The Marching Band
Copy 2 L0 DEPA.RTMENT OF THE ARMY FIELD MANUAL THE MARCHING BAND DEPARTMENT OF TIlE ARMY * JANUARY 1957 Property or Office of the Ciet / ilitary History *One6al Reference Branab *FM 12-50 FIELD MANUAL|1~DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY No. 12-50 WASHINGTON 25, D. C., 11 January 1957 THE MARCHING BAND Paragraphs Page CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION --------------------------- 1-3 2 2. THE MARCHING BAND Section I. General ------------------------------- 4, 5 3 II. Formation ------------------------------ 6-9 4 III. Movements ------------------------ ------ 10-18 6 IV. Manual of the baton ---------------------------- 19-26 15 V. Baton signals -.------------- ----------------- 27-54 21 VI. Manual of instruments -------------------------- 55-68 43 CHAPTER 3. FIELD MUSIC Section I. Unit ----------------------------------- 69-76 66 II. Music -------- --------------------------- 77-79 70 CHAPTER 4. CEREMONIES Section I. Parades ------------------------------- - 80-82 79 II. Reviews -------------------------------- 83-91 84 III. Escorts and honor guards -------------- ______---- 92, 93 91 IV. Funerals ..----------------------------.94-98 96 V. Formal guard mounting ------------------- _____ 99, 100 101 INDEX ___________________________________----------------- - 104 *This manual supersedes FM 12-50, 20 July 1946, and TM 20-250, 20 September 1940. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose This manual has been compiled to serve as a guide to appropriate commanders in the training and utilization of an Army band as a marching unit in connection with military ceremonies, street parades, and appropriate patriotic events. 2. Scope The provisions of this manual set forth approved procedures per- taining to formations, movements, and general utilization of the marching band and field music units, with emphasis placed upon the function of the Iband in connection with the conduct of military cere- monies. 3.
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