december number the tasmanian conservationist caring for Tasmania since 1968 2011 324 Review of the Wellington Park Management Plan 3 Director’s Report 1 TCT councillor Ralph Rallings 1 Supreme court action regarding the Tamar Valley pulp mill 2 Changes to Tasmania’s native forest clearing policy 4 Tasmanian weed alert network 7 Tasmania’s Forest Practices Code 8 Breakthrough on Southern Ocean MPAs 10 Tasmania: Australia’s food bowl 11 Off-road vehicle management in the Arthur Pieman Conservation Area 12 ‘Working’ for the Tasmanian Conservation Trust 13 Aquaculture legislation amendment 14 Let’s do nothting and see if that works 15 Seven Mile Beach Peninsula golf course and resort – is this a repeat of Ralphs Bay? 17 Action on roadkill 18 Plastic swirl 19 BA (Hons) Literature Member of Society of Editors (Tas), Tasmanian Writers’ Centre, Society of Authors EDITING AND PROOFREADING, SPECIALISING IN CONSER reports • management plans • newsletters • books VatioN ISSUES p (03) 6234 6569 e
[email protected] At Monotone we support environment conservation and have committed ourselves to passing Level 2 Sustainable Green Print, then proceeding to International Standard 14001. Key areas of change implemented at Monotone will be to reduce our Mt Welllington Management Plan. land-fill waste dramatically, recycle and re-use as a Photos: cover and inside cover: Toby Rowallan. priority and use environment friendly consumables. Refer to article on page 3. Disclaimer The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the tasmanian conservation trust inc (TCT). Advice to TCT members making electronic payments for membership/donations Copying Members making electronic payments directly into TCT bank account must include their name.