Clinical Pharmcokinetics

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Clinical Pharmcokinetics INDEX INDEX A Acyclovir aminoglycosides and, 144 ABCB1, 61 antirejection agents and, 218 Abiraterone, 329 renal function and, 28, 34 Absorption Adjusted body weight, 44 of aminoglycosides, 125 Adolescence, 65, 166. See also Pediatrics of antirejection agents, 209–210 Advanced age, 295, 415. See also Geriatrics of carbamazepine, 225–226 Adverse drug reactions, 84–85 of ethosuximide, 251 AFFIRM, 246 of fosphenytoin, 335 Albiglutide, 98 geriatric differences in, 85 of lithium, 303 Alcohol use/alcoholism pediatric age-dependent differences in, 66 antidepressants and, 167 pediatric intramuscular route and, 68 by geriatric patient, 89 pediatric oral route and, 67–68 liver disease and, 167 pediatric percutaneous route and, 68 warfarin and, 416, 418 pediatric rectal route and, 68 Alendronate, 98 of phenobarbital, 324 Allopurinol of phenytoin, 334–335 antirejection agents and, 217, 219 of theophylline, 352 theophylline and, 360 of unfractionated heparin, 258–259 warfarin and, 416 of valproate, 366–367 Alprazolam, 88, 92 , 98 of vancomycin, 379 Aluminum/magnesium hydroxide, 219 of warfarin, 405 Amantadine Acarbose, 98, 417 geriatric patient and, 90, 98 ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme) renal function and, 28, 34 inhibitors Amantadine + quinidine interaction, 25 antirejection agents and, 219 American Academy of Neurology, 195 geriatric patient and, 84, 90 lithium and, 312 American Academy of Pediatrics, 296 Acetaminophen American College of Chest Physicians, 410 carbamazepine and, 232 American Epilepsy Society, 195 geriatric patient and, 98 American Geriatrics Society, 91, 92 pediatric patient and, 72, 73 American Society for Blood and Marrow warfarin and, 416 Transplantation, 50 Acetazolamide, 88, 90, 233 American Society of Clinical Oncology, 49 Actual body weight, 41 Amikacin, 123 Acute kidney injury, 23 distribution of, 127 renal function quantification of, 24 dosage forms of, 125 vancomycin and, 393 dosing interval for, 132 Acute myocardial infarction, 295 geriatric patient and, 98 429 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 01:30 AM UTC 430 CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS pediatric patient and, 74, 75, 76 Anorexic agents, 93 pregnancy and, 146 Antacids, 218, 343 renal function and, 34 Antibiotics Amiloride, 9 antirejection agents and, 219 Aminoglutethimide, 416 drug concentration monitoring of, 3 Aminoglycoside(s), 123–153 lithium and, 312 antirejection agents and, 219 Anticoagulants, 232 body weight and, 46 Anticonvulsants dosage forms of, 124–126 antirejection agents and, 219 dosage range for, 123–124 geriatric patient and, 85 dosing strategies for, 129–135 lithium and, 312 drug concentration monitoring for, 3, 6 Antidepressants, 61, 155–171 drug–drug interactions for, 144 carbamazepine and, 232 geriatric patient and, 90 dosage forms of, 156, 158 pediatric patient and, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75–76 dosing strategies for, 160–162 pharmacodynamic monitoring of, 142–144 drug–disease state/condition and, 166–168 pharmacogenomics and, 146 geriatric patient and, 91 pharmacokinetics of, 126–128 oral dosage ranges for, 157 renal function and, 27, 32 pharmacodynamic monitoring of, 166, 167 therapeutic ranges for, 135–141 pharmacokinetics of, 156, 160 warfarin and, 416 therapeutic monitoring of, 165–166 Aminophylline, 98, 352 therapeutic range for, 162–163, 164 Amiodarone therapeutic response of, 164–165 antirejection agents and, 219 usual dosage range for, 156 geriatric patient and, 93 Antidiabetics, 85 lidocaine and, 294 Antiepileptics, 61, 173–203 phenytoin and, 343 carbamazepine and, 232 warfarin and, 416 dosage forms of, 174 Amiodipine, 99 drug concentration monitoring of, 5 Amitriptyline generic substitution of, 196 antidepressants and, 156–161, 163–164 use of newer, 195 geriatric patient and, 87, 88, 99 Antifungals, 219, 232, 233 Ammonium chloride, 25 Antihypertensives, 91 Amoxapine, 157–161, 164 Antiparkinson drugs, 91 Amoxicillin, 28, 34, 99 Antipsychotics Amphetamines, 25, 93 carbamazepine and, 232 Amphotericin, 28, 34 geriatric patient and, 91 Amphotericin B lithium and, 312 aminoglycosides and, 144 Antirejection agents, 205–222 antirejection agents and, 219 bioavailability of, 210 vancomycin and, 392 clearance values for, 212–213 Ampicillin dosage forms of, 206, 208 geriatric patient and, 99 dosage range for, 206–208 pediatric patient and, 67 drug–drug interactions of, 217–218, 219 renal function and, 28, 34 genes affecting, 220 molecular weights of, 220 Ampicillin/sulbactam, 34 pharmacodynamic monitoring of, 215–216, Amputations, 15 217 Anderson, Douglas M., 323–332 pharmacokinetics of, 209–213 Androgens, 417 protein binding of, 211 Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs), 312 therapeutic monitoring of, 215 therapeutic range for, 214 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 01:30 AM UTC INDEX 431 Apixaban ethosuzimide and, 255 geriatric patient and, 91, 99 geriatric patient and, 89, 91, 93 phenobarbital and, 329 warfarin and, 416 renal function and, 28 Bedaquiline, 329 Apremilast, 329 Beers Criteria, 91–92 Aprepitant, 219, 416 Belladonna alkaloids combination, 93 Arbekacin, 123, 124 Benazepril, 29, 34, 88, 99 Area under the curve, 386, 389–390 Benzathine penicillin G, 66 Aripiprazole Benzodiazepines geriatric patient and, 99 carbamazepine and, 232 phenobarbital and, 329 geriatric patient and, 89, 91 Ascites, 144 phenobarbital and, 329 Ascorbic acid, 416 Benzylpenicillin + probenecid interaction, 25 Asphyxia, 71–72 Bepridil, 27 Aspirin Beta-adrenergic antagonists/blockers, 294, 312 geriatric patient and, 93 , 99 Beta-agonists, 91 heparin and, 271 Beta-blockers valproate and, 372 carbamazepine and, 232 Aspirin/acetylated salicylates, 417 geriatric patient and, 89, 91 Assay issues phenobarbital and, 329 with aminoglycosides, 141 theophylline and, 360 with digoxin, 245, 246 Beta-lactams with lithium, 311 aminoglycosides and, 144 with low molecular weight heparin, 274 drug concentration monitoring of, 3 with phenobarbital, 326 pediatrics and, 69, 76 with unfractionated heparin, 266 Bicarbonate, 329 with vancomycin, 395 Bioavailability, 304, 324 Asthma, 357, 359 Biotransformation, 26 Atazanavir, 329 Birth age, 65 Atenolol, 29, 34, 99 Bisoprolol, 29, 34 Atomoxetine, 76 Bleomycin, 99 Atorvastatin, 218 Blood–brain barrier, 57, 59 ATP-binding cassette (ABC), 57, 58, 59 Boceprevir, 219, 329 Atropine, 88 Body Azathioprine composition changes of, 41–43 antirejection properties of, 205–206, mass index, 41 209–213, 216–220 Body size descriptor, 42, 43–45, 49 geriatric patient and, 99 equations for, 42 warfarin and, 416 output examples of, 44 Azithromycin, 99 Body weight, 14–15 Azole antifungals, 416 Bosentan, 416 Aztreonam, 29, 34 Bromocriptine, 219 Broth microdilution method, 385 B Bumetanide, 74 Bacitracin, 144 Buprenorphine, 329 Bainbridge, Jacquelyn L., 173–203, 223–238, Bupropion 251–256 antidepressants and, 157–161, 164–165, Barbiturates 167–168 geriatric patient and, 99 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 01:30 AM UTC 432 CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS Burns, 144 Carvedilol, 329 Buspirone, 100 Caspofungin, 219 Busulfan, 100 Cefaclor, 100 Cefamandole, 100 C Cefazolin geriatric patient and, 100 Caffeine, 351, 355 renal function and, 29, 34 geriatric patient and, 88 Cefdinir, 100 lithium and, 312, 314 Cefepime pediatric patient and, 72 geriatric patient and, 100 theophylline and, 360 renal function and, 29, 34, 36 Calcineurin inhibitors, 329 Cefixime, 100 Calcium, 86 Cefoperazone, 101 Calcium channel blockers Cefotaxime, 29 antirejection agents and, 219 geriatric patient and, 89, 91 Cefotetan, 101 lithium and, 312 Cefoxitin, 29 phenobarbital and, 329 Cefpodoxime, 101 theophylline and, 360 Cefprozil, 101 Candesartan, 100 Ceftaroline, 29, 34 Capecitabine, 416 Ceftazidime Capreomycin, 144 geriatric patient and, 101 Captopril, 100 renal function and, 29, 34 Carbamazepine, 223–238 Ceftolozane/tazobactam, 29 antiepiletic properties of, 173–174, 178–179, Ceftriaxone 182–184, 187, 189, 193 geriatric patient and, 88 dosage forms of, 224 renal function and, 34 dosage range for, 223–224 Cefuroxime dosing strategies for, 228–229 geriatric patient and, 101 drug–disease state/condition and, 232–233 IV, renal function and, 29 drug–drug interactions and, 231–232, 233 Celecoxib ethosuzimide and, 255 geriatric patient and, 101 pharmacodynamic monitoring of, 230–231 lithium and, 314 pharmacokinetics for, 225–228 warfarin and, 416 phenobarbital and, 329 Ceotaxime, 101 phenytoin and, 343 theophylline and, 360 Cephalexin, 29, 34 therapeutic monitoring of, 229–230 Cephalosporins therapeutic range for, 229 aminoglycosides and, 144 valproate and, 372, 373 renal function and, 27 warfarin and, 416 warfarin and, 416 Carbapenems, 372 Cetirizine, 29 Carbenoxolone, 88 Charcoal, 329, 360 Carbidopa, 109 Chemotherapy, 49–50 Carboplatin, 144, 417 Child/children, 65, 134–135. See also Pediatrics Cardiac disease, 167–168 Chloral hydrate, 416 Cardiac valve replacement, 419 Chlorambucil, 101 Cardiology, 60–61 Chloramphenicol Carisoprodol, 93 antirejection agents and, 219 pediatric patient and, 66 Carson, Stanley W., 301–321 Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/30/21 01:30 AM UTC INDEX 433 phenobarbital and, 329 Citalopram phenytoin and, 343 antidepressants and, 157–161, 164–165, 167 warfarin and, 416 geriatric patient and, 102 Chlordiazepoxide, 87, 88, 89, 92, 101 Clarithromycin Chloroquine, 88 carbamazepine and, 233 Chlorpheniramine, 93, 329 geriatric patient and, 102 renal function and, 29, 34 Chlorpromazine theophylline and, 360 carbamazepine and, 231 geriatric patient and, 88, 101 Clearance phenobarbital and, 329 of aminoglycosides, 129–130 of carbamazepine, 227 Chlorpropamide, 90, 92, 102
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    0026-895X/05/6704-1053–1066$20.00 MOLECULAR PHARMACOLOGY Vol. 67, No. 4 Copyright © 2005 The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 7112/1197210 Mol Pharmacol 67:1053–1066, 2005 Printed in U.S.A. Meclofenamic Acid and Diclofenac, Novel Templates of KCNQ2/Q3 Potassium Channel Openers, Depress Cortical Neuron Activity and Exhibit Anticonvulsant Properties Asher Peretz, Nurit Degani, Rachel Nachman, Yael Uziyel, Gilad Gibor, Doron Shabat, and Bernard Attali Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Sackler Faculty of Medical Sciences (A.P., N.D., R.N., Y.U., G.G., B.A.) and School of Chemistry, Faculty of Exact Sciences (D.S.), Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel Received September 10, 2004; accepted December 9, 2004 ABSTRACT The voltage-dependent M-type potassium current (M-current) hamster ovary cells. Both openers activated KCNQ2/Q3 chan- plays a major role in controlling brain excitability by stabilizing nels by causing a hyperpolarizing shift of the voltage activation the membrane potential and acting as a brake for neuronal curve (Ϫ23 and Ϫ15 mV, respectively) and by markedly slowing firing. The KCNQ2/Q3 heteromeric channel complex was iden- the deactivation kinetics. The effects of the drugs were stronger tified as the molecular correlate of the M-current. Furthermore, on KCNQ2 than on KCNQ3 channel ␣ subunits. In contrast, the KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 channel ␣ subunits are mutated in they did not enhance KCNQ1 Kϩ currents. Both openers in- families with benign familial neonatal convulsions, a neonatal creased KCNQ2/Q3 current amplitude at physiologically rele- form of epilepsy. Enhancement of KCNQ2/Q3 potassium cur- vant potentials and led to hyperpolarization of the resting mem- rents may provide an important target for antiepileptic drug brane potential.
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