Walk One: and Station to St Andrew's Mottisfont: 2/3 of a mile, 20 minutes

The station, as you get off the train. Cross the level crossing, walk past the white station building, and continue up Dunbridge Lane for 200 yards, when you'll see the Footpath marked across the open field.

As you see the path across the field, aim for the right-hand end of the middle clump of trees.

As you approach the clump you'll see the gate, just to the left of the right-hand tree.

Through the gate you'll see the path running straight ahead.

Your walk across the fields has been about 600 yards. Through the gate you come into Hatt Lane: turn right. ,

Carry on for a few minutes - about 400 yards, and on your right is St Andrew's Church.

Total distance so far: 1200 yards. Time taken: 18.minutes Walk Two: St Andrew's Church, Mottisfont to Awhridge Village Hall: 2Y4 miles, 50 minutes.

Opposite the west door of the church is a gate leading onto the path which is the continuation of Church Lane and the start of the Monarch's Way: turn left . .. v: >t;'1I . ?l. --..- .

-_...-._--- .... At first the path is enclosed between hedges, bending left and right, and passing the cemetery. There are three gates: go through the central - metal - gate. The path then crosses an open field, before becoming more closely defined between barbed-wire fencing as it enters Barley Hill Wood and you cross the on a wooden footbridge. You then cross over the railway line. Distance: 8/10 of a mile, time: 20 minutes.

After a further 200 yards you come to a cross-road: go straight ahead: within a further 150 yards you come out into an open field, and after 250 yards more, you reach Dunbridge Lane: turn left. Total distance from the railway bridge to Dunbridge Lane: 600 yards; time: 10 minutes.

You simply follow the road round, passing House and Awbridge Farm until you come to the 30mph speed limit sign and, shortly afterwards, the junction with the road to Awbridge village. Take that right-hand turn and the Village Hall is on your left, after about 20 yards. The distance along Dunbridge Lane is more or less exactly a mile, and will take you about 20 minutes as it is easier-going than cross-country. , Total Distance: 2.2 miles, total time: 50 minutes. Walk Three: Awhridge Village Hall to The Clock House: Yz mile, 10 minutes.

Look out across the playing field behind the Village Hall: to your right is a collection of play/climbing equipment. To the left of the climbing equipment you can just see a gap in the boundary hedge - about half-way along the hedge, in fact. As you approach it you will see that in the gap there is a green steel kissing gate.

Through that gate the path - along the line of the power cables is quite well defined. The gate at the other end takes you into Church Lane, and you can see the little church just to your left. Turn right, and ...

The Clock House is about 400 yards along on the left side of the road.

Total distance: Y2 mile, total time: 10 minutes, if that.

Walk Four: The Clock House to Mottisfont and Dunbridge Station - quick route, back along the road: 1%miles, 40 minutes.

Turn left from the Clock House, and - after 100 yards - at the T-junction with Danes Lane, turn right.

Continue for about 600 yards, and cross the right-and-left staggered junction, past the School on the corner, the Post Office [if it is still a Post Office] and a telephone kiosk .. into Saunders Lane . Walk up the whole length of Saunders Lane - 1200 more-or-less straight yards - to the junction with Dunbridge Lane - where you will see where you joined Dunbridge Lane from the footpath from Barley Wood.

Turn left, and walk up to Mottisfont and Dunbridge Station - about 1200 yards.

The total distance is about 3,100 yards = 1% miles and should take about 40 minutes.

(My thanks to Tony Smith for suggesting this route.)

------~~----~------..-.- . Walk Four: The Clock House to Mottisfont and Dunbridge Station - an Alternative Route.

If-having rung at the Clock House - you would prefer a walk alongfootpaths to Mottisfont and Dunbridge Station, and you are happy to catch the later train, departingfrom Dunbridge at 1614 and arriving in at 1619, here is an alternative route (which I haven't tried, so the usual health warnings apply but it looks OK on the map ....)

Turn left from the Clock house, walk up to Danes Road. (100 yards)

Go straight across onto a footpath through woodland which comes out onto Newtown Road (200 yards)

Turn right onto Newtown Road and continue for 600 yards until you see, on your right, the entrance to Wood Farm and Hazelwood Farm. (600 yards)

Go towards the farms along the metalled road for 200 yards, then there is a footpath across open fields to Carter's Clay. (800 yards altogether)

This footpath then leads into an access road (100 yards) past some cottages, where you reach the Banks. Turn right onto the Banks and then almost immediately left (after about 50 yards) onto the road from Awbridge and Kent's Oak to . et There will then be, after another short distance (50 yards) a metalled road up to Mount Farm. (200 yards altogether)

Walk towards Mount Farm along the metalled road (400 yards) until it turns sharp right for the farm. At that point there is a footpath, straight ahead, through open fields to the Lockerley Road, very straight, and for about half a mile. (1300 yards altogether).

At the Lockerley Road, turn right and walk for 600 yards, that will bring you down the side of the Mill Arms public house, and the station is right in front of you. (600 yards).

Total distance 21,4 miles, about 50 minutes' walking. At this point, you should probably repair to the Mill Arms for something restorative, before catching the 16.14 back to Romsey, in time for the afternoon ringing.

(My thanks to Jenny Watson for suggesting this route) , SKETeA..{ MA-P f1w' WINtl1~Srff 3)IS1f\{Cr ~UArQE1{LY MEfT/Nf; 4- MorrlSFoNf SkTl;tltj) fri1 r3& A U1Utf 2-01& Vf./A.1k..l: JIAM,~'tlj~ 1v M;#ii/"," W41ft.. 2.: }4/;ti,f'k" li /rtJu,,'tJ~ VIAJJt 3: Irw [",-,'4£ vI t{ Aft' Hid( 1'(1It\(' tllcA lfp~ VIA/lcA- Cl uptt' ~) : 1Iu tfAtl< 110 J(JJ.. f-p J~'rIjt,.

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