Heritage Brochure: Cultural Landscapes & Historic Vegetation
three 3 ISBN 1-874924-83-X June 2005 CULTURAL CULTURAL LANDSCAPES HISTORIC & VEGETATION 3 City of Cape Town Heritage advice pamphlet pamphlet advice Heritage Town Cape of City FRONT GARDENS AND LANDMARK PALM TREE REINFORCES VISTAS IN MOWBRAY APPROVALS, DEPARTURES, SUBDIVISIONS AND REZONINGS In the granting of Zoning Scheme departures, subdivisions and re- zonings, the City can place conditions on the protection, maintenance and retention of trees worthy of conservation. Trees affected by such applications are assessed on the basis of their impact on the landscape, species, size, health, vitality and cultural signifi cance. The City may ask for full tree surveys, landscaping and site development plans to be submitted together with the development proposals. TREE REMOVAL, PRUNING AND PROTECTION VEGETATION & TREES & VEGETATION DURING CONSTRUCTION AApplicationpplication ttoo fell,fell, loplop oror radicallyradically pruneprune a treetree inin a declareddeclared HeritageHeritage AArea,rea, oorr inin thethe vicinityvicinity ofof a historichistoric buildingbuilding oror anan areaarea whichwhich isis deemeddeemed ttoo hhaveave hhistoricistoric vvaluealue sshouldhould bbee ssubmittedubmitted ttoo tthehe HHeritageeritage RResourcesesources SSection.ection. TThehe CityCity cancan adviseadvise onon signifisignifi ccantant ttreesrees ooutsideutside aa HHeritageeritage AArea.rea. CLIMBING ROSE ENTRANCE ARBOUR AT BERTRAM’S HOUSE, GARDENS THE PROTECTION OF SIGNIFICANT EXOTIC TREES AVENUEAVENUE IN SUBURBAN NEWLANDS There are few indigenous tree species in the Cape that can cope with the harsh climatic conditions outside protected ravines. Over time, exotic trees, which were able to grow and thrive in a Mediterranean climate were introduced. Some of these exotic trees have been an integral part of the cultural landscape since their introduction to the Cape, in some cases, as early as the 17th century and now have heritage value.
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