PDiN MONITOR A Review & Analysis of Current Public in the News

November 2010 Volume 1, Issue 9

Featuring a closer look at:

President Obama in Indonesia

Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR Table of Contents

― Contents

quickly wilt. the world’s they environment, harsh flowers;hothouse when to exposed words...beautiful like are gorgeous ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

About CPD Blogs inPD Print Announcements & CPD Publications PDiNExtras Discussing Letters tothe Editor Ciolek by Melanie Homecoming Potent but An Abbreviated Indonesia: in Obama PDiNSpotlight Seib by Philip Visit Indonesia ofObama’s Diplomacy The Public Featuring: / Nation Branding categories: the following in South Eastand Asia Europe, Pacific, Middle Asia Americas, Newsfrom Africa, PDiNRoundup Diplomacy on Public Center USC Director, Deputy Walton, Badawi Sherine The View from CPD

PDiN Monitor

and Publications from CPD and other sources sources other and CPD from Publications and

PDiNMonitor Issue 8 -

Philip Seib

/ Non NewTechnology

Cultural Diplomacy / Government PD / Media & PD / & Media PDGovernment / / Diplomacy Cultural


- State PD / Public Opinion / Opinion Power Soft PD /Public State

November 2010

PAGE 15 14 13 12 10 2 4 3

Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR ViewfromThe CPD

Best wishesBest forthe holidays and the new year, lookforward resumingto ourpublication cycle in late January. willWe takea shortbreak from publishing [email protected] 12.page Please do continueto sendusyour commentsand feedbackto publisheda sampling of the Lettersto the Editor that we‘ve received on isItgratifying to know so manyof you read ceived byIndonesians. bookin Jakarta Paperin MelanieCiolek (MPD ‘11) catering histo domestic audience? Inthe CPDSpotlight, APDSPresident stration‘sapproach toward the Muslim world, and to whatextent was he Obama‘sNovember 10 speech to the Indonesian people fitinto his admini- the publicdiplomacy impact ofthis trip using widea angle lens. didHow visitto Indonesia. In the Roundup,PDiN CPDDirector Philip Seib assesses Butthe focusofthis issue of waythe the leaks have been received abroad. to followthe WikiLeaks storyas it unfolds, paying particularattention to ramificationsof―Cablegate,‖ CPDimmediately launched a ions ofU.S. diplomaticpractices and personnel.To delve into the PD cized by WikiLeakswhich willundoubtedly shape anddeform ecotourismefforts, not tomention the trove ofdiplomatic cablespubli- Queenabout Elizabeth II‘s entry into Facebook to columnsabout Ghana‘s world ourfor amusement analysis.and From Thispast monthhas offered up a plethora ofPD storiesfrom around the


Deputy Director, USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) (CPD) Diplomacy Public on Center USC Director, Deputy Editor Walton Badawi Sherine –

offersa balancedview ofhow Obama‘s visitwas re- - in

- Chief, Chief,


onthe topic of the U.S. Embassy‘suse ofFace- andwinner of the PDiNMonitor PDiN Monitor Monitor PDiN

isPresident Obama‘s recent PDiNMonitor

PDiNMonitor CPD Prize forBest Student DeutscheWelle’s

next monthand

carefully. We‘ve November 2010 MediaMonitor


feature 3

Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR PDiN RoundupPDiN

© BambangSusilo Yudhoyono and his wife, Ani, in Jakarta. Portraits of President Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, Indonesian President beautifulwords are like gorgeous hothouse flowers;when steadyin decline, particularlyamong Arabs. The reason: UnitedStates among Muslims, America‘sreputation has been Butafter briefa surgein popularityfor Obama and the globe. bridgesbetween the and Muslims around the awas beautifully written, heartfelt appealto build lasting patedas a sequel to his world.lim His November Jakarta10 speechwas much antici- logicalplace Obamafor to continuehis outreach to theMus- hometo theworld‘s largestMuslim populationthis awas Aside fromthe President‘s personal ties Indonesia,to as dentofthe UnitedStates one as of itsown. spiritsof this rising Pacific power that can claim thePresi- tion. His reminiscences of his boyhood exploits stirred the bling tourist butrather as one who has real roots in the na- phrasesing ofthe Indonesian languagenot like some stum- Indonesiaof BarackObama‘s Not muchimagination is required to appreciate the impact in Seib Philip by VisitIndonesia Obama‘s of PublicDiplomacy The Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images

June2009 address in Cairo

recent visit

. There he was, us-

, which,

Tutu campaignsTutu against Israel Categories : prospects developing for it. istergaveoverview an on Tunisian tourismand TravelAgencies Federation (FIAVET)...The min- Friday on board the members ofItalian the TourismMinister, SlimTlatli Ministerreceived AllAfrica.com Tourists Tunisia: Nation toIncrease Flow of Italian cas Categories : playingexcitingand anew game. western rinkthe in capital,some young Kenyansare enthusiasticaboutwinter sports. at an But ice swelteringfew sun, would expect Kenya to be a countryIn famedits for distance runners and Voice of America Ice Hockey Gains Popularity in Kenya Categories : pastries. honey tajines,hearty couscous perfumedor date and world'sgreat cuisines,creating delicatelyspiced withlocal cooks on delicacies from one of the travelersMorocco, to offering a chance to work Cooking areclassesincreasingly popular among Global Post Moroccan food at a home home from away Categories: exclusive. conservationdevelopmentand aremutually culturaldispelling exchange, notion the that withvationcommunity development crossand model ness that blends environmental conser- villageturn the to itsroots with aunique busi- community monkeys livethat within itas sacred...Today, its tected surroundingforest Mona the and Ghana’stropical Volta region,once fiercely pro- Thevillage Tafi buried of Atome, in deep Global Post monkeys African vacations and ecotourism: Meet the East Categories : againstIsrael. versybystepping up his boycottcampaign withhis wife. he But has sparked newcontro- sayingtober would he watch sipcricketand tea Prizelaureate beganhis retirement in early Oc- The archbishopformer of CapeTown Nobeland Global Post

PDiN Round Up: Africa


based ecotourismishelping tore-

Non Government PD Cultural Diplomacy Non

- State PD -

State PD

Obama in Indonesia ,



Africa , November 2010 Africa

, ,

, Africa Africa

Middle , Europe 4 ,



Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR PDiN RoundupPDiN

rolein today‘s society, saying: Cairo, thePresident spokeat some length about Islam and its duedrhetoric and the much softerapproach to Islam. In pared to theone delivered in Cairo, was the relatively sub- ofOne theinteresting aspects ofthe beenable to this without seeming undulypatronizing. itscredit, the Obama administration has, for the mostpart, America‘sgreat assets in mentorshipand collaboration. To Muslimentrepreneurs and make available to them someof Another significant U.S.initiative has beento identify young placeswhere corruption angerand have letprogress pass by. U.S.government to Arab countriesto accelerate progress in Prize tionswith the Muslim world. hastion accomplished much itsin efforts to build better rela- asidefrom Palestinian The deflatingof theCairo interestsof Palestinians in their endlessdisputes with Israel. principally byAmerica‘s perceived inability to advance the Inthe instance ofthe Cairo speech, thewilting was caused exposed to theworld‘s harsh environment,they quickly wilt. June 2009.June President Obama Speaks theto Muslim World from Cairo, Egypt human beings.‖ human all of dignity the and tolerance progress; justice and of principles common share and they overlap, competition. be in not need and not exclusive are Islam and America that truth the upon one based and respect, andmutual interest onmutual one based world, the around Muslims and States United the tween be- beginning new seek a to Cairo to here come ―I've - winnersamongst them, have beendispatched by the © whitehouse.gov

- Israeli matters,the Obama administra-

- bornoptimism isa shame because

―Science ,‖

Jakarta speech


principles principles

Instead, Instead, .


Nobel , com-,

structionon the communist outskirts the Havana, the firstreligious con- ers Wednesdayto open a national seminary on archbishopcan and Roman other lead-Catholic President Cuban Raul Castro Ameri-joinedan The Associated Press Seminary Raul Castro, LeadersCatholic Open Cuban Categories : licanscapturecontrol of Congress? the to spirit of Obama’s foreignpolicy Repub-if fortation cowboydiplomacy. whathappens But George dent W. Bush’sunilateralism repu-and starkin stands contrast toeight years of Presi- re a ushered in newerathat sought America for to PresidentBarack Obama’s 2009 inauguration Global Post world? Could defeat Democrats for be good forthe Americas Categories : rest as the rises. Below, the edited excerpts. a wide for Foreign met Minister CelsoAmorimin Brasilia Glasser,Susan Foreign Policy's editorin chief, Foreign Policy (Interview) The Soft Americas Categories : collaborate sireto on a fusion project. tourtomaiden India. It has thembredin ade- Hindustaniclassical musicand dance on their beginningsavour to the delightsof Carnatic and DemsterFernandoand Garcia Torresarejust TheyareMexicanveteran pianistsbut James The Pioneer Confluence of cultures Categories : of thetop heap. theknocking United States offitsperch the on hasCanada the brandingbest any of nation, The Canadian Business Journal Canada’s branding best in the world Americas Categories : a halfthan century.

- engageworld.with Two the years later itstill PDiN Round Up: Americas

- ,

- Power Power Power

South Asia ranging conversationon Brazil's role

Government PD Government PD Cultural Diplomacy Nation Branding Government PD

Obama in Indonesia

- , , , runislandmore in November 2010 , Americas Soft Power Non Americas ,

Non -

State PD


State PD





Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR PDiN RoundupPDiN

Islamabout were more detached: for continuedassertive outreach Muslims.to Hisremarks Islam,a somewhat strangealtering of coursegiven the need dent‘s commentswere more about Indonesia and lessabout By contrast,the Headded, © House at Universitythe of Indonesia Jakarta,in Indonesia, Nov. 10, 2010. The crowd reacts as President Barack Obama delivers a speech in the Field

Pete Souza, Official White House Photo. truths with all mankind.‖ all with truths these share determination, and faith gether, with peace. in gether to- live can world this of people the andthat division; than powerful more is unity that progress; humanof side onthe is history that us tell they because mistic, us opti- make should America and Indonesia of stories despair. or cynicism or doubt into cannot give us. of each within lives divine the of spark ―That people.‖ in other yourself religion and region race and of faiths…. please. they Godas worship to choose people peace, named for ocean an above rising islands creations, beautiful most God‘s of some contains that anarchipelago ―Across

Here we can find the ability to bridge divides divides bridge to the ability find wecan Here

Jakarta speechwas Cairo Islam flourishes, but so do other doother so but flourishes, Islam

May our two nations, working to- working nations, our two May


by the ability to see see to ability by the

- lite

. The Presi-

The The

(continued) We We

pouringinto money this effort. westernjournalists. In fact, the government is the and BBCisand hiring alargeofnumber huacompetewith news organizations like CNN increase wantsto its softpower byhaving Xin- What isgoing onhere? China,itturns out, The TimesKorea Media’s role in China - Categories : fromports inside North Korea. the of digital revolutionelectronics get to re- Japanese agencynews that's advantagetaken clandestineworksas a reporter AsiaPress, for a as ahis job driver fora company, Kimalso Korean North with a double life. additionIn to bygoesthe pseudonym Kim Dong It was shoton a cheap camera bya man who PCWorld North Korea How Digital Technology Gets the News of out Africa Categories : migrantsthein city into stark relief. treatment a of growing presenceof African im- thewelcome visitors arereceiving the puts ers fromall Asia.across However, the sweet itsbest forward face hasand welcomed foreign- in27 Nov. China, the prosperous city isputting AsianGames, whichwill come a to close on southern Asthe city of Guangzhouhosts the The ScienceChristian Monitor not the Africans who facilitate it China welcomes growing African trade, but cific Categories : petus. perpetuate softpower takenhas on im-added postshape global Asthe power re Today Online Exercising soft power the Singapore way Asia Pacific Categories : binsaidNov. 5. globalcommunity, Taipei CityMayor HauLong Taiwan for showcase to itssoft power tothe whichbegins 6,Nov. isthe perfect opportunity The2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, TodayTaiwan FloraTaipei Expo takes Taiwan toworld Power Categories :

State PD PDiN Round Up: Asia Pacific

, ,

Asia Pacific Asia Pacific

, Asia Pacific -

economiccrisis, the use of media to

Media & PD Government PD Media & PD Cultural Diplomacy Media & PD



, Obama in Indonesia , ,

NewTechnology Soft Power Public Opinion , November 2010 Public Opinion


Soft Power -


, Asia Pa- 6

, Soft


Non , ,


Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR ― PDiN RoundupPDiN

stration,but a restive publicand a combative new Congress outreach efforts. Goodintentions abound within theadmini- liticalblowback might inhibit theObama White House itsin Thiscase illustrates how fearsabout potential domestic po- extremism. fromthe Cairo speechwere references to combating violent referencesto rapprochement with Islam thelim, White Housemay have wanted to casesin America advancing the notion that Obama isa Mus- elections reasons forthis exist.The sting ofthe pared to thosein Obama‘s Cairospeech. Several plausible encesto Islam in Jakarta seemmerely tangential when com- Aspresidential speechmaking, that‘s not bad. But refer-the Novemberon 2010.10, President Obama greeting audiencethe at Universitythe of Indonesia Jakartain tween the United States and the Muslim speeches ...no single speech incremental process. credit for recognizing this asan world, PresidentObama deserves

earlierthat week was still burning, and with nut-

– ©

will “fix” the relationship be- The New Times. York

or even of series

U.S.congressional . Also toneddown avoidmore overt

and leavecommentsand the on Queen'spages. ablesendbe messages to Buckingham Palace, - photos videos, and updatesnews aboutthe long pageownon Facebook. The page will feature nounced Sunday on shethat islaunching her The 84 office of WelleDeutsche Queen Elizabeth II joins Facebook Europe Categories : IslamicConference. alsoa leading voicethein Organization the of tivelycommercial, long Eastern,Near and and this very modern, ac- European,Eurasian, Balkan,Mediterranean Turkscomfortably themselves call theircountry Europetheand U.S. Turkeyby ismisunderstood people most in Real Clear World atTurkey a Crossroads Europe Categories : years. hasn’t changeddex at all overpast the few the on Anholt lacklusterimage abroad...Denmark’s position country the overall,the Denmark still a has spendingspite 400 million kroner on branding Copenhagenremains a strong butbrand,de- The Copenhagen Post Online Copenhagen’s rise can’t lift nation’simage PD Categories : culturalbetween exchange the twocountries. 22, to 2010 as part of a cooperative, two and Nang Ho MinhChi City from November 14 Russiancultural days will inheld be Hanoi,Da Thanh News Nien Russian culture headed toVietnam Categories : a dauntingtask. so but, realizingfar, goal that provenhas to be come ethnic andfeuds geopolitical jousting, language the that of cinematography over-can culturalfigures advocacyand groups contend South Caucasusmake art, notwar? Some local film Can festivals thehelp countries of the eurasianet.org Adventures in FilmCaucasus Diplomacy Europe Categories : servingmonarch. British usersFacebook will , Asia Pacific PDiN Round Up: Europe

Government PD Nation Branding Cultural Diplomacy Cultural Diplomacy Government PD - GfK RopersNation Branding In- -

, year



old Queenold Elizabeth IIan- -

notthe leastbecause -

time NATOmember is

Obama in Indonesia

, , November 2010

, NewTechnology Public Opinion

Public Opinion , ,

Government Europe




, ,


Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR PDiN RoundupPDiN

karta. UnitedStates), the message he delivered in Cairoand Ja- frequentlyand in many places (including at home in the thising as an incremental process. Hewill need toreiterate, Muslimworld, President Obama deserves credit forrecogniz- ―fix‖the relationship between theUnited States and the Althoughno single speech Obama priority. recognizethat outreach to theIslamic world remains an cloutof ―Obamamania‖ worldwide. But the coveragedid about theJakarta speech international news coveragereflected lower expectations Asthe articles cited in thisedition of alistichopes. administrationnewly wary about the costsof creatingunre- pointmentamong Arab Muslims may havemade theObama maylimit diplomaticambition. Also, thepost editor of the journal journal the editor of co and Diplomacy, Public Global in Series Macmillan grave co Communication, Political ternational eration Post The Media: New and Terrorism Global East Middle theNew Media and into War America Lead Helped Murrow R. Edward How War Shapedby World a Cover Conflict

. He is editor of the Palgrave Macmillan Series in In- Series Macmillan Palgrave the of editor is . He ; Beyond the Front Lines: How the News Media Media News the How Lines: theFront Beyond

nalist: News and Conscience in a World of in World a Conscience and nalist: News Policy Foreign Affects Coverage News How Diplomacy: Headline including books, numerous of editor or author is He Public Diplomacy. on Center the USC of director is and ern California, South- of University the at Relations tional Interna- of Professor and Public Diplomacy and Journalism of Professor Seib is Philip

About the Author Media, War, and Conflict and War, Media, – –

perhapsa facetof thediminished oreven seriesof speeches


Broadcasts from the Blitz: Blitz: the from Broadcasts ; The Al Jazeera Effect Jazeera Al The

PDiNMonitor -

; editor of the Pal- the editor of The Global Jour- Global The - Al Qaeda Gen- Qaeda Al

. - Cairo disap-

illustrate, ; and ; and ; – New New

will -

Categories : fair. the Investment T.D.I.C.,or Co., whichco Abument of Dhabi’sTourism Development and RitaAbdo, Aoun director the of cultural depart- thesurethat Arab worldisnot isolated,‖ said buildtransnational cultural institutions to en- ―AbuDhabiArt ispart of a greater tovision The YorkNew Times Culture to Illustrates Fair Art Abu Dhabi’s Commitment Europe Categories : estinianspice. gourmetduces Italian cheeseswith alittle Pal- a dairyTubasinfarm the in BankWest pro- Withfundingfrom international organizations, The ScienceChristian Monitor cheese WestA Bank farm dairy churns gourmet out Power Categories : offensive. vocates its for policies ain new public relations cruitmembers 1,000 ofpublic the act as to ad- countries,pean including theUK,each re- to Israelinstructedhas its embassies Euro-10 in The Guardian Israel citizenrecruits advocates Europein Categories : Syria. Facebook’s then, popularity surgedhas in governmentbanning thesite 2007. in Since subject film’s crowdedtheater highlighted the wide use the of English ―The of Social Network‖at Damascus’sonly Severalhundredpeople attended the première The ScienceChristian Monitor even the by government Facebook, banned in Syria, widely usedis Middle East Categories : tries. interactionand change between ourtwo coun- the forces need for more opportunities for ex- understanding and that, one me, onlyfor rein- widenedhas that the gap in American leftchurchthat 58 dead. It is yetanother event horrific attackthe ona BaghdadCatholic Iraqtheisback in news, making headlinesfor The Daily Star A musical plea for better Iraqi

PDiN Round Up: Middle East


Middle East


language lastThemonth.cinema

Cultural Diplomacy Cultural Diplomacy Government PD NewTechnology Cultural Diplomacy –


, Europe

Obama in Indonesia –

despitethe Syrian

, November 2010 , Non Middle East - , , ,


MiddleEast MiddleEast Americas - State PD

- organized - Iraqi 8

, ,



Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR PDiN RoundupPDiN

Watch President Obama‘s speech inJakarta, Indonesia from November 9, 2010. Foreign Policy (Blog) Foreign outreach defense Muslim In Obama’s of York Times The New Redux Cairo Hear Some Jakarta In Speech, BBC News world theto engage Muslim bid new Obama’s Post The Jakarta Indonesia in childhood his of tells story Obama The Australian Indonesia Barack grips fever Post The Washington presidential trivia know who people rewards Indonesia in reality show Obama Al Jazeera Indonesia in arrives Obama York Times The New as Barry Him That Knew Nation a Visits Obama York Times The New Challenge Indonesian Obama’s Team. Research aggregatedCPD‘s by PDiN as visit November the concerning a ofselection stories Belowis trip. his rounding sur- the days in outlets news international many by extensively long Obama‘s President Media Roundup: President Obama’s


Trip to Indonesia

- awaited visit to Indonesia was covered to was Indonesia visit awaited

Asia Categories : his politicalheroes. Senateold office beneath photographsframed of printeda postcard showing himsitting his in the dent, United EmbassyStates Indiain long Not after Barack Obamawas elected presi- The YorkNew Times India InvokesObama Gandhi, Whose Ideal Eludes Asia Categories : and clothe feed evacuees from the volcano. Indonesian stretched government to house, disaster reliefteams aimto augment efforts by a as ―corporate socialresponsibility‖ the efforts, companiessponsor rescue efforts...Known here AsMountMerapi continues to erupt,cigarette Global Post Philip Morris Indonesia: volcano This brought toyou by Categories : little no or from help the Americans and NATO. to doors rescue kidnappeddiplomats when(even theyarethe same thing) kickand in drugdown lordsand government ministers Theybreak upchildsuicide The YorkNew Times And Tackles the Taliban On TV, an Afghan Challenges Unit Tradition Americas Categories : oftions Pakistanis. aimedto counteractstereotypes and mispercep- independentcultural diplomacy campaign,PPB heritagemusicand American to audiences. An May,(PPB)in they didso to bring Pakistani launched Rahman Pakistani BuildersPeace PakistaniAmericansMahnaz Fancy Zeybaand Media Newswire macy toFlood Relief Pakistani Peace Builders Turn Cultural Diplo- Categories : widecampaign. inglogo, anew slogan, advertising world- and landisnation develop to a new strategy includ- to Set launch next year, Indian the Ocean is- comprehensivedestination branding evolution. TheRepublicthe of Maldives toisset undergo a DailyTravel branding strategy MaldivesThe announces tourism new re-

PDiN Round Up: South Asia

, South Asia

Government PD Non Media & PD Cultural Diplomacy Nation Branding


State PD

Obama in Indonesia ,

, South Asia - Americas bomber rings,bomber take , November 2010 , Americas South Asia ,



- —

State PD South , 9

allwith South


Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR PDiN SpotlightPDiN

© was later moved a to school attended by Obama in youth.his President Barack Obama at a park Jakarta, in Indonesia. The statue Workers add a finishing touch to bronzethe statue of young U.S. dampenedhad enthusiasm for hisreturn. gestionsthat the repeated postponements of hisvisit president― eager public. In a capitalthat considers theU.S. Indonesiato had exhausted the patience of oncea speculation had grownabout whether Obama‘s return interviewsand with former childhoodacquaintances, tured Whilenews coverage preceding Obama‘svisit fea- stillbe receptive to Obama‘s overtures? casion. Butafter so many delays, would Indonesians hours, could notdiminish the significanceofthe oc- reachJakarta, and shortened thevisit to lessthan 24 MountMerapi thatthreatened Obama‘s ability to childhoodhome. Even volcanic ash fromnearby waited nearlytwo years for Obama‘s return to his promised to satisfyan Indonesian public thathad tion thatObama‘s visitwould finallytake place of two plannedvisits earlier in 2010, the confirma- ticpolitical issues in the U.S.forced the watched stopson hisrecent Asiantour. After domes- 9 Obama‘slong overdue visitto Indonesia on November greatThe anticipation surroundingPresident Barack Ciolek Melanie by inIndonesia: Obama An Potent but Abbreviated Homecoming - AP/Dita Alangkara 10 ensured10 thatit would be one of the most anecdotes alocal boymade good

about hisfour years livingin Jakarta

,‖ there,‖ were sug-




Indonesianearned oftion hisown ―homecoming‖ Indonesiato in Bahasa repeatedthe postponements ofhis visit. articula-His defuseskepticism thatmay have developed during ofsity Indonesia speech Obama managedto largely By someaccounts, with just a fewlines in hisUniver- year. slippingonly slightly from71 percentthe previous Obama to do theright thing regarding world affairs, majorityof Indonesians (67%) still Recent publicopinion data has also shown that the 280,000in the hours48 surrounding Obama‘s visit. the U.S.Embassy interestin thevisit, thenumber ofFacebook fans for and Washington,DC. Inanother sign of theimmense followingin Obama‘s footsteps to Hawaii, Chicago, ain televised reality show for a chance to wina trip 12,000than entriesand had 10 contestants compete organizedby the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta drew more anticipationfor the visit. ObamaAn trivia Indonesiansonly reinforced the perception ofhuge At thesame time, evidenceof―Obamamania‖ among Roman Catholic school. a As child, President Obama attended Santo Fransiskus aAsisi,

grewby more than half enthusiasticapproval © The New Times. York November 8, 2010.

Obama in Indonesia

have confidence

November 2010


tonearly contest 10


Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR PDiN SpotlightPDiN

cialrelationship with Indonesia isan asset forpublic sian publicand media hasdemonstrated that his spe- Obama‘sability to capturethe interest of theIndone- of discussiongoing forward. advanceU.S. interests will remain an important topic ize hisimmense popularity Indonesiain in order to Islamist extremism.‖ HowObama will choose util-to deepenrelations with ―anally in thefight against nomicgrowth, while others stable democraticgovernance and promising eco- gionalpartner, highlighting its stridestoward more acknowledgeIndonesia‘s potentialas a strategicre- ofage thevisit U.S. maina prominent underlying theme whenever the thenot focus AlthoughU.S. relations with the Muslim world tions. implications forthe futureof U.S. of hisaddress to theIndonesian people, which holds Indonesiato overshadowed coverageof other aspects other perspective,the focuson Obama‘s special ties coverage crowd ofseveral thousand in attendance and - Indonesiarelationship isdiscussed. Some cover-

fromthe Indonesian media. But froman- School childrenSchool in Indonesia eagerly await President Obama‘s November visit Jakarta.to

ofObama‘s visitto Indonesia, theyre-


Obama useto the tripto focused

- Indonesianrela-

on thechance to

positive were

siansare stillwilling to givehim theirattention. balancing China‘sregional influence while Indone- operationon issues from counteringextremism to toity shape the direction ofthe U.S. wardIndonesia will greatly depend Obama‘son abil- Ultimately, thefuture of U.S.public diplomacy to- tionsthat moves beyond Obama‘spersonal appeal. translatedinto a foundation U.S.for diplomacyin the long more countries. than 25 cover which surveys, WorldPubli- network the cOpinion.org for manager survey and dinator coor- communications of positions the held cently re- most She project. WorldPublicOpinion.org the manages which tank think research global opinion public a D.C., Washington in (PIPA) Attitudes icy Pol- International on Program the at years four for worked Melanie USC, at arriving to Prior politics. American Latin and democratization, institutions, multilateral process, policy foreign the on focused studies Her 2005. in D.C. Washington, in University Georgetown from Politics International in Service Foreign in B.S. her received She USC. at Diplomacy Public of Master a for candidate a is Ciolek Melanie

About theAbout Author

- © term,but only if it canbe Embassy of Indonesia

Obama in Indonesia

November 2010 - - Indonesianrela- Indonesian co-


Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR Letters tothe Editor

High Commissioner and gave speeches gave Trade Commissioner and Commissioner High the and seats, their downin sat then Guests the pole. flag up flag theEarth Middle raised had Commissioner the High gas a We had out pirates. as who turned Hobbits, as local staff dressed food Hobbit served winter in lawn, on the outside it staged event. We the in interest huge was There trilogy. the Rings the Lord of in the film first continent of on thescreening sub the ever first staged we India, in Commission High Zealand theat New living When was I wrong. went spectacularly in involved was One event I film know technical by much lured just as now,they are skies; bright and mountains rugged its New for Zealand toattracted once were "Filmmakers that who wrote Reporterwriter of the Hollywood the with view objectives. Weagree brand well as as economic the government's to achieve help the need of conscious be should government fundedthe by activity that allfilm and coordinated offshore is work thatsure our film to make Weare aiming Avatar). tal (i.e. digi- post and production including TheHobbit), and Rings of Lord the (i.e. films make shoot and location to which in a NZ as FilmNZ, promotes with which collaboratively more working is and Commission Film Zealand thewith New closelyvery works Trade Affairsand of Foreign The Ministry industry. film of and ourfilms the successinternationally in pride national much We have film. international next great the to able than more make namic, dy- interesting, to as ourselves goodshow way a is Wethis think to indicate!). that tend our films boring more be much may we start, a (for reality thein with country not tally necessarily may screen on the theythatsee what realise will the audience that hope tend we to to mind) springs Warriors (Once Were country ordangerous possibly entirelyodd an be show usto may films thatognise some rec- whilst we and light, positive a in work film Weour see Doha. London, Brusselsand France, Prague, in next year to more the followin with sia, burg, Ham- Turkey, Beijing, Berlin, festival), des film France(the Antipo- in for screenings/activities funding film provided have we months 18 the last not.sometimes In the library, using world, sometimes the around plomacy di- public film activelyundertaking are we and overseas, posts shortour forby use films six and films 11 feature nent us to perti- It is film. on column Cull‘s recent Dr.―I Nick enjoyed again... the Future, to Back Diplomacy: Cinematic to: In response -

Mexico, Hong Kong, Hong Mexico, how,world

and -

creative with a world leading film industry industry withfilm a worldcreative leading we have just set up a film library incorporating incorporating library film a up just set have we - fired ring of fire set up, which went off when off when went of setup,which ring fire fired

- class equipment and innovative people." innovative and equipment class -

dhal and chapattis. It was served by served It was chapattis. dhal and -

a gorgeous setting. Guests were were Guests gorgeoussetting. a

Tokyo, Washington and Indone- and Washington Tokyo,


later, I would stress a couple of additional points. of couple additional a wouldI later, stress month this a study.Writing case almost instant tioner,an for the PD practi- rich material event provides This India. by hosted 2010 of (CWG) October Games Commonwealth the of of failures thesummary major quick fine 2010 a is of PDiN October in issue essay Dhillon‘sshort ―Babeeta Delhi in Games & Fun No More to: In response Trade and Foreign Affairs of Ministry NewZealand - onlyand time.‖ Wellington.Thefirst in here back of the newspaper page the front Wemade technology."! "bloody Indian blaming were guest a hearing remember I Thelastwords wine. lovely all our they drank before not thankfully home, but failedeveryonewent and toSostrangled work. being bird NewZealand a like projectors squawked Raj?) (pre ancient two point the this At innovation. about our technological Professor Emeritus, DiploFoundation, Geneva and Malta and Geneva DiploFoundation, Emeritus, Professor - ity.‖ objectiv- and time, assessment needs PD impact visitors. on flows business and tourism on thepolling, impact and both using conclusion, a months for draw some to wait - better a and of the event operation smooth the rather the pre remember In the people end,will boxing. and lifting weigh shooting, at wrestling winners traditional joined the archery at Competitors weakness. point usual of field, a and the track ongold medals tally,including the medals in place second they won performance; fine unexpectedly athletes delivered Indian Games, actual Second, the at unfairness. and bias reports toforeign both in see began media dian fact cometogether in had preparations inauguration, CWG that justbefore argued They the fore. sentimenttonationalist bringing tone shifted, media the Indian stories preparations, of poor got into theretelling act, media the international But once best. its at journalism was investigative This scams. cial finan- corrupt and deals unearth to collectively the media led delays, cascading glitches, and of implementation saga lead the In timeslots. key the day‘s fornews‘ ‗breaking with others to outdo struggling each packs, for in hunt news virtually studio mobile vans Their characteristic. dominant their is frenzied competition 24 providing lite TV channels news 50 Withover satel- India. in reaction the media First, take

should we Perhaps athletes? the by expected performance Dr. Simon Mark, Mark, Simon Dr. Kishan S.Rana, Kishan

Former Indian to Germany to Germany Ambassador FormerIndian

Public Adviser Diplomacy

— much like an Indian wedding. The In- wedding. Indian an like much Entertainment Diplomacy

- - hour news coverage, coverage, news hour

up CWG, a mounting mounting a up CWG, November 2010 - Games fiasco, or fiasco, Games


- than


Volume 1, Issue 9 PDiN MONITOR

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pleaseBlog, email the CPD School. the Annenberg at Diplomacy on Public Center USCof the theflect views re- donecessarily not ownand the authors' are here opinions The represented sphere. publicdiplomacy the the world in The legislation. To view CPD’s onlineview To CPD’s legislation. resources, click USCPubliconCenter The Diplomacy features databasewebsite diplomacy arich ofpublic

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, hungary


is intended to stimulate dialogue among scholars, researchers, practitioners and professionals from around around from professionals and practitioners scholars, researchers, among dialogue stimulate to intended is central europe central

, obama

, situation ―containment lite‖ lite‖ ―containment situation Indo of the developing driver key a obvious, to the state is, which China, of Republic the People‘s with oneLet‘s at remove start the episode. of dimensions power thoughts the soft about initial ding (justkid- totrip India day per concludedmillion has $200 his Obama that Barack ―Now President BarackObama’s India Trip:The View Through a SoftPower Lens To read this CPD Blog post in its entirety, its CPD this in Blog post To read pro anxious, roundedan by sur- yourself find eventually fact.‖ you If justa that is countries, and small are othercountries Jiechi‗s recent Yang minister PRCforeign and of thecountries world,‖ all with cooperation and development, for peace, strive policy architect rise‖ ―peaceful ofwords the in claim, betweenthe little is a dissonance There than more to Beijing: Message visit. formosphere Obama‘s russia

CPD Blog Spotlight: Obama Indiain

, that risible far right far that risible [email protected]

By Markos Kounalakis By Markos Power Western of ViewNew A Guns: Google, and Guitars, J.Cull By Nicholas China in Showdown the Soft and Power Religion, Branding Nation Expo: at for the God Shanghai Looking III Powell Clayton By Adam India From NY Times Lead Sunday’s Context Helpful Aside: for An Leurs By Wendy Dividends Diplomatic Pays Cultural Commitment Art: Lifelong of Soft Power III Powell Clayton By Adam Controversy Stirs London in Embassy Iran New The American Seib By Philip Strategy CentralU.S. Diplomatic and Europe By Paul Rockower


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wing canard has been thoroughly debunked), it‘s a good moment for some good momentfor a it‘s beenthoroughlydebunked), has canard wing

- - Kurdish Information Network Information Kurdish American alliance, don‘t say I didn‘t warn you, warn didn‘t I don‘talliance, say American

- — . testyassertion American entente American

and whose recent diplomatic blunders helped create a propitious at- propitious a create blundershelped diplomatic whose recent and

Zheng Bijian Zheng

click here click

, that ―China will transcend ideological differences to differences to ideological transcend will , that ―China at an ASEAN meeting that ―China is a big country a and is that ―China ASEANmeeting an at

— New York Times columnist Tom Friedman calls the columnist Friedman Tom Times NewYork


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