
Page Six THE ROUNDUI' ItECORD. Friday, January 25. 1918- 204 11.8C Evans. AMMO:NW 205 Wm. H. Graham. +++++++++++++,++ FOOD SUPPLY OF FRANCE AND 206 Fred Johnson. MONT A • • NEUTRALS ARE ON THE DECLINE 207 Frank C Stephens. N A Red + West Everett E. +Cross Burgoyne Notes + 208 McDowell. + (By Special According to the Food Administra- Chao. A. Correspondent) • 209 Stevenson. tion shortage in France is Arthur OIL NEWS of wheat 210 H. Thatcher. becoming more and more alarming John 211 Higgins. Notes ++++++++++++++++ each week. The minister of general 212 Michael E. Finn. revictualing indicated recently that a Gremmert. To Drill Deep Oil Well in the Alfred J. Mrs. Geo. Unger 213 Paul C. Chateau Bruneau of Deep Creek awl son were call- further reduction of 20 per cent in the Everett Montana, did ers in Lavina Friday. 214 E. Bray. seven days work on the bread ration would soon become im- George It is very likepyi•ltstrhi".at a deep oil Millegan read 215 A. Wrangham. well with a team and driver perative 216 James S. Burk. will be drilled here this year. Repro and turned the proceeds, $41.50, over School began January 15 with Miss 217 Howard P. Long. sentative men of this locality ha m to the Red Cross. Ides of Severitynine as teacher. Denmark is now looking forward 218 James A. Goble. II. S. Nyhagen, who has tallied 50 we- to a reduction of wheat rations. Fi- harvest show 219 Arthur H. Baker. ter wells near Choteau, ,o Conrad to Billings. Montana, reports that just Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barker are the nal figures for the cereal 62,000,000 bushels, 220 Jake Wayne. confer with McKnight of the Conrad after the shortage of raw material proud parents of a baby boy born a total of about bushels less than 221 Ervin Sturgill. Exploration company concerning the for Red Cr.,. work has been over- January 12th. which is 20,000,000 222 Oscar W. Holm. chances of finding oil in the Chote. come, a lack of volunteer workers is in 1916 and about 10,000,000 less than when 223 Ilarley E. Brant. district. Many of the wells drilled in hampering the chapter's efforts. Paul Rhinehart and Edwin HMO.m was estimated in the summer, 224 Frank B. NV. Bidey. this vicinity have shown strong indi- went to Great Falls last week to have the populace was put on bread rations. 226 Ross . cations of oil. A subscription list has Joseph Dickson, son of Dr. and Mrs dental work done. The authorities are already consider- 226 Frank Legerski, been started here to boost the new en- J. L. Dickson of Chinook, Montana, is ing a further reduction in the allowed 227 Roscoe R. Houser. terprise. selling the Curtis publications to raise Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmussen of consumption. 228 Herman H. J. fittermann money to pay his pledge to the Red Franklin were guests over Sunday at The food situation in Switzerland 229 Chas. R. Braithwaite. Butte Company to Drill for 011 in Cross. the Will Rasmussen home. is rapidly falling to the danger line. 230 Leo Junior. A ration that is far below the con- 231 John Kuhn. The Big DBoemaeveOrhilead'and Gas Com- A $50 reward paid by the army What might have been a very seri- sumption in many of the countries at pany, to a 232 Mike V. Burns. organized in Butte, has erected sheriff at Miles City for apprehension ous accident happend Sunday morn- war has already been ordered. Un- 233 Robert A. Baird. buldings on the Lovell Livestock pro- of a deserter, was turned over to the Mg when Mrs. Will Rasmussen faint- der the new regulations the Swiss 234 Albert Nerborig. perty and plans to begin drilling at Red Cross. ed falling on the hot stove breaking may have only a pound and half of 235 Geo. G. Pinnecker. the earliest practicable time, it is out two teeth and burning her face Sugar per person per month. The 237 Alex Ligg. reported. A great deal of interest Members of quite badly. bread ration has been fixed at about has been the NVoman.s Auxiliary 238 Joseph NV. Klaink. shown lately in the possi- to the U. T. C. half a pound a day, and the butter ra- bility of an at Great Falls have 239 Herman Wadler. oil field being developed formulated a plan by A second training camp will be held tion at one-fifth of a pound per month. in Beaverhead county. which they hope 240 Thomas K. Pappas. Eastern firms to raise $1,000 for the local at Porto Rico, starting Feb. 1. The have made extensive chapter of 241 Joseph Kinda. explorations the Red Cross. The attendance of 400 will be selected thruout the community plan in for a Red WELL, WELL! 242 Benjamin E. Hughes. and their rep- Cross quilt, the center piece from citizens and residents of Porto resentatives have stated of which 243 Carl R. Jeppson. that this val- will be a large Red Rico. - _ - ley is a promising field Cross. Other 244 Werner Carlson. for oil. The blocks in the quilt will be RELIC OF THE GERMAN Alit KING. Beaverhead Alberta company smaller Red A fireproof solution for treating air- It sometimes happens that a man . 245 Frank E. Mylan. has been Cross., 172 in all. Each right into his Here Is the only relic left by BoeIke, the German air King. drilling about nine miles woman wit, plane fabrics is a thing which may be has a name that fits It is a piece 246 Floyd L. Dye. south of pieces a block for the quilt instance, Wright cut from the canvas of his machine. On the canvas are Dillon and at different will be realized in the near future, experi- occupation. For marked 45 crosses 247 Bennie H. Johnson. depths they permitted to place her name the number of machines brought down by him. The relic which have encountered small in that ments in a private plant having al- Clock is the tim"keeper at the can- is almost 248 John T. Bailey. quantities of block. Space in the quilt will priceless is now in Paris. crude oil and several pockets be auc- ready developed a comparatively suc- tonment now being built at Black 249 Thomas J. Mills. of gas. tioned to the women of the They expeot to resume city. The cessful solution. Point, Jacksonville, Fla. 250 Ed Stetnfeld. operations as large cross in the center is soon as the weather will permit. expected 251 Ernest E. Griffin. to command a particulraly large price. 252 Jakab Petek. ,...... „ 253 Rudolph F. Strosky. Using Magnetic Device. The Shriners X Classification 254 Walter McGrail. A magnetic contrivance which it is of Butte have turned X of Registrants ... over to the local 255 Chas. W. Noyes. said has proven valuable in assisting chapter of the Red to locate oil Cross $7,359, proceeds from the sale 1 256 Guise.' Seven. wells in several fields is to be of the famous sack of flour first sold CLASS A-1. 257 Nick Haverlock. tried out soon in the Hidden N Dome, C. C. Coffman by Islam Temple at San Francisco ..VULCANIZING.. + 258 Albert S. of Texas, having 's Wiegand. and which is on y 259 Walter Meyers. left Cheyenne today with I. J. Lesser its way around the United States to be .r Classification of registrants follow- 89 Fred Eisenhut 260 Clarence M. of the Capitol-Wyoming Oil Company sold and resold Franchville. for the benefit of !... Vx ing the return of their questionnaires 90 261 Rudolph Pfister. to make atest of the "magic wand" different chapters. Having taken over the business of the William Hener. After being sold by Islam -.-.:. has been practically completed by the 91 Green. Ott the grounds of the Hidden Dome. Temple, the .:. Herman A. Klokow. 262 Jay sack went to Roundup Vulcanizing company, adding local board. With the exception of Roy Ecclea, Ogden capitalise; Chas. Honolulu where it + ... 92 Julian F. Long. 263 Don E. Parkhurst. brought $1036 .t about fifty registrants regarding who's Betir, president of the Glenrock Pe- at Aloha Temple. X their equipment to our already finely 93 Oscar Bjornrud. 264 George N. Blair. Aloha :1. cases the local board has received no troleum Company and -George Crosby Temple agreed to double the 94 Sigismando Tullo. 265 Joseph Fritz. amount any X equipped department, we are now pre- x Information from the district board, of Billings, all of whom it is said other temple raised if it 95 Harry J. Fryberger. 266 Bert McMahon. exceeded that and those who failed to submit ques- have had considerable experience in secured by the Hono- X pared to give to the auto owners of 96 Frank Gruden. 267 Martin Eickert. lulu sale. J. + tionnaires, the classification is com- oil development, are said to place Algeria Temple at Helena 97 Percy E. Lamm. 268 Thomas. took up Musselshell county the satisfactory ser- plete. much credence in the ability of the the challenge and raised ). 98 George C. Commet. 269 Chris G. Hansen. $4,159. It was * Under the regulations of the electrical device to point out the prop- then enclosed in a vice they desire. -s- selec- 99 Add C. Gilbert. 270 Helger NV. Jensen. bear skin tive draft er place to tap the sands. Seven out and sent to Butte, where ::: act the men in class one 100 Prince Albert Tucker. 271 Wm. A. Stilger. Bagdad Don't throw away your tires because of eight locations made in a certain Temple out did the generosity X x will be the first called for service. 101 Wm. J. Marti. 272 Wm. P. Nelson. of Helena nobles. they are punctured. Bring them to us They will be called according to their 102 George M. matakie. 273 Elmer Linberg. Texas field, it is said resulted in pro- i: + order numbers. The list of men printed 103 Winfred Leland. 274 Tony Fon. ducing wells. Utah locations, assert :.:. and we will repair them so they will 1X below is not quite complete as prob- 104 Frank B. Patterson. 275 Louis Hansen. those interested in the device, proved COUNTRY BOYS NOT PHYSICALLY e eoually fortunate. give you many more miles service. + ably 30 more men will be placed in 105 Ira C. Craft. 276 Joseph Novak. SUPERIOR TO THOSE IN CITIES X class one by the action of the district 106 George 277 John W. Kibble. X Anderson. ± EXPRESS PAID ON OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS board on cases now under advisement. 107 Otto Solomonson. 278 Bethel Baxter. A. C. M. and Montana Power Men in J. X According to records The men will be called however in 108 James 279 Wm. H. Dunne. Gas and Oil Concern. of the selec- 3. DON'T THROW AWAY F. Cody. tive service, country YOUR OLD CASINGS. WE BUY THEM the order in which their names ap- 109 Alois 280 Gus Stamp. That the same interests which are boys do not show J. Schuster. much physical pear in the list. Class one will prob- 110 John NV. Arnold. 281 NV. L. Dalthorp. interested in the Anaconda Copper superiority over those 4: DRIVE YOUR CAR INSIDE. WE WILL CHANGE YOUR TIRE FREE of the cities. For : ably be eihausted by the army that 111 Charlie C. Garrett. 282 Ray Howell. Mining Company and in the Montana purpose of compar- X ison selection was J. X will be raised in the spring which 112 Grover L. Burns. 283 Elves Havig. Fewer Company are preparing in the made of cities of 40,000 to 500,000 will number probably a million men. 113 Percy Palmer. 284 John Willems. immediate future to begin the develop population, and a H. corresponding set Following is the list of 381 men in 114 John Zupon. 285 Anton Johnsen. ment of the oil and gas industry of of counties of the same total size. MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE :I:* class one: 115 Wm. H. Wells. 286 Henry Willem. Montana is thought to be foreshad- In the physical ex- x + 1 Walter B. Wilson. 287 Ezra F. Young. owed by the filing with Secretary of aminations 28.47 per cent of the city Fifth and Main Streets - - - Roundup, Montana X 116 Robert 0. Williams. boys were J. 2 Leo F. Middlekauff. 117 Wm. F. Haney. 288 Roy E. Hansen. State Stewart last week of articles rejected, as against 27.96 J. of incorporation per cent of the country 5: 3 J. R. Worthington. 118 Lawrence F. Rehmer. 289 Verne F. Vanderpool. of the Northern Mon- boys. •:-.:--:-.:-.:-:-:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-:-.:-.:-.:-.:-:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-:-.:-.:--:--:--:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:--:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-.:-:-.:4 tana Natural 4 Richard Murray. 119 Joseph A. 290 James D. Moffatt. Gas Company. The con- LeClair. cern is capitalized 5 Thos. Herbolich. 120 Frank Brixcy. 291 James Whalen. at half a million dollars and its 6 Leslie J. Eaten. 121 Oust Kh,kow. 292 John Evanke. sponsors are C. F. Kelly, John Guile, II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 7 Carl Otto Swenson. 122 Oscar L. Rieohard. 293 Eldon L. Larshbaugh. C. J. Kelly, F. M. III 111111 III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111 III II III 1111111111111111U11111111110111111111111111 Kerr and L. 0. Evans, all of 8 Wm. F. Anderson. 123 Henry C. 294 Bert Murphy. Butte and Ft:A Kensmoe. al prominently- identified with 9 Ambroz Landies. 124 Leo H. Thiel). 295 Robt. S. Anderson. either the Anaconda company or 10 Carence Ulrich. 125 Arthur 296 Raymond E. Hiatt. the Power K. Ditch. company. The main office will 11 Vance E. Coon. 126 Elmer Huts. 297 Floyd R. Bristol. be at Butte and the articles empower 12 Edgar W. Zumwalt. 127 Hughie Williams. 298 Carroll M. Lewis. the company to engage in any kind of 13 Alfred Lindgren. 128 James Loucas. 299 Herman F. Buermann. business, but especialy in the develop- COLONY 14 John Carr. 300 William Koehler. OIL 129 John Aiken. 1--- ment of oil and gas lends. 15 Alfred Stretch. 130 Anirew V. Hagner. 301 Chas. A. ?ickett. 16 Wm. R.' Tomtins. 302 Anton Mobs. Some months ago the Butte inter- 131 Vince Donini. ests secured -=- Salemun Edwards. 303 Lewis M. Warn. control of a promising 17 J. 132 Carl L. Terry. gas field 18 Milton Longbottom. 304 Fred Lenz. in the Sweet Gram hills, in 133 Clarence E. Zuane. northern Offers the Safest Investment—the Quickest and Surest Returns of Any Other Oil Stock 19 James H. Thomas. 305 Erick NV. F,cklund. Montana, and it was an- 134 Clyde V. Spidell nounced at the 20 Robt. McCartney. 306 Peter R. Steven. time that if develop- on the Market;—Shallow, Inexpensive Drilling Means Big Profits with Small 135 Howard Simons. ments showed the Risk;— E- 21 August Hadtrath. 307 Albert W. Lane. field was large 136 Ray B. Weber enough, the gas would be a Well Every Ten Days Means Action in the Stock;—High-Grade 50-Gravity 0 i I 22 Neil C. Young. 308 John NV. Kali. piped to E 137 Harry W. Peterson. Great Falls for use in the smelters 23 Floyd E. Tuel. Basso. 309 James W. Hardy. Which Sells for $3.50 a Barrel Means Sure Returns;—Railroad Running Through the 138 Christ and reduction works there, and for 24 Chas. Ke.rich. Anton P. Andrich. 310 Steve Callas. 139 lighting the city, and that the line E_ Property Assures Transportation and Markets. 25 John R. Rom. 140 Percy S. 1:3rougher. 311 Joe Lawrence. EI-- would also be extended thru Helena 26 Moses W. Banks. 141 Matt Winkler. 312 Frank C. Schulz. E- 313 Warren E. Crum. to Butte and Anaconda for use in 27 Eddie E. Sutton. 142 Herbert T. Hawkes those three cities. 28 Arthur C. Eklund. 143 Frank Koren. 314 Martin Eacavalle. 29 Frank W. Elliott. 144 Waldeen Mohrmann. 315 Lee D. Vickery. 30 Theodore C. Markegaard. 145 Henry NV. Barholtz. 316 John Swoboda. Josephson Gets Two 31 Elvis B. Williams. 146 Lorance L. Girardt. 317 Robert M. Gray. 32 Ivan F. Engle. 147 Erwin A. Marti. . 318 Leonard Kight. More Appointments ._ 33 Otto M. Paulson. 148 George L. Sears. 319 George G. Bennett. EEE _. Dohmeyer. 320 Oscar Nelson. 34 Otto J. 149 David S. Owen. Secretary of Commercial Club Colony-OilCo. to As- .. 35 Frederick V. Gustin. 150 V. Johnson, 321 Algy V. Rose. 322 Claude sist Recruiting and Help Sol- .._ 36 Sterl W. Wilson. 151 Odin T. Kregn.s. I). Cade. Have Twelve Hundred Acres in the Thornton Field in Northeastern Wy- 37 Walter C. Kelley. 152 Wm. E. Kerns. 323 Ben Vingard. dier in Camp. .=. 38 Robert Greenlees. 153 Roy Fuller. 324 Henry G. Morgan. oming, all deeded land, which the leasing bill cannot affect. The pro- 325 Call Kalwaits. 39 Samuel J. Bowman. 154 Robert McCarney. "Anything M 326 Fred L. Riddle. doing Sam," said The perty adjoins producing ground and bears the same geological relations 40 Joseph Schaff. 155 James R. Lowell. Record man as he entered Commer- Joseph Gunderson. 327 Paul Louis. M= 41 156 Anton Brychta. cial Club headquarters. to the escarpment as the other production. ,1----- 42 Joseph B. Rhamer. 157 Roy A. Thompson. 328 Van 0. Barnes. 329 Richard L. Chaphe. "Oh, a couple more appointments," 43 Guy Honnoekir. 158 Oh.. E. Guslander. replied Secretary Josephson uscon- 44 Bennie M. Frydenberg. 159 Ray Havig. 330 Leo R. Wilson. 331 Pearle Wehrly. cernedly as he thumped the keys of 45 Chester H. Neumann. 160 Ben C. Johnston . his typewriter. Another man might 46 Wm. .I. Weger. 161 Edwin Houglum. 332 Wm. C. Manner. 333 Henry Junior. have brightened up a little in talking half has been 47 Gregory J. Mai. 162 Geo. H. Hofschult. about an appointment. Not so Sam purchased by the shrewd- 48 Vern Blinston. 163 Adelbert L. Olden. 334 G.. A. Malette. est investors in Wyoming. Every cent 335 Oliver 0. Middlekauff. Josephson has already received a doz- -,-- Shallow Inexpensive Drilling 49 Enoce.n. Romo. 164 John F. Natien. en appointments, more or less, so one from this sale is still in the Treasury to M 60 Martin Crennan. 165 John F. Chyle. 336 Swan G. Swanson. They have to drill only 650 feet, which 337 or two more doesn't make much dif- be used for operating purposes. There 51 Jacob Radj. 166 Ernest F. Warner. Wendell H. Somers. can W. 338 John Pecaric ference. be drilled in ten days at a cost of at is not a share of Promotion 52 Harvey G. Wright. 167 Chester A. Stup. Lieut. J. M. Donaldson, of the Brit- Stock in the 53 Grundy G. Nichols. 168 Antone Rauch. 339 Victor Day. the most $3,000 per well. Company. 340 ish-Canadian Recruiting Mission, west- 54 Olaf E. Romsdahl. 169 Chas J. Blackball. Bert 0. Peterson. The wells average 25 barrels of G.. ern division, a-rites Secretary Joseph- very Colony Oil first came on the market a 55 Arthur Johnson. 170 Harry H. Brant 341 Fink. M 342 Oscar son from Great Falls: high grade 50-gravity oil, which sells at 56 Lee Smith. 171 Raymond Nydegger. 0. Rein. ggg few days ago at 15 cents. The flood of M 343 Bernard L. Acton. "With the assistance of Mr. Breit- $3.00 per barrel. You can figure that a 57 Chas. F. Jewell. 172 Jack Shmout.. enstein, secretary Chamber of Com- Public Approval has shot the stock up M Tony Wojtas. 173 Kenneth M. Buck. 344 Clarence L. McElvain. well pays for itself in a little over a 58 345 Noah merce, Great Falls, who is ams active and today's prices were 17 3-4 bid; 18/12 59 Wm. H. Blackhall. 174 Harry R. Mitchell. Headley. month. Contracts 346 Swanson. member of our civilian committee, I have been let to drill asked. Joseph A. Nelson. 175 Ch.. A. McKinnis. Axel 60 347 Math Schacher. am endeavoring to get the co-opera- 15 wells. The first one is due by the Kurt R. Kunz. 176 Cicero W. Vannet. 61 348 Earl E. Clark. tion and assistance of is number of first of February Colony stock is traded in on all the Emil Marquardt. 177 Ira J. Nicholls. and another one every 62 349 Andrew P. energett" secretaries and managers Denver and Casper Exchanges and it is M Leroy A. Washburn. 178 Ray E. Braithwaite. Foley. ten clays. 63 350 Albert E. Stop. of Chamber of Commerces and like -2 Walter Smithburst 179 Paul Reinert.. This means unabated interest remarkable the strength behind this is- M 64 351 Harry W. Bailey. organizations thruout the state. in Col- Arthur Rediske. 180 Hurl L. Elcholtz. sue. 65 J. 352 Arthur "I would appreciate HIV assistance ony Oil. It means action and rapidly Estep. 181 Thomas G. Pappas. C. Davis. gg 66 Dudley A. 353 Ernest G. Yost. you could give us in securing recruits rising prices on Colony Oil Stock. It We earnestly believe Colony Stock will 67 Willie Swan. 182 John A. Mier. for the British and Canadian armies. 183 John J. Payne. 354 Wm. L. England. means sure and quick dividends for the be selling at 25 cents by the time 68 Peso J. Yasinoff. 355 And would also like to ammint yott a their P_ 184 Hans C. Rasmussen. Otis M. Crum. Investor. Get out your pencil and do a first well is 69 Carl E. W. Johnson. 356 Elmer V. James. member of our Civilian Committee in and an additional rise with W 70 William H. Buckingham. 185 Perry Olmstead. for the state of Montana." little figuring. the bringing in of each succeeding Chris Pubs. 357 John E. Bentley. well M. 71 Chas. A. Greener. 186 J. B. Hurd of the Ellison-White The Company is organized for every 187 Roy D. Fassett. 358 Fred Riley. $200,- ten days. Order thru your local 72 Robert . 359 Chautauqua System writes from Port- 188 Herbert J. Seifert. Walter R. Warn. 000, par value 10 cents. Half of the broker or wire us at once to buy for you Ea_ 73 Frank N. Moulthorp. Herbert land, 189 Julian Grade!. 360 H. Keefe. Oregon: Stock is still the Treasury, 74 Lee J. Kite. "A Most important in the other at the market. 190 Glenn Logan. 361 Alden P. Olson. request has 75 Alexander Morrison. George come to us from the government 191 Lauritz A. Peterson. 362 Lautman. and 76 Henry J. Hadtrath. 363 Stanley Limb. we are taking the liberty of nominat- 77 Dominick Stella. 192 August Swan. ing you as the 193 George P. Morse. 364 Barney Barto. representative in Ymtr 78 Hubert Wolff. community to assist 194 Henry R. Doering. 365 Lyle C. Turner. the government 79 James R. Rubin. in helping soldier 195 Wencle Byrchta. 366 Leslie S. Jevens. Um boys in camp. 80 Joseph Salemme. Very shortly will 196 Thomas E. Smith. 367 Ernest D. West. you receive from the 81 Oswald Anderson. Mathison. war full 197 Chas. E. Mitchell. 368 Carl J. department information con- E=7-: 82 Eli Popavicb. 369 Peter E. Oilman. cerning the nature of this work." 83 Frank Luxe. 198 Christ Polychon. •M• CARTER & Christ C. Simitcaff COMPANY 370 84 Fred M ylan. 199 Willliam B. Willie. 371 H. Dana Hershey. 376 Frank Sweet. Brokers, Lobby Midwest Hotel Casper, Wyoming, Phone 810 Sams. 85 Stephen 200 Joseph H. Dishayes. 372 August F. Adolph. 377 Steve Tomich. Wire Stockmen's National Bank of Casper for Our Standing. 86 Russell A. !the. 201 Domenico Comasta. 373 Delbert J. Murphy. 378 Clayton W. Tama. g71, 379 John Adolph. 87 Harold S. Brooks. 202 Horace J. Fjames. Joseph 374 Cherufole. 380 Carl J. Barlew. 88 Charles E. Cooper. 203 Elmer J. Dolve. 375 Thomas Gibb. 301 Arvel H. Parnell. MI111111111111 II I 1111111 I 11111111 11111111 1111111111111111111 111111111111111111111 1111 I 11111 I 11111111 III I II III III 11111111111 I 11111111 1111111 II 11111111 11111111 II II 111111111111111111 I 11111 II III I MII 1111111111 111111111111 I 1111I 111r...