Congressional Record-· Senate 61391
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1928 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· SENATE 61391 6605. Also; petition of the· Brooklyn Division, Greate~ New veterans of the Civil War and their widows; to the Committee} York Branch, League of Nations Nonpartisan Association, New on Invalid Pensions. York City, favoring the passage of the Capper resolution, pro 6626. By 1\Ir. Sl\HTH: Petition signed by 86 residents of I viding for the renunciation of war as an instrument of national Boise, Idaho, indorsing the enactment of legislation increasing policy, and also the Burton resolution relating to the exporta the pension of Civil War veterans and their widows; to the j tion of arms, munitions, or implements of wa:.;:; to tb,e Com Committee on Invalid Pensions. mittee on Foreign Affairs. 6627. Also, petition signed by R. L. Sutcliffe and 1()3 other 1 6606. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the State residents of Butte County, Idaho, protesting against the enact- , of New York. favoring the passage of House bill 11886 and ment of any compulsory Sunday observance legislation·; to the • Senate bill 37Zl, for the creation of captain of the port of New Committee on the District of Columbia. · York; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 6628. Also, petition signed by Mrs. George Moser and 90 1 6607. Also, petition of Innis, Speiden & Co., New York City, other residents of Burley, Idaho, urging the enactment of i favoring the passage of the Columbia Basin project bill (H. R. Ho~e bill 9588, to amend the prohibition act; to the Com- ; 7029) ; to the Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation. mittee on the Judiciary. 6608. By 1\1:.;. QUAYLE: Petition of Innis, Speiden & Co., of 6629. By 1\Ir. STRONG of Pennsylvania: Petition of citizens 1 New York, urging the passage of House bill 7029; to the Com of Templeton, Pa., and vicinity, urging prompt action on pension ! mittee on Irrigation and Reclamation. legislation for the relief of Civil War veterans and their : 6609. Also, petition of American Legion, Newport Post, No. 7, widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of Newport, R. I., urging the passage of House bill 12030 ; to 6630. By Mr. SWING: Petition of citizen· of Riverside, Calif., the Committee on Naval Affairs. in behalf of the Civil War pension bill for the relief of veterans 6610. Also, petition of Camp Shirley, No. 4, United Spanish and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. War Veterans, Department of New Hampshire, urging the pas 6631. By Mr. THURSTON: Petition of nine citizens of Athel sage of House bill 12030; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. stan, Page County, Iowa, requesting the Congress to enact · 6611. Also, petition of Brooklyn Division of the League of legislation increasing the pension of veterans and their depend- 1 Nations Nonpartisan A sociation, approving Senator CAPPER's ents; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. resolution providing for the renunciation of war as an instru 6632. By Mr. WHITE of Colorado: Petition of the public : ment of national policy and also of th~ approval of Congress utilities commission of the State of Colorado, urging the enact man BURTON's resolution relating to tile exportation of arms, ment of House bill 11363, to investigate certain practices of munitions, or implements of war to any nation which is engaged the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and its subsidiary; to 1 in 'var ; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. ' 6612. Also, petition of National League of Women Yoters, of 6633. By 1\Ir. WILLIAMS of Missouri: Petition of Mrs. Gail Washington, D. C., with reference to Senate Joint Resolution 46, E. Jackson et al., urging that immediate steps be taken to bring Mu cle Shoals; to the Committee on Military Affairs. to a vote a Civil War pension bill carrying the rates proposed 6613. Also, petition of the Baugh & Sons Co., Baltimore, Md., by the National Tribune; to the Committee on Pensions. protesting against the Government going into the fertilizer 6634. Also, petition of Perry Pratt et al., urging that imme }?usine s and therefore in particular protest against the House diate steps be taken to bring to a vote a Civil War pension bill Military Affairs Committee's substitute for the Norris bill; to carrying the rates proposed by the National Tribune ; to the the Committee on Military Affairs. Committee on Pensions. 6614. Also, petition . of Federated Agricultural Trades of , 6635. Also, petition of Charles E. Stout et al., urging that im America, of Chicago, Ill., opposing the McNary-Haugen bill; to mediate steps be taken to bring to a vote a Civil War pension the Committee on Agriculture. bill carrying the rates proposed by the National Tribune; to the . 6615. By Mr. RATHBONE: Petition of approximately 50 Committee on Pensions . signers, urging that immediate steps be taken to bring to a vote 6636. By Mr. WINGO: Petition of certain citizens of Ursula a Civil War pension bill in order that relief may be accorded and Charleston, Ark., advocating increase in pensions for vet to needy and suffering veterans and widows ; to the Committee erans of the Civil War and their widows; to the Committee on on Invalid Pensions. Invalid Pensions. 6616. By Mr. REID of Illinois: Petition of Leva A. P. Si 6637. By Mr. ZIHLMAN: Petition of Harriet J. Wright and monds and numerous citizens of Elgin, Ill., praying that im other residents of Altamont, Md., urging early action on tha mediate steps be taken to bring to a vote a Civil War pension Civil War pension bill; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. bill in order that relief may be accorded to needy and suffering veterans and widows ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 6617. By Mr. ROBINSON of Iowa: Petition signed by Sarah SENATE E. Bales and about 65 other citizens of Eldora, Iowa, advocat ing a pension bill carrying the following provisions : $72 per TuEsDAY, AprillO, 1928 month for every Civil War survivor, $125 per month for every (Legislative day of Monday, AprU 9, 19~8) Civil War survivor requiring aid and attendance, and $50 per month for every Civil War widow; to the Committee on Invalid The Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expi Pensions. ration of the· recess. 6618. By Mr. ROMJUE: Petition of G. W. Sharp, Jas. W. The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate will receive a message Billington, et al., of Stahl, Mo., for passage of Civil \Var pension from the House of Representatives. bill carrying the rates proposed by the National Tribune; to the MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Committee on Invalid Pensions. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Chaffee, 6619. By Mr. RUBEY: Petition of citizens of Laclede County, one of its clerks, announced that tbe House had passed without Mo., in behalf of more liberal pension laws for Civil War amendment the bill (S. 1628) relating to the office of Public veterans and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pen Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital. sions. The message also announced that the House had agreed to the 6620. By Mr. SELVIG: Petition of Mrs. H. B. Young, of Holt, amendment of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 9829) to extend the Minn., urging the passage of the Stalker bill (H. R. 9588) for provisions of the act of Congress approved March 20, 1922, en enforcing the dry laws; to the Committee on the Judiciary. titled "An act to consolidate national forest lands." 6621. Also, petition of Mary Bamford and 5 other residents CALL OF THE ROLL of Thief River Falls, ~nnn· ., urging the passage of the Stalker bill (H. R. 9588) ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 1\fr. CURTIS. 1\Ir. President, I suggest the absence of a 6622. Also, · petition of J. S. Brown and other residents of quorum. Thief River I!'alls, Minn., urging the passage of the Stalker bill The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. (H. R. 9588) ; to the Committee on the Judiciary. · The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Senators ! answered to their names : . 6623. A~so, petition of 30 member·s of the St. Hilaire Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Selma 0. Hoff, secretary, of Ashurst Bruce Fess Harrison St. Barkley Capper Fletcher Hilaire, urging the enactment of the Stalker bill (H. R. Hawes A-linn.; Bayard Caraway Frazier H~en ·9588) ; to the Committ~e on the Judiciary. Bingham Copeland Gerry H ·n 6624. Blaek Couzens Glass Jones Also, petition of Mr. and Mrs. William Karstad, resi Blaine Curtis Goff Kendrick dents of Thief River Falls, Minn., ur~ing the passage of House Blease Cutting Gooding Keyes bill 9588, the Stalker bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Borah Dale Gould Kin~ 6625. Mr. Bratton nm · Greene La· ollette By SINNOTT: Petition of numerous citizens of Brookhart Edge Bale McKellar Jefferson County, Oreg., in favor of an increase of pension for Broussard Edwards Harris McLean LXIX-387 l' 6140 CONGRESS! ON AL ·RECORD-SEN.A.TE APRIL 10 McMaster Phipps Shortrtdge Tyson Whereas if reta.n sales are prohibited on said market all of. said bene McNary Pine Simmons Vandenberg Mayfield Pittman Smith Wagner fits to the public who naw enjoy the privilege of buying at retail from J.Ietcalt Ransdell Smoot Walsh, Mass. the farmers will be lost, thereby increasing the already high cost of" Moses Reed, Pa. Steck Wals~ Mont. living; and Neely Robinson, Ind. Steiwer Warren Norbeck Sackett Stephens Waterman Whereas the people of the District of Columbia want and need a Nye Schall Swanson Watson retail produce farmers' market easily accessible with adequate transvor Oddie Sheppard Thomas Wheeler tation facilities as near as practicable to the geographical center and ()yerman Shipstead Tydings center of population; and 1\fr.