Bike Path to Run Under BART Tracks

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Bike Path to Run Under BART Tracks WEEKEND WEATHER FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY SL Art Fest Health & Fitness Light breezes blow ARTWORK ON DISPLAY AND REDUCE YOUR RISK OF HEART SUNNY from the west HIGHS: 72-77 } FOR SALE THIS FRIDAY AND DISEASE BY EATING MORE 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 } SATURDAY ......................... 8 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES .... 9 LOWS: 57-62 SanSan LeandroLeandro TimesTimes AN INDEPENDENT HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SERVING SAN LEANDRO, ASHLAND, SAN LORENZO AND SHEFFIELD VILLAGE VOL. 27 • NO. 37 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 SAN LEANDRO • CALIFORNIA Bike Path To Run Under BART Tracks Alameda County wants path but doesn’t have $160 million that bike-ped trail would cost By Amy Sylvestri San Leandro Times You’ll be able to ride a bike of Oakland, San Leandro, Hay- on a 16-mile trail from the Lake ward, and the county because it Merritt BART Station all the way would run through the the unin- to the South Hayward BART corporated area. Station, if Alameda County finds see PATH, page 15 a way to fund a bicycle and pe- destrian pathway that runs under the BART tracks. The East Bay Greenway City Starts project is spearheaded by the Alameda County Transportation Project to Commission and would run di- rectly under the BART tracks and about 3-and-half miles of the trail Beautify would be in San Leandro. PHOTO COURTESY OF THE ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPAREMENT It cost $6.5 million to just San Leandro A fire on a second-floor apartment on 143rd Avenue was caused by candles left unattended. plan and design the trail, paid for by Alameda County Measure By Amy Sylvestri San Leandro Times BB. The actual construction is estimated at $160 million, though The city is spending over $1.6 Candle Starts Fire on 143rd Avenue the the source of that funding has million to beautify San Leandro yet to be determined. by eliminate blight and creating Alameda County firefighters responded the fire, according to Alameda County Fire A total of five single occupants from five Maintenance would be about art around town. to a second-story apartment fire one block Department spokeswoman Aisha Knowles. units were displaced and received help from $25,000 per mile annually, paid San Leandro has hired a new from Station 12 on 143rd Avenue in San The 1-alarm fire caused non-life-threat- the Red Cross, Knowles said. for by local sources. code enforcement team as part of Leandro at 12:08 a.m. on Wednesday. ening injuries to one person (burns to a hand Firefighters determined that unattended The greenway has been in a $1 million plan over the next Occupants of the apartment building and mild smoke inhalation). The fire was candles left burning in the apartment were the works since 2008 and there’s two years to erase graffiti, fix went to the fire station to notify personnel of contained to one apartment. the cause of the fire. still a lot of work to be done broken sidewalks, and clean up before construction can began, trash on the streets. The newly according to Michael Stella, an hired, 3-person code enforcement engineer with the city who gave team started their jobs on Sept. 1. the City Council an update on the The city has also allotted All-Star Lineup of Comedians to Hit project this week. over $600,000 in recent years for The project would require enhanced public arts programs, the cooperation of BART, the and a public art masterplan was The Stage in San Leandro Friday Night East Bay Regional Park District, unveiled last week. Union Pacific Railroad, the cities see BEAUTIFY, page 14 By Jim Knowles San Leandro Times Brian Copeland is bringing an Comedy Competition. INSIDE YOUR TIMES all-star lineup of comedians to the Jann Karam, who has ap- stage this Friday night at 8 p.m. peared on the Late Show, Sein- ■ MUSIC Auto ......................6 at the San Leandro Performing field and toured with Dana Car- Music show for kids coming Calendar.................4 Arts Center. vey, is in Friday nights’ lineup, to the library. Page 2 Classified Ads ........ 12 Copeland will be on stage along with Joe Klocek (Live at with eight of his funny friends Gotham and Snap Judgement), Crime ....................3 ■ who’ve performed on The To- Chip Franklin (Conan and HBO), NEWS Crossword ............. 14 San Leandro teen arraigned in night Show, Conan and Comedy Don Reed (Comedy Central and Health & Fitness .......9 drunk driving deaths. Page 3 Central. One of those Tonight 2 Broke Girls, and Ronn Vigh Homes ................. 10 Show alums, Mark Pitta, is an (Fashion Police and Switching ■ PETS Home Services ....... 12 Arroyo High grad. Political Teams). Dogs and bunnies available at Letters ................. 15 comic Will Durst will be on “It’s going to be an awesome Hayward shelter. Page 4 hand, along with Carrie Snow, show,” said Copeland. “It’s an PHOTO BY SUSAN MALJAN Lifestyle .................7 a writer for the Roseanne show all-star show of Bay Area com- Carrie Snow, a San Francisco Comedy Competition final- 38,500 EVERY THURSDAY Obituaries ............. 14 and a finalist at the San Francisco see COMEDY, page 5 ist and Roseanne writer, is coming to town for the show. THE LARGEST FREE-DELIVERED NEWSPAPER IN THE EAST BAY 2 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2017 San Leandro Times San Leandro Times Airport Offers ‘Escape’ An independent hometown newspaper serving San Leandro, Ashland, San Lorenzo and Sheffield Village During Runway Work EDITORIAL The Port of Oakland is offer- contact the following offices for Fred Zehnder Editor and Publisher ing activities while it’s rehabili- more information: Jim Knowles tating its main runway at Oakland • Residents of the City of Managing Editor International Airport for two San Leandro, call Sbeydeh [email protected] weeks through Monday, Sept. 25. Viveros-Walton, Communica- Amy Sylvestri Port staff are aware of tions & Community Relations at City Editor [email protected] noise-related concerns expressed 577-3372. Steve Schaefer by some neighbors due to the • Residents of other cities neigh- Auto Editor general construction and the boring Oakland International Air- PRODUCTION anticipated relocation of aircraft port, call Carletta Starks, Aviation Howard Morrison activity at the airport during the Planning & Development, Port of Manager project. Oakland at 627-1554. Greg Benson The Port is arranging to pro- In addition, following are Art Director vide neighbors of OAK with other contacts at OAK for proj- Moxie Morrison Assistant “escape” opportunities during ect-related matters. OPERATIONS the two-week runway closure, • For updated information about Recording artist and children’s author Jose-Luis Orozco will perform next Wednesday Claudette Morrison including tickets to local movie planned closures and airport night at the Main Library. Business Manager theaters, museums, and possibly events, call the Noise Hotline at ADVERTISING other venues. 563-6463. Display Advertising If you are one of the neigh- • For noise-related complaints José-Luis Orozco to Present a Claudette Morrison bors impacted by the Runway point of contact, call Doreen Classified Advertising 12-30 Rehabilitation Project Stockdale, Noise Office, Airport Free Bilingual Children’s Concert Patrick Vadnais and would like to utilize these Operations, Port of Oakland at “escape” opportunities, please 563-2881. The San Leandro Main Li- At age 8, he became a mem- Infantil series (Latin American HOW TO REACH US brary, 300 Estudillo Ave., will ber of the Mexico City Boys’ Children’s Music) and written San Leandro Times host a free musical performance Choir, and traveled the world award-winning bilingual books, 2060 Washington Ave. San Leandro, California 94577 Learn About 4-H with José-Luis Orozco, acclaimed visiting 32 countries in Europe, including De Colores, Diez Ded- bilingual educator, children’s the Caribbean, Central and South itos, and Fiestas, that present Office hours: Weekdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. At Open House author, and recording artist on America, gaining the cultural a collection of songs, rhymes, Main Office: (510) 614-1555 Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m. knowledge he now shares with lullabies, and games from various Newsroom: (510) 614-1557 Come see what 4-H is all The program has been teach- All ages are welcome to at- children through his books and Spanish-speaking countries. Sports: (510) 614-1561 Rin, Rin, Rin, Do, Advertising: (510) 614-1555 about at our open house infor- ing responsibility, organization tend this Family Fun Night and recordings. His book, Classified: (510) 614-1558 mation night Thursday, Sept. 14, and leadership for over 100 years. sing, dance, clap, and enjoy as At age 19, Orozco moved to Re, Mi, is a lyrical bilingual Fax: (510) 483-4209 at 7 p.m. at the Canyon Middle Other opportunities include Jose-Luis sings traditional Latin California and earned his bache- (English and Spanish) children's Email: [email protected] School cafeteria in Castro Valley. involvement for the whole family American Children’s songs. lor's degree from the University book which shows how everyday Boys and girls are welcome, ages if desired, lifelong friendships, Orozco has dedicated his of California, Berkeley, and a family activities such as cooking, 5 to 18. weekend retreats about govern- life to creating bilingual music, master’s degree in multicultural singing, reading and storytelling California Besides animal projects (rab- ment and leadership, outrageous books, and videos for children. education from the University of foster essential early literacy Newspaper Publishers bits, horse, sheep, poultry), 4-H summer camp opportunities, Born in Mexico City, Orozco San Francisco. skills such as letter recognition Association has needle works, archery, fish- teamwork, public speaking, grew fond of music at a young Over the past 40 years, and language development.
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