December, 2020 Volume 44, Issue 12 The LongPath A North Alabama DX Club Publication

Contents From the President

▪ From the President I normally only work DX and contests. Since DX ence. Since the group is small, everyone really was essentially cancelled for the whole year, my ▪ December Program needs to contribute more often. I know exactly station wound up spending far too much time who attends our zoom meetings. If you haven’t ▪ Retirement & COVID turned off. Well, the contest season is now un- contributed in the last two months, please con- Project Update 8 derway. November is the time for lots of con- sider it. If you’d like to contribute and don’t tests, and last weekend we enjoyed one of my exactly know how, I’ll be more than glad to ▪ Remote Starting Flex favorites, CQWW CW. Some of the bands were help. There aren’t any members I know of who just chock full of signals, every 200Hz from the aren’t able. Getting past your very first article ▪ For Sale top of the band to the bottom. Thank heavens for is the hard part. the assisted category, which made operating a I think most of you know by now, but we lost ▪ A Safer Method whole bunch more efficient for me. My Flex trans- long time member Ron Shaffer/W4VN to can- ceiver now shows spots from numerous sources ▪ QSL Card Collecting cer a few weeks ago. Ron attended many of right on its spectrum display! Some of the time our meetings, and was quite an outspoken guy ▪ VP’s Corner they are even correct. So for the whole time I had when it came to his favorite hobby. Ron spent these spots all over my screen, even color-coded many years as the head of the NARA group ▪ Ionospherica to tell me if each was a new mult, new band, or maintaining our repeaters. B4. My energy isn’t what it used to be, so this ▪ Cushcraft MA-160V help allowed me to work a lot more stations than Last month I spoke about how detail-minded

▪ DX Contests for I might have otherwise. I just love the change in I am about station setup. I see so many sta- December technology. tions where the operator arranges his operat- ing position so he can see all of his “stuff.” I Last month we took our annual vote on DXer of ▪ Mystery Antenna see ham as a competitive sport. I don’t the Year. Tom/KG4CUY collected the ballots and merely like to talk to people on the radio; I like ▪ Meeting Minutes will announce the winner at the December meet- to work a pileup or contest and score. Efficien- ing. Drum roll… ▪ Treasurer’s Report cy is everything. Piling all my “stuff” in front of Each month I get to talk about finding new me doesn’t help me achieve what I want; actu- ▪ 2020 Thanks volunteers to write Long Path articles or do the ally it hurts since it gets in the way. This presentations. A lot of folks have indeed stepped month’s program, from Bruce/AC4G, is an ex- forward and we’re all better for it. We have a cellent example of the principals of efficient team in the NADXC with a ton of skills and experi- setup. Cont’d on p. 13

How to Join Ergonomically Feasible Ham Shacks December Program by Bruce Smith, AC4G * Come to a The details of AC4G’s shack transformation is club meeting; chronicled in recent editions of the LongPath. In 7:00 PM Tuesday this presentation Bruce will cover ergonomics as * or send in an one of the motivations for his shack work, and December 8, 2020 application by specific measures taken to improve ergonomics. mail (form on Look for an email from Bob with log-in details for 7:00 pm on Zoom Tuesday’s ZOOM meeting and Bruce’s presenta- tion.

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 1

Retirement and COVID Project Update 8 By Steve Werner, AG4W

This month we started the holiday to work for 4 years. Was part of it luck? season with less than favorable news Absolutely, but it also helps that I don't on the Covid front. Instead of focusing give up easy. EME is not for someone on all the bad news it is more helpful to who enjoys instant gratification, but the be thankful for what went right this rewards for making every is year. Being grateful and thankful is amazing. It was also exciting to work easier than you think. I have written 7Q7RU on 160 meters this month. This about my projects the last 7 months is one of the few DXpeditions that and I am grateful that I had the time to made the trip even during the pandem- spend making them work. I am also ic. They had planned to visit 3 exotic grateful for all the help I received from African countries, but just Malawi is others on those projects. With the ex- open to foreigners. It was exciting so ception of the Swains DXpedition I met see a real pileup again. I was sad to my goals for this year even with the hear that 2 of the operators got Covid pandemic and Swains is just delayed. and had to extend their stay in Malawi. The delay will be rewarded with much This year the second weekend of the higher sun spot numbers. American ARRL EME competition was the same Samoa is still in the process of weekend as CQWW CW. Instead of interested in selling. They would have organizing a flight/boat to get Samoans picking one I entered both. I spent gone to the Huntsville for sale. from Hawaii back to Samoa. They have most of the time in the EME competi- They include a 350-400 watt 2 meter had some 600 people stranded and tion. It went from 00:00-08:30 UTC AM- 6154 FAA amplifier, Yaesu FT- separated from their families for many both days when the moon was up. In 1000MP, TenTec 2510 Satellite Mode months. the EME contest with both weekends I B Transverter, LP-Pan, Tokyo Hy-Power In November I met my goal to have made 60 contacts instead of 44 last HL-60U 435 MHz Amplifier, and 100 grid squares confirmed on 2 me- year. TenTec RF Speech Processor. Call or ters for VUCC on LOTW. I have applied I entered single band 10 Meters in email me for details. for the award and the 425 grid square the CQWW CW contest during the day. endorsement for 6 meters. Six meter E With an SFI of 116, an A=6, and K=1 it skip propagation was much better than was an easy decision. I got to work previous years. I now have my convert- some Europe, Africa, Hawaii, New Zea- ed SB-220 amplifier for next year. I also land and lots of South America. I did have the new FTDX-101MP that I got to this mostly to get my code speed up for use all summer on 6 meters. It was the Swains DXpedition. sure more fun to operate with the nice panadapter than my old FTDX-5000D. This month I decided I was not going On 2 meters the improvement I made to burn up my second 1 KW Daiwa to horizontal polarization sure made a wattmeter on 2 meters and asked San- big difference for EME. I also now run a ta for an early Christmas gift. I am 1000 watts from my homebrew amplifi- thankful Santa understands EME con- er. That got my total number of unique tests. It arrived just in time. I got a new stations worked on 2 meter EME now 2500 watt Coaxial Dynamics wattmeter to 200. If someone told me 4 years ago ( see picture next column.) What a treat that I would work 200 different stations that was to use. It can use any of the on EME I would of told them they were Bird elements too. The 4.5 inch meter nuts. is amazing. I enjoy a high quality piece of test equipment you can trust. This month I was able to work 2 sta- If you are interested in an early Xmas tions with single yagis and 400 watts Equipment for sale—see above for details. on EME. One of them I have been trying gift I have 2 pictures of equipment I am Cont’d on p. 3

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Retirement and COVID Project Update 8 (cont’d from p. 2)

I just put a deposit down on a new in steps. The most rewarding goals puppy for my wife Kathy. I got to name have substantial challenges. I started her Eme. She said where did you get my journey on EME that way. Each year that name from? We pick her up in 7 I have made improvements to my sta- weeks. A new DX dog. tion, DXCC Challenge count and con- test scores. Next year I plan to get my 125 grid square endorsement for 2 meters and be well on my way to 150. On 6 meters I plan to get my 475 grid square endorsement. On DXCC chal- lenge I plan to pass 2700. I am also optimistic that the Swains DXpedition will happen in the fall of 2021. That is why I plan to improve my code speed in contests and pileups this coming year. 73 Steve AG4W

Now is the time to start thinking about your ham radio goals for next NADXC Officers and Directors year. You should start by reviewing the President Bob De Pierre, K8KI goals you had for this year. I think set- ting goals makes things happen. Think Vice President Steve Molo, KI4KWR big and big things happen. Tell some- Secretary/ Chris Reed, AI4U New DX dog—some training required. one about your big goal and that im- Treasurer This month I also got to read some of proves your odds of it happening. Write the 2020 ARRL Handbook. My original down the goal and that helps too. At-large Kevin Hibbs, KG4TEI 1967 handbook was $4 and the new Some goals may take some time to Directors Tom Duncan, KG4CUY one is $60. The size of the 6 volume implement. K3LR, W3LPL and D4C set and the amount of design infor- didn't look like they are today over- (Ex-Officio) Steve Werner, AG4W mation and data is amazing. night. It helps to do those large projects

A Safer Method for Working on My Antenna By Fred Kepner, K3FRK

Two years ago, I decided I needed to mount that allowed me to rotate and want to wait for my buddy to come and upgrade my antenna. After weighing “tip” the mast about 45 degrees. I add- help. I rotated the mast upright, bolted my options and considering the limita- ed the rotator and a short piece of alu- it in place with my u-bolts, and added tions imposed by my lot and my minum pipe to the top of the mast. I guy wires. I was exhausted but it spouse, I settled on a hex beam. Once was now ready to attach the antenna. I worked and I was thrilled. The setup I selected the antenna, I had to figure constructed the hex beam on the was a major improvement and I was out how I was going to mount it. I did ground and, somehow, managed to able to work a lot of new DX over the some research and ended up finding a carry it up the ladder and mount it on next two years. very economical mast in a 22 ft. long top of the aluminum pipe from the roof A few months ago, I started experi- steel pipe sourced from a local metal of my shack. I was only able to reach encing issues with intermittent high supply company. I found appropriately the top of the pipe by standing on the SWR on several bands. I broke out the sized axle mounts (u-bolts) to attach very edge of the roof while reaching handy antenna analyzer and started the new mast to the existing metal post well above my head. It was hard and troubleshooting. After eliminating my outside my shack. I attached the mast awkward. I could have easily fallen off tuner as the problem, I started working to the peak of the roof with a swiveling my roof as I was stubborn and didn't Cont’d on p. 10

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Remote Starting Flex By Kevin Hibbs, KG4TEI

Over the last couple months Bob De the outlet from anywhere his cell phone anywhere with my phone. There are Pierre, K8KI, and I have been having an had a signal. Anytime the power is also solutions that could use a Rasp- ongoing conversation about how he turned onto the outlet, the plug-in relay berry Pi and remote access software to might be able to turn on his Flex radio trips and closes the contacts connect- trip a relay. In Bob’s case, he didn’t remotely over the Internet. Bob already ed to the rig interface. Based on what I have the internal infrastructure already has a Flex Maestro, but the Maestro, can find on the Internet, this configura- set up for home automation. The while quite capable of remote control- tion has been used to turn on and off smart plug allowed for a relatively easy ling the radio over the internet, lacks a all sorts of devices that are not general- setup with a cloud service that already way to remote start the rig. That leaves ly considered smart, such as gas fire- existed at a low cost and little time in- two options: leave the radio on all the places, fans, sump pumps, garage door vestment. I call that a win any day. If time when you’re away, or find a solu- openers, and more. you have any questions about how this tion to turn the radio on and off. This is just one of many ways this works, please feel free to email me. The engineers at Flex radio had task could be performed. If I were go- 73, Merry Christmas and Happy New enough vision to include an interface ing to do this at my home I would con- Year! on the back of the radio to help with sider using a product like a NodeMCU this problem. Connecting one of the WIFI controlled relay (https:// interface pins to ground will cause the For Sale radio to turn on. After doing some re- -Internet-Development-Automation/dp/ search we found an article in the Flex B086ZM1HSJ/ref=sr_1_5? Icom IC-718. Comes with short power forums ( crid=3ALI41W49YKPC&dchild=1&keyw cable and microphone. DSP unit in- www/uploads/20200818184956/ ords=nodemcu+relay+board&qid=160 stalled. Small scuff mark on the side of FLEX-6000-Remote-On-Kit-QSG.pdf) 5635771&sprefix=nodemcu+re% the case from transport and use. 100% that outlined hardware which could 2Caps%2C212&sr=8-5 ). This is be- functional with full power out. Email for accomplish the goal. The key parts cause I have invested in a home auto- price and availability. were a remote-control capable switch mation server with remote access ca- from Kasa, and a plug-in relay that tog- pabilities enabled. I could program this Kevin KG4TEI gles when power is applied. Given the device to talk to my server and control cost and ease of setup this seemed like the relay with the push of a button from the most expedient means to accom- plish the task. Bob purchased the required parts, and over Thanksgiving gave it a try from his daughter’s house. By all accounts there was great rejoicing when the Flex came to life and was controlled over the Internet from the Maestro. So, how does this work? The remote- control outlet outlined in the Flex article is made by Kasa, a TP Link company. TP Link has been around for many years providing routers and switches for home applications. The plug can be controlled from an Amazon Alexa or Google Home, but it can also be con- trolled from an App on a smart phone. After a considerable amount of configu- ration and signing up for a TP Link Cloud account, Bob was able to control

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 4

QSL Card Collecting By Bruce Smith, AC4G

There are many ham operators using operators to include their mailing ad- gion, pictures of personal items such the bands to make CW, Phone, and dress. Today, the first place a ham as vehicles, trains, and people, to digital QSOs every day and night as the would go to find an address is via name a few. Electronic methods have ham bands are typically open all day online at the web site or per- increased in popularity; however, the and night to somewhere. Many ham haps the GO LIST which is a collection QSL cards is still highly sought after. radio operators take advantage of the of QSL managers. Many hams list their Below is a description explained de- bands by operating on the High Fre- QSL information along with unique scribing ways to send cards via the quency (HF) bands and collecting the facts about the operator such as DXCC postal system and direct via managers. coveted QSL card to confirm their totals, antennas and transceivers used Also, today electronic means are QSOs. QSL replies (whether paper form to make the contact on providing almost instant, cheaper QSL or electronic form) are a way to verify a When a ham looks up the other ham means. First, we will look at the non- contact. One way to view the QSL card operator’s callsign on, one electronic means of QSLing, then de- is that they are a collectible verification can typically see that they have listed scribe briefly the electronic means of which proves the details of your QSO one or more options for sending and QSLing. receiving a QSL card. Some are obvi- such as time, location, frequency, a. Direct – The most obvious method is ous, but others require explanation. mode, and signal report. QSL cards are “direct”. You just cannot send your Exchanging QSL cards directly with your not only a means to prove your contact, card to an address and expect to QSO partner can be very expensive. If but can be used to apply for many ama- receive one in the return mail without you calculate the cost of postage to teur radio awards such as certificates adding a donation to pay for return send an envelope overseas, plus any and plaques. The QSLs are also good postage. Most all stations require a money enclosed to cover the return for showing off your ham radio accom- Self- Addressed-Stamped-Envelope postage or a simple donation, a single plishments to visitors who stop by your (SASE). In the past, one could get QSL card request can cost up to five ham shack. Reference Picture 1. away by sending along one green dollars or more. stamp ($1.00 – dollar bill). Currently, Many DXpeditions today offer a free many require $2.00 - $3.00 to cover QSL card and immediate LOTW (ARRL postage for the return QSL from for- Web site) upload for those making a eign hams. Many hams in the U. S. donation to help pay curtail the cost of only require an SASE to receive their putting on a Dxpedition. Transportation QSL card. International Reply Cou- is one of the most costly items for a pons (IRCs) are gone by the way side Dxpedition. Many offer donation con- and are not used any more. See Pic- venience via PayPal. Many hams also ture 2. Note: At one time, a ham send a donation after the DXpedition would include one IRC (instead of while requesting a QSL card to confirm green stamps) along with a self- their contacts. Below are some of the addressed (SAE) envelope and the methods for exchanging QSL cards. QSL in order to get one in return from a ham. SENDING and RECEIVING QSL CARDS (Snail Mail Method): From the very beginning of ham radio, Picture 1—Photos of QSL cards received ham operators exchanged QSL cards. either direct or via bureau These cards moved through the postal Now that you have made a QSO with a service adding the tangible element to foreign operator (DX) from a faraway contacts made on the air. Each card place or to another ham operator locat- shares the personality of the ham re- ed in the U.S., how do you prove it? In questing a card. Some cards are very the past, hams would buy the Flying creative, while others are picture QSL Horse Ham Callsign Book which had cards of many various topics such as Picture 2—Int’l Reply Coupon the callsigns for US and foreign ham radio equipment, the scenery in a re- cont’d on p. 6

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 5

QSL Card Collecting (cont’d from p. 5) b. QSL Manager – Many DX stations cards in bulk. You don’t have to ad- QSL Service, you must pay by check where mail with the U.S. is difficult, dress them each one, but have to put (or money order) and write your call make use of QSL managers. In order them in order per the ARRL instruc- sign on the check. Be advised that to get a QSL from a foreign ham or tions. DX mangers can use the Out- there are several countries which no Dxpedition, one would send their QSL going QSL Service at the standard longer served by the Outgoing QSL request to another hams (called a SL rate described in the ARRL Outgoing Service. More information can be Manager) who handles the QSL cards QSL Service information paper. You found on the ARRL web page. for that ham. The QSL manager is may also send QSLs via the bureau The North Alabama DX Club (NADXC) listed on or in magazines to any QSL manager who manages a offers bulk mailing to the ARRL Bu- and ham newsletters. For example, I non-US . However, you must reau. Simply get your sorted QSL am QSL Manager for V73C, Ken look up the QSL manager and clearly cards along with the correct fee per Wells who was stationed on Kwaja- indicate the QSL manager’s call sign pound (as described earlier) to Steve lein Island, Marshall Island in the on your outgoing card. For example: Smith (KY4G). Steve routinely sends early 1990s. Example 1: V73C via AC4G. Sort this card to the ARRL, which saves I very often receive requests from card in with other cards going to US NADXC members money. ham operators all over the world managers. SENDING and RECEIVING QSL CARDS wanting to receive his QSL card con- Example 2: EA8BH via OH2BH. Sort (Electronically): firming a valid QSO. this card in with cards to Finland. In today’s modern age of digital, c. Bureaus – The “Buro” is an inexpen- The ARRL Service ships QSL cards to electronic distribution, electronic QSL sive and efficient means of getting QSL Bureaus throughout the world, cards have become very popular. This QSL cards distributed via the bureau. which are typically maintained by the method of QSLing saves time and mon- Almost all countries have a central national Society of ey. Two popular electronic QSL services bureau operated by a club or volun- each country. Please be advised that are Logbook of the World (LOTW) and teer ham that handles cards for a the ARRL QSL Service cannot be eQSL, which we will briefly describe country. In the U.S., the American used to exchange QSL cards within below. Radio Relay League (ARRL) operates the 48 contiguous states [US to US]. our bureaus, one or more for each - Developed by the ARRL as an Sending QSL cards via the bureau district. In order to receive QSL cards economical means for ham operators takes a little longer than mailing via the bureau, a ham must send to confirm QSOs for various awards. them directly, but keep in mind that their bureau large envelops with Both hams must have LOTW accounts what you might lose in speed is more postage to cover their return. When a and must upload their logs periodically. than made up in the convenience bureau receives a number of cards, When LOTW finds a matching QSO and savings of not having to address they stuff your envelope and add meaning same date, time, band, and and mail each QSL card separately. sufficient postage and send to you. mode, both users get credit for the con- Effective May 15, 2019, the cost to tact. To achieve the DX Century Club One can save a lot of money by using use the bureau is: $2.00 for 10 or (DXCC) award or Worked All States the bureau and the Outgoing QSL fewer cards in one envelope; $3.00 (WAS), there are fees that justify the service of the ARRL if one works a lot for 11-20 cards in one envelope; or ARRL staff to handle the award. CQ of DX. To use this service, you only 75 cents per ounce, for packages Magazine is now recognized by the need to provide proof of ARRL mem- with 21 or more cards. For example, ARRL and allows a ham to seek CQ bership and pay the fee according to a package containing 1.5 pounds of Magazine awards such as the WPX the schedule below. Cards sent via cards -- 24 ounces, or about 225 award and other awards via LOTW. The the Bureau are sorted by the Out- cards -- will cost $18. There are no ARRL describes LOTW service in detail. going QSL Service staff, who handle transaction service fees. One should approximately 700,000 each year. use an accurate scale to weigh their Cards are shipped from HQ on a QSL cards. Most post offices have Cont’d on p. 7 quarterly basis. If you are a member scales that you may use. When sub- of the ARRL, you are allowed to send mitting cards to the ARRL Outgoing

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 6

QSL Card Collecting (cont’d from p. 6)

– Another popular QSL con- seeking QSL cards via snail mail. This something from a foreign country and firming service is eQSL ( article was merely a brief explanation briefly explain how you obtained it. This service allows you to design a QSL of several ways to obtain a QSL card for Each QSL card has its own story reveal- card. When two users who have an a QSO match to add to your QSL collec- ing how you made that single QSO. account submit QSO information, the tion as many of us cherish the moment Share the memory with other friends QSL card becomes available for both to we worked a “new one”. So, the next and family members. Remember, a print. eQSL also tracks your contacts time you work rare DX or a ragchew picture is worth a thousand words. for various online awards and is recog- QSO with a local American station, go nized by CQ Magazine. eQSL allows you online to find out how to get your well- VP’s Corner to print your QSL card as soon as a deserved QSL card. Many radio ama- by Steve Molo, KI4KWR QSO match occurs. teurs (hams) still like receiving QSL Happy Holidays from both Jessica cards especially rare ones that took a Perhaps there are other methods to KN4JJA and myself first and foremost. long time to work and confirm. Perhaps electronically request a QSL card con- This year has been very interesting to you can show your friends and family firming a QSO or non-electronically say the least but hopefully this all will end soon and we be back monthly at Newk’s seeing everyone’s smiling fac- es. Hope to see you on the 160 con- tests in the next few weeks and don’t forget about the ARRL 10m Contest next weekend which I will work after the tower teardown if needed that weekend still. Yes…I did say tower teardown!! There was a call out for anyone inter- ested in a tower from Jim Harris WA4NTM (SK) QTH which I accepted and visited last weekend. Planning on doing as much this weekend and next to have it removed and former location cleaned up for the family. So like many at work have asked; What you got? 40ft BX Tower / CL-33 and what ap- pears to be a 2m 6 element quad and a few dipole antennas which look QRP grade which is perfect for using with the IC-705. Stay safe and enjoy the solar wx while it is amazing!!

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 7

Ionospherica By Kai Siwiak, KE4PT

The First in a Series of Articles on Prop- radio phenomena involving long range ionization also varies with altitude and agation and Antennas terrestrial communications occur at tends to peak up in clumpy layers at wavelengths considerably shorter than various heights. There is nothing homo- We QRPers really love to communi- 200m, and that they involve the iono- geneous or uniform about this layering cate over long distances, and we enjoy sphere. It turns out that the most use- in the ionosphere. challenges such as the Thousand Miles ful frequencies for portable communi- per Watt award. Long distance QRP It’s All in the Spin and Revolution cations are in the High Frequency (HF) communications invariably involve the range, between 3 MHz and 30 MHz. The Earth spins on a tilted axis, Earth's ionosphere. However, to benefit Signals at these HF frequencies are which, with rotation around the Sun, from an ionosphere we need to be in a subject to ionospheric phenomena, produces our four seasons. The daily solar system with a planet that has an including reflections and refractions, spin results in a day-night variation. atmosphere and a planetary magnetic and hence are the basis of traditional Couple that with uneven heating on the field. The Earth-Sun system shown in worldwide radio communications. sea and land and we have weather— Figure 1 fits the bill nicely! For added lots of it and with great variation. The interest and complexity, Earth spins on The Satellite Era same happens at high altitudes, except a tilted axis as it revolves around the Recent advances in Earth-orbiting there the atmosphere is comprised of Sun. This causes our four seasons, as satellites have slowly replaced HF com- charged, ionized gasses. These gasses well as interesting seasonal space- mercial and government services with are also subject to a daily cycle and to weather in the ionosphere. The iono- comparable satellite-based services. annual seasonal cycles. Solar radiation, sphere has been studied for more than An irony of the satellite era is that our likewise, varies most notably in an 11 a hundred years, and what we thought modern understanding of how the iono- year cycle of solar activity and solar we knew about the characterization of sphere works required the develop- magnetic field reversals. This is evident the ionosphere has been repeated in ment of the space program that re- by the creation, motion, and disappear- print for almost that long. However, our placed the HF services which used the ance of sunspots. The revolving Earth understanding of how the ionosphere ionosphere. It also required the satel- additionally encounters both annual works is partly a product of the space lite probes that were launched recently and sporadic meteor showers. Meteor- age. Here we explore some of the leg- to monitor solar activity and its effect ites dump hundreds of tons per day of end, lore, and physics (in general on modern communications satellites. new material on the Earth and they terms) about the ionosphere as it per- Space probe-derived measurements of also influence ion creation. Hence, we tains to QRP DXing. We also allude to the solar wind and of “space weather” have many inputs to the ionospheric some specific complex phenomena have up-ended our understanding of system to keep things stirred up. There which can make QRP DXing an interest- the ionosphere. Thus most text books, is nothing uniform or constant about ing and memorable pursuit. while basically correct in their charac- the ionosphere! 200m and Down! terization of the ionosphere, have not Bring on Earth’s Magnetic Field yet caught up with this understanding 1.5 MHz, a wavelength of 200m, was and are not complete! The real fun begins when the whole once thought to be the upper limit of system is set in motion under the influ- frequencies useful for long range radio Ionization is the Key ence of Earth’s magnetic field. Figure 1 communication. In ground wave propa- The gasses in the ionosphere are in shows a rendition of Earth’s magnetic gation, range increases with decreas- a complex balance between the pro- fields distorted by solar wind. High alti- ing frequency. So, the “valuable wave- cesses that cause ionization of those tude Earthly winds containing ions de- lengths” longer than 200m were seized gasses, and processes that recombine flect due to their motion in Earth’s mag- by commercial and government inter- ions (deionization). Solar and cosmic netic field, just like an electron beam ests, while wavelengths shorter than radiation, meteors and meteorites, nat- does in a cathode ray tube (CRT). 200m were deemed “useless” and left ural radioactivity, lightning sprites, and Shearing ionospheric winds can cause to experimenters and radio amateurs. other phenomena serve to dissociate ionized gasses to clump together in The experiences of those early experi- free electrons (negative ions) from gas- sporadic fashion, allowing refraction of menters and radio amateurs [1], of ses in the atmosphere. Because the waves up to VHF in some locations course, showed that the interesting mixture of gasses varies with altitude, Cont’d on p. 9

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 8

Ionospherica (cont’d from p. 8)

Figure 1—Space probes are revealing the complexity of our Earth-Sun system which influences the ionosphere. Copyright 2013 Chris Dean, KD7CNJ, used with permission. even when the average maximum usa- cle, we might favor operations at 40m Quarterly and let us know. Finally, don’t ble frequency is considerably lower. and longer wavelengths. During the forget to have fun! This may account for some of the to years of high solar activity, the iono- References: Sporadic-E propagation that we enjoy sphere supports wonderful propagation at VHF. Waves propagating in the ionic through 10m wavelengths. Now super- 1. DeSoto, C. B., Two Hundred Meters plasma under the influence of the mag- impose the annual behavior on top of and Down, ARRL, Newington, CT, netic field will decompose into a pair of that. During winter, the ionosphere 1936. counterrotating elliptically polarized tends to be somewhat lower in altitude 2. 2. Davies, Kenneth, Ionospheric waves having differing propagation than in the summer. During winter Radio Propagation, National Bu- characteristics [2]. A linearly polarized days, the maximum usable frequencies reau of Standards Monograph 80, wave (horizontal or vertical) will cross- could be double those of the summer April 1, 1965, Washington, D.C. couple into two counter-rotating ellipti- months. Ah, winter DX! Finally, we have cally polarized waves after refracting the day-night variation. During daylight 3. 3. K. Siwiak, KE4PT, Off-Center-End through the ionosphere under the influ- hours, signals propagate best on 15m- - Fed Dipole on a “DX Fishing Pole” ence of Earth’s magnetic field. Those 10m. At night time, wavelengths short- for QRP Operations, QRP Quarterly, two waves might reach differing loca- er than 17m become quiet as the maxi- Spring 2012, pp. 34-35. tions on Earth. If the Earth were com- mum usable frequency drops. World- 4. 4. A. Findling, K9CHP and K. Siwi- pared to an orange, all of this happens wide propagation then becomes possi- ak, KE4PT, How Efficient is Your within the orange peel. That’s propor- ble on the 80m-20m bands. The QRP QRP Small Loop Antenna?, QRP tionally the thickness of the Earth’s station operator should be ready to Quarterly, Summer 2012. outline in Figure 1. handle as many ham bands as possible to ensure a high probability of commu- Kazimierz (Kai) Siwiak, Ph.D., KE4PT, What This Means to QRP DXing nication success; this means using holds an Extra Class amateur radio Polarization cross-coupling is good efficient multiband antennas [3], [4] operator license and is QRP ARCI mem- news for our QRP portable operations: and multiband / multimode . ber #2194. Dr. Siwiak specializes pro- we can hang our antennas in whatever fessionally in antennas and propaga- Stay Tuned! way is physically expedient and let the tion, and in digital communications. He ionosphere take care of rendering the Next time we’ll poke around some of is an ARRL Technical Advisor and a polarization usable by the DX station! the details of how our antennas couple member of the ARRL RF Safety Com- We should also be aware of the aver- RF energy into and out of the iono- mittee. age cyclic behavior of the ionosphere. sphere. Later we’ll explore how propa- We should be prepared to operate fre- gation predictions can enhance our quency bands that are open for DX. QRP experience. Some propagation This article reprinted from the Winter During the years of low sun-spot activity resources are at . If you have questions or permission of the author. ideas on this topic, please write QRP

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 9

Cushcraft MA-160V 160m Vertical Antenna By Steve Molo, KI4KWR

Back in August I sat in the backyard craft item thru MFJ. Were pieces miss- ment on the band so set it where you trying to figure out a way to get back on ing you wonder? I had a missing radial want to work and your set. Currently set 160m which was easy in New Jersey plate and one assembly piece was not on 1840 (FT8) area and the RigExpert from the N2CW Contest Station. For drilled out correctly which is common AA-55ZOOM shows 1825-1865 1.3:1 those that may not know what we have from everyones comments to me and across that area and goes back up. So there; 300ft tower (240ft point was also. Fixed the issues and doing some minor map work I figured apex for 160m delta loop), top is a assembly to my amazement was very out how to get it where I want it for now WYRS 90.7 Christian Radio Station. easy. Instructions could have been bet- and will adjust for the CQ 160 Contest Four 70ft freestanding towers that are ter detailed but not difficult at all. Got coming up soon. utilized for TA-33 on one / 40m full- the antenna erected center in the yard Opinion; for being a Cushcraft item wave dipole / 80/75m full-wave dipole leaving the last piece to be done radi- which many will always give mixed re- and the other is being planned for a als. views I was amazed on ease of setup 15m beam. This all sits on 26 acres The Instructions stated 3 100ft long and use without any major problems. which is all saltwater marsh with full radials and 16-20 20ft length also. Not Radials being as short as they are and beverage array all directions 900- to hard to accomplish but for sure bury- not even buried yet and still SWR low 1200ft each way with a 4 Square ing them still has not happened as of satisfied me for sure. Price tag of 160/80m 500ft away from the Shack December 1st and will happen this around $319.95 for a seasonal anten- itself. Spoiled is hard to say!! weekend. The three long ones have na for a setup for someone who cannot So I got to looking what options we been cut down to 50ft each which did do allot on…worth it. Does it cover the offered at the Store and would work in not affect SWR reading at all. So end world? Well putting some heat thru it the backyard. After debating making an result with 3 50ft radials with 16 25ft with the ALS-600 on SSB and CW a few inverted L, I decided on the Cushcraft radials in a circle has proven it will nights ago no problems at all. MA160V vertical…and bought it. Pack- work for my needs. The stinger on top aging was not too bad for being a Cush- allows for adjustment for a 40 kHz seg-

A Safer Method for Working on My Antenna (cont’d from p. 3)

towards the antenna. I eliminated the I came up with a design that would feedline, the Paradan antenna discon- allow me to stay on the ground and nect, and the lightning arrestor. I un- also took most of the physical labor out bolted the antenna mast, disconnected of lowering the antenna. The antenna the guy wires, and rotated the antenna mast is pretty heavy and the length of it mast to position the hex beam near my results in the need for quite a bit of roof. I again found myself stretching as force to get it upright, even with my far as possible, on my tip toes and on rotating mount acting as a fulcrum. the edge of the roof, trying to reach the The fact that I already had most of the antenna. I was successful and deter- key hardware for my plan was a bonus. mined that the very short piece of coax After a quick trip to Walmart and the that connected the choke balun to the hardware store, I was ready to begin. feed point, at the very top of the anten- The first step was raising the mast a na, was the issue. I replaced it, put few inches. I loosened the u-bolts and everything back, and was up and run- lifted up the mast, sliding a block of ning again. The experience was not fun wood under it. I then measured up and I felt lucky to have survived it. I from the bottom of the mast and decided I needed to find a better way marked where I would drill my hinge to work on my antenna, preferably from hole. Because the antenna was going Image 1: K3FRK’s shack and hexbeam the ground. prior to project. Cont’d on p. 11 December, 2020 The LongPath Page 10

A Safer Method for Working on My Antenna (cont’d from p. 10) to be lowered out and away from the tension has a hole in it that the u-bolt above the forces that will be experi- wall of the shack, the point needed to fit through perfectly. Additionally, a bolt enced. be low so that the wall wouldn't inhibit goes through the post and prevents the the mast from rotating. I also wanted u-bolt from sliding up the post when the hinge point a bit higher than one the cable is released or retracted. Us- might expect because I have a garden ing this system, the winch can be fence a few feet away. The hex beam stored inside my shack and attached will be in the middle of the garden very quickly when needed. when the mast is lowered. By putting The winch is oriented facing up when the hinge point up a little bit, the end of installed in the receiver. When the the mast holding the antenna will be Image 4: The anchor and shackle at the mast is lowered, the system can be closer to the ground when the mast peak of the wall (pulley assembly not pre- visualized as a triangle. The winch ca- sent) and (opposite) the mast u-bolt/ rests on the fence. A secondary ad- ble will travel parallel to the shack wall, shackle assembly. vantage of my bolt hinge is that the which is the adjacent side of the trian- Now that the hardware was installed, mast cannot rotate. This means that gle. It will then change directions at I had to deal with the feedline and rota- the antenna should not need to be re- the top of the wall and move away from tor cable. The feedline and the rotator oriented after re-raising the antenna/ the shack; this is the opposite side of cable were not long enough, as in- mast system. After locating the appro- the triangle. The mast itself represents stalled, to allow the mast to rotate to priate spot for the hole, I drilled straight the hypotenuse. I needed a mount for the downward orientation. Fortunately, through both the 2 in. steel mast and the cable to change directions at the I had excess rotator cable inside the the 2 in. galvanized steel post. I insert- top of the shack. I drilled a hole shack and was able to feed enough ed a stainless steel bolt through the through the wall and installed a forged slack through the wall to allow rotation. holes, which will act as my hinge. I eyebolt. A stainless steel shackle was The feedlines required more work. I removed the wood block and the hinge added to the eye of the bolt so that a cut the feedlines for both the hex beam easily supported the weight of the pulley could be installed when the and the 2m antenna that is also in- mast. winch is used. A u-bolt was mounted at stalled on the mast. I then mounted a The next step was to install the the appropriate point on the mast. waterproof utility box on the mast. I winch I would use to raise and lower Although not necessary, I installed an- grounded the box, installed lightning the mast. I already had a DC powered other stainless steel shackle on the u- arrestors, and ran the feedlines into winch, mounted on plate that can be bolt in case I decide to remove the the box from the top. The line coming installed into a trailer hitch receiver. I locking hook on the winch cable. When from the shack looped under the box procured a trailer hitch receiver exten- the system is used, the winch cable and entered through slots, allowing sion at Walmart. I used a u-bolt to at- runs vertically to the pulley, through the them to be easily removed from the tach the receiver extension to the post pulley, and then clips onto the u-bolt on box when the antenna mast is lowered. supporting the mast. The receiver ex- the mast. All hardware is rated well Cont’d on p. 12

Image 2: Receiver extension installed at base of post and mast. Image 3: The winch installed in the receiver extension. The bolt/hinge assembly is also visible.

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 11

A Safer Method for Working on My Antenna (cont’d from p. 11)

I added connectors to the feedlines, In order to raise the antenna, I simp- attached the arrestors, and coiled the ly execute the steps in reverse order. excess rotator cable up and tucked it This project was one of my first for- into the box. The project was done. ays into homebrewing, one of the old- est traditions of ham radio. It was rela- tively easy, inexpensive, and utilized hardware I already owned. I will no longer need to put myself at risk by working on a hard-to-reach antenna from the edge of the roof. Future an- tenna repairs and installations will be conducted from the ground and will require very little physical labor. In fact, and I hope I don’t regret saying this, I’m kind of looking forward to my next repair. To raise the antenna again, I simply follow these steps in reverse order..

Image 6: The antenna mast as typically positioned for operation.

Image 5: The watertight utility box (feedline disconnect point)

In order to lower my antenna, I can now follow these steps:

1. Mount the winch

2. Run the winch cable through the pulley and attach it to the u-bolt on the mast. Figure 7: Diagram of the system in the down position (weather did not cooperate for a picture) 3. Unhook or loosen the guy wires.

4. Unbolt the swiveling roof mount.

5. Open up the utility box and un- screw the PL259 connectors.

6. Unhook the u-bolts that hold the mast to the support post. Let out the winch cable until the anten- na is at the desired level.

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 12

DX Contests for December By Chuck Lewis, N4NM

ARRL Ten Meter Contest, (SSB & CW), RAEM Contest (CW), 80-10 meters 10 meters only Dec. 27, 0000Z to 1159Z Dec. 12, 0000Z to Dec. 13, 2359Z Exchange: Serial # plus Lat/Long, Exchange: RS(T) plus State/Province; (e.g., 57N 85E) DX: RS(T) + Ser. # See page 63, Dec. QST and See page 63, Dec. QST and

DARC Christmas Contest, (CW & SSB), Russian 160 Meter Contest (CW/SSB) 75/80 & 40 meters 160 meters Dec. 26, 0830Z to 1059Z Dec.18, 2000Z to 2359Z Exchange: RS(T) [+DOK or special Exchange: RS(T)+ Serial #; Russian code for DL] Stns: RST + Oblast See page 63, Dec. QST or Stew Perry Topband Distance Chal- See page 63, Dec. QST and lenge, (CW), 160 meters Dec. 26, 1500Z to Dec. 27, 1500Z

Exchange: 4 Char. Grid square Croatian CW Contest, (CW), 160 – 10 GEDEBAGE DX Contest, (CW), 80-10 meters meters See page 63, Dec. QST and www.kknnet/stew Dec. 19, 1400Z to Dec. 20 1400Z Dec. 26, 0000Z to 2359Z Exchange: RST + SER. # Exchange: RST + Serial # OTHERS See page 63, Dec. QST and See page 63, Dec. QST or EUCW 160m Contest 2000Z-2300Z Jan. 2 and 0400Z- 0700Z Jan. 3.

OK DX RTTY Contest, (RTTY), 80 – 10 RAC Winter Contest (CW & PHONE), meters 160-2 meters Dates & times often change or are mis- printed in the journals; beware. Dec 19, 0000Z to Dec. 19, 2359Z Dec 28, 0000Z to 2359Z See also: http:// Exchange: RST plus CQ Zone Exchange: RS(T) plus Serial No.; VEs See page 63, Dec. QST and send RS(T) plus Province contestcal.html See page 63, Dec. QST and Chuck, N4NM

From the President The LongPath Staff (cont’d from p. 1) Publisher/Editor:

Now Bruce has long been an Honor again. I’ll send you another invitation, Tom Duncan, KG4CUY Roll operator, but he just didn’t have but the sign-on will be exactly the the setup he needed. So this year he same. I’ll open Zoom for informal dis- Departments: totally renovated his shack, from the cussion at 6:30, and start the meeting Chuck Lewis, N4NM, DX Contests dirt up. And that’s the program for our at 7pm. Chris Reed, AI4U, Minutes December meeting. Bob De Pierre, K8KI, From the President So come join us for another covid- free virtual meeting of the NADXC on Steve Molo, KI4KWR, VP Corner Tuesday, December 8. We’ll use Zoom Kevin Hibbs, KG4TEI, The Casual DXer

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 13

Mystery Antenna Revives DTV Service in Park City By Mark Brown, N4BCD

Since moving to our rural hilltop QTH Clearly, we needed something better zation. Signals are passing through in Park City, TN, Julie KK4CLG and I and my thoughts went to an antenna one brick exterior and 4 interior walls. have not had access to Cable TV so still mounted on a 4’ pole that had The white wire in the photo is excess we’ve relied on Dish satellite and over- been installed in our attic by the previ- length of center channel speaker wire the-air Digital TV (DTV). When we de- ous owner. The coax seemed to go and the black wire is the TV power cided to drop the Dish service the relia- down to the hub of one of those whole- cord. bility and quality of our DTV service house intercoms / AM / FM radios long This is better than I could have became much more important. We're since removed, but the element hoped for, but I can’t stop thinking at 920' above sea-level and 21 miles lengths led me to believe it's a UHF about running a few more feet of coax from the DTV transmitters atop Monte phased array. It appeared to be very and mounting it higher and outside Sano. Bearing is 177 degrees. high quality construction and the with a rotor. Working DX (Nashville 80 A few years ago I installed an out- ground screen across the back is about mi @ 350 degrees) almost demands door UHF Yagi with corner reflectors 3' square. I horsed it down through the that I try. mounted on a post at 14' AGL under attic opening to assess what I had. my 2M vertical. Thirteen feet of decent A photo email to Johnny KR4F and twin-lead down to a Channel Master Tom KG4CUY elicited enough favorable preamp with 75 ohm output via F- comments that inspired me to try the connector and a lightning arrestor. antenna while Julie was outside and Then 2 x 25' of barrel connector'd coax didn't see me mount that big metal to the preamp's DC power injector and thing behind the TV :) a 3' patch cable to the TV. Probably eight F-connectors in this signal chain. The Phased Bow-Tie Array antenna is This antenna was fine when we lived in mounted flush facing the drywall be- Madison, however from here reception hind a large desk supporting the TV. has always been spotty and downright It's pointed at 188 degrees, about 11 poor during rain. We also moved our degrees off-axis. Used a balun to con- TV room during a just-completed re- nect to a single 25' length of coax with model so the coax run is now even molded F connectors. No preamp. ALL Installed Mystery Antenna longer. channels are full quieting with no pixeli-

Now-obsoleted outside antenna. Mystery Antenna found my Attic

December, 2020 The LongPath Page 14

November Meeting Minutes 2020 Thanks By Chris Reed, AI4U

Bob, K8KI called the NADX Zoom The LongPath editor, publisher, etc. Lest there be any misunderstanding, meeting to order at 7pm. Twenty-one wishes to thank all who have contribut- let me point out that while both the members were in attendance. Chris, ed to a markedly different LongPath in quantity and quality of articles has im- AI4U provided the financial report and 2020 as compared to “the average” for proved dramatically over the past year, membership report. An announcement many previous years. This is due to this does not presage rigid require- was made stating the website and one thing: contributed articles. ments aimed at preserving some email list was updated. Contrary to a popular rumor, the LongPath standard, with the potential to scare off the novice or occasional Bob, K8KI turned it over to the elec- LongPath does not appear of its own contributor. Indeed, we will continue to tion committee. The proposed slate of volition, like Venus from a clam-shell, accept articles for publication based on officers were Bob, K8KI for President, fully-formed underneath the link on the the same flexible, though unspecified, KI4KWR, Steve Molo, Vice President, NADXC web site just before the second criteria in use for many years now. Chris Reed, AI4U Secretary/Treasurer. Tuesday of the month. Some cajoling Directors are Tom Duncan KG4CUY, is required to turn vague indications Finally, let me wish all of you a very Kevin Hobbs, KG4TEI, Former Presi- that an article might be available some- Merry Christmas and the best in 2021, dent, Steve Werner, AG4W. A motion time in the future into completed copy. with the hope that we can resume in- was made and seconded. The slate of The chief cajoler is certainly our presi- person meetings soon. officers were elected by the member- dent Bob, K8KI, who has very effective- ship present in the Zoom meeting. ly done whatever was required to ex- tract articles from contributors. 73, Discussion was held on the Christ- mas party. Due to Covid, it was can- So, while it is customary at this time Tom Duncan, KG4CUY of the year for me to belly-ache about celled with everyone's health and safe- LongPath Editor ty being the primary concern. flagging content and plea for more, this year I would rather like to say “Thanks Meeting was adjourned at 7:22pm. for the Articles!”, and ask that you keep Fred Kepner, KF3FRK delivered a them coming. program on Using software tools to work DX with a moderate station. The next virtual meeting of the North Alabama DX Club will be Tuesday, De- cember 8 at 7 pm. A meeting notice with the Zoom virtual meeting infor- mation will be sent out by email.

Treasurer’s Report By Chris Reed, AI4U

There were no transactions during No- vember. The Balance as of December 1 is 8409.68.

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