Cfa's Distinguished Merit Cats
FEATURES CFA’sCFA’s DistinguishedDistinguished MeritMerit CatsCats by Debbie Kusy he title of “Distinguished Merit” in course, these five breeds are also CFA’s old- and Ralph Helmrich (43); GC Purssynian CFA applies to a male cat that has est breeds, and most popular on the show Jambe Finete, DM, bred and owned by Beth sired a minimum of 15 Grand bench. and Darrell Newkirk (41); and GC, NW Champions, Grand Premiers or The male with the most qualifying off- Badfinger’s Raisin’ Cain, DM, bred and T spring continues to be an Abyssinian, GC, owned by Laura Thompson (38). Three of Distingished Merit cats, or a female that has produced at least 5 Grand Champions, Grand NW Cinna’s Jack Daniels of Chantebise, these boys are ruddys, while “Jambe Finete” Premiers or Distingished Merit cats. There DM, owned by Nella Carnazzola, with 53. is a fawn Abyssinian. are many in the cat fancy that treasure this Second highest-producing male is GC Anz In addition to Nicholas, seven of the top title above all others – including that of Nicholas Nickelby, DM, a blue and white ten DMs are Persians: GC Copacats Marque “National Winner.” Why? Because a DM is a Persian male, bred and owned by Anne W. O’Zorro of Cattrax, DM, owned by Manuel cat that has contributed something long-term Waddington, with 51 qualifying offspring. Fekete (tied at 42); GC, RW Jolee’s Dune of to the history of their respective breed. It is Neither of these cats are still alive; “Jack Boberan, DM, bred by Gerrie Raicevich and truly a most esteemed title.
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