COMMUNITY CLASSROOM SPORTS Pet of the Ready to Palmer girls week launch win opener Page 3 Page 3 Page 7 SERVING PALMER, MONSON, BRIMFIELD, HOLLAND & WALES The Journal Register A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ February 11, 2021 ❙ Vol. CLXX, No. 3 ❙ $1.00 COMMUNITY HOMICIDE INVESTIGATED Day tripping in Western Mass.: A winter day during the pandemic By Michael Harrison
[email protected] REGION — Well, it’s going on seven months since I landed in Western Mass. and five as editor of the Register and the Journal Regis- ter. Typically, I’d know the area from Holland to Ludlow (with Wales, Brimfield, Monson and Palmer in between) like the back of my hand by now. For reasons that need no explanation (just a single word – COVID), it’s taking me a little lon- Turley Publications staff photo by Jonah Snowden ger to “learn the territory,” as our A butterfly garden at the Holland A police vehicle outside a Fox Street home where a suspected homicide friends in the sales world have put it Community Center will be nice occurred Monday morning. for centuries. to visit in spring! The center also Full disclosure: I quarantine as has a walking track, a giant out- much as possible. Until it’s safe, I door chessboard and set, offers programs and curbside meals for 1 found dead, 2 injured after TRIPPING ❙ page 6 seniors, and more. The Holland Library is working hard to offer patrons books and other me- incident at Fox St. home dia via curbside pickup and a variety of programs presented virtually.