If you would like to unsubscribe The BAVPA Beacon newsletter, please contact RON MANGUM (
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[email protected]). This letter is a great way to keep everyone informed about what’s happening in our lives; please help us to keep it going. LATEST BAVPA ALUMNI NEWS AND UPDATES Educator, Actor and Magician CONNOR GRAHAM (2011) is a Graduate Teaching Assistant/Graduate Student at Ohio State University’s ( https://theatre.osu.edu/ ) Department of Theatre. GRACE STUMBERG (2007) performs at Liberty Hound, 1 Naval Park Cove, Buffalo August 24 at 2PM and Colter Bay, 561 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo September 4 at 6PM:https://gracestumberg.com/. Educator, Saxophonist and Composer JAMES BRANDON LEWIS (2001), performs at Internationales Jazzfestival Saalfelden in Saalfelden Am Steinernen Meer, AT August 24 and Jazz Festival Willisau with Chad Taylor & JBL in Willisau, SUI September 1:http://www.jblewis.com/. Lewis’ CD, An Unruly Manifesto ( https://jamesbrandonlewis.bandcamp.com/releases ), is available for purchase. Beyonce portrayed The Lion King’s Nala Superstar singer/actress Beyonce personal and celebrity makeup artist SIR JOHN BARNETT's (2000) Luminess Cosmetic’s Limited Edition Disney The Lion King Make Up Collection commercial:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EatnkK1hNek. GoodMorningAmerica.com article, Celebrity makeup artist Sir John gave us the ultimate Lion King-inspired makeovers: https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/style/story/celebrity-makeup-artist-sir-john-gave-us-ultimate-64372697. WashingtonPost.com article, The true story behind ‘The Lion King’:https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2019/07/17/true-story-behind- lion-king/?fbclid=IwAR0YPPO34yen9c2CHfoPDJhLYK1a3ZaZGqA_tGjbsw51RHThy87R3Hru1_8&noredirect=on&utm_term=.7b8b2fd3a40c.