~ndex. to proceedings of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY

Nineteenth session - 1964/1965


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Index to proceedings of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY

Nineteenth session -1964/1965

UNITED NATiONS New York, 1965 1

DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Bibliographical Series No. A.15

[STZLrn/SER.B/A.15 I

0] j


Price: $U.S. 1.00 (or equivalent in other currencies) Table 0.[ Contents

Page Explanatory note ...... •.•....•. v Abbreviations .....•...... •....••.. vi

Introduction ...... •...... •.....•..... 1

Agenda ...... •....•...... •.....•••. 3

Subject Index ...... •.....•••..... 9

Index to Speeches ...... •...... • 49

Numerical List of Documents •.•.....•.•... , . 79 This page intentionally left blank Explanatory Note

:"COPE ( e) Numerical Wit of documents, arranged by docu­ ment symbols. This list also contains information as to 1. This Index, prepared by the Index Section of the the republication of mimeographed documents in the printed Dag Hammarskjold Library, United Nations, New York, fascicles of Annexes to the Official Records. is intended to offer a bibliographical guide to the proceed" ings and documentation of the 19th regular session of the General Assembly as well as of its committees or ad hoc committees which met during the session. AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTS

ARRANGEMENT 3. All summary and verbatim records of plenary and committee meetings of the General Assembly appear first 2. The Index consists of the following parts; in provisional mimeographed form. They may be identified by their symbol, which consists of the series symbol ( a) Introduction, including list of the Officers and (e.g., A/-, A/C.l/-, or A/SPC/-) as indicated in the check lists of meetings of the General Assembly and its introduction (see Check lists of meetings), followed by SR committees; or PV and an ordinal number corresponding to that of the meeting (e.g.,A/PV.1286). Summary records of meetings (b) Agenda, with reference to the relevant SUbject are later printed as separate fascicles in the Official headings used in Part (c), Records; verbatim records of meetings are issued only in mimeographed form. (c) Subject index. Subjects are arranged alpha" betically, with reference to the documentation, discussion, and disposition of each item. Agenda item numbers are Of the other documents, a few appear only as printed indicated in parentheses following the SUbject headings. Supplements to the Official Records (a fact always noted in Names of delegations are noted in parentheses following this index), but the rest are first issued in mimeographed the meeting number whenever statements are made on a form. Ivlost of them are SUbsequentlyprinted in the Annexes subject not SCheduled as an agenda item or on a SUbject to the Official Records, where they are grouped into referred to in the general debate in plenary meetings; fascicles according to agenda item number. The resolu­ tions adopted by the General Assembly, first issued in (d) Index to speeches. Speeches and statements by mimeographed form, are collected in printed Supplement representatives are listed in alphabetical order by country No.15 to the Official Records of the session. After their or organization, subdivided by subject discussed and by republication in the Official Records, the provisional name of speaker, with an indication of the meeting at mimeographed documents are no longer available. which the speech was made. Addresses of Heads of State are listed under the name of the country they represent, followed by their title and name. The remarks of the 4. Printed documentation of this session of the General President of the General Assembly and of chairmen of Assembly may be obtained, or purchased from authorized committees are normally not indexed. The speeches of sales agents, by requesting: chairmen and rapporteurs of committees are included, however, when they presented or explained the reports of General Assembly, Official Records, 19th session: their committees to the General Assembly. Statements Meeting ... (specify plenary or committee meeting and speeches made by private individuals representing an number) for summary records fascicles. organization to which a hearing was granted are listed Supplement No. (specify supplement number) under the name of the organization. Statements made by for documents initially issued in this form. officers of the United Nations Secretariat are listed under Annex No.... (specify annex number) for documents the name of the Office or Department they represented, republished in the Annexes.

v ., ~ ! Abbreviations 1\ ACC Administrative Committee on co-ordma- sect. section 1 tion sess, session Add. Addendum (Addenda) SF United Nations Special Fund 0 \ adm, adminiatration S...G Secretary-General d I Advisory Cttee Advisory Committee on Administrative suppl, no. supplement number ,) and Budgetary Questions TAB Technical Assistance Board Art. Article(s) TAC Technical Assistance Committee Trusteeship Council , 'I,\ BTAO Bureau of Technical Assistance Opera- TC . ,I tions TCOR Trusteeship Council Official Records i chap. chaptur(s) UN United Nations I Commn(s) Commission(s) UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and 1 Corr. Corrigendum (Corrigenda) Development Id "J Cttee(s) Committee(s) UNCURK United Nations Commission for the Uni­ st DC Disarmament Commission fication and Rehabilitation of Korea !d DCOR Disarmament Commission Official Rec- UNEF United Nations Emergency Force )1 ords UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and le Dept of ESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs Cultural Organization R DSB Drug Supervisory Body UNFICYP United Nations Peace-keeping Force in le ECA Economic Commission for Africa (s ECAFE Economic Commission for Asia and the UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for al Far East Refugees in ECE Economic Commission for Europe UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund ECLA Economic Commission for Latin America United Kingdom of Great Britain and EEC European Economic Community Northern Ireland ESC Economic and Social Council United states United States of America id ESCOR Economic and Social Council Official Rec­ UNREF United Nations Refugee Fund In ords UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency id FAO Food and Ac-riculture Organization of the for Palestine Refugees in the Near is United Nations East United Nations Truce SupervistonOrgani- to GA General Assembly UNTSOP zation in Palestine 1- GAOR General Assembly Official Records in lAEA International Atomic Energy Agency UPU Universal Postal Union USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics nt IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development WFUNA World Federation of United Nations As­ ir ~ociations al ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization ICJ International Court of Justice WHO World Health Organization lOA International Development Association WMO World Meteorological Organization IFC International Finance Corporation al !LC International Law Commission sd ILO International Labour Organisation The following abbreviations are used in the Index to IMCO Inter-governmental Maritime Consulta- Speeches in designating plenary and committee meetings: tive Organization n: IMF International Monetary Fund Bur. General Committee (Series A/BUR/SR.) ITU International Telecommunication Union Cr. Credentials Committee (l3erie8 A/CR/SR.) 19 NGO Non-Governmental Organization Plen. Plenary meeting(s) {S"ries A/PV.) r) NSG'f Non-Self-Governing Territories Pol. Special Political Committee (Series OAS Organization of American States A/SPC/SR.) ts OAU Organization of African Unity WA Ad hoc Committee of the General As- ONUC United Nations in the Congo sembly (Series A/AC...'/PV.) para., paras. paragraph(s) I First Committee (Series A/C.l/SR.) PCOB Permanent Central Opium Board 11 Second Committee (Series A/C.2/SR.) plen. plenary III Third Committee (Series A/C.3/SR.) res. resolution(s) IV Fourth Committee (Series A/CA/SR.) se Security Council V Fifth Committee (Series A/C.5/SR.) SCOR Security Council Official Records VI Sixth Committee (Series A/C.6/SR.)

vi Introduction

The 19th session of the General Assembly was held at United Nations Headquarters in New York from 1 Dee 1964 t· 18 Feb 1965 and it was resumed and closed on 1 Sep 1965. A list of members of delegations to the session is contained in document ST/SG/SER.B/15 (Sales no.: 64.1.20).

Officers Checklist of Meetings

I and (Symbol A/PV.-) President: Mr. Alex Quaison-.Sackey () elected by Uni­ acclamation at 1286ili plenary meeting. area No Vice-Presidents or Officers of Main Committees Meeting Date Meeting o.:« and were eleeted, 1286 1 Dec 1964 1309 21 Dec 1964 1287 2 Dec 1310 22 Dec e in 1288 2 Dec 1311 23 Dec 1289 3 Dec 1312 29 Dec for 1290 4 Dec 1313 29 Dec 1291 4 Dec 1314 30 Dec Rules of Procedure 1292 7 Dec 1315 18 Jan 1965 1293 7 Dec 1316 19 Jan l, 1294 8 Dec 1317 21 Jan i I The rules of procedure of tile General Assembly as 1295 13 Dec 1318 21 Jan ! ' amended up to 31 Dee 1963, A/520/Rev.7 (UN Sales no.: 1296 9 Dec 1319 22 Jan I sney i 64.1.18), were in effect during the 19i1i session. 1297 Dc~ 1320 25 Jan fear 9 1298 10 DI;.f) 1321 25 Jan 1299 11 Dec 1322 26 Jan ani- 1300 11 Dec 1323 26 Jan 1301 14 Dec 1324 27 Jan 1302 15 Dec 1325 27 Jan r 1303 15 Dec 1326 1 Feb As- Resolutions and Decisions 1304 16 Dec 1327 8 Feb 1305 16 Dec 1328 10 Feb I 1306 17 Dec 1329 16 Feb Resolutions and decisions of tile 19t1l session are col­ 1307. 18 Dec 1330 lP. Feb Ik lected in document A/5815 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no.15). 1308 21 Dec 1331 1 Sep

11: to f., ngs: .~ SR.) " SR.) II

t1 As- If.••• I:l(·· ~' 1


·I'·'.l.• !.

······\I,, I t { t ! ~.'.J.I 1 ~ j~ This page intentionally left blank Agenda

NOTE: The General Assembly did not formally adopt an agenda. The items marked with an astel'isk are those which were dealt with, in whole or in pa\·t, by the Assembly. The words in capital letters following the title of the item, and introduced by the word "See", indicate the subject headings under which the related documentation is listed in the Subject Index.

Provisional Agenda (Text in A/5750/Rev.1)

* 1. Opening of the session by the Chairman of the delsga­ 14. Report of the' Intemational Atomic Energy Agency tion of See INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGYAGENCY: See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: opening of session report, 1963/1964 * 2. Minute of silent prayer or meditation *15. Election of non-permanent members of the Security See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: meditation or prayer Council See SECURITY COUNCIL: members: election 3. Credentials of representatives to the 19th session of the General Assembly: *16. Election of six members of the Economic and Social Council *(a) Appointment of the Credentials ?ommittee See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL:members: See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Committees: creden­ election tials Committee: appointment 17. Appointment of the members of the PeaceObservation (b) Report of the Cl'edentials Committee Commission See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Member-s; representa.. See PEACE OBSERVATION COMMISSION: mem­ tives: credentials bers: appointment * 4. Election of the President *18. Admission of new Members to the United Nations See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: President See UNITED NATIONS: Members: admission J 5. Constitution of the Main Committees and election of 19. United Nations Emergency Force: officers (a) Report on the Force See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Committees: officers See UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE: ,1 6. Election of ViceNPresidents progress report See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: Vice-Presidents (b) Cost estimates for the maintenance et the Force * 7. Notification by the Secretary-Generalunder Article 12, See UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE: paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations budget, 1965 See SECRETARY..GENERAL: notification under Art. 12, para. 2, of the Charter 20. Report of the Committee for the International CON operation Year * 8. Adoption of the agenda See INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATIONYEAR, 1965 See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: agenda 21. Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of * 9. General debate J.ndependence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: general debate report of the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Decla­ *10. Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the ration on the Granting of Independence to Colo­ Organization nial Countries ..ind Peoples See SECRETARY-GENERAL: report, 1963/1964 See COLONIALISM: elimination *11. Report of the Security Council See SECURITY COUNCIL: report, 1963/1964 22. Installation of mechanical means of voting See GENERAL ASSEMBLY: procedure: voting: 12. Report of the Economic and Social Council mechanical means See ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL: report, 1963/1964 23. Question of general and complete disarmament: report of the Conference of the Eighteen-Nation Com­ 13. Report of the Trusteeship Council mittee on Disarmament See TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL: report, 1963/1964 See DISARMAMENT


2'1. Question of convening a conference for the purpose of 35. ActiVities in the field of Industrtal clevelopment: signing a convention on the prohibttton orthe use (a) Report of the Committee for Industrta; Develop­ of nuclear and thermouuclear weapons: l'epol't ment of the Conference of the Ej.ghteen~NationCom.. mittee on Disarmament (b} Report of the Secl'etary-Oenel'al See ATOMIC WEAPONS: prohtbttton; conference See INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (Pl'oposed) 36, The role of the United Nations in training national 25, Urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermo­ technical personnel fOl' the accelerated indus­ nuclear tests: report of the Conference of the trialization of Ule developing countries: report Eighteen-Nation Committee on Dlsarmament of the Economic and Social Council See ATOMIC TESTS: suspension See INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT: training of personnel 26. International cc-operation in the peaceful uses of outer space: repOl't of the Committee on the 37. The role of patents in the transfer of technology to Peaceful Uses of outer Space developing countries: report of the Secretary­ See OUTER SPACE: exploration and use General See PATENTS: & developing countries

27. The Korean question: report of the United Nations 3F.. Convention to peaceful needs of the resources re- Commission for the Unification and Rehabilita­ leased by disarmament: tion of Korea See KOREAN QUESTION (a) Report of the Economic and Social Council (b) Report of the Secretary-General , 28. Actions on the regional level with a view to improving See DISARMAMENT: economic and social conse­ :I good neighbourly relations among European quences States having different social and political sys­ tems 39. Permanent sovereignty over natural resources: report See EUROPE: peaceful relations among States of the Secretary-General See NATURAL RESOURCES: permanentsovereignty 29, Effects of atomic radiation: report of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of 40. Inflation and economic development: report of the Atomic Radiation Secretary-General See RADIATION: effects See INFLATION: & economic development 41. Population growth and economic development: report * 30. Report of the Commissioner-General of the United of the Economic and Social Council Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine See POPULATION GROWTH Refugees in the Near East See PALESTINE REFUGEES 42. World campaign for universal literacy: report of the Secr-etary-General 31. The policies of apartheid of the Government of the See ILLITERACY: eradication Republic of South Africa: 43. United Nations training and research institute: report (a) Report of the Special Committee on the Poli­ of the Secretary-General cies of Apartheid of the Government of the see UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING Republic of South Africa AND RESEARCH: establishment (b) Report of the Secretary-General See SOUTH AFRICA: race problems: apartheid 44. Progress and operations of the Special Fund See UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL FUND: operations

* 32. Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and. 45. United Nations programmes of technical co-operation: Development See UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE (a) Review of activities AND DEVELOPMENT, Geneva 1964 See TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Expanded Pro­ gramme; TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: United 33. Accelerated flow of capital and technical assistance to Nations programme the developing countries: reportof the Secretary­ *(b) Confirmation of the allocations of funds under General the Expanded Programme of Technical As­ See INVESTMENTS, INTERNATIONAL sistance See TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Expanded Pro­ 34, Establishment of a United Nations capital develop­ gramme: finances: allocations ment fund: report of the Committee on a United Nations Capital Development Fund See UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT 46. Assistance in cases of natural disaster FUND: establishment (proposed) See NATURAL DISASTERS

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4'7. World social situation: 60. Information from Non-Seli-Governing Territories (a) Report of the Economic and Social Council transmtttod under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations: (b) Repol·t of the Secretary-General (a) Report of the Socretary-General {No documents issued] (b) Report of the Special Committee on the Situation 48. Housing, building and planning: with regard to the Implementation of the Decla­ ration on the Granting of Independence to (a) Report of the Economic and Social Council Colonial Countries and Peoples (b) Report of the secretary-neneral See NON-SELF-GOVERNINGTERRITORIES: infor­ See HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT mation to United Nations 49. Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for 61. Question of : report of the Special Refugees Committee on the Situation with regard to the 1mplementation of the Declaration on the Grant­ See REFUGEES ing of Independence to Colonial Countries and Pl;loples 50. Measures to implement the United Nations Declara­ See SOUTH WEST AFRICA: international status tion on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination: report of the Secretary-General 62. Special educational and training programmes for See RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: Declaration, 1963: South West Africa: report of the Secretary.. I implementation General 'I See SOUTH WEST AFRICA: fellowships and schol- 51. Draft International convention on the elimination of ar~~ all forms of racial discrimination I See RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: c.?nvention (draft) 63. Special training programme for territories under 52. Draft recommendation on consent to marriage, mini­ Portuguese administration: report of the Secre­ mum age for marriage and registration of mar­ tary-General riages See TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMIN­ See MARRIAGE: age, consent and registration: ISTRATION: fellowships and scholarships recommendation (draft) 64. Offers by Member States of study and training facili­ 53. Measures to accelerate the promotion of respect for ties for inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Ter­ human rights and fundamental freedoms ritories: report of the Secretary-General See HUMAN RIGHTS: observance See NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES: fellowships and scholarships 54. Manifestations of racial prejudice and national and religious intolerance See RACIAL, NATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS INTOL­ 65. Question of On.an: report of the Ad Hoc Committee on ERANCE: prevention Oman See OMAN QUESTION 55. Draft declaration on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance 66. Financial reports and accounts for the financial yea." See RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION: declaration ended 31 and reports of the (draft) Board of Auditors: 56. Draft declaration on the right of asylum (a) United Nations See ASYLUM, RIGHT OF: declaration (draft) See UNITED NATIONS: finances: accounts, 1963 57. Freedom of information: (b) United Nations Children's Fund (a) Draft convention on freedom of information See UNITED NA'I'IONS CHILDREN'S FUND: fi­ nances: accounts, 1963 See FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: convention (draft) (c) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (b) Draft declaration on freedom of information See UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS See FREEDOM OF INFORMATION: declaration AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN (draft) THE NEAR EAST: finances: accounts, 1963 (d) Voluntary funds administered by the United 58. Draft international covenants on human rights Nations High Commissioner for Refugees See HUMAN RIGHTS: covenants (draft, 1954) 1 See UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR 59. Draft declaration on the promotion among youth of the REFUGEES: finances: accounts, 1963 ideals of peace, mutual respect and under­ standing between peoples *67. Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1964 See PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG PEOPLES: See UNITED NATIONS: budget, 1964: supplementa­ promotion among youth: declaration (draft) ry appropriations


... 68. Budget estimntos fOl' the finanoial yelu' 1965 73. Adnuntstrattve and budgetary co-ordination of the See UNITED NATIONS: budget, 1965 United Nations with the specialized agencies and the Internattonal Atomic Energy Agency 69. Pnttern of conrerences: repod of the Sacretarj'­ (c07lU'll(ed) Genol'al (b) Inter-organtzattoual machinery for matters of See UNl'l'ED NATIONS: calendar of conferences: pay and personnel administration: report of the pattern of conrerences I Secretary-General I See INTEHNATT.ONAL CIVIL SERVICE ADVISORY ... 70. Appointments to nu vacancies in the memberslup of BOARD: terms of reference: amendments I subsidiary bodies of the General ASsembly: I (a) Advisory Committee on Administrative and 74, Administrative and budgetary procedures orthe United Budgetary Questions Nations: report of the Working Group on the I Examination of the Administrative and Budgetary See ADVISORY COMMIT'I'EEONADMINISTHATIVE Procedures of the United Nations AND BUDGETAHY QUESTIONS: members: See UNITED NATIONS: peace and security opera­ election tions: financing I (b) Committee on Contributions l~ 75. Personnel questions: See COMMITTEE ON CONTHIBUTIONS: members: I, election (a) Composition of the Secretariat: report of the 1 Secretary-General I (c) Board of Auditors See SECRETAHIAT: staff: geographical distribution I See BOAHD OF AUDITORS: members: election (b) Other personnel questions (d) Investments Committee: confn-mation of the appointments made by the secretarv-oenenn See SECRETAHINr: staff: rules and regulations: ht amendments See INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE: members: ap­ pointment: confirmation *76, Report of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (e) United Nations Administrative Tribunal See UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION See UNITED NATIONS ADMINISTRA'I'lVE THI­ BOARD: report 1962/1963 BUNAL: members: election *77, United Nations International School: report of the (f) United Nations Staff Pension Committee Secretary-General See UNITED NATIONS STAFF PENSION COM­ See UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONALSCHOOL MITTEE: members: election 78, Report of the International Law Commisaion on the work of its 16Ul session 71. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the See INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION: report, expenses of the United Nations: report of the 16th session Committee on Contributions See UNITED NATIONS: finances: contributions 79. General multilateral treaties concluded under the auspices of the : report of the 72. Audit reports relaung to expenditure by specialized Secretary-General agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency: See CONVENTIONS, MULTILATEHAL: accessions and ratifications (a) Earrnarkinga and contingency allocations from the '3pecial Account ofthe Expanded Programme 80, Technical assistance to promote the teaching, study, of Technical Assistance dissemination and wider appreciation of inter­ See TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Expanded Pro­ national law: report of the Special Committee on gramme: finances: Special Account: audit Technical Assistance to Promote the Teaching, Study, Dissemination and Wider Appreciation of (b) Earmakings and allotments from the Special International Law Fund See INTERNATIONAL LAW: study and teaching: See UNITED NA TIONS SPECIAL FUND: finances: technical assistance accounts, 1963 81. Consideration of principles of international law con­ 73. Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the cerning friendly relations and co-operation United Nations with the specialized agencies among States in accordance WWl the Charter of and the International Atomic Energy Agency: the United Nations: (a) Report of the Advisory Committee on Adminis­ (a) Report of the Special Committee on Principles trative and Budgetary Questions of International Law concerning Friendly Rela­ tions and Co-operation among States See CO-ORDINATION AMONG UNITED NATIONS AND SPECIALIZED AGENCIES: administra­ (b) Study of the principles enumerated in para. 5of tive and budgetary questions GA resolution 1966 (XVIII)

6 --~->-"-*"-----_''''''_~_.~_'--~--.-..---. -,--~- ~---,-_._~~~-- --~-~~,.."...... _, ----'''='-''--'''''-


81. Ccnstderatton of principles of tntemanonat law con­ 82. Consideration of steps to be tnken for progressive cernlng fl'iendly relations and co-operatton development in the field of private international among States in accordance with the Charter of law with a pnrttcular view to pl'omoting Inter­ the United Nntions (continued) national trade See INTERNi~TIONAL LAW, PRIVATE: & inter­ (c) Report of the Secretnry-Genornl on methods of national trade fact-finding See PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG STATES: 83. Declaration on tile denucleurfzatton of Africa & intornntional law See AFRICA: nuclear-free zone (proposed)

Supplementary List (Text in A!5760/Rev.2)

8-1, Renunciation by States of the use of force for tile set­ S-6. Observance by Member States of the principles re­ tlement of territorial disputes and questions concern­ lating to the sovereignty of States, their ter­ ing frontiers ritorial integrityI non-Interference in thetr See TERRITORIAL DISPUTES: pacific settlement domestic affairs, the peaceful settlement of disputes and the condemnation of subve: sive S-2, Question of Cyprus activities See CYPRUS SITUATION See INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS S-3. The grave situation created by the policies of tile Greek Cypriots and of Greece in the question of Cyprus S-7. Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons See CYPRUS SITUATION S8e ATOMIC WEAPONS: dissemination: prevention S-4. Report of the Secretary-General on the Third United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful S-8. Restoration of the lawful rights of the People' Republic Uses of Atomic Energy of China in the United Nations See INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE See CHINA: representation in United Nations PEACEFUL USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY, 3rd, Geneva 1964 S-9. Question of S-5. Consolidation of the Special Fund and the Expanded See TIBET QUESTION Programme of Technical Assistance in a United Nations Development Programme See TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE: Expanded Pro­ gramme: & UN Special Fund: merger (pro­ posed); UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME: establishment (proposed)

7 This page intentionally left blank Subject Index

NOTE: Since the General Assembly did not formally adopt an agenda, the agenda item numbers appearing in parentheses after the subject-headings refer to the numbering of the items in the provisional agenda•

• AD HOC COMMITTEE ON OMAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND __ report A/5846 (& corr.t, English only, Corr.2, French BUDGETARY QUESTIONS (continued) only): See Oman question for discussion -- reports See under subject of report f01' discussion 1 ADEN __ self-government or independence (agenda item 21) A/5709 1st: Inquiry into the conference facili­ ·1 Documents ties and major m....intenance of the A/5800/Add.4 Special Cttee on the Situation with Palais des Nations, Geneva regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to A/5710 2nd: Financial reports and accounts, and reports of the Board of Auditors Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report for the year ended 31 Dec 1963: the Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Somalia), 1294 United Nations and its trust funds and (Czechoslovakia), 1296 (Libya), 1298 (United special accounts; the UN regular pro­ Arab Republic, United Republic of ), grammes of technical assistance and 1299 (Cuba, Ghana), 1302 (), 1303 (Byelo­ its participation in the Expanded Pro­ russian SSR), 1305 (Kuwait, Tunisia), 1306 gramme of Technical Assistance: the (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Syria), 1319 (Mali), Technical Assistance Board secre­ 1322 (Algeria, Cyprus) tariat; the Special Fund: UN as execut­ ing agency, and the administrative budget of the Managing Director; the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND UN Suez Canal Surcharge Operation; the Special Account of the UN Emer­ BUDGETARYQUESTIONS __ members: election (agenda item 70 (a» gency :s crce and the Ad hoc account of the UH Operation in the Congo Documents A/5711 3rd: . . . UNICEF for the year ended A/5715 Secretary-General. Note 31 Dec 1963 and the UNICEF Greeting A/5874 Secretary-General. Note containing cur­ Card Fund for the period 1 Sep 1962 ricula vitae of candidates to 31 Aug 1963 A/L.450 GA: President. Draft resolution A/5712 4th: .•. UNRWA Action in Plenary: Meetings 1326 (Secretary-General), A/5713 5th: •.• Voluntary funds administered 1327 (GA President), 1328 by the UN High Commissioner for Draft resolution in A/L.450 adopted without vote Refugees at 1328th meeting as resolution 1996 (XIX) Messrs. P. L. Correa (Brazil), M. Riad (United A/5714 6th: Architectural and engineer sur­ Arab Republic), E. O. Sanu (Nigeria) and (& Corr.L, vey of the Headquarters buildings D. Serbanescu (Romania) elected for a English only) 3-year term beginning i Jan 1965 A/5807 (GAOR, 7th: [Report on the budget estimates 19th sess., for 1965] Composition of the Advisory Committee suppl. no. 7) as of 1 Jan 1965 (& Corr.l, English only) Term of Office Members (1 Jan - 31 Dec) A/5787 8th: Supplementary estimates for the financial year 1964 Mr. J. P. Bannier (Netherlands) 1964 - 1966 A/5788 9th: Budget estimates for the secre­ Mr. A. F. Bender (United States) 1964 - 1966 tariat of the TAB for the year 1965 Mr. R. Boudjakdji (Algeria) 1963 .. 1965 Mr. P. L. Correa (Brazil) 1965 - 1967 A/5794 10th: Revised estimates for sect. 21: Mr. A. Ganem () 1963 - 1965 (& Corr.1, International Court of Justice Mr. J. Gibson (United Kingdom) 1963 .. 1965 English only) Mr. R. A. Quijano () 1964 .. 1966 A/5795 11th: Revised estimates for sects. 1, 2, Mr. M. Riad () 1965 .. 1967 3, 5, 10 and income sect. 3 resulting Mr. E. O. Sanu (Nigeria), re-elected 1965 .. 1967 from decisions of the ESC Mr. D. Serbanescu (Romania), re-elected 1965 - 1967 Mr. A. Shahi () 1963 - 1965 A/5796 12th: Special Fund: administrative budget Mr. V. F. Ulanchev (USSR) 1964 .. 1966 estimates for 1965



MM reports (continued) -- reports (continued)

A/5797 13th: Revised estimates for sects. 3, 4, A/5891 29th: Audit reports relating to expendi­ 19 and 21 resulting from increases and ture by specialized agencies and the related costs IAEA: earmarktngs and allotments . from the Special Fund. Audit reports A/5798 14th: Revised estimates for sect. 1 ••• for the year ended 31 Dec 1963 relating resulting from (1) the admission of to expenditure by' specialized agencies new Member States, and (2) additional requirements of the Board of Auditors

A/5799 15th: Conference facilities and major AFRICA j (& corr.L, maintenance of Palais des Nations, MM nuclear-free zone (proposed) (agenda item 83) English only) Geneva J A/5816 16th: Revised estimates for sect. 7: Documents Architectural and engineering survey A/5730 Algeria, Burundi, Cameroun, Central j of Headquarters buildinga African Republic, Chad, Congo (Brazzaville), 17th: Establishment of an electronic Congo (Leopoldville), Dahomey, Ethiopia, A/5817 , ,~ data processing centre at Headquarters Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, 'I Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauri.. .~ , A/5818 18th: Revised estimates for sects. 18 tania, Morocco, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, '~ and 19 resulting from the need to Senegal.. Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, £ strengthen some of the special missions Tunisia, , United Arab Republic, 19th: Report of the UN Joint Staff United Republic of and , A/5819 Upper Volta. Letter 28 Aug 1964, request­ (& Corr.L, Pension Board , ing inclusion of item "Declaration on the English only) \j denuclearization of African in the agenda A/5820 20th: Report of the UN Joint Staff Pension Board Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey), J 1291 (), 1293 (Ethiopia), 1295 (Greece), A/5837 21st: Report. of the UN Conference on Trade and Development 1298 (United Arab Republic, United Republic of Tanzania), 1300 (Liberia), 1303 (Sierra Leone), 1305 (Niger), 1307 (Bolivia), 1308 (Ceylon), A/5842 22nd: Administrative and budgetary co­ 1319 (Sweden) ordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and IAEA: -- refugees: assistance Overhead costs statements in Plenary: Meeting 1300 (Liberia) A/5859 23rd: Administrative and budgetary co­ ordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the IAEA AFRICA, CENTRAL A/5B81 24th: Administrative and financial im­ -- economic integration plications of the recommendations by the UNCTAD, Geneva 1964, with regard statements in Plenary: Meetings 1310 (), to a conference of plenipotentiaries 1316 (Central African Republic) for signing a convention on the transit trade of land-locked countries AFRICA, NORTH A/5883 25th: Assistance in cases of natural disasters -- economic integration 26th: UN International SChOOl statements in Plenary: Meetings 1305 (Tunisia), 1318 ~I A/5n88 " (Morocco), 1322 (Algeria) A/5889 27th: Pattern and programme of con­ ferences AFRICAN AND MALAGASY ORGANIZATION FOR ECO­ A/5890 28th: Audit reports .relating to expendi­ NOMIC CO-OPERATION ture by specialized agencies and the -- & European Economic Community IAEA: earmarkings and contingency allocations from the Special Account statements in Plenary: Meeting 1310 (Cameroon) of the Expanded Programme of 'I'echni­ cal Assistance. Audit reports for the year ended 31 Dec 1963 relating to expenditure by specialized agencies ALLIANCE FOR PROGRESS and the IAEA of technical assistance funds allocated from the Special Ac­ statements in Plenary: Meetings 1295 (Chile), 1317 count (Dominican Republic)

10 . __ . _ •• " __ •• _ ••...... -..-....---....,.__ A .~_. •

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AMERICAN SAMOA ATOMIC TESTS'(continued) -- selt-government or independence (agenda item 21) -- Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United states), Documents 19R3 A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, Ja­ regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ pan, somalta), 1291 (Zambia)1 1292 (costaatca, tion on the Granting of Independence to Iran), 1293 (Peru, Uganda) I 1294 (, Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Czechoslovakia, , Senegal), 1296 (, Libya, Thailand), 1297 (Paraguay, Phflippmes), 1298 (United Arab Republic), 1299 (Cambodia, Ghana), 1300 Liberia, Nepal), 1301 __ self-government or independence (agenda item 21) (Indonesia, (Gabon, , Poland), 1302 (Nigeria), 1303 (Byelorussian SSRI ), 1304 Documents 1.and (Albania), 1305 (Burundi, New Zea l Niger, A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with Tunisia), 1306 (, Mongolia, Saudi regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ Arabia), 1307 (Bolivia, Bulgaria)11308(Ceylon), tion on the Granting ..of Independence to 1309 (Hungary) I 1310 (), 1316 (Central Colonial Oountries and Peoples. Report African Republic), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), 1318 (Netherlands), 1319 (Mali), 1321 (Turkey), 1323 (United States) ASYLUMI RIGHT OF -- declaration (draft) (agenda item 56)

Documents A/5704 Secretary-General. Note ATOMIC WEAPONS -- dissemination: prevention (agenda item S-7) e ATOMIC ENERGY Documents a A/5758 India. Letter, 10 Oct 1964, requesting " See also International Atomic Energy Agency ·1 inclusion of supplementary item "Non­ International Conference on the Peaceful proliferation of nuclear weapons" in the Uses of Atomic Energy, 3rd Geneva l agenda 1964 -- peaceful uses A/5827 (& Cor r.L, English only) USSR. Letter, 7 Dec 19641 transmitting memorandum con­ cerning reduction of international tension Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1323 (United States) and limitation of arms race

ATOMIC TESTS Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (DahomeyI So­ ~- suspension (agenda item 25) malia) I 1292 (USSR)I 1293 (Ethiopia) I 1294 GA resolution 1963 (XVIII) (Canada, Czechoslovakia, Laos), 1295 (Chile, Greece, Ireland), 1296 (Denmark, Libya, See also Disarmament Thailand) I 1298 (United Arab Republic, United France: atomic tests in the Pacific (proposed) Republic of Tanzania)I 1299 (CUba), 1300 (Liberra), 1301 (Gabon, India, Poland), 1302 Documents (Iraq, Nigeria)I.1303 (Byelorussian SSRI Sierra A/5731 (DC/209) Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Dis- Leone), 1305 (Niger), 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia, armament. Report covering the period Saudi Arabia), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1308 (Ceylon), 21 Jan - 17 Sep 1964 1316 (United Kingdom, Yugcslavta), 1317 A/5827 (& Corr.L, English only) USSR. Letter, (, Ukranian SSR), 1318 (Netherlands}, 7 Dec, transmitting memorandum concern­ 1319 (Pakistan, Sweden) I 1321 (Italy, Turkey), ing reduction of international tension and 1322 (Cyprus), 1323 (United states) limitation of arms race .8 -- & non-nuclear powers: agreement [to prevent attack by Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, nuclear powers] (proposed) ), 1292 (Costa Rica, USSR)I 1293 (Ethiopia, Uganda) I 1294 (Czechoslovakia, Laos), 1296 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1295 (Ireland), 1322 )~ (Libya, Thailand), 1298 (EcuadorI United Arab (India) Republic), 1299 (Cuba) I 1300 (Nepal) I 1301 (India), 1302 (Niger-ia, Uruguay) I 1306 (Mon­ golia) I 1307 (Bulgaria), 1308 (Ceylon), 1310 -- prohibition: conference (proposed) (agenda item 24) (Mexico), 1316 (Central African Republic, GA resolution 1090 (XVIII) Yugostavia), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR)I 1319 (Mali, Sweden), 1321 (Italy), 1322 (Cyprus), 1323 See also Disarmament (Afghanistan), 1330 At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly Documents agreed without vote to accept the proposal A/5731 (DC/209) Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Dis- 17 of the President in A/58841 para. 3 to note armament. Report covering the period receipt of the report in A/5731 21 Jan - 17 Sep 1964

11 --].... -11 SUBJECT INDEX w A'fOMIC WEAPONS (continued) BECHUANALAND -- prohibition: conference (proposed) (continued) -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, Documents Japan), 1292 (USSR), 1293 (Ethiopia), 1894 A/5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with (Canada, Czel>"oblovakia, Laos), 1295 (Vene­ regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ zuela), 1296 (Libya, Thailand), 1298 (Ecuador, tion on the Granting of Independence to United Arab Republic, United Republic of Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Tanzania), 1299 (Cambodia, Cuba), 1300 (Liberia), 1301 (India, Poland), 1302 (Nigeria}, statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290(Dahomey),1293 1303 (Byelorussian SSR, Sierra Leone), 1304 (Ethiopia), 1297 (), 1298 (United Republic (Albania), 1305 (Burundi, Tunisia), 1306 of Tanzania), 1299 (Cuba), 1305 (Burundi, , (Malaysia, Mongolia, Syria), 1307 (Bulgaria), Tunisia) u 1308 (Ceylon, Romania), 1310 (Mexico), 13.16 (Central African Republic, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Norway, Ukranian SSR), 1319 (Mali, pakistan, ~ Sweden), 1322 (Cyprus), 1330 See :j At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly agreed without vote to accept the proposal of the President in A/5884, para, 3 to note j receipt of the report in A/5731 -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) -- prohibition in outer space Documents A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1293 regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ J.~ (Peru), 1294 (Czechoslovakia), 1298 (United tion on the Granting of Independence to Arab Republic, United Republic of Tanzania), Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report g 13CO (Nepal), 1301 (India, Poland), 1302 (Nigeria), 1308 (Ceylon), 1309 (Madagascar), e 1321 (Turkey), 1323 (United States) BOARD OF AUDITORS -- members: election (agenda item 70 (c)

BAHAMA ISLANDS Documents 11 -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) A/5720 Secretary-General. Note A/5876 secretary-qcoerat. Nots Document." A/L.452 GA: President. Draft r esolution A/5800/Add.? Special Cttee on the Situation with 4 regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ Action in Plenary: Meetings 1326 (Secretary-General), tion on the Granting of Independence to 1327 (GA President), 1328 Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Draft resolution in A/L.452 adopted without vote at 1328th meeting as resolution 1998 (XIX) The First President of the Audit Office of Belgium elected for a three year term -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) beginning 1 Jul 1965

Documents A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation wi.th regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ Composition of the Board of Auditors tion on the Granting of Independence to as of 1 Jul 1965 Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Term of Office Members (1 Jul - 30 Jun) BAs'rID, Mme PAUL: Ice) -- biography A/5878 Belgium 1965 - 1968 Colombia 1963 - 1966 Pakistan 1964 - 1967 -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) -- reports Documents See under s'.lbject of report for discussion A/5800/Add. 5 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ A/5831. (GAOR, 19th sess., Annexes) Technical tion on the Granting of Independence to assistance: Expanded Programme: finances: Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report accounts, 1963 A/5806 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6) United statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey), 1293 Nations: finances: accounts, 1963 (Ethiopia), 1298 (United Republic of Tanzania), A/5806/Add.3 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 6C) 1299 (Cuba), 1305 (Burundi, Tunisia) UNHCR: finances: accounts, 1963

12 ---.. _.~ ~._~, '._' .~_.,~._------.._~_ .. --~----p,~._·"~···~-'-·' ~,_.,---_.....---..-.- '"----


BOARD OF AUDITORS (continued) BRUNEI -- reports (continued) -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

A/5806/Add,,1 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 6A) Documents I with UNICEF: rmances: accounts, 1963 A/5800/Add. 6 Special Cttee on the Situation with lara­ A/5806/Add.2 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 6B) regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ ~e to UNRWA: finmces: accounts, 1963 tion on the Grmting of Independence to t A/5832 (GAOR, 19U1 sess., Annexes) UN Special Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Fund: finances: accounts, 1963: executing ,1293 agencies IUblic BURUNDI: PRIME MINISTER (Ngendandumwe, P.) -undr, -- tribute to BORDER DISPUTES See Territorial disputes In Plenary: Meeting 1315

CAMBODIA and THAILAND BOUNDARIES See Territorial disputes Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1296 (Thailmd), Venezuela and : boundaries 1299 (Cambodia)

CAMBODIA SITUATION l with BOWMAN, RAYMOND T. (United States) lara­ -- biography A/5875 statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1294 se to (Czechoslovakia), 1299 (Cambodia, Cuba), 1304 (Albania), 1305 (Burundi), 1306 (Mongolia), 1309 (Hungary), 1317 (Ukranian SSR), 1319 (Mali) BRITISH GUIANA

See also Venezuela and British Guima CAPITAL FLOW See Investments, International -- independence (agenda item 21)

Documents CAPITAL PUNISHMENT A/5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with -- convention (draft) regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ eral), tion on the Granting of Independence to Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1319 (Sweden) Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report vote (XIX) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1294 (Czecho- :e of slovakia), 1299 (Cuba, Ghma), 1300 (Nepal, term 1322 (Cyprus) -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

Documents A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with BRITISH HONDURAS regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) tion on the Granting of Independence to f,i Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report !;.J Documents A/5800/Add. 7 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ CENTRAL AMERICA tion of the Granting of Independence to -- economic and political integration 1 Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1301 (Guatemala) ,I Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1301 (Guatemala, United Kingdom) 'u CHINA -- representation in United Nations (agenda item S-8) BruTISH inical -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) Documents mces: A/5761 (& Corr.L, Spanish only), Add.4 Cambodia. Documents Letter, 20 Oct 1964, requesting inclusion of Jnited A/5800/Add.f Special Cttee on the Situation with additional item "Restoration of the lawful regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ rights of the People's Republic of China in I. 6C) tion on the Granting of Independenc.:e to the United Nations" in the agenda (Add.4 Colonial Countrias and Peoples. Report contains explanatory memorandum)

13 tit· .


CHINA (continued) CHURCHILL, Sil' WINSTON (United Kingdom) -- represent~tionin United Nations (continued) _.. tl'ibute to

Documents (continued) In Plenary: Meetings 1320..1323 A/57311Add.1 Algel'ia, Congo (Brnzzav1lle), Guinea, Mali. Letter, 12 Nov 1964, co.. sponsoring request by Cambodia COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS A/5761!Add.2 Indonesia. Lettel', 16 Nov 1964, _.. self-government or independence (agenda item 21) cc-sponsortng request by Cambodia A/5761/Add.3 (& Add.3/Col'r.l, 2, English only) Documents Albania. Cable, [16] Nov 1964, requesting A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with inclusion of [supplementary] item "Restora.. regard to the Implementatton of the Declara­ tion of the lawful l'ights of the People's tion on the Granting of Independence to Republic of China in the United Nations" Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report in the agenda A/5761/Add.5 Burundi. Letter, 25 Nov 1964, eo­ sponsoring request by Cambodia A!5761!Add.6 Cuba. Loller, 28 Nov 1964, eo­ COLONIALISM sponsoring request by Cambodia -- elimination (agenda item 21) A/5761/Add,7 Ghana. Lettel', 8 Dec 1964, eo­ GA resolution 1956 (XVlll) sponsoring request by Cambodia A/5761!Add.8 Romania, Letter, 11 Dec 1964, See also Non-Self-Governing Territories co-sponsortng request by Cambodia South West Africa

Documents statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, A/5800 (& corr.t, English only) Special Cttee on Japan, Somalia), 1291 (Zambia), 1292 (USSR), the Si.tuation with regard to the Implementa­ 1293 (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda), 1294 (Czecho­ tion of the Declaration on the Granting of slovakia, Laos, Senegal), 1295 (Ireland), 1296 Independence to Colonial Countries and (Denmark), 1297 (Malawt, philippines), 1298 Peoples. Report (United Arab Republic, United Republic of A/5800/Add.1 .•• Southern Tanzania), 12fl\1 (Camoodia, Cuba, Ghana), 1300 A/5800/Add.2 •• , South West Africa (Indonesia, Liberia, Nepal), 1301 (Gabon, Guate.. A/5800/Add.3 , •• Territories under Portuguese mala, poland), 1302 (Iraq, Nigeria), 1303 administration (Byelorussian SSR, Sierra Leone, Trinidad and A/5800/AddA ... Aden Tobago), 1304 (Albania), 1305 (Burundi, Niger, A/5800/Add.5 ••• British Guianaj Basutoland, Tunisia), 1306 (Mongolia, Syria), 1307 (Bulgaria, Bechuanaland, Swazilandj Fernando Poo, Rio Congo (Braazavnlej), 1308 (Ceylon, Romania), Muni, Ifnt, Spanish Sahara; Gibraltarj ; 1309 (China, Hungary), 1316 (Central African ; Gambia; Fiji Republic), 1317 (Dominican Republic, Norway, A/5800/Add.6 .•. , , St. Ukranian SSR), 1318 (Morocco), 1319 (Mali, Halena; Cook Islands, Niue and pakistan, Sweden), 1322 (Algeria), 1323 (Mali) Islands; American samoa; Guami Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: Trust Ter­ ritory of Nauru, Papua, Trust Territory of , Cocos (Keeling) Islands; New CHINA (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC) Hebr-ides, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, -- atomic tests Pitcairn Island, Solomon Islands: Brunei: Hong Kong Siatements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, A/5300/Add.7 , •. ; Bermuda, Japan), 1291 (Zambia), 1292 (costa Rica), 1293 Bahamas, Turks and Calces Islands, Cayman (Ethiopia, Uganda), 1294 (Canada, Senegal), Islands; Virgin Islands (US), Virgin Islands 1295 (Chile, Ireland, Venezuela), 1296 (Denmark, (British), Antigua, Dominica, , Mont­ Israel), 1297 (Malawi, Philippines), 1299 (Cam­ serrat, St. Kitts-Nevts-Angutlla, St. Lucia, bodia), 1300 (Liberia), 1301 (Guatemala, India), St. Vincent, Barbados; British Honduras 1302 (Uruguay), 1303 (Sierra Leone, Trinidad A/5800/Rev.1 ... Report (printed as Annex 8, Tobago), 1304 (Albania), 1305 (), pt. I to the Official Records) 1309 (China), 1316 (Central African Republic, A/5840 Special Ctteeon the Situation with regard Yugoslavia), 1318 (Netherlands), 1319 (Mali, to the Implementation of the Declaration on Sweden, United States), 1321 (Italy), 1323 (Mali) the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report. Implica­ tions of the activities of the mining industry and of the other international companies CHINA (PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC) and INDIA having interests in South West Africa (in­ cludes report of Sub-Cttee I) statements in Plenary: Meetings 1295 (Ireland), 1301 A/5880 New Zealand, Letter, 2 Feb 1965, con­ (India), 1304 (Albania), 1305 (Albania, India), cerning the nomination of UN personnel to 1309 (China), 1319 (Pakistan), 1322 (India), supervise elections in the Cook Islands, 1323 (Pakistan) transmitted by Secretary-General's note


COLONIALISM (contl'nued) COMMITTEE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION .- elimination (contl'nued) YEAR Documents (continued) -- report A/5836: See under International Co-operation A/5882 Secretal'y-General. Note requesting Year, 1965 for discussion authorization fl'om the General Assembly to appoint a UN representative to supervise elections in the Cook Islands and to meet COMMITTEE ON A UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVEL­ expenses arising thererrom OPMENT FUND A/5885 USSR. Letter, 16 Feb 196,5, opposing -- report A/5748: See under United Nations Capital De­ suggestion to appoint a UN representative velopment Fund for discussion to supervise elections in the Cook Islands A/5893 , Lett'er, 1.8 Feb 1965, con­ cerning reservations to the contents of draft COMMITTEE ON CONTRIBUTIONS resolution in A/L.460 relating to the elections -- members: election (agenda item 70 (b) in the Cook Islands A/5894 United Kingdom, Letter, 18 Feb 1965, Documents concerntng denial of obligation by other A/5716 Secretary-General. Note administering authorities to follow procedure A/5875 Secretary-General. Note Including cur­ adopted with regard to elections in the Cook ricula vitae of candidates Islands A/L.451 GA: President. Draft resolution A/589!' United States. Letter, 18 Feb 1965 reserving position on the general applicabilitY Action in Plenary: Meetings 1326 (Secretary-General), or suitability of the procedure adopted with 1327 (GA President), :!.328 regard to the elections in the Cook Islands Draft resolution in A/L.451 adopted without vote A/5907 France, Letter, 5 Mar 1965, reserving at 1328th meeting as resolution 1997 (XIX) position on ipso facto application to other Messrs. R. T. Bowman (United-States), F. N. Kia NSGT of the procedure adopted with regard (Iran), and S. Raczkowski (Poland) elected to the elections in the Cook Islands for 3-year term beginning 1 Jan 1965 A/L.460 Secretary-General. Draft resolution concerning supervision of the elections to be held in the Cook Islands Composition of the Committee on Contributions as of 1 Jan 1965 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (Brazfl), 1290 (Dahomey, Japan, Somalia), 1291 (Zambia), Term of Office 1292 (Costa Rica, Iran, USSR), 1293 (Ethiopia, Members (1 Jan - 31 Dec) , Kenya), 1294 (Czechoslovakia, Sene­ gal), 1295 (Chile, Venezuela), 1296 (Denmark, Mr. R. T. Bowman (United States) 1965 - 1967 Israel, Libya), 1297 (Malawi, Malta, Paraguay, re-elected Philippines, Togo), 1298 (Ecuador, Sudan, United Mr. B. N. Chakravarty (India), 1964 - 1966 Arab Republic, United Republic of Tanzania), Chairman 1299 (Cuba, Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, Nepal), Mr" T. W. Cutts (Australia) 1963 - 1965 1301 (Gabon, Guatemala, India, Poland), 1302 Mr. J. P. Fernandini (Peru) 1964 - 1966 (Iraq, Nigeria, Uruguay), 1303 (Byelorussian Mr. J. Gibson (United Kingdom) 1963 - 1965 SSR), 1304 (Albania, Haiti), 1305 (Burundi, Mr. F. N. Kia (Iran), re-elected, 1965 - 1967 Kuwait, New Zealand, Tunisia), 1306 (Malaysia, Vice-Chairman Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Syria), 1307 (Bolivia, Mr. S. Raczkowski (Poland), 1965- 1967 Bulgaria), 1308 (Ceylon, Romania), 1309(China, re-elected Madagascar), 1310 (Cameroon), 1316 (Central Mr. D. Silveira da Mota (Braail) 1963 - 1965 African Republic, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Dominican Mr. V. G. Solodovnikov (USSR) 1964 - 1966 Republic, Ukranian SSR), 1318 (Morocco, Spain), Mr. M. Viaud (France) 1964 - 1966 1319 (Mali, Pakistan, Sweden), 1321 (Chad, Italy, Turkey), 1322 (Algeria, Cyrpus), 1323 -- report A/5810&Add.1 (GAOR,19thsess., suppl. nos. lO (Afghanistan, United States), 1328 (GA Presi­ & lOA): See United Nations finances: contributions for dent), 1330 discussion Draft resolution in A/LA60, concerning UNsuper­ vision of the elections in the Cook Islands, adopted without vote at the 1330th meeting COMMITTEE ON THE PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER as resolution 2005 (XIX) SPACE At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly -- report A/5785: See under Outer space: exploration and agreed without vote to accept the proposals use for discussion of the President in A/5884, para. 3 to note receipt of the rv-por ts in A/5800 & Add.1-7, and A/5840 and to authorize the Special COMMITTEE ON THE PREPARATION OF A DRAFT CON­ Cttee on the Situation with regard to the VENTION RELATING TO TRANSIT TRADE OF Implementation of the Declaration on the LAND-LOCKED COTJNTRIES Granting of Independence to Colonial Coun­ -- report A/5906: See United Nations Conference on tries and Peoples to continue its work subject Trade and Development, Geneva, 1964: report for to the agreed budgetary limits for 1965 discussion

15 SUBJECT INDEX ~ 1 V CONFERENCE OF HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT COOK ISLANDS ~ OF l':ON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES, 2nd, Cairo 1964 MM sett-government or independence (agenda item 21) Docllments Documents A/5763 United Arab Republic. Letter transmitting Declaration, nprogramme for Peace and A/5800/Add. 6 Special Cttee on the Situation with International co-operattonv, adopted by the regard to the Implementation of the Declarn­ Conference tion on the Granting of Independence to A/5865 Morocco. Letter, 26 Jan 1065, recording Colontal Countries and Peoples. Report reservations concerningparts of the Dsclara­ A/5880 New Zealand. Letter, 2 Feb 1965, con­ cerning the nomination of UN personnel to tion by the Conference contained in document supervise elections in the Cook Islands A/5763 (p, 17, annex V) A/5882 secretary-General, Note requesting statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1293 authorization from the General Assembly (Ethiopia), 1295 (Chile, Greece, Venezuela), to appoint a UN representative to supervise ( 1296 (Libya), 1298 (United Arab Republic), elections in the Cook Islands and to meet 1299 (Cuba), 1300 (Indonesia, Nepal), 1301 expenses arising therefrom (India), 1302 (Iraq), 1303 (Sierra Leone), 1305 A/5885 USSR. Letter, 16 Feb 1965, opposing (Burundi, Kuwait, Tunisia), 1306 (Malaysia, suggestion to send a UN observer to super­ Mongolia, Syria), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1308(Ceylon, vise elections in the Cook Islands Romania), 1309 (Hungary), 1316 (Yugoslavia), A/5893 Australia. Letter, 18 Feb 1965, con" 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), 1319 (Mali), 1321 (Chad), earning reservations to the contents of draft 1323 (Afghanistan, Morocco), 1325 (Algeria, resolution in A/L.460 Morocco) A/5894 United Kingdom. Letter, 18 Feb 1965, concerning denial of obligation by other administering authorities to follow proce­ CONGO SITUATION dure adopted with regard to the elections in Statements in Planary: Meetings 12.90 (Somalia), 1292 the Cook Islands (Iran, USSR), 1293 (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda), A/5895 United States. Letter, 18 Feb 1965, 1294 (Czechoslovakia, Senegal), 1295 (Ireland), reserving position on the general applicability 1296 (Israel), 1297 (Malawi, Paraguay), 1298 or suitability of the procedure for the elec­ (Sudan, United Arab Republic, United Republic tions in the Cook Islands of Tanzania), 1299. (Cambodia, Cuba, Ghana), A/5907 France. Letter, 5 Mar 1965, reserving 1300 (Indonesia, Liberia), 1301 (Gabon, India, position on ipso facto application to other Poland), 1302 (Iraq, Nigeria), 1303 (Byelo­ NSGT of the procedure adopted with regard russian SSR, Sierra Leone), 1304 (Albania), to the elections in the Cook Islands 1305 (Burundi, Ntgar, Tunisia), 1306 (Mongolia, A/L.460 Secretary-General. Draft resolution Syria), 1307 (BUlgaria, Congo (Brazzavtllej), concerning supervision of the elections to be 1308 (Ceylon, Romania), 1309 (Hungary), 1316 held in the Cook Islands (Central African Republic, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), 1318 (Morocco, Netherlands), Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1302 (Uruguay), 1305 1319 (Mali, Pakistan), 1321 (Chad, Italy), 1322 (New Zealand), 1328 (GA President), 1330 (Algeria, Cyprus), 1330 (Congo, Dern. Rep.) Draft resolution in A/L.460, concerning UNsuper­ MM & Organization of African Unity vision of the elections in the Cook Islands, adopted without vote at the 1330th meeting Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Somalia), 1292 as resolution 2005 (XIX) (Costa Rica), 1293 (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda), 1298 (Sudan, United Arab Repuhlic, United ReM public of Tanzania), 1299 (Ghana), 1301 (India), COMORDlNATION AMONG UNITED NATIONS AND SPE" 1303 (Sierra Leone), 1305 (Burundi, Niger, CIALIZED AGENCIES Tunisia), 1306 (Mongolia), 1308 (Ceylon), 1309 MM administrative and budgetary questions (agenda item (Hungary), 1316 (Central African Republic), 73 (a» 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), 1319 (Mali, Pakistan)" 1321 (Italy), 1322 (Algeria) Documents A/5842 Advisory Cttee. 22nd report CONGOLESE REFUGEES A/5859 Advisory Cttee. 23rd report A/C.5/1008 & Corr.1 Secretary-General. Note. Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1293 (Uganda) Information annex to the budget estimates for the financial year 1965 CONVENTIONS, MULTILATERAL MM accessions and ratifications (agenda item 79) .GA resolution 1903 (XVIII) CORREA, PAULO LOPEZ (Brazil) _M biography A/5874 See also Treaties: law Documents COSTA RICA A/5759 Secr-etary-Gener-al. Report. General MM volcanic eruptions, 1963/H(~ multilateral treaties concluded under the auspices of the League of Nations Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1292 (Costa Rica)



statements in Plenar3': Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1294 Discussion in Plenary (continued) (Czechoslovakia), 1295 (Chile), 1298 (United 'l'unisia), 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia, Saudi Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Cuba, Ghana), Al'abia, Syria), 1307 (BoliVia, Bulgaria), 1308 1300 (Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Indonesia, (Ceylon, Romania), 1309 (Hungary), 1310 Nicaragua, , United States, Venezuela), (Cameroon, Mexico), 1316 (Central African 1301 (Poland), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR), 1304 Republic, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Albania), 1305 (Burundl), 1306 (Mongolia), 1307 (Dominican Republic, Norway, Ukrainian SSR)p (Bulgaria), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), 1319 (Mali), 1318 (Ne~herlands, Spain), 1319 (Mali, pakistan, 1322 (Algeria) Sweden), 1321 (Chad, Italy, Turkey), 1322 (Algeria, Cyprus), 1323 (Afghanistan, United States), 1330 CYPRUS SITUATION (agenda item S-2, 3) At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly agreed without vote to accept the proposals Doct(ments . of the President in A/5884, para. 3 to note A/5752 & Add.1 Cyprus. Letters, 24 Sep and receipt of the report '.n A/5731 and to 4 Dec 1964, requesting inclusion of supple­ authorize the' Eighteen-Nation Cttee onDis­ mentary item "Question of Cyprus" in the armament to continue its work subject to agenda the agreed budgetary limits for 1965 A/5753 & Add.1 Turkey. Letters, 5 Ort and 25 Nov 1964, requesting inclusion of supple­ -- conference (proposed) mentary item "The grave situation created by the policies of the Greek Cypriots and of statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1294 Greece in the question of Cyprus" in the (Czechoslovakia), 1296 (Libya), 1301 (Poland), agenda 1302 (Iraq), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR, Sierra Leone), 1306 (Mongolia, Syria), 1307(Bulgaria), statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 1308 (Romania), 1316 (Yugoslavia), 1322 (Iran, USSR), 1293 (Kenya), 1294 (Canada, (Algeria), 1323 (Afghanistan) Czechoslovakia), 1295 (Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Turkey), 1296 (Denmark, Israel, Libya), 1298 -- economic and social consequences (agenda item 38) (United Arab Republic, United Republic of GA resolution 1931 (XVIII) Tanzania), 1299 (Cuba, Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, Nepal), 1301 (India), 1302(Nigeria), 1304(Haiti), Documents 1305 (Burundi, Kuwait, New Zealand), 1306 A/5780 Secretary-Ceneral. Note (Mongolia, Syria), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1308 A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. (Ceylon), 1316 (Yugoslavia), 1319(Cyprus, Mali, Report, 1963/1964, chap. II Pakistan), 1321 (Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Turkey), E/3898/Rev.1 Secretary-General. Report relat­ 1322 (Algeria, Cyprus), 1323 (Turkey), 1325 ing to studies on conversion to peaceful needs (Cyprus), 1330 (Cyprus) of the resources released by disarmament

statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey), 1292 DISARMAMENT (agenda item 23) (Costa Rica, Iran, USSR), 1293 (Jamaica), 1296 GA resolution 1908 (XVIII) (Israel), 1297 (Malta), 1298 (Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Ghana), 1300 Documents (Liberia, Nepal), 1301 (Gabon), 1303 (Sierra A/5731 (DC/209) Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Dis­ Leone), 1305 (Kuwait), 1308 (Romania), 1309 armament. Report covering the period (Madagascar), 1316 (United Kingdom), 1319 21 Jan - 17 Sep 1964 (contains documents of (Mali, Sweden), 1321 (Chad, Italy), 1322(Algeria, the Conference) Cyprus) A/5827 (& Corr'.L, English only) USSR. Letter, 7 Dec 1964, transmitting memorandum con­ DISASTERS cerning reduction of international tension and See Natural disasters limitation of arms race

Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (Braztl), 1290 DISPUTES (Dahomey, Japan, Somalia), 1292 (Argentina, Costa Rica, USSR), 1293 (Ethiopia, Jamaica., -- investigation: fact-finding body (proposed): See Peaceful Peru, Uganda), 1294 (Canada, Czechoslovakia, relations among States: & international law Laos, Senegal), 1295 (Chile, Greece, Ireland, Venezuela), 1296 (Denmark, Israel, Libya), 1297 -- pacific settlement (Paraguay, Philippines), 1298 (United Arab See also Peaceful relations among States: & inter­ Republic, United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 national law (Australia, Cambodia, Cuba, Ghana), 1300 Territorial disputes: pacific settlement (Indonesia, Liberia, Nepal), 1301 (Guatemala, India, Poland), 1302 (Iraq, Nigeria, Uruguay), Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, 1303 (Byelorussian SSR, Sierra Leone), 1304 Japan, Somalia), 1291 (7ambia), 1292 (Argen­ (Albania), 1305 (Burundi, Kuwait, New Zealand, tina), 1293 (Ethiopia, Jamaica, Kenya), 1294


DISPUTES (continued) ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL (continued) -- members: increase in number (proposed) statements in Plenary (continued) (Czeohoslovakia), 1295 (Chile), 1296 (Denmark, statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 Israel), 1298 (Ecuadol'), 1299 (Australia), 1300 (Iran), 1293 (Kenya), 1295 (Greece), 1296 (Nepal), 1301 (Gabon, Guatemala, India), 1302 (Libya), 1298 (United Republic of Tanzania), (Uruguay), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR, Sien'a 1299 (Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, Liberia)/< 1301 Leone), 1305 (Kuwait, Niger), 1306 (Malaysia, (India), ,1302 (Iraq), 1303 (Sierl'a Leone), 1305 Saudi Arabia), 1308 (Romania), 1309 (Madagas­ (Burundi, New Zealand, Tunisia), 1306 oar), 1310 (Mexioo), 1316 (Yugoslavia), 1317 (Mongolia, Syria), 1308 (Romania, South Africa), (Norway), 1318 (Netherlands), 1319 (Pakistan), 1309 (Hungary), 1316 (Central AfricanRepublic, 1321 (Chad, Italy, Turkey), 1323 (Afghanistan, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Dominican RepUblic), 1318 Pakistan, Umted states) (Ne~herlands), 1321 (Chad, Italy)

-- report, 1963/1964 (agenda item 12) DOMESTIC JURISDICTION Documents statements in Plenary: Meeting 1310 (Mexioo) A/580S (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) ESC. Report covering the period 3 Aug 1963 ­ 15 Aug 1964 DOMINICA I: -- self-government or independenoe (agenda item 21) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1330 The General Assembly agreed without vote to Documents accept the proposals of the President in A/5aoo/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with A/5884, para. 3 to note receipt of the report regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ in A/5803 and to authorize the Economic and tion on the Granting of Independence to Social Council to continue its work subject ; Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report to the agreed budgetary limits for 1965 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT '.,-' ~'~, -- members: election (agenda item 16) statements in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (BraZil), 1290 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1326, 1328, 1330 (Dahomey, Japan), 1292 (Argentina, Iran), 1294 :.:' At the 1328th meeting, following the procedural (Czechoslovakia, Laos), 1295 (Chile, Venezuela), ! arrangements proposed by the President, 1296 (Israel), 1297 (Paraguay),1304(Honduras), the General Assembly agreed :ithout vote 1306 (Saudi Arabia), 1316 (United Kingdom), t·····.·.'·'.'·.• that five of the six vacancies be filled by 1317 (Norway), 1321 (Italy, Turkey), 1322 r: Canada, Pakistan, Peru, Romania and United (Algeria, Cyprus), 1323 (United States) 1 States. Under the same procedure, Gabon 1 was elected at the 1330th meeting -- financing: See Investments, International; Loans, Inter­ national; United Nations Capital Development Fund

Composition of the Economic and Social Council EIGHTEEN-NATION COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT as of 1 Jan 1965 -- report A/5731 (DC/209): See under Disarmament/or discussion Term ojOffice Members (1 Jan - 31 Dsc) ETHIOPIA and SOMALIA

Algeria 1964 - 1966 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1290 (Somalia) Argentina 1963 - 1965 Austria 1963 - 1965 Canada 1965 - 1967 EUROPE Chile 1964 - 1966 -- nuclear-free zone (proposed) Czechoslovakia 1963 - 1965 Ecuador 1964 - 1966 statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1294 France 1.964 - 1966 (Czechoslovakia), 1298 (United Republic of Gabon 1965 - 1967 Tanzania), 1301 (Poland), 1306 (Mongolia) Iraq 1964 - 1966 Japan 1963 - 1965 -- peaceful rela' IS among States Luxembourg 1964 - 1966 Pakistan 1965 .. 1967 statements in Plenary: Meeting 1308 (Romania) Peru 1965 - 1967 Romania 1965 - 1967 USSR 1963 - 1965 EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY United Kingdom 1963 - 1965 United States 1965 - 1967 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1318 (Netherlands)


FACT-FINDING FREEDOM OF INFORY.ATION (cont~nued) See Peaceful relations among States: & international -- declaration (draft) (agenda item 57 (b) law GA decision of 12 Dec 1963

Documents FAl.,Kf..AND ISLANDS A/5697 Secretary-Genel'al. Note containing text -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) of draft declaration

Documents A/5aOO/Add, 7 Special Cttee on the Situation with FRENCH SOMALILAND regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Ethiopia, Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Kenya), 1299 (Cuba, Ghana), 1305 (Burundi) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (Argentina, Costa Rica, United Kingdom);'1301 (Guatemala), 1302 (Uruguay) FRONTIER DISPUTES See Territorial disputes FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS See unde1' Non-Self-Governing Territoriesj South West Africaj Territories under Portuguese administration GAMBIA -- admission to UN (agenda item 18)

FERNANDO POO Documents -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) A/5898 Gambia. Letter, 18 Feb 1965, applying for admission to membership Documents A/5911 SC: President. Letter transmittingCoun­ A/5800/Add. 5 Special Cttee on the Situation with cil resolution of 15 Mar 1965 recommending regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ admission of Gambia tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Action in Plenary: No action on the admission of Gambia was taken until the 20th session of the Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Kenya), 1299 General Assembly (Ghana), 1300 (Ghana, Spain), 1301 (Gabon), 1310 (Cameroon), 1318 (Spain) -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

FIJI Documents -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) A/5800/Add.f Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ Documents tion on the Granting of Independence to A/5800/Add.f Special Cttee on the Situation with Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and P-:.oples. Report GENERAL ASSEMBLY -- adjournment FORCE, THREAT OR USE OF Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1327 (Secretary­ Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Somalia), 1298 General), 1328 (India, Sierra Leone), 1329 (Ecuador), 1299 (Australia), 1301 (Gabon), 1305 (Cameroon), 1330 (GA President) (Kuwait), D06 (Malaysia), 1308 (Romania), 1309 (Madagascar), 1310 (Mexico), 1316 (Yugoslavia), -- agenda (agenda item 8) 1319 (Sweden), 1322 (Cyprus), 1323 (Afghanistan) A/5750/Rev.1 Provisional agenda A/5760/Rev.2 Supplementary list of items proposed FRANCE for inclusion in the agenda -- atomic tests in the Pacific (proposed) A/5884 GA: President. Note concerning the status of the agenda submitted after consultation with Statements in Plenary: Meeting l305 (New Zealand) the Secretary-General

Other documents FREEDOM OF INFORMATION A/5728 Hungary. Note verbale, 8 Sep 1964, -- convention (draft) (agenda item 57 (a» requesting inclusion of item "Consideration GA decision of 12 Dee 1963 of steps to be taken for progressive develop­ ment in the field of private international law Documents with a particular view to promoting inter­ A/5696 Secretary-General. Note national trade"


GENERAI~ ASSEMBLY (contimted) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- agenda (continued) -- agenda (continued) .' f:, Other documents (continued) Other documents (continued) J' A/5730 Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Central A/5761/Add.5 Burundi. Letter, 25 Nov 1964, eo­ African Republic, Chad, Congo (arazzavnte), sponsoring request by Cambodia Congo (Leopoldvtlle), Dahomey, Ethiopia, A/5761/Add.6 Cuba. Letter, 28 Nov 1964, eo- Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, sponsoring request by Cambcdia Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauri­ A/5761/Add.7 Ghana. Letter, 8 Dec 1964, co- tania, M01"OCCO, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, sponsoring request by Cambodia Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, A/5761/Add.8 Romania. Letter, 11 Dec 1964, co­ Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Republic, sponsorfng request by Cambodia United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar, A/5765 El Salvador, Nicaragua, Philippines. Upper Volta, Letter, 28 Aug 1964, requesting Letter, 30 oct 1964, requesting inclusion of inclusion of item "Declaration on the de­ item "Question of Tibet" nuclearization of Africa" A/5751 USSR, Letter, 21 Sep 1964, requesting Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1327-1330 inclusion of item "Renunciation by states of At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly the use of force for the settlement of ter­ agreed without vote to accept the proposals ritorial disputes and questions concerning of the President in A/5884 to note completion frontiers" of items 1, 2, 3(a), 4, 8,9,15, 16, 18, 20, 30, A/5752 & Add,l Cyprus. Letter, 24 Sep and 32, 45 (b), 67, 68, 70, 76,77 ofthe provisional 4 Dec 1964, requesting inclusion of item agenda; to note reports in connexion with "Question of Cyprus" items 7, 10, 11j to note receipt of reports in A/5753 & Add.1 Turkey. Letters, 5 Oct and connexlon with items 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 23, 25 Nov 1964, requesting inclusion of item 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 65j to authorize, those "The grave situation created by the policies bodies which have continuing responsibility of the Greek Cypriots and of Greece in the to continue their work subject to the agreed question of Cyprus" budgetary limits for 1965. Items not dealt A/5754 Secretary-General. Note requesting in­ with were considered as remaining on the clusion of item "Report of the Secretary­ provisional agenda General on the 3rd United Nations Inter­ national Conference on the Peaceful Uses -- agenda: allocations of items of Atomic Energy" Documents A/5755 Secretary-General. Note requesting in­ A/BUR/161 (& Corr.1, Russian only) Secretary­ clusion of item "Consolidation of the Special General. Memorandum Fund and the Expanded Programme of Tech­ nical Assistance in a United Nations Develop­ -- general debate (agenda item 9) ment Programme" A/5757 (& Corr.L, French only), Add.I Mada- Plenary meetings 1289-1311, 1316-1319, 1321-1323, gascar. Letter, 9 Oct 1964, requesting in­ 1325 clusion of item "Observance by Member States of the principles relating to the The following delegations took part in the general debate sovereignty of States, their territorial in­ (references to meetings in which the right of reply was tegrity, non-interference in their domestic exercised are given in parentheses): affairs, the peaceful settlement of disputes and the condemnation of subversive activi­ ties" A/5758 India. Letter, 10 Oct 1964, requesting Meeting Meeting inclusion of item "Non..proliferation of nu­ Afghanistan 1323 Chad 1321 clear weapons" Albania 1304 Chile 1295 A/5761 (& Corr.L, Spanish only), Add.4 Cambodia. (1305) China 1309 Letter, 20 Oct 1964, requesting inclusion of Algeria 1322 Colombia 1302 item "Restoration of the lawful rights of the (1325) (1300) People's Republtc of China in the United Argentina 1292 Congo (Brazzaville) 1307 Nations" (Add,4 contains explanatory memo­ Australia 1299 Costa Rica 1292 randum) Bolivia 1307 (1300) A/5761/Add.1 Algeria, Congo (Brazzaville), Brazil 1289 Cuba 1299 Guinea, Mali. Letter, 12 Nov 1964, co- Bulgaria 1307 (1300) sponsoring request by Cambodia Burundi 1305 Cyprus 1322 A/5761/Add. Indonesia. Letter, 16 Nov 1964, Byelorussian SSR 1303 (1295,1319, 1321,1325) co-sponsormg request by Cambodia Cambodia 1299 Czechoslovakia 1294 A/5761/Add.3 (& Add.3/Corr.1, 2, English only) Cameroon 1310 Dahomey 1290 Albania. Cable, [16] Nov 1964; requesting Canada 1294 Denmark 1296 inclusion of item "Restoration 01 the lawful Central African Dominican Republic 1317 rights of the People's Republic of China in Republic 1316 Ecuador 1298 the United Nations" Ceylon 1308 Ethiopia 1293


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GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) -- general debate (continued) -- Members: representatives: lists

Documents Meeting Meeting ST/SG/SER.B/15 Secretariat. Listof delegations Gabon 1301 Nicaragua (1300) ST/SG/SER.C/L.441, 443 Secretariat. Amend­ Ghana 1299 Niger 1305 ments to the list of delegations communi­ (1300) Nigeria 1302 cated to the Secretariat Greece 1295 Norway 1317 (1321) Pakistan 1319 -- opening date Guatemala 1301 (1323, 1325) Guinea (1308) Panama (1300) Documents Haiti 1304 Paraguay 1297 A/5708 Secretary-General. Note containing cor­ Honduras 1304 Peru 1293 respondence relating to the decision to post­ Hungary 1309 Philippines 1297 pone the opening date of the 19th regular ses­ India 1301 Pobnd· 1301 sion of the General Assembly to 10 Nov 1964 (1305, 1319, 1322,1325) Portugal (1310) A/57'73 Secretary-General. Note containing cor­ Indonesia 1300 Romania 1308 respondence relating to the decision to post­ (1307, 1309) Saudi Arabia 1306 pone the opening date of the 19th regular Iran 1292 Senegal 1294 session of the General Assembly to 1 Dec Iraq 1302 Sierra Leone 1303 1964 (1296) Somalia 1290 Ireland 1295 South Africa 1308 -- opening of session (agenda item 1) Israel 1296 Spain 1318 The session was declared open at the 1286th meeting (1310) (1300) on 1 Dec 1964 by the Temporary President, Italy 1321 Sudan 1298 Dr. Carlos Sos a RodrIguez (Venezuela) Jamaica 1293 Sweden 1319 Japan 1290 Syria 1306 -- organization of work (1311) Thailand 1296 Kenya 1293 Togo 1297 See also sub-heading procedure: arrangements to Kuwait 1305 Trinidad and Tobago 1303 conduct business without voting below Laos 1294 Tunisia 1305 Liberia 1300 Turkey 1321 Documents Libya 1296 (1295, 1323) A/BUR/160 Secretary-General. Memorandum (1300) Uganda 1293 Madagascar 1309 Ukr ainian SSR 1317 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1329 (Albania, Cam­ Malawi 1297 USSR 1292 eroon, Cyprus, Ethiopia, GA President, Guinea, Malaysia 1306 United Arab Liberia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, (1297, 1307, 1309) Republic 1298 Uruguay), 1330 (Albania) Mali 1319 United Kingdom 1295 (1323) (1292, 1301, 1316, 1318) -- President: election (agenda item 4) Malta 1297 United Republic of Mr. Alex Quaison-Sackey (Ghana) electedbyacclama­ Mexico 1310 Tanzania 1298 tion at 1286th plenary meeting Mongolia 1306 United States 1323 Morocco 1318 (1300, 1319) -- procedure: arrangements to conduct business without (1323, 1325) Uruguay '1302 voting Nepal 1300 Venezuela 1295 Netherlands 1318 (1300) Documents New Zealand 1305 Yugoslavia 1316 A/5872 (& Corr.1, English only) El Salvador. (1307, 1309) Letter, 3 Feb 1965, concerning the position of 19 Latin American representatives re­ garding the candidacy of Ambassador German -- meditation or prayer (agenda item 3) Zea of Colombia for the chairmanship of the A minute of silence was observed at the 1286th and 1st Cttee 1331st plenary meetings A/5872/Add.1 El Salvador. Letter, 8 Feb 1965, adding Trinidad and Tobago to the list of -- Members: representatives: credentials (agenda item 3(bl) signatories to the letter of 3 Feb 1965 The Credentials Committee held no hearings andsub­ mitted no report Discussion in Plenary: Meeting 1286 (Secretary­ General), 1292 (Costa Rica), 1293 (Peru), 1296 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1331 (Israel, Thailand), 1297 (Philippines, Togo), The General Assembly adopted without vote oral 1299 (CUba), 1302 (Colombia, Iraq, Uruguay), proposal by the President that the credentials 1303 (Byelorussian SSR), 1304 (Albania), 1306 of representatives to the 19th session be (Malaysia), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1309 (Hungary, referred to the Credentials Committee of the Madagascar), 1310 (Cameroon), 1316 (Central 20th session for study and report, together African Republic, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia), with the credentials of representatives to the 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), 1318 (Morocco, Nether­ 20th session lands, Spain), 1319 (Mali), 1322 (Cyprus), 1326

21 -=-"~-- -======--::


GENERAL ASSEMBLY (continued) GENERAL ASSEMBLY: COMMITTEES (continued) -- procedure: arrangements to conduct business without .,- 1st Committee: Chairman: election voting (continued) Documents Discussion in Plenary: (continued) A/5872 (& Ccrn.L, English only) El Salvador. and 1327 (GA President, Secretary-General), Letter, 3 Feb 1965, concerning the position 1328 (India, Sierra Leone), 132£1 (Albania, Cam­ of 19 Latin American representatives re­ eroon, Cyprus, Ethiopia, GA President, Guinea, garding the candidacy of Ambassador German Liberia, Niger-ia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Zea of Colombia for the chairmanship of the Uruguay), 1330 (Albania, Australia, Brazil, 1st Cttee Burundi, Canada, Colombia, Congo (Dem, Rep.), A/5872/Add.1 El Salvador. Letter, 8 Feb 1965, Cyprus, Ethiopia, GA President, Guinea, Kenya, adding Trinidad and Tobago to the list of Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, signatories of the letter of 3 Feb 1965 Senegal, Sierra Leone, United Kingdom, United Republic of Tanzania, United States) statements in Plenary: Meeting 1326 (GA President) Oral motion by Albania, at 1329th meeting, to organize the work of the General Assembly -- 2nd Committee: organization of work at future sessions on a voting basis not put to a vote Albaniats appeal against the ruling by the President Documents to continue proceedings of the GA without A,'C.2/L.787 Secretariat. Note transmitting state­ voting rejected by roll-call vote (97-2-13) at ment by the Chairman of the 2nd Cttee at the 1330th meeting 18th session relating to methods of work -- resolutions A/5815 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 15) Collected -- 3rd Committee: members: representatives: lists edition A/C.3/599/Rev.l & Rev.l/Corr.1 Resolutions (A/RES/1994 - 2007) issued separately in mimeographed form as follows: GERMANY A/RES/1996 Advisory Cttee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions: members: -- peace treaty election A/RES/1998 Board of Auditors: members: election statements in Plenary: Meeting's 1289 (Brazil), 1292 A/RES/1997 Committee on Contributions: mem­ (Argentina, USSR), 1294 (Czechoslovakia), 1296 bers: election (Thailand), 1297 (Philippines), 1299 (Cuba), A/RES/2005 Cook Islands: elections, 1965: UN 1301 (Gabon, Guatemala, Poland), 1303 (Byelo­ supervision russlan SSR), 1304 (Albania, Honduras), 1305 A/RES/1999 Investments Committee: members: (Burundi, Niger), 1306 (Mongolia), 1308 election (Romania), 1309 (Hungary, Madagascar}, 1316 A/RES/2002 Palestine refugees: assistance (Central African Republic), 1317 (Ukrainian A/RES/2007 Secretariat: staff: salaries and allow­ SSR), 1321 (Italy, Turkey) ances: pensionable remuneration A/RES/20G6 Special Committee on Peace-keeping & Rev.l Operations: establishment A/RES/1994 Technical assistance: EXpanded Pro­ gramme: finances GIANNATTASIO, LUIS (Uruguay) A/RES/2004 United Nations: budget, 1965 See Uruguay: President (L. Giannattasio) (& Corr.l, Russian only) ·1 A/RES/2000 UN Administrative Tribunal: mem- bers: election . A/RES/1995 United Nations Conference on Trade -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) and Development, Geneva 1964: report Documents A/RES/2003 UN International School A/5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with A/RES/2001 UN Staff Pension Committee: mem­ regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ bers: election tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report A/5860 United Kingdom. Letter, 22 Jan 1965, GENERAL ASSEMBLY: COMMITTEES concerning restrictions on freedom of move­ ment across the border between Spain and -- Credentials Committee: appointment (agenda item 3 (a» Gibraltar imposed by the Government of On proposal of the Temporary President (Dr. Carlcs Spain Sos a Rodrfguez, Venezuela), the following Mem­ bers were appointed, without objection, at 1286th plenary meeting: Australia, Cambodia, statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (Costa Rica), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Iceland, Madagascar, 1301 (Guatemala), 1302 (Uruguay), 1318 (Spain, USSR, United Arab Republic, United States United Kingdom)

22 ll; ...... ~• .'._~._ -----...... --=--- ~_=====:::~:::..... l"""'-


GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLANDS HUMAN RIGHTS -- self-government 01' independence (agenda item 21) See also International Year for Human Rights, 1968 Documents A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with ..- covenants (draft: 1954) (agenda item 58) regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ GA resolution 1960 (XVIII) tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Documents A/5702 & Add.l Secretary-General. Note con­ taining comments by Governments GOA A/5705 Secretary-General. Note containing text of articles adopted by the 3rd Committee at statements in Plenary: Meeting' 1310 (Portugal) the 10th to 18th sessions of the General Assembly

GRENADA Sf'ltements in PlenGl')': Meetings 1292 (Costa Rica), -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) 1297 (Malta, Philippines), 1298 (Ecuador), 1302 (Uruguay), 1316 (United Kingdom), 1317 Documents (Ukrainian SSR), 1323 (United States) A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ -- observance tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Documents A/5695 Secretary-General. Note

GUADELOUPE -- Universal Declaration, 1948

statements in Plenary: Meeting 1299 (CUba) Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1297 (Paraguay)

GUAM HUMAN RIGHTS DAY (10 DECEMBER) -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) Documents Documents A/INF.I06 &Add.l, 2 Secretary-General. Report. A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with Human Rights Day: observance of 15th an­ regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ niversary tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report IFNI HAMMARSKJOLD, DAG H.A.C. -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) -- tribute to statements in Plenary: Meeting 1318 (Spain) In Plenary: Meeting 1291 (Zambia)

IGNACIO-PINTO, LOUIS (Dahomey) HONG KONG -- biography A/5878 -- status (agenda item 21)

Documents A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with ILLITERACY regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ -- eradication (agenda item 42) tion on the Granting of Independence to GA resolution 1937 (XVIII) Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Documents A/5764 Iran. Note verbale, 28 Oct 1964, trans­ HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (agenda item 48) mitting text of message by the Shah of Iran GA resolution 1917 (XVIII) to Heads of State relating to the World Campaign for Universal Literacy Documents A/5776 Secretary-General. Note A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) ESC. A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) ESC. Report, 1963/1964, chap. VIII, sect. I Report, 1963/1964, chap. VIII, sect. IV A/5828 Secretary-General. Report on implemen­ A/5830 Secretary-General. Report tation of resolution 1917 (XVIII) of the E/3927 UNESCO: Director-General. Communica­ General Assembly tion relating to the World Campaign for E/3858 (E/C.6/25) (ESCOR, 37th sess., suppl. Universal Literacy no. 12) Cttee on Housing, Building and Planning. Report on its 2nd sess., 22 Jan ­ statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (Iran), 1296 4 Feb 1964 (Israel), 1304 (Honduras), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR)

23 ~--= =sr---.-.-----....-::: , ..~~. .~ .======SUBJECT INDEX

INDIP_"PAKISTAN QUESTION INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (continued) -- Jammu and Kashmir Documents (continued) statements in Plenary: Meetings 1319 (India, pakistan») A/5826 Secretary-General, Report concerning 1321 (Turkey), 1322 (India), 1323 (Pakista.."1), United Nations machinery in the field of 1325 (India, pakistan) industrial development: establishment of a specialized agency for industrial develop­ ment INDONESIA A/5835' ILO: Dil·ector-General. Letter, 27 Nov -- withdrawal from United Nations 1964, transmitting report of International Organizations Cttee on the question of inter­ Documents national action to promote industrial develop­ A/5857 (&Corr.L, Englishonly) Indonesia. Letter, ment (G.B.160/13/29) and excerpt of draft 20 Jan 1965, concerning its withdrawal from minutes of 7th sitting of 160th session of the the UN (Corr.1 corrects symbol incorrectly Governing Body of ILO designated as A/5957 instead of A/5857) E/3869 (E/C.5/65) (ESCOR, 37th sess., suppl. A/5861 Malaysia. Letter) 22 Jan 1965, containing no. I) Committee for Industrial Develop­ reply to letter in A/5857 ment. Report, 4th session A/5899 Secretary-General. Letter) 26 Feb 1965) E/3921 & Add.1 Secretary-General. Report on concerning Indonesia's withdrawal from the international and regional symposia on in­ United Nations dustrial development A/5910 United Kingdom. Letter, 8 Mar 1965, E/C.5/62/Add.1 FAO. FAO's activities in the recording view that a State withdrawingfrom field of industrial development the UN nevertheless remains bound to observe principles in Art. 2 of the Charter Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (BraZil), 1290 relative to the maintenance \If international (Dahomey), 1323 (United States) peace and security A/5914 Italy. Note verbale, 13 , con­ -- training of personnel (agenda item 36) cerning the authority of the United Nations GA resolution 1824 (XVII) under Art. 2, para. 6 and Chap. VII of the Charter in relation to a non-Member State Documents and obligations previously assumed by a A/5772 Secretary-General. Note withdrawing Member under multilateral A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. conventions adopted within the framework of Report, 1963/1964, chap, Ill, sect. II the United Nations E/390t & core.i, Add.1, 2 Secretary-General. Report on training of national technical statements in Plenary: Meetings 1317 (Norway), 1318 personnel for accelerated industrialization (Morocco), 1319 (Mali), 1321 (Chad), 1322 of developing countries (Algeria, Cyprus)

INDONESIA and MALAYSIA INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY -- report, 1963/1964 (agenda item 14) Documents A/5857(& Corr.1,English only) Indonesia. Letter, Documents 20 Jan 1965, concerning its withdrawal from A/5792 IAEA. Annual report of the Board of the UN subsequent to the electionof Malaysia Governors to the General Conference, 1 Jul to the Security Council (Corr.1 corrects 1963 - 30 Jun 1964. IAEA document symbol incorrectly designated as A/5957 (GC (VIII)/270) transmitted in limited number instead of A/5857) by the Secretary-General as attachment to A/5861 Malaysia. Letter, 22 Jan 1965, containing A/5792 reply to letter in A/5857 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1330 statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1297 The General Assembly agreed without vote to (Malaysia, Philippines), 1299 (Cuba), 1300 accept the proposal of the President in (Indonesia), 1305 (New Zealand), 1306 (Malay­ A/5884, para. 3 to note receipt of the report sia), 1307 (Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand), in A/5792 . 1309 (China, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand), 1317 (Norway)

INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE ADVISORY BOARD INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT (agenda item 35) -- terms ofreference: amendments (agenda item 73 (b) GA resolution 1940 (XVIII) GA resolution 1981 B (XVIII)

Documents Documents A/5775 & Add.1 Secretary-General. Note A/5833 Secretary-General. Report. Inter- A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. organizational machinery for matters of pay : ..; Report, 1963/1964, chap. Ill, sect. I and personnel administration


INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PEACEFUL INTERNATIONAL LAW, PRIVATE USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY, 3rd, Cleneva 1964 -- & international trade (agenda item 82) -- report (agenda item S.4) nlng Docwnents I of Documents A/5728 Hungary, Note verbale, 8 Sep 1964, re­ of a A!5754 Secretary-General. Note requesting in. questing inclusion of item nConsideratioll cf lop- elusion of supplementary item "Report of the steps to be taken for progressive develop­ Secretary-General on the 3rd United Nations ment in the field of private international law Nov International Conference on the Peaceful Uses with a particular view to promoting inter­ ma; of Atomic Energyn in the agenda national trade" in the agenda ter­ A/5913 Secretary-General. Report on the 3rd :op­ International Conference on the Peaceful raft Uses of Atomic Energy INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION the -- report, 16th session (agenda item 78) ppl, Documents op- INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION YEAR, 1965 (agenda A!5809 (GAOR, 19th sess•• suppl. no. 9) ILC. item 20) Report on the work of its 16th session, on GA resolution 1907 (XVIII) 11 May - 24 Jul 1964 in- A/CN.4/166 Special Rapporteur [on special mts­ Documents sions] (Milan Bartos), Report the A/5836 Committee for the International Co­ A/CN.4!167 & Add.1-3 (& Add.3/Corr.1, Freuch operation Year. Report only) Special Rapporteur [on the law of treaties] (Sir Humprey Waldock). 3rd report 290 Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1301 (India), 1304 (Honduras), 1305 (Tunisia), 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia), 1307 (Bolivia, Bulgaria), 1310 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS (agenda item S-6) (Mexico), 1316 (Central African Republic, United Kingdom), 1317 (Dominican Republic, Ukrainian Documents SSR), 1322 (Cyprus), 1323 (Afghanistan), 1330 A/5757 (& Corr.1, French only), Add.I Mada­ At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly gascar. Letter, 9 Oct 1964, requesting in­ agreed without vote to accept the proposal of clusion of supplementary item "Observance SC. the President in A/5884, para. 3 to note by Member States of the principles relating to receipt of the report in A/5836 and to the sovereignty of States, their territorial ~al. authorize the Cttee for the International Co­ integrity, non-,'1 tp.rference in their domestic cal operation Year to continue its work subject affairs, the peac.xul settlement of disputes ion to the agreed budgetary limits for 1965 and the condemnation of subversive activi­ ties" in the agenda (contains text of draft resolution)

iNTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1309 (Madagascar)

statements in Plenary: Meeting 1323 (United States) -- reduction of tensions statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Somalia), 1305 of INTERNATIONAL LAW Jul (Niger) -- decade (uroposed): See sub-heading study and teaching: ent Jer technical assistance below INTERNATIONAL TRADE to -- study and teaching: technical assistance (agenda item 80) GA resolution 1968 (XVIII) See also International law, Private: & international trade Trade and Development Board: establishment to Documents A/5744 & Add.1-4 Secretary-General. Note in United Nations Conference on Trade and lrt transmitting comments bv Governments and Development international organizations A/5790 Secretary-General. Note on voluntary Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (Braztl), 1292 contributions (Argentina), 1294 (Czechoslovakia) A/5791 Secretary-General. Note transmitting relevant passages of TAC report -- & economic development A/5887 Special Cttee on Technical Assistance to Promote the Teaching, Study, Dissemination Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (Braztl), 1290 and Wider Appreciation of International Law. (Japan, Somalia), 1292 (Costa Rica, Iran), 1293 Report (Ethiopia, Jamaica, Uganda), 1294 (Canada), A/5903 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) ESC. 1295 (Chile, Greece), 1296 (Denmark, Israel, Report, 1963/1964, chap. VII, sect. III, para. Libya, Thailand), 1297 (Philippines}, 1298 346 (Sudan, United Arab Repubhc), 1300 (Liberia),

25 ~-'-'-".""~."""""""'-~ ~~...,.,- ... -


INTERNATIONAL TRADE (continued) INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE (continued) .... & economic development (continued) .... members: appointment: confirmation (continued) Statements in Plenary: (continued) 1301 (Gabon, Guatemala, India, Poland), 1302 Composition of Investments Committee (Colombia, Nigeria, Ur\lguay), 1303 (Byelo.. as of 1 Jan 1965 russtan SSR), 1304 (Albania), 1305 (Kuwait), 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia, Syl'ia), 1307(Bolivia, Term of Office Bulgaria, Congo (Brazzaville», 1308 (Ceylon, Members (1 Jan - 31 Dec) Romania), 1309 (Hungal'y, Madagascar), 1310 (Oameroon, Mexico), 1316 (Centl'al AIl'ican Mr. Eugene Black (United States) 1965 - 1967 Republic, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Norway, Ukrainian Mr, Rogel' de Candolle (Switzerland) 1965 - 1967 SSR), 1318 (Netherlnnds, Spain), 1319 (Mali, Mr. R. MeAllister Lloyd (United states) 1965 ~ 1967 Pakistan, Sweden), 1321 (Chad, Italy, Turkey), Mr. George A. Murphy (United States) 1965 ~ 1967 1322 (Cypl'US), 1323 (Afghanistan) Mr, B. K. Nehl'\.\ (India) 1965.1967 M~. Jacques Rueff (Fl'nnee) 1965 ~ 1967 .... terms of trade statements in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (Brazil), 1290 INVESTMENTS, INTERNATIONAL (agenda item 33) (Dahomey, Somalia), 1292 (Argentina), 1293 GA resolution 1938 (XVII!) (Jamaica, Kenya), 1294 (Senegal), 1295 (Chile, Greece, Venezuela), 1296 (Denmark, Thailand), Documents A/5732 Secretary..General, Report on measure.. 1297 (Paraguay), 1298(Ecuador, United Republic ment of the flow of long..term capital and of Tanzania), 1299 (Cuba, Ghana),1300(Liberia, official donations to developing countries: Nepal), 1301 (Gabon), 1302 (Colombia), 1303 concepts and methodology (Siena Leone, Trinidad and Tobago), 1305 A/5767 Secretary..General. Note (Tunisia), 1307 (Congo (Brazzaville», 1308 A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. (Ceylon), 1309 (Madagascar), 1310 (cameroon, Report, 1963/1964, chap. V, sect. I and Mexico) introduction, p, xii I Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, Japan), 1292 (Argentina), 1293(Jamaica, Kenya), INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS, 1968 1294 (Seneg'al), 1296 (Denmark), 1298 (United Arab Republic), 1299 (Ghana), 1309 (Mada.. statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Jamaica), 1316 gascar), 1321 (Turkey) (United Kingdom)

IRAN: PRIME MINISTER (Mansour, H. A.) -~ tribute to INTERVENTION In Plenary: Meetings 1323, 1325 statements in Plenar)': Meetings 1295 (Chile, Vene­ zuela), 1298 (Ecuador), 1301 (Gabon), 1304 (Honduras), 1308 (Romania), 1309 (Madagascar), JAMMU AND KASHMIR 1310 (Mexico), 1316 (Yugoslavia), 1319 (Mali, sweden), 1321 (Chad, Italy): 1322 (Cyprus) See India-Pakistan question: Jammu and Kashmir

INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE JURISDICTION, DOMESTIC -- members: appointment: confirmation (agenda item 70 (d» See Domestic jurisdiction Documents A/5877 Secretary-General.. Nota A/LA53 GA: President. Draft resolution KIA, F. NOUREDIN (Iran) -~ biography A/5875 Action in Plenary: Meetings .'j ::'.. 6 (Secretary­ General), 1327 (GA President), 1328 Draft resolution in A/L.453 adopted without vote at KOREAN QUESTION (agenda item 27) 1328th meeting as resolution 1999 (XIX) GA resolution 376 (V), 1964 (XVIII) Appointments of Messrs. Eugene Black (United states), Roger de Candolle (Switzerland), See also United Nations Commission for the Unifica­ R. McAllister Lloyd (United States), tion and Rehabilitation of Korea George A. Murphy (United States), B. K. Nehru (India) and Jacques Rueff(France) Documents confirmed for a 3-year term beginning A/5812 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 12) UNCURK. 1 Jan 1965 Report, 23 Aug 1963 - 26 Aug 1964

26 ..


KOREAN QUESTION (continued) LEAGUE OF NATIONS CONVENTIONS ~'" extended participation: See Conventions, Multilateral: Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1294 (Czecho~ accessions and ratifications stovakta), 1295 (ireland), 1297 (Philippines), 1301 (Gabon, Guatemala), 1304 (Albania), 1305 (Burundl, Niger), 1306 (Mongolia), 1309(China), LITERACY 1316 (Central African Republic), 1319 (Mali), See Illiteracy: eradication 1330 At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly agreed without vote to accept the proposals of the President in A/5884, para. 3 to note LOANS, INTERNATIONAL receipt of the report in A/5812 and to -- liberalization authorize thfJ UN Commission for the Unifica~ tion and Rehabrlttauon of Korea to continue Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1290 (Dahomey) its work subject to the agreed budgetary limits for 1965 MALAWI -- admtsston to UN (agenda item 18) LAND. LOCKED STATES ~~ international trade: transit trade: convention (draft) Documents A/5724 Malawi. Letter, 6 Aug 1964, applying See also United Nations conference on Trade and for admission to membership Development, Geneva 1964: report A/5742 SC: President. Letter transmittingCoun­ cil resolution of 9 oct 1964 recommending Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (Argentina), admission of Malawi 1297 (Paraguay), 1300 (Nepal), 1305 (Niger), 1307 (Bolrvta), 1323 (Afghanistan) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1286~1288 On the recommendation of the Security Council at LAOS the 1236th meeting, Malawi was admitted by ... technical assistance acclamation to membership in the United Nations Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1294 (Laos)

MALAYSIA LAOS QUESTION See Indonesia and Malaysia statements in PleMry: M-.letings 1292 (USSR), 1294

(Czechoslovakia, Laos), 1296 (Thailand), 1299 o (Cambodia, Cuba, Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, MALTA Nepal), 1303 (Byelorussicn SSR), 1304 (Albania), -- admission to UN (agenda item 18) 1306 (Mongolia), 1308 (China, Hungary), 1317 (Ukrainian SSn) Documents A/5756 Malta. Letter, 29 Sep 1964, applying for admisston to membership A/5769 SC: President. Letter transmittmgCoun­ LATIN AMERICA cil resolution of 30 Oct 1964 recommending -- nuclear-free zone (proposed) admission of Malta ., Documents A/5824 Mexico. Letter, 2 Dec 1964, transmitting Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1286-1288 Final Act of the Preliminary Meeting on the On the recommendation of the Security Counctl, Denuclearization of Latin America, Mexico at the 1286th meeting Malta was admitted City 1964 by acclamation to membership in the United A/5912 Brazil. Letter, 14 Apr, transmitting Nations Final Act of Preparatory Commissionforthe Denuclearization of Latin America, 1stsess., Mexico City 1965 -- independence (agenda item 21) Statements in Plenary: Meetil.gs 1295 (Chile), 1298 Documents (United Republic of Tanzania), 1:302 (Uruguay), A/5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with 1307 (Bolivia), 1310 (Mexico), 1319(Sweden) regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1298 (Sudan, United Republic of Tanzania), 1306 (Syria), 1322 MANSOUR, H. A. (Algeria) See Iran: Prime Minister (Mansour, H. A.)

27 ..


MARRIAGE NATURAL DISASTERS (agenda item 46) -- age, consent and rsgtstratton: recommendation (dl'nit) ESC resolutton 1049 (X~OCV~!l) (agenda item 52) GA decision of 12 Dec 1963 Documellts A/5845 Secl'etm'~'-General. Repol't Documents A/5883 AdvisOl'y Cttee. 25th l'eport A/5699 secretary-oenecat, Memorandum con­ taining text of dl'aft recommendation NATURAL RESOURCES -- conservation MARTINIQUE Statements in Plenal'Y: Meeting 1323 (United States) Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1299 (Cuba) -- permanent sovereignty (agenda item 39) GA resolution 1803 (XVII) MAURITIUS Documents -- self-government 01' independence (agenda item 21) A/5771 Secretary-General. Note Documents A/5803 (GAOR; 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with Report, 1963/1964, chap. Ill, sect. V regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ E/S840 secretary-cenerat, Report tion on tile Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Report NAURU

METEOROLOGY See also Trusteeship Council: report, 1963/1964

statements in Plenary: Meeting 1323 (United States) Documents A/5733 Australia. Report on the administration of the Trust Territory, of Nauru for the period of 1 Jul 1962 to 30 JWl 1963. TrallS­ MILITARY BASES IN FOREIGN TERRITORIES mitted in limited number by the Secretary­ - - elimination General

See also Disarmament -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Somalia), 1292 Documents (USSR), 1294 (Czechoslovakia, Laos), 1298 A/5BOO/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with (United Arab Republic, United Republic of regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ Tanzania), 1299 (Cambodia, Cuba), 1304 (Alba­ tion on tile Granting of Independence to nia), 1306 (Mongolia), 1308 (Ceylon), 1318 Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report (Morocco), 1319 (Mali), 1322 (Cyprus)

NEAR AND MIDDLE EAST MINORITIES -- international relations -- protection See also Palestine question; Palestine refugees Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1299 (Cambodia), 1309 (Madagascar), 1319 (Pakistan), 1323 (Turkey), 1325 (Cyprus) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1296 (Israel), 1310 (Israel), 1316 (Central African Republic}, 1321 (Turkey)

MONTSERRAT -- self-government or independence (agenda item 2:) NEW GUINEA Documents A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with See also Trusteeship Council: report, 1963/1964 regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Documents A/5734 Australia. Report on tile administration of the Trust Territory of New Guinea for the period from 1 Jul 1962 to 30 Jun 1963. Transmitted in limited number by the See Oman question Secretary-General


NEW GUINEA (continued) NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION -- self-government 01' independence (agenda item 21) -- multilatera; nuclear rorce (proposed) Documents Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1294 A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with (Czechcslovnkra), 1301 (Poland), 1302 (Nigeria), regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ 1303 (Byelorussian SSR), 1304 (Albania), 1306 tion on the Granting of Independence to (Mongolia), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1308 (Romania), Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report 1309 (Hungarv), 1317 (Ukraintan SSR)

NEW HEBRIDES NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION and WARSAW -- sett-government or independence (agenda item 21) TREATY ORGANIZATION ., -- non-agresslon treaty (proposed) Documents A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1294 regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ (Czechoslovakia), 1301 (Poland), 1303 (Byelo­ tion on the Granting of Independence to russtan SSR), 1308 (Romania), 1317 (Ukrainian Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report SSR)

NGENDANDUMWE, P. See Burundi: Prime Minister (P Ngendandumwe) Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1297 (Malaysia, Philippines) 1 NIUE ISLAND -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) Documents NORTHERN RHODESIA A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with -- independence (agenda item 21) regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to See also Zambia: admtsslon to UN Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Documents Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1302 (Uruguay), 1305 A!5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with (New Zealand) regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report NON-ALIGNED COUNTRIES See Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non-aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 NUCLEAR-FREE ZONES

see also under specific region, i.e., Africa, Europe, NON-NUCLEAR POWERS Latin America See under Atomic weapons Documents A/5731 (DC/209) Eighteen-Nation Cttee on Dis­ armament. Report NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES -- economic development: planning Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, So­ malia), 1292 (USSR), 1293 (Ethiopia), 1294 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1293 (Jamaica) (Czechoslovakia, Laos), 1295 (Chile, Greece), 1296 (Israel), 1298 (United Republic of Tan­ _•. fellowships and scholarships (agenda item 64) zania), 1301 (poland), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR, GA resolution 1974 (XVIII) Sip-na Leone), 1305 (Niger), 1307 (Bohvia), ,.! 1308 (Ceylon, Romania), 131·7 (Ukrainian SSR), Documents 1319 (Sweden), 1321 (Italy), 1322 (Cyprus); 1323 A/5784 & Add.I, Secretary-General. Report on (Afghanistan) offers by Member States of study and train­ ing facilities for inhabitants of NSGT

-- information to UN (agenda item 60) OMAN QUESTION (agenda item 65) GA resolution 1948 (XVIII) Documents A/5843 Secretary-General. Note concerning In­ Documents formation transmitted in A/5800, chap. H, A/5846 (& CorrL, English only, Corr.2, French appendix I only) Ad Hoc Committee on Oman. Report


';-':" t> "-"·tt~'~c.:..;,~~,~-,~+,,,,-,,~:,,",,,,';'r~~' " ..: ;.~,':'''':''-~ SUBJECT INDEX

OMAN QUESTION (continued) OUTER SPACE (continued) -- exploration and use (continued) Discussion in Plena1)': Meetings 1296 (Libya), 1298 (United Arab Republio), 1299 (Cuba), 1302 (Iraq), Discussion in Plenary (continued) 1303 (Byelol'usslan SSR),1305 (Kuwait, Tunisia), At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly 1306 (Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, Syria), 1330 agreed without vote to accept the proposals At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly of the President in A/5884, para, 3 to note agreed without vote to accept the proposal receipt of the report in A/5785 and to of the President in A/5884, para. 3 to note authorize the Cttee on the Peaceful Uses of receipt of the report in A/5846 and to Outer Space to continue its work subject to authorize the Ad Hoc Cttee on Oman to the agreed budgetary limits for 1965 continue its work SUbject to the agreed budgetary limits for 1965

PACIFIC ISLANDS UNDER UNITED STATESADMINISTRA­ TION ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) DEVELOPMENT Documents statements in Plenary: Meeting 1318 (Netherlands) A/5800/Add. 6 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Report ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY

statements in Plenary: Meetings 1291 (Zambia), 1293 (Ethiopia, Kenya), 1294 (Senegal), 1298 (Sudan, PALESTINE QUESTION I United Arab Republic, United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, Docltments h Liberia, Nepal), 1302 (Nigeria). 1303 (Sierra A/5700 UN Conciliation Commission for Pales­ Leone), 1305 (Tuntaia), 1306 (Mongolia), 1307 tine. 22nd progress report, 1963/1964 (Congo, Brazzville), 1309 (Madagascar), 1316 A/AC.25/W.84 UN Conciliation Commission for (Central African Republic), 1318 (Morocco), Palestine. Working paper prepared by the I 1319 (Pakistan, Sweden), 1321 (Chad, Italy, Commission'S land expert on the methods \ Turkey), 1322 (Algeria), 1323 (Morocco), 1325 and techniques of identification and valuation I;. (Algeria, Morocco) of Arab refugee unmovable property holdings I., in Israel I' statements in Plenary: Meetings 1296 (Libya, Iraq), t ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES 1298 (Sudan, United ArabRepv.blic),1299(Cuba), 1300 (Indonesia, Libya), 1301 (Gabon), 1302 statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (Costa Rica), (Iraq), 1305 (Kuwait, Niger, Tunisia), 1306 1295 (Chile, Venezuela), 1298 (Ecuador), 1299 (Saudi Arabia, Syria), 1310 (Israel), 1311 (Cuba), 1300 (Colombia, Cuba, United States), (Jordan), 1316 (Central African Republic), 1318 1304 (Honduras), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR) (Morocco), 1321 (Turkey), 1322 (Algeria, Cyprus)

OUTER SPACE PALESTINE REFUGEES (agenda item 30) See also Atomic weapons: prohibition in outer space GA resolutions 302 (IV), 1912 (XVIII) Disarmament . See also United Nations Relief and Works Agency for -- exploration and use (agenda item 26) Palestine Refugees in the Near East GA resolution 1963 (XVIII) Documents . Documents A/5700 UN Conciliation Commission for Pales­ A/5779 USSR and United States. Letter, 6 Nov tine. 22i1d progress report, 1963/1964 1964, transmitting documents relating to the A/5813 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppJ.. no. 13) UNRWA: text of 2nd Memorandum of Understanding Commissioner-General. Report, 1Ju11963­ to implement the Bilateral Space Agreement 30 Jun 1964 of 5 Dec 1962 and Protocol, 1964 A/AC.25/W.84 UN Conciliation Commission for A/5785 Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Palestine. Working paper prepared by the Space. Report of the 6th session Commission's land expert on the methods and techniques of identification and valuation of Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Peru), 1297 Arab refugee immovable property holdings (Philippines), 1298 (United Arab Republic), 1300 in Israel (Liberia), 1321 (Italy), 1330 A/L,458 GA: President. Draft resolution


PALESTINE REFUGEES (conUrmed) PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG PEOPLES (continued) -- promotion among youth: declaration (draft) (continued) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1296 (Libya), 1298 (United Arab Republic), 1302 (Iraq), 1305 Documents (conUnued) (Kuwait, Tunisia), 1306 (Saudi Arabia), 1311 A/5789 & Add.1 Secretary-General. Report on (Jordan), 1316 (Central Afl'ican Republic), 1321 desirability of establishing regional docu­ (Turkey), 1327, 1328, 1330 mentation and study institutions (Add.l con­ Draft resolution in A/L,458, extending UNRWA tains summary of 2nd meeting, Apr 1965, until 30 Jun 1966, adopted without vote at of the Ad Hoc Inter-Agency Cttee on Youth) 1328th meeting as resolution 2002 (XIX) At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly Statements in Plena1'Y: Meeting 1308 (Romania) agreed without vote to acceptthe proposals of the President in A/5884, para, 3 to note receipt of the reports in A/5700 and PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG STATES A/5813 sse also till'S sub-heading under Europe " PANAMA CANAL ZONE statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, Somalia), 1291 (Zambia), 1292 (Iran, USSR), statements in Plenary: Meeting 1300 (Pan:una) 1293 (Ethiopia, Kenya, Peru), 1294 (Czecho­ slovakia, Laos), 1295 (Greece), 1297 (Togo), 1298 (Umted Arab Republic), 1299 (Australia, PAPUA Cambodia, Cuba), 1300 (Indonesia, Nepal), 1301 -- self-government 01' independence (agenda item 21) (Gabon, Guatemala, India, Poland), 1303 (Byelo­ russian SSR), 1304 (Albania, Haiti),1305 (Niger), Documents 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia), 1307 (Bulgaria), A/5800/Add,6 Special Cttee on the Situation with 1308 (Romania), 1309 (China, Hungary), 1310 regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ (Cameroon), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), 1318(Spain), tion on the Granting of Independence to 1319 (Mali), 1321 (Chad, Turkey), 1322 (Algeria), Colonial Countries and Peoples, Report 1323 (Afghanistan)

-- declaration (draft) PATENTS -- & developing countries (agenda item 37) statements in Plenary: Meetings 1294 (Czecho- GA resolution 1935 (XVIII) slovakia), 1298 (Ecuador)

Documents -- & international law (agenda item 81) A/5743 Secretary-General. Note on the role of GA resvlutions 1966 (XVIII), 1967 (XVIII) patents in the transfer of technology to Documents under-developed countries A/5694 Secretary-General. Report on methods A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. of fact-finding .,-.~ Report, 1963/1964, chap, Ill, sect. III A/5725 & Add.1-7 Comments by Governments on principles enumerated in GA resolutions 1815 (XVII), 1966 (XVIII), 1967 (XVIII) PEACE-KEEPING OPERATIONS A/5727 Secretary-General. Note concerning the See United Nations: Charter: new chapter [peace­ resignation of Afghanistan from membership keeping operations] in the Special Cttee and the appointment of United Nations: peace and security operations Burma A/5746 Special Ct.«H? on Principles of Inter­ national Law concerning Friendly Relations PEACE OBSERVATION COMMISSION and Co-operation among states. Report -- members: appointment (agenda item 17) statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Jamaica), 1295 Documents (Chile, Venezuela), 1298 (Ecuador), 1299 A/5793 Secretary-General. Note (Ghana), 1302 (Iraq, Uruguay), 1304 (Honduras), 1307 (Bolivia), 1308 (South Africa), 1309 (Mada­ gascar), 1310 (Mexico), 1316 (Yugoslavia), 1317 PEACEFUL RELATIONS AMONG PEOPLES (Norway), 1319 (Mali), 1322 (Cyprus), 1323 -- promotion among youth: declaration (draft) (agenda (Afghanistan, United States) item 59) GA resolution 1695 (XVIII) PITCAIRN ISLAND -- self-government 01' independence (agenda item 21) Documents A/5738 & Add.1, 2 Secretary-General. Report Documents containing text of draft declaration and A/5800/Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with amendments proposed thereto, as well as regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ comments by Member States, UNESCO and tion on the Granting of Independence to NGOs Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report

31 -~----­ ~'-..--""'....,~ "'-----~


POPULATION GROWTH (agenda item 41) RACIAL DISCRIMINATION (continued) GA resolution 1838 (XVII) .... neciaraucn, 1963: implementation (agenda item 50) GA resolution 1905 (XVIll) Documents A/5786 Secretary-General, Note DOCl,ments A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) ESC. A/5698 & Corr.1, Add.1 (& Add.1/Corr.1, English Report, :!.963/1964, chap. vm, sect. III only, Add.l/Corr.2, French only), Add.2-4 Secreta,l'y-General. Report summartzmg statements in Plenary: Meeting 1317 (Dominican Re­ information received from Governments, public) inter-governmental agencies and non­ governmental organizations A/5722 Secretary..General. Note transmitting PORTUGAL text of ESC resolution 1016 (XXXVII) A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. See also Territories under Portuguese administration Report, 1963/1964, chap. IX, sect. VIII

-- sanctions (proposed) Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1297 (Paraguay) Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290(Dahomey),1293 (Uganda), 1294 (Czechoslovakia), 1296 (Libya), RACIAL, NATIONAL AND RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE 1298 (United Republic of Tanzania), 1300 ..- prevention (agenda item 54) (Liberia), 1301 (Gabon), 1319 (Mali), 1321 (Chad) GA decision of 12 Dec 1964 Documents PRELIMINARY MEETING ON THE DENUCLEARIZATION A/5703 & Add.1, 2 Secretary-General. Note OF LATIN AMERICA, Mexico City 1964 See Latin America: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1296 (Israel)

PREPARATORY COMMISSION FOR THE DENUCLEARIZA­ RACZKOWSlf.I, STANISLAW (Poland) TION OF LATIN AMERIc-A -- biography A/5875 See Latin America: nuclear-free zone (proposed)

RADIATION PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW -- effects (agenda item 29) See International Law, Private GA resolution 1896 (XVIII) Documents A/5814 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 14) UN PUERTO RICO Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. [3rd] report Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1299 (Cuba), 1300 (United States) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1330 The General Assembly agreed without vote to ., accept the proposals of the President in (, A/5884, para. 3 to note receipt of the report RACIAL DISCRIMINATION 1, in A/5814 and to authorize the UN Scientific \ Cttee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation to 1 Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (Braztl), 1290 continue its work subject to the agreed (Dahomey, Japan), 1292 (Argentina),1294(Laos), budgetary limits for 1965 1295 (Chile, Venezuela), 1298 (United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Cambodia, Cuba), 130'0 (Nepal), 1305 (Burundi, New Zealand), 1306 (Saudi Arabia, Syria), 1307 (Bolivia), 1308 REFUGEES (agenda item 49) (Romania), 1316 (United Kingdom), 1318 (Nether­ lands), 1321 (Turkey), 1322 (Algeria, Cyprus) See also Palestine refugees United Nations High Commissioner for -- convention (draft) (agenda item 51) Refugees GA resolution 1906 (XVIll) United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Documents A/5706 (& Corr.1, English only) Secretary- Documents General. Note, including draft of preamble A/58ll/Rev.1 & Rev.1/Add.1 (GAOR, 19th sess., and art. I-VII suppl, no. 11 & 11 A) (&Rev.1/Add.L'Corr.L, French only) UNHCR. Report, 1963/1964 statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (Costa Rica), (Rev.1/Add.I contains report of 12th sess. 1296 (Israel) of Executive Cttee)


REGIONAL CO..OPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT (Iran/ ST. LUCIA Turkey/Pakistan) -_ self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

statements in Plenary,' Meetings 1292 (Iran), 1319 Documents (Pakistan), 1321 (Turkey) Al5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATION Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report -- declaration (draft) (agenda item 55) GA decision of 12 Dec 1963 ST. VINCENT Documents -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) A/5723 Secretary"General. Note Documents statements in Plenm'y: Meetings 1292 (Costa Rica), A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with 1304 (Honduras) " regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries und Peoples. Report RlAD, MOHAMED (United Arab Republic) -- biography A/5874 SANU, E. OLU (Nigeria) -- biography A/5874 RIO MUNI "- sett-government or independence (agenda item 21) SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Documents -- transfer and adaptation A/5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ statements in.Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1323 tion on the Granting of Independence to (United States) Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report

statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Kenya), 1299 SECRETARIAT (Ghana), 1300 (Ghana, Spain), 1301 (Gabon), -" organtzatton 1310 (Cameroon), 1318 (Spain) Documents ST/SGB/128 (& Corr.L, English only) Secretary.. RIVERS, INTERNATIONAL General. Organization of the Secretariat. A concise guide to ~,he functions and organiza­ Documents tion of the Secretariat, designed primarily to A/5409 (in 3 vols.) Secretary-General. Report facilitate consideration of the annual budget on legal problems relating to the utilization estimates, revised Jul 1964 and use of international rivers -- staff: geographical distribution (agenda item 75 (a)) GA resolution 1928 (XVIII)

RWANDESE REFUGEES Documents A/5841 Secretary-General. Report. Composition statements in Plenary: Meeting 1293 (Uganda) of the Secretariat

statements in Plenary: Meeting 1290 (Dahomey) ST.HELENA "" self-government or independence (agenda item 21) -- staff: list

Documents Documents A/5800/Add.6 Special cttee on the Situl'l.tion with A/C.5/L.831 & Corr.1, Add.1 Secretary-General. regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ Report transmitting list of all staffmembers tion on the Granting of Independence to as of 31 Aug 1964 Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report -~ staff: pensions: See United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board; United Nations Staff Pension Fund; United Nations ST. K1TTS-- Pension Committee and sub-heading staff: salaries and -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) allowances: pensionable remuneration below

Documents -- staff: rules and regulations: amendments (agenda .item A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with 75 (b)) regard to the Implementation of the Declarae tion on the Granting of Independence to Documents Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report A/C.5/1023 Secretary-General. Note

33 ~.. _=.....", "",...,.,-..,...._._-...... "...... =..- .- --"".,.,.- .-.....--:;:-::.:;-=====


SECRETARIAT (continued) SECURITY COUNCIL (continued) -- staff: salartes and allowances: pensionable remuneration -- members: election, (continued) (agenda item 76) Documents (continued) Documents A/5861 Malaysia. Letter, 22 Jan 1965, containing A/5808 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 8) UN Joint reply to letter in A/5857 Staff Pension Board. Annual report A/5819 (& corr.t, English only) Advisory Cttee. Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1312-1314 19th report At the 1313th meeting, on the proposal of the A/5820 Advisory cttee, 20th report President, the General Assembly approved A/L.457 (& corr.r, English only) Secretary­ without objection the appointment of Malaysia, General. Draft resolution to serve from 1 Jan 1965 to 31 Dec 1965, and A/C.5/1020 Secretary-General. Note on annual of Netherlands and Uruguay, to serve from r sport of the UN Joint Staff Pension Board 1 Jan 1965 to 31 Dec 1966 At the 1314th meeting the General Assembly decided Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1327, 1328, 1330 without objection that Jordan should serve Draft resolution in A/L.457 (& corr.t, English from 1 Jan 1965 to 31 Dec 1965 and that Mali only), amending the Regulations of the UN should serve from 1 Jan 1966 to 31Dec 1966, Joint Staff Pension Fund relating to pension­ it being understood that if the necessary able remuneration and its application to ratifications are obtained to enlarge the future and current benefits, adopted without Security Council in 1965 both Jordan and vote at the 1328th and the 1330th meetings Mali would serve for a full term oftwo years as resolution 2007 (XIX) Composition of the Security Council SECRETARY-GENERAL as of 1 Jan 1965 -- notification under Art. 12, para. 2, of the Charter (agenda item 7) Term of Office Members (1 Jan - 31 Dec) Documents A/5823 Secretary-General. Latter, 1 Dec 1964, Bolivia 1964 - 1965 to the President of the General Assembly China Permanent member under transmitting notification concerning matters Art. 23 of the Charter relative to the maintenance of international France Permanent member under peace and security Art. 23 of the Charter Ivory Coast 1964 - 1965 Action in Plenary: Meeting 1330 Jordan 1965 The General Assembly took note of the notification Malaysia 1965 in A/5823 Netherlands 1965 - 1966 USSR Permanent member under -- report, 1963/1964 (agenda item 10) Art. 23 of the Charter United Kingdom Permanent member under Ducuments Art. 23 of the Charter United States A/5801 & Add.1 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 1 Permanent member under & 1 A) Secretary-General. Annual report Art. 23 of the Charter on the work of the Organization,16Jun 1963 ­ Uruguay 1965 - 1966 15 Jun 1964 (Add.1 contains Introduction) -- members: increase in number (proposed) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1330 The General Assembly took note of the report in Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 A/5801 & Add.1 (Iran), 1293 (Kenya), 1295 (Greece), 1296 (Libya), 1299 (Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, Liberia), 1301 (India), 1302 (Iraq), 1303 (Sierra Leone), SECURITY COUNCIL 1305 (Burundi, New Zealand, Tunisia), 1306 -- members: election (agenda item 15) (Mongolia, Syria), 1303 (Romania, South Africa), 1309 (Hungary), 1316 (Central AfricanRepublic, See also Indonesia: withdrawal from United Nations Yugoslavia), 1317 (Dominican Republic, Nor­ Indonesia and Malaysia way), 1318 (Netherlands), 1321 (Chad, Italy)

Documents -- report, 1963/1964 (agenda item 11) A/5844 Indonesia. Letter, 30 Dec 1964, concern­ ing objections raised during informal consul­ Documents tations with the President of GA relating to A/5802 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 2) Security the new composition of the Security Council Council. Report covering the period 16 Jul A/5857 (& Cor ...·.1, English only) Indonesia. Let­ 1963 - 15 Jul 1964 ter, 20 San 1965, concerning its withdrawal from the UN (Corr.I corrects symbol incor­ Action in Plenary: Meeting 1330 rectly designated as A/5957 instead of The General Assembly took note of the report in A/5857) A/5802


SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES SOUTH AFRICA (continued) -- race problems: apartheid (continued) statements in Plenar)': Meetings 1289 (Bl'azil), 1290 (Dahomey, Somalia), 1292 (Argentina), 1293 statements in Plenm'y (continued) g (Peru), 1294 (Senegal), 1295 (Venezuela), 1298 (Ecuador), 1302 (Uruguay), 1304 (Honduras), Honduras), 1305 (Burundi, Kuwait, Niger, Tuni­ 1305 (New Zealand), 1306 (Syria),1308(Ceylon), sia), 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia, Syria), 1307 1309 (China), 1310 (Cameroon, Mexico), 1316 (Bulgaria, Congo (Brazzaville)), 1308 (Ceylon, (Central African Republic, Yugoslavia), 1317 Guinea, Romania, South Africa), 1309 (Hungary, e Madagascar), 1311 (Cameroon), 1316 (Central d (Dominican Republic), 1319 (Pakistan), 1321 (Chad, Turkey), 1322 (Cyprus), 1323 (Afghani­ Afrhan Republic), 1317 (Dominican Republic, " stan, Pakistan), 1325 (India) Ukrainian SSR), 1318 (Morocco), 1319 (Mali, d Pakistan, Sweden), 1321 (Chad, Turkey), 1322 n (Algeria, Cyprus), 1330 (South Africa) d SERBANESCU, DRAGOS (Romania) At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly e -- biography A/5874 " agreed without vote to accept the proposals I of the President in A/5884, para. 3 to note receipt of the reports in " A/5692, A/5707, ~ SEYCHELLES A/5825 & Add.L, A/5850 and to authorize the e -- self-government or independence. (agenda item 21) Special cttee on the Policies of Apartheid of :I the Government of the Republic of South Documents Africa to continue its work subject to the A/58001Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with agreed budgetary limits for 1965 regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, Report -- sanctions (proposed)

Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey), 1293 SOBOLEV, ARKADY (USSR) (Ethiopia, Jamaica, Uganda), 1394 (Czecho­ -- tribute to slovakia), 1296 (Denmark, Libya), 1298 (United l' Arab Republic, United Republic of Tanzania), In Plenary: Meeting 1299 (Australia) 1300 (Liberia, Nepal), 1301 (Gabon, India), 1302 r (Nigeria), 1303 (Sierra Leone), 1305 (Tunisia), 1308 (Guinea, South Africa), 1311 (Cameroon), SOMALILAND, FRENCH 1319 (Mali, Pakistan, Sweden), 1321 (Chad) See French Somaliland

SOUTH WEST AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA -- fellowships and scholarships (agenda item 62) -- race problems: apartheid (agenda item 31) GA resolution 1901 (XVIII) GA resolution 1978 (XVIII) Documents Documents A/5692 (also issued as S/5621); A/5707 (also issued A/5782 &Corr.l,Add.l &Add.1/Corr.1 Secretary­ General. Report on special educational and as S/5717); A/5825 & Add.I (also issued as training programmes for South West Africa S/6073 & Add.I) Special Cttee on the Poli­ cies of Apartheid of the Government of the Republic of South Africa. Reports Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1319 (Sweden) 2 A/5741 (& Corr.1,Englishonly) Pakistan. Letter, B 8 Oct 1964, relating to implementation of -- international status (agenda items 21 and 61) GA res. 1761 (XVII) GA resolution 1899 (XVIII) A/5850 & Add.I Secretary-General. Report con­ cerning implementation of GA resolution 1978 B (XVIII) [relating to assistance to Documents families of persecuted persons in South A/5690 & Add.l~3 Secretary-Oeneral, Note trans­ Africa] mitting replies from Governments relating to implementation of para. 7 of GAresolution Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, 1899 (XVIII) Somalia), 1291 (Zambia), 1292 (Iran), 1293 A/5781 Secretary-General. Report containing (Ethiopia, Jamaica, Kenya, Uganda), 1294 correspondence with the Government of the (Czechoslovakia), 1296 (Denmark, Israel, Republic of South Africa relating to the Libya), 1297 (Malawi, Paraguay, Philippines, appointment of a UN Technical Assistance Togo), 1298 (Sudan, United Arab Republic, Resident Representative for South West United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Cambodia, Africa Cuba, Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, Liberia, Nepal), A/58001Add.2 Special cttee on the Situation with 1301 (Gabon, India), 1302 (Iraq, Nigeria, Uru­ regard to the Implementation ofthe Declara­ guay), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR, Sierra Leone, tion on the Granting of Independence to Trinidad and Tobago), 1304 (Albania, Haiti, Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report

35 ....;~ ...... -~~~-_ ..====;:;:----- =====- .,.;,=-


SOUTH WEST AFRICA (continued) SPANISH SAHARA " -- international status (continued) -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) ! DoC'u.ments (continued) Documents A/5840 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on A/5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report on tile tion on the Granting of Independence to implication of the activities of the mining Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report industry and of the other international com­ statements in Plenary: Meeting 1318 (Spain) panies having interests in South West Africa SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PEACE-KEEPING OPERA­ Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, TIONS Somalia), 1293 lEthiopia, Uganda), 1296 (Libya), 1297 (Malawi), 1298 (United Arab Republic, -- establishment United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Cuba, Ghana), 1300 (Liberia, Nepal), 1301 (India), Documents 1302 (Nigeria), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR), 1304 A/51l00 GA: President. Note on composition of (Haiti), 1305 (Burundi, Kuwait, Niger, 'I'unisia), the Cttee 1306 (Syria), 1319 (pakistan), 1330 A/59102 China. Letter, 1 Mar 1965, concerning its excrusion from the Cttee At the 1330th meeting tile General Assembly Ma~ agreed without vote to accept the proposal A/5904 Morocco. Letter, 1 1965, concerning its exclusion from the Ctte , of the President in A/5f184, para. 3 to note L(.~ter, 1965~ receipt of the report in A/5800/Add.2 A/5905 GA: President. 5 Mar to China in reply to A!5902 A/5909 GA: President. Letter, 10 Mar 1965, to Morocco in reply to A/5904 -- self-government (agenda item 21) A/L.461 & Rev,l GA: President. Draftresolution Documents Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1296 (Denmarlt),1323 A/5691 Secretary-General. Note transmitting (United States), 1326 (Secretary-General), 1327 replies from Governments on implementation of para. 7 of GA resolution 1889 (XVIII) (GA President, Secretary-General), 1328 (India), 1330 (USSR) A/5719 USSR. Letter, 7 May 1964, concerning its position on Southern Rhodesia Draft resolution in A/L.461/Rev.l, authorizing GA President to establish the Special Cttee, A/5800/Add.L, Add.I (part II) Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation adopted without vote at the 1330th meeting as of the Declaration on the Granting of Inde­ resolution 2006 (XIX) pendence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. In pursuance of para. 2 of GA res. 2006 (XIX) the Report President appointed the following as Mem­ bers of the Special Committee: Afghanistan, Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Somalia), 1291 (Zambia), 1293 (Ethiopia, Kenya, Braztl, Canada, Czechoslovakia, El Salvador, Uganda), 1294 (Czechoslovakia), 1296 (Libya), Ethiopia, France, Hungary, India, Iraq, Italy, 1297 (Malawi), 1298 (United Arab Republic, Japan, Mauritania, Mexico, Netherlands, United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Cuba, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Sierra Ghana), 1300 (Liberia, Nepal), 1301 (Gabon, Leone, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, USSR, United India), 1302 (Iraq, Nigeria), 1303 (Byelorussian Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United SSR, Sierra Leone, Trinidad and Tobago), 1304 States, Venezuela, Yugoslavia (Burundi, Kuwait, Niger, Tunisia), 1306 (Malay­ sia, Syria), 1307 (Congo, Brazzaville), 1308 -- reports A/5915 & Add.l, A/5916 & Add.1: See United (Ceylon), 1309 (Madagascar), 1311 (Cameroon), Nations: peace and security operations; United Nations: 1316 (Southern Rhodesia), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR), peace and security operations: financing for discussion 1319 (Mali; pakistan), 1321 (Chad), 132? (Algeria, Cyprus), 1330 At the 1330th meeting the General Assembly SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PRINCIPLES OF INTERNA­ TIONAL LAW CONCERNING FRIENDLY RELATIONS agreed without vote to accept the proposal AND CO-OPERATION AMONGSTATES of the Presideni. in A/5884, para. 3 to note -- members: appointment receipt of the report in A/5800/Add.I Documents SOVEREIGN EQUALITY OF STATES A/5727 Secretary-General. Note concerning res­ ignation of Afghanistan and appointment of statements in Plenary: Meetings 1295 (Chile), 1296 Burma (Israel), 1298 (Ecuador), 1306 (Malaysia), 1308 -- report A/5746: See Peaceful relations among States: (Romania, South Africa), 1309 (Madagascar), & international law for discussion 1310 (Mexico), 1316 (Yugoslavia), 1321 (Chad, Italy), 1322 (Algeria, Cyprus), 1323 (Afghanistan) SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PROCEDURES -- report A/li749 (& Corr.l, English only): See under SPACE EXPLORATION United Nations Conference on Trade and Development See Outer Space for discussion ~------'''''''.~''--- ..'"-'.' . ~, ...... -~' .....­ - "'" -.,.\-..-,.-."..._.....~~...,~....-.""",.~


SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO SWAZILAND (continued) ;PROMOTE THE 'rEACHING, STUDY, DISSEMINA­ -- self-government or independence (contim,.ed) TION AND WIDER APPRECIATION OF IN'fERNA.. TIONAL LAW statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey), 1293 -- report A/5887: See International law: study and teach­ (Eth:opia), 1298 (United Republic of Tanzania), ing: technical assistance for discussion 1299 (Cuba), 1305 (Burundi, Tunisia)

SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE POLICIES OFAPARTHEID OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE SOUTH AFRICA RA- -- reports A/5692, A/5707, A/5825 & Add.L; See Sout:h Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, Africa: race problems: apartheid for discussion Somalia), 1291 (Zambia), 1294 (Canada, Laos), 1295 (Greece), 1297 (Malta, paraguay), 1298 SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITHREGARD United Arab Republic), 1302 (Colombia), 1303 TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARA­ (Siena Leone), 1305 (Kuwait), 1321 (Italy, 11 of TION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO Turkey), 1323 (Afghanistan) COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES -- report A/5800/Rev.1 (replacing A/5800 (& corr.I, -- Expanded Profframme (agenda item 45 (a» English only), Add.1, Add.1 (part II), Add.2-7)j A/5840: GA resolution 1833 (XVII) l1ing See Colonialism: elimination; South West Africa: inter­ national status; Southern Rhodesta: self-government Documents , to for discussion A/5768 Secretary-General. Note on UN pro- grammes of technical co-operation " to SPECIAL FUND A/5788 Advisory Cttee. 9th report. Budget See United Nations Special Fund tion estimates for TAB secretariat for 1965 A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) ESC. Report, 1963/1964, chap. VII, sect. III 323 SPECIAL MISSIONS (agenda item 78) 327 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1319 (Mali) la), Documents A/5809 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 9) ILC. GA -- Expanded Programme: finances: allocations (agenda Report on the work of its 16·JJ. sess, paras. item 45 (b» :ee, 25-35 GA resolution 831 B (IX), 1947 (XVIII) ~as A/cN.4/J.66 Special Rapporteur (Milan Bartos). Report Documents the A/5768 Secretary-General. Note on UN pro- m­ grammes of technical co-operation an, STATES NOT MEMBERS OF UNITED NATIONS A/C.2/224 Secretary-General, Memorandum on -ia, -- observers or, confirmation of the allocation of funds for the Expanded Progr-amme of Technical Assist­ Lly, Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1301 (poland) ance (contains draft resolution submitted by ds, TAC) rra ted STEVENSON, ADLAI E. (United states) Action in Plenary: Meeting 1314 ted -- tribute to On the proposal of the Secretary-General the General Assembly confirmed without objec­ In Plenary: Meeting 1331 led tion the allocatton of funds for the Expanded I1S: Programme of Technical Assistance by adopting resolution 1994 (XIX) ion SUDANESE REFUGEES

statements in Plenary: Meeting 1293 (Uganda) -- Expanded Programme: finances: Special Account: audit (agenda item 72 (a» SURPRISE ATTACK -- prevention Documents A/5710 Advisory Cttee. 2nd report, including Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1290 (Somalia) accounts of UN participation in EPTA lS­ A/5806 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6) Board of of Auditors. Financial report and accounts SWAZILAND for the year ended 31 Dec 1963 es: -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21) A/5831 (GAOR, 19th sess., Annex no. 22) Board of Auditors. Audit reports for the year ended Documents 31 Dec 1963 relating to expenditure by A/5800/Add.5 Special Cttee on the Situation with specialized agencies and the IAEA of techni­ er regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ cal assistance funds earmarked from the mt tion on the Granting of Independence to Special Account Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report A/5890 Advisory Cttee. 28th report


TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE (continued) TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMlMSTRATION T' - .. Expanded Programme: & UN Special Fund: mel'gol' (conUmwd) (prnposed) (agenda item S-6) -- status (agenda item 21)

Documents Documents A/5755 Secretal'y-Genel'al, Note l'equestlng in.. Al5800/Add,3 Special Cttee en the Situation with ctuston of supplementary item, "ConsoUda.. l'egnrd to tho Implomentation of tile Dcolara.. Expand~d tton of the Special Fund and the ~ion on tile GranUng of Ineependence to Pl'ogramme of Technical Assistance in a Colonial Co\mtl'ies and Peoples. Report United Nations Development Progl'amme", in the agenda A/5a03 (GAOR, 19th sess, suppl, no, 3) ESC, statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Dahomey, Report, 1963/1964, chap. VU, sect. I Somalia), 1291 (Zambia), 1292 (Iran), 1293 (Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda), 1294 (czecnc... statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Jamaica), stovakia, Senegal), 1296 (Libya), 1297 (MalaWi), 1294 (Canada), 1297 (Malta), 1298 (United Re­ .1298 (Sudan, United Arab Republic, United Rc­ public of Tanzania), 1300 (Libe:da), 1305 public of Tanzania), 1299 (Cuba, Ghana), 1300 T (Tunisia), 1308 (Ceylon), 1316 (United Kingdom), (Indonesia, Libel'in, Nepal), 1301 (Gabon, India), 1318 (Netherlands), 1322 (Cypl'US), 1323 (United 1302 (Iraq, Nigel'ia), 1303 (Byelorussinn SSR, States) Sierra Leone), 1305 (Burundi, Kuwait, Nigel', Tunisia), 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia, SY1'ia), _. United Nations programme (agenda item 45 (a) 1307 (Bulgal'ia, Congo (Bl'azzavHle», 1308 (Ceylon), 1309 (Madagascar), 1310 (cameroon, Doc1tments Portugal), 1317 (Ukl'ainian SSR),1318 (Morocco, A/5763 Secretary-General. Note Spain), 1319 (Mali, Pakistan), 1321 (Chad), 1322 A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. (Algel'ia, Cyprus) Report, 1963/1964, chap, VU, sect. 11

TECHNICAL CO-OPERATION THAILAND and CAMBODIA See Technical assistance: Expanded Programmej See Cambodia and Thailand Tedmical assistance: United Nations Pro­ gramme TI TERRITORIAL DISPUTES THORS, THOR (Iceland) -- pacific settlement (agenda item S..1.) ... - trtbute to

Documents In Plenary: Meeting 1315 A/o740 USSR. Letter, 8 Oct 1964, transmitting text of message from Mr. N. S. Krushchev, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, to the Heads of State nd Government TIBET QUESTION (agenda item S-9) of the countries of the world, dated 31 Dec 1963 DocHments A/5751 USSR. Letter, 21 Sap 1964, requesting A/5765 El Salvador, Nicaragua, Philippines. Let­ inclusion of supplementary item, "Renunci­ ter, 30 Oct 1964, requesting inclusion of ation by States of the use of force for lite item, "Question of Tibet" in the agenda settlement of territorial disputes and ques.. tions concerning frontiers", in the agenda statements in Plenary: Meetings 1295 (Ireland), 1297 statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1293 (Philippines), 1299 (Cambodia), 1304 (Albania), (Ethiopia), 1294 (Czechoslovakia), 1295 (Greece, 1306 (Malaysia), 1319 (Mali) Venezuela), 1296 (Israel), 1298 (Ecuador), 1301 (India), 1303 (Byelorusstan Sfl '1.), 1306 (Mon­ golia), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1318 (Morocco), 1321 (Haly), 1322 (Algeria), 1323 (Afghanistan, Mo­ TOKELAUISLANDS rocco), 1325 (Algeria, Mooocco) -- self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

Documents Tt TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION A/5800!Add.6 Special Cttee on the Situation with •._ fellowships and scholarships (agenda item 63) regard to the Implementation of the Declara... GA resolution 1973 (XVIII) tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report DOC".A.ments A/5783 & Add.l Secretary-General. Report on special training p~'ogrammes for Territories Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1302 (Uruguay), 1305 under Portuguese administration (New Zealand)


'rEI 1) AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS and UNITED .... establishment STATES OF AMERICA .- Memorandum of Understanding l'ogal'ding tile Establish.. Se'1i also United Nations ccnrerence on Trade and ment of a Direct Communioations Link, Geneva 1963 Development Statements in Plenal1': Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 (USSR), 1297 (Philippines), 1301 (India), 1302 (Costa Rica), 1293 (Jamaica), 1296 (Denmark), (Nigeria), 1308 (Ceylon), 1323 (United States) 1299 (Ghana), 1300 (Nepal), 1301 (Guatemala, Indin), 1302 (Nigel'ia), 1303 (Siel'l'a Leone), 1305 ('funisia), 1306 (Syria), 1310 (MeXico), 1316 (U1"ilted Kingdom, Yugoslavia), 1318 UNITED NATIONS (Nethel'lands, Spain), 1323 (Afghanistan) .... armed forces See also Peace and security operations below Documents TREATIES A/5721 (also issued as 8/5811) USSR. Letter, .... law (agenda item 78) 10 Jul 1964, transmitting "Memorandum of tile Government of the USSR regardingcertntn ~ See also Conventions, Multilateral measures to strengthen the effectiveness of '; the UN in the safeguarding of international Ii Documents , ~.uC. peace and security" I A/5809 (GAOR, 19th sesa, suppl, no. 9) A/5726 (also issued as 8/5853) United Kingdom. .~ Report on the work of its 16th session, Letter, 5 Aug 1964, transmitting reply to .. ~ paras. 12..24 Soviet memorandum (A/5721) which was ~ A/CN.4/i67 & Add.l..3, (& Add.3/Col'l'.I, French delivered to USSR Ministry of ForeignAffairs l only) Special Rapporteur (Sir Humphrey in Moscow on 24 Jul 1964 Waldock). 3rd report A/5821 (also issued as S/6070) Czechoslovakia. Note uerbale, 26 Nov 1964, communicating Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1302 (Ul'uguay) its position on questions concerning tile strengthening of the effectiveness of tile UN in the safeguarding of International peace and security TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL A/5839 Bulgal·ia. Note uerbale, 17 Dec 1964, .... report, 1963/1964 (agenda item 13) concerning UN peace-keeping operations Documents A/5733 Australia. Report on the administration Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 (USSR), 1293 (Jamaica), 1294 (Czechoslovakia), of. the Trust Territory ofNaurufor the perfod from 1 Jul 1962 to 30 Jun 1963. Transmitted 1296 (Denmark), 1299 (Austraha), 1301(Poland), in limited number by the Secretary-General 1306 (Mongolia), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1321 (Turkey) A/5734 Australia. Report on the administration of the Trust Territory of New Guinea for the ..- armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) period from 1 Jul 1962 to 30 Jun 1963. Transmitted in limited number by the Secre.. statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 tary-General (Iran), 1293 (Jamaica), 1294 (Canada), 1295 A/5804 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 4) TC. (Greece, Ireland), 1296 (Denmark), 1297(Malta, Report for the period 27 Jun 1963 - 29 Jun Paraguay), 1299 (Australia), 1301 (India), 1305 1964 (New Zealand), 1319 (Sweden), 1321 (Turkey) \

Action in Plenar)l: Meeting 1330 -- budget, 1964: supplementary appropriations (agenda The General Assembly agreed without vote to item 67) accept the proposal of the President in A/5884, para. 3 to note receipt of the report See also budget, 1965 below in A/5804 Documents A/5747 (& corr.L, English only),00rr.2 Secrf·· tary-General. Report A/5787 Advisory Cttee. 8th report A/5805 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 5) Secre­ _.. self..government or independence (agenda item 21) tary-General. Budget estimates for the financial year 1965, Foreword, paras. 36-39 Documents A/5807 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 7) (&Co1'1'.1, A/5800/Add.7 Special Cttee on the Situation with English only) Advisory cttee. 7th report, regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ paras. 16-19, 31-40 tion on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report Discussionin Plenary: Meetings 1314, 1326, 1327

39 j, 1 SUBJECT INDEX 'I ~ UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) .... budget, 1965 (agenda item 68) .... bUdget, 1965 (continued) DOt:mllents Documents (continued) A/5709 Aclvls0l'y cttee. 1st report, ccarerenee A/5908 United Arab Republio. LottOl', 4 Apr 1965, faciUUes and mnjol' maintenance of Palais eoncermng interim finanoial arrangements des Nations, Geneva and auUlori1.ations A/5714 (& Corr,l, English only) AclvisOl'y Cttee. A/5917 SeCl'etal'y-Genel'al. Report on estimated 6th l't'lpOl't, Archttecturnl and angineel'ing finanoial needs of Ule Orgunization as of survey of lIeadqual'tel's bUildings 1 Sep 1965 A/5788 Advisory cttee, 9th l'aport. Budget A!L.456 GA: President. Drnt:t resolution, estimates for the secretartat of 'fAB fOl' Intertm finanoial arrangements and authol'i.. 1965 zations for 1965 A/5794 (& cerr.t, English only) Advisory Cttee. A/C. 5/1012 Secl'etal'y-Genel'al. Revised esti- 10th l'epol't. Revised estimates for sect. 21­ mates fOl' sects. 3, 4, 19 and 21 resulting rntemattona; Court of Justice fl'om increases in salaries and related costs A/5795 AdvisOl'y Cttee. 11th repol't. Revised A/C. 5/1013 Secl'etm'y..Gener 1. Revised estt- estimates for sects. 1, 2, 3, 5,10and income mates for sect. 1. resurdng; from (1) the sect. 3 resulting from decisions of the ESC admission of new Member States, and (2) ad­ A/5797 Advisory Cttee. 13th report. Revised ditional requlrements of the Boardof Auditors estimates for sect. 3, 4, 19 and 21 resulting A/C.5/1014 Secretary-General. Note concerning fl'om increases In salaries and relatedcosts. renewal of prizes fOl' cancel' research A/5798 Advisory Cttee. 14th report. Revised A/C.5/1015 Secl'etal'y~General. Revised esti- estimates fOl' sect. 1 mates for sect. 21: Internationai Court of A/5799 (& Corn.L, English only) AdvisOl'y Cttee. Justice 15th report. Conference facilities and major A/C.5/1016 [Secl'etarY-General]. Revised esti­ maintenance of the Palais des Nations, mates for sects. I, 2, 31 5, 10 and income Geneva sect. 3 resulting from decisions of the ESC A/5805 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 5) Secretary­ at its 37th session General. BUdget estimates for the financial A/C.5/1017 & Rev.1 [Secretary-General]. Re­ year 1965 and information annexes vised estimates for sects. 18 and 19 A/5e07 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 7) (& Corr.l, A/C.5/l019 & Corr.L, 2 Secretary-General. Re­ English only) Advisory Cttee. 7th report vised estimates for sect. 7: architectural [on budget estimates for 1965] and engineering survey of Headquarters A/5816 Advisory cttee, 16th report. Revised buildings . estimates for sect. 7: Architectural and A/C. 5/1021 Secretary-General, Report. Re- engineering survey af Headquartersbuildings sources provided for industrial development A/5817 Advisory Cttee. 17th report. Establish­ in the regular budget ment of electronic data processing centre at A/C.5/1022 Secretary-General. Report. UNCTAD Headquarters ST/SGB!128 (&Corr.1, English only) Organization A/5818 Advisory Cttee. 18th report. Revised of the Secretariat. Revised edition, Jul 1964 estimates for sects. 18 and 19 A/5829 Secretary-General. Report. Financial Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 13141 13151 1326­ implications ofthe reportofUNCTAD, Genova 1330 1964 At the 1314th meeting the General Assembly A/5837 Advisory Cttee. 21st report. Financial authorized the Secretary-General, pending implications of the report of UNCTAD, decisions to be taken at the resumed 19th Geneva 1964 sess, in 1965, to enter into commitments and A/5849 Secretary-General. Report. Adminis­ to make payments at levels not to exceed, trative and financial implications of the subject to statutory requirements, the cor­ recommendations by UNCTAD, Geneva 1964 responding commitments and payments for [With regard to a conference of plenipo­ the year 1964 and, furthermore, pending such tentiaries to consider a convention on the . decisions, to continue the existing arrange­ transit-trade of land-locked countries] ments and authorizations with respect to A/5867 & Corn.I Secretary-General. Report. unforeseen and extraordinary expenses and Review of programme of conferences and of the Working Capital Fund, It was the under­ related financial implications standing of the Assembly that the above A/5389 Advisory Cttee. 27th report. Pattern mentioned authorization would be without and programme of conferences prejudice to the basic positions and objections A/5892 India. Letter, 18 Feb'1965, concerning of certain countries with respect to certain interim financial arrangements sections of the budget and to the budget as a A/5896 France. Letter, 19 Feb 1965, concern", whole ing interim financial arrangements Draft resolution in A/L,456, authorizing the A/5897 Mexico. Letter, 19 Feb 1965, concern­ Secretary-General to enter into com­ ing interim financial arrangements mitments and to make payments at levels A/5901 Ukrainian SSR. Letter, 23 Feb 1965, not to exceed the corresponding commit­ concerning interim financial arrangements ments and payments for the year 1964, A/5903 Byelorussian SSR. Letter, 27 Feb 1965, adopted without vote at the 1330th meeting concerning interim financial arrangements as resolution 2004 (XIX)


UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) I ..w calenda» of conterences: paUel'n of conterences (agenda -- Chartel': new chaptel~ [penoe-keeping operations] (pro­ f item 69) posed) GA resotutton 1987 (XVIII) I Statements in. Plenm'Y: Meetings 1289 (Bl'azil), 1296 Documents (Israel), 1297 (Paraguay), 1299 (Australia), 1305 A/5867 & Corr,l S~cl'etary-Genernl. Report, (New Zealand), 1306 (Malaysia), 1307 (Bolivia), Review of programme of conferences and 1316 (United Kingdom), 1318 (Spain) of related financial implications A/5889 Advisory Cttee. 27th report -- charter: revtston: cttee (proposed) \ ! Statements in Plena1'Y: Meetings 1293 (Kenya), 1310 I -- Chartel': Al't. 17 I (Oameroon), 1321 (Italy) I, Statements in Plenal1': Meetings 1295 (Greece, Ire­ I land), 1305 (New Zealand), 1316 (United -- finances: accounts, 1963 (agenda item 66 (a)) I Kingdom), 1323 (United States), 1329 (Albania) ! See also sub-heading finances: accounts, 1963 unde1' -- Chnrtel': Art. 19: application Teclmical assistance: Expanded Programme United Nations Childrents Fund !' Documents United Nations High Commissioner for Refu­ A/5739 United States, Letter, 8 Oct 1964, trans­ gees l mitting memorandum "The United Nations United Nations Relief and Works Agency for financial crisis" Palestine Refugees in the Near East A/5777 USSR, Letter, 7 Nov 1964, transmitting United Nations Special Fund statement in answer to A/5739 A/5915 & Add.1j A/5916 & Add,l Special Com­ Documents mittee on Peace-keepingOperations. Reports A/571 0 Advisory Cttee, 2nd l ",port in respect of UNi UN regular programmes of technical Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1293 assistance and UN participation in EPTAj (Ethiopia, Uganda), 1294 (Senegal), 1295 (Ire­ TAB secretar-iatj UN as executing agency land), 1296 (Thailand), 1297 (Paraguay, Philip­ of UN Special Fund and administrative budget pines), 1299 (Australia, Ghana), 1301 (Gabon, of its Managing Director; UNEF Special Ac­ India), 1304 (Albania, Haiti), 1306 (Malaysia), count; and ONUC ad hoc account 1308 (Ceylon), 1309 (China, Hungary), 1316 A/5806 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6) Board of (Central African Republic, United Kingdom), Auditors. Financial report and accounts for 1318 (Morocco), 1319 (Mali), 1321 (Italy), 1.326 the year ended 31 Dec 1963 (GA President, Secretary-General), 1328(India), A/C.5/1018 & Corr.I Combined statement of as­ 1329 (Albania, Cyprus, Ethiopia, GA President, sets and liabilities as at 31 Dec 1963 Liberia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia), 1330 (USSR, United States), 1331 (Albania, USSR, United -- finances: bonds States) At the 1331st meeting the General Assembly statements in Plenary: Meeting 1323 (United States) adopted, without vote, the reports of the Special Cttee in A/5915 & Add.L, and -- finances: contributions (agenda item 71) A/5916 & Add.1 At the 1331st meeting the President announced the Documents consensus arrived at in the Special Cttee A/5810 & Add.l (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 10 that tithe question of the applicability of and lOA) Cttee on Contributions. Report, Article 19 of the Charter will not be raised including scale of assessments 1965-1967 with regard to the United Nations Emergency A/5822 Secretary-General. Report. Collection Force and the United Nations Operations in of contributions as at 30 Nov 1964 the Congo" A/5847 & Rev.1, Rev.1/Add.l Secretary-General. Report. Collection of contributions as at 17 Jan 1965 -- Charter: Arts, 23, 27 and 61: amendments A/5871 Secretary-General. Report. Collection of contributions as at 1 Feb 1965 (includes list statements in Plenary: Meetings 1290 (Japan), 1292 of payments received 18 Jan - 1 Feb 1965) (Iran), 1293 (Jamaica, Kenya, Uganda), 1294 A/L.456 GA: ·President. Drartt resolutions. (Senegal), 1295 (Greece), 1296 (Libya), 1298 Interim financial arrangements and authori­ (United Republic of Tanzania), 1299 (Ghana), zations for 1965 1300 (Indonesia, Liberia), 1301 (India), 1302 (Iraq), 1303 (Sierra Leone), 1305 (Burundi, New Zealand, Tunisia), 1306 (Mongolia, Syria), Communications. relating to the report in A/5847 1308 (Romania, South Africa), 1309 (Hungary), & neo.s 1316 (Central African Republic, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Dominican RepUblic, Norway), 1318 A/5851 USSR. Letter, 21 Jan 1965 (Netherlands), 1319 (Pakistan), 1321 (Chad, A/5853 Byelorussian SSR. Letter, 21 Jan 1965 Italy) A/5854 Ukrainian SSR. Letter, 21 Jan 1965


" r UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (continued) I -- finances: contributions (continued) -- finances: position and prospects, 1964/1966 (continued) r COl1l1ntmications relating to tile report in .4./584; statements in Plenary: Meetings 1315 (Secretal'y­ " Rev.l (contim(ed) Genel'al), 1326 (Secl'etal'y-General)

A/5855 Czechoslovakia. Note uerbale, 21 Jan .. Members: admission (agenda item 18) 1965 _ A/fi956 Hungary. Letter, 21 Jan 1965 A/5858 France. Letter, 22 Jan 1()6[i \ Documents A/5862 Albania. Letter, 25 Jan 1965 A/5724 MalawI. Letter, 6 Aug 1964, applying fOl' A/5863 Bulgarfa. Note verbale, 25 Jan 1965 admission to membership A/58M Romania. Letter, 27 Jan 1965 A/5742 SC: President. Letter transmittingCoun­ A/5866 Secretary-General. Note transmitting cil resolution of 9 oct 1964 recommending texts of letters in reply to some Delega­ admission of Malawi tions A/5756 Malta. Letter, 29 Sep 1964, applying fOl' A/5868 Cuba. Letter, 1 Feb 1965 admission to membership A/5869 USSR. Letter, 1 Feb 1965 A/5762 Zam)Jia. Telegram, 26 Oct1964, applymc A/5873 Ukrainian SSR. Letter, 3 Feb 1965 fOl' admission to membership A/5769 SC: Pl·esident. Letter transmittingCoun.. cil resolution of 30 Oct 1964 recommending .4.ction in Plenary: Meeting' 1330 admission of Malta Draft resolution in A/L.456, requesting Member A/5770 SC: President. Letter transmittingCoun­ States to make advance payments in amounts cil resolution of 30 Oct 1964 recommending not less than 80 per cent of their assessed admission of Zambia contributions for the financial year 1964, A/5898 Gambia. Letter, 18 Feb 1965, applying adopted without vote as resolution 2004(XIX) for admission to membership A/5911 SC: President. Letter transmtttlngCoun­ -- finances: expenditures cil resolution of 15 Mar 1965 recommending admission of Documents A/C.5/1024 & Corr.1 EStimated cost of main Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1286-1288 fields of activity, 1956-19J3 At the 1286th meeting, on the recommendations of the Security Councrl, Malawi, Malta and -- finances: contributions, voluntary: See United Nations: Zambia were admitted by acclamation, to peace and security operations: financing membership in the United Nations No action was taken on the recommendation con­ -- finances: fund to meet expenses of the Organization (pro­ cerning the Gambia posed)

Statements in Plena'yy: Meetings 1296 (Israel), 1299 -- Members: withdrawal (Ghana), 1316 (United Kingdom) Documents -- finances: peace fund (proposed) A/5857 (& Corr.L, English only) Indonesia. Let­ ter, 20 Jun 1964, concerning its withdrawal Documents from the UN (Corr.l corrects symbol in­ A/5693 & Add.1-3 Secretary-General. Report on correctly designated as A/5957 instead of consultations covering the desirability and A/5857) feasibility of establishing a peace fund, A!5899 Secretary-General. Letter, 26 Feb 1965, including comments by Governments concerning Indonesia's withdrawal from the United Nations A/5910 United Kingdom. Letter, 8 Mar 1965, -- finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 (agenda recording view that a State withdrawing from item 68) the UN nevertheless remains bound to observe principles in Art. 2 of the Charter See also United Nations: peace and security opera­ relative to the maintenance of international tions: financing peace and security United Nations: budget, 1965 A/5914 Italy. Note uerbale, 13 May 1965, con­ cerning the authority of the United Nations Documents under Art. 2, para. 6 and Chap. VII of the A!5805 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 5) secre­ Charter in relation to a non-Member State tary-Geuer-al. Budget estimates for the and obligations previously assumed by a financial year 1965, foreword, paras, 8-10 withdrawing Member under multilateral A!5807 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 7) (& Cor r.L, conventions adopted within the framework of English only) Advisory Cttee. 7th report, the United Nations paras. 27-30 A!5917 Secretary-General. Report on estimated Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1317 (Norway), 1318 financial needs of the Organization as of 1 Sep (Morocco), 1319 (Mali), 1321 (Chad), 1322 1965 (Algeria, Cyprus)


UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS (contim(ed) .... non..Membel's: See States not Members of United Nations .... peace and security operations: financing (agenda item74)

.... peace and security operattona See also United Nations: bUdget, 1965 Documents See also United Nations: al'med forces A/5721 (also issued as S/5811) USSR. Letter, 10 Jul 1964, transmitting "Memorandum of Documents the Govel'1lment ortneUSSRregardtngcertatn A/5721 (also issued as S/5811) USSR, Letter, measures to strengthen the effectiveness of 10 .nn 1964, transmitting "Memorandum of the UN in the safeguarding of Internntlonal the Government of the USSR regarding cer.. pence and security" concerning UN armed tatn measures to strengthentheeffectiveness forces of the UN in the safeguarding of international A/5726 (also issued as S/5853) United Kingdom. peace and security" concel'ning UN armed Latter, 5 Aug 1964, tl'll1lsmitting reply to forces Soviet memorandum (A/5721) which was A/5726 (also issued as S/5853) United Kingdom, delivered to USSR Ministry of Foreign Af.. Letter, 5 Aug 1964, transmitting reply to fah's in Moscow on 24 Jul1964 Soviet memorandum (A/5721) which was A/5729 & Corr.1 USSR. Letter, 11 Sep 1964, dellv~l'ed to USSR Ministry of Foreign Af.. transmitting memorandum, "The question of fah'S in Moscow on 24 Jul 1964 Ule financial situation of the United Nations" A/5821 (also issued as S/6070) Czechoslovakia, A/5739 United States. Letter, 8 oct 1964, trans.. Note verba le, 26 Nov 1964, communicating mitting memorandum, "The United Nations its position on questions concerning the financial crisis" strengthening of the effectiveness of the UN A/5777 USSR. Letter, 7 Nov 1964, transmitting in the safeguarding of internationalpeace and statement in answer to A/5739 security A/5821 (also issued as S/6070) Czechoslovakia. A/5839 Bulgaria, Note ve,'bale, 17 Dec 1964, Note ve"bale, 26 Nov 1964, communtcating concerning UN peace-keeping opera- position of Czechoslovakia Government on tions questions concerning the strengthening of the A/5915 & Add.l; A/5916 & Add.l Special effectiveness of the UN in the safeguarding Committee on Peace-keeping Operations. of iuternatlonal peace and security Reports A/5839 Bulgaria. Note ve,'bale, 17 Dec 1964, A/L.461 & Rev.I GA: President. Draft resolu­ conesrntng UN peace-keeping operations tion A/5900 GA: President. Note on composition of Special Committee on Peace-keeping Operations Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (BraZil), 1290 A/5902 China. Letter, 1 Mar 1965, concerning (Japan, Somalia), 1292 (USSR), 1293 (Jamaica, its exclusion from the Special Cttee on Uganda), 1294 (Canada, Czechoslovakia, Laos), Peace-keeping Operations 1295 (Ireland, Venezuela), 1296 (Denmark), A/5904 Morocco. Letter, 1 Mar lQ6~, eenccl'Bing-- " 1297 (Paraguay, Philippines), 1298 (United Arab its exclusion from the ~peciar' Cttee on Republic), 1299 (Australia, Ghana), 1300 (Libe.. Pence-keeping Operations rta, Nepal), 1301 (India, Poland), 1302 (Nigeria, A/5905 GA: President. Letter, 5 Mar 1965, to Uruguay), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR, Tl'inidad and the Permanent Representative of China in Tobago), 1305 (Kuwait, New Zealand, Tunisia), answer to letter in A/5902 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia, Syria), 1316 (United A/5909 GA: President. Letter, 10 Mar 1965, to Kingdom), 1318 (Spain), 1319 (Mali, Pakistan, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Sweden), 1321 (Italy, Turkey), 1322 (Algeria, Morocco in answer to letter in A/5904 Cyprus), 1326 (Secretary..General), 1327, 1329­ A/5915 & Acld.l; A/5916 & Add.I Special Com.. I 1331 mittee or,Peace-keepingOperations. Reports A/L.461 & Rev.l GA: President. Draftresolution ) Draft resolution in A/L,461/Rev.l, authorfztng the President to establish a Special Cttee on Peace..keeping Operations, adopted without Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (BraZil), 1292 vote at the 1330th meeting as resolution (Iran), 1293 (Ethiopia, Peru), 1294 (Canada), 2006 (XIX) 1295 (Greece), 1299 (Cambodia), 1300 (lndo.. nesia), 1303 (Sierra Leone), 1304 (Albania, ',I At the 1331st meeting the Assembly adopted, with•. Haiti), 1305 (Niger), 1307 (Bulgaria), 1309 out vote, the reports of the Special Com­ (Hungary), 1310 (Cameroon, Mexico), 1316 mittee in A/5915 & Add.l and A/5916 & (Central African Republic), 1317 (Ukrainian Add.l SSR), 1318 (Netherlands), 1327, 1329..1331 ',I

Oral proposal by the President that the modalities Draft resolution in A/L.461/Rev.l, author-Izing the for the continuance of the work covered by President to establish a Special Committee GA resolution 2006 (XIX) be decided upon at on Peace-keeping Operations, adopted with.. the 20th session, adopted without vote at out vote at 1330th meeting as resolution 1331st meeting 2006 (XIX)

43 ...--"'-'-,... SUBJECT INDEX.. UNITED NATIONS (continued) UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND ... pence and security cperattons: financing (continued) .... eataultshment (proposed) (agenda item 34) GA resolutton 1936 (XVIII) Discussion in Plenary (continued) In pursuance of para. 2 of GA res. 2006'(XIX) the Documents Pl'esident appointed the following as Mem­ A/5748 Cttee on a UN Capital Development Fund. bel'S of the Special Committee: Afghanistan, Report, 4th session Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Austria, A/5766 Secl'etary-General. Note Braztl, Canada, Czechoslovakia, El Salvador, A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess, suppl, no. 3) ESC. Ethiopia, Fl'ance, Hungary, India, Iraq, ItalyI Report, 1963/1964,. chsp, V, sect. II Japan, Maul'itania, Mexico, Netherlands, E/3947 Secretary..General. Study of the practical Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Sierra steps involved in the transformation of the Leone, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, USSR,United Special Fund into a UN Capital Development Arab Republic, United Kingdom, United Fund states, Venezuela, Yugoslavia At the 1331st meeting the Assembly adopted, with.. statements in Plenary: Meetings 1289 (BraZil), 1293 out vote, the reports of the Special Cttee in (Jamaica), 1308 (Ceylon) A/5915 & Add.1 and A/5916 & Add.1 Oral proposal by the President that 'the modalities for the continuance of the work covered by UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND GA resolution 2006 (XIX) be decided upon at _.. finances: accounts, 1963 (agenda item 66 (b) the 20th session adopted, without vote, at 1331st meeting DoCttments A/5711 Advisory Cttee. 3rd report A/5806/Add.l (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6A) UNITED NATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL Board of Auditors. Financial report and ac­ ... activities, 1964 counts for the year 1963

Docttments A/INF/107 UN Administrative Tribunal. Annual UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND: EXECUTIVE note concerning the functioning of the Tribu.. DIRECTOR. (Pate, M.) nal, 1964 -- tribute to .... members: election (agenda item 70 (e) In Plenary: Meeting 1316 DoCttments A/5717 (& Corr.L, English only) Secretary.. UNITIW NATIONS 'COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION General. Note AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA A/5878 Secretary..General. Note, containing cur.. ..- report A/5812: See under Korean question for dis­ ricula vitae of candidates cussion A/L.454 GA: President. Draft resolution

Action in Plenary: Meetings 1326 (Secretary..General), UNITED NATIONS CONCILIATION COMMISSION FOR 1327 (GA President), 1328 PALESTINE Draft resolution in A/L.454 adopted without vote _.. report A/5700: See Palestine refugees for discussion as resolution 2000 (XIX) Mme P. Bastid (France), Messrs. L. Ignacio­ Pinto (Dahomey) and R. Venkataraman (India) UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE APPLICATION appointed for a 3-year term beginning 1 Jan OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR THE BENEFIT 1965 OF LESS-DEVELOPED AREAS, Geneva, 1963 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1296 (Israel) Composition of the UN Administrative Tribunal as of 1 Jan 1965 UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE ANDDEVEL.. Terms of Office OPMENT Members (21 Jan - 31 Dec) -- conciliation procedures Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1294 (Canada), 1296 Mr. ~T. W. Barco (United States) 1963 - 1965 (Denmark), 1301 (India), 1308 (Ceylon), 1310 Mme P. Bastid (France), re-elected, (Cameroon), 1318 (Netherlands), 1319 (Sweden) President 1965 - 1967 The Rt. Hon. Lord Crook (United Kingdom), -- establishment as permanent organ of UN First Vice-President 1963 - 1965 Mr. H. Gros Espiell (Uruguay) 1964 - 196C Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Kenya), 1296 Mr. L. Ignacto-Pinto (Dahomey), (Denmark), 1301 (Guatemala, India), 1302 (Co­ re-elected 1965 .. 1967 lombia), 1310 (Mexico), 1316 (United Kingdom, Mr. B.A.S. Petr~n (Sweden) 1964 - 1966 Yugoslavia), 1317 (Norway), 1321 (Italy, Turkey), Mr. R. Venkataraman (India), re..elected 1965 .. 1967 1323 (Afghanistan)


UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADEANDDEVEL.. UNI'l'ED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADEANDDEVEL­ OPMENT, Geneva 1964 OPMENT, Geneva 1904 (continued) .... report (agenda item 32) -- report (continued) GA resolutf ••s 1785 (XVII), 1897 (XV.II) Discussion in Flenal)',' Meetings 1289 (BraZil), 1290 Documents (Japan, Dnhomey), 1292 (Argentina, Costa Rica, A/5749 (& Corr.1, Englishonly) UNCTAD:Special Iran, USSR), 1293 (Ethiopia, Jamaica, Kenya, Cttee on Procedures. Heport on proposals Pel'u, Uganda), 1294 (Canada, Czechoslovakia, designed to estubtrshaprocess orccnctltatlon Senegal), 1295 (Chile, Greece, Venezuela), 1290 within UNCTAD (Denmark, Israel, Libya, Thailand),1297 (MalaWi, A/5774 &Add.1 Secretary-General. Noteondocu.. Malta, Paraguay, Philippines), 1298 (Ecuador, mentation Sudan, United Arab Republic, United RepUblic of A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. Tanzania), 1299 (CUba, Ghana), 1300 (Liberia, Report, 1963/1964, chap. I, sect. I Nepal), 1301 (Gabon, Guatemala, India, Poland), A/5829 Secretary-General. Report on adminis­ 1302 (Colombia, Iraq, Nigeria, Ul'uguay), 1303 trative and financial implications of the (Byelorusslan SSR, sierra Leone, Tl'inidad and recommendations in the Final Act of tho Tobago), 1304 (Albania, Honduras), 1305~:,:, Conference relating to institutional machin.. (Burundt, Kuwait, New Zealand, Niger, Tunisia), ery 1306 (Malaysia, Mongolia, Saudi Al'abia, Syria), A/5837 Advisory Cttee. 21st report on adminis.. 1307 (Bolivia, Bulgaria, Congo (BrazzavUle», i trative and financial implications of the 1308 (cevion, Romania), 1309 (Hungary, Mada.. 1 recommendations in the Final Act of the Conference relating to institutional machin.. f;:ri~:~i l1i~iC~an~~;~~iC~e~~i~~d li~~gJ;~l~ ",~ll ery Yugoslavia), 1317 (DominicanRepublic,l';orway, A/5838 ILO: Director..General. Letter, 25 Nov Ukrainian SSRj, 1318 (Nethel'lands, Spain), 1319 1964, concerning implications of GA deci­ (Mali, Pakistan, Sweden), 1321 (Chad, Turkey), I sions relating to UCNTAD 1322 (Algeria), 1323 (Afghanistan), 1327, 1328 '",' A/5848 Secretary-General. Note Draft resolution in A/L.449 (& corr.r, English, A/5849 secretary-General. Report on adminis­ Russian & Spanish only; C01'l'.2, Frenchonly), i trative and financial implications of recom­ establishing the UN Conference on Trade and .1,' mendations for convening a conference of Development as a permanent organofthe UN, plenipotentiaries to consider a convention on approved without objection as resolution 1995 the transit trade of land-locked countries (XIX) A/5852 United Kingdom. Letter, 21 Dec 1964, Oral proposal by the Secretary-General at the transmitting communique issued at the meet­ 1327th meeting to appoint Dr. Raul Prebisch ing of "'le Ministerial Council of the Organi­ as Secretary-General of UNCTAD adopted zation for Economic Co-operation and De­ without objection at 1328tll meeting velopment, , 2/3 Dec 1964 The recommendation by UNCTAD, Geneva 1964 to A/5870 & Rev.1 USSR. Letter, 2 Feb 1965, an­ convene the Conference of Plenipotentiaries nouncing the abolition of Sovietcustom duties for Adoption of a Convention on the Transit on goods imported from the developing Trade of Land-locked Countries in 1965 countries brought to the attention of the Assembly by A/5881 Advisory Cttee. 24th report on adminis­ the Secr-etary-Gener-al at 1327th meeting and trative and financial implications of the adopted without objection at the 1328th meet- recommendation to convene a conference of ing. The President announced that the ex.. plenipotentiaries to consider a draft con­ penses required for the Conference would be vention relating' to the transit trade of land­ met within the over..alllimits of the financial locked countries authorization granted to the Secretary­ A/5886 United Kingdom. Letter, 25 Jan 1965, General in respect of 1965 transmitting texts of Final Act of 2ndSpecial Session of the Contracting Parties to GATT and Protocol amending GATT to Introduce a UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Part IV on Trade and Development -- establishment (proposed) See also Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: A/5906 UNCTAD: Cttee on the Preparation of a & UN Special Fund: merger (proposed) Draft Convention relating to Transit Trade of Land-locked Countries. Report statements in Plenary: Meetings 1293 (Jamaica), 1297 A/L.449 (& Corr'.L, English, Russian & Spanish (Malta), 1298 (United Republic of Tanzania), 1308 only; Corr.2, French only) GA: President. (Ceylon), 1316 (United Kingdom), 1318 (Nether­ Draft resolution on the establishment of lands), 1322 (Cyprus) UNCTAD as a permanent organ of the UN E/3937/Add.1 Executive Secretaries of the Re­ gional Economic Commissions. Report on UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE meeting, 11-13 Jan 1965, relating to deci­ -- budget, 1965 (agenda item 19 (b) sions of the Conference E/CONF.46/141, Vol. 1 (E/CONF.46/139) (Sales Documents no.: 64.ILB.11) UNCTAD, Geneva 1964. A/5737 Secretary-General. Report. Cost esti­ Final Act and report mates for the maintenance of the Force

45 ..---.~- ---.~,--~--... "'.c'


UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE (continued) UNITED NNrIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (continued) .... progress rellol't, 1963/1964 (agenda item 19 (a)) Docwnents (continued) Documents A/58SS Advisory Cttee. 211th l'eport relating to A/5736 & Corr.1 Secl'etal'y..General. Repol't legal and financial in -, .tcanons of the con­ covering the period from 31 Aug 1963 to struction of a new building on the Head.. 31 Jul1964 quarter's site A/L.459 Secretary..General. D.'aft resolution

UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1326 (Secretary.. •• finances: accounts, 1963 (agenda item 66 (d)) General), 1327 (Secretary-General), 1328 Draft resolution in A/L,459, approving the use of Documents the north end of the Headquarters site for A/5713 Advisory Cttee. 5th report construction of the school, calling for volun­ A/5806/Add.3 (GAOR, 19th sess, suppl, no. 6C) tary contributions toward the Development I UNHCR. Voluntary funds administeredby the Fund, and expressing appreciation to the UNHCR: accounts for the year ended 31 Dec Ford Foundation for its generous grant, 1963 and report of the Board of Auditors adopted without vote at the 1328th meeting as ~ resolution 2003 (XIX) i) .... finances: contrlbuttons } ! I 'I Documents UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION BOARD A/58ll/Rev.1 & Rev,l/Add.1 (GAOR, 19th sess., -- report, 1962/1963 A/5808 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. suppl. no. 11 & 11 A) (&Rev.1/Add.1/Corl'.l, no. 8): See United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund: French only) UNHCR. Report,1963/1964 report, 1962/1963 for discltssion Discltssion in Ad Hoc cttee of tile GA: Meeting 2 UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION FUND -- report, 1963/1964 A/58ll/Rev.1 &Rev.1/Add.1 (GAOR, -- report, 1962/1963 (agenda item 76) 19th sess., suppl. no. 11 & 11 A) (& Rev.1/Add.1/Corr.1, French only): See Refugees: assistance for discussion Documents A/5808 (GAOR, 19t1l sess., suppl, no. 8) UN Joint Staff Pension Board. Annual report, 1962/ UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RE­ 1963 SEARCH A/5819 (& Ccrr.L, English only) Advisory Cttee, -- establishment (proposed) (agenda item 43) 19th report GA resolution 1934 (XVII) A/5820 Advisory Cttee. 20ili report A/L,457 (& Corr.L, English only) Secretary.. Documents General. Draft resolution A/5778 Secret:..ry-General. Note A/C.5/1020 Secretary-General. Note on annual A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 3) ESC. i report of the UN Joint Staff Pension Board Report, 1963/1964, chap. X, sect. II and its financial implications !I statements in Plenary: Meeting 1293 (Uganda) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1327, 1328, 1330 Draft resolution in A/L.457 (& CorrtL, English only), amending the Regulations of the UN 11 UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Joint Staff Pension Fund relating to pension.. THE PEACEFUL USES OF ATO:MIC ENERGY, 3rd, able remuneration and its application to future Geneva 1964 and current benefits, adopted without vote at the 1328tll and 1330th meeting as resolution See International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of 2007 (XIX) Atomic Energy, Brd, Geneva 1964

UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN THE CONGO UNITED NATIONS INTER-REGIONAL SEMINAR ONSOCIAL -- finances: accounts, 1963: See United Nations: finances: ASPECTS OF INDUSTRIALIZATION, Minsk 1964 accounts, 1963 Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1~v3 (Byelorussian SSR) UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL (agenda -- finances: accounts, 1963 (agenda item 66 (c) item 77) GA resolution 1982 (XVIII) Documents A/5712 Advisory Cttee. 4ili report Documents A/5806/Add.2 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6 B) A/5834 & Add.1 Secretary..Gener-al, Report, UNRWA. Accounts for the year ended 31 Dec including proposals for new building 1963 and report of the Board of Auditors


UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR UNITED NATIONS STAFF PENSION COMMITTEE (con­ PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST tinued) (continued) -- members: election (contilluea) -- finances: contriuutions Action in Plena?')' (continued) Discussion in Ad Hoc Cttee of the GA: Meeting 1 Mr. Shilendra K. Singh (India) elected as an alternate member for a 3-year term

M_ report A/5813 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 13): See beginning 1 Jan 1965 under Palestine refugees for discussion

Composition of the UN Staff Pension Committee UNITED NATIONS SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON THI: as of 1 Jan 1965 EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATION -- report A/5814 See under Radiation: effects for dis­ a) Members elected by the General Assembly: cussion , Terms of Office Members (1 Jan - 31Dec) UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL FUND Mr. A. F. Bender (United states) 1965-1967 See also Technical assistance: ExpandedProgramme: Mt'. Jos~ Espinoza (Chile) 1965-1967 & UN Special Fund: merger (proposed) Mr. James Gibson (United Kingdom) 1965-1967

-- finances: accounts, 1963 (agenda item 72 (b») Alternate

Documents Mr. S. K. Singh (India) 1965-1967 A/5710 Advisory Cttee. 2nd report, including accounts for UN as executing agency and administrative budget of the Managing Director b) Members appointed by the Secretary-General (term A/5806 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6) Board of indefinite): Auditors. Financial report and accounts for the year ended 31 Dec 1963 Members Alternates A/5832 (GAOR, 19th sess., Annexes) Board of Auditors. Audit reports for the year ended Sir Alexander Mac Farquhar Mr. Lawrence Michelmore 31 Dec 1963 rel?ting to expenditure by Mr. Bruce Turner Mr. William McCaw executing agencies of funds allocated from Mr. David Vaughan Mr. John McDiarmid the Special FWld A/5891 Advisory Cttee. 29th report c) Members elected by participants (3-year term ex­

_M operations (agenda item 44) piring 31 Dec 1967): GA resolutions 1240 B (XIII), 1833 (XVII), 1945 (XVIII) Members Alternates Documents A/5745 Secretary-General. Note Mr. Alfred Landau Mr. Isaac Godin A/5796 Advtsory-Cttee. 12th report on adrninis­ Mr. Marc Schreiber Mr. S. B. Shields, Jr. n-ative budget estimates, 1965 Mrs. Patricia K. Tsien Mr. A. J. Friedgut A/5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) ESC. Report, 1963/1964, chap. VII, sect. IV

statements in Plenary: Meeting 1319 (Mali) UNITED NATIONS SUEZ CANAL SURCHARGE OPERATION _M finances: accounts, 1963: See United Nations: finances: accounts, 1963 UNITED NATIONS STAFF PENSION COMMITTEE -- members: election (agenda item 70 (f»

Documents UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANGANYIKA AND ZANZIBAR A/5718 Secretary-General. Note -- establishment A/5879 Secretary-General. Note A/L.455 GA: President. Draft resolution Documents A/5701 Secretary-General. Note verba le to the Action in Plenary: Meetings 1326 (Secretary-General), Permanent Representatives of Member States .. ,1327 (GA President), 1328 concerning the establishment of the Republic Draft resolution in A/L.455 adopted without vote as resolution 2001 (XIX) Messrs. Albert F. Bender (United States), Jos~ URUGUAY; PRESIDENT (L. Giannattasio) Espinoza (Chile) and James Gibson (United -- tribute to Kingdom) elected as members for a 3-year term beginning 1 Jan 1965 In Plenary: Meeting 1327'

47 i j


VENEZUELA and BRITISH GUIANA WOMEN (continued) ~- boundaries -- status statements in Plenary: Meeting 1295 (United Kingdom, Statements in Plenary: Meeting 1295 (Chile) Venezuela)

VENKATARAMAN, R. (India) WORLD CAMPAIGN AGAINST HUNGER, DISEASE AND -- biography A/5878 IGNORANCE statements in Plenary: Meeting 1302 (Iraq) VIET-NAM SITUATION

statements in Plenary: Meetings 1292 (USSR), 1294 (Czechoslovakia, Laos, Senegal), 1296 (Israel, WORLD CAMPAIGN FOR UNIVERSAL LITERACY Thailand), 1297 (Philippines), 1298 (United Re­ See Illiteracy: eradication t public of Tanzania), 1299 (Cambodia, Cuba, .1 Ghana), 1300 (Indonesia, Nepal), 1301 (Gabon Guatemala, Poland), 1303 (Byelorusstan SSR), 1304 (Albania), 1305 (Burundi, Niger), 1306 WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION FOR TOLERANCE (Mongolia), 1307 (Bulgaria)', 1308 (Ceylon, (proposed) Romania), 1309 (China, Hungary), 1316 (Central African Republic, Yugoslavia), 1317 (Ukrainian See Racial, national and religious intolerance: pre­ SSR), 1319 (Mali, Pakistan, United States), 1322 vention (Algeria), 1323 (Mali)

'i.:.. .• ~ VIRGIN ISLANDS (British) WORLD CONGRESS OF EDUCATION MINISTERS,Teheran ~ -_. self-government or independence (agenda item 21) 1965 i See Illiteracy: eradication Documents A/5800/Add. 7 Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ tion on the Granting of Independence to WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report statements in Plenary: Meetings 1294 (Canada), 1318 (Netherlands), 1323 (United states) VIRGIN ISLANDS (United States) -"'- self-government or independence (agenda item 21)

Documents YEMEN SITUATION A/5800/Add.? Special Cttee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declara­ Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1296 (Israel), 1300 tion on the Granting of Independence to (Indonesia) Colonial Countries and Peoples. Report

WAR CRIMES YOUTH -- statute of limitations -- promotion of ideals of peace among: See Peaceful rela­ tions among peoples: promotion among youth Statements in Plenary: Meetings 1294 (Czechoslo­ vakia), 1296 (Israel), 1303 (Byelorussian SSR), 1317 (Ukrainian SSR) ZAMBIA -- admission to UN (agenda item 18) WATER DESALINATION Documents statements in Plenary: Meeting 1323 (United States) A/5762 Zambia. Telegram, 26 Oct1964, applying for admission to membership A/5770 SC: President. Letter transmittingCoun­ WOMEN cil resolution of 30 Oct 1964 recommending -- political rights admission ESC resolution 120 A (VI) Discussion in Plenary: Meetings 1286-1288 Documents At the 1286th meeting, on the recommendation of A/5735 Secretary-General. Annual memorandum the Security Council, Zambia was admitted on progress achieved in the field of political by acclamation to membership in the United rights of women Nations

48 Index to Speeches \


Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1323 United Nations: Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1323 budget, 1964: supplementary approprtatlons Plen: 1330 \ Conference of Heads of State 01' Government of Non­ budget, 1965 Plen: 1329, 1330 Aligned Countries, 2nd, catro 1964 Plen: 1323 Chal'ter: Art. 17 Plen: 1329 Disul'mament Plen: 1323 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1304, 1329, 1331 conference (proposed) Plen: 1323 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1331 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1323 peace and secudty operations: financing Plen: 1304, Force, Threat 01' use of Plen: 1323 1329 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1323 UN Conference on Tl'ade and Development, Geneva 1964 International trade: Plan: 1304 & economic development Plen: 1323 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1304 transit trade: convention (draft) Plen: 1323 Land-locked States: & international trade Plen: 1323 Speeches b~' represeniaiioes Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1323 Budo Plen: 1312, 1329, 1330 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1323 Shtylla Plen: 1304, 1305 & international law Plen: 1323 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 13~J.3 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1323 ALGERIA Technical assistance Plen: 1323 Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1323 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1322 United Nations: finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Africa, North: economic integration Plen: 1322 Plen: 1323 China: representation in UN Plen: 1322 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishmentas Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1322 permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1323 Conference of Heads of State 01' Government of Non­ UN Conference on 'rrade and Development, Geneva 1964 Aligned Countr-Ies, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1325 Plen: 1323 Congo situation Plen: 1322 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1322 Speeches by representatives Cuban situation Plen: 1322 Pazhwak Plen: 1323 Cyprus situation Plen: 1322 Disarmament Plen: 1322 conference (proposed) Plen: 1322 economic and social consequences Plen: 1322 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1322, 1325 ALBANIA Economic development Plen: 1322 Indonesia: withdrawal rrom UN Plen: 1322 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), League of Arab States Plen: 1322 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1304 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1322, 1325 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) Palestine question Plen: 1322 PIE:l1: 1304 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1322 Cambodia situation Plen: 1304 Racial discrimination Plen: 1322 China: representation in UN Plen: 1304, 1331 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1322 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1304 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1322 China (People's Rep.) and India Plen: 1304, 1305 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1322 Colonialism: elimination Plen; 1304 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Congo situation Plen: 1304 Plen: 1322 Cuban situation Plen: 1304 United Nations: Disarmament Plen: 1304 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1322 General Assembly: Members: admission Plen: 1288 Members: representatives: credentials Plen: 1331 Member's: withdrawal Plen: 1322 organization of work Plen: 1329, 1330 peace and security operations Plen: 1322 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 voting Plen: 1304, 1312, 1329, 1330 Plen: 1322 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1304 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1322 Indonesia aud Malaysia Plen: 1312 i International trade: & economic development Plen: 1304 Speeches by representatives 1 Korean questions Plen: 1304 Bouattoura Plen: 1288 r Laos question Plen: 1304 Bouteflika Plen: 1322, 1325 "), Military bases in for-eignterritories: elimination Plen: 1304 r NATO: multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1304 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1304 ARGENTINA f SC: members: election Plen: 1312 I South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1304 Disarmament Plen: 1292 ! Tibet question Plen: 1304 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1292 I I I t 49 l I I n ­ INDEX TO SPEECHES

ARGEN'l'INA (continued) BOLIVIA (continued)

Falkllllld Islande Plen: 1292 Land-locked States: & International trade Plen: 1307 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1292 Latin America: nuclear..free zone (proposed) Plen: 1307 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1292 Nucleal'-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1307 Investments, International PI en: 1292 Peaceful relations among states: & international law Land-locked States: rree access to the sea Plen: 1292 Plen: 1307 Racial dtscrtmmatlon Plen: 1292 Racial disorimination Plen: 1307 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1292 United Nations:, Charter: new chapter [peace-ksepmgopera­ UN Conference on Tl'ade and Development, Geneva 1964 tions] (proposed) Plen: 1307 Plen: 1292 UN conference on Tl'ade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1307 Speeches by representatives Zavala Ol'tiZ Plen: 1292 Speecl/es by representatives I Medeiros Querejazu Plen: 1307 Aus'rRALIA BRAZIL ~J! Disarmament Plen: 1299 Disputes: pacific settlement PIen: 1299 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1289 Force, Threat or use of PI~n: 1299 Diaarrnament Plen: 1289 I GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without voting Plen: 1330 voting Plen: 1330 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1299 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1289 I United Nations: Industrial development: organiaatton (proposed) Plen: 1289 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) International trade: Plen: 1299 & economic development Plen: 1289 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1299 terms of trade Plen: 1289 I Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1299 Racial discrimination Plen: 1289 Charter: new chapter [peace-keeping operations] (pro­ Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1289 posed) Plen: 1299 United Nations: Charter: new chapter [peace-keeping operations] (pro­ !" peace and security operations Plen: 1299 posed) Plen: 1289 I Speeches by representatives peace and security operations Plen: 1289 Hasluck Plen: 1299 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1289 Hay Plen: 1330 UN Capital Development Fund: establishment (proposed) Plen: 1289 I UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1289 AUSTRIA ,I Speeches by representatives UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Leitao da Cunha Plen: 1289 'j UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Sette Camara Plen: 1330 'I ! Speeches by representatives 'j Backes WA:1, 2 BULGARIA Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1307 I BELGIUM Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), Moscow 1963 Plen: 1307 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Atomic weapons: UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1307 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1307 Speeches by representatives China: representation in UN Plen: 1307 Onkelinx WA: 1, 2 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1307 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1307 BOLIVIA Congo situation Plen: 1307 Cuban situation Plen: 1307 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 130';' Cyprus situation Plen: 1307 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Disarmament Plen: 1307 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1307 conference (proposed) Plen: 1307 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1307 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1307 Disarmament Plen: 1307 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1307 voting Plen: 1307 International trade: International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1307 & economic development Plen: 1307 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1307 transit trade: convention (draft) Plen: 1307 NATO: multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1307

50 o


BULGARIA (continued) BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALIS'l' REPUBLIC (continued) NuclearMfree zones (proposed) Plen: 1307 Pi3acoful relations among States Plen: 1307 China: representation in UN Plen: 1303 South Afl'ica: race pl'oblems: apartheid Plen: 1307 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1303 Tel'l'itories under Portuguese admmtstranon: status Congo situation Plea: 1303 Plan: 1307 Cuban situation Plen: 1303 United Nations: Disarmament Plen: 1303 armed fOl'ces under Art. 43 Plen: 1307 conference (proposed) Plen: 1303 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1307 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1303 UN -conrerence on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1303 Plen: 1307 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1303 Viet-Nam situation Plen; 1307 Laos question Plen: 1303 NATO: Speeclzes by represent, ~~ives multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1303 Bashew Plen: 130' & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression treaty (proposed) Plen: 1303 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1303 BURUNDI Oman question Plen: 1303 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1303 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1303 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1305 South West Afl'ica: International status Plen: 1303 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1303 Plen: 1305 Terl'itories under Portuguese administration: status Basutoland: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 Plen: 1303 Bechuanaland: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 United Nations: peace and security operations Plen: 1303 Cambodia situation Plen: 1305 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Chma: representation in UN Plen: 1305 Plen: 1303 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1305 UN Inter-Regional Seminar on Social Aspects of Industrial­ Conference of Heads of State or Government of NOli.. ization, Minsk 1964 Plen: 1303 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1305 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1303 Congo situation Plen: 1305 War crimes: statute of limitations Plen: 1303 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1305 Cuban situation Plen: 1305 Speeches by representatives Cyprus situation Plen: 1305 Kiselev Plen: 1303 Disarmament Plen: 1305 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1305 French Somaliland Plen: 1305 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without CAMBODIA voting Plen: 1330 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1305 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Korean question Plan: 1305 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1299 Racial discrimination Plen: 1305 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1305 Plen: 1299 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1305 Cambodia and Thailand Plen: 1299 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1305 Cambodia situation Plen: 1299 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1305 China: representation in UN Plen: 1299 Swaziland: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1299 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Congo situation Plen: 1299 Plen: 1305 Disarmament Plen: 1299 United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1305 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 voting Plen: 1312 Plen: 1305 Laos question Plen: 1299 Military bases inforeign territories: elimination Plen: 1299 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1305 Minorities: protection Plen: 1299 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1299 Speeches by representatives Mbazumutima Plen: 1305 Racial discrimination Plen: 1299 Rwamavubi Plen: 1330 SC: members: election Plen: 1312 south Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1299 Tibet question Plen: 1299 United Nations: BYELORUSSIAN SOVIET SOCIALISTREPUBLIC Members: admission Plen: 1287 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1299 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1303 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1299 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow 1963 Plen: 1303 Atomic weapons: Speeches by representatives dissemination: prevention Plen: 1303 Huot Sambath Plen; 1299 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1303 Soun Plen; 1287, 1312



Arrtca, Cenh'al: ecoucnuc tntegrattcn Plen: 1310 Speeches b)1 representatives Afl'ioan and Malagasy Organization for Eoonomio Co­ Cox WA:2 operation: & European Eoonomic Community Mal'tin PIon: 1294 Plen: 1310 Tremblay Plen: 1330; WA: 1 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1310 Disarmament Plen: 1310 Fe"nando Poo: selt-govemment 01' independence Plan: 1310 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC General Assembly: adjournment Plen: 1329 Afrioa, Central: economic integl'ation Plen: 1316 organization of work Plen: 1329 Atomic tests: procedure: nrrangemeute to conduct business without suspension Plen: 1316 voting Plan: 1310,1329 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow International trade: 1963 Plen: 1316 & economic development Plen: 1310 Atonne weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) terms of trade Plen: 1310 Plen: 1316 Peaceful relations among Statates Plen: 1310 China: representation in UN Plen: 1316 Rio Muni: self-government or independence Plen: 1310 China (People's Rep,): atomic tests Plen: 1316 Self-determi·':.ttion of peoples Plen: 1310 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1316 South Afrioa: Congo sttuatlon Plen: 1316 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1310 & Organization of An-tcan Unity Plen: 1316 ! sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1~1 0 Disarmament Plen: 1316 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1310 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1316 Tel'l'itories under Portuguese admtnistrntion: status OA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Plen: 1310 voting Plen: 1316 United Nations: Germany: reace treaty Plen: 1316 I Charter: revision Plen: 1310 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1316 nuances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1310 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1316 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1310 Korean question Plen: 1316 I UN Conference on Trade and Development; conciliation Near and Middle East: international relations Plen: 1316 'I procedures Plen: 1310 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1316 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Palestine question Plen: 1316 Plen: 1310 Palestine refugees Plen: 1316 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1316 1 Speeches by representatives Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1316 j Balla Plen: 1310 South Africa: race problems: apal'theid Plen: 1316 Bindzi Plen: 1329 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1316 1 United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1316 ,I'I CANADA Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1316 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1.316 i Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UniteclStates), UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1294 Plen: 1316 \J Atomic weapons: Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1316 ',I dissemination: prevention Plen: 1294 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1294 Speeches by representatives China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1294 Gallin-Douathe Plen: 1316 Cyprus situation Plen: 1294 Disarmament Plen: 1294 " GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without CEYLON voting Plen: 1330 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1294 ' Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1308 Technical assistance Plen: 1294 Atomic tests: Expanded Programme: & UN Special Fund: merger (pro­ suspension Plen: 1308 posed) Plen: 1294 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow United Nations: 1963 Plen: 1308 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) Atomic weapons: Plen: 1294 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1308 peace and security operations Plen: 1294 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1308 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1294 prohibition in outer space Plen: 1308 UN Conference on Trade and Development: conc iliatton China: representation in UN Plen: 1308 procedures Plen: 1294 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1308 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Plen: 1294 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1308 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Congo situation Plen: 1308 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1308 World Food Programme Plen: 1294 Cyprus situation PIen: 1308


CEYLON (continued) CHILE

DiSU1'lllamellt Plen: 1308 Allianco fOl'Pl'cgress Plen: 1295 Intemational trade: Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention: Plen: 1295 & economic development Plen: 1308 China (People's Rep,): atomic tests Plen: 1295 terms of h'Me Plen: 1308 Colonialism: eumtnatton Plen: 1295 Military bases in fOl'eign territories: elimination Plen: 1308 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- Nuclear-tree zones (propoaed) Plen: 1308 Aligned counmes, 2nd, Ca11'o 1904 Plen: 1295 Self-deterll1ination of peoples Plen: 1308 Cuban sttuatto-; Plen: 1295 South Afl'ica: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1308 Disarmament Plen: 1295 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1308 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1295 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special Economic development Plen: 1295 Fund: merger (proposed) Plen: 1308 International trade: Terl'itories under Portuguese administration: status & economic development Plen: 1295 Plen: 1308 terms of trade PIon: 1295 USSR and United States: Memorandum of Understanding Intervention Plen: 1295 regarding the Establishment of a Direct Com­ Latin America: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1295 munications Link, Geneva 1963 Plen: 1308 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1295 United Nations: Charter: Art, I'd: application Plen: 1308 Organizattou of American States Plen: 1295 UN Capital Development Fund: establishment (proposed) Peaceful relations' among States: & inter national law Plen: 1308 Plen: 1295 UN Conference on Trade and Development: conciliation Racial dtsci-immation Plen: 1295 procedures PI en: 1308 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1295 UN Conference on 'I'rade and Development, Geneva 1964 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1295 Plen: 1308 UN ccnrcrence on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 UN Development Programme: establishment (proposed) Plen: 1295 Plen: 1308 Women: status Plen: 1295 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1308 Speeches by rebreseniatiues Bernstein Plen: 1295 Speeches by represeniatines Basnayake WA: 1 Gunewardene Plen: 1308 CHINA

CHAD China: representation in UN Plen: 1309, 1331 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1309 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1321 China (People's Rep.) and India Plen: 1309 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1309 Conference of Heads of State 01' Government of Non­ Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1321 Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1309 Congo situation Plen: 1321 Korean question Plen: 1309 Disarmament Plen: 1321 Laos question Plen: 1309 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1309 & economic and social consequences Plen: 1321 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1321 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1309 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1321 BN: Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1309 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Indonesia: withdrawal from UN Plen: 1321 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1309 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1321 Intervention Plen: 1321 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1321 Speeches by representatives Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1321 Liu Plen: 1331 Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1321 Shen Plen: 1309 SC: member-s: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1321 Tsao WA:2 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1321 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plan: 1321 COLOMBIA sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1321 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1321 Cuban situation Plen: 1300 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1321 General Assembly: Territories under Portuguese administration: status procedure: arrangements to conduct business without voting Plen: 1302, 1330 Plen: 1321 International trade: United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1321 & economic development Plen: 1302 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1321 terms of trade Plen: 1302 Members: withdrawal Plen: 1321 Organization of American States Plen: 1300 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Technical assistance Plen: 1302 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishment Plen: 1321 as permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1302 Speeches by representatives UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Baroum Plen: 1321 Plen: 1302


COLOMBIA (continued) CUBA

II I i Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1299 { Speeches by representatives Gomez Mll,rUnez Flen: 1302 Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1299 L I Zea Plen: 1300, 1330 Atomic weapons: \ dissemination: prevention Plen: 1299 prohibition: conIerence (proposed) Plen: 1299 CONGO (BRAZZAVILLE) Basutoland: self-government or independence Plen: 1299 '\ Bechuanaland: self..government or independence Plen: 1299 ,I China: representation in UN Plen: 1307 British Guinna: independence Plen: 1299 ~ Congo situation Plen: 1307 Cambodia situation Plen: 1299 International trade: China: representation in UN Plen: 1299 & economic development Plen: 1307 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1299 I j Conference of Heads of State 01' Government of Non.. J terms of trade Plen: 1307 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1307 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1299 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1307 Congo situation Plen: 1299 Cuban situation Plen: 1299, 1300 1 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1307 t Cyprus situation .l.)len: 1299 " Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1307 Disarmament Plen: 1299 United Nations: finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 French Somalrland Plen: 1299 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without II Plen: 1307 I voting Plen: 1299 _1 UN on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 : conference Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1299 Plen: 1307 Guadeloupe Plen: 1299 Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1299 Speeches by representatives International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1299 Ganao Plen: 1307 Laos question Plen: 1299 Martinique Plan: 1299 Military bases in foreign territories: elimination Plen: 1299 CONGO (DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC) Oman question Plen: 1299 Organization of American States Plen: 1299, 1300 Congo situation Plen: 1330 Palestine question Plen: 1299 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1299 voting Plan: 1330 Puerto Rico Plen: 1299 Racial discrimination Plen: 1299 1 Speeches by representatives South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1299 I Idzumbuir Plen: 1330 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1299 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1299 1 .Swaziland: self-government 01' independence Plen: 1299 I COSTA RICA Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1299 Atomic tests: United Nations: peace and security operations: financing '1 suspension Plen: 1292 Plen: 1299 ! Tre~ j (PSSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 J Plen: 1292 Plen: 1299 China (Puple's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1292 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1299 J Colonialism: eltmination Plen: 1292 ':'::1' Costa Rica: volcanic eruptions, 1963/1964 PI n: 1292 Speeches by represeniaiiues \ . Cuban situation Plen: 1300 Guevara Serna Plen: 1299, 1300 I,\ Disarmament Plen: 1292 economic and social consequences Plen: 1292 :1 Falkland Islands Plen: 1292 \·.;'1 :"1 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without : ·1 \.1 voting Plen: 1292 CYPRUS I J Gibraltar Plen: 1292 1" , -1J Human rights: convenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1292 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1322 ;.1 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1292 Atomic tests: suspension Plen,: 1322 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1292 Atomic weapons: 1::! Organization of American States Pleru 1292 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1322 I c Racial discrimination: convention (draft) Plen: 1292 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1322 I:, Religious discrimination: declaration (draft) Plen: 1292 British Gulana: independence Plen: 1322 r'i1 Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1292 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1322 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Congo situation Plen: 1322 Plen: 1292 Cyprus situation Plen: 1295, 1319, 1321, 1322, 1325, 1330 Disarmament Plen: 1322 Speeches by representatives economic and social consequences Plen: 1322 Oduber Plen: 1292 Economic development Plen: 1322 Volio Jtmenez Plen: 1300 Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1322

54 INDEX TO SPEECHES ~ . I ! CYPRUS {oontinued) CZECHOSLOVAKIA (continued) General Assembly: NATO: organrzatton of work Plen: 1329 multilateral nuclear-force (proposed) Plen: 1294 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without & Warsaw Tl'eaty Organization: non-aggression treaty voting Plan: 1322, 1329, 1330 (proposed) Plen: 1294 lI'donesia: withdrawal from UN Plen: 1322 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1294 299 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1322 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1294 299 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1322 declaration (draft) Plen: 1294 Intervention Plen: 1322 Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1294 Military bases in foreign territories: elimination Plen: 1322 South Africa: Minorities: protection Plen: 1325 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1294 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1322 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1294 Palestine question Plen: 1322 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1294 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1322 Plen: 1294 Racial discrimination Plen: 1322 United Nations: Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1322 armed forces under Art, 43 Plen: 1294 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1322 peace and secur-ity operations Plen: 1294 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1322 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 out Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1322 Plen: 1294 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1294 Fund: merger (proposed) Plen: 1322 War crimes: statute of limitation's Plen: 1294 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1322 United Nations: Sbeeches by represeniatiues Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1329 David Plen: 1294 Members: withdrawal Plen: 1322 !S9 peace and security .Q!.)er@,QI1i.l Plen: 1322 UN Conferell(:e on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1322 DAHOMEY UN Development Programme: establishment Plen: 1322 UNHCR: nuances: contributions WA: 2 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plan: 1290 Atomic tests: Speeches by representatives suspension Plen: 1290 Hadjimiltis WA: 2 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow Kyprianou Plen: 1295, 1319, 1321, 1322, 1325 1963 Plen: 1290 Rossides Plen: 1329, 1330 !99 Atomic weapons: tus dissemination: prevention Plen: 1290 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1290 ing CZECHOSLOVAKIA Basutoland: self-government or independence Plen: 1290 Bechuanaland: self-government or independence Plen: 1290 164 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1294 China: representation in UN Plen: 1290 Atomic tests: China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1290 suspension Plen: 1294 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1290 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow Disarmament Plen: 1290 1963 Plen: 1294 economic and social consequences Plen: 1290 Atomic weapons: Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1290 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1294 Economic development Plen; 1290 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1294 Industrial development Plen: 1290 prohibition in outer space Plen: 1294 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1290 British Guiana: independence Plen: 1294 Investments, International Plen: 1290 Cambodia situation Plen: 1294 Loans, International: liberalization Plen: 1290 China: representation in UN Plen: 1294 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1290 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1294 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1290 Congo situation. Plen: 1294 Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1290 Cuban situation Plen: 1294 Racial discrimination Plen: 1290 Cyprus situation Plen: 1294 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1290 Disarmament Plen: 1294 Secretariat: staff: geographical distribution Plen: 1290 conference (proposed) Plen: 1294 South Africa: Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1294 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1290 Economic development Plen: 1294 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1290 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1290 130 Europe: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1294 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1294 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1290 International trade Plen: 1294 Swazilancl: self-government or independence Plen: 1290 Korean question Plen: 1294 Technical assistance Plen: 1290 Laos question Plen: 1294 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Military bases in foreign territories: elimination Plen: 1294 Plen: 1290


DAHOMEY (contimled) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (continued)

United Nations: finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Speeches by representatives Plen: 1290 Velazquez Plen: 1317 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1290

Speeches by representatives ECUADOR Lozes Plen: ~ 290 Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1298 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) DENMARK Plen: 1298 Colonialism: eltmination Plen: 1298 Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1296 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1298 China: representation in UN Plen: 1296 Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1298 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1296 Human rights: covenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1298 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1296 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1298 Cyprus situation Plen: 1296 Intervention Plen: 1298 Disarmament PI en: 1296 Organization of American States Plen: 1298 '1 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1296 Peaceful relations among States: I International trade: j declaration (draft) Plen: 1298 & economic development Plen: 1296 & international law Plen: 1290 terms of trade Plcn: i296 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1298 1 Investments, International Plen: 1296 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1298 South Africa: ~ UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964: 1 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1296 Plen: 1298 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1296 Special Cttee on Peace-keeping Operations: establishment Plen: 1296 Speeches by representatives j Trade and Development Board: establtshmen; Plen: 1296 Escudero Plen: 1298 ') United Nations: 'J 'I armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) I j Plen: 12S6 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1296 ETHIOPIA '1 Members: admission Plen: 1287 peace and security operations Plen: 1296 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1293 I UN Conference on Trade and Development: Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1293 1 conciliation procedures Plen: 1296 Atomic weapons: j establishment as permanent organ of United Nations dissemination: prevention Plen: 1293 Plen: 1296 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1293 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Basutoland: self-government or independence Plen: 1293 Plen: 1296 Bechuanaland: self-government or independence Plen: 1293 UNHCR: finances: contrtbuttons WA: 2 China: representation in UN Plen: 1293 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1293 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1293 Speeches by representatives Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Haekkerup Plen: 1287, 1296 ---Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1ge4 Plen: 1293 Hasle WA: 1 Congo situation Plen: 1293 Svane WA: 2 & Organization of African Unity ;>l",n: 1293 Disarmament Plen: 1293 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1293 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC French Somaliland Plen: 1293 General Assembly: Alliance for Progress Plen: 1317 organization of work Plen: 1329 China: representation in UN Plen: 1317 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Colonialism: eli.mination Plen: 1317 voting Plen: 1329, 1330 Disarmament Plen: 1317 International trade: & economic' development Plen: 1293 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1317 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1293 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1317 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1293 Population growth: & economic development Plen: 1317 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1293 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1317 South Africa: Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1317 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1293 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1317 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1293 United Nations: South West Africa: international status Plen: 1293 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1317 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1293 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1317 Swaziland: self-government or independence Plen: 1293 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1317 Plen: 1293

56 IJ .. 1;



United Nations: Advisory Cttee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions: Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1293, 1329 members: election Plen: 1327 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1293 Board of Auditors: members: election Plen: 1327 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1C64 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1328 Plen: 1293 Cttee on Contributions: members: election Plen: 1327 Cook Islands: self-government or independence Plen: 1328 Speeches by representatives ESC: member-s: election Plen: 1327 Gebre-Egzy Plen: 1329, 1330 General Assembly: ised) Yifru Plen: 1293 adjournment Plen: 1330 agenda Plen: 1327, 1328 organizatton of work Plen: 1329 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without FINLAND voting Plen: 1312-1314, 1326, 1329, 1330 1st Cttee: Chairman: election Plen: 1326 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Investments Cttee: members: election Plen: 1327 SC: members: election Plen: 131Z.•1314 Speeches b~1 representatives Special Cttee on Peace-keeping Oper-ations: establishment Muller WA: 1 Plbn: 1327 United Nations: Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1315~ 13:W, 1329 finances: contributions Plen: 1315 FRANCE finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1315 .964:: UN Administrative Tribunal: members: election Plen: 1327 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 UNRWA: fil:ances: contributions WA: 1 UN Staff Pension Cttee: members: election Plen: 1327 Speeches by representntiues Arnaud V" GERMA.NY (FEDER;'.~ REPUBLIC)

UNHCR;' finances: contributions Wit: 2 GABON UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1

Atomic tests: Tr.eaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Speeches by representatives Moscow, 1963 Plen: 1301 Brunner WA: 2 Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1301 Von Braun WA: 1 China: representation in UN Plen: 1301 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1301 L293 Congo situation PI en: 1301 GHANA l293 Disarmament: economic and social consequences Plen: 1301 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1301 Aden: selt-government or independence Plen: 1299 Fernando Poo: self-government or independence Plen: 1301 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United states), Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1301 Ion- Moscow 1963 Plen: 1299 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1301 British Guiana: indenendence Plen: 1299 International trade: China: representation in UN Plen: 1299 & economic development Plen: 1301 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1299 terms of trade Plen: 1301 Congo situation Plen: 1299 Intervention Plen: 1301 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1299 Korean question Plen: 1301 Cuban situation Plen: 1'299 Palestine question Plen: 1301 Cyprus situation Plen: 129\:J Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1:'01 Disarmament Plen: 1299 Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1301 lout economic and scc.al consequences Plen: 1299 Rio Muni: self-government or independence Plen: 1301 .ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1299 South Africa: 293 Fernando Poo: self-government or independence race problems: apartheid Plen: 1301 Plen: 1299, 1300 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1301 French Somaliland Plen: 1299 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1301 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1299 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Investments, International Plen: 1299 Plen: 1301 Laos question Plen: 1299 United Nations: Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1301 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1299 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Rio Muni: self-government or independence Plen: 1299, Plen: 1301 1300 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1301 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Plen: 1299 Speeches by representatives Security Council: members: increase in number (proposed) Avaro Plen: 1301 Plen: 1299

57 n


GHANA (continued) GUATEMALA (continued) H

SOUlll Africa: race problems: apm-thetd Plan: 1299 mtemanona; trade: & economic development PIen: 1301 A I South West Africa: international status Plen: 1299 Korean question Plen: 1301 Southern Rhodesia: self...government Plen: 1299 Peaceful relatrons among States Plen: 1301 C Territories under Protuguese administration: status Tl'ade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1301 C Plen: 1299 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishment C Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1299 as permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1301 United Nations: UN Conference on Tl'l.'.de and Development, Geneva 1964 C Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1299 Plen: 1301 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1299 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1301 C finances: peace fund (proposed) Plen: 1299 D peace and security operations Plen: 1299 Speeche$ by representatiues E i UN ccnrerence on Tl'ade and Development, Geneva 1964 Hel'l'al'te Plen: 1301 G Plen: 1299 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 G UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 In Viet~Nam situation Plen: 1299 GUINEA L N Speeches by represeniattues Gen8ral Assembly: P Botsio Plen: 1299, 1300 organization of work Plen: 13~tI S{ Wilmot WA: 1, 2 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Se voting Plen: 1329, 1330 U souu, Africa: GREECE race problems: aparthetd Plen: 1308 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1308 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1295 Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1295 Speeches bjl representatives Conference of Heads of State or Govel'l1ment of Non- Achkar Plen: 1308, 1329, 1330 U Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1295 Cyprus situation Plen: 1295, 1321 v Disarmament: Plen: 1295 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1295 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1295 HAITI International trade: & economic development Plen: 1295 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1304 terms of trade Plen: 1295 Cyprus situation Plen: 1304 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1295 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1304 I Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1295 S6ulll Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1304 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1295 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1304 U Technical assistance Plen: 1295 United Nations: United Nations: Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1304 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) Members: admission Plen: 1287 Plen: 1295 peace and security operation: financing Plen: 1304 Charter: amendments (proposed) PIen: 120.5 Charter: Art. 17 Plen: 1295 Speeches bjl representative's IN peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1295 Chalmers Plen: 1287, 1304 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Ai Plen: 1295

Speeches by represeniaitues HONDURAS Bitsios Plen: 1321 A Costopoulos Plen: 1295 Economic development Plen: 1304 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1304 Illiteracy: eradication Plen: 1304 ! GUATEMALA International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1304 Intervention Plen: 1304 ' 1British Honduras Plen: 1301 Organization of American States Plen: 1304 Cl j Central America: economic and political integration Peaceful relations among states: & international law Cl I Plen: 1301 Plen: 1304 C \ China: representation in UN Plen: 1301 Religious discrimination Plen: 1304 C \ China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1301 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1304 I Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1301 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1304 C( "Disarmament Plen: 1301 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 IDisputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1301 Plen: 1304 C \ Falkland Islands Plen: 1301 D 1Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1301 Speeches by representatives D' tGibraltar Plen: 1301 Collejas Plen: 1304 E

,:1 58 l:: \~ U I.-....." .. rt,_... - <. ~~ •. "<-,-"<- .,.- ~._~.__ .., •• --.- --

_ -r...__._~. ._."'_~•• ...... -._.__...... -_.




Atomic tests: Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States) t suspension Plen: 1301 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1300 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow China: representation in UN Plen: 1300 1963 Plen: 1301 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1300 Atomic weapons: Conference uf Heads of State or Government of Non- dissemination: prevention Plen: 1301 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1300 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1301 Congo situation Plen: 1300 prohibition in outer space Plen: 1301 Cuban situation Plen: 1300 & non-nuclear powers: agreement [to prevent attack by C:yprus situation Plen: 1300 nuclear powers] (proposed) Plen: 1322 Dtsarmament Plen: 1300 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1301 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1300 China (People's Rep.) and India Plen: 1301, 1305, 1322 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1301 voting Plen: 1312 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non.. Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1300, 1307, 1309, 1312 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1301 Laos question Plen: 1300 Congo situation Plen: 1301 Organization of Arrtcan Unity Plen: 1300 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1301 Palestine question Plen: 1300 Cyprus situation Plen: 1301 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1300 Disarmament Plen: 1301 SC: members: Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1301 election Plen: 1312 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1301 increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1300

59 -.. .,.~~._ ... _~".,.,. ~ ~ ....~_...... _~' .. -'-..._, ._-- '---~------_.'"- ~. _. '_'~"'h_'~~~7_" "'~'~ _.~'••


INDONESIA (continued) IRAQ (continued)

South Afl'ica: race problems. apartherd Plen: 1300 Penceful relntions among States: & Internattonnl law I TeI'ritOI'lt:1s under Portuguese admtntstratton: status Plen: 1302 I Plen: 1300 se: members: mcrense in number (proposed) Plen: 1302 I United Nattons: South Afdca: race problems: apnrtheid Plen: 1302 I charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1300 southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1302 peace and securtty operations: financing Plen: 1300 Tel'ritol'ies under Portuguese administration: status ... Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1300 Plen: 1302 ... Yemen situation Plen: 1300 UN: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1302 t UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva Hl64 steecnes by representatives Plen: 1302 Palar Plen: 1307, 1309, 1312 World Campaign against Hunger, Disease and Ignorance Subandrio Plen: 1300 Plen: 1302 Speeches by representatiuee IRAN Pachachi Plen: 1296 t Talib Plen: 1302 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow 1963 Plen: 1292 t Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1292 IRELAND Congo situation Plen: 1292 t Cyprus situation Plen: 1292 Atomic weapons: V Disarmament: economic and social consequences Plen: 1292 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1295 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1292 & non-nuclear powers: agreement [to prevent attack by 'Y Economic development Plen: 1292 nuclear powers] (proposed) Plen: 1296 Falkland Islands Plen: 1292 China: representation in UN Plen: 1295 Illiteracy: eradication Plen: 1292 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1295 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1292 China (People's Rep.) and India Plen: 1295 Peaceful relations among states Plen: 1292 Congo situation Plen: 1295 ~.~,:, ReglO';;'':'i~t':;,)pe~~:~," 12~; Cyprus situation Plen: 1295 ..,:l., Development (Iran/Tu,key/ Disarmament Ple.n: 1295 • SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 129~ Korean question Plen: 1295 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1292 Tibet question Plen: 1295 United Nations: Territories under Portuguese administration: status I Plen: 1292 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) United Nations: Plen: 1295 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) Charter: Art. 17 Plen: 1295 Plen: 1292 . Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1295 1292 peace and security operations Plen: 1295 c Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: C 1292 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 peace and security operations: financing Plen: C UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Plen: 1292 C UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Speeches by 'representatives D UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Aiken Plen: 1295 Burke WA: 2 D O'Sullivan WA: 1 Speeches by representatives E Aram Plen: 1292 E Fartash WA: 1, 2 G ISRAEL I I IRAQ Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), N Moscow 1963 Plen: 1296 o Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1302 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1296 Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1302 o Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1296 S China: representation in UN Plen: 1302 Congo situation Plen: 1296 S Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1302 Cyprus situation Plen: 1296 T Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Disarmament Pien: 1296 U Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964, Plen: 1302 economic and social consequences Plen: 1296 Congo situation Plen: 1302 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1296 Disarmament Plen: 1302 Economic development Plen: 1296 conference (proposed) Plen: 1302 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1302 voting Plen: 1296 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Illiteracy: eradication Plen: 1296 voting Plen: 1302 International trade: & economic development PI en: 1296 U Oman question Plen: 1302 Near and Middle East: international relations Plen: 1296, Palestine question Plen: 1296, 1302 1310 Palestine refugees Plen: 1302 u Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1296 U


ISRAEL (continued) ITALY (conti1ltled)

Palestine question Plen: 1310 Speeches by ,'epresentatitJes Palestine regugees Plan: 1310 Lupis PIon: 1321 Racial discrimination: convention (dl'aft) Plen: 1296 Rossi Arnaud WA: 1! 2 Racial! nationnl and religious intolerance: prevention Vine! Plen: 1287 Plan: 1296 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1296 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1296 IVORY COAST United Nations: Oharter: new chapter [peace-keeplng operations] (pro­ UN: Members: admission Plen: 1287 posed) Plen: 1296 finances: position and prospects! 1964/1965 Plen: 1296 Speeches by ,'epresentatitJes finances: fund to meet expenses of the Organizatlon Usher Flen: 1287 (proposed) Plen: 1296 Members: admission Plen: 1287 UN Conference on the Application of Science and Technology JAMAICA for the Benefit of Less Developed Areas! Geneva 1963 Plen: 1296 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1293 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Disarmament Plen: 1293 ,1 Plen: 1296 economic and social consequences Plen: 1293 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1293 'II Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1296 International trade: War crimes: statute of limitations Plen: 1296 & economic development Plen: 1293 Yemen situation Plen: 1296 terms of trade Plen: 1293 International Year from Human Rights, 1968 Plen: 1293 Investments! International Plen: 1293 Speeches by representatives Eban Plen: 1287! 1296, 1310 l':SGT: economic development: planning Plen: 1293 Meron WA:2 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Plen: 1293 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1293 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1293 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special ITALY Fund: merger (proposed) Plen: 1293 Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1293 Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1321 United Nations: Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1321 armed forces: natir~al stand-by contingents (proposed) China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1321 Plen: 1293 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1321 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1293 Congo situation Plen: 1321 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1293 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1321 peace and security operations Plen: 1293 Cyprus situation Plen: 1321 UN Capital Development Fund: establishment (proposed) Disarmament Plen: 1321 Plen: 1293 economic and social consequences Plen: 1321 UN Conference on Trade and Development! Geneva 1964 Disputes: pacmc settlement Plen: 1321 Plen: 1293 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1321 UN Development Programme: establishment (proposed) Economic development Plen: 1321 Plen: 1293 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1321 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1321 Intervention Plen: 1321 Speeches by representatives Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1321 Marsh WA: 1 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1321 Shearer Plen: 1293 Outer space': exploration and use Plen: 1321 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1321 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1321 JAPAN Technical assistance Plen: 1321 United Nations: Atomic tests: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1321 suspension Plen: 1290 Charter: Art, 19: application Plen: 1321 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow Charter: reviaion Plen: 1321 1963 Plen: 1290 finances: position and prospects! 1964/1965 Plen: 1321 Atomic weapons: Members: admission Plen: 1287 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1290 peace and security operations Plen: 1321 prohibition in outer space Plen: 1290 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishment China: representation in UN Plen: 1290 as permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1321 China (people's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1290 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1290 UNRWA: finances: countributions WA: 1 Congo situation. Plen: 12CO


JAPAN (contim(ed) KENYA (continued)

Cyprus situation Plen: 1290 United Nations: Disarmament Plen: 1290 Charter: amendments (proposed) PIen: 1293 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1290 C.harter: revision: cttee (proposed) Plen: 1293 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1290 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishment International trade: & economic development Plen: 1290 as permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1293 Investments, International Plen: 1290 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Racial discrimination Plen: 1290 Plen: 1293 Science and technology: transfer and adaptation Plen: 1290 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1290 Speeches by representatives Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1290 Murumbi Plen: 1293 USSR and United States: Memorandum of Understanding Nabwera Plen: 1330 regarding ~i::: Establishment of a Direct Communica­ tion Link, Geneva 1963 Plen: 1290 United Nations: KUWAIT armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) Plen: 1290 Aden: self-government or independenoe Plen: 1305 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1290 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1305 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1290 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1290 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1305 Members: admission Plen: 1287 Cyprus situation Plen: 1305 peace and security operations Plen: 1290 Disarmament Plen: 1305 UN Conferenoe on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 economic and social consequences Plen: 1305 P~en: 1290 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1305 UNRWA: finanoes: oontributions WA: 1 Foroe, Threat or use of Plen: 1305 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1305 Speeches by representatives Oman question Plen: 1305 Fukushima WA: 1 Palestine question Plen: 1305 Matsui Plen: 1287 Palestine refugees Plen: 1305 Shlina Plen: 1290 South' Ail tea: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1305 South West Afrioa: international status Plen: 1305 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1305 Teohnioal assistance Plen: 1305 JORDAN Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1305 Palestine question Plen: 1311 United Nations: peace and security operations Plen: 1305 Palestine refugees Plen: 1311 UN Conferenoe on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 . Plen: 1305 UNRWA: finanoes: oontributions WA: 1 Speeches by representatives ,,. Rifa'i Plen: 1311 " Speeches by representatives Sharaf WA: 1 Al-Rashid WA : 1 At-saban Plen: 1305

LAOS China: representation in UN Plen: 1293 Colonialism: eliuination Plen: 1293 Atomic tests: Congo situation Plen: 1293 suspension Plen: 1294 & Organization of Afrioan Unity Plen: 1293 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Mosoow Cyprus situation Plen: 1293 1963 Plen: 1294 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1293 Atomic weapons: ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1293 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1294 Economic development: fmancing Plen: 1293 prohibition: oonference (proposed) Plen: 1294 Fernando POOl self-government or independence Plen: 1293 China: representation in UN Plen: 1294 Frenoh Somaliland Plen: 1293 Disarmament Plen: 1294 GA: prooedure: arrangements to conduct business without Economic development Plen: 1294 voting Plen: 1330 Laos: technical assistanoe Plen: 1294 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1293 Laos question Plen: 1294 Organizatton of Afrioan Unity Plen: 1293 Military bases in foreign territories: elimination Peaoeful relations among States Plen: 1293 Plen: 1294 Rio, Muni: self-government or independence Plen: 1293 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1294 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1293 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1294 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1293 Racial disorimination Plen: 1294 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1293 Technical assistance Plen: 1294 Territories under Portuguese administration: status UN: peace and security operations Plen: 1294 Plen: 1293 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1294

62 . .' "~'.--".~"~''''''.'--''''''~.''''''-~'''~''''-'--­ _..~..,..,.,.-.----...._---,_._-


LAOS (continued) LIBYA

Speeches by representatives Aden: self-government 01' independence Plen: 1296 Phoumi Nosnvan Plen: 1294 Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1296 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow 1963 Plen: 1296 Atomic weapons: LEBANON dissemination: prevention Plen: 1296 prohtuitlom-conrerence (proposed) Plen: 1296 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1296 Conference of Heads or State or Government of Non­ Speeches by representatives Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1296 Hakim WA:1 Cyprus situation Plen: 1296 Disarmament Plen: 1296 conference (proposed) Plen: 1296 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1296 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1296 LIBERIA International trade: & economic development Plen: 1296 Oman question Plen: 1296 Africa: Palestine question Plen: 1296, 1300 nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1300 Palestine refugees Plen: 1296 refugees: assistance Plen: 1300 Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1296 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen; 1296 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1300 South AtrIca: Atomic weapons: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1296 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1300 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1296 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1300 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1296 China: representation in UN Plen: 1300 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1296 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1300 Territories under Portuguese administration: statu Congo situation Plen: 1300 Plen: 1296 Disarm.ament Plen: 1300 United Nntions: economic and social consequences Plen: 1300 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1296 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1300 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1296 General Assembly: UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 organization of work Plen: 1329 Plen: 1296 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without voting Plen: 1329 speeches by representatives International trade: Mazigh Plen: 1296, 1300 & economic development Plen: 1300 terms of trade Plen: 1300 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1300 LUXEMBOURG Organization of African Unity Plen: 1300 Outer space: exploration and use Plen: 1300 UNRWA: financest contributions WA: 1 Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1300 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1300 Speeches by representatives South Africa: Wurth WA:1 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1300 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1300 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1300 MADAGASCAR '.~.<1.~'lJ Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1300 . :1 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special Atomic weapons: prohibition in outer space Plen: 1309 Fund: merger (proposed) Plen: 1300 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1309 Territories WIder Portuguese administration: status Disarmament: economic and social consequences Plen: 1300 Plen: 1309 United Nations: Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1309 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1300 Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1309 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1329 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1300 voting Plen: 1309 peace and security operations Plen: 1300 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1309 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 International relations: reduction of tensions Plen: 1309 Plen: 1300 International trade: UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 & economic development Plen: 1309 terms of trade Plen: 1309 Intervention Plen: 1309 Speeches by representatives Investments, International Plen: 1309 Barnes Plen: 1329; WA: 2 Minorities: protection Plen: 1309 Grimes Plen: 1300 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1309


MADAGASCAR (continued) MALAYSIA (continued) Peaceful relations among States: & international law United Nations: Plen: 1309 Charter: Al't. 19: application Plen: 1306 South Afl'ica: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1309 Charter: new chapter [peace-keeping operations] (pro­ southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1309 posed) Plen: 1306 Sovel'eign equality of States Plen: 1309 Members: admission Plen: 1287 Territories under Portuguese administration: status peace and securi!:;' operations Plen: 1306 Plen: 1309 UN Conference on 'trade and Development, Geneva 1964 UN Conference on Tl'ade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1306 Plen: 1309 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1

Speeches by representatives Speeches by representatives Rakotomalala Plen: 1309 Ramani Plen: 1287, 1297, 1306, 1307, 1309 Ralison WA: 2 Zakaria WA: 1, 2

MALAWI MALI Bechuanaland: self-government or independence Plen: 1297 China: representation in UN Plen: 1297 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1319 China (People's Rep,): atomic tests Plen: 1297 Atomic tests: Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1297 suspension Plen: 1319 Congo situation Plen: 1297 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1297 1963 Plen: 1319 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1297 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) Southern Rhodesia: self-government or independence Plen: 1319 Plen: 1297 Cambodia situation Plen: 1319 Territories under Portuguese administration: status China: representation in UN Plen: 1319, 1323 Plen: 1297 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1319, 1323 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1319 Plen: 1297 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1319 Speeches' by representatives Congo situation Plen: 1319 Rubadiri Plen: 1297 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1319 Cuban situation Plen: 1319 MALAWI: PRIME MINISTER (Kamuzu Banda) Cyprus situation . Plen: 1319 Disarmament Plen: 1319 United Nations: Members: admission Plen: 1288 economic and social consequences Plen: 1319 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without voting Plen: 1319, 1330 MALAYSIA Korean question Plen: 1319 Indonesia: withdrawal from UN Plen: 1319 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), International trade: & economic development Plen: 1319 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1306 Intervention Plen: 1319 Atomic weapons: Military bases in foreign territories: elimination "~ dissemination: prevention Plen: 1306 Plen: 1319 "1 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1306 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1319 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1306 & international law Plen: 1319 !~ Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1319 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1306 South Africa: Disarmament Plen: 1306 race problems: apartheid Plan: 1319 ',1···.···.".·.,~····· Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1306 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1319 j·.····.·.. Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1306 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1319 t.'j{ ~,(; GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Technical assistance: Expanded Programme Plen: 1319 t', voting Plen: 1306 Territories under Portuguese administration: status (~ Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1297, 1306, 1307, 1309 Plen: 1319 International Co-operation Year, 1965' Plen: 1306 Tibet question Plen: 1319 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1306 United Nations: North Borneo Plen: 1297 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1319 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1306 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1319 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1306 Members: Withdrawal Plen: 1319 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1306 peace and security operations Plen: 1319 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1306 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1319 Plen: 1306 UN Special Fund: operations Plen: 1319 Tibet question Plen: 1306 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1319, 1323

64 '

:.:c-;..,...~~t' "',...1.·'·~ ..:,::,"· '~-""-"'--~' ':'~ .... ; INDEX TO SPEECHES

MALI (continu8d) MEXICO (continued)

Speeches by representative» Speealles by ,'epresentlltives Coulibaly Plen: 1319, 1323,1330 Gal'cra Robles Plen: 1310


Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1297 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1306 Disarmament: economic and socialconsequences Plen: 1297 Atomic tests: Human rights: covenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1297 suspension Plen: 1306 Technical assistance Plen: 1297 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow . Expanded Programme: & UN Special Fund: merger (pro­ 1963 Plen: 1306 posed) Plen: 1297 Atomic weapons: United Nations: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1306 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1306 Plen: 1297 Cambodia situation Plen: 1306 Members: admission Plen: 1288 China: representation in UN Plen: 1306 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Colonialism: eltmlnation Plen: 1306 Plen: 1297 Conference of Heads of States or Government of Non­ UN Development Programme (proposed) Plen: 1297 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1306 Congo situation Plen: 1306 Speeches by representatives & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1306 Borg-Olrvier Plen: 1288, 1297 Cuban situation Plen: 1306 Cyprus situation Plen: 1306 Disarmament Plen: 1306 conference (proposed) Plen: 1306 MAURITANIA Disputes: paclnc settlement Plen: 1306 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1306 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Europe: nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1306 voting Plen: 1330 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1306 United Nations: International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1306 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1330 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1306 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1330 Korean question Plen: 1306 Laos question Plen: 1306 Speeches by representatives Military bases in foreign territories: elimination Miske Plen: 1330 Plen: 1306 NATO: multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1306 Oman question Plen: 1306 MEXICO Organization of African Unity Plen: 1306 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1306 Atomic tests: SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1306 suspension Plen: 1310 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1306 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow Territories under Portuguese administration: status 1963 Plen: 1310 Plen: 1306 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) United Nations: Plen: 1310 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1306 Disarmament Plen: 1310 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1306 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1310 peace and security operations Plen: 1306 Domestic jurisdiction Plen: 1310 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1310 Plen: 1306 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1310 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1306 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1310 Speeches by representatives terms of trade Plen: 1310 Dugersuren Plen: 1306 Intervention Plen: 1310 Latin America: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1310 Peaceful relations among States: & international law MOROCCO Plen: 1310 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1310 Africa, North: economic integration Plen: 1318 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1310 China: representation in UN Plen: 1318 Trade and development Board: establishment Plen: 1310 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1318 United Nations: peace and security operations: financing Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- Plen: 1310 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1323, 1325 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishment Congo situation Plen: 1318 as permanent organ of UN Plen: 1310 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1318,1323,1325 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Plen: 1310 voting Plen: 1318, 1330


MOROCCO (continued) NETHl!lR LANDS

Indonesia: withdrawal from UN Plen: 1318 Atomto tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), Military bases in foreign terrttortes: elimination Moscow 1963 Plen: 1318 Plen: 1318 Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1318 Organtzatton of African Unity Plen: 1318, 1323, 1325 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1318 Palestine question Plen: 1318 Congo situation Plen: 1318 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1318 Disarmament Plen: 1318 Territories under Portuguese a lministration: status Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1318 Plen: 1318 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1318 United Nations: European Economic Community Plen: 1318 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1318 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plan: 1318 voting Plen: 1318 Members: admission Plen: 1287 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1318 Members: withdrawal Plen: 1318 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Plen: 1318 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Racial discrimination Plen: 1318 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1318 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special Speeches by representatives F'und: merger (proposed) Plen: 1318 Baba, Plen: 1287, 1330 Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1318 Benhima Plen: 1318, 1323, 1325 United Nations: Tabiti WA: 1, 2 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1318 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1318 UN Conference on Trade and Development: conciliation procedures Plen: 1318 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 NEPAL Plen: 1318 UN Development Programme: establishment (proposed) Atomic tests: Plen: 1318 suspension Plen: 1300 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 1963 Plen: 1300 World Food Programme Plen: 1318 Atomic weapons: prohibition in outer space Plen: 1300 British Guiana: independence Plen: 1300 Speeches by representatives China: representation in UN Plen: 1300 Heroma WA:2 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1300 Luns Plen: 1318 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Polderrnan WA: 1 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1300 Cyprus situation Plen: 1300 Disarmament Plen: 1300 NEW ZEALAND economic and social consequences Plen: 1300 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1300 Atomic fests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), International trade: Moscow 1963 Plen: 1305 terms of trade Plen: 1300 Atomic weapons: disseminatton: prevention Plen: 1305 transit trade: convention (draft) Plen: 1300 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1305 Land-locked states: & international trade Plen: 1300 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1305 Laos question Plen: 1300 Cook Islands: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1300 Cyprus situation Plen: 1305 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1300 Disarmament Plen: 1305 Racial discrimination Plen: 1300 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1305 South Africa: France: atomic tests in the Pacific (proposed) Plen: 1305 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1300 Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1305, 1307, 1309 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1300 Niue Island: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1300 Racial discrimination Plen: 1305 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1300 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1305 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1305 Plen: 1300 Tokelau Islands: self-government or independence Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1300 Plen: 1305 United Nations: United Nations: finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1300 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) peace and security operations Plen: 1300 Plen: 1305 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1305 ! Plen: 1300 Charter: Art. 17 Plen: 1305 Viet-Nam situation 'Plen: 1300 Charter: new chapter [peace-keeping operations] (pro­ i,C'l'i. ! posed) Plen: 1305 ~,: peace and security operations Plen: 1305 '" Speeches by representatives UN Conference on Trade and Development, Gen.eva 1964 Bista Plen: 1300 Plen: 1305


NEW ZEALAND (continued) NIGERIA (continued) s), Speeches by represeuiatiuee International trade: & economic development Plen: 1302 Corner Plen: 1307, 1309 NATO: multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1302 118 Hanan Plen: 1305 Organization of Afl.'ican Unity Plen: 1302 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plan: 1302 NICARAGUA sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1302 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1302 :18 Cuban situation Plen: 1300 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1302 Territories under Portuguese administration: status >ut Speeches by representatives Plen: 1302 Ortega Urbina Plen: 1300 Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1302 18 USSR and United States: Memorandum of Understanding mt l'egarding the Establishment of a Direct Communica­ NIGER tions Link, Geneva 1963 Plen: 1302 United Nations: 18 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1305 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1329 .al Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1302 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1305 peace and security operations Flen: 1302 18 Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1305 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 China: representation in UN Plen: 1305 Plen: 1302 Congo situation Plen: 1305 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 L8 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1305 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 )n Disputes: pacific settlement Plan: 1305 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1305 Speeches by representatives International relations: reduction of tensions Plen: 1305 Adebo Plen: 1329 International trade: transit trade: convention (draft) Sanu WA:1,2 d) Plen: 1305 Wachuku Plen: 1302 Korean question Plen: 1305 Land-locked States: & international trade Plen: 1305 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1305 NORWAY Palestine question Plen: 1305 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1305 Atomic weapons: South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1305 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1317 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1305 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1317 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1305 China: representation in UN Plen: 1317 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Disarmament Plen: 1317 Plen: 1305 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1317 United Nations: peace and security operations: financing Economic development Plen: 1317 Plen: 1305 Indonesia: withdrawal from UN Plen: 1317 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 I), Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1317 Plen: 1305 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1317 )5 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1305 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Plen: 1317 Speeches by represerdatiues SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1317 )5 Mayaki Plen: 1305 United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1317 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1317 )5 NIGERIA Members: withdrawal Plen: 1317 15 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishmentas Atomic tests: permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1317 15 suspension Plen: 1302 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow Plen: 1317 15 1963 Plen: 1302 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Atomic weapons: UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1302 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1302 Speeches by representatives prohibition in outer space Plen: 1302 Lange Plen: 1317 I) China: representation in UN Plen: 1302 Mevik WA: 1,2 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1302 Congo situation Plen: 1302 Cyprus situation Plen: 1302 PAKISTAN Disarmament Plen: 1302 General Assembly: Atomic weapons: organization of work Plen: 1329 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1319 4 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1319 voting Plen: 1329 China: representation in UN Plen; 1319

67 ,I INDEX TO SPEECHES PAKISTAN(continued) PARAGUAY (continued) China (Peopleta Rep.) and India Plen: 1319 United Nations:

Colonialism: elimination Plen: 13191 1323 armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) Congo situation Plen: 1319 Plen: 1297 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1319 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1297 , , Cyprus situation Plen: 1~ .9 ;j 1.1 Charter: new chapter [peace-keeping operations] (pro­ I' Disarmament Plen: 1319 posed) Plen: 1297 I Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1319 1323 peace and security operations Plen: 1297 :J I 1 India-Pakistan question: Jammu and Kashmir Plen: 13191 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 ,~ 1323 1 1325 Plen: 1297 I International trade: & economic development Plen: 1319 .' I Minorities: protection Plen: 1319 Speeches by representatives '1 I Organization of African Unity Plen: 1319 Sapena Pastor Plen: 1297 f; Regional Co-operation for Development (Iran/Turkey/ Pakistan) Plen: 1319 :j Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1319 1323 PERU I;' 1 ! South Africa: 1 \ race problems: apartheid Plen: 1319 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), I" " ·1 ! sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1319 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1293 I, South West Africa: international status Plen: 1319 Atomic weapons: prohibition in outer space Plen: 1293 t, Southern Rhodesia: self..government Plen: 1319 Disarmament Plen: 1293 ] Outer space: exploration and use Plen: 1293 ~: g Territories under Portuguese administration: status Peaceful relations among states Plen: 1293 :1 1 Plen: 1319 J; United Nations: Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1293 L Charter: amendments (proposeu) Plen: 1319 United Nations: .~~ r:::1 peace and security operations Plen: 1319 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1293 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Members: admission Plen: 1287 1":HI Plen: 13] 9 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1293 ""I C' Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1319 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 1 I;~ Plen: 1293 ,J Speeches by representatives Speeches by representatives I., Ali Plen: 1325 Bela11nde Plen: 1287 1 1293 II'j Ehutto Plen: 1319 1323 ';"1' 1 r~ ,\ PHILIPPINES ;'. ,.....I " ~ '{; . Atomic tests: Treaty (USSn/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), PANAMA Moscow 1963 Plen: 1297 ~I China: representation in UN Plen: 1297 ;~ Cuban situation Plen: 1300 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1297 Panama Canal Zone Plen: 1300 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1297 11 Disarmament' Plen: 1297 T,' GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without .~ speeches by representatives voting Plen: 1297 .!~. Boyd Plen: 1300 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1297 Human rights: covenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1297 Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1297 1 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1297 <.:< Korean question Plen: 1297 v ':i(~.1 PARAGUAY North Borneo Plan: 1297 fq Outer space: exploration and use Plen: 1297 ;~ Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Ktngdom/United States), South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1297 Moscow 1963 P' 1297 Tibet question Plen: 1297 Colonialism: elrminatio., Plen: 1297 USSR and United States: Memorandum of Understanding II 1297 I~ Congo situation Plen: regarding the Establishment of a Direct Communica­ Disarmament Plen: 1297 tions Link, Geneva 1963 'Plen: 1297 Economic development PIGn: 1297 United Nations: Human rights: Universal Lleclaration 1948 Plen: 1297 l Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1297 International trade: peace and security operations Plen: 1297 ~ terms of trade Plen: 1297 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 •. transit trade: convention (dr.aft) Plen: 1297 ,~ Plen: 1297 Land-locked States: UNRWA: rmances: contributions WA: 1 r free access to the sea Plen: 1297 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1297 & l;" international trade Plen: 1297 ,;;; Racial discrimination: Declaration, 1963 Plen: 1297 SPeeches by representatives ·t~ South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1297 JimSnez WA: 1 '~' Technical assistance Plen: 1297 Mendez Plen: 1297


POLAND ROMANIA (continued)

Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), NATO: ised) Moscow 1963 Plen: 1301 multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1308 Atomic weapons: & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression treaty dissemination: prevention Plen: 1301 (proposed) Plen: 1308 pro.. prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1301 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1308 prohibition in outer space Plen: 1301 Peaceful relations among peoples: promotion among youth: China: representation in UN Plen: 1301 declaration (d~aft) Plen: 1308 1964 Cclonialtsm: elimination Plen: 1301 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1308 Congo situation Plen: 1301 Racial discrimination Plen: 1308 Cuban situation Plen: 1301 se: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1308 Disarmament Plen: 1301 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1308 conference (proposed) Plen: 1301 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1308 Europe: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1301 United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1308 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1301 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1301 Plen: 1308 Korean question Plen: 1330 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1308 tes), NATO: multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1301 Speeches by representatives 1293 & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression treaty Manescu Plen: 1308 (proposed) Plan: 1301 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1301 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1301 States not members of the United Nations: observers RWANDA Plen: 1301 United Nations: United Nations: Members: admission Plen: 1288 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: :1.301 I peace and security operations Plen: 1301 Speeches by representatives 1964 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Mudenge Plen: 1288 Plen: 1301 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1301 SAUDI ARABIA Speeches by representatives Lewandowski Plen: 1330 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1306 Rapacki Plen: 1301 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStatcs), Moscow 1963 Plen: 1306 rtes), Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1306 PORTUGAL Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1306 Disarmament Plen: 1306 Goa Plen: 1310 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1306 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Economic development Plen: 1306 Plen: 1310 General Assembly: thout organization of work Plen: 1329 Speeches by representatives procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Miranda Plen: 1310 voting Plen: 13?9, 1330 Oman question Plen: 1306 Palestine question Plen: 1306 1297 Palestine refugees Plen: 1306 ROMANIA Racial discrimination Plen: 1306 United Nations: Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1329 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1308 Plen: 1306 China: representation in UN Plen: 1308 iding Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1308 Speeches by representatives uca.. Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Baroody Plen: 1329, 1330 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1308 Sakkaf Plen: 1306 Congo situation Plen: 1308 Disarmament Plen: 1308 conference (proposed) Plen: 1308 1964 economic and social consequences Plen: .1308 SECRETARY-GENERAL () Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1308 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1308 Advisory Cttee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions: Europe: peaceful relations among States Plen: 1308 members: election Plen: 1326 Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1308 Board of Auditors: members: election Plen: 1326 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1308 Cttee on Contributions: members: election Plen: 1326 International trade: & economic development Plen: UI08 Economic and Social Council: members: election Intervention Plen: 1308 Plen: 1326


SECRETARY~GENERAL (U Thant) (continued) SIERRA LEONE (continued)

General Assembly: conrerence of Heads of State 01' Government of Non­ adjournment Plen: 1327 Aligned Countries, 2nd, catro 1964 Plen: 1303 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Congo situation Plen: 1303 voting Plen: 1286, 1326 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1303 Investments Cttee: members: election Plen: 1326 Disarmament Plen: 1303 Palestine refugees: assistance Plan: 1326, 1327 conference (proposed) Plen: 1303 secretartat: staff: salaries and allowances: pensionable economic and social consequences Plen: 1303 remuneration Plen: 1327 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1303 Special Cttee on Peace~keeping Operations: establishment ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1303 Plen: 1325, 1327 General Assembly: Teclmical assistance: Expanded Programme: finances: adjournment Plen: 1328 allocations Plen: 1314 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without United Nations: voting Plen: 1328, 1330 budget, 1964: supplementary appropriations Plen: 1326, International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1303 1327 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1303 budget, 1965 Plen: 1314, 1326, 1327 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1303 Charter: Art, 19: application Plen: 1286, 1326 SC: members: Increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1303 finances: contributions, voluntary Plen: 1326, 1331 South Africa: finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1315, race problems: apartheid Plen: 1303 1326, 1331 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1303 peace and security operations Plen: 1326 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1303 UN Administrative Trfbunalt members: election Plen: 1326 Technical assistance Plen: 1303 United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Territories under Portuguese administration: status Geneva 1964 Plen: 1327 Plen: 1303 UN International School Plen: 1326, 1327 Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1303 UN Staff Pension Cttee: members: election Plen: 1326 United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1303 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1303 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 SENEGAL Plen: 1303

Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Speeches by representatives Moscow 1963 Plen: 1294 Collier Plen: 1328, 1330 China: representation in UN Plen: 1294 Rogers..Wright Plen: 1303 China (People'S Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1294 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1294 Congo situation Plen: 1294 Dlsarma.aent Plen: 1294 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without SOMALIA voting Plen: 1330 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1294 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1290 Investments, International Plen: 1294 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Organization of African. Unity Plen: 1294 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1290 Self-determinatlon of peoples Plen: 1294 Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1290 Territories under Portuguese administration: status China: representation in UN Plen: 1290 '] Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1290 Plen: 1294 '] United Nations: Congo situation Plen: 1290 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1294 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1290 t Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1294 Disarmament Plen: 1290 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1290 Plen: 1294 Ethiopia and Somalia: border dispute Plen: 1290 Viet~Nam situation Plen: 1294 Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1290 French Somaliland Plen: 1290 Speeches by representatives International relations: reduction of tensions Plen: 1290 Ciss Plen: 1330 International trade: Thiam Plen: 1294 & economic development Plen: 1290 terms of trade Plen: 1290 Military bases in foreign territories: elimination Plen: 1290 SIERRA LEONE Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1290 S Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1290 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1303 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1290 C Atomic weapons: Surprise attack: prevention Plen: 1290 C dissemination: prevention Plen: 1303 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1290 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1303 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1290 D China: representation in UN Plen: 1303 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1290 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1303 Technical assistance Plen: 1290 I


SOMALIA (continued) SUDAN (corltinued) Territories under Portuguese administration: status League of Arab States Plen: 1298 Plen: 1290 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1298 United Nations: Palestine question Plen: 1298 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1290 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1298 peace and security operations Plen: 1290 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1298 Speeches by representatives UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Dualeh Plen: 1290 Plen: 1298 Speeches by representatives SOUTH AFRICA Mahgoub Plen: 1298

ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1308 Peaceful relations among States: & international law SWEDEN Plen: 1308 SC: membere: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1308 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Pien: 1319 South Africa: Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1319 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1308, 1330 Atomic weapons: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1308 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1319 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1308 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1319 United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1308 Capital punishment: convention (draft) Plen: 1319 China: representation in UN Plen: 1319 Speeches by representatives China (People's Rop.): atomic tests Plen: 1319 Botha Plen: 1330 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1319 Muller Plen: 1308 Disarmament Plen: 1319 economic and social consequences Plen: 1319 Force, Threat of use of Plen: 1319 SPAIN General Assembly: organization of work Plen: 1329 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1318 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Disarmament Plen: 1318 voting Plen: 1329 Fernando Poo: self-government or independence International. trade: & economic development Plen: 1319 Plen: 1300, 1318 Intervention Plen: 1319 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Latin America: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1319 voting Plen: 1318 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plan: 1319 Gibraltar: self-government or independence Plen: 1318 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1319 Ifni: self-government or independence Plen: 1318 South Africa: International trade: & economic development Plen: 1318 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1319 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1318 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1319 Rio Muni: self-government or independence Plen: 1300, South West Africa: fellowships and scholarships Plen: 1319 1318 United Nations: Spanish Sahara: self-government or independence armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) Plen: 1318 Plen: 1319 Territories under Portuguese administration: status peace and security operations Plen: 131S Plen: 1318 UN Conference on Trade and Development: conciliation 0;. Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1318 procedures Plen: 1319 United Nations: UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Charter: new chapter [peace-keeping operations] (pro­ Plen: 1319 posed) Plen: 1318 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1318 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 peace and security operations Plen: 1318 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Speeches by representatives Plen: 1318 Astrom Plen: 1329 Forshell WA: 1 Speeches by representatives Nilson Plen: 1319 Aznar Plen: 1300, 1318 Sqernberg WA:2

SUDAN SWITZERLAND Colonialism: olnntnatton Plen: 1298 Congo situation Plen; 1298 UNHCR: finances: contribt'tions WA: 2 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1298 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Disarmament: economic and social consequences Plen: 1298 Speeches by representatives International trade: & economic development Plen: 1298 Thalman WA: 1, 2


SYRIA TOGO Aden: self-government or independer..ce Plen: 1306 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1297 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Plell: 1306 voting Plen: 1297 China: representation in UN Plen: 1306 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1297 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1306 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1297 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1306 Speeches by representatives Congo situation Plen: 1306 Apedo-Amah Plen: 129'1 Cyprus situation Plen: 1306 Disarmament I'~en: 1306 conference (proposed) Plen: 1306 TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1306 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1306 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/UnitedStates), League of Arab States Plen: 1306 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1303 Oman question Plen: 1306 China: representation in UN Plen: 1303 Palestine question Plen: 1306 China (People's Rep.): atomic ~ests Plen: 1303 Racial discrimination Plen: 1306 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1303 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1306 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1303 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1306 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1303 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1306 United Nations: peace and security-operations Plen: 1303 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1306 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1306 Plen: 1303 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Plen: 1306 Speeches by representatives Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1306 solomon Plen: 1303 United Nations: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1306 peace and security operations Plen: 1306 TUNISIA UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1306 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Africa, North: economic integration Plen: 1305 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Speeches by representatives Moscow 1963 Plen: 1305 Muraywid Plen: 1306 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) Nachabe WA: 1 Plen: 1305 Basutoland: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 Bechuanaland: self-governmentor independence Plen: 1305 China: representation in UN Plen: 1305 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1305 TAHILAND Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1305 Atomic tests: Congo situation Plen: 1305 suspension Plen: 1296 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1305 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow Disarmament Plen: 1305 1963 Plen: 1296 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1305 Atomic weapons: International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1305 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1296 International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1305 prohtbrtton; conference (proposed) Plen: 1296 Oman question Plen: 1305 Cambodia and Thailand Plen: 1296 orgamzanon of African Unity Plen: 1305 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Palestine question Plen: 1305 voting Plen: 1296 Palestine refugees Plen: 1305 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1296 SC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1305 International trade: South Africa: & race problems: apartheid Plen: 1305 economic development Plen: 1296 Plen~ terms of trade Plen: 1296 sanctions {proposed) 1305 Laos question Plen: 1296 30uth West Africa: international status Plen: 1305 United Nations: Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1305 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1296 Swaziland: self-government or independence Plen: 1305 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1296 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Fund: merger (proposed) Plent 1305 Plen: 1296 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Viet-Nam situation Plen: :i.296 Plen: 1305 Trade and Development BL;,)l'd: establishment Plen: 1305 United Nations: Speeches by representatives Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1305 Khoman Plen: 1296 peace and security operations Plen: 1305


TUNISIA (continued) UGANDA (continued)

UN conrerence on Trude and Development, Geneva 1964 Congolese refugees Plen: 1293 Plen: 1305 Disarmament Plen: 1293 UNHCR: finanoes: contrtbuttons WA: 2 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1293 UNRWA: finanoes: oontributions WA: 1 Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1293 Rwandese refugees Plen: 1293 Speeche.<; by representatives South Africa: Bourguiba Plen: 1305 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1293 El Memmi WA: 1,2 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1293 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1293 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1293 TURKEY Sudanese refugees Plen: 1293 I Territories under Portuguese administration: status Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Plen: 1293 Mosoow 1963 Plen: 1321 United Nations: Atomic weapons: Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1293 dtsseminatton: prevention Plen: 1321 Charter: Art, 19: application Plen: 1293 prohibition in outer space Plen: 1321 peace and security operations Plen: 1293 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1321 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Cyprus situation Plen: 1295, 1321, 1323 Plen: 1293 Disarmament Plen: 1321 UN Institute for Training and Researoh:establishment(pro­ Disputes: paoific settlement Plen: 1321 posed) Plen: 1293 Economic development Plen: 1321 Germany: peace-treaty Plen: 1321 Speeches by representatives India-Paktstan question: Jammu and Kashmir Plen: 1321 Odaka Plen: 1293 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1321 Investments, International Plen: 1321 Minorities: protection Plen: 1323 UKRAINIAN SOVIET SOCIALISTREPUBLIC Near and Middle East: international relations Plen: 1321 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1321 Atomic tests: I Palestine question Plen: 1321 suspension Plen: 1317 I Palestine refugees Plen: 1321 Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow ~ Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1321 1963 Plen: 1317 Racial discrimination Plen: 1321 Atomic weapons: I Regional Co-operation for Development (Iran/Turkey/ dissemination: prevention Plen: 1317 Pakistan) Plen: 1321 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1317 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1321 Cambodia situation Plen: 1317 ~ South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1321 China: representation in UN Plen: 1317 Technical assistance Plen: 1321 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1317 United Nations: l Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ \' armed forces: national stand-by contingents (proposed) Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1317 I I Plen: 1321 Congo situation Plen: 1317 l armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1321 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1317 peace and security operations Plen: 1321 Cuban situation Plen: 1317 UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishment Disarmament Plen: 1317 as permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1321 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 voting Plen: 1317 Plen: 1321 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1317 UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Human rights: covenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1317 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Illiteracy: eradication Plen: 1317 '1 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1317:' Speeches by vepresentaiiues Eralp Plen: 1295, 1323 InternationalLaos questiontrade: Plen:&1317'-·economic development Plen: 1317 ·.:.'·...'·.·.1.·...• Erkin Plen: 1321 NATO: " Kamel WA:l,2 multilateral nuclear. force (proposed) Plen: 1317 ,;, & Warsaw Treaty Organization: non-aggression treaty';' 7 UGANDA Nuclear-~~~P~~:~(:~~~:s~~~ Plen: 1317 .,:"•.1:,,1 Organization of American States Plen: 1317 . Atomic tests: Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1317 suspension Plen: 1293 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1317 "',: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1317 1963 Plen: 1293 Territories under Portuguese administration: status China: representation in UN Plen: 1293 Plen: 1317 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1293 United Nations: Congo situation Plen: 1293 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1317 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1293 peace and security operations: financing Plen: 1317

73 ===- ;;:::-~~-~-======---~-=--=--_.-=--"::" INDEX TO SPEECHES


UN Conference on Tl'ade and Development, Geneva 1964 Atomic tests: Plen: 1317 suspension Plen: 1298 Viet..Nam situation Plen: 1317 Treaty (USSR/United Kingctom/United States), Moscow I War crimes: statute of limitations Plen: 1317 1963 Plen: 1298 Atomic weapons: I' Speeches by representatives dissemination: prevention Pleu: 1298 I Palamarchuk Plen: 1317 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1298 prohibition in outer space Plen: 1298 China: representation in UN Plen: 1298 II, UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1298 I, Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non­ Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1292 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1298 Atomic weapons: Congo situatton Plen: 1298 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1292 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1298 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1292 Cyprus situation Plen: 1298 Cambodia situation Plen: 1292 Disarmament Plen: 1298 China: representation in UN Plen: 1292 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1298 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1292 Investments, International Plen: 1298 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- Military bases in foreign territories: elimination Aligned'Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1292 Plen: 1298 Congo situation Plen: 1292 Oman question Plen: 1298 Cuban situation Plen: 1292 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1298 Cyprus situation Plen: 1292 Outer space: exploration and use Plen: 1298 Disarmament Plen: 1292 Palestine question Plen: 1298 conference (proposed) Plen: 1292 Palestine refugees Plen: 1298 economic and social consequences Plen: 1292 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1298 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1292 South Africa: Europe: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1292 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1298 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1298 voting Plen: 1330 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1298 Germany: peace treaty Plen: 1292 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1298 Indonesia and Malaysia Plen: 1292 Technical assistance Plen: 1298 Korean question Plen: 1330 Territories under Portuguese administration: status Laos question Plen: 1292 Plen: 1298 Military bases in foreign territories: eliminat In United Nations: peace and security operations Plen: 1298 Plen: 1292 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 NATO: Plen: 1298 multilateral nuclear force (proposed) Plen: 1292 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 & Warsaw Treaty Or'ganizatlon: non-aggression treaty (proposed) Plen: 1292 Speeches by representatives Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1292 Khalil, A. WA: 1 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1292 Riad Plen: 1298 Special Cttee on Peace-keeping Operations: establishment Plen: 1330 USSR and United States: Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Establishment of a Direct Communica­ UNITED KINGDOM tions Link, Geneva 1963 Plen: 1292 United Nations: Atomic weapons: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1316 armed forces under Art. 43 Plen: 1292 British Hounduras Plen: 1301 budget, 1965 Plen: 1314, 1330 Disarmament Plen: 1316 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1330 economic and social consequences Plen: 1316 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1330 Economic development Plen: 1316 Members: admission Plen: 1287 Falkland Islands Plen: 1292 peace and security operations: finances Plen: 1330 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 voting Plen: 1316, 1330. Plen: 1292 Gibraltar: self-government or independence Plen: 1318 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1292 Human rights: covenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1316 International Co-operation Year, 1965 Plen: 1316 Speeches by representatives International Y r for Human Rights, 1968 Plen: 1316' Fedorenko Plen: 1287, 1314, 1330 Racial discr'irm .ation Plen: 1316 Gromyko Plen: 1292 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special Fund: merger (proposed) Plen: 1316 UNITED ARAB REPUBLIC Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1316 United Nations: Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1298 Charter: Art. 17 Plen: 1316 Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1298 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1316

74, ~_.._..._--_ ...,.., ...... , ~""""


UNITED KINGDOM (continued) UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANXA (continued) United Nations (continued) Organization of African Unity Plen: 1298 Charter: new chapter [peace-keeping operations] (pro-­ Portugal: sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1298 posed) Plen: 1316 Racial discrimination Plan: 1298 finances: fund to meet expenses of the Organization (pro.. South Africa: posed) Plen: 1316 race problems: apartheid Plen: 1298 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1316 sanctions (proposed) Plen: 1298 Members: admission Plen: 1287 South West Africa: international status Plen: 1298 peaoe and seourity operations Plen: 1316 Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1298 UNConference on Trade:and Development: establishmentas Swaziland: self-government of independence Plen: 1298 permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1315 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Speoial UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Fund: merger (proposed) Plen: 1298 Plen: 1316 Territories under Portuguese administration: status UN Development Programme: establishment (proposed) Plen: 1298 Plen: 1316 United Nations: UNHCR: finanoes: contributions WA: 2 Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1298 UNRWA: finances: oontributions WA: 1 Members: admission Plen: 1288 Venezuela and British Guiana: boundaries Plen: 1295 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Plen: 1298 Speeches by representatives UN Development Programme: establishment Plen: 1298

Caradon Plen: 1287, 1292, 1316, 1318J 1330 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1298 Jackling WA: 1

King Plen: 1295J 1301 Speeches by representatives Unwin WA:2 Babu Plen: 1288 Kambona Plen: 1298 Malecela Plen: 1330 UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES: REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE (Urrutia) UNiTED STATES OF AMERICA UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 Atomic energy: peacefut uses Plen: 1323 Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom/United States), Moscow 1963 Plen: 1323 UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR Atomic weapons: PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST: dissemination: prevention Plen: 1323 COMMISSIONER-GENERAL (Michelmore) prohibition in outer space Plen: 1323 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1319 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1323 Cuban situation Plen: 1300 Disarmament Plen: 1323 UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1323 Economic development Plen: 1323 Aden: self-government or independence Plen: 1298 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Africa: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1298 voting Plen: 1330 Atomic weapons: Human rights: covenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1323 dissemination: prevention Plen: ~:"98 Industrial development Plen: 1323 prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1298 lOA: resources: increase (proposed) Plen: 1323 prohibition in outer space plen: 1298 Meteorology Plen: 1323 Basutoland: self-government or independence Plen: 1298 Natural resources: conservation Plen: 1323 Bechuanaland: self-government or independence Plen: 1298 Organization of American States Plen: 1300 China: representation in UN Plen: 1298 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1298 Plen: 1323 Congo situation Plen: 1298 Puerto Rico Plen: 1300 & Organization of African Unity Plen: 1298 Science and technology: transfer and adaptation Plen: 1323 Cuban situation Plen: 1298 Special Cttee on Peace-keeping Operations: establishment Cyprus situation Plan: 1298 Plen: 1323 Disarmament Plen: 1298 Technical assistance: Expanded Programme: & UN Special economic and social consequences Plen: 1298 Fund: merger (proposed) Plen: 1323 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Plen: 1298 USSR and United states: Memorandum of Understanding Europe: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1298 regarding the Establishment of a Direct Communica­ GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without tions Link, Geneva 1963 Plen: 1323 voting Plen: 1330 United Nations: International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1298 Charter: Art. 17 Plen: 1323 Latin America: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1298 Charter: Art. 19: application Plen: 1330, 1331 League of Arab States Plen: 1298 finances: bonds Plen: 1323 Military bases in foreign territories: elimination finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1323 Plen: 1298 Members: admission Plen: 1287 Nuclear-free zones (proposed) Plen: 1298 peace and security operations Plen: 1323

75 ~_._"iC:::;,",,--.._~.::::._:;:;-::::-;:::-::::-:=-======;;;:::::;:;;:;:::::::::::


UNITED STA'r.c:S OF AMERICA(continued) VENEZUELA (contint(ed)

UNHCR: finances: contributions WA:2 Organization of American States Plen: 1295 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1319 Plen: 1295 Water desalination Plen: 1323 Racial discrimination Plen: 1295 World Food Programme Plen: 1323 Self-determination of peoples" Plen: 1295 United Nations: Members: admission Plen: 1287 Speeches by representatives peace and security operations Plen: 1295 Goldberg Plen: 1331 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 PUmpton WA: 1 Plen: 1295 Stevenson Plen: 1287, 1300, 1323, 1330 VeneZuela and British Guiana: boundaries Plen: 1295 Williams WA: 2 Yost Plen: 1319 Speeches by representatives Iribarren Plen: 1295, 1300 Sosa-Rodrfguez Plen: 1287

URUGUAY Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1302 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1302 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1302 YUGOSTjAVIA Cook Islands: self-government or independence Plen: 1302 Disarmament Plen: 1302 Atomic tests: suspension Plen: 1316 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1302 Atomic weapons: Falkland Islands Plen: 1302 dissemination: prevention Plen: 1316 General Assembly: 'prohibition: conference (proposed) Plen: 1316 organization of work Plen: 1329 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests Plen: 1316 procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1316 voting Plen: 1302, 1329 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- Gibraltar Plen: 1302 Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1316 Human rights: covenants (draft, 1954) Plen: 1302 Congo situation Plen: 1316 Inte.rnational trade: & economic development Plen: 1302 L~hn Cyprus situation Plen: 1316 America: nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1302 Disarmament Plen: 1316 Niue Island: self-government or independence Plen: 1302 conference (proposed) Plen: 1316 Peaceful relations among states: & international law Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1316 Plen: 1302 ESC: members: increase in number (proposed) Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1302 Plen: 1316 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1302 Force, Threat or use of Plen: 1316 Tokelau Islands: self-government or independence Plen: 1302 GA: procedure: arrangements to conduct business without Treaties: law: articles (draft) Plen: 1302 voting Plen: 1316 United Nations: peace and security operations Plen: 1302 International trade: & economic development Plen: 1316 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Intervention Plen: 1316 Plen: 1302 Peaceful relations among States: & international law Plen: 1316 Speeches by representatives SC: members: increase in number (proposed) VeH1zquez Plen: 1302, 1329 Plen: 1316 Self-determination of peoples Plen: 1316 Sovereign equality of States Plen: 1316 Trade and Development Board: establishment Plen: 1316 United Nations: VENEZUELA Charter: amendments (proposed) Plen: 1316 finances: position and prospects, 1964/1965 Plen: 1316 Atomic weapons: prohibition: conference (proposed) UN Conference on Trade and Development: establishmentas Plen: 1295 permanent organ of United Nations Plen: 1316 China (People's Rep.): atomic tests pien: 1295 UN Conference on Trade and Development, Geneva 1964 Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1295 Plen: 1316 Conference of Heads of State or Government of Non- UNHCR: finances: contributions WA: 2 . Aligned Countries, 2nd, Cairo 1964 Plen: 1295 UNRWA: finances: contributions WA: 1 Cuban situation Plen: 1300 Viet-Nam situation Plen: 1316 Disarmament Plen: 1295 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1295 Economic development Plen: 1295 Speeches by representatives International trade: terms of trade Plen: 1295 Cicanovic WA: 1, 2 Intervention Plen: 1295 Lekic Plen: 1316

76 .

':";"\t'~~'.':>!7':!'.,·"",;.;',<'" '_':.oi._"-"_"""::..,;C.~;,..--,',.... INDEX TO SPEECHES

ZAMBIA ZAMBIA (continued)

Africa~ nuclear-free zone (proposed) Plen: 1291 Territol'ies under Portuguese administration: status Atomic tests: Treaty (USSR/United Kingdom!UnitedStates), Plen: 1291 Moscow 1963 Plen: 1291 United Nations: Members: admission Plen: 1288 China: representation in UN Plen: 1291 China (People's Republic): atomic tests Plen: 1291 Speeches b:,' representatives Colonialism: elimination Plen: 1291 Kapwepwe Plen: 1288 Disputes: pacific settlement Plen: 1291 Organization of African Unity Plen: 1291 Peaceful relations among States Plen: 1291 South Africa: race problems: apartheid Plen: 1291 ZAMBIA: PRESIDENT () Southern Rhodesia: self-government Plen: 1291 Technical assistance Plen: 1291 Address Plen: 1291

77 This page intentionally left blank c~~---,::....~_.~_:..~::::::---=::,..::::::;:::::"'-::'_,~""':'=-"";"_~,,---IC::::::::=_·_"";~~_=_~.__:::::'::~':·~'::::::::::::"--=--:::~;-7""--;-~-~ 1 Numerical List ofDocuments

NOTE: Information as to the republication of mimeographed documents in the printed fascicles of Annexes to the Official Records appears in parentheses after the symbol; e.g•• A/5690 & Add.1-3 (annex no. 15) indicates that document A/5690 & Add.1-3 is republished in annex no. 15 to the Official Records of the General Assembly, 19th session.


General Series General Series (continued) A/ A/ 520/Rev.5/Corr.l, Rev.6/Corr.l, Rev.7 (Sales no.: 5750 64.1.18) 5750/Rev.l (annex no. 2) 5409 VoU-III 5751 (annex no. 2) 5515/Col'l'.2 (RuSSian only), Corr.3 (Russian only) (docu- 5752 & Add.l (annex no. 2) ments of the 18th sess.) 5753 & Add.l (annex no. 2) 5690 & Add.1-3 (annex no. 15) 5754 (annex no. 2) 5691 5755 (annex no. 2) 5692 (annex no. 12) 5756 5693 & Add.1-3 5757 (& oorr.t, French only), Add.I (annex no. 2) 5694-5697 5758 (annex no. 2) 5698 & Oorr'.L, Add.I (& Add.l/Corr.l, English only; 5759 Add.l/Corr.2, French only), Add.2-4 5760 & Rev.L, 2 (annex no. 2) 5699 5761 (& Cor r.L, Spanish only), Add.1-3, Add.3/Corr.l, 5700 (annex no. 11) Add.3/Corr.2 (English only), Add.4-8 (annex no. 2) 5701 5762-5764 5702 & Add.l 5765 (annex no. 2) 5703 & Add.l, 2 5766, 5767 5704, 5705 5768 (annex no. 14) 5706 (& Corr.l, English only) 5769 (annex no. 5) 5707 (annex no. 12) 5770 (annex no. 5) 5708 (annex no. 2) 5771, 5772 5709-5711 5773 (annex no. 2) 5712 (annex no. 11) 5774 &. Add.l (annex no. 13) 5713 5775 & Add.l 5714 (& Corr.L, English only) 5776 5715 (annex no. 17) 5777 (annex no. 21) 5716 (annex no. 17) 5778 5717 (& Corr.L, English only) (annex no. 17) 5779 (annex no. 10) 5718 (annex no. 1'7) 5780 5719 5781 (annex no. 15) 5720 (annex no. 17) 5782 & Corr.l, Add.L, Add.l/Corr.l 5721 (S/5811) (annex no. 21) 5783 & Add.l 5722-5724 5784 & Add.l 5725 & Add.1-7 5785 (annex no. 10) 5726 (S/5853) (annex no. 21) 5786, 5787 5727 5788 (annex no. 14) 5728 (annex no. 2) 5789 & Add.l 5729 & Corr.l (S/5964) (annex no. 21) 5790-5793 5730 (annex no. 2) 5794 (& Corr.l, English only) 5731 (DC/209) (annex no. 9) 5795-5798 5732-5735 5799 (& Corr.l, English only) 5736 & Corr.l (annex no. 6) 5800 (& Corr.L, English only), Add.1-7 5737 (annex no. 6) 5800/Rev.l (annex no. 8, pt. I) 5738 & Add.l, 2 5801 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 1) 5739 (annex no. 21) 5801/Add.l (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 1 A) 5740 5802 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 2) 5741 (& Corr.L, English only) (annex no. 12) 5803 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 3) 5742 (annex no. 5) 5804 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 4) 5743 5805 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 5) 5744 & Add.1-4 5806 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6) 5745, 5746 5806/Add.l (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 6 A) 574"1 (& Corr.L, English only), Corr.2 5806/Add.2 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 6 E) 5748 5806/Add.3 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no.6C) 5749 (& Corr.L, English only) (annex no. 13) 5807 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl. no. 7) (& Corr.l, English only)

79 ,.-. · ~·-_-·· ...... ".-'-'."~~~. . __ ...~-~" - , ···· LIST OF DOCUMENTS r·, Pienary (continued)

General Series (continued) Ge,neral Series (continued) A/ A/ 5808 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 8) 5879 (annex no. 17) 5809 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 9) 5880 (annex no. 8, pt. 11) 5810 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 10) & Add.! 5881 (annex no. 13) 5811/Rev.l (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 11) 5882 (annex no. 8, pt. 11) 5811/Rev.1/Add.l (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 11 A) 5883 (& Corr.L, French only) 5884 (annex no. 2) 5812 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 12) 5885 (annex no. 8, pt, 11) ', 5813 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 13) 5886 (annex no. 13) ': 5814 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 14) 5887 I 5815 (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, no. 15) 5888 (annex no. 19) 5816~5818 5889-5891 5819 (& Corr.L, English only) (annex no. 18) 5892 (annex no. 20) 5820 (annex no. 18) 5893 (annex no. 8, pt, 11) 5821 (S/6070) (annex no. 21) 5894 (annex no. 8, pt. 11) 5822 5895 (annex no. 8, pt, 11) 5823 (annex no. 1) 5896 (annex no. 20) 5824 5897 (annex no. 20) 5825 & Add.I (S/6073 & Add.1) (annex no. 12) 5898 5826 5899 (S/6202) 5827 (& Corr.1, English only) (annex no. 9) 5900 (annex no. 21) 5828 5901 (annex no. 20) 5829 (annex no. 13) 5902 (annex no. 21) 5830 5903 (annex no. 20) 5831 (GAOR, 19th sess., Annexes, Addendum 1 to agenda 5904 (annex no. 21) item 72) (annex no. 22) 5905 (annex no. 21) 5832 (GAOR, 19th sess., Annexes, Addendum 2 to agenda 5906 (annex no. 13) item 72) (annex no. 22) 5907 (annex no. 8, pt, 11) 5833 5908 (annex no. 20) 5834 & Add.l (annex no. 19) 5909 (annex no. 21) 5835 5910 (S/6229) 5836 (annex no. 7) 5911-5913 5837 (annex no. 13) 5914 (S/6356) 5838 5915 & ,Add.1(annex no. 21) 5839 (annex nr- 21) 5916 & Add.l (annex no. 21) 5840 (annex n .15) 5917 5841-5843 5844 (annex no. 4) 5845 Information Series 5846 (& corr.t, English only; Corr.2, French only) (annex no. 16) A/INF/ 5847 & Rev.L, Rev.1/Add.l 106 & Add.l, 2 5848 (annex no. 13) 107 5849 (annex no. 13) 5850 (annex no. 12) Limited Series 5850/Add.l 5851-5856 A/L. 5857 (S/6157) (& Corr.L, English only) 449 (& Corr.l, English, Russian & Spanish only; 5858 Corr.2, French only) 5859 450-456 5860 (annex no. 3) 457 (& Corr.L, English only) 5861-5866 4511-460 5867 & Corr.l 461 & Rev.l 5868-5870 5870/Rev.l (annex no. 13) Resolutions 5871 .5872 (& Corr.l, English only), Add.I A/RES/1994 (XIX) - 2007 (XIX) (GAOR, 19th sess., suppl, 5873 no. 15) 5874 (annex no. 17) 5875 (annex no. 17) 5876 (annex no. 17) Verbatim Records 5877 (annex no. 17) 5878 (annex no. 17) A/PV.1286 - 1331


Ad Hoc Committee of the Fift;l Committee General Assembly General Series

Verbatim Records A/C.5/ 1008 & Corr.1 A/AC.120/PV.1, 2 1009 (& corn.t, English only) 1010-1016 1017 & Rev.I 1018 & Corr.1 General Committee 1019 & oorr.I, 2 1020 (annex no. 18) 1021 General Series 1022 (annex no. 13) 1023 A/BUR/ 1024 & Corr.1 160 (annex no. 2) 161 (& Corn.L, Russian only) (annex no. 2) Limited Series

A/C.5/L.831 & corr.a, Add.1 Second Committee

General Series A/C.2/224 (annex no. 14) Miscellaneous Limited Series A/AC.121/INF.1 & Rev.1, 2 (annex no. 21) A/C.2/L.787 ST/SGB/128 (& Corn.L, English only)

Supplements to Official Records

No. 1 Annual report of the Secretary-Generalon the work No. 6 United Nations and its trust funds and special ac­ of the Organization, 16 Jun 1963 - 15 Jun 1964. counts. UN regular programmes of technical as­ Sep 1964. x, 148 p, (A/5801). $U.8. 2.00 (or sistance and its participation in the Expanded equivalent in other currencies) Programme of technical assistance, and the TAB. Special Fund: UN as executing agency, and the No. 1 A Introduction to the annual reportof the Secretary­ administrative budget of the Managing Director. General on the work of the Organization, 16 Jun UN Suez Canal Surcharge Operation. Special ac­ 1963 - 15 Jun 1964. Nov 1964. 11 p. (A/5801/ count of the UNEF. Ad hoc account of the UN Add.L), $U.S.0.35 (or equivalent in other cur­ Operation in the Congo. Financial report and rencies) accounts for the year ended 31Dec 1963and Report of the Board of Auditors. Jul 1964. Vii 144 p. only; No. 2 Report of the Security Council, 16 Ju11963 - 15 Jul (A/5806). $U.S.2.00 (or equivalent in other cur­ 1964. Jan 1965. ...., 137 p, (A/5802). $U.S.2.00 rencies) (or equivalent in other currencies)

No. 3 Report of the Economic and Social Council, 3 Aug No.6A United Nations Children's Fund. Financial report 1963 - 15 Aug 1964. Sep 1964. XVi, 108 p. and accounts for the year 1963 and Reports of the (A/5803). $U.S.1.50 (or equivalent in other cur­ Board of Auditors. Aug 1964. tv, 46 p, (A/5806/ rencies) Add.L), $U.8. 0.75 (or equivalent in other cur­ rencies) suppl. No. 4 Report of the Trusteeship Council, 27 Jun 1963 ­ 29 Jun 1964. Aug1964. iii, 36 p., maps. (A/5804). $'O.S. 0.50 (or equivalent in other currencies) No. 6 B UN Relief and Works Agen'}y for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. Accounts for the year ended No. 5 Budget estimates for financial year 1965 and in­ 31 Dec 1953 and Report of the Board of Auditors. formation annexes. Aug1964. vii, 173p. (A/5805). Jul 1964. iv, 23 p, (A/5806/Add.2). $U.SO.35 $U.S. 2.50 (or equivalent in other currencies) (or equivalent in other currencies)


Supplements to Official Records (contim~6d)

No. 6C Voluntal'y funds administel'ed by the UNHighCom.. No. 11A Addendum to the l'eport of the UNHCR. Jan 1966. mtssioner fOl' Refugees. Accounts fOl' the year Ui, 19 p, (A/6811/Rev.1/Add.l) $U.S.0.36 (or ended 31 Dec 19113 and Report of the Board of equivalent in other currencies) AuditOl'S. Jul 1964. v, 18 p, (A/5806/Add.3). • •• Corrigendum. 1966. 1 p. (A/68ll/Rev.1/ $U.S.0.35 (or equivalent in ot1lel' currencies) Add.1/Corr.l, French only). -( No.7 Advisory Cttee. 7th report to the General As.. sembly at its 19th session [on budge] estimatesfor No. 12 Report of the United Nations Commission for the 1965]. Aug 1964, v, 54 p. (A/5807). $U.S.0.75 Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea. Nov.1964. (or equivalent in other currencles) '-.i, 60 p, (A/5812). $U.S.0.75 (or equivalent in ••• Corrigendum. Sep1964. I p, (A/5807/Corr.1). other currencies) (English only) No.8 United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund. Annual No.13 Repol't of the Commissioner..Genel'al of the United report of th~J United Nations Joint Staff Pension Nations Relief and Worka Agency for Refugees in Board. Nov 1964. ill, 27 p, (A/5B08). $U.S.0.50 the Near East, 1 Jul1963 - 30Jun 1964. Oct 1964. (or equivalent in other currencies) viii, 42 p., map. (A/5813). $U.S.0.76 (or equiva­ lent in other currencies) No.9 Report of the International Law Commission on the work of its 16th session, 11 May., 24 Jul 1964. Dec 1964. iii, 53 p. (A/5809). $U.S.0.75 I\'Q.14 Report of the United Nations Scientific Committee (or equivalent in other currenctes) on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. oct 1964. iv, 120 p. (A/6814). $U.S.1.50 (or equivalent in other No. 10 Report of the Committee on conmbutions, Oct currencies) 1964. iii, 12 p, (A/SS10). $U.s. 0.35 (or equiva.. lent in other currencies) ••• Addendum. 30 Nov1964. Lp, (A/5S10/Add.1). No.15 Resolutions [and decisions] adoptee! by the General Assembly during its 19th session, 1 Dec 1964 ­ No. 11 Report of the United Nations High Commissioner 1 Sep 1965. Sep 1965. Sep 1965. xii, 12 p. for Refugees. oct 1964. v, 46p. (A/5811/Rev.1). (A/5816). $U.S.0.35 (or equivalent in other cur­ $U.S.0.75 (or equivalent in other currencies) rencies)

