Uss Michael Monsoor Commissioning Ceremony
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IIN THIS ISSUE IN THISNAVY IS COLLEGESUE PROGRAM SURVEY: SPANISHThe Navy SAILORS College Program HONOREDThe Navy College Program (NCP)(NCP) announcedannounced aa new,new, moremore Spanish Sailors and Marine in- efficient customer service fantrymenopinion who fought survey in the July Battle 24, as part of Santiagopiniono de Cuba survey in 1898, July and 24, as part of the continuing improvement are buriedof i nthe the continuing Captain Theodore improvement H. Conawayprocess Memorial for Voluntary Naval Cem- Vo l . 2 6 , No . 30 No rf o l k , VA | f l a g s h i p n e w s . c o m 07 . 2 6 . 1 8 – 0 8 . 01. 1 8 Vo l l .. 22 6 ,, NoNo .. 3030 No rfrf oll k ,, VA || ff ll a g s h ii p n e w s .. c o m 07 .. 22 66 .. 1 8 – 0 8 .. 01.. 1 8 etery wereEducation. recentl y honored by » See A6 Naval Support Activity. » See A6 See A5 VOL.TRUMAN 27, No. 4, N orfolk, VA | STRIKE01.31. 2019—02.06.2019 GROUP USRETURNSS MICHAE LTO MONSOOR NORFOLK, COREMAINSMMISSIONING READY C EREMONY HONORS L EGACY O F NAVY S EAL MC1 Peter Burghart Sailors assigned to the Naval Base Coronado security department fire a 19-gun salute during the commissioning ceremony for the Zumwalt-class guided-missile destroyer USS Michael Mon- soorF/A-18 (DDG Super 10 01 ).Hornets Michael perform Monsoor a flyis the over second the Nimitz-class Zumwalt-class aircraft destroyer carrier toUSS enter Harry the S. fleet. Truman It is the first Navy combat ship named for fallen Master-at-Arms 2nd Class (SEAL) Michael Monsoor, F/A-18F/A-18 SuperSuper HornetsHornets performperform aa flyfly overover thethe Nimitz-classNimitz-class aircraftaircraft carriercarrier USSUSS HarryHarry S.S. Tr uman who(CVN wa s75) posthumously during a change awarded of command the Medal ceremony of Honor for for the his “Fighting heroic actions Checkmates” while serving of Strike in Ra madi, Iraq, in 2006. (CVN(CVN 75)75) duringduring aa changechange ofof commandcommand ceremonyceremony forfor thethe “Fighting“Fighting Checkmates”Checkmates” ofof StrikeStrike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 211. ByFighterFighter MC1 Wo SquadronSquadronody Paschall (VFA)(VFA) 21211.1. posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor be the defenders,” said Vice Adm. Timothy like, ‘That’s too much. That’s not for me. Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet Public Affairs MC2 Scott T Swofford for his heroic actions in Ramadi, Iraq, Sept. Szymanski, deputy commander of U.S. I’m just laid back.’ But I think it’s truly an MC2 Scott T Swofford SAN DIEGO 29, 2006. At the ship’s 2008 naming cere- Special Operations Command. ”You will honor that the Navy did this, especially the The Navy’s newest Zumwalt-class de- mony, former Secretary of the Navy Donald defend. Stay in the Fight." type of destroyer that it is. ... [with] its stroyer, USS Michael Monsoor (DDG C. Winter recognized Monsoor as “a con- “Monsoor is an incredible honor that the cutting-edge, advanced technology. I think, From Harry S. Truman Carrier Strike Group group remains ready to surge forward or re- 1001)From, Harry was commissioned S. Truman Carrier Jan. Strike26 at Na Groupval summategroup remains professional ready whoto surge faced forward terrorist or re-Navy has bestowed upon him and his fam- with Mikey in the platoon, always at the Public Affairs deploy when called upon. AirPublic Station Affairs North Island, California. enemiesdeploy withwhen aplomb called andupon. stoicism." ily,” said Chief Warrant Officer Benjamin front, leading the way, the way the ship is “Our strike group’s missions have dem- Twenty Gold Star families and four Med- “When“Our“Our youstrikestrike man group’sgroup’s the rails missionsmissions today andhahave you ddem-em-Oleson, one of Monsoor’s teammates in designed, it’s going to be leading the way in NORFOLK onstrated we are inherently maneuverable alNORF of HonorOLK recipients witnessed the second manonstrated your fiwerst waaretch inherently stations atmaneuverable [general Ramadi. “I went out to the christening the future.” Nearly 6,500 Sailors of the Harry S. Tru- and flexible while remaining operational un- Zumwalt-classNearly 6,500 destroyer Sailors of enter the theHarry fleet. S. Tru- quarters],andand flexibleflexible you whilewhilebring remainingremainingthis ship to operationaloperational life in the un-un-event, and I was completely blown away man Carrier Strike Group (HSTCSG) arrived predictable to any potential adversary,” said manThe Carrier ship honors Strike GroupPetty Of (HSTCSG)ficer 2nd Classarrived spiritpredictable and lega tocy any of Michael potential Monsoor adversary with,”,” ssaidaid[by] the sheer size of what this ship repre- in Naval Station (NS) Norfolk, Virginia, July Black. “This epitomizes the Navy’s dynamic Michaelinin NaNavall Monsoor,StationStation (NS)(NS) a Navy Norfolk,Norfolk, SEAL Vi rgrgwhoinia,inia, was JulyJuly toughness,Black. “This courage epitomizes and lo vethe, Navy’sand you dynamic will sents. I think if Mikey saw the ship, he’d be 21. force employment concept and shows this See MONSOOR | A7 21. forceforce employmentemployment conceptconcept andand showsshows thisthis The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman strike group is ready and capable of accom- The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman strikestrike groupgroup isis readyready andand capablecapable ofof accom-accom- (CVN 75) and strike group ships USS Nor- plishing any mission, at any time, as our na- (CVN(CVN 75)75) andand strikestrike groupgroup shipsships USSUSS Nor-Nor- plishing any mission, at any time, as our na- mandy (CG 60), USS Arleigh Burke (DDG tion directs.” mandy (CG 60), USS Arleigh Burke (DDG tiontion directs.”directs.” ground — provided a two-fold opportunity 51) and USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) While in Norfolk, the strike group will not MC2 Thomas Gooley 51) and USS Forrestrrest ShermanSherman (DDG(DDG 98)98) While in Norfolk, the strike group will notNRL celebrates to tests DoD missile-intercept applicationsMC2 Thomas Gooley arrived after operating for more than three only conduct routine maintenance on ships, A Sailor embraces his loved on after USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) arrived at Naval Station arriarrived after operating for more than three only conduct routine maintenance on ships, A Sailor embraces his loved on after USS Harryand S. satisfy Truman NA (CVNSA ’s75) s arrivedpace ex atploration Naval Station re- months in the U.S. 5th and 6th fleets areas of aircraft and equipment, but Sailors will also Norfolk. months in the U.S. 5th and 6th fleets areas of aircraftaircraft andand equipment,equipment, butt SailorsSailors willwill alsoalso25th Norfolk. anniversary of quirements. responsibility. be able to continue advanced training, main- responsibility.responsibility. be able to continue advanced training, main- Fostering a New Era “I couldn’t be more proud of this strike tain warfighting certifications, as well as “I“I couldn’tcouldn’t bebe moremore proudproud ofof thisthis strikestrike taintain warfightingrfighting certifications,certifications, asas wellwell asashistoric lunar In the early 1990s NASA approached the group team’s performance over more than spend time with family and friends. focused and ready for whatever lies ahead.” Additionally, the HSTCSG conducted group team’s performance overr moremore thanthan spendspend timetime withwith familyfamily andand friends.friends. focusedfocused andand readyready forfor whatewhateverr lieslies ahead.”ahead.”StrategicAdditionally, Defense Initiati the veHSTCSG Organization conducted three months of operating in a highly-dy- “I’m incredibly proud of the grit, determi- While deployed, the strike group partici- bilateral operations with allies and partners threethree monthsmonths ofof operatingoperating inin aa highly-dy-highly-dy- “I’m“I’m incrediblyincredibly proudproud ofof thethe grit,grit, determi-determi-orbiter,While deployed, Clementine the strike group partici-(SDIO),bilateral renamed operations the Ballistic with Missileallies and De- partners namic environment across two theaters,” nation and phenomenal effort Truman’s Sail- pated in a variety of partnership and interop- in both U.S. 5th and 6th fleets, to include namic environment across two theaters,” nation and phenomenal effort Truman’s Sail- pated in a varietyriety ofof partnershippartnership andand interop-interop-fense ininOr bothbothganization U.S.U.S. 5th5th (BMDO) andand 6th6th fleets,fleets,in 19 to94,to includeinclude said HSTCSG Commander Rear Adm. Gene ors have shown over the last three months erability exercises, as well as maritime and Egypt, Morocco, Italy, France, Germany and saidsaid HSTCSGHSTCSG CommanderCommander RearRear Adm.Adm. GeneGene ors have sshown overr thethe lastlast threethree monthsmonthsBy Danielerabilityerability Parry exeexercises,rcises, asas wellwell asas maritimemaritime andandproposing Egypt, a Morocco,joint NASA/DoD Italy, France, space Germany mis- and Black. “We carried out the full spectrum of operating at sea,” said Harry S. Truman’s theater security operations. Strike group the United Kingdom. Also, aircraft from em- Black. “We carried out the full spectrum of operating at sea,” said Harry S. Truman’sU.S. Ntheatertheateraval Research securitysecurity Laboratory Poperations.operations.ublic Affairs StrikeStrike groupgroupsion thatthethe couldUnitedUnited pro benefi Also,cialAlso, to aircraft aircraftthe future fromfrom em-em- missions from sustained combat flight oper- Commanding Officer Capt. Nick Dienna. units participated in Exercise Baltic Opera- barked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1 supported missions from sustained combat flight oper- Commanding