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Index 6

Page numbers in bold italics indicate an Bathurst, NSW 29, 79–86;1833 map of 83; illustration Bowling Club 82; Darwin’s description of 82, 84, 86; Darwin’s ride to 79–82; Machattie Aborigines, Australian: Darwin’s encounter Park, 82; military barracks 82, 83; military with, near Penrith 40–2; skill with spears 41; personnel at 82; plains 82; site of Aboriginal effect of European settlement on 41–2, 67; ‘war’ 41 hold a corroboree 165–7, 166; in Tasmania Battery Point, Hobart 123, 125, 134, 139 126–30; in King George Sound 164–7; P.G. Bay of Islands, 17, 18 King (Jnr)’s comments on 202 Bayly, Mr 200 Adventure 3, 5, 15 beach, upraised, Tas. 140 Albany: sketch of 162; Strawberry Hill, Old Beagle, H.M.S. xi, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 18, 25, 90, Farm 161–4, 163 94, 99, 104, 146, 158, 164, 165, 191, 205, alcohol: effects on Aborigines 41; importance in 207; sketches of 12, 13; first surveying voyage colony 35 3–4; second surveying voyage 4–6, 11; amphitheatre, grand (Jamison Valley) 50, 52, 89 instructions for second voyage 5–6; obtaining animals: Hobart 153–4, 153; King George a connected chain of longitudes 5–6, 146; Sound 168, 169, 170, 171, 171; Wallerawang arrives in 21; departs Sydney for 66, 66, 72–4, 73 Hobart 119; arrives in Hobart 123; delayed anniversaries, Charles Darwin xi leaving Hobart 148; departs Hobart 156; anniversary, 150th of Darwin’s visit to Blue arrives King George Sound 157–8; delayed by Mountains 52 bad weather 173; runs aground 173; departs Anniversary day (26th January 1836) 94 King George Sound 173; third surveying ant-lion passage in Darwin’s diary 75–9, 75 voyage 98, 191–2; Martens’ memories of 189 Archer, David 65 Beagle, grey horse of P.P. King 93 Armstrong, Dr Patrick xiii, 167, 168 Beagle Record, The, Richard Keynes 17, 191 Augusta Road, Hobart 145 Beaufort, Francis 4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 118, 205; letter Australia, population limits 105–6 from P.P. King re FitzRoy 120; weather code Australia Zoo, Beerwah, Qld 193 6, 7; wind scale 6, 7 Australian Agricultural Company 94, 177, 181, Bedlam Point ferry, NSW 99 194–5, 197–9 beetle collecting 117, 147 Bellerive, Tas. 132 Bald Head, WA 159, 167, 168, 173 Benedictine Priory, Sydney 98 Banks, Dr Max xv, 131, 135, 138, 147, 152 birds (in Blue Mountans and Wallerawang) 69, barnacles 155, 172, 180–1,182–3, 199 70, 71 Barossa Road, Hobart 145 Birds of Australia xii, 69 barracks, Bathurst 82 Bischoff, James, Sketch of the History of Van Barton, Edwin 61 Diemen’s Land 127, 128 Barton Park, NSW 61 Black Line, the 128–30, 152 Bashir, Professor Marie 61 Blackheath, NSW 53–5, 89


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Blinking Billy Point, Tas. 134 177; letters from Darwin 178–86; as gold Blue Mountains xi, 35, 39, 44, 46, 47; Darwin’s prospector 181–2; settles in Pambula, NSW speculation on 50–2, 57–60; geological 181; new house in Pambula, NSW 184; collections in 68; geology, Darwin’s comments collects barnacles for Darwin 180–1; deafness on 50–2, 55–60; Martens’ views of 51, 55 186; death 186 Botanic Gardens, Sydney 29, 29 Covington, Syms, artwork: Entrance to the River Bourke, Richard (Governor of NSW) 46 Derwent, showing the lighthouse 122; sketch Bowenfels, NSW 60, 88, 89 of Albany 161, 162 Boyles, William 50 Covington’s Retreat restaurant, Pambula, NSW brachiopods, 133, 134, 145, 152 184 Bridge Street, Sydney: site of Conrad Martens’ Cox, William 49 first studio xi, 26, 104, 186 Cox’s River, NSW 57, 61, 72–4, 79 , Qld 2, 192 crawler, Darwin’s definition of 81 Brown, Robert 138 creation, Darwin’s speculation on 75–9 Brown(e), Andrew 63–5, 73 Cumberland Street, Sydney 186 bulimoid land shells 155, 172 Cunningham, Alan 98 Burford, R., panorama of Hobart 125, 125, 126 bushfires 68, 89 Dale, R., panorama of King George Sound 158–9 bushranger, Darwin’s definition of 81 Darling, Sir Ralph 102 Darlington Limestone, Tas. 152 Caldwell, William 74 Darwin, NT, naming of 192 Callaghan, David (Hobart shipwright) 132 Darwin, Caroline: letters to 15, 18–20 Camden Park, NSW 96, 191 Darwin, Catherine: letters to 15, 143–4 carab beetles 147–8 Darwin, Charles: anniversary xi; Diary xiii; Carter, Jane Brackenbury 187 notebook, Sydney/Mauritius xii; geological chain gangs 35, 36 diaries xiii; zoological diaries xiii; Hobart Chambers, Robert 79 field notes xii; King George Sound field notes Chancellor, Dr Gordon xii, xiii, 131 xiii; education in Edinburgh 8–9; sent to Charles Darwin Cliff, Hobart 134 Cambridge 9; proposed as companion for Charles Darwin Walk, Wentworth Falls 52 Beagle voyage 8, 9; early friendship with Chetwode, Captain Richard 82, 86 FitzRoy 13–15; sea-sickness 19, 143, 146; chronometer readings 11, 19, 146 visit to Sydney and environs 21–120; laments chronometers 4–5, 6, 100–1, 191 lack of letters 25, 114; initial impressions of Cirripedia Sydney 27; aim of excursion from Sydney See barnacles 30; comments on Australian trees 36, 38–9; Clarke, Rev. William Branwhite 187, 195, speculation on creation 75–9; definitions 208–9; memorial sermon for P.P. King 197; of squatter, settler, crawler, bushranger 81; response to Origin of Species 187 distances travelled during Bathurst trip 90; Clwydd, vale of, NSW 60, 89 ill in bed in Blue Mountains 90; impressions Collinsvale, Hobart 145 of 104–15; compares New convergent evolution 76 South Wales with USA 105; thoughts on convicts 35, 36, 104, 106–7, 142, 143; at emigrating to New South Wales 105; buys Wallerawang 64–5; Darwin’s comments on two paintings from Martens 108; on FitzRoy 64–5 113; visit to Tasmania 121–56; 27th birthday corroboree, King George Sound, WA 165–7, 166 136, 139; dines with George Frankland in Covington, Syms xiv, 2, 10, 11, 30, 116, Hobart 139, 145; thoughts on emigration to 117, 122, 172, 176–86, 176, 201, 208; Hobart 142; homesick 144; on sailors 146; appointment as Darwin’s servant 10; extract very keen on beetle collecting 147; anticipates from diary 136; climbs Mount Wellington scientific work upon return to 147; 136; assists Darwin after return to England falls asleep under tree at New Norfolk, Tas. 176, 208; copyist for Darwin 179; letters 149; comments on King George Sound 164–5; of reference from Darwin 176–7; emigrates excursion to Bald Head, King George Sound to Australia 176; marries Eliza Twyford 167–8; farewell remarks to Australia 173, 174,

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174; marries Emma Wedgwood 208; writes Elizabeth Bay House, Sydney 96, 194 references for Covington 176–7; concern with Elizabeth Farm, NSW 96 prospects for his children 180–1; ill-health emancipists, Darwin’s comments on 104–5 179, 184; reads every book on Australia 182; Emu Ferry, NSW 32, 35, 39, 90; tolls paid by Natural Selection (the book that was never Darwin 44 finished) 183; death of son Charles 185; Essay on the Principle of Population, Thomas daughter Henrietta ill with diphtheria 185; Malthus 42 work on Origin of Species 184–5; letter to eucalyptus trees 36, 38–9, 160 Conrad Martens 189; correspondence with Evans, George 179 P.G. King (Jnr) 199–204; sends photograph evolution, convergent 76 to P.G. King (Jnr) 201; photograph 209; later publications 210; death of 210; burial in Fern Tree, Hobart 135 Westminster Abbey 210; memorial plaques Ferntree Mudstone, Tas. 133, 135 to: Wentworth Falls 52; Wallace Lake 61; ferries across Derwent River, Tas. 132, 140 Machattie Park, Bathurst 82 ffarington, Richard Atherton, Corroboree, Darwin, Dr Erasmus 8; ‘Hope’s Visit to Sydney Southwest of Western Australia 166 Cove’ 110–13 Fish River, NSW 88 Darwin, Erasmus Alvey 8 FitzRoy, Charles (Governor of NSW) 206 Darwin, Francis 203–4 Fitzroy, Robert xiv, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, Darwin, Susan: letters to 18, 25, 30, 107–13 14, 92, 99–100, 101, 102, 103, 148, 149, 186, Darwin’s tortoise 193–4 191, 205–8; personality of 113, 189, 190; Darwin tree, Pitt Park, NSW 49, 50 religious beliefs of 15; and the Fuegians 4, de Falbe, Emmeline 99 41, 109; instructions from Admiralty 4–6; Deering, Ellen 193 first use of Beaufort’s wind scale and weather Derwent River, Tas. 122, 133–4; ferries 132; code 6, 205; and meteorology 6; choice of geology 123 Darwin as companion 6–7; letter to Darwin diseases: tragic effect of Europeans on natives describing Martens 13–15; early friendship 41–4 with Darwin 13–15; purchase and sale of dolerite dyke, near Hobart 145 Unicorn 15; letter introducing Martens to Domain, Sydney 29 P.P. King 16, 92; disagreement with P.P. Down House, Kent xii, xiv, 32, 208 King 99–103, 118–20; takes chronometers to drought 86 101; complimentary remarks on Duff, William H. (of 21st Regiment) 156 P.G. King (Jnr) 101–2; assessment of Darwin’s dung beetles, Tasmanian 155; rapid adaptation health 118; comments on Sydney 118; buys of 155–6 painting from Martens 119; letter to Thomas Dunheved, NSW 18, 26, 84, 90, 91, 92, 99, 103, Mitchell 118–19; assessment by P.P. King 120; 196; Darwin’s visit to 94–9; demolition of 98 impressions of King George Sound 160–2; life after Beagle 205–8; publication of Narrative Eaglehawk Neck, Tas. 152 43, 113, 120, 191, 205; Governor of New Earle, Augustus xi, xii, 3, 10, 11, 115, 191, 149; Zealand 179, 206; wins Royal Geographical earlier life 9–10; stranded on Tristan da Society medal 205; FRS 206–7; instigates Cunha 9, 149; arrives in Van Diemen’s Land weather forecasts 207; publication of Weather 9; arrives in Sydney 9–10; studio in George Book 207; reaction to Origin of Species 207; St 10; returns to England 10; appointed as death of wife 207; death of 208 Beagle’s artist 9–10; leaves Beagle 11–12; Fitzroy Gardens, Hobart 135 Darwin’s impressions of 15; panorama of Flinders Peninsula, Tas. 167, 168 Hobart xi, 126, 126–7; engraving of Crossing Forest Oak Inn, Pambula, NSW 183 the Line 191; engraving of view of San Forestier Peninsula, Tas. 129 Salvador, Bahia 191 Forsyth, Charles 192 Earle, Augustus, artwork: self-portrait on fossils, collected in Australia by Darwin 131, Tristan da Cunha 10; A Government Jail 133, 134, 134, 145, 152 Gang 36; panorama of Hobart 126–7 Fox, William Darwin 117; letter from Darwin Edinburgh, Darwin’s experiences in 8–9 146–8

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Frankland, George 3, 136, 145; map of Van Hughes, Mr 84, 89 Diemen’s Land 137; hosts dinner for Darwin Hume, James 187 139, 145; provides Darwin with rocks and hunting, Darwin’s attitude to 65 fossils 150 Huon River, Tas. 151–2 Froggatt, W.W. 49 Huonville, Hobart 135 frogs 116, 168, 169 Huxley, Thomas Henry 98, 207 Fuegians 4, 41 Hyacinth 12, 16

Galapagos Islands 18, 115 inns, Darwin’s comment on 89 Galapagos tortoise 193–4 insects: ant-lion at Wallerawang 75–7, 75; Gardiner, Andrew 53–4, 107 species collected in Sydney 117, 117; species Gardner’s Inn, Blackheath 53, 53–5, 54 collected in Hobart 155, 155–6; species geology: Darwin’s interest in 19, 31, 39, 68, 79, collected in King George Sound 171, 172 146–7; Darwin’s notes on 39–40; collections Iron Cove Creek, NSW 99 68, 82, 150–1; Blue Mountains, Darwin’s Iron Pot Light, Derwent River, Tas. 122, 122 account of 50–2, 55–60; Wolgan, Darwin’s Irwin, Steve 193 comments on 68; O’Connell plains 88; itinerary: Sydney to Bathurst 31, 33–4, 37, 48, Tasmania, Darwin’s incorrect comments 62–3, 80, 81; Hobart to New Norfolk 150–1 on 123; Derwent River 123; Hobart and environs 130–40, 145, 149–52; New Norfolk Jamison Creek 49, 50, 52 149 Jamison Valley 51, 51–2, 89; Darwin’s gold rush in Australia, Darwin’s comments on description of 50, 52 181–2 Jones, Mr J.B. 26 Goonoo Goonoo, NSW 198, 198, 199, 203 Juno, HMS 195, 196 Gould, John xii, 66, 69, 70, 73, 74 Government Domain, Hobart 138 Kangaroo hunt: King George Sound 160; Government House, Parramatta, NSW 94, 100, Wallerawang 65, 84 101, 102 Kangaroo Point, Tas. 132, 140 Government Resident, Moreton Bay, Qld 192 Kelso 87; Holy Trinity church 84–5, 85 Governor Arthur (Derwent River ferry) 132 Keynes, Richard 17, 191 Governor Bourke Inn, NSW 35 King, Anna Josepha 101, 102 Govett’s Leap, NSW 55, 56; Darwin’s King, Essington 26, 102, 103 description of view from 55–7 King, Harriet 102, 103, 196 Grantham, North Sydney 195 King, Jonathan 200 Great North Road, NSW 99 King, Philip Gidley (Jnr) 2, 10, 11, 16, 99–100, Greenway, Francis, Macquarie Light 22, 22 101, 102, 103, 181, 197–204; biographical Grose Valley, Darwin’s description of 55–7 details 11, 26, 197–204; sketches of Beagle 12, 13; arrival back in Sydney 26; sketch of Hackforth-Jones, Jocelyn, 191 Dunheved 91; letter from FitzRoy 103; leaves Harriet (Galapagos tortoise) 193–4 Beagle 103, 119–20; works on Narrative 119– Harrison, John 5 20; marries Elizabeth Macarthur 98, 198; Hartley, NSW 65 correspondence with Darwin 199–204; views Hassan’s Walls 60, 88 on Origin of Species 199–200; death of 204 Henslow, John Stevens 8, 9, 107, 209; Darwin’s King, Philip Gidley (Snr) 11, 92, 101 letter to 114–6 King, Phillip Parker 2, 3, 11, 16, 84, 89, 90, 92, Herald, HMS 196 92, 92–4, 96, 99–100, 103, 118, 158, 160, Hobart xi, 6, 9; field notes xii, xv; panorama of 177, 186, 191, 194–7, 204, 205, 206; surveys 124, 125, 126, 126–7; Darwin’s impressions for Royal Navy 3, 92; Commander of first of 142–4; lizards 153–4; snakes 154; and Beagle voyage 3, 5, 11; relationship with environs, geology 130–40, 145, 149–52 FitzRoy 16; letter of reference for Martens Holy Trinity church, Kelso, NSW 84–5, 85 from FitzRoy 14, 92; buys Martens painting Houison, James (builder) 96 17; farm at Dunheved 18; Darwin’s letters to Howrah Point, Tas. 132 84, 177; Darwin’s visit to 90, 92; horse called

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‘Beagle’ 93; working on Narrative 90, 99; maps, contemporary with Darwin’s visit: NSW disagreement with FitzRoy 100–3, 119; writes 1834 by Thomas Mitchell 30, 31, 118; to Beaufort, with assessment of FitzRoy’s Bathurst 1833 by Thomas Mitchell 83; Van health 120; life after Darwin’s visit 194–7; Diemen’s Land by George Frankland 137; scientific activities 195; interest in weather King George Sound 1835 159 195; death and funeral 195–6 Maria Island, Tasmania 151–2 King, Rev. Robert Lethbridge 196 marsupials, Australia, effect of European King George Sound xiii, 6, 157–74; field notes settlement on 67 xiii; panorama 158–9; 1835 map 159; Martens, Conrad xi, xii, 3, 12–18, 26, 44, 55, FitzRoy’s comments on 160; Darwin’s 92, 186–91, 192, 195, 209; appointment to comments on 164–5; Darwin’s unfavourable Beagle 12–15; FitzRoy’s initial impressions impressions of 173 of 13–15; Darwin’s impressions of 15; Kirby, W. 75 Beagle sketchbooks 17, 191; leaves Beagle Kissing Point (Ryde), NSW 99 16; letter of reference from FitzRoy 16; Knopwood Hill, Tas. 133 arrives in Sydney 17; studio in Bridge Street Krefft, Gerard 209 Sydney xi, 104; account book 55, 109; painting of Govets Leap not located 55; Lansdowne bridge, NSW 94 visit to Dunheved 92; paintings bought by Larkum, Kendall 5 Darwin 108–111, 187; letter from Darwin Leaman, David xv, 131, 135, 147 189; sells painting to FitzRoy 119; travels Leichhardt, Ludwig 98 to Port Stephens 187; travels to Queensland Lennox, David 46; Lansdowne bridge 94 187; letter to Darwin 189; sends painting to Lennox Bridge, Mitchell’s Pass, NSW 46 Darwin 189; warden of St Thomas, North Lime Kilns, Hobart 136 Sydney 187; carves font for St Thomas, North Limestone Head, King George Sound 168 Sydney 187; donates Communion vessels to Linnean Society of New South Wales 181 St Thomas, North Sydney 187; death of 190–1 Liversidge, Archibald 203 Martens, Conrad: artworks: self-portrait lizards: Sydney 116; Hobart 153–4, 153 14; Beagle off Mt. Sarmiento 17; Sydney Lockyer, Edmund 88 Lighthouse 22; Entrance to Port Jackson 22; Lockyer’s line 88, 89 Sydney 1836 23; Harbour Scene Showing Long Beach, Hobart 134 Fort Macquarie 24; H.M.S. Beagle Sydney longitude 4–5, 6; estimation at Hobart 142 25; Bridge Street 27; In the Domain 29; View Lyell, Charles 59, 185 of Parramatta 34; Penrith Road 38; Bluegum 40; Emu Ferry 45; Lennox Bridge, Lapstone Macarthur daughters 26, 94, 98 Hill, Mitchell’s Pass 47; Jamieson Valley 51; Macarthur, Anna Maria 26, 96, 103, 198 Fall at Weatherboard 55; Valley of the Grose Macarthur, Annie Maria 101; marries J.C. 58; Victoria Pass 61; Cox’s River 72; Bathurst Wickham 98; death of 192 from the west 83; View of Dunheved 91; Macarthur, Elizabeth (daughter of James and Vineyard 95; Hauling the Boats up the Rio Emily) 191 Santa Cruz 108, 110; The Beagle in Murray Macarthur, Elizabeth (daughter of Hannibal Narrow 109, 111; Old St Thomas’s Church, and Anna Maria) 101; marries P.G. King North Sydney 188; sketch of Rockleigh (Jnr) 98, 198 Grange 188; View of Brisbane 189, 190; View Macarthur, Emmeline 99 from Bulimba 193; Tahlee 194; The Funeral Macarthur, Hannibal 3, 26, 94–5, 94, 96, of Rear-Admiral 1856 100–3, 192, 198 196; Stroud House 197; Goonoo Goonoo 198 Macarthur, John 96 medallion, Sydney Cove 110–3, 112 Macarthur, Sir William 183 Mellersh, Arthur 193; visits Down House 201 Machattie Park, Bathurst, NSW 82 meteorological records 6, 7 Macleay, Alexander 96–7, 176, 194 Mills, John 50 Macleay, William Sharp 176, 194, 208 missionaries, Darwin’s defence of 115–16 Malthus, Thomas 42 Mitchell, Major Thomas Livingstone 3, 46, 56, Mammals of Australia, The xii 57, 60, 118; 1834 map of NSW 30, 31, 118;

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survey of part of Emu Plains 46; new road Parramatta, NSW 5, 18, 32, 35, 94, 196; up Blue Mountains 46, 47; Victoria Pass 60, Observatory 100, 101; Old Government House 61; letter from FitzRoy 118–19; 1833 plan of 102 Bathurst 83; letter from Darwin enclosing Parramatta River xi, 96, 98, 99, 101 ‘curious stone’ 177 parrots, at Wallerawang, NSW 69, 70, 71 Mitchell’s Pass, NSW 46 Peel River Land and Mining Company 198 Moneypenny, Lieutenant R.H. 82 Penrith, NSW xi, 18, 35, 84 Moreton Bay, Qld 181, 192 ‘petrified’ trees, Bald Head, WA 167–8 Mornington Hill, Tas. 133 Phillip, Arthur 94, 110–11 Mortimers Bay, Tas. 140 pits, ant-lion 75 Mount Clarence, Albany 158, 160, 163 Pitt Park, Wentworth Falls, NSW 49, 50 Mount Darwin, Tierra del Fuego 109 platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) 72–4, 73, 84 Mount Lambie, NSW 60, 79 Point Piper, NSW 24 Mount Melville, Albany 160 Polack, Abraham 28 Mount Victoria, NSW 60, 89 Port Darwin, named in honour of Darwin 192 Mount Wellington, Hobart 123, 145; ascent of Port Essington, NT 192 134, 135, 136 Port Jackson, NSW 5, 21, 22 Moyal, Ann 209 Port Stephens, NSW 181, 194, 198 Mudstone, Ferntree 135 Porter Hill, Tas. 134 Mulgrave Battery, Hobart 123, 125 pot houses (pubs) 35 Murray, John 78 Prince Regent’s Glen, NSW 50 Murray Narrow, Tierra del Fuego 109 Princess Royal Harbour, King George Sound 158, 161, 167, 168 National Trust of Australia (NSW) 102 Prosser Bay, Tas. 129 National Trust of Australia (WA) 163, 164 Punt Road, Gladesville, NSW 99 native populations, effect of European settlement on 42–4 Quamby Bluff, Tas. 129, 152 Nepean River, NSW 35, 39, 44 quarry, Hobart 136; limestone, at Barossa Road, Neptunian dyke, Tasmanian 138 Hobart 145 New Norfolk, Tas.: Darwin falls asleep under tree 149; geology 149 Rainbow 126 New South Wales, Darwin’s comments on Ralphs Bay, Tas. 140 104–15 Rattlesnake, HMS 98 New Town, Hobart 145 Readford, Thomas 50 Newstead, Brisbane 192, 193 Retreat, The, Pambula, NSW 183–4, 184 notebook, Sydney/Mauritius xii, 31, 32 rhizoconcretions, Bald Head, WA 167–8 roads, NSW 32, 35–6 O’Brien, Maria Henrietta 205 Robinson, George Augustus 128, 130 O’Connell plains, NSW 88 Rockleigh Grange, North Sydney 187, 188 oak, evergreen (Darwin tree) 49, 50 Ryan, Lyndall, on Tasmanian Aborigines 130 Observatory, Parramatta 5, 18, 100, 101 Rydal, NSW 60 Old Farm, Strawberry Hill, Albany 158, 159, Ryde (Kissing Point), Sydney 99 161–4, 163 Origin of Species 2, 185, 199, 202, 208–9; Sailors’ Home (Vineyard) 98 Darwin’s work on 183; Clarke’s response Sally Ann 173 to 187; Martens’ response to 189; effect on Sandy Bay, Hobart 125, 134; Sandy Bay rivulet, FitzRoy 207 Hobart 135 Oxford debate 207, 208 Santa Cruz River, Patagonia 108–9 Oyster Cove, Tas. 130 Scotch Thistle Inn, Blackheath, NSW 53, 53 Secheron, Hobart 125, 139, 139 Pambula, NSW 10, 181, 183 Sedgwick, Professor Adam 9, 209 panorama: of Hobart xi 124, 125, 126, 126–7; of settler, Darwin’s definition of 81; Darwin’s King George Sound 158–9 comments on 81, 88–9, 104–5

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sheep 63–4, 65, 104, 105, 200 Tolosa Street, Hobart 145 shells, Sydney 116; Hobart 155; King George Tristan da Cunha 9 Sound 172 Truganini 130 Shoobridge’s limekiln, Hobart 136 Turnip Fields, Hobart 135 Sketch of the History of Van Diemen’s Land, Twyford, Eliza 177 Bischoff, James 127, 128 snakes 116, 154 upraised beach, Tas. 140 Snodgrass Kenneth 101, 103 Sorell, Tas. 129 Vale of Clwydd 60, 89 South Creek, Penrith, NSW 92 Van Diemen’s Land Society 136 Spencer, Sir Richard 3, 161–4, 173 Vancouver Peninsula, King George Sound 167 squatter, Darwin’s definition of 81 Verge, John (architect) 96 St Mary Magdalene, St Marys, NSW 196, 204 Victoria Pass, Blue Mountains, NSW 60, 61, 89 St Michael’s Collegiate School, Hobart 141, 141 Vineyard, Parramatta NSW 95, 96, 97, 103; St Patricks Head, Tas. 129 Darwin attends lunch party 94–9; colonnade St Thomas, North Sydney 187, 188, 195 97; description of life at 98; visited by St Thomas Rest Park, North Sydney 190 Beagle’s crew on third surveying voyage 192; Stanley, Owen 98 becomes Subiaco 98; demolition of 98 Stephen, Alfred 3, 140–1, 142, 143, 144 volcano, extinct, Hobart 134 Stephenville, Hobart 141, 141 Stokes, John Pringle 3, 192 Walker, James 60–1, 84 Storm Bay, Tas. 122 Wallace, Alfred Russel 184, 185, 208 Strawberry Hill, Old Farm, Albany 158, 159, Wallace Lake, NSW 61, 64 161–4, 163 Wallerawang, NSW 60, 72–4 Stroud, NSW 177, 181, 197, 198 warehouses, Hobart 123, 124, 125 Strzelecki, Paul Edmund de 98, 195; on weather forecasts, FitzRoy instigates 207 Tasmanian Aborigines 128–9, 130 Weatherboard 49, 89; Hut 49; Inn 49, 50, 53, Subiaco, Sydney 98 71, 89 Sulivan, Bartholomew James 193, 207; visits Wedgwood, Emma, 208 Down House 201 Wedgwood, Josiah 110–13 Sullivans Cove, Hobart 123 Wentworth Falls, NSW 49–50, 52 Surprise (Derwent River ferry) 132 Western Tiers, Tas. 129 Swan River colony 158 Wickham, John Clements 2, 15, 102, 103, 180, Sydney xi, 6; and environs 21–120; bookshops 181, 191–4, 198; commands Beagle’s third 104; Heads 17; Harbour 23; 1835 map of 27 surveying voyage 191–2; marries Annie Sydney Cove 99; medallion 110–13, 112; Beagle Macarthur 98, 192; visits Down House with arrives 24, 25 Sulivan and Mellersh 193, 201; death of 193 Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel 207 17, 115 Wilson, Captain (owner of Hobart foundry) 132 Tahlee, NSW 194, 194 Wilson Park, Wentworth Falls, NSW 52 Tarana, NSW 88 wind scale, Beaufort’s 6, 7 Tasman Peninsula, 129 Wolgan Valley, NSW 57, 68; Darwin’s geological Tasmania 121–56 comments on 68 tektite, flanged-button 177 wool 64, 104, 105, 144, 194 Terry, Samuel 28–9 Woolloomooloo 24 Tierra del Fuego 3, 4, 109; natural history of 90, 94 Zouch, Lieutenant Henry 82

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