March 2015 Newsletter

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March 2015 Newsletter March 2015 Newsletter A full color copy of this newsletter with pictures and hamfest flyers can be found at or or February was a month for the election of the Arizona Section Manager, I thank all of you for your support by re-electing me as your section manager. I thank Steven Wood, W1SR for running a good race, I thank him for stepping up and doing it. Now let' s get down to business. I need an Arizona Government Liaison. If we are to get things like antenna relief and the license plate issue someone needs to decide to do it. Your help is appreciated. This seems to be an issue among the amateurs I talk to at hamfests and at club meetings. Ok you want to get it done Step up I can guide and give you help. My belief is it needs to be a few people all representing their county here in Arizona. The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015 "The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2015" - H.R.1301 - has been introduced in the US House of Representatives. The measure would direct the FCC to extend its rules relating to reasonable accommodation of Amateur Service communications to private land use restrictions. US Rep Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) introduced the bill March 4 with 12 original co-sponsors from both sides of the aisle - seven Republicans and five Democrats. Kinzinger also sponsored "The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014, which died at the end of the 113th Congress. H.R. 1301 is an essentially identical piece of legislation. Kay C. Craigie, N3KN, encouraged ARRL members to urge their US House members to sign on to the bill as a co-sponsor. The ARRL has an H.R. 1301 resources page on its website at, 1301 . If the House member is already a co-sponsor, call the member's local office or send an e-mail via the member's official website to express their thanks. She called on League members to encourage other hams to do the same, and to be sure to refer to the bill by its number, H.R. 1301. "Remember what those pile-ups on the W1AW portable stations sounded like last year?" Craigie said. "Let's be that avid in calling for even greater support in Congress for this essential legislation." HAMCON 2015--also the 2015 ARRL Southwestern Division Convention is September 11-13, 2015, at the Torrance Marriott South Bay Hotel , 3635 Fashion Way, Torrance, CA 90503 While on the subject of Southwest Division conventions, Arizona’s turn is 2016 and now is the time to start the planning. With that in mind ARRL members please let your clubs know that it is Arizona’s turn for the Southwest Division Convention is 2016 and volunteers will be needed. I know time is a very valuable thing so please carve out some time to help make this a very exceptional event for Arizona and the Southwest Division. 1 For several months you have read the following from me. I would like to address an item concerning hamfest. When your committe or club puts on a hamfest and request ARRL approval of your event you take on certain items concerning the event. When you put the flyers together for your event include the ARRL logo, If you want ARRL DXCC card checkers at the event then put it on the flyer. This sections has several ARRL DXCC card checkers that are willing to show up at your event and check qsl cards for DXCC. If you do not inform the people that you have ARRL DXCC Card Checkers at your event and they show up because you asked them to and no one brings cards because your organization failed to put it on the flyers or advertise it in your news letter you just had some ARRL DXCC Volunteers travel a distance to just stand around. These volunteers are more then willing to show up and check QSL cards and answer your questions concerning Awards at any hamfest. Just remember they are volunteers and they do it on their time and gas expense so advertise their presence prior to the event. I received many questions what is DXCC and DXCC card Checking. DXCC is an award you can receive for contacting 100 Amateur Radio Station in different countries by HF or VHF operating. You can apply for the award after your first 100 confirmed contacts either by QSL cards you received or through Logbook of the World, better known as LoTW. There are 340 Current DXCC entities. If you have been an Amateur for a few years you know this list changes. Countries added and countries removed. because a country has been removed does not make that contact you made and is confirmed by QSL card not eligible. Check with the DXCC card checker or contact ARRL concerning it. DXCC Card Checking All current and deleted entities dating back to November 15, 1945 can be checked by ARRL Field Card Checkers. There are three ways to apply for the DXCC award: 1: Traditional paper cards (Submitted to DXCC directly or approved by a card checker) 2: Logbook of the The World (LoTW) 3: The Online DXCC Application The hybrid application submission (paper cards combined with Logbook of the World) has been discontinued. Each submission is now a separate application with separate fees for each one. As it is less expensive (see ), most applicants for the DXCC prefer the "online application" over the "traditional paper cards application." To start the "online application," go to After completing the online DXCC application, applicants may take their cards and forms together to one of the local ARRL Field Card Checkers or with an SASE, (leaving off the return address) addressed to ARRL DXCC Desk 225 Main Street Newington, CT USA 06111 Arizona hams may get their QSL cards checked for ARRL operating awards by any of the following appointed QSL Card Field Checkers. Contact the one nearest you to set up a check session or see if they are at a hamfest near you and get them checked there. It is polite to let them know you are bringing your cards to the Ham event. Reinhard Geissler W7/DL1UF 3449 East Delcoa Drive Phoenix, AZ 85032-6114 (602) 992-2173 [email protected] Jim Zimmerman N6KZ 778 Grapevine Lane Prescott, AZ 86305-3869 (928) 713-0542 [email protected] Ron Cade W6ZQ 39676 Winding Trail Drive Saddlebrooke, AZ 85739-2252 (520) 825-0674 [email protected] Jess Colvin AI9L 10025 North Avenida Martin Road Kingman, AZ 86409 (815) 685-0655 [email protected] Jess Colvin, AI9L is the Card checker for 160 meters. 2 I thank Jim Zimmerman N6KZ for the article and Central Arizona DX Association (CADXA) for providing their expertise. or WHAT IS ARCA? WORKING TOGETHER GETS THE JOB DONE! The Amateur Radio Council of Arizona, Inc. (ARCA) is a statewide organization comprised of Amateur Radio Clubs from all parts of Arizona, working for the betterment of Amateur Radio statewide. ARCA affiliated clubs present a unified front and have a means to exchange ideas and activities in the spirit of fraternity for which Amateur Radio is so famous. The objectives of the Council are to combine opinions, ideas, and strengths of the various clubs; to assist the affiliated clubs in promoting the welfare of the Amateur Radio fraternity; and to encourage activities that will benefit the art of Amateur Radio. Each affiliated club is represented by a delegate and/or alternate at each of the Council meetings (6-9 per year). These delegates nominate and elect the officers of the Council and exchange suggestions on ARCA activities. Implementation begins after a majority vote of the representatives present. The officers of ARCA invite all Arizona Amateur Radio Clubs to consider becoming a member. One club (even two or three) might not have the resources to undertake some of the projects which are important to them, but working together gets the job done. What better reason for your club participating? We know that ARCA needs you, and hope that you will feel you need to be a part of ARCA. Amateur Radio Council of Arizona activities include: The annual ARRL Arizona State Convention and Hamfest, the largest ham event in Arizona, held each July. ARCA also sponsors a number of hamfests held across Arizona throughout the year. A master Calendar of Events of hamfests and events in Arizona is maintained to help avoid scheduling conflicts and help advertise Amateur Radio events. Scholarships. ARCA awards scholarships to licensed amateurs who are enrolled in an institute of higher learning. Candidates are nominated by and are members of affiliated clubs. Grants. Grants are given to affiliated clubs for purposes that benefit the Amateur Radio community and enhance the communications network in the state. Frequency Coordinating Committee. Composed of repeater owners, this group voluntarily works out problems on frequency allocation, coverage, etc., publishes a semi-annual directory of repeaters in the state and provides this information to the ARRL Repeater Directory. Ham of the Year Award. A handsome plaque is awarded to the person chosen based on outstanding service to the Ham community. Nominations are made by affiliated clubs. Young Ham of the Year. One deserving young individual under the age of 18 years is honored as the ARCA Young Ham of the Year.
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