find out soon enough.

-Page 35-

Nut Nut: The dark area corners me. My heart pounds; my legs start to quiver. Set whispers things I don’t listen to. I hope someone will come for me. I look up and I see the stars. “Wow, what? where am I?”

Tefnut Tefnut: I rushed home. “Geb”, I yelled.

Geb ( Nut’s brother): “What?” said Geb.

Tefnut: We have to go Nut’s missing.

Geb: WHAT?

Tefnut: Let’s go,

Set Set: Hellllllllooooooo Inpu,You will be left in prison just like Nut. No one will stop me. I’m Set. The darkness always cornered around me like when Nut betrayed me.

​Nut Nut: Long after I noticed the stars and I had noticed I was in the night sky I began actually being fine having falling through an endless dark pit. It wasn’t that bad I had the stars all night and every day.

Tefnut Tefnut: We searched forever. I brought Geb everywhere until we reached the last destination. In the underworld Geb and I stood there and a chariot pulled up. Set came out.

Tefnut: Wh...where is Nut?

Set: (taking out his sword) Have you ever seen a cobra kill its prey? ​ ​

Tefnut: No!

Set: Well, when they do they choke their prey by wrapping their long body around them and squeezing out their prey’s last breath and that is what I am doing to Nut–wrapping a snake of fear and death around her until she takes her last breath. -Page 36-

Tefnut: She is not like you. She is powerful; she always has been.

As anger bursts out of Set he says

Set: But what about when she tried to steal my power to the underworld?

Tefnut: That was the past now it’s the future.

Tefnut took out her sword. Metal clashed until finally blood dripped down his wrist. Tefnut had cut his hand off.

Tefnut: Where is Nut?

Blood flowed like a waterfall from his wrist.

Set: In the stars I will bring her back as long as we never cross paths again.

Tefnut nodded. All of a sudden Tefnut and Geb saw Nut and hugged her tight. And they lived happily ever aft…. Wait, this is not a happy story. Nobody saw Set’s eyes as they glowed red hot fire as Inpu appeared.

Inpu ( Set’s enemy ): So you failed. I expected that.

No one knows what happens after that.

-Page 37- How Nut Knows the Sky

by Ella Glassford

A mother and daughter are taking a walk in the woods. The sun is shining and it is a cold morning. No one would ever guess the pain that Nut and Tefnut would experience that evening.

“Are we there yet?” asked Nut.

“It's a walk, Nut. We go wherever the world takes us,” said Tefnut.

“Uggggg, whatever,” moaned Nut.

“It’s not like there is anything dangerous…….”


Nut will be torn by the limbs. No one steals glory like Nut and no one steals fame from Set, not even Inpu.

Nut I fainted and all I can remember is waking up in complete darkness. No one was there, just me. I tried calling out a few times. No one answered. It felt like I was falling through the earth. No one could stop me. I screamed. No answer.

Tefnut “NUT!” I yelled. I don’t know where she went. She disappeared into thin air. I'm going to do everything in my power to get her back. I need to grab Geb and we will search together and we will bring her back.

Set “Hello NUT,” said Set in a whisper.

“Who are you?” yelled Nut.

“You’ll find out soon enough.”


-Page 38-

The dark area corners me. My heart pounds; my legs start to quiver. Set whispers things I don’t listen to. I hope someone will come for me. I look up and I see the stars. “Wow, What? Where am I?”


I rushed home. “Geb,” I yelled.

“What?” said Geb.

“We have to go. Nut’s missing.”

“ WHAT?” yelled Geb.

“Let’s go,” I said.

Set “Hellllllooooo Inpu,” said Set. You will be left in prison just like Nut. No one will stop me. I'm Set. The darkness always cornered around me like when Nut betrayed me.

​Nut Long after I noticed the stars and noticed that I was in the night sky I began actually being fine having falling through an endless dark pit. It wasn't that bad. I had the stars all night and every day.

Tefnut We searched forever. I brought Geb everywhere until I reached the last destination. In the underworld Geb and I stood there and a chariot pulled up. Set came out. “Wh..where is Nut!” I said looking like I was about to run away but I didn’t. He took out his sword and said, “Have you ever seen a cobra kill its prey?”

“No,” I said.

“Well when they do they choke their prey by wrapping their long body around them and squeezing out their prey's last breath and that is what I am doing to Nut by wrapping a snake of fear and death around her until she takes her last breath,” said Set.

“She is not like you. She is powerful ;she always has been,” I exclaimed.

“But what about when she tried to steal my power to the underworld?”, Set said with anger bursting out of him. “That was the past and now it’s the future.” -Page 39-

I took out my sword. The metal clashed until finally blood dripped down his wrist. I had cut his hand off.

I asked, “Where is Nut?”

Blood flowed like a waterfall from his wrist.

“In the stars...I will bring her back as long as we never cross paths again.”

I nodded. All of a sudden I saw Nut. Geb and I hugged her tight and said,” I miss you.” And they lived happily ever after...wait this story is not a happy story. Nobody saw Set’s eyes as they glowed red hot fire as Inpu appeared.

“So you failed,”said Inpu.

“I expected that.”

No one knows what happens after that.

-Page 40- The Blue Water by Sam Gutierrez

-Page 41- The Blue Water by Sam Gutierrez

One day was sitting by his temple watching fish jump out of the blue, blue water. Set who was really mean and wanted to be king crept up to where Osiris was sitting and grabbed his legs and pulled him into a rocky cave. In that cave it was really dark and spooky.

Back at the house was looking for Osiris. She looked through her temple filled with jewels. She couldn't find him anywhere. Isis asked to help find Osiris.

Horus said, “Okay.”

First they went to the lake. The sand was bright yellow and the water was warm. Horus nearly stepped on what looked to be drag marks. He called for Isis to come see what he found.

Isis came running over to see. Isis saw something sticking out of the sand where the drag marks were and realized that was one of Osiris’s sandals.

Horus and Isis followed the drag marks to a spooky cave. The cave was blocked with boulders. Isis and Horus tried to figure out how to get in.

Isis used her magic to lift the boulders. Horus and Isis walked inside and searched the cave for Osiris.

-Page 42- They found Osiris chained up at the back of the cave. They tried to get the chains off but they were too strong. Osiris said that they needed a special key to unlock the chains, but unfortunately, Set had the key.

Isis and Horus sneaked into Set’s lair...

When Set was busy, Isis and Horus grabbed the key and headed back to the cave. Set realized that the key was gone and saw footprints headed toward the cave!

Set ran to the cave, and saw Isis, Osiris, and Horus. He hit a button on the outside of the cave and metal doors began to close, locking Isis, Osiris, and Horus inside the cave.

While Set was laughing in victory, Isis, Osiris, and Horus made a hole in the cave and sneaked back to the house.

They headed back to the palace to eat their dinner of bread and fish. And they sent a letter to Set to say, “You’re not invited to dinner.”

The End.

-Page 43- How the World Started HATE by Arlo King

Our story begins up high in the sky where the gods rule. As birds of legends fly over the shining city of gold, the god known as ARES has a ​ little plan of revenge on the earth.

He has always hated the earth and everything that lived on it. He wanted the earth to die and everything on it too. ​ ​

So he visited a little friend that lives beneath the earth's surface, Hades. Ares wanted him to help him. Down below the earth Ares dug deeper and deeper and deeper until he was as deep as the earth’s core and there he found him. Ares had walked into the afterlife and there was the one known as Hades. As lava boiled around him the rock floor was ​ ​ harder than anything possible. It was dark like a cave. They were more than 5,000,000,000 billion feet below the earth’s core.

“Hades,” called out Ares. “I have a little favor to ask you.”

“Yes?” Hades said.

“I want to destroy the earth.”

“DESTROY THE EARTH!” Hades called out almost happily.

“What do you need? ”Hades said.

“I need you to make sure that no one tries to stop me,” Ares said.

“Okay,” Hades replied. And within a blink of an eye Ares was back to the land of gods.

Ares gets a message from Zeus and it says:

-Page 44-

Dear Ares, I must assure you that you will not be allowed to destroy the earth. You have been gone for days now. You think we would not notice? It's 12:00!! Get back here to the palace now. It’s 12:00! Zeus

Ares had not liked the sound of that message. He had never liked his father in general so he did not listen to his father's message. He knew that Hades was not going to listen. That was part of his plan. It was so he had a reason to kill HADES AND TAKE THE UNDERWORLD FOR HIMSELF and then he could open that seal that contained the spirits. And if you were Ares you would know that spirits are unbeatable unless the planet it’s on is destroyed and spirits consume every living thing in their way. And that is all.

So he visited his father and spoke mockingly, “Dear father, I would like to visit a little friend named Hades.”

“Why?” replied Zeus.

“I just want to,” Ares said back.

“Fine. You can go.” And so…

In the underworld Hades had a little thing on his mind. As he was the god of the underworld he had known Ares’s plan from the start and would stop him. And he knew he was there about to try to take his territory and then when Ares burst from the top of the cave Hades took a hammer and slammed into him, straight into his belly and COBOOM!!! ​ ARES WAS SLAMMED BACK TO THE SURFACE and Ares knew he needed an army to defeat Hades.


And at that moment the humans began to get meaner rougher and more territorial. When all the humans were gone he could take the underworld because the ghosts would be too much to handle and he could kill HADES AND TAKE THE UNDERWORLD AND THEN OVERTHROW THE GODS! “! HA! HA!” As Ares was laughing Ares was sent to jail in the gods’ world but they had another thing coming. All Ares had to do was wait.

To be continued . . . IN THE FUTURE!!! ​

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-Page 47- Demeter and Persephone by Jaiden Lanchester

Once on a day that was sunny and bright outside in a garden where flowers bloom there’s a mother and a daughter named Demeter and Persephone.

One day they decided to go pick some flowers from their garden. The flowers were all over the place forming in different angles. When Persephone picked a flower the ground started to shake. The earth split apart and Hades came flying out of the ground in a chariot that was black with dark red flames that had wings and took Persephone deep down into the ground in the dark with only the lava's light to see since it was very dark.

Demeter was very sad and worried. She made a massive flood with her tears. Persephone was so scared. She screamed with fear. She did not know what would happen to her. Hades said that his older brother Zeus gave him permission to take Persephone to the

-Page 48- underworld and let him marry her. Persephone said that she would not marry Hades and her mother Demeter would come for her!

When Persephone looked away she saw these poor people with chains on their legs and arms looking glum.

Hades told Persephone, “You will marry me or be put to work like the men you were looking at.”

Back at the garden Demeter was crying.

She went to Zeus and said,”Hades took my daughter Persephone,” and she cried.

Zeus said he gave permission to Hades to take her daughter.

Demeter got so mad. Outside there was a thunderstorm.

-Page 49- Zeus got scared and said, “If you stop this I will let Persephone come home.”

Of course Demeter was happy that her daughter was able to come home! She stopped stomping and crying and the bad weather stopped.

A couple minutes later Zeus and Demeter went down in the underworld. Before Demeter got to where Persephone and Hades was Hades knew that they were going to come so he told Persephone to eat a berry and she did but when Demeter got there with Zeus, Persephone had already eaten the berry. Hades told Persephone since she ate the berry she had to stay with him for half a year! Demeter heard Hades say that and Demeter was sad again.

When Persephone saw Demeter she ran as fast as a cheetah to Demeter and the ground began to shake. Persephone was so happy because it was a year before they had seen each other. Demeter was happy to see

-Page 50- her daughter but still felt sad so Persephone asked what was wrong and Demeter said that she had to stay with Hades for half a year!

And ever since then when Persephone went with Hades Demeter cried until she came back. It was cold and the crops would not grow for the farmers and the animals went and hibernated through winter. But when Persephone was with Demeter it was warm and nice outside and the bees came out and the children too! and that's how we got our seasons.

-Page 51- A Tale of Bast by David Lozada

Hermes: Ahh. yes the black beach. Hermes: The water is oddly calm. Well, let's continue. Hermes: Hey, hang on, is this not where I trampled a cat? That was fun. Bast: Yes, yes, yes. Hermes. That was fun, for you of course. Hermes: Who was that? Bast: It was me. Hermes who else. Hermes: Who in this world is me? Bast: Me. Hermes: I know, but who is me. Bast: Oh my gosh this never going end is it. Hermes: Just tell me who you are. Bast: It's me, Bast, the Egyptian god. Hermes: Why have you come? Bast: Why else? Because you trampled a cat. Hermes: That was 2 years ago. Bast: And!? Hermes: I don’t want to discuss this right now so bye. Bast: NO! Hermes: What? Bast: We will not discuss it, we will fi… Hermes: Fight it out? Why must all end in violence? Bast: If you’re just gonna keep talking well goodnight. Hermes: What? No no noooooooo…. Hermes: I can’t see. Oh Bast the mighty god of Egyp...t Bast: Well, he’s dead.

-Page 52- 1​ w​ eek later

Zeus: Hey wait wasn’t my shipment of grapes supposed to arrive 1 week ago? Zeus: Have you seen Hermes anywhere? Bast: Noooooo :l Zeus: Are you aware you can become not god if you lie or kill another god? Bast: I’m Egyptian. Zeus I’m Greek. Nice to meet you Egyptian. Bast: Ughhh. Bast: “Yawn” I’m tired. Bye. Zeus: Hmmm

The next morning

Zeus: What a wonderful day to be on a black sand beach. Zeu: Hey what was that? Zeus: Oh no, Hermes had been killed by Bast and now he’s rising from the dead. Hermes: Ahh yes, the world. Zeus: What happened? Hermes: Bast he lept out of a cave and killed me. Zeus: Ok let’s get some revenge. Hermes: Let’s discuss back at Olympus. Zeus: I’ll trap him in a cage of thunder and you’ll hypnotize him to to make him dizzy and then I’ll strike him with lightning, got it? Hermes: Got it. Zeus: Bast come with me. We have to talk Bast: About what? About my chicken that flies around Egypt?

-Page 53- Zeus: Nooooo. Hermes: He knows by the way. Bast: Oh Zeus: Hermes 321. Zeus: Make thunder cage Abrakadabra. Bast: So what do you want to talk about? Zeus: Your death. Zeus: Hermes, now. Bast: What wha.t wh..a….t... Bast: No, goodnight to BOth of you. Zeus & Hermes: I can see cats and cats and cats cats and cats and cats cats and cats and cats... Bast: I got to get away back to Egypt.

After Bast returns Bast: I’m ready for my next attack...

The end

-Page 54- A Tale of Bast by David Lozada

One day on a black sand beach with no one around, the bright blue sea waved calmly. Hermes was delivering a shipment of grapes to Zeus. Since it was a beautiful day out in Greece, Hermes decided to take the trip slowly to Olympus. Little did he know, Bast had come from Egypt to attack him because he had once trampled a cat on a messenger errand.

As Hermes was passing the black sand beach, as swiftly as an eagle,​ B​ ast leapt out of a cave on the side of the beach. Bast made Hermes worship cats too much and Hermes tried to protect himself, but it was too late. Hermes had been killed.​

1 week later

Zeus is relaxing in Olympus and then realizes that Hermes hasn’t arrived with the shipment of grapes for the past week.

Zeus asks Bast, “Have you seen Hermes anywhere in the past week?”

Bast says so nervously in his mind like he wanted to say the truth, “No.”

“You know you can stop being a god if you lie or kill another god,” says Zeus.

“I'm Egyption,” says Bast.

Zeus replies, “Ohhh yeah, I forgot about that.”

As Bast starts to leave, Zeus becomes suspicious of Bast.

-Page 55- As Zeus was walking by the same black sand beach, Zeus hears a voice that sounds like Hermes. The ground starts to shake.

Zeus realizes that Bast had killed Hermes and Hermes was rising from the dead.

“I gotta get out of here,” says Zeus

As Hermes gets out and goes back into the world he takes a deep breath in and out. Zeus and Hermes go back to Olympus. They plan an attack on Bast. But Bast has some tricks up his sleeve. So they call Bast over. Bast comes and says, “Hello.” Zeus gets very nervous. Zeus singles Hermes by tapping him on the back and they start the attack. Zeus makes a cage around Bast with thunder and Bast becomes dizzy. But Bast snaps out of it. Zoom! Bast makes Zeus and Hermes’ world go black and the only thing they could see were cats. Soon enough they b​ ecome unconscious. Bast returns to Egypt ready for his next attack.

The end.

Yes I know I left it on a cliffhanger….

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-Page 65- The Enchanted Brew by Crosby Reis-Larson

Prometheus and Epimetheus made an indestructible grape juice that would help them become the ruler of all things. They were planning to defeat each God on Mount. Olympus.

Zeus was mad so he threw lightning at them but Prometheus grabbed the grape juice and difleced the lightning.

Prometheus and Epimetheus walked up to Olympus. The Gods were mad about the creation, so they wanted to stop them from coming. Prometheus was still holding the grape juice. First Poseidon threw a tidal wave at Prometheus, but Prometheus took one drop of the grape juice and touched it to the wave and the wave turned into grape juice. The grape juice flowed down the mountain leaving behind drops of grape juice on the grasses. The grass slowly turned into soldiers.

Hephaestus threw fire at grass soldiers burning them to ashes but Prometheus did not care, all he did was sprinkle ​ droplets of the juice on the ashes and the soldiers grew back but the soldiers had hands of glowing embers. The soldiers started to throw giant embers at the palace.

The soldiers slowly marched up the mountain behind Prometheus and Epimetheus.

-Page 66-

Khione, the goddess of North Wind and Ice, ran down to Prometheus and put 10 ice cubes in the grape juice and then Hephaestus melted the ice cubes and then ​ Prometheus noticed the grape juice was deluded.

“Noooooooooooooooooooo, now the grape juice is just a regular cup of grape juice,” said Prometheus.

“Now go back and don’t come back,” Khione said.

“But wait,” Zeus said “Give me the grape juice.”

“Why?” Prometheus said.

“For safe keeping.” Zeus said.

-Page 67- The Myth of Demeter by Jasper Sagaties

-Page 68- The Myth of Demeter by Jasper Sagaties

One day in Greece when the birds were chirping and the sun was shining Demeter would give Hades her babies to see. He would then throw them into the lava to melt and die because he didn’t want to be taken over. But when Demeter has a mystical baby and when Hades throws him in he blows up the lava and hurts Hades and Hades then wants to destroy him.

A few years later the mystical baby turns into Zeus. Demeter has another baby and he turns into Poseidon.

One day Hades jumps out of the underworld and tries to kill Zeus. Demeter comes and tries to stop him but Zeus stops her. Then Hades kills him but then Zeus comes out of hiding.

Demeter stops crying and then she says, “If you didn’t kill Zeus then who did you kill?”

Hades says, “I don’t know.”

Then Poseidon comes back and says, ‘’Well you killed the wrong person.’’

-Page 69- Then Hades goes back to the underworld but to do that he has to run so fast that he makes the ground shake.

To finish Hades off Poseidon kills himself to go to the underworld and he is disguised as Zeus again and he kills him. But when he dies he goes back to the normal world.

When he gets back Hades gets all the people who died to set an army against Zeus and Poseidon but at the same time Zeus and Poseidon are doing the same.They gather all their strongest people to fight against Hades.

When they are ready Hades comes out from the underworld and charges straight at him but Zeus and Poesiedon’s army is much stronger than Hades’ army.

After both armies are dead the three gods are still alive so they have a battle of the three gods. First Hades comes charging at them and then Poesiedon blocks Zeus’ attacks. Hades is almost dead when he comes charging at Zeus but then Poseidon jumps in front and blocks him. Poseidon is really hurt when Zeus finishes Hades off and traps him in the underworld. Poseidon’s mom heals him and he is back to normal. Everyone is cheering and then Zeus goes up and sits on the throne.


-Page 70-  Ku’s Dragon  A play by A.J. Sayago

Scene 1

In the rocky mountains of China. The scaly chinese dragon had a dream he saw a guy wearing a cloak named Zen in his temple stealing from him. Then he noticed it wasn't a dream, it was really happening!

Scene 2

He got so angry that he wanted to blow fire all over the town. He made an earthquake and when he awakend he flew to the city of emperor Ku. He made lava flow through the town and he grunted so loud that it made the sea break that made waves the size of him to smash into little fishing boats.

Scene 3

Emperor Ku could see the town in flames. He had to do something so he rode his horse to the town. He could hear babies crying (you hear a fake ​ cry) and families screaming for help (somebody screams for help) and ​ ​ ​ buildings falling down (you hear blocks falling down). So he played a song ​ ​ that made the chinese dragon come down to him.

Ku: Why are you so mad?

The dragon grunts but Ku can't understand him.

The dragon: It's zen. He stole my statue. So Ku got Zen arrested and put in a dungeon. But Ku made a deal with the dragon.

Ku: If you flood the people’s rice and protect their village I will send my beast men to protect your shrine. T

The dragon agreed and Ku sent his army to protect his shrine.

-Page 71-

Scene 4 (this is a war scene so it might look short)

One dark and scary night one of Ku's soldiers spotted an army from the kingdom of Fu Po. A raid began. Both armies (you see people run towards ​ each other) clashed swords swinging (you see foam swords swinging and ​ ​ armor claking together!)

Scene 5

Ku’s army got smaller it was time for the war pandas. They mauled the soldiers. They raged and smashed through walls to get to in-need soldiers. The pandas destroyed the enemy. Then it went quiet and the war was over!

Scene 6

Thirty years passed and Ku’s kingdom was built back but that deal with the chinese dragon made Ku and the dragon friends forever (you see the ​ dragon and Ku sitting next to each other).

-Page 72-  Ku’s Dragon  by A.J. Sayago

In the rocky mountains of China the scaly Chinese Dragon was sleeping. Suddenly he had a dream about a guy named Zen stealing his golden stachu. What he realized was that it was happening in real life. A guy named Zen was stealing from him!

He felt angry; he felt like he wanted to blow fire all over the town. He made an earthquake and when he awakened he made lava flow through the town. Emperor Ku could see the town in flames and Zen running as if he were a cheetah. So Ku rode his beautiful chestnut horse to the town. He heard babies crying, families screaming and buildings falling down. So he played a song that made the Chinese Dragon come down to him. Ku said, “Why are you so mad?” The dragon grunted and Ku heard the dragon's voice in his head. “It's Zen and he stole my stachu.” So Ku got Zen arrested and taken to a dungeon.

Ku had made a deal with the dragon. He said,”If you flood the people’s rice and protect their village I will send my best soldiers to protect your shrine.” The dragon agreed and Ku sent his army to protect his shrine.

Fifteen years passed and all was right in China. The Chinese Dragon lived in his cave with his treasures and Zen remained arrested and locked in the dungeon. One night one of Ku's soldiers spotted an army from the kingdom of Emperor Fu Po. A raid began. Both armies clashed together, swords swinging, armor clanking together! Then Ku's army got smaller. It was time for war pandas. They mauled the soldiers. They raged and smashed through walls to get to in-need soldiers. The pandas destroyed the enemy. Then it went quiet and the war was over!

Thirty years passed and Ku’s kingdom was built back and Ku had a new friend:

The Chinese Dragon.

-Page 73-

-Page 74-