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LBS Is Here to Stay LBS Is Here to Stay RNI: DELENG/2005/15153 No: DL(E)-01/5079/08-10 Publication: 15th of every month Licensed to post without pre-payment U(E) 28/2008-10 Posting: 19th/20th of every month at NDPSO Rs.100 ISSN 0973-2136 Volume IV, Issue 5, May 2008 THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE ON POSITIONING, NAVIGATION AND BEYOND LBSLBS isis herehere toto staystay THE DARPA ROBOTIC RACE. AS SEEN BY NOVATEL®’S GNSS TECHNOLOGY. We see the world in very precise terms. We can’t help it. It’s in everything we do. Like navigating vehicles through the 2007 DARPA robotic race—every 9,600,000 cm of it. With NovAtel’s ProPak®-V3 onboard, these unmanned vehicles were able to navigate long distances over challenging urban terrain. The ProPak-V3 provided consistent accuracy and fast reacquisition times, allowing for smooth performance even along the course’s most demanding sections. Autonomous ground vehicle navigation is just one of many worldwide applications successfully utilizing NovAtel’s precise positioning products. To learn more about the products that powered this application, navigate your way to NovAtel’s precise thinking makes it possible. 1-800-NOVATEL (U.S. & Canada) or 403-295-4900 | Europe +44 (0) 1993 852-436 | SE Asia & Australia +61 (2) 8668 4073 | [email protected] 30273 NovAtel DARPA Ad Coordinates.indd 1 4/11/08 9:46:41 AM 1817 10th Avenue S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3C 0K2 Telephone (403) 266-4094 Fax (403) 269-1140 Docket: 30273 Due Date: Apr.15.08 Insertion Date: May issue Client: NovAtel Description: DARPA ad Size: 7.833” x 11” +bleed Publication: Coordinates Magazine Colour: cmyk Designer: M.Coad Account Ex: A.Ennis Production: S.Hamel COLOPHON AND CONTENTS In this issue Coordinates Volume 4, issue 5, May 2008 Articles The potential of cell-based positioning for improving LBS MARKUS RAY 6 Active RFID trilateration for indoor positioning GUENTHER RETSCHER , QIN G FU 10 Evolution of GPS Navigation in India AM IT PRASAD 17 Simulation of Galileo E5 Signal FANTINATO SA M UELE 18 GIS for lymphatic filariasis morbidity management and control M PALANIYANDI 24 Columns My coordinates EDITORIAL 5 His coordinates STEVE BRAZIER 9 VINEET TANEJA 16 SCOTT LO fg REN 22 News G ALILEO U P DATE 15 gp S 29 INDUSTRY 32 LBS 34 G IS 36 Mark your calendar M AY TO DECE M BER 38 This issue has been made possible by the support and good wishes of the following individuals and companies A M IT P RASAD , F ANTINATO SA M UELE , G UENTHER RETSCHER , M ARKUS RAY , M P ALANIYANDI , Q IN G F U , SCOTT LO fg REN , STEVE BRAZIER , AND VINEET TANEJA ; and Bentley, HemisphereGPS, Magellan, Navcom, Novatel, Sanding, SatNav Technologies, South, Spirent, Wayfinder; and many others Mailing Address Coordinates is an initiative of cGIT that aims to broaden the Editor Bal Krishna cGIT, 11C Pocket A scope of positioning, navigation and related technologies. SFS Mayur Vihar Phase III cGIT does not neccesarily subscribe to the views expressed Owner Centre for Geoinformation Technologies Delhi 110 096, India. by the authors and advertisers in this magazine and may not Phones +91 11 22632607, 98102 33422, 98107 24567 be held liable for any losses caused directly or indirectly due Designer TSA Effects, Fax +91 11 22632607 to the information provided herein. © cGIT, 2008. Reprinting with permission is encouraged; contact the editor for details. Printer Sonu Printer, B 82, Okhla Phase I, New Delhi, Email India. [information] [email protected] Annual subscription (12 issues) [India] Rs.1,200 [editorial] [email protected] [Overseas] US$80 This issue of Coordinates is of 40 pages, including [advertising] [email protected] cover. [subscriptions] [email protected] Printed and published by Sanjay Malaviya on behalf of Centre for Geoinformation Technologies at A221 Mangal Web Apartments, Vasundhara Enclave, Delhi 110096, India. MYCOORDINATES Ten on ten It is a demonstration once again. Rather, an assertion of capabilities and underlying pride. ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle, PSLV-C9, successfully launched ten satellites together, perhaps the highest payload ever. Alongwith eight nanosatellites for international customers, there were two remote sensing satellites CARTOSAT-2A and Indian Mini Satellite (IMS-1). ISRO remains a dominant player in international market for satellite launch. However, when it comes to remote sensing satellites, it also has to compete with private international players. The crucial issue then becomes, of accessibility and usability of data vis-à-vis other players. And when users say, they are happy, ISRO gets 10 on 10. Bal Krishna, Editor [email protected] CHIEF ADVISOR Muneendra Kumar PhD, Chief Geodesist (Retired), US National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, USA ADVISORS Naser El-Sheimy PEng, CRC Professor, Department of Geomatics Engineering, The University of Calgary Canada, George Cho Professor in GIS and the Law, University of Canberra, Australia, Dr Abbas Rajabifard Director, Centre for SDI and Land Administration, University of Melbourne, Australia, Luiz Paulo Souto Fortes PhD Associate Director of Geosciences, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE, Brazil, John Hannah Professor, School of Surveying, University of Otago, New Zealand Coordinates May 2008 | 5 LBS Cell-based positioning for improving LBS Cell-based positioning technology can be used to provide valuable knowledge for LBS even in indoor environments Markus Ray Most of today’s Location Based Services satellites is required for calculating reliable Human Centered Mobility (LBS) provide information based solely on positions. Hence, within buildings or in Technologies, Arsenal a users’ location, not taking into account narrow streets no or corrupt positioning research Vienna, Austria context knowledge about the user’s current data is available because of shadowing [email protected] situation and needs. This often results in effects. Most approaches for finding low-quality and inappropriate information stays of users are based on recurring GPS to the user. Hence, in order to provide dropouts like Ashbrook and Starner [4] user-oriented services, an improvement and Marmasse et al. [5]. To overcome of the response-quality of information such a heuristic approach, Nurmi and requests is required. Knowledge about Koolwaaij [6] have presented a GSM cell- the coordinates of places where the user transition method supported by GPS for regularly stays in her life combined with finding meaningful places. In contrast to semantics about such places can provide GPS, cell-based positioning technology is valuable knowledge for LBS. Zhou et al. also available within buildings or urban [2] state that “the discovery of a person’s areas and positioning data can be easily meaningful places involves obtaining the obtained by the GSM network using any physical locations and their labels for a mobile phone. A cell-based approach for person’s places that matter to his daily life clustering and predicting of mobile phone and routines”. This is in accordance with users’ routes based on a cell-transition Hightower et al. [3], who identified two graph has been presented by Laasonen [7]. needed steps for finding meaningful places of individual users: (1) finding physical locations of meaningful places and (2) Collecting cell-data assigning semantic information to those. In order to draw meaningful conclusions Two obvious meaningful places of persons about the motion behavior of individuals, are locations like ‘home’ or ‘work’, but the a sufficiently large amount of localization perception of meaningful places might also data is required. We have collected 250 include places where the user stays once 000 cell-based position measurements in a while (e.g.: visiting the grandparents from ten volunteers obtained during all three months). This article outlines a half a year of permanent observation methodology for finding and classifying using a constant sample rate of five places where the user regularly stays minutes. On average, 25 000 positions in her life, in the following denoted as have been obtained from each volunteer ‘prominent places’. A detailed description in cooperation with the biggest of this work has been published in [1]. Austrian mobile phone provider. Most of the previous research for finding The volunteers agreed in providing prominent places has been done based their positioning data from July 2006 on the Global Positioning System (GPS). to December 2006 by signing a special GPS is available worldwide and in general contract regulating privacy issues. provides accurate position measurements. The volunteers had full control and Since GPS is a satellite based technology, transparency about the localization an unobstructed view to at least four activities via a SMS interface. It 6 | Coordinates May 2008 was possible for each volunteer to deactivate, activate and retrieve the status of localization by sending a SMS during the observation period. Analyzing cell-data The analysis is split into two steps. First we take the collected cell-data to find places where the volunteers’ spend most of her time. The found places are subsequently automatically annotated with semantics by labeling them with e.g. ‘home’ or ‘work’ (see also Figure 1) Figure 2: Geographic distribution of cells in urban areas compared to rural areas Finding prominent places the cell with the strongest signal is selected cells and links represent cell changes. Prominent places are defined as places by the mobile phone if acknowledged where the user spends most of her time. from the network. Both the mobile phone The individual cell network graph is used In general, such places will be mainly and the network can initiate a change to to calculate pairwise topological distances ‘home’ and ‘work’ locations. Hence, another cell at any time to ensure network between the potential cell-candidates using cells where one volunteer has been load balance and communication quality. the Dijkstra algorithm. Cell-candidates located more often than in others (using In our work, center-of-cell-coverage are grouped if the topological distance a constant sample rate) must correspond localization was supported by the mobile between them is lower or equal than to her prominent places.
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