Town Oks Maintenance Code
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Wes s Mike Baly to play in international lacrosse tournament in Australia See page C-1 ffiecmrfr WESTFIELD SCOTCH PLAINS FAN WOOD Vol. 14, No. 26 £ £ Friday, June 25, 1999 Town OKs maintenance code Park will have ByTWUGUAMNO regulations which require the struction official has issued an rewritten to include two-family accommodations for their Thursday concerts RECORD-PRESS inspections of buildings with unconditional certificate of con- homes because they weren't pro- ants. three or more units every five tinued occupancy. tected under state law. Statistics "To the extent that 1 can't, WESTFIELD — The WESTFIELD—The Town years. The town's ordinance also After the owner has u contract from the tax assessor's office believe it is the right and prop Recreation Commission has Council passed an ordinance includes residences with two to sell, the owner must file a indicate of Westfield's 9,080 res- role of government to require announced the schedule for Tuesday outlining maintenance units. statement with the construction idential properties, 1,130 are to do so for people whom 1*1 its concert series in standards for multi-family Under the new ordinance official who will inspect each of multiple-family residences with making money off of," Maytj Mindowaskin Park. dwellings. which was approved by a 7-1 vote the units and issue a report. The 1,(100 to 1,100 of them being two- Jardim said. All concerts will begin 8 The purpose of the ordinance (Councilman Carl Salisbury was owner must remedy any viola- family Town Attorney Bill Jeremia p.m. Thursday. The is to "prevent the deterioration of absent and Councilman Neil tions within 21 days. Mayor Tom Jardim, the owner said the ordinance is "very con Community Concert Band residential rental units in Town." Sullivan was the only dissenting Laws and Rules Committee of n two-family home, said land- mon" tind "routine." He point* will perform July 1,8 and 15. To achieve this, the town's ordi- vote), no multi-family dwelling Chairman Larry Goldman lords have the responsibility to out that surrounding towns sue The Music Studio Wind nance goes beyond the state's units may be sold until the con- explained the ordinance was provide baseline standards of (Continued on page A-2) Ensemble and Jazz Band, from the New Jersey Workshop for the Arts, will perform July 22. The Rahway Valley Jerseyaires will per- Town mulling form July 29. The Salaam Temple String Band will per- form Aug. 5. In case of rain, concerts will be moved indoors to the future of circle Community Room of the Municipal Building, 425 E. By TINA GUARINO of the state's Division of Project Broad St. I'HKKS Management, pointing out thl For more information, call circle serves loval streets and nof (908) 789-4080. WESTFIELD - Representa- regional traffic He .said traffic cir* tives of the state Department of cles are best with low volumes djf Transportation (DOT) have traffic. ; Participants sought talked to members of the Town "Anytime you have a lot of for walk-athon Council about the future (if the merges it is inefficient for highef South Avenue circle. volumes because you huve traffic , I WESTFIELD — Com- In August 1996, the mayor build-up," he said. ';i munity Access Unlimited is and council approved the state's The DOT representatives said seeking both participants plan to eliminate the circle. yield signs, one suggestion ma<£{ and sponsors for its first Concerns about the plan were to remedy the circle fender ben* walk-athon June 26 in raised by the state's Historic der.s, would tend to increase tra Tamaques Park. Preservation Office, a division of fie jams in high volume area According to Jeanne the N.J. Department of Studies done at the circle dur Dempsey, fund-raising and Knvironme-ntal Protection. peak limes indicate the Sout special events coordinator for Under New Jersey and federal Avenue circle gets an "F" for ' Community Access, funds laws, it must review any DOT fit efficiency. raised by the walk-athon wilt project. DOT repreaentastives said' benefit children and adults The historical concern was the interactions channel the tr with disabilities. preservation of the World War I and make it more efficient.' "In the past, we held a monument. Other concerns were said safety becomes nn issue wallyball tournament every traffic movement, safety of that circles with high volumes of tr spring." Dempsey explained. NICOLE DIMELLA/RECORD-PRESS movement and pedestrian move- fie since drivers have to ma "We are anticipating ment. The state want* to bring in many quick decisions. increased participation in Saying goodbye to Weslfield High a specialist to investigate pedes- By widening mads in cef the walk-athon event from trian safety. areas to create distinct lai both the community, our staff Wastfleld High School senior claat president Alexis Jemal speaks to her classmates during graduation ceremonies Sunday. The text of her speech is on page A-4. "This iaWestfield .this is their direction of traffic becomes clea and the people that we sup- town," aaid Steven H. Hochman (Continued on page A-2) port. Everyone can complete the course, whether by foot or by wheelchair. Rollerbladee and bicyclists are also wel- come." Westfield may pay for The walk-a-thon is sched- uled to start at 9 a.m. and concludes at noon, after which there will be a picnic for participants and support- half of sidewalk repairs ers. Information about the ByTTHAQUAWHO it's a program we all would like to see implemented walk-athon or Community RKfOHIM'KKSS for this year and years to come," McDerniott said. Access Unlimited services "Good ideas have many proponents," said Mayor can be obtained by calling WESTFIELD—The town council is considering Jardim who had the idea as a top issue during the Dempsey at (908) 354-3040, whether to foot half the bill for sidewalk repairs in capital budget process. "The sidewalks are in pret- •Ext. 275. town. ty bad shape.Ttry pushing a stroller down .some of A new sidewalk repair ordinance being consid- the sidewalks in town - it's a bumpy ride," ered by the town would mean residents and town Mayor Jardim pointed out although the town Seniors offered government would share the cost for repairs. Under has the authority to fine residents who are in viola- quilting lessons state law, property owners are liable for people who tion of the ordinance which requires them to inain- . t are injured on sidewalks in front of " tain .sidewalks wants to "create a SCOTCH PLAINS — The thfiir property. They are responsible partnership with residents." Scotch Plains Senior Citizen to keep the sidewalks maintained 'The sidewalks are in "One of the hallmarks of Advisory Committee is mak- Westfii'ld'.s town government in ing arrangements for Laurie and in a safe condition especially pretty bad Shape, fry during heavy snowfall. working closely with residents to Galan of the Cozy Corner in pushing a stroller down represent them effectively," he said, Scotch Plains to give quilting "The fact is that the town has a policy of encouraging tree-line some of the sidewalks' noting repair-incentive programs lessons to seniors. — Tom Jardim already established in other mimic- The classes would be held streets and the roots of many of the ipiilities. at the Scotch Hills town trees push up the sidewalks," Mayor Mayor Tom Jarrlim said. "So it is McDennott said the key (joints Clubhouse starting in of the program are safety and aes- September, provided enough only fair that the town offers to go individuals are interested in 50-50 on the repairs with the residents. theticH. He said the areas most in need of repair are participating. Councilman Greg McDennott who first pitched blue stone areas like Lawrence Avenue, Dudley the idea when he joined the council two yeans ago Avenue, Boulevard and WcHtfield Avenue. The fee would be, nominal, said, "We would like to be able to get this program He said $50,000 is budgeted for the program. GEOHGE PACCIELLO/RECORD-PBESS but individuals must pur- "The town will be in charge dealing with the chase the materials necc-H- started by the fall since it KS in this year's budget." "My daughter was riding and she hit one of these nuts and bolts of the project," McDennott empha- sary to complete a quilt (size, sized. The project will be (lone through the Trying her luck color, etc. to be pre-deter- blue stones and went flying of her bike," he said. Six-year-old Natasha Thomas tries her hand at shuffleboard bowl- mined) prior to commencing "Our kids are walking around our kids arc trying to Department of Public Works. ride their bikes and you realize as friends of mine "We will go out to bid on this and the town will Ing at the WeaHield Neighborhood Council's second annual street the lessons. be writing the specs so people can expect top tjuali- fair on Saturday. This year marks the Council's 30th anniversary. Call 322-6700 and inform say, what's the dent with these? sidewalks?" the Advisory Committee sec- "It has the support of the mayor and the council. (Continued '"• page A-2) retary, Laura Swiderskv, if one would like to participate. Further details will be announced when and if a suf- Scotch Plains woman delivers harrowing message ficient number of individuals declare their intentions. Jennifer Gates tells President and national audience about her battle with anorexia By UNA QU AfUNO While (lore discussed M battle much recovered" so the Mount (•ores. "They weren't stand-off- with depression after her six- Sniist Mary's graduate fit the bill.