28 Food & Wine 30 Business 18 Calendar New and Notable: Wild Wild Web: May Events: Make Mother’s Castagna’s return 13 Yelp’s dilemma 10 Day memorable with sailing, cooking classes, flower events, Real Estate Pet Pages and more. Or check out the Yerba Affordability: Homeless dogs: Buena Gardens Festival, wine fes- Housing expert A tragedy waiting tivals, and a plethora of other Andre Shashaty 28 to happen 30 exciting events. 18

WWW.MARINATIMES.com Celebrating our 30th Year Volume 30 Issue 5 MAY 2014 Growing pains How much is too much San Francisco?

by john zipperer

This is the first of a four-part series exploring the growth of San Francisco.

he downtown-bound BART train was particularly full one recent morning, when yet another group of commuters boarded at Ta station. Among them was a man in his early 40s, Where is Coach Jim Harbaugh leading the 49ers? who immediately began complaining loudly about photo: adam rifkin / flickr all of the “[bleeping] tech workers filling up my city.” As surrounding commuters tried to look away, one office-bound commuter began arguing with the new- comer, demanding to know what his problem was. There ensued a diatribe by the 40-something, who Are the San Francisco complained about San Francisco being ruined by new residents. There were lots of bleeps, as well as a threat to fight the man who dared to question him. Across San Francisco, conversations in much nicer 49ers a bunch of thugs? tones have been taking place for months and even years, with longtime residents wondering about the by susan dyer reynolds some felons?” The title referenced the That same year, rumors started flying changes occurring around them in their city. many criminals playing in the National about the San Francisco 49ers picking In the 1960s and 1970s, people in America’s metropo- enise York once told me Football League. At that time, 21 per- up Michael Vick, a talented but psycho- lises worried about dying cities. The flight of population to the team wouldn’t sell their cent of NFL players had been charged pathic quarterback who spent nearly suburbs was draining cities of people, money and vitality. soul to the devil to win with at least one serious offense — two years in prison for his role as the Racial conflict, high crime rates, economic troubles, and a Dgames, but in the Harbaugh era, I’m including murder, rape, domestic vio- kingpin of a multistate dog-fighting rising cost of living combined to make it a common worry not so sure. lence, sale of narcotics, drunk driving, operation where he ritualistically and that our cities were a thing of the past; people wanted the big In February of 2011, I penned an edi- hit and run, and assault and battery — sadistically tortured and killed dogs lawns and wide driveways of suburbia or exurbia. And cities tor’s note for Northside San Francisco and there were 30 convicted felons on by hanging, drowning, pulling all their went through a very rough time; cities became synonymous magazine called “Are you ready for the gridiron with the league’s blessing. thugs, continued on 21 growing pains, continued on 4

Sketches from North Beach Reynolds Rap No roomservice at the inn Movers, shakers There’s no front desk at Airbnb

by susan dyer reynolds booked through Airbnb, where’s and Broadway’s the front desk? couple of years ago Airbnb has been in the news we were visiting Los a lot lately, mostly because Angeles and our usual some San Francisco tenants, China marketplace Ahotel was booked solid. At the unaware of the city’s ban on last minute, we took a room at short-term rentals, are being by ernest beyl and those of various combina- a motel on the border of ritzy evicted by their landlords for tions, that come to mind. Santa Monica and eclectic Venice listing their apartments on the ho are the real John Duggan Jr., proprietor of Beach. Things started off just site. On the other side of the movers and shakers in Original Joe’s, has brought con- fine, but about midnight the coin, some San Francisco prop- North Beach? Let’s see siderable economic and social guests in the room next door erty owners are unscrupulously Wif we can run down a few of them vitality to the old neighborhood decided to throw a party. After evicting long-term tenants to for you. And I believe it’s important in a quiet and understated man- awakening to breaking glass and take advantage of the same hot to realize that not all movers are ner. John is six-foot-seven and loud laughter for the third time, short-term rental market. Chiu, shakers. And, it figures, that not he’s a mover — but doesn’t shake we called the front desk. Within San Francisco Board of who really should have his title all shakers are movers. There are things up with false authority. minutes, security was pounding Supervisors President David Chiu changed to “San Francisco movers and shakers who move and Stefano Cassolato is big and on our neighbors’ door, and they photo: board of supervisors Property Manager,” wants to shake and get things done. Then bluff and hearty with a friendly, were warned to keep it down. stick his nose where it doesn’t there are shakers who shake like bear-paw handshake. When I It worked for about 30 minutes, I was reminded of that story belong and tell building own- hell but don’t move a damned thing. use the word “bluff” to describe and then it started again, so we after reading about Board of ers what they can and cannot And, of course, there are movers Stefano, I don’t use it in the sense called the front desk once more. Supervisors President David do with their property. This who simply move things forward by of “pretense” or “subterfuge,” This time, security showed up Chiu’s legislation to make it isn’t a new interest for Chiu: their presence and don’t need to do but rather in the sense of being and told the partiers to pack up easier for tenants to rent out he’s currently involved in lease any frantic shaking. frank, and at times outspoken. and get out. The next morning, their places through the online negotiations with businesses Stefano is a registered lobbyist the motel’s manager apologized short-term rental company along the Broadway Corridor MOVERS AND SHAKERS — a fixer — who specializes in profusely and gave us certificates Airbnb, and my first thought in North Beach, where he also Here are a few examples of gaining the necessary city busi- for a couple of free breakfasts at a was; if you have a problem with wants to impose an alcohol North Beach movers and shakers, sketches, continued on 9 nearby cafe. loud partiers next door who airbnb, continued on 6 www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 1 Contents TOP TEN STEAKS IN AMERICA

Osso Steakhouse — 1177 California Street, San Francisco, CA In This Issue Bobo’s — 1450 Lombard, San Francisco, CA 14 24 Peter Luger Steakhouse — 178 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY Bern’s Steakhouse — 1208 South Howard Avenue, Tampa, FL CUT — 9500 Wilshire Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA Emeril’s Delmonico — 3355 South Las Vegas Boulevard, Las Vegas, NV Mario Batali’s Carnevino — 3325 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Las Vegas, NV Chicago Cut — 300 North LaSalle, Chicago, IL 17 The Precinct — 311 Delta Avenue, Cincinnati, OH Elway’s Cherry Creek — 2500 East First Avenue, Denver, CO

News Calendar A place for young people May events News Briefs reports on Chicago’s love for Does Mom like theater? Take her to George Lucas, Muni prices, and more; plus Dracula. Is she up for dancing her letters to the editors. 3 Mother’s Day away to funk and jazz? There’s plenty to do for mother, yourself, Community and your family this month. 18 S.F. benefits from open data Sports Supervisor Mark Farrell sees big benefits from the city pushing open data. 7 Go Giants in 2014 Steve Hermanos chats with your San Street Beat Francisco Giants inside the clubhouse. 20 Northsider’s radar At Home The Northsider highlights a unique Mother’s Day commemoration, an acu- House and home and family puncture facelift practicioner, some new Thalia Farshchian says lay off the sugar; online companies, and much more. 8 in the final installment of her “mom- preneurs” series, Liz Farrell introduces Business & Finance us to One Less Thing founder Rebecca Hammett; and Julia Strzesieski gives com- PHOTOS: MISHA BRUK The Wild Wild Web posting tips. 22 Susan Dyer Reynolds says Yelp’s business model is inherently shady. 10 Real Estate Renting, buying and selling Living Osso Steakhouse Carole Isaacs weighs condo selling; the It’s just like riding a bike Roundup reports on Airbnb and afford- Sandy Fertman Ryan says when you fall able housing, and condo pricing; Stephanie f you haven’t The stylish Art Empire Steak Building off a bike, you just get right back on, Saunders Ahlberg says cash talks; and been to Osso Deco-inspired design Cut. It’s the juiciest, even decades later. 11 John Zipperer interviews affordable hous- ing advocate Andre Shashaty. 25 Steakhouse yet, provides an elegant most perfectly mar- Food & Wine Imake a reserva- yet relaxed ambiance. bled beef that has ever Travel What’s for dinner? tion today! There The New York Steak been set before you. Weekend Traveler The Tablehopper has some scoops to dish; 29 is so much to love is dry-aged 4-6 weeks “It’s osso good!” Julie Mitchell reports on the return of Patty Burness enjoys a staycation. about the place — for a flavor that is Castagna on Chestnut; Garrick Ramirez profiles bar manager Christopher Pet Pages great atmosphere, nothing short of a rev- Valet Parking Longoria at 1760; and Ernest Beyl high- great food, great elation. For the truly lights some foodie heroines. 12 Dog is my copilot Susan Dyer Reynolds on the homeless dogs wine, great cocktails hearty, try the three- 1177 California at Jones Arts & Entertainment of Golden Gate Park; John Zipperer gets out — you’ll be happy inch-thick Bone-in 415.771.6776 the camera; Walden Majer gives a snout-to- you did. New York New York www.ossosteakhouse.com Where movies and clothes the-ground viewpoint; Sky’s Buys likes Hear are always in fashion Doggy; and Skylar does a belly flop. 30 Sharon Anderson shows off artist Sigmar Polke; Ernest Beyl sees a North Beach ONLINE SPECIALS renaissance; Michael Snyder reviews Belle; plus the Marina’s bestsellers. 16 on www.marinatimes.com

A division of Northside Publications, Inc. www.marinatimes.com | 3107 Fillmore Street, # 303, San Francisco, CA 94123 Editorial: (415) 931-0515 | Fax: (415) 931-0987 | Letters to the Editor: [email protected] Advertising: (415) 815-8081 [email protected] Calendar submissions due by the 15th of the month to [email protected]

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The Marina Times is distributed free in San Francisco’s northern neighborhoods (the Marina, Cow Hollow, Pacific Heights, Russian Hill, and North Beach). Member of the San Francisco Neighborhood Newspaper Association. The views expressed herein do not ADVERTISEMENT. necessarily reflect the views of the Marina Times or Northside Publications. Please send comments to [email protected] or to the address above. Comments of 200 words or less have the best chance for publication. Please include name, address and daytime phone number for consideration. We reserve the right to abridge for space, clarity and civility.

2 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com News

News Briefs Roundup Find transactions Home of the Millennials without finding the time. CHICAGO LURES LUCAS Francisco. Scholarship Most of the fines and After the Presidio Trust recipients will interact fees — such as annual nixed a plan to let film- with city laws through residential parking per- maker George Lucas the sanfranciscocode.org mits or street cleaning build a museum on Crissy website, suggesting violations — only rose by Field, rumors spread a couple dollars. Not that the museum all fines rose; many would end up in his people will be happy other mentioned to learn that Traffic location: Chicago. Code Section 103, Though his home- “Driving Through town San Francisco Parades,” is remain- put his plan through ing unchanged at the wringer, the idea $100. Meanwhile appears to be getting cash fares for pub- the open-door treat- lic transit riders will ment in the Midwest. go up $0.25 each for Chicago Mayor adult and discount Rahm Emanuel set fares, while the up a task force April agency is expand- 17 to recommend a ing free fares for site for the museum, low- and moder- which would house ate-income riders. Chicago is actively wooing George Lucas’s collection of Lucas for his proposed museum Monthly passes will movie memorabilia photo: Joey Gannon also cost a few dol- and art — everything lars more, starting from Norman Rockwell changes to policies or Sept. 1, 2014. paintings to a scale- updates to out-of-date model of the Millennium city laws. IF YOU DON’T LIKE Falcon. The task force has “San Francisco’s youth YOUNG PEOPLE, STAY been given one month to have a direct stake in our OUT OF COW HOLLOW agree to a site. city, but too often do not The best San Francisco Last year, Lucas mar- have a direct voice in neighborhood for Mill- ried Ariel Investments our local government,” ennials is our own Cow President Mellody said Farrell, who prom- Hollow, according to Business Online Banking. Hobson, a Chicagoan, ised to introduce some Niche, a young adults- and he now lives part- of the ideas generated focused data research time in that city. by the students to the firm. Millennials (peo- Simplicity at hand. Board of Supervisors. ple aged 25–34) make Banking is a business necessity. But spending a lot of time $1,000 REIMAGINESF The five recipients will up nearly 40 percent of SCHOLARSHIPS be selected in the third Cow Hollow’s popula- doing it isn’t. With our new Business Online Banking, you UNVEILED week of May. tion of a little more than can do things like exporting transactions, making remote The OpenGov Found- 8,000 people. deposits and paying your bills – right from the office. Now ation and District 2 PAY MORE FOR MUNI San Francisco ranked you can better manage your banking and time, and maybe Supervisor Mark Farrell In April, the San fifth overall on Niche’s announced in April the Francisco Municipal national list of best cities even use your lunch hour to eat lunch. ReimagineSF scholar- Transportation Agency for neighborhoods, land- ships, $1,000 grants (SFMTA) board voted ing just below Chicago available for up to five on its next budget and and above Boston. undergraduate or gradu- approved a number of ate students at any educa- hikes in fines, fees and News tips: E-mail john@ tional institution in San ridership tickets. marinatimes.com

research labs, factory farms, hunt- ing, fishing — the list is endless. The In-Box: Animals are as innocent as a new- Letters to the Times born child, a senior citizen, an indi- gent person. Therefore, as moral Visit fnbnorcal.com to Sadly, we must share with your agents, we have an extra responsibil- wonderful animal-friendly newspa- ity to be their stewards, embracing all learn more and enroll. per mention of the profoundly dev- within the moral arena. astating and untimely loss of Virginia While she may not have had the Handley, who for 40 years headed the celebrity of JFK, or Marilyn, or Elvis, S.F. branch of the humane organiza- or Nat King Cole, or Dr. Martin tion (now defunct, after [the passing Luther King, to me, and to all of us of] Cleveland Amory, its founder) who loved her with all our heart and The Fund for Animals, located at Fort soul, losing her is just like losing any Mason Center for about 30 years. of them. How sad the people who She simultaneously extensively really make a difference in this world lobbied the Sacramento legislature always are taken from us too, too passing bills favorable to animals soon. And the loss for the poor ani- and defeating those that were not. mals is incalculable. In the City of St. Francis, she exem- We can offer her the greatest tribute plified humility and compassion by making the world more humane by at their highest high. Virginia was starting with ourselves and by con- always your hope against all hope; tacting Eric Mills (who worked side- Visit our Marina Branch and talk to Branch Manager Reina Ceja. she was a believer and had files by-side with Virginia all those years) and files of literature she assembled at: Action for Animals, P.O. Box Your neighborhood bank. almost singlehandedly through all 20184, Oakland, CA 94620 e-mail: 2197 Chestnut Street those years, on circuses, rodeos, [email protected]. San Francisco, CA 94123 roadside zoos, live animal mar- Patricia Briggs 415-287-8800 kets, trade in endangered species, San Francisco

www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 3 News Brunch Across the Bay…

As San Francisco’s population continues to expand, some people are worrying about the changes that are being wrought photo: darkwind / flickr

Growing Pains woman who has lived here for much of continued from page 1 the past four decades worried that even if t’s time to head over ning with oysters or sizzling she wasn’t priced out of her apartment, she with violent crime and high taxes; New York would not be able to afford to take advan- to Sausalito for a week- iron-skillet roasted mussels, City even nearly went bankrupt in 1975. But tage of the restaurants, plays, and other end brunch. Salito’s Crab shrimp and crab and move in the 1990s, cities across the land underwent cultural attractions that made her fall in IHouse & Prime Rib is the ideal to specialties such as a crab a revival, attracting younger residents and love with the city when she first moved here becoming hotbeds of economic revival. Over from New Jersey. destination that’s just minutes enchilada, fresh fish or prime the decades, San Francisco’s population and A lifelong resident of San Francisco — we’ll from the city. For $9.95 you can rib. Sweets have their own fortunes have fluctuated, but looked at from call her Dora — was reminiscing about her get three eggs with bacon and category with freshly made a distance, the trend is nearly always upward. neighborhood, Glen Park, and how it had That is set to continue, which means that changed since her parents owned the house she spicy sausage and iron skillet beignets, Tortuga Caribbean people’s concerns over their changing land- now lives in with her husband and two young open face omelets all come with rum cake and salted caramel scape will continue, too. children. Dora looked up the hill to Diamond Since 2000, San Francisco’s population has Heights and said her parents remembered when house made kettle toasted bread. vanilla crunch cake. grown from 776,000 to more than 837,000 that area was still mostly fields, with some live- Specialties Salito’s is — it’s highest level ever, and it’s still growing. stock feeding on the grasses. Today, it’s a densely include bacon fresh, bright In 1990, there were 100,000 fewer people in populated residential neighborhood only vis- It’s the perfect get- the city than there are ited by non-pet animal b r u s c h e t t a and full of today. According to life when an occasional benedict and away on a foggy city casual ambi- the Association of Bay San Francisco is the coyote wanders up from crab benedict, ence. Large, Area Governments Glen Canyon Park. day. You can take and the Metropolitan second most densely That is both an served with multi-leveled Transportation example of how San crispy potato- the ferry and pretend decks over- Commission, projec- populated large city. Francisco neighbor- litos and toast. look the water tions are that the city’s hoods can change dra- you’re on vacation in population will continue to grow, reaching matically within one’s lifetime as well as how There are and the beau- more than 1.08 million by 2040, a 35 percent it might have been the last big neighborhood other options a faraway village. At ty of the area increase from 2010’s 805,000. in the city that could be built without dis- and if you start least for a day! is absolutely To put those numbers in perspective, add- placing or upsetting thousands of people. ing 100,000 or even 200,000 people to many In February, online magazine Salon pro- with a chili breathtaking. big cities would not be much of a problem. duced an article (“San Francisco’s rightward mary, a blood orange mimosa It’s the perfect getaway on a Cities like New York, Chicago, and Berlin, turn: Why it may no longer be America’s iconic or a peach bellini, you will think foggy city day. You can take Germany, each sprawl over hundreds of liberal city”) that pondered whether the city square miles; they have lots of neighbor- would become more conservative as it became you are truly on vacation. the ferry and pretend you’re on hoods that can be built up or built out on younger and richer. Responses to the article If you’re not in the mood vacation in a faraway village. underused land. By contrast, San Francisco reflected the worry that the culture of the city for breakfast, the full menu is At least for a day! Sitting on is the second most densely populated large would change if artists were forced to find city over 200,000 people in the United States, cheaper accommodations in Oakland. And offered as well with a selec- beautiful Richardson Bay, the approaching 900,000 people on just over 47 District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener recently felt tion of cheeses and salumi blue sky and sparkling water square miles. compelled to tell his followers that “It’s never with kettle bread to a full- are the perfect setting for an Though San Francisco’s current growth been easy for musicians here, but it’s even is heavily attributed to the performance of harder now. Add to that San Francisco govern- blown feast of whole roasted afternoon or evening of cock- its local economy, people around the world ment’s notorious ambivalent/neglectful/nega- Dungeness crab and prime tails and dining al fresco. are also facing similar questions about how tive attitude toward nightlife — so much noise! rib. The menu is accessible. Brunch is served on the week- their communities will change as more and — and we have some real challenges in making more people pour into their cities. According sure we keep a great live music scene. We’ve It’s simple food, well-sourced, ends beginning at 10:00 am. to the World Health Organization, “Today, been here before, and live music has survived.” abundant and comforting the number of urban residents is growing Or consider poet/painter Lawrence yet sumptuous. 1200 Bridgeway, Sausalito by nearly 60 million every year. The global Ferlinghetti. As Marina Times columnist urban population is expected to grow rough- Ernest Beyl has been chronicling in these You can craft your din- 415.331.3226 ly 1.5 percent per year between 2025–2030. pages, there is a longstanding effort underway ing experience by begin- salitoscrabhouse.com By the middle of the 21st century, the urban to honor the artist and City Lights co-owner population will almost double, increasing with a plaza named after him. But will resi- from approximately 3.4 billion in 2009 to dents in 10 years know or care who he was? 6.4 billion in 2050.” Most of that growth will If the newcomers don’t respect his legacy, the be in developing countries, but advanced feeling appears to be mutual. The Economist nations will see continued growth, too. said he “complains of a ‘soulless group of But if you listen to the discussions over people,’ a ‘new breed’ of men and women too coffee (or, this being , busy with iPhones to ‘be here’ in the moment, discussions over Chardonnay), the hopes and shiny new Mercedes-Benzs on his street.” and worries expressed by city residents Said Ferlinghetti, “San Francisco is radi- don’t have to do with actual numbers. They cally changing, and we don’t know where it is have to do with concerns about the feel of going to end up.” their city, the quality of life, the liveabil- In future articles in this series, we’ll take a ity and lovability of the Northside and San closer look at specific ways the city is changing Francisco in general. We have observed: At and what the changes mean to you, your busi- a Muni bus stop in late April, a rider wait- ness, and your life. ing for a late bus complained about how his neighborhood was being ignored as the city John Zipperer is Marina Times’ managing ADVERTISEMENT. funneled resources to other, “more impor- editor and a 10-year resident of the city. tant” neighborhoods. Also, a 50-something E-mail: [email protected]

4 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com .


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When something goes wrong, who ya gonna call? photo: © airbnb

Airbnb while the property own- which is a much quicker continued from page 1 ers do all the upkeep and process. Chiu’s legisla- receive below-market- tion eliminates the sec- moratorium because, evi- rate rent. But, Chiu is ond option. This doesn’t dently, he believes alcohol quick to point out, there sit well with landlords, at a few bars and loung- will be some rules. In who often feel helpless es — but not the strip multiunit dwellings, because of the city’s lop- clubs — are causing all short-term rentals will sided, bend-over-back- of Broadway’s problems. only be allowed where ward support of tenants’ I say this because Chiu, someone lives 75 percent rights. But that’s not for all the time and effort of the year (this is sup- even the biggest con- he’s spending negotiating posed to prevent units cern according to Janan terms for new businesses from becoming full- New, executive director of the San Fran- cisco Apartment The fact is, Supervisor David Chiu’s Association, which represents property new law will make it more difficult owners. She told the San Francisco for landlords to evict tenants. Chronicle that her members are pri- trying to open in the area, time vacation rentals). It marily worried about has never once suggested would also require ten- the “health and safety that part of the answer ants renting out their of other tenants” forced might be having some- apartments to hold lia- to live near strangers one other than the health bility insurance, register passing through town. department and the with the city every two “People that are using police oversee the strip years, and to collect and a unit for transient use clubs. I get why the health remit San Francisco’s 14 typically aren’t as care- department is involved, percent hotel tax (yeah, ful as they are when it’s but having the police right). Chiu does throw their primary residence,” monitor strip clubs is a bit a bone to property own- she told the Chronicle. like having the fox watch ers because the new law “We would prefer the the henhouse. wouldn’t override lease status quo to anything On the commercial agreements and rent- else — and we are not front, Chiu is doing control limits still apply, in support of creating hands-on hammering but the fact is, Chiu’s new another dysfunctional out of issues like hours law will make it more bureaucracy.” of operation, what types of licenses the businesses can have, and whether If you have a problem with loud they’ll be allowed partiers in the middle of the night, I to have entertain- ment. I thought guess you’ll have to call Chiu. that was what the Entertainment difficult for landlords to Which brings me back Commission was for, but evict tenants. to that night in Venice I guess Chiu didn’t get Currently landlords Beach. There’s no front that memo. With his resi- can either remove their desk at Airbnb, so if you dential short-term rental tenants because they vio- have a problem with legislation (which is also late their lease (a longer loud partiers in the mid- aimed at Airbnb compet- process that gives rent- dle of the night, I guess itors like VRBO), Chiu ers a chance to first cor- you’ll have to call San wants to make it easier rect the problem) or they Francisco property man- for tenants to sublease can boot them for being ager David Chiu. their below-market-rate in violation of the city’s apartments at a profit, short-term rental law, E-mail: [email protected]

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6 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com From Our Supervisor’s Chambers It’s your city, your data Open data: endless possibilities by mark farrell that is technically open, meaning 2009. Since then, I’ve taken a lead- open data movement here in San specific pieces of legislation that that data is made available in a ership position at the board to help Francisco. In my recently passed are important to them. hat has the possibil- machine-readable format, which further our city’s open data policy, legislation, we tasked our newly ity to create $3 tril- can be easily used by computers and I recently passed unanimously hired chief data officer with the Open data, large impact lion in global eco- and their systems. supported legislation that sought responsibility to develop a first- Open data has the power to Wnomic value annually, promote There are examples here to set data standards for our policy in-the-nation strategy for how we transform government and the greater accountability, transpar- in San Francisco and nation- and create timelines for our city as a government should develop private sector in ways that have ency, and efficiency in govern- ally that show open data used departments to release appropri- policies and services to provide yet to be imagined. I am a firm ment and the private sector, and in practice and how you easy access to your believer in embracing innovation enhance your quality of life? You it can help accom- own personal data. and cutting-edge policies that have might be amazed to believe that plish all of the positive There is vital informa- shown the potential to promote the answer is data. benefits mentioned Open data has the power to tion that we as a city economic development, hold gov- More specifically, open data. above. There is Yelp’s transform government and the should be prepared to ernment accountable, make gov- recent partnership give you access to if ernment more efficient and cost- What is open data? with the city to post private sector in ways that you need it, including effective, and deliver applications, All across the nation, cities, public health scores building records, per- services, and platforms that can counties, states, and even the to their website for have yet to be imagined. mit records, or medi- further enhance our day-to-day federal government are taking restaurants. Another cal information. lives. Open data accomplishes all steps toward making appropri- example is the ability to use the ate open data sets to create more Additionally, I recently intro- of this and then some. ate government data available, acclaimed San Francisco Park accountability and certainty for duced legislation that treats our As the open data movement because open data has helped and Recreation app to find park the public and entrepreneurs. city’s legislative information as continues to mature, I pledge to spark innovation, drive effi- locations, make picnic table res- Recently, Code for America, open data and directs our clerk to you to evolve with the move- ciency and cost savings in gov- ervations, and even purchase the Sunlight Foundation, and the to post our legislative informa- ment and further update our ernment, and fuel further eco- tickets for concerts, art exhibits, Knight Foundation — three lead- tion online in data formats con- city’s open data policies to con- nomic development. and other events straight from a ing nonpartisan, nonprofit orga- sistent with our recently adopted tinue our city’s national leader- The leading idea and principle mobile device. nizations in the open data move- open data standards. In doing so, ship role. Open data provides a behind open data is simple: public ment — created the first Open San Francisco would become the value proposition so high that is information — in this case, troves San Francisco’s national Data Census, which ranked cit- first “open legislation” city in the rare for government to receive, of data that government keeps to leadership in open data ies across the nation on a variety United States and continue our so I hope you join me in promot- help analyze and operate — is free Just like many other policies and of factors within their open data national leadership in the open ing opportunities to continue to public information that should be programs, San Francisco was an policies. I’m proud to say that in data movement. This legislation advocate for the broad-ranging accessible to the public online and early adopter in the open data the first census, San Francisco was is the first step to making our benefits that open data promises in modern formats. movement and was one of the first ranked the number-one city in the legislative process as transpar- to deliver. Open data is data that is free cities in the nation to establish country for its innovative overall ent and open as possible for our for use, reuse and redistribution. an open data policy when then- open data efforts and policies. residents and developing and Mark Farrell is the District 2 super- Open data is data that is released Mayor Gavin Newsom issued an We’re continuing to push and using software that will allow our visor and can be reached at 415- without restrictions and data executive directive to do so in solidify the boundaries of the residents to comment online on 554-7752 or [email protected]


www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 7 Street Beat

Northsider All around the Marina

Valerie Hagan Harlan 4th generation San Francisco native

representing San Francisco Marina Middle School hosted a bike fair in late April Photo: Marina Bike Safety Fair sellers buying in Marin. 415-272-3630 • www.linkedin.com/in/valerieharlan Space for lucky moms

by john zipperer Ting, who discussed his legislation to help Proven Success in Multiple upgrade road designs for urban biking. HELP FOR MOMS Bike and Roll to School Week is orga- Offer Situations Just a few days before you celebrate nized by the San Francisco Safe Routes to Mother’s Day by letting your mother know School Program and the San Francisco BUYER - San Anselmo: Winner out of 6 offers! how lucky you are to have her, you can help Bicycle Coalition. Remodeled 5bd/3ba AND an office with a fireplace, some of the city’s most vulnerable women, THIS COMPANY REALLY DELIVERS large level lawn, close to town. Award winning schools. children and families at the sixth annu- al Epiphany Center’s Celebrating Mothers If you’re out enjoying the Marina some SELLER - Larkpsur: Winner out of 2 offers! Luncheon. Held Wednesday, May 7, at the St. sunny weekend, you might run into former Remodeled 5bd/2.5ba in Hillview. Award winning schools. Francis Yacht Club (700 Marina Blvd.), the Pixar employee Zander Adell. But while you’re FOR Greenbrae: Winner out of 3 offers! event begins at 11:30 a.m. and will include out enjoying yourself, you might be missing the LEASE - 3bd+/2ba, Bay Views. Award winning schools. an orchid sale, silent auction, and good food. delivery of your Amazon package or that eBay Details are available at theepiphany purchase you fought a big bidding war to win. center.org or call 415-351-4055. Funny coincidence, then. Adell’s the SAN FRANCISCO | MARIN | PENINSULA | EAST BAY | MCGUIRE.COM co-founder with ex-IBMer Kapil Israni of FACIAL THERAPY San Francisco-based company doorman 7x7 magazine recently touted Union (doorman.it). The new company does what Street’s own Kim Peirano for her work your doorman would do if you had a door- in “acupuncture facelift,” a safer and less man — it makes sure you don’t miss a deliv- expensive alternative to surgery for peo- ery just because you weren’t home when the ple looking to deal with baggy eyes and shipment came. Doorman — the company other facial rejuvenation matters. Peirano, — delivers your package to you when you’re who has run her practice at 1863 Union home from work, in the evening. So you can Street (kimpeirano.com) for three years, spend more time on your weekends chatting is a licensed acupuncturist specializing in up Adell on Chestnut Street and less time women’s health and fertility, facial reju- waiting in line at the UPS facility. venation, neurological health and stroke rehabilitation, among others. She tells the THIS COMPANY REALLY HIDES IT Marina Times that facial acupuncture “has If you’ve been going hog-wild order- gained some popularity in the news [and ing stuff on eBay, you might find you’ve in] magazines and even on Oprah, as it’s got too much stuff to fit into your home. one of the few safe alternatives to botox, CityStash (with a business office at 1220 N. fillers, and surgery which actually work.” Fillmore and a storage facility at 524 Union St.) contacted us to offer their services for OHMCONNECT everyone doing spring cleaning. They’ll Union Street resident Curtis Tongue is drop off boxes at your home, pick them up, on a mission to help people reduce their and deliver them to their “secure, climate- energy usage. Teaming up with CEO Matt controlled storage facilities,” and you only Duesterberg in 2013, Tongue co-founded pay for the space you use, not for an entire Ohmconnect, where he serves as CMO. half-filled storage locker (citystash.com). The company automates electricity usage and savings for its customers, paying them ART TO COOK WITH? for the reductions (up to $130 per year, Fort Mason Center’s The Mexican according to the company). If you want to Museum is hosting an exhibit of photo- find out how to turn your home into a “vir- graphs and kitchen objects from the collec- tual power plant,” visit ohmconnect.com. tion of Rosa Covarrubias. La Cocina: The Culinary Treasures of Rosa Covarrubias, BIKE AND ROLL runs from May 16 through Jan. 18, 2015, Remember when your parents had to but museum members get a special preview walk to school in three feet of snow, uphill reception May 15 from 6–8 p.m. Everyone both ways? San Francisco school kids get else will be able to see it Wednesday through to skip the snow, but the hills remain. To Sunday, noon–4 p.m. Admission is free. encourage them to bike, the city held its But there’s more to whet your appe- annual Bike and Roll to School Week, tite. In conjunction with the exhibit, the which kicked off with a bike fair at Marina museum is holding culinary-related pro- Middle School April 19, featuring free, grams, including cooking demonstrations basic tune-ups for people who brought and guest speakers discussing everything their bikes, as well as a bike obstacle course, from the rich history of chocolate to tor- and free bike safety equipment for the first tilla making to mezcal production. For 300 families to show up. Also present were program dates, visit mexicanmuseum.org. representatives from the Presidio YMCA’s YBIKE Program, the San Francisco Bicycle Got any tips for the Northsider? E-mail: Coalition, and Assemblymember Phil [email protected]

8 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Northsider All around the Marina Sketches Nancy Shanahan, spouse of unelectable to a City Hall exec- adage: A peacock today, a feather But now, there is some- continued from page 1 big shot Aaron Peskin, is a utive office. He still blasts you duster tomorrow. thing afoot that could lead to major force in the Telegraph with his brio. a neighborhood renaissance ness permits for clubs in North Hill Dwellers Association, Adolph Capurro, major com- CHINA LIVE — specifically China Live, a Beach and mostly small, mom- a group of pouting children mercial property owner in the Unless you were around in 20,000-square-foot Chinese and-pop restaurants. A while with Spandex brains who have 400 block of Columbus, the hot- 1901, you wouldn’t remem- marketplace after the fashion back Jane T. Robe made Stefano formed a cult-like club and test block on the big thorough- ber the old Palace Theater on of those found in Hong Kong a drawn-from-life character in won’t let you into their sand- fare. Add to this the quiet com- Broadway. Or perhaps other or Shanghai. Well-known her novel, Panther Resurrection. box. Shanahan has a reputation munity of Chinese commercial movie houses like the Verdi San Francisco restaurateurs In the book, another property owners in Theater in 1915 or the World George Chen and his wife, character describes North Beach who Theater that came along a few Cindy Wong-Chen (think Stefano this way: “It’s over the years have years later. But I’m going to Shanghai 1930 and Betelnut), not what he knows. It’s Alioto is definitely a mover and gained a foothold give you another chance to plan to open China Live in not who he knows. It’s in the old Italian show off your San Francisco February next year. It will that everyone knows shaker, but sometimes she neighborhood. history chops. Do you remem- occupy 640 and 660 Broadway him.” That’s Stefano. confuses shaking the hell out of Joe Carouba, owner ber the Peppermint Tree at 660 and feature food stalls, exhibi- Francis Ford of BSC Management, Broadway? It opened in 1964 as tion kitchens, and local and Coppola is a mover things with movement. consultants to the a rock ’n’ roll club, and featured imported Chinese products. without doubt. But entertainment indus- Paul Revere and the Raiders, An upscale Chinese restau- he avoids being a shaker. He as a stopper of the projects try — largely Broadway strip The Byrds, Little Richard, and rant called Eight Tables is quietly restored a great San proposed by the real movers clubs. Carouba has embedded sometimes-amateur topless planned for the second floor. Francisco building, the old and shakers. She and her bud- himself in the civic fabric of dancers. It finally closed in Architect is David Hecht, Sentinel Building, now Coppola’s dies and her husband stopped North Beach. He practices com- 1975. What a lustrous history. whose North Beach office is Columbus Tower. He also cre- Alioto’s original façade design munity philanthropy by donating More recently that block of over by Saints Peter and Paul ated the powerful North Beach for the Porziuncola, hindered to such causes as the firefighters Broadway between Columbus Church. Cypress Properties service organization, North the opening of the Piazza toy drive for kids, the Group of Lafayette, Beach Citizens, which addresses Market, and then hounded St. James Infirmary which owns the the needs of the homeless and them out of business, delayed Clinic for sex work- site, tells me the the low-income. and complicated the construc- ers, and the Top of When talking about movers San Francisco Film Lawrence Ferlinghetti, the tion of parklets throughout Broadway Community and shakers, it is important to Society has com- eminent poet and painter, is both North Beach, and the replace- Benefit District, mitted to space on a mover and a shaker. He moves ment of the North Beach whose mission state- remember: A peacock today, a the fifth floor of us with his poetic vision and that library. Her influence is a ment includes mak- 640 Broadway for in turn shakes things up. A quiet spinoff of being the spouse of ing Broadway a “safe, feather duster tomorrow. its local filmmak- man who strides among us with Aaron Peskin. beautiful, diverse place ers’ project. And his eyes looking into the future. Aaron Peskin, the pow- to live, work and visit.” Carouba Avenue and Stockton Street, there’s a 437-seat theater Angela Alioto, devout Catholic erful former president of employs the strippers on has a mish-mash of small in the basement that once who believes the Shrine of St. San Francisco’s Board of Broadway for various club opera- Chinese groceries, hole-in- showed films from Hong Francis of Assisi on Vallejo Street Supervisors. After a veritable tors. And if that doesn’t make you the-wall restaurants — some Kong and elsewhere — as is her rumpus room, is definitely amateur career as a North a mover and shaker, I don’t know surprisingly good, others of well as live Chinese opera. a mover and shaker of seismic Beach project stopper, Peskin what does. dubious quality — and store- I’m looking forward to more proportions. But sometimes she surfed the change to district- And finally, when talking fronts selling caps, Chinese opera. confuses shaking the hell out of only supervisors — until he about movers and shakers it is plastic wash basins, and things with movement. termed out and then proved important to remember this old toilet brushes. E-mail: [email protected]

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www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 9 Business & Finance

The Wild Wild Web Dot-con With extortion-style ad sales, Yelp is barking up the wrong tree

by susan dyer reynolds Yelp?” He didn’t have an mous users for litigation, answer for that. is between a rock and a co-host the Cooking When I questioned hard place — as a public with Ryan Scott show Sollitto about the many company they’re under on KGO Radio (810 lawsuits against Yelp, he tremendous pressure IAM) Saturdays from 4 said, “The lawsuits have from shareholders and to 6 p.m., and whenev- all been dismissed for lack analysts to produce high er we have chefs on as of evidence,” but that’s growth and big revenue. guests, review website not true. In 2012, Joe With the recent sell-off Yelp inevitably comes Hadeed, owner of Hadeed in social media stocks, up, and usually not in a Carpet Cleaning Inc. in they’re under even more good way. A few weeks Springfield, Va. sued seven pressure — especially ago, Ryan and I decided reviewers for defamation, because, after a decade of doing business, Yelp has yet to turn a profit. Yelp, like Whenever we have chefs on KGO as most dot-coms, is guests, Yelp inevitably comes up, and almost 100 per- cent dependent on usually not in a good way. advertising, and that makes their to have Jon Akerman, and demanded that Yelp business model a little Yelp San Francisco com- give up their true iden- slimy: A company with munity manager/editor, tities. Hadeed told The positive reviews has no and Vince Sollitto, Yelp Wall Street Journal that incentive to spend money vice president of corpo- he is certain the reviews on Yelp, but a company rate communications, on are fraudulent — possi- with negative reviews may the show to get their side bly posted by competitors feel they have to spend to of the story. — because he was unable survive. For Yelp to claim Of course, they wanted to match them to actual they don’t use extortion- to talk about all the great customers based on time, like ad sales tactics is not things Yelp can do for location, and sales data only disingenuous, it’s people. Akerman boasted (one review, for example, downright near impossi- that they raised $700 from came from Haddonfield, ble. What other gambling Yelpers for charity the N.J., where the company chip do they have besides night before, which struck doesn’t do business). Yelp the “We can take care of me as pathetic for a mul- is screaming “freedom of those negative reviews” timillion-dollar company, speech,” of course, but so sales pitch? especially when the previ- far both the Alexandria And it appears Yelp has ous guest, 2009 Top Chef Circuit Court and the come up with another winner Hosea Rosenberg, Virginia Court of Appeals arm-twisting vehicle: said he had raised over a have sided with Hadeed, warning businesses that million bucks at an event holding Yelp in contempt competitors’ ads will for the Bonnie J. Addario for not turning over the appear with their listings. Lung Cancer Foundation names. Yelp appealed to Sollitto defended this in one evening. Sollitto, in the state supreme court, practice to me on KGO as particular, wasn’t thrilled arguing that the reviews well as to the Los Angeles with my probing ques- are protected under the Times, saying that Yelp tions. When I told him First Amendment; the was offering businesses that I personally knew of court could issue an the chance to buy out a restaurateur who had order granting or denying the ad space accompa- been solicited for adver- Yelp’s appeal, or schedule nying their reviews. But tising using the old “We a hearing in Richmond, the Los Angeles Times can take care of those neg- which could take place in quoted Rick Fonger, the ative reviews” tactic, he the next 90 to 120 days. owner of an Alhambra bristled. “I don’t believe As a journalist, I am obvi- jeweler, who says that you,” he said on air. I assured him it was true. This isn’t a new accusa- Yelp is likely to keep pushing the tion for Yelp, and, legal envelope, and eventually, in fact, when we opened the phone someone is bound to bite back. lines, our callers corroborated it over and ously a strong supporter after he canceled his Yelp over, with tales of posi- of the First Amendment; ad, he got one of those Since 1928 tive reviews disappear- however, I don’t believe calls. “She said that for ing and negative reviews it gives anonymous trolls $75 a month, she could appearing after turning carte blanche to say any- make those ads go away,” Yelp down for advertis- thing they want and scur- Fonger told columnist ing. Sollitto’s response was ry back to their mother’s David Lazarus. While the same old Yelp bro- basement, particularly Yelp’s tactics are legal, ken record: “We use an when their claims severe- Lazarus, a regular critic algorithm and we have ly impair a company. In of the site, says they feel nothing to do with how, Hadeed’s case, he says “nefarious” and “fishy.” I where, or which ads show that following the rash agree with him, but with up.” But the FTC has had of negative Yelp reviews all that pressure to pro- more than 2,000 com- his business sank 30 duce a profit, Yelp is likely plaints, mostly about this percent, forcing him to to keep pushing the enve- 659 Merchant Street (off Kearny) very thing, between 2008 sell six trucks and lay lope on the legality of and March 4, 2014. “Are off 80 workers. what they do, and even- www.alfredssteakhouse.com • 415.781.7058 all of these people lying?” Yelp, which says it tually, someone is bound Complimentary 3-Hour Self-Parking at the Hilton Hotel's Public Parking Garage With Dinner Purchase I asked Sollitto. “Are 2,000 receives about six subpoe- to bite back. (entrace on Washington past Montgomery) people and all of our call- nas monthly, many seek- ers in collusion against ing the names of anony- E-mail: [email protected]

10 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Living

Humor Conquering the hills of the city It’s just like riding a bike

by sandy fertman ryan rescued an old, discarded Wobbling like a drunken hubby was breaking a sweat bicycle on the street. After sailor, I only wished that behind me, not from any t seems that bicyclists cleaning the little guy up were true. physical challenges, but have overtaken the (my bike, not my husband) My hands gripped from the fear of seeing me, streets of San Francisco. and replacing the seat for the brakes like they were his bubble-headed wife, IThough I hadn’t ridden in one more suitable to my the safety bar on the Sky weaving in and out of the years, I decided it was time un-Kardashian-like bot- Screamer at Six Flags. bike path. to hop on the bike wagon. tom, it was time for us “Speed up and get around At the sun-kissed Being a native San to take a ride one crisp, that double-parked truck,” Embarcadero, I was instruct- Franciscan, I learned how Sunday-Streets-in-the- my husband yelled over the ed by my navigator to move to ride here. I would have Embarcadero morning. din of traffic. It took me a into the “green lane.” Now preferred somewhere flat, My husband directed while to pry my now-white the green lane is an out- like, say, Nebraska, but me onto busy Van Ness knuckles off the brakes to standing bike lane; however, since I was only five, I Avenue. “Wait!” I said, switch gears, but I did. And near Sansome, it moves over didn’t have a choice in the “Why don’t we just ride on let me tell you, I was emo- one lane into the middle of matter. I also learned to the sidewalk?” tionally spent after travel- traffic to allow for a right drive a stick in the city, and “Because that’s ille- ing just two blocks. turn lane for cars. Somehow, let me just say that invol- gal,” he responded casu- I quickly got the hang I had to get from the far right Biking hasn’t really changed all that much from the untarily rolling backward ally as he headed into of city biking, but my hel- to the middle-far right with- olden days photo: jhayne / flickr halfway down a Pacific the intersection. met — or, “brain bucket,” out being hit by a car. Really? Heights hill remains Now I was concerned. as the pros call it — was Did people do this every The rest of our ride ing a bizarro baseball- almost as thrilling today Had the laws changed that way too big for my head. I day? After a lot of cussing was great as we took in cap-bike-helmet thingy as it was when I was 15. much since I was a kid? stopped to slip my baseball on his part and clenching the amazing bay views. screaming “WHEEE!” I wasn’t one of those kids No more safely cruising the cap underneath to hold the on my part, I finally did My only hitch was getting like the Geico pig as she’s who took to cycling like a sidewalks while simultane- helmet steady, leaving me it. I felt a huge weight lift stuck in the trolley tracks flying down Jones Street, duck takes to water. For me, ously clutching my Cherry looking like a Giants-lovin’ off my shoulders, much while returning through keep an eye out for the learning to ride was mostly Coke and transistor radio? space alien, much to my like Tim Lincecum must Fisherman’s Wharf, but I’ll freaked-out guy riding learning how to tumble I pulled myself together, husband’s delight. have felt when he chopped just chalk that up as anoth- behind her. He may need gracefully. I was never very took a deep breath, and Soon, I relaxed enough off his hair. er near-death experience. your help. athletic — ask anyone from pedaled out to join the flow so that I could appreci- Finally, we entered the So, is riding a bike really my Aptos Junior High gym of traffic. ate the cool bay breeze closed-off Sunday Streets, just like riding a bike? In Sandy Fertman Ryan has class who saw me cry doing “Watch out for car doors against my cheeks and where we blended into the San Francisco, I’d say it’s written for numerous a somersault (seriously, has and people pulling out!” feel the awesome rush of crowd of bikers and fami- more like riding a roll- national magazines, includ- that skill been helpful to he hollered from behind speeding down some of lies. My confidence soared, er coaster — which the ing Parade, ‘TEEN and any of you in any way?). me. “Take a right turn and our city’s most hellacious even as 4-year-olds pop- masochist in me really Seventeen. She doesn’t plan Apparently, my athletic use your hand signals! And hills, though Jones Street ping wheelies sped past me. loves. So if you happen to try another sport until she skills haven’t improved. remember people can’t remained strictly off-lim- If those kids could do this, to see a female bicyclist gets a helmet that fits. E-mail: Recently, my husband see you!” he called out. its. Meanwhile, my poor so could I! in San Francisco wear- [email protected]

www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 11 Food & Wine

The Tablehopper Meals on wheels and more Voted Best Romantic Restaurant

Spring at the Cliff House Warm & Cozy Inside – Amazing Views Outside Join us for these Cliff House Weekly Favorites • Wine Lovers’ Tuesday – Half Priced Bottled Wines* Head to the Presidio and bring a picnic blanket photo: offthegridsf.com • Bistro Wednesday Nights – $28 Three-Course Prix Fixe • Friday Night Jazz in the Balcony Lounge Fun springtime events at the • Sunday Champagne Brunch Buffet Presidio; a new chef for Elite Cafe Valet parking every night after 5:00 pm. *Some restrictions apply. Promotions are not valid on holidays. by marcia gagliardi was most recently at CO-OP at the Hotel on Rivington, opened La Fonda del Sol (mod- fter a winter hiatus, Off the Grid ern Spanish in Midtown Manhattan), and The Lands End Lookout returns to the Presidio (Main Post consulted on the relaunch of The Crow’s Lawn) with both their Sunday Nest in Montauk; he also explored Japanese APicnic at the Presidio and their Thursday cuisine at Niko in Soho. But at heart, Be sure to visit the Lookout Cafe at the Lands End visitor center. Operated by the Cliff House team, the cafe serves a delicious selection Twilight at the Presidio. On Sundays from London is a Southern boy, having spent his of locally sourced grab-and-go items including the famous It’s It 11a.m.–4 p.m., you’ll find both food trucks childhood in South Carolina, and he rolled and local restaurants serving from food out his new Southern-inspired menu last originally for sale at Playland at the Beach. stands, including Wise Sons, Del Popolo, month. The Elite has been around since The center, under the direction of the Golden Gate National Parks and Nopalito. A roving cocktail bar offers 1981, and the Cajun- and Creole-inspired Conservancy, offers educational and interactive exhibits, a museum store, drinks “blanket-side,” and you can also menu has not changed for the past eight stunning views, and the amazing Lands End Trails. buy all the important picnic supplies you’ll years, but there are some favorites on the need, like croquet, kites, and, yes, extra menu that will stay put: the deviled eggs, Open daily from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Located at Point Lobos and Merrie Way sweaters and blankets. jambalaya, and Meetinghouse biscuits. As for Thursday evening, Twilight at the Presidio runs from 5–9 p.m. and includes RUSSIAN HILL 1090 Point Lobos cabanas lit with lanterns, fire pits and Love brunch? If you’re a true San 415-386-3330 Adirondack chairs, and live music. Cocktails Franciscan, you do. Verbena (2323 Polk www.CliffHouse.com are also available, served either right at your Street, 415-441-2323) on Polk Street is now cabana or fireside. You’ll find a rotating serving brunch on Saturdays and Sundays, lineup of trucks, including The Boneyard, offering seasonal dishes, many of them Red Sauce Meatballs, and Fins on the Hoof. with a twist on the usual selections, includ- ing a pork trotter terrine with fried quail The place MARINA eggs and chile oil, and poached eggs with San Francisco’s celebration of all things duck ragout and peas. They’re also pouring comestible, SF Chefs, has changed its name brunch cocktails, like the Verbena mimosa where locals to Eat Drink SF, and moved from its Union with orange bitters and Cocchi Americano, Square location to Fort Mason. The festival and of course a Bloody Mary. Brunch is has become so well attended that it has out- served from 11 a.m.–2:30 p.m., and you can grown the smaller Union Square location. enjoy outdoor seating on sunny days. eat seafood! Look for more chefs participating, as well as more culinary tours and dinners happening MID-MARKET all around the city. Speaking of street food vendors, Azalina The festival will continue to focus around Eusope, the hardworking and crazy-talent- Spectacular Bay Views the tasting tent, though now it will be called ed woman behind Azalina’s Malaysian will the Tasting Pavilion. You’ll still find chefs finally be opening her brick-and-mortar serving bites, and great wines and spirits on location — and it will be in the lobby of offer, and of course lots of special dinners the Twitter building, aka Market Square. and demonstrations. Tickets to the July She has catered meals for the Twitter office, 27–Aug. 3 event will go on sale May 15. and like most other people with good taste A little more than a year after a fire in this town, they love her food. Eusope is damaged Castagna (2015 Chestnut Street, mulling over the name, and is thinking of 415-440-4290), the restaurant and wine calling it Azalina (sounds right to me!). bar from co-owners and brothers Jerome There will be an open kitchen, and both Meloni (general manager) and Stephane communal and bar seating, with 45 seats Meloni (executive chef) has reopened. The indoors and about 30 outdoors. Her good new chapter brings some changes, includ- friend Edward Ngiam is designing the ing a more upscale look by Jeon Design, space. The vibe will be informal, an easy and includes more banquette seating, wood place where you can swing by for a meal or floors, and stone accents. get it packed up to go. Both lunch and din- World Famous Restaurant The menu is inspired by Provençe, ner will be served, with snacks in between Southern France, and the Italian Riviera. For and brunch on the weekends. Eusope also dinner, look for ratatouille served in socca, wants to keep everything at a very fair price a fennel-crusted Mediterranean branzino, point that’s accessible to many income daube à la Niçoise, and fried squash blossoms. brackets. “After all,” she says, “I am [a] NO At brunch, you’ll find egg dishes, includ- fifth-generation [Mamak] street vendor, ing an omelet, eggs en cocotte, and quiche making accessible street food of my culture. 9 FISHERMEN’S Lorraine. The brothers are also adding bar I simply pray I do justice to my community, seating, outdoor seating, and a happy hour culture, and the four generations before me Tuesday–Friday 4–6 p.m. (For more details with this opportunity.” 415.673.7025 on Castagna, see New and Notable, page 13). The location is along the back wall at Free Validated Parking GROTTO 1355 Market Street at 10th Street; one PACIFIC HEIGHTS of her walls is made of two huge win- No. 9 Fisherman’s Wharf at the foot of Taylor Some changes at The Elite Cafe (2049 dows that can slide to open up onto the Fillmore Street, 415-673-5483): Owner back patio garden area, which will also fishermensgrotto.com Banquet Facilities Available Peter Snyderman has brought on a new have a roof. Eusope plans to do some chef, James London from New York. He Tablehopper, continued on 13

12 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com New and Notable The Phoenix restaurant Get your crab on!

Castagna’s bright return from the ashes photos: courtesy of castagna he Franciscan Crab seafood Cioppino, perfect for Welcome back to Restaurant is the any San Francisco day by the best place to “get your Bay. And if you can find room, Castagna on Chestnut Tcrab on!” It’s all about the crab try a decadent dessert made and no matter how you like it, with their house made frozen by julie mitchell white walls, modern mashed potatoes. Sides chandeliers, cool pendant ($5–$6) include fries with you will find it there. Start with custard ice cream. ccupying a prime lights, and much of the garlic and parsley, chick- crab chowder, followed by crab Perched on the edge of spot on Chestnut wine selection is on dis- pea fries, and sautéed Street, Castagna play. For a small space, green beans. Caesar salad, move on to a crab Fisherman’s Wharf, you can Owas forced to close for the dinner menu is expan- Desserts ($8–$16) are enchilada, grab a ban- a year after an electrical sive. Appetizers ($8–$19) simple yet rich and include fire in the attic ravaged include beef carpac- beignets — plain or filled crab Alfredo quette and much of the restaurant. cio; two mussel dishes; with Nutella, cream or Grab a banquette But last month, the bistro French onion soup with caramelized apples — to or the big look out the reopened with a sleek- fennel; flambéed prawns warm molten chocolate boy—two plus and look out the twenty foot er, more upscale design, on a rosemary skewer; cake, crème brûlée, and a wine bar, and a new crostini with a variety of a cheese plate. Brunch pounds of twenty foot windows windows at menu featuring cuisine toppings including roast- dishes ($6 for sides; $12– from Provençe, the Côte ed calamari, garlic, and $15 for entrees) include whole roasted at the beautiful bay. the beautiful d’Azur, and the Italian zucchini “spaghetti.” standbys eggs Benedict Dungeness bay, watch the Riviera, reflecting and an omelet the background with herbs along crab. But there is more than boats come and go and gaze at of Nice-born co- with soups, sal- owners and broth- It is in the “grandes ads, quiche, just crab on the menu for those the beauty of the city that we all ers Jerome and assiettes” or main crepes, burg- who may desire an alternative— treasure. Stephane Meloni. ers, and sand- Chef Stephane courses where diners get wiches. Castagna artisanal salumi and burrata, a Visit the Franciscan for a great says that in addi- is the perfect slow-roasted boneless short rib dining experience. You won’t tion to offer- a true taste of Provençe. place to relish ing neighbors a classic croque and filet mignon, among many be sorry. a comfortable place to Both thin-crust pizza monsieur or madame, enjoy dinner and week- and fresh linguine ($13– a grilled sandwich with other possibilities. end brunch, he hopes $19) are on the menu, ham, Gruyere cheese, and Don’t miss their other sea- Pier 43 ½, 415.362.7733 more people will stop in but it is in the “grandes béchamel sauce with or for a glass of wine and assiettes,” or main cours- without a fried egg. food options like garlic- franciscancrabrestaurant.com happy hour. The exten- es ($17–$26) where din- And naturellement, sive wine list offers spe- ers will get a true taste Castagna serves espresso steamed clams and hearty Open daily at 11:30 am cialties from France with of Provençe. Entrees fea- drinks. a few California varietals ture gluten-free chickpea Castagna: 2015 thrown in, and there is an crepes stuffed with rata- Chestnut Street, 415-440- ample bar menu, which touille; beef stew cooked 4290, castagnasf.com; includes charcuterie and in red wine and herbs happy hour Tuesday– cheese plates. with mini ravioli; and Friday 4–6 p.m.; dinner Seating just 28 inside fennel-crusted Chilean Tuesday–Sunday from 5 with 8 sidewalk seats, sea bass in a sauce of p.m.; brunch Saturday– Castagna’s decor mixes tomatoes, garlic, herbs, Sunday 10:30 a.m.–5 p.m. splashes of bright orange and lemon olive oil art juxtaposed with clean served with black-olive E-mail: [email protected]

Tablehopper noodles, chicken curry bombs, spinach continued from page 12 yam dumplings, sweet banana donuts, and fresh-spiced pineapple tea. September fun things there, from outdoor events to can’t come soon enough. movie screenings to bonfires — people Stay tuned for next month for details spend their time outside in Malaysia, she on Palm House, which is taking over the said, so she hopes they will feel a little former Nettie’s Crab Shack space on 2032 transported here. The targeted opening Union Street and will feature Caribbean- date is September 2014. In the mean- inspired cuisine. time, you can enjoy her delicious food at her stand at Off the Grid on Fridays Marcia Gagliardi is the founder of the weekly at Fort Mason, where she is currently tablehopper e-column; subscribe and get more serving dishes like flower crab tamales, food news and gossip at tablehopper.com. ADVERTISEMENT. vegan laksa with her famous hand-pulled Follow her on Twitter: @tablehopper. www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 13 Food & Wine

In the Spirit 1760

Left: 1760’s Christopher Longoria; Above: The Black Currant Bramble photos; 1760; garrick ramirez Bar manager Christopher Longoria

by garrick ramirez balances the creaminess of coconut puree with the acidity of muddled kumquats. Oak efore we talk cocktails, Chris- from the aged tequila blends well with the topher Longoria asks if he could almond from the Disaronno while a gener- put on some music. He makes a few ous shaving of fresh cinnamon gives it a Bquick swipes on the iPad resting in front of great nose. It’s a deeply satisfying drink. him, and suddenly Amy Winehouse’s soul- ful voice fills the dining room. Longoria is CURIOUS INGREDIENTS the bar manager at 1760, the casual spin-off Longoria makes a point of eschewing of nearby Acquerello. For him, music is trends. For the primary spirit in his Black both a passion and a source of inspiration, Currant Bramble (see recipe below), he but it could also serve as a motif for his chose vodka, anathema to the speakeasy set. expressive style. The black currant of the cassis is highlighted against a perfectly balanced backdrop of cit- GRACE AND HARMONY rus and sugar. The fresh black pepper adds Longoria maintains an upbeat rhythm bite and character to the vodka. at 1760’s handsome bar, directing his team The restaurant’s namesake cocktail, The like a jazz quartet and addressing them by 1760 (mint, cumin, mezcal, tonic, and gin), their honorific titles. “My approach to the is an addicting drink that’s at once familiar bar is to be graceful,” he tells me. “Graceful but completely haunting given the curious in how I speak, how I move, and how I mix of ingredients. The mint, cumin and make cocktails. I don’t like chaos.” mezcal blend incredibly well together while Behind him, luminescent bottles are fas- the gin tames the smoky intensity of the tidiously arranged by hue and interspersed mezcal. A topping of Fever Tree tonic water with books on Jean-Michel Basquiat and lends a soothing, effervescent fizz. Jack Kerouac. “There are spirits behind the bar and then there are spirits behind the CHAMPAGNE AND MUSIC bar,” says Longoria who earned his master’s When’s he’s not at the bar, Longoria says degree in poetry. he is either hiding out or working out, His drinks reflect his demeanor: They’re noting that a bartenders’ line of work is soulful and harmonious. He references a notoriously hard on the body and one’s grandmother’s cooking — alive with gusto, health. But on the right afternoon, you can personality and character — when describ- catch him at the St. Regis lobby bar enjoy- ing his creation of the restaurant’s cocktail ing a glass of champagne. He also likes to list. He also wants drinks to pair well with swing by Cantina when owner Duggan chef Adam Tortosa’s food, so he focuses on McDonnell is around. the flavor of ingredients. “I like the taste of Longoria says he rarely drinks at home, things. I like the taste of lavender, the taste but concedes that bourbon is his best of cantaloupe for example. I like things back-stabbing friend, possibly showing his to taste delicious,” he explains. Nearly all southeast Texas roots. He also finds room drinks are named after their primary taste, for Fortaleza tequila and Voyager gin. His reflecting an emphasis on flavor as opposed latest discovery is Hakushu Japanese whis- to their base spirit. key, which drinks like a scotch and is best garnished with a single ice cube. MUDDLED MAGIC The Mango and Spice cocktail (mango, BLACK CURRANT BRAMBLE cayenne, black peppercorn, long pepper, Serves 1 lime, and rum) originated while Longoria was on a beach in Manzanilla, Mexico. A 2 tablespoons lime juice cart vendor approached him with mango 1 tablespoon superfine sugar sprinkled with chili powder, and his first 6 teaspoons Cassis liqueur thought was: This needs rum. True to its 2 teaspoons Small Hands Foods Orgeat name, the mango in the cocktail is bright (almond syrup) but tempered by the spice from the cayenne 4 tablespoons vodka and vanilla from the rum. 6 grinds (turns) freshly ground black pep- Before 1760, Longoria was at Michelin- per, plus 1 grind for garnish starred Aziza pairing drinks with chef Mourad’s Marigold petals for garnish elevated Moroccan dishes. I asked him what he learned during that time, and he quickly Combine ingredients in a cocktail shak- answers, “I learned how to muddle,” referring er, shake, single-strain, and pour into tall to Aziza’s 30-drink cocktail list that required glass filled with ice. Garnish with marigold each drink to be muddled individually. petals and one grind of fresh black pepper. I thought he’d never want to see another muddler, but he grabs one for his Kumquat- Garrick Ramirez can be reached Coconut cocktail (Disaronno, cinnamon, on Twitter at @WeekendDelSol or at and añejo tequila), a delectable drink that [email protected].

14 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Appetites and Afterthoughts Another Unlikely Heroine in the Gastronomic Trenches by ernest beyl three times a year,” she said, THE INSATIABLE GAEL referring to the magazine’s greene ome readers may low fees. Now that I have recall my occasional “That’s ridiculous. ... got you hooked on pieces in this paper Dozens of people are beg- Gael Greene, let’s fill Scalled “Unlikely Heroes ging to be New York’s res- in the blank spots in (and Heroines) in the taurant critic so they can her career. After Gastronomic Trenches”— charge all their meals to graduation from the short profiles of writers on us,” he responded. University of Michigan, food and restaurants that “Blinding light bulbs she joined the news service have caught my eye. Previous exploded,” she wrote. “So United Press as a reporter. honorees were Calvin Trillin I said ‘yes’ quickly before She was assigned to inter- (who proclaimed Arthur my doubts could erode view Elvis Presley, who Bryant’s Barbecue in Kansas his conscience.” seduced her — or vice City the world’s greatest versa. Post coitus he asked restaurant), A. J. Leibling THE PRIESTESS her to order him a fried- (The New Yorker writer with OF RADICCHIO egg sandwich from room the prodigious appetite for And that began Gael service before she left his food and life), and Alice B. Greene’s 30-year food feast suite. It was perhaps her Toklas (she of the Haschich as New York’s Insatiable first encounter to what Fudge, a forerunner of Critic. During that time, it is was to become her kinky, Hippie Brownies). safe to say that she was one Rabelaisian association with This month I wish to of the most influential res- the foodie world. honor another woman, a taurant critics in the country. Later, she wrote a couple gutsy voluptuary named Never understating or of novels, one of them the Gael Greene, who once adopting a buttoned-down critically acclaimed Blue wrote the following sen- opinion, she trashed New Skies, No Candy. Let’s just tence, which alone is enough York’s sacrosanct “21” Club say it was a hot read. She to make her a heroine in as boring and over-priced. published her memoir in this series: “Great food is She lobbed stingers at 2006, Insatiable. The New like sex — the more you Elaine’s, the celebrity hang- York Times wrote that it have the more you want.” out. And she celebrated was “Frank and funny … Gael Greene is the sensa- some of Manhattan’s biggies a gustatory napkin-ripper.” tional sensualist, food and like Lutece and Le Bernadin, Syndicated columnist Liz restaurant critic, whose blog but also praised a midtown Smith wrote a cover blurb: on her website insatiable- snack bar. “Gael Greene is the best food critic.com, and her Internet Then in 2008, New York writer since the late M. F. K. newsletter, Fork Play, is magazine’s 40th anniversa- Fisher.” A great comparison required reading for this ry, she was suddenly fired. because Fisher, too, was a columnist. So let’s hear it for At the time, Glenn sensualist and wrote about Gael Greene, this month’s Collins, referring to her as food in a lusty manner. Unlikely Heroine in the the priestess of radicchio, Gael Greene also gave Gastronomic Trenches. beurre blanc, and arugu- back to the community. With la, wrote in the New York food-god James Beard, she A FOOD PERSON Times, “But even among co-founded Citymeals-on- Here are a few bio- those who might have seen Wheels, the organization that graphical highlights on it coming, many were taken feeds New York’s homeless. this remarkable woman’s aback at the expulsion of the Obviously a woman of libido-charged career. sensualist who influenced appetite, she peppered her Editor Clay Felker in the way a generation of memoir with miscella- 1968 founded a magazine New Yorkers ate, and who neous seductions, including called New York — still served as a lusty narrator of Clint Eastwood and Burt published today — that restaurant life in New York Reynolds. Neither actor was destined to become for decades.” ever denied the encounters. one of the most influen- Michael Batterberry, (And there are still those tial periodicals ever cre- editor and publisher of who say journalism is not a ated. Think quirkier than Food Arts magazine, put it good career path.) The New Yorker, which it this way: “It was as if New If I have piqued resembled in those days. York magazine had found your interest in this New York’s early writing its own version of Colette Unlikely Heroine in the stable included Tom Wolfe, when it came to food. She Gastronomic Trenches, Jimmy Breslin, and Gloria created an entirely fresh you may want to delve into Steinem. Within a few new voice, one that has some of her old columns in months of the magazine’s never stalled.” New York magazine. Here founding, Felker offered Robert Lape, then res- are three, listed by their Gael Greene, a New York taurant critic for Crain’s headlines: “Everything You Post reporter, a job as res- New York Business, said, Always Wanted to Know taurant critic. She said she “Greene’s palate is one of about Ice Cream but Were was taken by surprise. She the best in the business. She too Fat to Ask,” “The Mafia didn’t consider herself a could always parse a meal Guide to Dining out,” and food person. quite brilliantly, and her (my favorite), “Nobody Here’s how she described skills have not diminished.” Knows the Truffles I’ve it in her memoir, Insatiable: (Coincidentally, she was Seen” about a gastronom- “How reckless of Clay to picked up by Crain’s in 2008 ic pilgrimage to France nominate me as a candidate and wrote a dining column with writer Nora Ephron, to brandish my fork in that for that publication until comedian Danny Kaye and world,” she wrote. 2012 when it downsized the the editor of Screw maga- “What would you tell food department.) zine, Al Goldstein. Visit people my credentials are?” What did Gael Greene insatiable-critic.com. she asked Felker. say about herself when she To write about food it “Well, you are a food per- was sacked? Expressing helps to be a sensualist. son,” he said. surprise, she declared she “Well, I’ve eaten around was “the brand name of Ernest Beyl, a bit of a sensu- … but I can’t afford to restaurant journalism.” I alist himself, may be reached write more than two or like gutsy women. at [email protected]. www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 15 Arts & Entertainment

Book Notes The German connection Sigmar Polke, founder of Capital Realism art movement

by sharon anderson forces such as toxicity and radi- design approaches in advertis- ation fascinated Polke, and he ing. Their version of Pop Art “You can’t exist in a vacuum, covered the canvas with chemi- included images from news- you are rooted in time.” cals that are altered by their paper headlines and repeated — Sigmar Polke environment, transforming the motifs not commonly associ- appearance of the paintings’ ated with fine art. igmar Polke is primar- surface over time. Through the seventies, Polke ily known for his paint- For example, Polke’s The traveled throughout the world ings. Alibis: Sigmar Polke Spirits That Lend Strength Are and created performance and S1963–2010, recently published Invisible III (1988) is a part photography pieces inspired by MoMA New York, illustrates of the SFMOMA’s permanent by his journeys. When he the broad scope of the art- collection and contains nickel, eventually returned to paint- ist’s work, which includes film, silver and meteor granulate ing, he merged abstract and drawing, performance, pho- to symbolize the new world figurative imagery to forge a tography installation, Xerox, of the American continent. new approach to the medi- and combinations of these A tribute based on a Native um using everyday subject mediums creating for the first American proverb, the pulver- matter in unusual juxtaposi- time a complete picture of the ized metals in the paint react tions suggesting inner worlds artist’s career. with sunlight causing a slow and introspection. Born in Germany, Polke coloration change as the paint- One of the most influential studied arts at the Dusseldorf ing advances in years. Palmen, artists of the postwar generation, Arts Academy where his teach- also residing at SFMOMA, is Sigmar Polke’s impact is evident er, the artist Joseph Beuys, pro- an example of Polke’s more tra- in the works of contemporary foundly influenced him. Both ditional Pop Art stylings com- painters such as David Salle, Sigmar Polke, Palmen (Palm Trees), 1968; acrylic on mattress tick- artists utilized unconventional bining acrylic Ben Day dots on Julian Schnabel, and Richard ing; 51-1/4 in. x 43-3/8 in.; fractional purchase and bequest of Phyllis materials in their art, in Beuys’s mattress ticking. Prince. Polke’s journals, draw- Wattis; © 2012 Estate of Sigmar Polke/Artists Rights Society (ARS), case, felt and fat. Polke mixed Polke, along with his con- ings and photos also appear in New York/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany elements like arsenic, uranium temporaries Gerhard Richter this volume, providing an inti- and meteor dust in his paint and Konrad Fischer, created mate glimpse into the artist’s Godfrey, and Lanka Tattersall Sharon Anderson is an art- out of his interest in alchemy the movement they called experimental process. (eds.), 320 pages, the Museum ist and writer in Southern and the human condition in the Capital Realism as a kind of Alibis: Sigmar Polke 1963– of Modern Art, New York, California. She can be reached at atomic age. Unseen destructive anti-art that embraced the 2010, by Kathy Halbreich, Mark 2014, $75. mindtheimage.com.

The Back Story It’s a street renaissance A resurgence of the arts and artists in North Beach

by ernest beyl each month to support the visual arts in FOCUS GALLERY ioned modernism” sell frequently for lively, this quarter of the city. He suggested I get I paid a visit to John Perino, proprietor of but always fair, prices. Brown has become rom reading my monthly column, out and look around. So recently I’ve been the Focus Gallery, 1534 Grant Avenue (focus an important benefactor in North Beach. Sketches from a North Beach visiting North Beach galleries and talking gallerysf.org). Perino is widely admired for He offers his gallery space for modest fees Journal, one might get the impres- to those who operate them. his devotion to the arts and the artists of to aspiring artists to hang their work, but Fsion that poet, painter, and free-range rad- North Beach. His view of the arts future in doesn’t dip into their pockets for a commis- ical Lawrence Ferlinghetti so dominates EMERALD TABLET the neighborhood is that the arts and the sion when they sell their work. the area that it’s necessary for me to write First stop was the Emerald Tablet, 80 art galleries they support have undergone about him each month. And that may be Fresno Street (emtab.org), just around the a significant change — not necessarily for PICCOLO PRESS true. He’s a powerful “brand” and, as I corner of Upper Grant where The Saloon the better. “Galleries now have become an Laura Sample-Mattos is the force said in that column this month (see page is located. The Emerald Tablet — the adjunct to popular arts events held on their behind this small gallery and shop, 703 1), he’s a mover and shaker. Ferlinghetti is name refers to an ancient hermetic text premises.” In other words, the events have Columbus Avenue (piccolo-press.com). so intellectually restless and inventive that on the evolution of become an excuse Besides housing an antique platen hand he looms over North Beach like a wise man — calls itself to party. “As this press on which she will print your custom- old eagle and sounds off on his concerns a “creativity salon.” trend continues designed notepaper or business cards, about the neighborhood’s cultural and Its co-proprietors The resurgence could in North Beach or Laura exhibits the work of a variety of environmental focus. Frequently he leaves are Della Heywood elsewhere, art and notable artists, some who operate in a me dumbfounded by his vision. and Lapo Guzzini. contribute greatly to the artists who cre- realistic mode, and others whose work is What’s this 95-year-old, sharp-as-a-tack Heywood, an Ferlinghetti’s concept of ate it become less joyfully abstract. I am drawn also to the dreamer up to now? As you may have read engaging artist and relevant, while rents work of Laura’s spouse, John Mattos, the a while back, art galleries appear to be the visionary herself, Columbus as La Rambla. climb,” he told me. award-winning designer and poster artist. latest casualty in San Francisco’s commercial told me she consid- Yet, even Perino’s real estate boom. Leading galleries have ers Emerald Tablet a “nutrient source” for Focus Galley has been the site for various Yes, there are other galleries in North occupied space at 77 Geary Street for many the artistic focus in the neighborhood. Not “happenings” to use the now out-of-fashion Beach or close by, including Modern Eden years but have been ousted by the expansion only does Emerald Tablet feature visual term for these events. It should be noted (moderneden.com), I Heart North Beach plans of a tech company also in the build- artists in one-person showings, but it also that galleries operate on a small mark-up (iheartnorthbeach.com) and The Gallery ing that has deeper pockets than the gallery conducts various drawing and painting and most rely on the extra income from on Telegraph Hill (telegraphhillgallery. operators. Similarly, several art galleries have classes, and holds events such as jazz per- turning their artsy premises over to event com). As I write this, news comes that been forced out of an adjacent building at formances, poetry readings and the like. If sponsors and coordinators. That doesn’t yet another — Naivasha Studio & Gallery 49 Geary Street. Among those evicted from you wish, you can rent the place and hold make them bad folks, just realistic entrepre- (naivashasf.com) — expects to open at 77 Geary was the George Krevsky Gallery, your own art event. neurs. Perino, a fine photo-essayist, features 1499 Grant Avenue early this month. Also, which has for many years shown Lawrence a heady potpourri of art at Focus Gallery. I have heard rumors of a gallery opening Ferlinghetti’s paintings. LA RAMBLA ON COLUMBUS Paintings, lithographs, prints by Ferlinghetti on Green Street close to the fabled saloon, Heywood and I got to talking about and other artists, rare books, memorabilia, Gino & Carlo. Because of space limitations, GALLERY RENAISSANCE Ferlinghetti’s notion that North Beach and his own photographs. I’ll have to report on these another time. Over lunch recently Ferlinghetti said, is ripe for a resurgence of artistic inter- The resurgence of the arts and artists in “I’ve got an interesting story for you.” I lis- est. She buys onto that and injected LIVE WORMS North Beach could contribute greatly to tened. “The angle is the resurgence of the another Ferlinghetti dream: “Lawrence Painter Kevin Brown’s Live Worms, 1345 Ferlinghetti’s concept of Columbus Avenue arts and artists in North Beach as a result envisions Columbus Avenue as a prom- Grant Avenue, (sflivewormsgallery.com), is as La Rambla — a place where the rubber of the gallery closings downtown.” Then enade or rambla.” a gallery of significant importance in North doesn’t hit the road and sandals replace the he expounded on North Beach creativity Barcelona’s La Rambla is the historic Beach. Brown is a likeable guy, a former 747 internal combustion engine. Wouldn’t that and what the arts community here calls pedestrian walkway bordered by craft shops, airline captain as I have written before, and be something? First Fridays (www.firstfridays.org) — an galleries, flower stalls, and one of the greatest a working artist whose paintings — abstract open house program the first Friday of public markets in the world, La Boqueria. oils and acrylics that he calls “old fash- E-mail: [email protected]

16 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Michael Snyder on Film ‘Belle’ Breakout role for Mbatha-Raw as Dido by michael snyder turmoil and change that situations due to ostensible gives it resonance beyond community standards. ven if you’re suf- any comedy of manners Complicating mat- fering from docu- or examination of anti- ters, it happens that Lord drama fatigue or are quated courting rituals. Mansfield is England’s Lord Eskeptical of the assertion After her West Indian Chief Justice and is expect- (or disclaimer) “inspired by mother dies, Dido’s noble- ed to rule on cases involv- a true story” that precedes born seafaring father ing slavery and human so many films these days, leaves the dark-skinned trafficking. The love he Belle is definitely worth prepubescent girl in the feels for his niece, and the Sarah Gadon (Elizabeth) and Gugu Mbatha-Raw (Belle) star as cousins photo: © fox searchlight your undivided attention. care of her snooty but hon- reservations he might have This issue-oriented orable great-uncle Lord about her background must society of the day, despite come. The art direction niving Draco Malfoy in biography of Dido Eliza- Mansfield and his wife at invariably have an impact her aristocratic blood. But is typically spot-on for a the Harry Potter movies beth Belle — the illegiti- their elegantly appointed on his judicial decisions. her intellect, pride, and U.K. production. Best of all, — is positively hiss-wor- mate mixed-race daughter mansion. There, the young In short order, the grace set her apart from the movie never degener- thy as the most hateful of an 18th-century English Dido forges a sisterly bond film flashes forward to the shallow attitudes that ates into treacle nor does it of the sons. Royal Navy Admiral — with her cousin Elizabeth find Dido and Elizabeth were pervasive in those succumb to heavy-handed Mbatha-Raw’s elegant, has all the polish, nuance, whose parents abandoned grown into beauties quarters of society. preaching — vicar’s son engaging performance as romance, and period style her, thus putting her in about to enter the mar- Any man would be for- notwithstanding. Dido should ensure her of a Merchant Ivory adap- the care of the Mansfields, riage market. At this junc- tunate to wed a woman It’s hard to imagine a status as a lead actress tation of a Jane Austen too. The girls’ Aunt Mary ture, Gugu Mbatha-Raw of Dido’s qualities. Still, better cast for a project after just a handful of novel. And in truth, cer- serves as their governess, — a stunning, classically her prospects seem to like this. Tom Wilkinson notable roles — includ- tain of its familial, social, and she dotes on them in trained British actress hinge on the cold, hard and Emily Watson show ing the female lead in and romantic elements are equal measure. Though with a tongue-bending fact that she inherited the moral spine and Undercovers, a quickly can- evocative of Austen’s Sense most people in upper-class name — takes on the role a considerable fortune essential decency beneath celled espionage-themed & Sensibility, though that circles demean Dido as a of Dido and imbues her when her father died the outward poise, poli- American TV series. She’s book’s narrative account lesser due to her biracial with a depth, warmth and, at sea. Thus, highborn tesse, and conservatism of a looker and a talent, but of two proper sisters and parentage, the Mansfields yes, nobility that inspire suitors of limited means the Mansfields; Penelope she’s not the only reason their various suitors is care for her, and she lives empathy and respect for might overlook Dido’s Wilton, best-known in the to catch Belle, wherein the certainly a fluffier article in great comfort befitting the character. The color unconventional ancestry U.S. as the earnest Mrs. stakes are significantly than Belle. By comparison, her lineage. Still they keep of Dido’s skin presumes in exchange for financial Crawley on TV’s Downton higher than who’s marry- Dido’s tale is one of social her under wraps in certain outcast status in the high security. As one might Abbey, is prickly yet sup- ing above or below his or expect, the Mansfields portive as Aunt Mary; her station. As much as it’s want her to marry “up.” Sarah Gadon is a lovely about a remarkable, barri- Dido has a mind of her blend of yearning, inno- er-breaking woman find- own, and when a smart cence and mischief (with a ing love and her position and attractive vicar’s touch of competitiveness) in the world, it’s about the son displays a passion as Elizabeth; and Sam Reid centuries-long struggle to for human rights and a is integrity personified as ensure human freedom willingness to lobby Lord Dido’s ideal match, the and dignity. Mansfield on behalf of vicar’s crusading son John Belle opens May 9 at anti-slavery forces, Dido Davinier. In smaller roles, Landmark Theatres’ Embar- takes notice. Matthew Goode embod- cadero Center Cinema. ies parental affection and DIRECTOR AND CAST a sense of duty as Dido’s Michael Snyder is a print and Directed by British ill-starred father; Miranda broadcast journalist who cov- actress-turned-filmmaker Richardson is devil- ers pop culture every week Amma Asante, Belle has ishly good as a shrewish, on KPFK/Pacifica Radio’s the right balance of roman- conniving upper-crust David Feldman Show, and tic angst, historical insight, woman trying to marry on Michael Snyder’s Culture and droll hindsight, and its off her entitled, feckless Blast, available online at implicit message of racial sons to wealth and status; YouTube and Digidev TV. and gender equality is one and Tom Felton — a nasty You can follow Michael on “Any man would be fortunate to wed a woman of Dido’s qualities” photo: © fox searchlight that should always be wel- piece of work as the con- Twitter: @cultureblaster

The Best of Books What you’re reading Best sellers and recommendations compiled by brian pettus 10. The Pigeon Needs a Bath!, by Mo Willems Books Inc. hardcover best-seller list PICKS FOR ADULTS 1. Flash Boys: A Wall Street Flash Boys, by Michael Lewis sidered the basic elements of the to take over our hearts (and as ever. This is a great series to read Revolt, by Michael Lewis Lewis’s newest nonfiction story — I have my own conclu- the airwaves), Frozen is an to your children and for them to 2. Boys in the Boat: Nine Amer- work is another thrill ride of sions. It’s one great read. update on the classic Snow read on their own. icans and Their Epic Quest interesting characters, extraor- — Bill Dito Queen myth of Hans Christian — Brian Pettus for Gold at the 1936 Berlin dinary stories, and some mild- Andersen. The Golden Book Olympics, by Daniel Brown ly disturbing lessons about If there was an “it” book last version isn’t just stills from the MANAGER’S NOTE 3. City of Thieves, by David Benioff our economic systems. A fun, year, it was this one. This gor- movie; the Disney artists went City of Thieves, by David Benioff 4. This Is Where I Leave You, quick read! geous tale of art, family, love, and all out creating a beautifully Bill Dito, one of our booksell- by Jonathan Tropper — Brian Pettus loss has polarized readers, and illustrated summation of the ers, just sold his 5,000th copy of 5. Frozen (a Little Golden Book), many come away transformed. story, sure to please the young- this World War II thriller! It’s a by R.H. Disney The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt — Brian Pettus est fans in your house. great read — if you weren’t one 6. Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters Tartt’s timing is split-second — Brian Pettus of the 5,000, be sure to pick up 7. The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt perfect with each revelation in PICKS FOR KIDS your copy. 8. Insurgent, by Veronica Roth this rich and layered novel. I won’t Frozen (a Little Golden Book), Pigeon Needs a Bath!, 9. The Flamethrowers, say more but would like to discuss by R.H. Disney by Mo Willems Brian Pettus is the manager of by Rachel Kushner with any readers what they con- The newest Disney classic Pigeon is back and just as great Books Inc. in the Marina. www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 17 Calendar

27th Annual Star Chefs & Vintners Gala Sunday, June 1, 5–11 p.m. Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center This epicurean extravaganza benefiting Meals May Events on Wheels features an hors d’oeuvre and wine reception; a sit-down, three-course dinner; a lav- what not to miss this month ish dessert reception; and live and silent auctions. $495, 415-920-1111, mowsf.org 42nd Street Moon: Du Berry was a Lady MAJOR EVENTS Wed–Sun thru May 18 Eureka Theatre (215 Jackson St.) ARTS & CULTURE After a nightclub washroom attendant wins a sweepstakes and finds money won’t buy hap- Tech Equipment Recycle Museums and the Fight for Social Justice piness, he resorts to dreaming he is King Louis Thursday, May 8, 5:30–7:30 p.m. XV and has a troublesome mistress, Madame Du Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. McLaren Conf. Cntr., USF (2130 Fulton St.) Barry. $25–$75, 415-255-8207, 42ndstmoon.org Galileo Academy of Science and Technology Seattle-based social activist and leading muse- (1150 Francisco Street) um innovator Ron Chew will speak about his 2014 S.F. Decorator Showcase Drop off your old computers and electron- many years as a museum executive director, Tue–Sun thru May 26 ics to help raise money for the Class of 2017. his community work and activism, the chal- 3660 Jackson St. Collection bins will be in the parking lot on lenges he’s faced, and what it really means to Don’t miss this premiere design show house event the Polk Street side of campus. 415-287-0000 be an effective advocate for social justice in featuring top Bay Area interior and landscape ext.102, greencitizen.com today’s world. Free, eventbrite.com designers that benefits University High School. $35, 415-447-5830, decoratorshowcase.org Yerba Buena Gardens Festival Cow Hollow Association Annual Meeting Monday, May 12, 6:30 p.m. Various days, May 4–Oct. 26 JUST FOR MOM Starting Line Room, St. Francis Yacht Club Yerba Buena Gardens Meeting includes board elections; guest speaker Eddie Palmieri kicks off this festival dedi- Mother’s Day Brunch Cooking Class Supervisor Mark Farrell; complimentary wine, cated to enhancing the vitality and quality Sunday, May 11, 10:30 a.m.–1 p.m. beer, soft drinks, and hors d’oeuvres; and an of life in the parks and open spaces of Yerba Dacor Kitchen (871 Dubuque Ave., So. S.F.) overview of major issues and developments in Buena Gardens and the Bay Area; it features Cow Hollow. Whip up a gourmet brunch at this hands-on cook- $48 (includes yearly membership), artistic, community and cultural programs ing class where you will learn new cooking tech- 415-749-1841, cowhollowassociation.org including classical, world and jazz music; con- niques and then enjoy the food you’ve prepared. temporary and traditional dance; theater; $85, 415-441-3595, partiesthatcook.com 10th Annual San Francisco and children’s and family programs. Free, Small Business Week 415-543-1718, ybgfestival.org Mon–Sat, May 12–17 Various venues ArtMRKT San Francisco Business seminars and workshops, networking events, business and technology forums, and dis- Da Vinci’s Knots: It’s All About the Dress Preview & Party: Thursday, May 15, 6–10:30 p.m. trict sidewalk sales are planned to highlight the Fair: Fri–Sun, May 16–17 impact small business has in the city. The kickoff Tuesday, May 13, 7 p.m. Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center networking event, “Flavors of San Francisco,” Museo Italo Americano, Fort Mason Center The Bay Area’s premier contemporary and features sample food from local restaurants. This lecture tackles yet another mystery of modern art fair features scores of highly sfsmallbusinessweek.com Leonardo’s Mona Lisa: the knot on her dress, reputable galleries and artists worldwide. which may not been merely decorative, but Opening night reception benefits the Fine Seismic Retrofit Seminar mathematical as revealed through high-res- 20th Annual Mother’s Day Celebration Arts Museums of S.F. $25–$150, 212-518-6912, Wednesday, May 21, 5:30–7 p.m. olution imaging. $10, reservations required, 415-673-2200, museoitaloamericano.org art-mrkt.com Sunday, May 11, 11 a.m. Barbagelata Real Estate (2381 Chestnut St.) Starlight Room, Sir Francis Drake Hotel Hosted by real estate agents Anna Barbagelata 9th Annual Uncorked! and Sandy Gandolfo, come learn about the Enjoy brunch followed by a drag show at this Jessye Norman Ghirardelli Square Wine Festival exclusive event for Hamilton Family Center latest laws and regulations of seismic retrofit- Tuesday, May 13, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, May 17, 1–6 p.m. clients and supporters. $65, 415-409-2100, ting and how they affect property owners. Free, 415-317-4414, quakeprep.org Nourse Theatre (225 Hayes St.) Ghirardelli Square hamiltonfamilycenter.org Hear the author of Stand Up Straight and Sing! in Enjoy live music, wine seminars, cooking dem- Veteran’s Memorial Cruise conversation with S.F. Symphony director Michael onstrations, and wines from over 50 top-tier Tilson Thomas. $27, 415-563-2463, cityarts.net wineries. Partial proceeds benefit Save the Bay. Annual Mother’s Day Rose Show Saturday, May 24, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. $55–$85, 415-775-5500, ghirardellisq.com Sunday, May 11, 12:30–4 p.m. S.S. Jeremiah O’Brien (Pier 45) County Fair Bldg., Golden Gate Park (1199 9th Ave.) Honoring the Merchant Marine and the 10th Annual Hill Physicians The S.F. Rose Society presents a variety of min- U.S. Navy Armed Guard, come memorial- Asian Heritage Street Celebration iatures, grandiflora, floribunda, and hybrid tea ize the brave men and women of WWII and Saturday, May 17, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. roses, with the top honor taking “Queen of beyond who built, sailed and maintained Larkin St. (Grove to Ellis) Show.” The roses are given away at the end. Liberty Ships. Live entertainment, compli- A showcase of all Asian and Pacific Islander cul- Free, 415-831-5500 mentary beverages and food. World War II tures, this celebration is the largest gathering of and Korean War veterans sail free, others Asians in the country and features music, arts, Mother’s Day Sail Around the Bay $75–$300, 415-544-0100, ssjeremiahobrien.org crafts, food, celebrity chef demos, cinema show- Sunday, May 11, 1–4 p.m. case, a Healthy Living Pavilion, kids’ area, and SRV Derek M. Baylis, Pier 40 Memorial Day Commemoration more. Free, 415-581-3500, asianfairsf.com Give Mom a special day she won’t forget aboard Monday, May 26 the 65-foot yacht, the Derek M. Baylis. Includes Parade: 10:30 a.m. 36th Annual Carnaval San Francisco a flower for each mom, champagne and light Program: 11 a.m. Sat–Sun, May 24–25, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. snacks. $110, 415-580-0335, wyliecharters.com Main Post & S.F. National Cemetery (Presidio) Harrison St. (between 16th & 24th) Join veterans, families and the community for Experience global cuisine, international music, 103rd Annual Bay to Breakers 12k the Presidio’s annual Memorial Day parade and dance, arts, crafts, and other fun activities program honoring those who have served in and entertainment for the entire family. Free, Sunday, May 18, 7 a.m. the armed services, with special recognition to 415-206-0577, carnavalsf.com Starts: 300 Howard Street (at Beale) Vietnam veterans. 415-561-5300, presidio.gov The city’s best-known athletic spectacle returns with world-class runners leading a pack of MUSEUMS & jogging centipedes and jiggling Elvises over the treacherous Hayes Street hill to the fin- GALAS & BENEFITS GALLERIES ish in Golden Gate Park. $54, 415-864-3432, baytobreakers.com 37th Annual St. Anthony’s Penny Pitch Friday, May 2, noon Pa’ina Paint Club: MoMo’s (760 Second St.) Mother’s Day Sunflower Come pitch pennies at this cherished S.F. tradition LAST CHANCE that has raised over $1 million since 1977 to feed Sunday, May 11, 3:30–6:30 the hungry. 415-241-2600, stanthonys.org/events 57th Annual S.F. International Film Festival Pa’ina Lounge (1865 Post) Create your own masterpieces of this popular TNDC’s 33rd Birthday Dinner Daily thru May 8 floral design with the guidance of a profession- Friday, May 16, 6–9 p.m. Various S.F. & Berkeley venues al artist. All materials provided and participants Westin St. Francis This longest-running film festival in the Americas keep their finished works. Happy hour menu Enjoy dinner, dancing and more at the Tenderloin features 200 films and events of international and available. $35, 415-890-4512, painasf.com Neighborhood Development Corporation’s annu- local distinction and brings hundreds of film- al fundraiser hosted by ABC7’s Cheryl Jennings maker and industry guests. Contact for pricing, and support its efforts to preserve and provide 415-561-5000, sffs.org permanent, affordable housing and supportive COMMUNITY CORNER services to low-income individuals and families. Buy Art: Spring Open Studios ACT: The Suit $200, 415-358-3907, tndc.org Sat–Sun, May 3–4, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Wed–Sun thru May 8 20th Annual Bike to Work Day Hunter’s Point Naval Shipyard 405 Geary St. Thursday, May 8 31st Annual Featuring artists from seven buildings in one Set in Apartheid-era Johannesburg, a wife’s lover S.F. International Beer Festival Citywide convenient location, also find food by the leaves behind his suit, and as penance, her Saturday, May 24, 7–10 p.m. May is National Bike Month, so leave your car at Bayview Underground Food Scene PopUp husband insists the suit accompany her wher- home and join thousands of others in this pre- Festival Pavilion, Fort Mason Center Market with many local vendors, live jazz, a ever she goes. This haunting production inte- mier event. Visit the website to find the nearest Enjoy a bottomless mug of hundreds of craft youth art show, and a participatory art zone for grates virtuosic musicians, African melodies, and Energizer Station on your way, and enjoy free brews, delicious eats and music while support- kids. Coincides with Bayview Sunday Streets. jazz standards directly into the action. $20–$120, coffee and snacks and receive a free canvas tote ing Telegraph Hill Cooperative Nursery School. Free, 415-822-9675, shipyardartists.com 415-749-2228, act-sf.org bag. youcanbikethere.com $70–$175, sfbeerfest.com

18 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com 21st Annual Artists’ Warehouse Sale Quantum Mechanics: Preview: Wednesday, May 7, 6–9 p.m. The Theoretical Minimum SPORTS & HEALTH Sale: Thu–Sun, May 8–1, noon Thursday, May 22, 6 p.m. Walk MS 2014 SFMOMA Artists Gallery, Bldg. A, The Commonwealth Club (595 Market St.) Sunday, May 4, 8 a.m. Fort Mason Center Leonard Susskind — one of the founders of string Justin Herman Plaza This highly anticipated event features works up to theory — and data engineer Art Friedman pro- Walk MS is the rallying point of the M.S. move- 75 percent off retail price by over 300 emerging vide a toolkit for nonexperts on the theory and ment, a community coming together to raise and established Bay Area artists. Proceeds ben- explanations behind quantum mechanics. $7–20, funds and celebrate hope for the future to efit the artists, the Artists’ Gallery and SFMOMA. 415-597-6705, commonwealthclub.org end multiple sclerosis. $35, 415-230-6678, Free–$10, 415-441-4777, sfmoma.org/artistsgallery walkcan.nationalmssociety.org

FILMS & LECTURES Vitamin C, Calcium and THEATER S.F. Symphony: Chamber Music Chronic Degenerative Disease Tim Draper: The Case for 6 Californias Wednesday, May 14, noon Sunday, May 11, 2 p.m. Shelton Theater: Dracula Tuesday, May 6, 6 p.m. Commonwealth Club (595 Market St.) Florence Gould Theater, Legion of Honor May 1–31, Thu–Sat, 8 p.m. The Commonwealth Club (595 Market St.) Hear a general overview of vitamin C, why most of The symphony and guest artists perform a pro- 533 Sutter St. What sounded like a lark has turned out to us have too much calcium in our bodies, and Dr. gram of Debussy, Brahms and Shostakovich in This new adaptation of one of the most icon- have some major power-brokers behind it: Thomas E. Levy’s suggestions for the best ways to the museum’s beautiful setting. $59, 415-864- ic monsters of all time focuses on the per- Venture capitalist Tim Draper wants to divide address these factors therapeutically to optimize 6000, sfsymphony.org spective of his victims. $30–$35, 800-838-3006, the Golden State into six new states. Come health. $20, 415-597-6700, commonwealthclub.org sheltontheater.org hear him defend his plan and ask your questions SF Popfest 2014 about what it means for you, your business, your Wanderlust: Yoga in the City city, and your state(s). $7–$20, 415-597-6705, Best of PlayGround 18 Thu–Sun, May 22–25, 9:30 p.m. Saturday, May 17, noon–6 p.m. Tue–Sat, May 8–25 commonwealthclub.org Various S.F. venues Little Marina Green Thick House (1695 18th St.) Enjoy a day of yoga classes infused with musi- Enjoy 19 bands featuring several from S.F. and Italians and Americans: This festival features six fully produced 10-min- Northern California as well as Australia, Canada cal performances, vendors, performance artists ute plays/musicals selected from the 36 works How We See Each Other and more. and England. Festival pass $45, sfpopfest.com Free with registration, 855-926-3375, developed as part of the group’s Monday Wednesday, May 7, 6:30–8:15 p.m. sf.wanderlustfestival.com Night PlayGround staged reading series at JCCSF (3200 California St.) Berkeley Repertory Theatre. $75 all-fest pass, Journalist and author Beppe Severgnini delves 415-992-6677, playground-sf.org NIGHTLIFE into the entertaining and thought-provoking roles that national identity, aspiration and reality play CHILD’S PLAY S.F. Playhouse: Seminar Kim Nalley in the lives and relationships between Americans, EdRev 2014 Tue–Sun thru June 14 Saturday–Sunday, May 10–11, 7 p.m. Italians and Italian-Americans. $25–$100, Saturday, May 3, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Kensington Hotel (450 Post St.) Feinstein’s at the Nikko (222 Mason St.) baia-network.org/events AT&T Park Four aspiring novelists pay $50,000 for a 10-week Nalley, one of the world’s great jazz and blues Learn more about area schools, community sup- private writing class with the legendary Leonard San Francisco Silent Film Festival vocalists, will show off her amazing range in each port, technology and resources for your child with in this Broadway comedy about power, sex and Thu–Sun, May 29–June 1 of just two performances. $30–$45, 415-394-1100, special needs. This is the chance for students art. $15–$60, 415-677-9596, sfplayhouse.org Castro Theatre hotelnikkosf.com who learn differently, their parents, educators, The 19th annual collection of silent films includes and other professionals to learn about concrete 17 classic silent films plus two special pro- Future Rock tools, cutting-edge science, and get a big dose of grams. $10–$42, festival passes also available, Saturday, May 17, 9 p.m. inspiration. Free–$60, 415-751-2237, edrevsf.org DANCE 415-777-4908, silentfilm.org The Independent (628 Divisadero St.) If Future Rock could turn on the hipsters of their S.F. Symphony: Musical Postcards hometown Chicago, see what they can do when Saturday, May 3, 2 p.m. they bring their electronic rock to the city by the Davies Symphony Hall bay. $15, 415-771-1421, theindependentsf.com POTABLES & EDIBLES This family concert program features Handel, Falla, Dvořák, Joplin, Copland, and others, who Greasetraps (and Sure Fire Soul Ensemble) used glorious symphonic sounds to capture the Saturday, May 17, 9:30 p.m. sights and sounds of the world around them to Boom Boom Room (1601 Fillmore St.) share their impressions and feelings. $13–$62, Get set for a night of heavy, instrumental soul 415-864-6000, sfsymphony.org music and the deep funk of Greasetraps. $12– $15, 415-673-8000, boomboomtickets.com Adventurous Readers Book Club Sunday, May 4, 1 p.m. Books Inc. (3515 California St.) If your child is 9–12 and likes adventure, mys- Alonzo King Lines Ballet Spring Season SCIENCE & tery, and maybe a little bit of magic, then join ENVIRONMENT this book club that meets on the first Sunday Wed–Sun, May 21–25 of every month. Parents welcome, too! Free, Lam Research Theater (700 Howard St.) 47th Annual Spring Plant Sale 415-221-3666, booksinc.net King’s provocative new work combines sophis- Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Girls on the Run 5K ticated modernist choreography with the phys- S.F. Botanical Garden Society, Golden Gate Park Saturday, May 10, 8:45 a.m. ical elegance of the dancers to stunning effect. Select from thousands of native, rare and unusual 15th Annual Oysterfest Music Concourse Band Shell, Golden Gate Park $20–$65, 415-978-2787, linesballet.org plants, many exclusive to the Garden Society’s Celebrating the accomplishments of participants nursery, and all suitable for Bay Area gardens. Saturday, May 10, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. in Girls on the Run’s after school programs, the Free, 415-661-1316, sfbg.org 3rd Annual Walking Distance Dance Festival Sharon Meadow, Golden Gate Park day features a variety of kid-friendly activities, Fri–Sat, May 30–31, 3, 4, 6, 7:30, & 9 p.m. Featuring oysters from a variety of Pacific including a D.J., face painting and more. $35, Ask a Scientist: Mysteries of Sleep farms, premium beer, wine and spirits, and ODC Theater (3153 17th St.) 415-863-8942, gotrbayarea.org Wednesday, May 7, 7 p.m. other gourmet food, the festival also includes This fringe-style festival features samplings of live entertainment, art demonstrations, the contemporary dance from around the nation SoMa StrEat Food Park (428 11th St.) Mayfair 2014 at Claire Lilienthal ever-popular Shuck and Suck challenge, and and is certain to offer the ephemeral, visceral UC Berkeley Professor of Psychology and Saturday, May 10, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. more. $39, ticketor.com thrills that only live dance can provide. $25–$65, Neuroscience Matt Walker explains new dis- Claire Lilienthal Elementary (3630 Divisadero St.) 415-863-9834, odcdance.org coveries about the active work of the brain Bring the whole family and enjoy games, food, during its supposed “downtime” of sleep. Free, Plated with Chef William Werner entertainment, a dunking tank, petting zoo, a Sarah Bush Dance Project: (food available for purchase at the food trucks), cakewalk, and more, including an iPad raffle prize, Rocked By Women askascientistsf.com Saturday, May 17, 11 a.m.–noon at the school’s yearly fundraising spring carnival. Urban Patio, Two Embarcadero Center Fri–Sun, May 30–June 1 Free, 415-749-3516, clairelilienthal.org This interview and cooking demonstration with Dance Mission Theater (3316 24th St.) the chef of Craftsman and Wolves, features farm- Performed through vignettes showing the ers’ market items, and includes recipes and tastes strength of sisterhood, this contemporary dance for the first 100 people. Donations support Food JUST FOR FUN company shares a powerful story paying homage Runners, which distributes excess food to pro- to women and celebrating female artists and grams that feed the hungry. Free, 415-772-0700, leaders who remind us of the courage it takes embarcaderocenter.com to live fully as women. $18–$150, 415-826-4441, sarahbushdance.com Ruth Reichel Thursday, May 20, 7 p.m. Commonwealth Club (595 Market St.) MUSIC Hear from award-winning chef, New York Times food critic, and pioneer of the Berkeley S.F. Choral Society: Bach Mass in B Minor culinary revolution, as she discusses her fic- Sat–Sun, May 3–4 tion debut, which celebrates her love of food Calvary Presbyterian Church (2515 Fillmore St.) with a story about family ties and the spe- SF Choral begins its 25th anniversary season with cial bond between sisters. $20, 415-597-6700, California Wine in the Redwoods performances of the crowning climax of Bach’s sacred commonwealthclub.org choral music, one of the outstanding musical cre- Thursday, May 15, 6–8 p.m. ations of all time. $28–$34, 415-221-5950, sfchoral.org The Art of the Modern Drink: S.F. Botanical Garden Spring Cocktails of the Farmers’ Market Wander through the 100-year-old redwood The Neuroscience of Music and Creativity grove while nibbling on savory cheeses and sip- Under the Streetlamp: Gentleman’s Rule Wednesday, May 21, 5:30–8 p.m. ping California wine. Find interpretation stations Tuesday, May 6, 8 p.m. Grand Hall, Ferry Building Wednesday, May 21, 7:30 p.m. hidden among the maze of trails where Garden The Regency Ballroom (1300 Van Ness Ave.) Nourse Theater In collaboration with SFMOMA, join CUESA and naturalists will reveal the ecological mysteries America’s hot new vocal group sings classic hits from the S.F. chapter of the U.S. Bartenders Guild Indre Viskontas is both a cognitive neuroscien- of these towering giants. $30, 415-661-1316, the American Radio Songbook with their unique where local bartenders and chefs create drinks tist at UCSF and a faculty member of the S.F. sfbotanicalgarden.org blend of tight harmonies and slick dance moves to Conservatory of Music. Find out how those two and hors d’oeuvres inspired by the museum’s col- your favorite doo-wop, Motown, and old-time rock worlds meet. $27, 415-392-4400, cityarts.net lection, using the palette of the spring farmers’ ’n’ roll hits. $44.55–$49.50, theregencyballroom.com market. $45, 415-291-3276, cuesa.org E-mail: [email protected] www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 19 Sports

Sports Corner Field of dreams

Left to right: Giants Manager Brucy Bochy; Outfielder Hunter Pence warming up during batting practice photos: steve hermanos Great expectations for the Giants in 2014

by steve hermanos When you go to the playoffs, it’s a whole new ballgame. I’ll say the NLCS for sure.” inding myself in the Giants club- —Amy Gutierrez (a.k.a. Amy G.), house on Friday afternoon, the day in-game TV reporter after TV cameras zoomed in on the Fglistening hand of Yankees pitcher Michael “Barring injuries, they can do really well. Pineda, I asked some Giants about their The pitching’s got to get better. The lineup opinions on the use of the spitball. Since is a lot better. You can’t control the injuries the spitball is against the rules, and has — look at the Dodgers; they’ve got signifi- been for almost a cant injuries.” century, players’ sen- —Joan Ryan, tences can twist into author and consul- verbal spaghetti — “If it’s for a grip, as a tant to the Giants and non sequiturs — to avoid directly hitter I’d want to make “High hopes … addressing the sub- high hopes.” ject. Further com- sure the guy has a grip —Brian Thacker, MEMORIAL DAY plicating the issue is on a mid-90s fastball.” Giants customer pitchers’ use of pine service specialist, tar to get a better –Tim Hudson Ticket Department CEREMONY grip on the ball; the use of pine tar, too, is a no-no, though some “. Absolutely. Every other year.” in the world of baseball are advocating for —Bob and Betty Dana, fans, Oroville its legalization. Honor & Remember “I’m hoping that we’ll win again. It’s an First question of the day: What do you even year, isn’t it?” think of a TV broadcast clearly showing —Sandra C., usher, American Canyon Yankees pitcher Michael Pineda with a shiny substance on his pitching hand? “Fabulous. We’re gonna be great… Another day in paradise.” “Everybody has something they tend —Bella, beer vendor, Burlingame to do. When they single somebody out it gets you thinking about it.” “Return to torture. Torture to where —Brandon Hicks we look like we’re hurting. We look like we’re down and return to the magic “Nothing I can say about it.” of 2010.” —Hector Sanchez —Steven S., Giants photographer, San Jose

“If it’s for a grip, as a hitter I’d want to make “Our pitching needs to be better. sure the guy has a grip on a mid-90s fastball. However they do, we’re glad to be here (at How long balls have been rubbed up before the ballpark).” the game varies. Especially when it’s cold, the —Dale and Kate B., fans, Stockton ball gets slick. With the rosin bag there’s only so much you can do. If he’s doing it for the “Champions! Seven games against the grip, it’s all the same mind [as the rosin bag].” Yankees. Not sure who’ll win.” —Tim Hudson —Ed D., fan, South San Francisco Monday, May 26, 2014 “I don’t watch much baseball; it’s kind of “Same as 2012. We’ll try to be in the post- like a doctor watching videos of surgery.” season. We want to go all the way through.” Grand March 10:30AM/Program 11AM —Michael Morse —Yusmiero Petit, Giants pitcher

San Francisco National Cemetery Second question: With the Giants at “Another Bay Bridge series. No earth- (at the Presidio) six wins and four losses, I asked folks, quake this time.” “Where do you think the Giants will end —Will G., fan, The Mission 415.561.5300 - www.presidio.gov up in 2014? Steve Hermanos is the author of Orange “People will have my head if I don’t say Waves of Giants! The 2012 Championship they’re going to win the World Series. Season. E-mail: [email protected]

20 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Thugs the rules,” and “We want to be above three felony counts of possessing continued from page 1 reproach,” but actions speak louder illegal assault rifles. In September than words, and the team’s actions of 2013, he was arrested just days teeth out with rusty pliers and no have landed them the dubious title before a critical game against the anesthesia, and electrocution (bat- of “Second most arrested team in Indianapolis Colts near his home tery cables and a swimming pool). the NFL,” just behind the Minnesota in San Jose on suspicion of drunk If all that wasn’t sick enough, he Vikings. Since 2000, the 49ers have driving and marijuana possession even used his kids’ pets as bait. It had nearly 20 arrests, with a dozen after he collided with a tree. He just so happens that 49ers owner players under police investigation in made bail and participated in that Denise York enjoys my writing just the past two years alone — and afternoon’s practice. Harbaugh and sent me an e-mail to tell me after superstar linebacker Aldon also let him play in that critical so in 2010, after which we game — after which Smith became e-mail buddies. She checked into rehab. sent me a Christmas card, In April, 49ers corner- donated a signed football to The team is tied with the back Chris Culliver pleaded a fundraiser we sponsored not guilty to misdemeanor for Rocket Dog Rescue, and Baltimore Ravens for most hit-and-run charges and even invited me to join the felony possession of brass York family in the owners players arrested this year. knuckles stemming from Tattooed quarterback Colin Kaepernick is the latest NFL player box for a game against the an arrest on March 28 in to be connected with criminal activity photo: Mike Morbeck Arizona Cardinals. So when the Smith’s April 13 arrest, the team San Jose after he struck a bicyclist, rumors about Vick unfolded, I is tied with the Baltimore Ravens then rammed the car of a witness smoking marijuana with the men, Hall of Famers Peyton Manning simply sent Denise an e-mail and for most players arrested since the that was blocking him until police she began to feel light-headed and and Tom Brady — have something asked if it was true. To my relief, beginning of 2014. arrived. This is the same guy who went to lie down in the bedroom. more important in common than she responded that her team had Allegedly, Smith said he was in sparked controversy after express- Kaepernick, with whom she had a their big contracts: They’ve never no interest in Michael Vick. “The possession of a bomb at the securi- ing anti-gay sentiments in the lead- previous sexual relationship, joined been named in a police report 49ers won’t sell their soul to the ty gate of Los Angeles International up to the 2013 Super Bowl. Yet, her, later leaving her undressed. At involving “a suspicious incident.” devil to win games,” she said. Airport, where cops say he became like Smith, Culliver is (as of this one point, Patton and Lockette At the very least, Kaepernick dis- The 49ers have a lauded history as “belligerent and uncooperative” printing) set to be a starter. opened the door and she yelled played bad judgment and a dis- a winning team both on and off the after he was randomly selected for a As if the 49ers needed any more for them to get out; the next thing regard for the already battered field, well represented by legendary secondary screening. This is just the bad publicity, star quarterback she remembered was waking up reputation of his team — but as class acts like Joe Montana, Jerry latest disturbing incident involving and human tattoo canvas Colin in the hospital. A rape kit was long as he wins for Harbaugh, Rice and Steve Young. However, Smith, who has been arrested four Kaepernick has been named in a administered, and no charges there will likely be a place for him the new generation of 49ers, led times since 2012, starting with a police investigation of “a suspi- have been filed at this point, but in the starting lineup. by head coach Jim Harbaugh, has drunk driving charge in Miami cious incident” in Miami involv- whether a crime actually occurred When Denise York told me back taken a wrong turn while following Beach. In June of 2012, two men ing a woman who spent an eve- seems irrelevant considering the in 2011 that the 49ers wouldn’t what appears to be a broken moral were shot during a party at Smith’s ning with Kaepernick, teammate 49ers are reportedly negotiating a sell their soul to the devil to compass. In his quest for a Super home after they were caught in Quinton Patton, and former team- multimillion-dollar deal that will win games, I believed her. But it Bowl ring, Harbaugh seems will- the crossfire of a drunken gunfight mate Ricardo Lockette (now with make Kaepernick the face of the appears the devil is in the details ing to overlook criminal behavior between Smith and former 49ers the Seattle Seahawks). According team for years to come. The fact with Harbaugh at the helm, and I and incredibly bad judgment as he tight end Delanie Walker. At the to the report, Lockette summoned is, quarterbacks who have received have a feeling that elevator to hell cultivates and enables a troubled same party, Smith was also stabbed 911 to his apartment at the Viceroy similar deals — Drew Brees, isn’t heading up any time soon. band of thugs. He talks big, with in what prosecutors called “a gang- Hotel on April 2. The woman told Aaron Rodgers, Tony Romo, Jay media ready quotes like, “Play by related attack,” and he still faces police that after having drinks and Cutler, and others, as well as future E-mail: [email protected]

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www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 21 At Home

The Healthful Life Avoiding disease Hey, YBike is at Off the Grid: Picnic at the Presidio the first Sunday of every month! Beyond diabetes How blood sugar affects your health FREE Learn to Ride by thalia farshchian ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE apps to easily do this; my Many consider Alzheim- favorite is My Fitness Pal. Lessons! weets and desserts er’s disease to be diabetes of Implement some stress are delicious and for the brain. People affected management techniques. many hard to resist. by diabetes have a high- Cortisol is our prima- YBike will have SLike cocaine, the neu- er likelihood of develop- ry stress hormone that bikes & helmets, rotransmitter, dopamine, ing Alzheimer’s disease. spikes in fight-or-flight but feel free to is stimulated to elicit a Elevated blood sugar responses. In the pri- bring your own. euphoric feeling. This causes organ damage, and mal era, this hormone happy feeling is short-lived the brain is not an excep- assisted in fueling mus- and only leaves cles with glu- 1st Sunday us craving more. cose from pro- Higher sugar in- tein to escape a of the month take is correlated Elevated blood sugar predator. If one through with not only dia- survived, these October betes but also can- causes organ damage, threats were 11am-4pm cer, heart disease, and the brain is not short lived with and Alzheimer’s time for recov- disease. an exception. ery. With our Presidio Community YMCA | 63 Funston Ave. SF, CA 94129 | www.ymcasf.org/presidio | 415 447 9622 All of these modern day life- diseases are subject to tion. Whether you have style, stress is not always higher oxidative damage been diagnosed with diabe- life threatening, but little from free radicals, which tes or simply have elevated things add up to create

TM is partly due to elevated blood sugar levels, risk for chronic stress. blood sugar. Free radicals dementia is increased. Chronic stress coin- are a normal part of our cides with chronic cor- body’s biochemistry, and HOW TO MANAGE tisol elevations, which are created when chemical BLOOD SUGAR suppresses insulin, a marcia gagliardi bonds split. Antioxidants Cancer, heart disease, blood sugar hormone, like vitamin C, vitamin Alzheimer’s disease, and from shuttling sugar in the tablehopper’s guide E, selenium, and others diabetes are all multi- the blood to muscle and to dining and drinking in scavenge the body to clear factoral conditions with fat tissue. This leads to san francisco A groundbreaking free radicals. Free radicals elevated blood sugar a condition called insu- find the right spot for being one piece of the lin resistance, which pre- every occasion dining guide to can be increased by aging, environmental factors puzzle, but this one piece cipitates diabetes and can help you find the like pollution, cigarettes is extremely modifiable affect certain cancers, right place for the and chemicals, and sugar. with these diet and life- Alzheimer’s disease, and When oxidative damage style changes. heart disease. resources for thoughtful recommendations on where to eat, drink, right time. exceeds the antioxidants’ Reduce sugar intake. In Avoid sleep depriva- ability to scavenge, we have comparison to the rest of tion. Studies have shown tissue damage that can the country, San Francisco that people who sleep less turn into disease. is progressive in terms of than five to six hours per diet, and many people are night are twice as like- CANCER cognizant of their nutri- ly to develop diabetes. Sugar, also known as tion. Even with this height- Lack of sleep creates hor- glucose, is a source of ened awareness, my clients mone — including corti- www.tablehopper.com/book energy. Studies have found are often times surprised sol — imbalance, and can that many tumors, includ- by how much sugar slips make a person resistant ing those of some types of into their diets. to the effects of insulin. breast and colorectal can- The obvious high-sugar Sleep deprivation also cer, have insulin receptors foods like soda and des- contributes to increased that use glucose to grow. serts are often avoided, but craving for sugar to Recent research is looking sugar fixes are often shifted maintain energy. further into diet modifi- toward fruit or fresh juices. Sleep is our body’s cations that help prevent Though fruit is healthful opportunity to repair and Relieve Pain and Unlock your and treat cancer. and packed with antioxi- consolidate information Body’s Potential with Massage dants, overconsumption taken in from the day. It is HEART DISEASE can lead to a boost in important to get an aver- Most common muscular pains, i.e. that kink in your neck or tightness In the 1970s, diet rec- blood sugar levels. age of eight hours of sleep in your back, are muscles locked in a spasm. Through expert touch, ommendations supported The American Heart per night. massage therapy re-educates your muscles and joints and guides a low-fat diet for heart Association has defined them back to optimal levels of flexibility and performance. health and weight man- these daily sugar limits: Reducing sugar intake, agement. With this shift in Women: no more than following a regular sleep For athletes, massage is a key component for optimal performance. perspective, people started 100 calories per day, which and meal schedule, and While training hard is essential, massage increases recovery time, to consume more carbohy- equals 6 teaspoons or implementing stress man- stamina and strength by providing your muscles with increased cir- drates and sugar. 24 grams agement tools with deep culation to rebuild faster. Massage also helps athletes avoid injuries Our bodies have a Men: no more than 150 breathing exercises, medi- from overuse and heal from the ones they have more rapidly. threshold for how much calories per day, which tation, and walking will Oxygen Massage Therapy has been unleashing the potential locked glucose is needed in cir- equals 9 teaspoons or help manage blood sugar in our clients’ bodies for over 8 years. All of our massage therapists culation. When we eat a 36 grams and reduce the risk of are extensively trained and have years of experience to help you high-carbohydrate meal, To give you a measur- associated diseases. reach and exceed your goals for wellness. our body takes what it able concept of these needs and turns whatever guidelines, two apples Thalia Farshchian is a natu- Clinically Oriented Massage Therapy is leftover into fat for rainy have 26 grams of sugar, ropathic doctor at Discover day storage. and one banana has Health. Her background Book an appointment today: Unlike our primal an- 28 grams of sugar. For includes both conventional www.oxygenmassgetherapy.com cestors, most of us do women, that is a whole and alternative modali- (415) 738-7708 not suffer from famine, day’s allotment, and it is ties, and her practice is pri- 1905 Union St at Laguna. so the rainy day never not too far off for men. marily focused on weight comes and we build up A great way to start management, hormone By appointment only fat. This is the fat that observing your diet is to imbalances, and gastroin- contributes to higher use a diet diary. There are testinal conditions. E-mail: cholesterol levels. many online and phone [email protected]

22 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Caring For Our Kids Part 3 in a 3-part series Beyond diabetes How blood sugar affects your health

Rebecca Hammett, founder of One Less Thing, loves connecting people and busi- nesses with talented, affordable college students photo: courtesy jody stella ‘Mom-Preneurs’ Giving you One Less Thing to worry about A new vacuum will make Spring by liz farrell Just like raising children, starting your own business is destined to have some chal- Cleaning a Breeze ife is busy and wouldn’t we all lenges or roadblocks. “My biggest challenge like one less thing to do? However, was I had no tech background and had if you are like me, sometimes it can to really learn a lot about web design and Lbe hard to ask for help or admit we can’t how websites work,” Hammett says. She did do it all. But what if you could get help have some help from a web developer but and feel like you were helping someone at also ended up hiring some of the students the same time? she had met to help. “The video for the Rebecca Hammett, a Cow Hollow mother website, some of the marketing materials and of three, has recently social media were all launched the answer done by talented stu- to your prayers with dents I met,” she says. her new website, One Less Thing makes According to her the onelessthingsf.com, it easy to connect with best thing about her launched in January “baby” is meeting stu- after months of fine- affordable skills. dents and being able tuning. College stu- to work from home dents are always looking to earn extra money, so she is able to be a part of her own HOST AN INTERNATIONAL and Hammett’s idea here is you can hire children’s daily lives. students that she has personally vetted for STUDENT! minimum wage to help you with anything WIN-WIN • Seeking a new and exciting cultural experience? from tutoring, catering help, car detailing, or One Less Thing makes it easy to connect • Would you like to host a short or long-term even social media for your small business. with college students or recent graduates international student who is studying English? For me, what is equally fascinating is not who will work for an affordable hourly rate • Does your home have wireless internet access? only the idea, but also Rebecca’s journey to and have amazing skills to offer. For the • Do you live near public transportation and within get to this point. students, they are able to choose jobs that 45 minutes of downtown San Francisco? fit their schedules and connect with people If you answer “Yes” to these questions, and want to NOW OR NEVER or businesses that need help, making this a discuss our homestay agreement and compensation, Hammett had been in sales for 17 years, win-win for everyone. please contact Converse International School and while she had a successful career, she I also like that they are able to make of Languages to learn more. was always full of ideas for something she money by possibly doing something they could do on her own. “I realized as a working love and are good at, something not lim- mom I needed help with more things than ited to just babysitting. “You may be more 605 Market Street, Suite 1400 just babysitting — there weren’t enough hours willing to hire a college student to do a job San Francisco, CA 94105 in a week to get it all done,” says Hammett. you wouldn’t feel comfortable hiring pro- www.cisl.edu (415) 971-3227 In 2009 she had what she calls her “aha” fessional help for, liking making a dinner, [email protected] moment. After much anxiety over offering to organizing a closet, or matching your pile of host Thanksgiving dinner, she decided to hire unmatched socks,” says Hammett. Another a college student to help her prepare, serve way that makes One Less Thing unique is and clean up. “She was happy to be part of you can post a job or search student profiles a family atmosphere, and it was great for me for free, and you only pay the reasonable fees MORE INSPIRATION because I was able to enjoy the day and family once you find what you’re looking for and without a lot of stress,” Hammett says. This want a student’s contact information. MORE INFORMATION got Hammett thinking, why don’t more people The website is easy to use — each student do this? Three years later, in October 2012 she profile has a rate range, personal video, list turned 40, quit her job, and decided it was of skills, and weekly schedule. With sum- MORE IMAGINATION now or never. “It was finally time to do some- mer quickly approaching this may be a great thing I was truly passionate about, and that is time to check it out, whether you are look- when I decided to start One Less Thing.” ing for someone to pet/house sit while you are on vacation, do some extra tutoring or MORE LIBRARY HOURS JUST LIKE CHILDBIRTH coaching with your kids, or if your business Hammett best describes starting her busi- is looking for some short-term help. For San Francisco Public Library is adding more hours ness like having a baby: “The emotions are Hammett, she has finally found an idea she at neighborhood branch libraries, starting May 10. the same — you are excited, start plan- is passionate about, and says her goal is to ning, then as it gets closer, you are nervous get it to work well in San Francisco and then Visit sfpl.org/hours to find your library’s new hours. and anxious until finally you just want it slowly expand to the greater Bay Area. to launch and get it out,” she says. “The parallels don’t stop there once it is birthed Liz Farrell is the mother of three young chil- or launched — you have a lot of sleepless dren. She was a former television producer nights, but it’s yours, and you get to share it in Washingon, D.C., and in San Francisco. with the world and watch it grow.” E-mail: [email protected]

www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 23 At Home

The Urban Home & Garden

It’s time to think of useful garden waste Compost for a healthy, economical garden

by julia strzesieski plenty of air between the layers of materials. But as the microorganisms begin to work, ompost is a nutrient-rich they will start consuming oxygen. Unless and crumbly blend of partially you turn or in some way aerate your com- decomposed organic material that post pile (see below), the microorganisms Cimproves soil structure. Most gardeners don’t will run out of oxygen and become sluggish. start with great soil. Whether yours is hard and compacted, sandy, stony, heavy, or wet, DO I NEED A RECIPE? adding compost will improve its texture and Microorganisms and other soil fauna work water-holding capacity and fertility. Your soil most efficiently when the ratio of carbon- will gradually become fluffy and chocolaty rich to nitrogen-rich materials in your com- brown — the ideal home for healthy plants. post pile is approximately 25:1. More sim- Compost will help your soil remain rich and ply, if you use about three times as much productive by replenishing the nutrients that “brown” materials as “green” materials, you’ll are consumed each growing season. Unlike be off to a great start. organic or inorganic fertilizers, which need to be applied at the right time and in the HEAT AND MICROBES right amount, compost can be applied at any Heat is a by-product of intense microbial time and in any amount. activity. It indicates that the microorganisms are munching on organic matter and con- Richard Willets, resident since 2013 MICROORGANISMS AT WORK verting it into finished compost. The tem- The microorganisms, enzymes, vitamins, perature of your compost pile does not affect and natural antibiotics that are present in the speed or efficiency of the decomposition compost help prevent many soil pathogens process. But temperature does determine You Can Stay from harming your plants. Earthworms, mil- what types of microbes are active. lipedes, and other macroorganisms tunnel Psychrophiles work in cool temperatures. through your soil, opening up passageways As they begin to digest some of the car- for air and water to reach your plants’ roots. bon-rich materials, they give off heat, which Organic matter is transformed into com- causes the pile temperature to rise. When ACTIVE post through the work of microorganisms, it warms to 60 to 70 degrees, mesophilic soil fauna, enzymes, and fungi. When mak- bacteria take over. They are responsible for Without Running A Marathon. ing compost, your job is to provide the best the majority of the decomposition work, possible environment for these beneficial and can raise the temperature to about 100 organisms to do their work. If you do so, the degrees. Then thermophilic bacteria kick in Although Richard has clocked a marathon in just over decomposition process works very rapidly. If and can raise the temperature high enough three hours, you can stay active at San Francisco Towers, you don’t, decomposition will still happen, (155 degrees) to sterilize the compost and kill but it may take from several months to sev- disease-causing organisms and weed seeds. the city’s most appealing senior living community with eral years. The trick to making an abundance of compost in a short time is to balance the TO TURN OR NOT TO TURN our friendly Crissy Field walking group. Or join in any following four things: Unless speed is a priority, frequent turning • Carbon-rich materials are the ener- is not necessary. Turning increases oxygen number of wellness and conditioning classes. Even yoga. gy food for microorganisms. They are dry, flow for the microorganisms, and blends tough or fibrous, and tan or brown in color, undecomposed materials into the center of Exercise your right to a life well lived and come by and such as dryCLIENT leaves, straw,ESC rotted/ San hay, Francisco sawdust, Towersthe pile. If you are managing a hot pile, you’ll meet other active, passionate residents who know their shredded paper, or cornstalks. (Do not use probably want to turn your compost every meat, poultry,PUB Marinadairy products, Times or heavily three to five days, or when the interior tem- next, best chapter is right here. To learn more, or for your salted foods.)AD NAME Richard perature dips below about 110 degrees. You • High-nitrogenREF NO EPSF692-01se materials provide the can keep your pile well aerated without the personal visit, please call 415.447.5527. protein-rich components that microorgan- hassle of turning with one of these methods: TYPE Half-page vertical, 4C isms require to grow and multiply. These • Build your pile on a raised wood plat- include SIZEfreshly 4.936”pulled weeds, x 16” fresh grass form or on a pile of branches. clippings,ISSUE over-ripe 5/01/14 fruits and vegetables, • Make sure there are air vents in the sides kitchen scraps, and other moist green matter. of your compost bin. DUE 4.15.14 • Moisture is very important for the com- • Put one or two perforated four-inch plas- posting process;VERSION however, 01 too much mois- tic pipes in the center of your pile. ture will drownAGENCY the microorganisms, RESIN and too little willCONTACT dehydrate them.Tim APaschke general rule 415-987-4274 of Home composting can reduce your gar- thumb is to keep the material in your com- bage bill and waste in the landfill as well post pile as moist as a well-wrung sponge. as produce a resource that takes garden Using an enclosed container or covering and house plants to a new level of health your pile with a tarp will make it easier to and productivity. 1661 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 94109 sanfranciscotowers-esc.org maintain the right moisture level. • Oxygen is required for microorganisms Julia Strzesieski is the marketing coordina- A not-for-profit community owned and operated by Episcopal Senior Communities. License No. 380540292 COA #177 EPSF692-01SE 050114 to do their work most efficiently. When your tor of Cole Hardware and can be reached at pile is first assembled, there will probably be [email protected].

24 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Real Estate

Real Estate Today Market appreciation Time to sell your condo … or not?

by carole isaacs in great demand and will sell ing speed and it is impossible to these people are in the minor- before making a decision on at premium prices that were time the market. ity, but they do exist. whether to sell their home: he skyline of San only in homeowners’ dreams a Driving across town around If you are a property owner 1. Ask a real estate agent for a Francisco seems to few years ago. 6 p.m. recently, I felt like the today in San Francisco, you are market analysis of your home. change daily as new resi- It has been reported that city had been invaded by fleets probably receiving mail from 2. Talk to an accountant or Tdential buildings near comple- requests for building permits of corporate shuttle buses. both real tax attorney tion. So many new units are have slowed a bit. To me this Zigzagging from the Marina to estate agents about the tax coming onto the market that means that investors feel there is the Mission trying desperately and private consequenc- one has to ask the question: a limit to how much and for how to avoid the gridlocked traf- buyers ask- Idle daydreams es of selling Is it time to sell and move my long the city will continue to fic, I spotted corporate buses ing if you are your home or home or investment to greener grow and need new housing. At traveling in all directions on interested in are not enough to income prop- pastures before the market is the moment there are more than the main streets as well as many selling your erty. overloaded with condos? 40 buildings under construction side streets. There is no ques- home. You make a decision. 3. Today it is Here are my thoughts and in San Francisco. Multiple-unit tion in my mind that the num- are not alone more impor- observations. projects take years to plan and ber of shuttle buses has gradu- if when you receive these inqui- tant than ever to know where This is certainly the golden develop, and the slowdown in ally increased in the past year. I ries you ask yourself, “Why you are going to move. Find a age of real estate for sellers. A permits will not have an imme- couldn’t help but wonder where should I sell now and give away new home or at least have a plan seller who is putting his condo diate effect on the market in all these people lived and how the next few years’ profit?” for your move or have a plan for on the market said to me, “We San Francisco. many more people would be Sellers are asking them- your money. don’t want to be greedy, but we A year ago I went on a vaca- moving to San Francisco in the selves this question daily as Tossing everything I hear, have seen how high prices have tion in February. When I left, it next few years. they weigh their options and read, and experience firsthand gone and we would like to reap was a buyers’ market and when I Some new buyers in the mar- think about what they may do around in my head, I feel there the rewards returned a few ket for a condo are beginning with their lives and the profit are many good reasons to sell of our invest- weeks later to ask if there will be an oppor- from the sale of their home. By now when the market has gone ment, too.” the market tunity to buy a new condo in all accounts, the most modest up so much in the past year This is a There are more had changed their price range in the next projections are that the price of or so. However, each seller great time to to an unbe- few months or year. They feel real estate will continue to go must make a personal decision sell for older than 40 buildings lievably hot prices have gotten so high and up about 5 percent a year for as to whether this is the best people who sellers’ market the competition so stiff that it the foreseeable future. time to sell and not just fol- have lived in under construction. that left every- may be a good time to sit back Still, one might ask: Is now low the sheep in one direction their homes one shaking and wait to see what the new the time to sell my condo? Idle or another. for years and have deferred their heads and asking, “How construction coming on the daydreams are not enough to maintenance. In a buyer’s mar- did this happen so quickly?” market looks like. Given the make a decision. Carole Isaacs is a Realtor with ket, it may take some time to Exactly what caused the shift is number of multiple offers that Since you cannot take your McGuire Real Estate. Visit her sell a less-than move-in-ready not important here. The point is are made on the few condos home back once you sell it, here online at www.caroleisaacs.com home. Today these homes are that it happened with lighten- currently for sale, obviously are three steps sellers must take or call 415-608-1267.

Russian Hill Presidio Heights Russian Hill Offered at $9,950,000 Offered at $7,995,000 Offered at $2,800,000 Exceptional Single Family Modern 5BD/5BA view Edwardian Duplex with View Home. Located home. This home is on Stellar Views. 2 vacant on one of Russian Hill’s a large lot in a terrific full floor view flats with most unique blocks, this location with views of charming studio below. stunning 4BD/4.5BA home the Golden Gate Bridge. Upper level is a 2BD/2BA was built with the finest A lovely private deck unit with a pano view of materials and comes provides the perfect deck. Hardwood floors, complete with high-end setting for indoor/outdoor remodeled cerulean blue finishes. Views from every living. 4-car parking and kitchen. Lower flat is level, chef’s kitchen, two plentiful storage. 2BD/1BA updated with garages, two elevators and AnnieWilliamsHomes. dining room views to the roof deck. Elegant urban com east. 2-3 car parking. living at its best. 2028-2030Leavenworth. 65Montclair.com com Meagan Levitan Annie Williams Soni Goodman 415.321.4293 415.819.2663 415.321.4261

Cow Hollow Ashbury Heights Russian Hill Offered at $2,350,000 Offered at $1,650,000 Offered at $1,395,000 Two, 2-level 3BD/2BA Remodeled 3BD/3BA Hidden Architectural Vacant Units. UPPER: Condo on 2 Levels. Living Gem. Ideally located Hardwood floors, wood- room with fireplace and contemporary 2BD/2BA burning fireplace, dining views of Golden Gate Park 2 level home. Cutting area, sunny front and rear & the ocean. Remodeled edge design featuring decks with Golden Gate, kitchen opens to dining a steel spiral staircase. City and Palace view. Large room. Master bedroom Dark hardwood floors 2+ car garage. LOWER: with en suite bath. Family throughout with an Includes dining room plus room with sliding doors abundance of light from large social room leading to deeded garden. 1-car all 3 exterior walls. to small rear garden parking and storage. Private garden, with 1-car and garage. Pano City 201UpperTerrace.com private garage. views and very sunny. Sandra Bagnatori 975Union.com 2276-78Greenwich.com 415.518.4865 Richard Weil Scott Brittain Lowrie MacLean 415.321.4254 415.385.6657 415.305.3326

Haight Ashbury Inner Lake District Offered at $849,000 Offered at $799,000 Bright Spacious Upper Charming Sun-drenched The City’s Best Level 2BD/1BA Condo. Top Unit Lake Street Located in the hip Haight Flat. This 2BD/1BA TIC To see homes for sale in your neighborhood, Ashbury area. Living room flat is situated in an elegant make your smartphone smarter using our mobile App. with fireplace overlooks Edwardian 3-unit building. the greenery of the There are two bedrooms Text: HILLCO To: 87778 Panhandle. Formal dining in the back overlooking a room. Large eat-in kitchen. south-facing and serene Hill & Co. is a proud member of the Who’s Who Sunroom overlooking backyard and there is one the shared garden. 1-car split bath. There’s also a In Luxury Real Estate international network. parking and storage. formal dining room, updated 1775OakStreet.com kitchen and separate laundry Sandra Bagnatori room off the kitchen. 415.518.4865 1021LakeStreet.com Scott Brittain Elle Ghandi 415.385.6657 415.321.4287 (415) 921-6000 • www.hill-co.com

www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 25 Real Estate

The Marina Times Real Estate Real Estate Update You can still win it Market Report: March 2014 It’s an all-cash offer world By Hill & Co. by stephanie saunders ahlberg a seller, but I believe that a personal letter from the buyer goes a long way. There were SINGLE FAMILY HOME SALES hroughout my career, I have other offers close to ours, but this was what BEDROOMS/ ABOVE/AT/BELOW DAYS ON seen many all-cash offers. In the got our non-all-cash offer accepted. Neighborhood Address Bathrooms Sale Price Asking Price Market past, buyers believed they should An all-cash offer today does not make it Cow Hollow 2961 Broderick Street 3BD/2.5BA $3,450,000 Below 14 Tget a discount with an all-cash offer. an automatic winner. Sometimes there can However, I have had to explain that in the be an issue with appraisals because the com- Lake 111 2nd Avenue 3BD/3BA $2,200,000 At 0 end, the cash comes to the seller no matter parable data has not caught up. If you are get- 142 15th Avenue 4BD/3.5BA $3,225,000 At 0 what, and so in a multiple-offer situation ting a loan but have a cushion of extra cash, Laurel Heights (no sales) the seller is likely to take the higher offer you might consider making an offer with a and not a discount for cash. Well, the mar- non-contingent loan and no appraisal to be Lone Mountain 350 Willard North 3BD/1.5BA $1,300,000 Below 19 ket has changed considerably in the last more competitive. Be sure to discuss this

Marina 265 Marina Boulevard 4BD/3.5BA $3,400,000 Below 9 few years. with your real estate agent and lender first. 3733 Broderick Street 4BD/3.5BA $4,375,000 Below 21 What has changed is we used to have the In addition, always read and approve any 3430 Baker Street 5BD/4BA $4,500,000 Above 15 occasional all-cash offer, but now they are and all disclosures provided in advance. regular and there are often several at each Include this approval in your offer package. Nob Hill (no sales) offer date. We used to really tout all-cash If you are making an all-cash offer, include North Beach (no sales) offers to our sellers as rare, but now it is proof of funds (you can mask the account routine. So how can other offers compete? numbers). If you will have financing, use a Pacific Heights 3030 Washington Street 3BD/3.5BA $4,950,000 At 0 It can be difficult to compete, but not well-known lender, have a strong letter from 2400 Vallejo Street 6BD/5.5BA $4,999,000 Below 17 2746 Buchanan Street 4BD/4.5BA $5,495,000 At 23 impossible. I just got an offer accepted for them, and have them invite the listing agent clients in a competitive situation, and here is to call with any questions. Have your agent Presidio Heights (no sales) what we did to make our offer stand out. My find out what information he or she can clients were well informed about the market about the sellers and their situation. Try to Russian Hill (no sales) and knew where they wanted to target their meet the sellers’ timing needs. Sometimes a Sea Cliff (no sales) search. They were fully pre-approved and short rent-back period will help them with had a strong lender letter. We included a their move (free is very attractive). If you Telegraph Hill 1400 Montgomery Street 3BD/5.5BA $6,500,000 At 12 personal letter about them complete with a get the chance, you and your agent should

photograph. I wrote a strong letter about my both try to meet the listing agent in person. CONDOS clients, how serious they were, and outlined Recently, I had an all-cash buyer and, BEDROOMS/ ABOVE/AT/BELOW DAYS ON my experience and how I would work hard once again, I had my client include a letter Neighborhood Address Bathrooms Sale Price Asking Price Market to make the transaction go smoothly. about herself to the seller. There were many

Cow Hollow 2147 Greenwich Street 2BD/1BA $1,100,000 Above 10 Though there was no presale contractor’s similarities between them. I always have 1501 Greenwich Street #101 2BD/2BA $1,150,000 Above 13 inspection included in the disclosure pack- my clients mention what they do, where 3132 Scott Street 3BD/3.5BA $1,600,000 Above 23 age, it was a newly remodeled home, which they went to school, charities they are 2708 Greenwich Street 3BD/2.5BA $2,610,000 Above 7 included a contractor’s warranty. We took involved in, or special interests, children

Lake 119 9th Avenue 2BD/1BA $1,160,000 Above 9 a long look at the property and my clients and pets, etc. We are looking for that com- 158 12th Avenue 3BD/2BA $1,700,000 Above 12 decided that with the warranty they were mon thread that might make you stand out. willing to waive inspections. All this was

Laurel Heights (no sales) very positive. What mattered in the end Stephanie Saunders Ahlberg has been a real was that the seller liked how committed estate agent for more than 30 years and joined Lone Mountain 690 Arguello Boulevard #101 3BD/2BA $1,120,000 Above 21 they were to the home and that their son’s Hill & Co. in 1983, where she has consistently preschool was only a half block away. You been among the top 10 salespeople. She can Marina 3311 Fillmore Street #203 1BD/1BA $585,000 Above 35 3354 Laguna Street #1 2BD/1BA $840,000 Above 17 never know exactly what will resonate with be reached at www.realtyinsanfrancisco.com. 22 Toledo Way 2BD/1.5BA $1,280,000 Above 14

Nob Hill 1255 California Street #104 0BD/1BA $550,000 Above 42 10 Miller Place #502 1BD/1BA $665,000 Above 58 City news 1440 Broadway #202 1BD/1BA $720,000 Above 15 Real Estate Roundup 1788 Clay Street #402 1BD/1BA $762,000 At 75 1788 Clay Street #407 1BD/1BA $780,000 At 45 1788 Clay Street #505 1BD/1BA $799,000 At 219 It’s all about the money 1788 Clay Street #403 2BD/2BA $1,156,000 At 30 901 Powell Street #6 2BD/2BA $1,295,000 At 45 1250 Jones Street #702 1BD/1.5BA $1,665,000 Below 25 by john zipperer ment-heavy district if the production of 1100 Sacramento Street #808 3BD/3.5BA $3,700,000 Below 138 subsidized housing for affordable units PROPOSED AIRBNB LAW drops below 30 percent. North Beach (no sales) District 3 Supervisor David Chiu has The San Francisco Housing Action Pacific Heights 3025 Sacramento Street 1BD/1BA $588,000 Below 113 presented his plan for dealing with rent- Coalition responded with its concerns. 2025 Broderick Street #2 1BD/1BA $650,000 Above 11 ers using Airbnb to short-term lease “First, it appears to suggest that, by 2436 Jackson Street #3 2BD/1BA $780,600 Above 18 their apartments at rates their landlords placing significant restrictions on new 1885 Jackson Street #402 2BD/2BA $850,000 At 0 2299 Sacramento Street #7 2BD/1BA $995,000 At 46 can’t legally charge (see Reynolds Rap, market-rate housing in D6, the pro- 3140 Clay Street #2 2BD/1BA $1,010,000 Above 11 page 1). The Small Property Owners of duction of subsidized housing will be 2001 Sacramento Street #2 3BD/2BA $1,435,000 Above 35 San Francisco Institute distributed a let- increased, something that doesn’t sound 1865 California Street #3 3BD/2BA $1,550,000 Above 7 ter expressing the concerns of one prop- logical. Second, at a time when we 2351 Green Street 2BD/2.5BA $1,845,000 Above 23 2044 Green Street 3BD/3.5BA $3,329,000 Above 10 erty manager, who cited worries about need to sharply increase production of “multi-unit buildings would become new housing to address the enormous Presidio Heights 438 Locust Street 2BD/2.5BA $1,350,000 Above 16 hotels facing common yet significant demand being placed on a chronically 3318 California Street #4 4BD/3BA $2,200,018 Above 19 risks of the hotel industry, which include inadequate supply, this measure could 3233 Jackson Street #1 3BD/3.5BA $4,200,000 Above 7 no background checks on guests …; add even more complexity and delays Russian Hill 2363 Larkin Street #1 1BD/1BA $327,640 At 81 escorts using rooms for illicit activities; to a process that already has too many. 733 Chestnut Street #2 1BD/1BA $587,500 Above 60 party goers using rooms for temporary It also appears to work directly against 2555 Leavenworth Street #305 1BD/1BA $635,000 Above 8 loud, obnoxious fun; [and] bed bugs Mayor Lee’s plan to build or rehabilitate 1155 Filbert Street #301 1BD/1BA $678,000 Above 20 1000 North Point Street #907 2BD/1BA $990,000 Above 13 being frequently brought into building.” 30,000 new homes by 2020.” 999 Green Street #1203 1BD/2BA $1,050,000 Above 69 David Hantman, Airbnb’s head of 1836 Mason Street 2BD/1.5BA $1,050,000 At 0 global public policy, wrote in the compa- CONDOS HIT PRERECESSION HIGH 996 Union Street 2BD/1.5BA $1,099,000 Above 14 ny’s blog that Airbnb largely welcomed Condominium prices in the city have 2114 Leavenworth Street 2BD/2BA $1,120,000 Above 20 1438 Green Street #3F 2BD/2BA $1,200,000 Above 12 the legislation but there were “provisions topped $1,000 per square foot, a level not 1838 Mason Street 2BD/1.5BA $1,439,125 Below 7 in this proposal that could be problem- seen since before the Great Recession, 1838A Mason Street 2BD/1.5BA $1,590,000 Above 16 atic to our hosting community, including reports San Francisco Business Times’ 844 North Point Street 2BD/2BA $1,675,000 Above 9 2423 Larkin Street 2BD/3BA $2,225,000 Above 4 a registration system that could make Blanca Torres. She notes “The trend some of their personal information pub- reflects San Francisco’s housing market Sea Cliff (no sales) lic, so there is much work to be done.” overall, where renters might pay $4,000 a month for a new apartment unit. That Telegraph Hill 1100-1112 Montgomery Street #1104 2BD/1BA $740,000 Above 64 AFFORDABLE OR NO-FORDABLE? 383 Lombard Street #404 2BD/2BA $1,150,000 Above 27 figure is similar to what people might 186 Francisco Street #4 3BD/3.5BA $3,450,000 Above 15 District 6 Supervisor Jane Kim intro- pay for a condo — if they can get their duced a bill in April that would require hands on one.” The data presented in this report is based on the San Francisco Multiple Listing Service and is a conditional use permit for any new accurate to the best of our knowledge, but cannot be guaranteed as such. For additional information, market-rate housing in her develop- E-mail: [email protected] contact Hill & Co., 1880 Lombard Street (at Buchanan), 415-321-4362, www.hill-co.com.

26 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com THINK SMART & URBAN

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www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 27 Real Estate

Real Estate Investor The policy gap ‘We’ve written it off’ Affordable housing expert Andre Shashaty on the state of housing policy and sustainable communities by john zipperer public policy compare to in fact, he wanted to cut past eras? programs that benefited s San Francisco Fifty years ago, Lyndon rental housing at the fed- residents and their Johnson said we have to eral level. We ended up political, business address the housing con- with a kind of obsession Aand social leaders try to ditions in our cities, and with homeownership, get a handle on housing we have to not only cre- while we failed to address affordability in the city, ate quality housing but we rental housing, and that they must do so at a time have to create mobility, so led to a foreclosure crisis. when governments large people of lower incomes A lot of people lost their Partnership for Sustainable Communities President Andre Shashaty photo: Mike Morbeck and small in this country aren’t stuck in ghettoes. homes, and now they’re have largely tried to wash He put forth several back in the rental mar- their hands of involve- major packages of legis- ket and demanding apart- to remember about the one time in San Francisco. term? It meets a lot of ment with the housing lation, the most signifi- ments that aren’t there, housing tax credit is that They make a big effort in resistance, because peo- problem. Long gone are cant being the Housing that weren’t built. it’s a shallow subsidy; their Innovation District. ple want parking. the days when the federal and Urban Development it only helps a narrow They’ve worked really government partnered Act of 1968. He commit- Has it improved at all range of people. On its hard to make sure hous- Are there any politi- with cities to build and ted the country — with under President Obama? own, it doesn’t really ing was part of the plan cal heroes today who are manage homes for mid- bipartisan support — to The bigger politi- help very many poor from the beginning. That’s championing housing dle- and low-income citi- create 2.6 million units cal picture is that we‘ve people, and you’re not important. If you’re going affordability? zens. Today, federal mon- of housing a year. One- only cared as a nation, eligible if you’re mod- to set out to attract jobs, No. ies have gone elsewhere, fifth of those had to be for or we’ve really only had erate income; and if set up an incubator — they as has federal interest in low-income people. a government that cared you’re in a place like San had that in the planning Are you optimistic or even dealing with the Congress agreed to that. about housing on several Francisco and you can’t from the beginning, and pessimistic? Why? challenges. The key fed- It was Ronald Reagan who occasions over the last afford a market-rate that’s because they had a The honest answer is eral tool for helping devel- basically tore that apart and century — after World place, you’re not eligible strong leader. that it’s hard to be opti- op affordable housing is said, “No, we don’t need to War II, during the six- for a tax-credit place. I think you have to mistic, because the polit- the three- ties when I find it disturbing that mention New York. It’s ical direction doesn’t decades-old we had civil we work at cross pur- a unique marketplace; seem to be going in that tax credit set unrest, and poses; we want affordable there’s no place like it, way. I don’t see anything up to help We have retreated from an we had it after housing but we obstruct because you can build in the political picture private devel- the foreclosure it. Mayor Lee might density with impunity changing that would opers — for- activist government role in crisis. But we want affordable housing, and nobody’s going to make it more favorable profit and just haven’t John Stewart the devel- hate you. to addressing housing nonprofit — providing public housing. been willing oper might want afford- But they had creative needs. We still have lots do what the to engage on able housing, but the ways of building build- of neighborhoods that government used to do. build any affordable hous- those policy issues, part- people in the various ings that had a mix of were pretty badly hurt This all happens at a ing; we should eliminate ly because of budgetary districts of San Francisco incomes and served a by foreclosures and they time when there are still all [government-funded] issues and partly because who already have hous- variety of needs. That still need to be cleaned many people who need housing production.” Now, nobody can talk to each ing don’t want affordable was a Sean Donovan up, and they need rein- affordable housing — he did put the tax credit in other in Washington housing. That runs pretty thing, when he was com- vestment. We have an rental or ownership. To place [as part of the Tax any more. deep in San Francisco and missioner of [the New improving budget pic- learn more about the Reform Act of 1986], so the So at the federal level Marin County — pretty York City Department ture in California, but we issues involved, we spoke net effect of his policy was we’ve kind of written it much everywhere. of Housing Preservation still have to remember with affordable hous- to eliminate direct subsi- off. The last few years Policymakers have to and Development]. that Jerry Brown elimi- ing expert and advocate dies for affordable housing. have been disappoint- figure out ways to make it Workforce housing in nated redevelopment Andre Shashaty. The for- But that tax credit is really ing, because our cur- palatable to local property major cities is very hard agencies, which would be mer editor and publish- the only thing there is on rent president hasn’t owners who are otherwise to do, because the costs in charge of improving er of Affordable Housing the federal level, and all made it a priority to probably going to prevent are so high and there are some of these devastated Finance and Apartment the other needs have been restart proactive poli- it, and if they can’t prevent so many people with a neighborhoods. Finance Today maga- put on top of that, without cy on these things. He’s it, they’re going to prob- vested interest in land And at the federal zines from his downtown really expanding the pro- dabbled, but there’s only ably drive up its costs. in every neighborhood. level, there’s no indica- San Francisco offices, gram. That includes elderly so much [U.S. Secretary Wealthy developers who And then you have the tion at all of a funda- Shashaty has long since housing, which used to be of Housing and Urban are develop- mental change sold his business and now financed with Section 202 Development] Sean ing high-end in the politi- serves as president of the [for developing housing for Donovan can do with- apartments cal orientation nonprofit Partnership for seniors], including dete- out budgetary support or often have an At the federal level, there’s any time soon. Sustainable Communities riorating housing under congressional support. easier time it could drift (p4sc.org). He is the Section 8 and deteriorating of it than no indication of fundamental even more author of the new book public housing. You mentioned tax people who into budget Rebuilding a Dream: The long-term trend credits for funding afford- are develop- change in the politics. cutting and America’s new urban cri- is that we have retreated able housing. Is that still ing affordable philosophi- sis, the housing cost explo- from an activist govern- a workable model, or has housing. interest in having things cal opposition to help- sion, and how we can ment role in providing it broken down? be green and the design ing cities. If they gain reinvent the American public housing. The tax credit model Are there examples of be good. The most prom- power, then budget cuts dream for all, being pub- The recent history is works very well, mainly cities that have done well ising megatrend is the we’ve already seen under lished this month. (Full that rental housing has because it’s not subject to at developing affordable, idea of reducing or elimi- Barack Obama will get disclosure, this writer been the stepchild of gov- a lot of excruciating deci- workforce housing? nating parking require- even worse. worked for Shashaty at ernment housing policy sion-making by bureau- I like the example of ments. It doesn’t solve his publishing company for many years, but it crats and legislating — it Boston, where they’re the problem, but it’s kind John Zipperer is a for- seven years ago.) was dramatically illus- kind of runs on autopilot encouraging develop- of a two-birds-with-one- mer senior editor of trated when George W. because it’s part of the tax ment of workforce hous- stone thing: reduce emis- Affordable Housing You have covered — Bush pushed for a big code. We don’t have to ing. One of their ideas is sions while you reduce Finance and Apartment as a journalist and as a increase in homeowner- apply to the bureaucrats micro-apartments, what traffic while you reduce Finance Today, and the nonprofit advocate — ship, and he did nothing to say, “Can we take this used to be called efficien- the cost of the building, former new media editor the housing affordability to finance rental housing. tax break?” Sure you can. cies, that are similar to because underground of the CCIM Institute of issue for decades. How I don’t want to put all of You don’t need an excep- what used to be called sin- garages are so expensive. the National Association does the situation today the blame on him for the tion to the rule. gle-occupancy hotels, and That’s an experiment. of Realtors. E-mail: in terms of need and foreclosure problems, but But the main thing of course we had those at Will it work over the long [email protected]

28 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Travel

Weekend Traveler Travel to your own city Recharge and rejuvenate in San Francisco Find out how SF can still romance and charm you

by patty burness style and local focus. The deli- cious albacore tuna poke sashi- ometimes it makes sense to mi is made with macadamia indulge on your home turf nuts, sesame oil, and red Fresno instead of spending time to chilies. Red and golden baby Stravel elsewhere to get away for beets are served with arugu- the weekend. San Francisco is an la, fennel, and Pepato cheese. incredible city — call it home yet Pan-seared wild king salmon, hide away at some of the finest with roasted celery root and addresses. It’s the perfect time of fennel, is served in lobster year to recharge and rejuvenate, bisque. The decadent warm which my husband and I recently brownie sundae is rich, full did at these quintessential prop- of chocolate, and topped with erties, where I experienced the Chantilly cream (415-276-9888, spa, and then we enjoyed dinner mandarinoriental.com). and overnight. THE RITZ CARLTON MANDARIN ORIENTAL Sophisticated and friend- Fly high at this luxury hotel in ly, this Nob Hill landmark is the Financial District — literally; in a 1909 neoclassical build- The view from the Club Lounge at the Ritz Carlton photo: bo links guestrooms start on the 36th ing with an upscale and floor with knockout views. Our contemporary interior. guestroom had a spectacular Among the amenities are the geographic latitude that mark building offer high ceil- seating and a high-energy vibe. panorama from the light show high-definition TVs, docking runs through the Bay Area. ings, chandeliers, and detailed You’ll find creative cocktails like on the Bay Bridge across down- stations and DVD/CD players, The restaurant and bar are woodwork. When it’s time to Tempus Ficorum (Pisco, fig, town to Alcatraz and beyond. feather duvets, and spacious open, casual, and inviting, and sleep, you’ll drift away on the lemon, and thyme) and Violet Our spacious room with marble bathrooms. Our cor- both fuse fresh and fabulous in hotel’s Heavenly Bed. Beauregard (vodka, blueberries, modern furnishings combined ner room had a stunning view their fare. The Renewal Spa will help crème de cacao, and lemon). sleeping and sitting areas that of the city. The carrot tortellini was sub- you achieve that heaven. Detox From the Small Bites menu, we didn’t obstruct the view. The The Club Lounge is an inti- lime with Greek yogurt and in the steam room, relax in the had the house-marinated olives colors were soothing, and there mate place to unwind with Coit Madeira jus. The tender seared lounge, and indulge in one of with rosemary and citrus, tuna were high-tech and luxe octopus, drizzled with the many massage, body, skin- tartare spiced up with Scotch bon- amenities, including a olive oil, had crispy care, and nail treatments. The St. net peppers, and a Snake River soaking tub in the large garlic on top. The juicy Francis Renewal Massage inte- Wagyu burger (415-397-7000, bathroom, which also San Francisco is an aged rib eye was served grates deep tissue to target tired, westinstfrancis.com/). had a view. with crispy polenta, tense muscles. The Spa at the incredible city — call it lion’s mane mushrooms, The hotel’s famous lobby is OTHER ESSENTIALS Mandarin features treat- home yet hide away at some and a braised short rib. home to the renowned Magneta San Francisco Travel: ments that integrate Each was paired perfect- Grandfather clock from 1907, sanfrancisco.travel centuries-old therapies of the finest addresses. ly with a wine from the which has been the meeting place to soothe your body and international list. Save for thousands of visitors and locals Patty Burness can be found on heal your soul. Relax in the tea Tower and bay views. Food and room for the spectacular cof- alike. The contemporary Clock Twitter at @pattygb or reached by lounge before settling into the beverage service is available all fee poached dates and Tahitian Bar has a comfortable lounge e-mail at [email protected]. nail suite or your private treat- day, as is a concierge. Breakfast vanilla ice cream (415-296-7465, ment room. My Oriental Essence offers an array of treats. At cock- ritzcarlton.com). massage used a soothing combi- tail time, hors d’ouevres reflect nation of oil, ginger, and aromat- the city’s diverse neighbor- THE WESTIN ST. FRANCIS ics to help release muscle tension hoods. Certain Fridays Northern This grand hotel celebrates and stress. California winemakers offer its 110th birthday throughout The hotel’s Brasserie S&P, their wines. 2014. Beautiful photos displayed with cozy banquettes and lounge The hotel’s Spa-De-Vie helps throughout the interior (includ- chairs, has floor-to-ceiling win- your strain and anxiety disap- ing a few by Ansel Adams), dows that unveil a busy street pear. Begin in the steam room, glass cases filled with historical scene. There’s a specialty gin and decompress as you sweat objects, and tales of stays by program at the Bar with house- out toxins. You’ll melt on the presidents, celebrities, athletes, made infusions and tonics using massage table with the signature and world leaders reveal the ingredients like saffron, pumpkin treatment, a soothing combina- hotel’s history and glory. or lemongrass and Asian spices tion of aromatherapy, Swedish, When your room looks direct- (try a tasting flight). and deep tissue. ly over Union Square, there real- The dinner menu reflects the Parallel 37 is the popular res- ly isn’t much more to say about restaurant’s informal yet refined taurant at the Ritz, named for the view. Rooms in the land-

Clockwise: Brasserie S&P’s decadent brownie sundae; Brasserie S&P; The Clock Bar at the St. Francis photos: bo links; mandarinoriental.com; the westin st. francis / flickr

www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 29 Pet Pages Political Animal

The lost and found residents of Golden Gate Park photo: franco folini / flickr Homeless dogs of Golden Gate Park: A tragedy waiting to happen by susan dyer reynolds encampment near Golden Gate dogs’ owner left them in his on duty. When he arrived and DOG SHOT WITH Park. When officers arrived, custody. Another man riding was unable to secure the dogs ASSAULT RIFLE n Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014 they found two pit bull mixes, a a bike who tried to stop the with catchpoles, he called Lt. According to the police report, at 10:40 p.m., San Fran- white female named Cleo and a attack was also bitten. Police Denise Bongiovanni for backup, 20 minutes went by as police cisco police responded black male named Frisco, run- summoned Animal Care and who got out of bed to rush lined up, guns drawn. During Oto a 911 call about a dog attack ning around, barking nervous- Control (ACC), but because to the scene. Meanwhile, Flores this time, Frisco returned to the in progress at 25th Avenue ly. A homeless man had been they are severely understaffed, took off through the bushes scene, where he climbed up on and Lincoln Way at a homeless badly bitten, he said, after the only one officer, Pete Flores, was after the dogs. homeless dogs, continued on 32 Cat House Always keep your nose to the ground

by walden majer We walk in the ‘hood One thing I’m really a lot. Dad says it’s good grateful for, I must say, is completely understand for our health, especially that Marina dwellers are why the world is so because we live up the hill a pretty darn good at pick- enamored with the few blocks above Lombard, ing up after their pets. I Ibeauty of San Francisco and and we get to enjoy the can’t ever remember see- especially our neighborhood. fabulous views of the lovely ing a dog owner without He oughta be in pictures — if he’d just stand still Whenever I ride with mom homes, the vistas of the a poop bag. Good on us and dad over the Golden islands, the headlands, and on that one! Gate Bridge I hear them “ooh the cities beyond. I don’t Speaking of pets, I do and ahh” as if they were tour- notice the stress of walking have a pet peeve. Drivers Five tips for making ists for the first time as they uphill too much because in our neighborhood don’t gaze at Crissy Field and the I’ve never lived and walked stop at stop signs — espe- hills behind that are smat- anywhere else. What I do cially on the steep streets tered with bright buildings notice, however (because I like Divisadero. This is the perfect cat video inching up the hills. My view am stature-challenged) are dangerous! Again, I see is from the safety of the back things closer to the ground. this from my Little Man by john zipperer Here are five tips for making successful seat. I peer through the rear You know that view of perspective because I’m cat photos or videos: door window if I crane my our sparkling city from the closer to the tires than I ast year, something called the 5. Try a still life. The best cat photos neck because I’m so short. bridge I mentioned? That’s am to the tops of the cars. Internet Cat Video Festival drew and videos are not just silly images. Cats After all, I’m only 8 years old. because it’s three miles away. Fortunately, both mom and 13,000 people to the Minnesota with their serious mugs can look humor- Actually, I’m kinda short Up close, the city’s not so dad keep a close eye on LState Fair Grandstand. Before you make ous just by keeping their superior attitude for my age. Many of my con- sparkling. In fact, nearer to me when we are out walk- some snarky comment about how that’s in place even while they are doing the temporaries are a lot taller the ground where I live and ing. Good thing, because I all people in Minnesota have to do, you most ridiculous things. than I am so I make up for breathe, it’s pretty trashy. can be easily distracted and should know that the ICVF now has Sometimes animals cooperate. I have it by standing as tall as I can, Mom and dad frequently might step into a crosswalk programs everywhere from Honolulu to had better luck with photos than video. and I’m told I walk with pick up paper cups and other without carefully looking Northern Ireland to San Francisco. Over For example, one afternoon, our big fluffy authority. One of mom’s discarded items as we walk both left and right. 6,000 people are expected to attend this Maine Coon cat, Charlie, had been all friends calls me Little Man. the streets on our way to Now here’s some of the month in Oakland. There are many peo- the way over on the far side of our long Given my status, or lack the Sunday farmers’ market good part. I really like the ple who want to win the Golden Kitty living room, but when he spotted a little thereof, my perspective on or wherever. “Always leave a people I meet in the Marina Award. And yes, I feel vaguely ashamed bird on the other side of the glass doors, our neighborhood is maybe place a little nicer than you and Cow Hollow. They are that I know that. he tore across the room so fast he slid a little different. Don’t get found it,” dad says. What (almost) always very friendly But we already knew that cats were headfirst into the door. Apparently unhurt, me wrong, I’m as in love I can’t understand is why — especially the girls and hugely popular on the Internet. Photos he engaged the bird in a staring standoff with our neighborhood as people would discard empty the young ladies. I get lots have made LOLcats a household word, that lasted long enough for me to get my you are, and I wouldn’t want beer cans, broken bottles, of compliments about how and my search for “cat” brought 33.3 mil- mobile phone and take a couple photos of to live in any other city. We and other trash on the side- handsome and sweet I am. lion results on YouTube. The question is the bird-cat cold war. (We even ran one are truly blessed. It’s just that walks of the place most of the Sometimes they say, “He’s whether you think you have the chops to in this column several months back.) The I see things from a slightly rest of the world would give sooo cute!” I’m not so sure be the next kitty Kubrick or feline Fellini. cat video tips, continued on 32 different perspective. anything to live in. walden, continued on 32

30 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com Working Together to Keep Your Pets Healthy, Happy and Safe

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www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 31 Pet Pages

Sky’s Buys The sound of silence Cat House later. That time he didn’t slide completely continued from page 30 off the desk, but he did slip all the way to the other end before he could get enough secret to success? He wasn’t moving; he traction to control his position. He even- was standing still staring at the bird, which tually jumped down to the ground and was standing still staring at the big cat. wandered away. 4. Use good production values. You Figuring he would do it again, and I can make great quality photos and high- could end up with a viral video for mil- definition videos with your mobile phone lions of bored YouTubers, I made sure I and inexpensive digital cameras these was ready to capture it the next time he days. So you’ve got the equipment and the did it. But when I had my digital camera fluffy animal needed to make a cat video at-hand and turned on, he would come or photo, but you need to make sure you into the room, look up at the desk and me have sufficient lighting and that you can and the camera and walk around the floor Hear Doggy flats and stuffed squeakers are audible only to your dog capture your cat at that exact moment as if studiously making the point that when she’s not moving so fast you end up he’s not an actor, as if he were afraid the recording a blur. Screen Actors Guild would go after him The problem is that cats are great at for not being a member. Hear Doggy ultrasonic toys going from zero to 60 fast. Charlie is a 2. Do a character study. Figuring very talkative cat, and he knows many Charlie was not going to be an action star, by susan dyer reynolds at a higher frequency (0 flats, which have no stuff- cat languages — meows, chirps, squeaks, I thought I would have more luck captur- to 45 KHz) than humans ing and come in one stan- purrs, growls, etc. One day he was trying ing him in one of his calmer moments in must admit I was (0 to 20 KHz). Tuned to dard size. Skylar’s favorite is to convince me to get up from my chair which he let his adorableness shine. skeptical when Steve a 24 to 28 KHz frequency the whale; however, she’s at and give him more food, so he was pac- Eventually my opportunity arrived. He and I came upon Hear makes the toys squeak in that puppy age just before ing back and forth in front of me chirp- looked adorable. Lying on his back, spill- IDoggy ultrasonic toys at your dog’s hearing range, the “terrible two,” so she ing and squeaking nonstop. It was quite ing halfway out of his fake-fur-lined fabric Pet Food Express — until I but not in yours. The ben- likes to star in her own ver- funny, and best of all the light from the basket, his big eyes staring straight at me. squeezed one from behind efit is obvious if you’ve ever sion of Game of Thrones, window behind me meant I would be able He occasionally stretched farther, putting my back and Skylar and had to endure the endless disemboweling toys and to get a clear video of him speaking in out a front paw into the air and leaving it Blue started cocking their irritating squeaking of a toy leaving a living room full of tongues. Wanting to capture it, I pointed there. All I had to do was reach over to a heads from side to side (in our house it lasts until stuffing guts. Next time I’ll my cell phone at him at the exact moment nearby bookcase on which my digital cam- though we heard nothing. Blue, the queen of squeaker check out the flats. he was startled by a bus driving past the era sat, turn it on, switch it to video format, Hear Doggy says their toys killing, silences it for good). Hear Doggy ultrasonic toys: house; he disappeared down the hall. I and record this furry screen test. I reached are made with “a squeaker Hear Doggy ultrasonic $5 to $15; available online and had missed my chance. for the camera; Charlie kept looking at only your dog can hear,” toys come in two plush at Pet Food Express stores. 3. The Bourne Momentum. In our pre- me, making no sign of being bothered. I based on the scientific fact designs: stuffed, available vious home, my desk was in a bedroom at turned on the camera and it made its little that dogs can hear sounds in small and large sizes; and E-mail: [email protected] the end of a long hallway. Charlie would electronic “ping,” still no reaction from like to come into the room, jump up onto Charlie. I switched the format to video the desk, and sleep on one end of it while and pointed the camera at Charlie, still no Walden a little something everyday to leave each I worked at my computer. But one day, problem. I pushed the button to record and continued from page 30 place we go just a little nicer than the spring fever or just high spirits had him Charlie instantly curled around so I could way we found it. more energetic than usual, and he got a see nothing but his back, the rest of him about cute, but I do like being noted as hand- Next time, I think, I’ll share “my nose to bit of a running start in the hallway and fully hidden from view by the sides of the some and friendly. After all, what’s a neigh- the ground perspective” on potholes and jumped onto the desk, only to slide all the cat basket. He was quickly sound asleep, borhood without friendly folks? broken sidewalks. way across its smooth surface and back and my chance had gone. As a citizen of San Francisco, I’m just onto the floor, with a mild look on his 1. Don’t use my cat. trying to remind everyone how impor- Walden Majer is an 8-year-old poodle- face of Oh, crap, didn’t plan that. The first If you still can’t control yourself: facebook. tant it is to keep our special neighbor- bichon mix and starts his nose-to-the- time he did it, I couldn’t stop laughing. I com/CatVidFest hood as beautiful, clean, and safe as our ground perspective each day from Cow figured it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, reputation suggests. All we have to do is Hollow. E-mail: [email protected] but in fact, Charlie did it again an hour E-mail: [email protected]

Homeless dogs “owned” Cleo and Frisco has an weapon, put hands on head, continued from page 30 extensive, violent criminal his- and lay down on the ground. tory and a rap sheet a mile long. Officer John Denny, who a picnic table and lay down on Ultimately, he is to blame for presides over San Francisco’s his owner’s belongings. At that the men’s injuries, for Cleo being Vicious and Dangerous Dog point, Capt. Mark Osuna autho- euthanized, and for Frisco’s hor- Court, says there are written rized one of the officers to “stop rific death. guidelines for handling vicious the threat.” The officer says he But lawmakers and the police dogs. “After Oakland dealt with “shot the dog in the back” from also bear some responsibil- P.R. nightmares like shoot- 100 feet away with his assault ity. It’s no secret that ACC has ing a dog in the backyard of a rifle, severely wounding him. As a severe budget shortage, and home that was being burglar- Frisco writhed in agonizing pain, San Francisco’s budget commit- ized and shooting a fawn in a the officer approached the picnic tee left them out of their bud- resident’s bushes, we put it in table and, using his pistol, shot get again last year. According to writing. Deadly force is always him in the head. Eventually Cleo Supervisor Scott Wiener, who the last resort,” Denny says. He was captured and taken into cus- is trying to get more money for also pointed out that all SFPD The park’s homeless are not the hippies of yesterday tody, and it was later discovered ACC in the upcoming budget, sergeants and patrol officers photo: franco folini / flickr that Frisco was not the aggressor there are only 11 ACC officers have attended a one-hour class and, in fact, had caused none of to patrol the city 24 hours a day, about how to handle aggressive “they are the dogs of choice LAW ENFORCEMENT LACKING the injuries to either man. and only one officer on at night. dogs. However, no one from the for these guys. They’re big and It’s illegal to have unaltered Had there been two to three command staff, including Capt. strong and loyal and they’re pit bulls or to breed pit bulls in WHO’S AT FAULT? ACC officers on patrol the night Osuma and Chief Suhr, has ever eager to please their owners. I’m San Francisco, but because of the This story is a tragedy for of Jan. 28, Frisco would likely attended the class. actually a huge fan of the breed, shortage of animal control offi- Frisco, but it is also a cautionary not be dead. but you can’t just leave them in a cers, enforcing the law is difficult. tale of human tragedy waiting to IRRESPONSIBLE OWNERS backyard or give them no exer- The fact that people with long, happen. Several years ago I wrote DEADLY FORCE Denny also agrees that the cise or attention.” violent rap sheets are inbreed- an editor’s note for Northside San ONLY AS LAST RESORT unaltered homeless dog popula- Denny also says pit bulls tend ing litter after litter is an omi- Francisco magazine called “The The embarrassingly poor tion in Golden Gate Park and to get the worst of the worst nous sign that the Board of thugs who run Haight Street,” handling of the situation by the the types of people who keep when it comes to owners. “Look Supervisors, the budget commit- in which I pointed out that a police is, I’m sure, something them are a problem. “With at the Nicholas Faibish case,” he tee, and the SFPD need to pay lot of the homeless kids living San Francisco Police Chief Greg an owner like that, Frisco and said, recounting the tragic death attention to immediately. If ACC in Golden Gate Park aren’t the Suhr would like to see go away. Cleo never had a chance. It’s my of the 12 year old in 2005. “His can’t afford to hire more animal happy hippies of the past, but The fact that Frisco was shot in understanding that Frisco was father used to kick the dogs apart control officers, and the SFPD rather hardened and often violent the back while lying down on a born in Golden Gate Park and because he didn’t want the female continues to ignore the problem criminals. I called upon the police picnic table tells me that he was he fathered Cleo. So you’ve got mating with the male dog in the until they get a 911 call, the next and the Board of Supervisors to in no way aggressing toward irresponsible inbreeding going house, only with the male dog tragedy in the park will likely get a grip on the situation, partic- the 20 officers standing in front on there and they just keep hav- in the backyard. When Nicholas involve a human being — and ularly the packs of unaltered dogs of him with guns drawn. I don’t ing more and more puppies.” went in that basement, he tried I don’t want to be the one who these thugs keep for protection. think Capt. Osuna would give The majority of the dogs born to kick the dogs apart — he was says, “I told you so.” So it was no surprise when the command to stop the threat and bred in the park are pit imitating his father — and that’s I discovered that the man who if a human suspect dropped the bull mixes because, Denny says, when they attacked him.” E-mail: [email protected]

32 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 33 Pet Pages

The Adventures of Skylar Grey Chapter 12

Skylar and Hula Girl at Crissy Field photo: erica ramos Beach baby by susan dyer reynolds backyard with little to no experience out- side of it, but after several more outings, Beach baby, Beach Baby give me your hand she learned quickly how much fun surf- Give me somethin’ that I can remember ing in on a big wave with a pink rubber Just like before we can walk by the shore in chicken in her mouth could be. ar the moonlight Sky, usually shy and afraid of many Skyl Beach baby, Beach baby there on the sand things at first, couldn’t wait to get out of From July ‘till the end of September the car at Crissy Field. Her big green eyes Surfin’ was fun, we’d be out in the sun every day bugged out when she saw the water, the sand, and all those potential four-legged — “Beach Baby,” by The First Class friends. She started whining because I wasn’t walking fast enough, so I told her azzy never had any interest in to go ahead. Next thing I knew she was in fetching unless I threw her toy in the middle of a pack of dogs, swimming the ocean. She swam like a champ, alongside to “help” them get their tennis J using her tail as a rudder to keep her balls. As much fun as she was having, Sky big butt from sinking below the surface. always checked in to make sure I was still People were always amused: “I didn’t there, and as I headed down the beach, she left her new friends and followed me. “What’s this?” I asked, waving her favorite For a second she disappeared Kong Water Wubba. I threw completely, then I saw her little the Wubba out as far as I could, and she did a giant belly flop blockhead bob up. into the sea. For a second she disappeared completely, then think pit bulls liked to swim,” they’d say. I saw her little blockhead bob up, the I don’t know where that idea came from purple Wubba firmly between her teeth. because most that I’ve known love it. OK, Going to Crissy Field became a morn- some may not, but I know quite a few ing ritual, and Skylar began to make Labs and golden retrievers that don’t care friends. She particularly liked Charlie, a for swimming, either. female chocolate Lab about six months One of my first road trips with Skylar older who enjoyed a good hole in the was a visit to Santa Rosa to meet her sand as much as Sky did. One would uncle Johnny and cousin Abe, another hunker down in the hole and bark at the great pit bull mix and one of my favorite other as if to say, “Hey, come check this foster dogs of all time. Johnny likes to say out! It’s the only hole on the beach and it was an arranged marriage. I invited him it’s all ours!” Charlie and Sky also got to my house in San Francisco for a long some laughs riding the waves together weekend and let Abe sleep with him. By while they each held one end of a toy all 5wx4.pdf 1 4/11/14 8:46 AM the end of the weekend, he was in love. No the way to shore. Inevitably Sky would surprise — Abe was incredibly sweet and get the toy from Charlie, tuck her butt perhaps the most balanced dog I’ve ever under, and take off with a serious case 2014 Voting Guide known. He loved everyone and Vote for an economically stronger everything and had an easygo- San Francisco on June 3 ing temperament that matched Johnny’s. It was a match made Sky, usually shy and afraid, VOTE YES in arranged marriage heaven, if couldn’t wait to get out of the I do say so myself. C Proposition A: Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response Bond That weekend in Santa Rosa, car at Crissy Field. M • Help ensure San Francisco’s firehouses, police stations and emergency water systems are able to function after a major earthquake, without raising taxes. we took the dogs to the Russian Y River with some friends on a hot summer of the zoomies, periodically turning her day. Skylar, just a few months old then, head to make sure Charlie was right CM VOTE NO dove in without hesitation, and began behind her. Sometimes Sky was like the MY Proposition B: Waterfront Height Limit Initiative • Prop. B means losing the chance to build vitally needed new housing for middle swimming in circles like a little motorboat Pied Piper with five or six dogs joining in CY and low income San Franciscans around the rest of us as we stood waist the chase, which she loved. CMY • Prop. B destroys the maritime infrastructure of the Port of San Francisco deep in the water. So when she was a little That’s how she met Hula Girl, a res- • Prop. B takes away from the Port, Planning Commission, State agencies, community K leaders and our elected officials the ability to approve well thought out and critically older and a little bigger, I decided it was cued pointer mix, whose mom, Erika, is important waterfront projects time for her inaugural trip to the sea. a professional photographer. Since then, The first time I took Jazzy to Ocean Erika has done some work for the Marina SF Forward is the Political Action Committee (PAC) of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce Beach the sound of the waves scared Times, and we’ve had several doggy play SF Forward is comprised of local business owners and residents who support her; she crouched under a huge log and dates. I guess making friends at the beach sound economic policy and exceptional quality of life in San Francisco. The PAC is wouldn’t budge. It took me an hour to hasn’t gone to the dogs after all. dedicated to insuring that political reforms strengthen the local economy, improve the business climate, and streamline the operation of government. coax her out. I chalked it up to those first six months spent in her previous owner’s E-mail: [email protected]

34 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com We urgently need short and long term foster homes! This page sponsored by Good dogs land in shelters for many reasons. Grateful Dogs Rescue pulls dogs from the San Francisco and other local municipal shelters ANNOUNCEMENT:and we work hard to match theWe right need dog foster with thehomes! right humans.Grateful Dogs Rescue partners with theHelp San us saveFrancisco dogs city by becoming shelter to a GDRsave fosterdogs from parent, euthanasia. either Make your home a short termshort-term or long or term long-term. safe haven Apply and today! help GDR save provides a dog’s guidance life. Vet bills for foster dogs paid by GDR.throughout Volunteers the fostering and processdonations and paysare alwaysfor all vet welcome! care, grooming, Our website features more dogs, events,training, trainingetc. for ourresources, foster dogs. etc. ApplyGDR is todayan all-volunteer to foster, 501(c)(3)adopt, or foster-to-adopt! GDR is an allnon-profit volunteer, organization 501(c)(3) innon-profit. SF. New volunteersMake your are alwaysyear-end welcome! tax-deductible www.naturalbalanceinc.com donation today! CALVINAUSTIN LULUJESTER Austin is an eight-month, Lulu is a little 6 pound, 6 years Sweet Calvin was left outside Jester is a real cutie! This puggle (beagle x pug). He’s a15 where he got repeated severe oldPoodle sweetheart mix is Chihuahua.approximately She pound puppy full of curiosity loves to cuddle and shares foster sunburns on his sensitive skin. 6 years old. He is definitely and affection. He’s very active home with other small dogs. These repeated sunburns a roly-poly at about 23 resultedand loves in going infections out for that walks. left She’s easy going and happiest pounds! He and another scarsAustin and is very hair affectionateloss on his face.with when you are close by. Being dog were abandoned He’severyone fine henow meets. but willHe needlikes tohis alone is not fun for her. Sleeping when his previous owners facesnuggle protected and sleeps with with sunscreen his people when at bedtime. he’s out Hein theenjoys sun. a in a crate is scary for Lulu, she would prefer sleeping near you. goodCalvin game walks of happily chase withby your dogs side, his sleepssize. He in is the friendly same withbed Lulu was terrified of the car butleft has themgotten behindmuch better. in their Lulu littlewith hiskids. foster Austin brother, is quite and smart wants and nothingalready knowsmore thanhow toto isforeclosed great on her house. leash, Fortunately and loves to a explore neighbor outdoors. heard themShe is sitbe onwith command, people. He he weighsis working about on his60 housepounds training. and is Austinabout housebarking broken and wasand ablealerts to her get foster them parents out andthat intoshe needs rescue. to can5 years be leftold. alone, He is abut mellow prefers guy, being but around he loves people. to play Are given you goHe outside. has now This settled little girlhappily wants into to be his your foster friend. home. Do youJester have is upthe to opportunity. giving this active, He’s housetrained fun-loving pup and his has forever received home? lots of obedience training. Calvin is a real gentleman! agood gentle, with loving dog-savvy home for kids, her? good with other dogs, and is housetrained. He is a sweet, wonderful dog who enjoys looking out the window, going for car rides, and jogging BAILEY (which should help him shed those extra pounds). DEWEYBailey is an adorable, huggable PHARAOH Dewey11-year-old is one Corgi-Pomeranian of the sweetest Pharaoh a 10-week-old Shep- dogsmix (his you body will ever is mostly meet! Corgi This herd mix puppy. His foster par- Americanand his head Bulldog is the would Pom thrivepart!). entsPEACHES have given him lots of love inHe a currently single dog weighs family, 23 pounds. as he andPeaches nurturing is one since cute being little born. Chi- getsBailey very is veryattached healthy to hisbut home. could huahua,Pharaoh aboutLOVES one everything year old, in Deweyshed weighs a few about extra 65 pounds.pounds andhis world: weighs people, barely playing 6 pounds. ball, Bailey is looking for a companionand is 3 years he can old. hang Previous out withdog Shesitting is takingin your basic lap, givingtraining kisses, and experience is a plus for this big guy. He really responds to on the couch, at the park, or on a nice walk through the napping, puppy treats, toys,is and house-trained. other dogs. He She is canalready be a caring, strong human. Older dog-savvy kids would be neighborhood. His ideal home will be one without small lefttrained alone to or come with when other called, pets for sit forseveral treats, hours. and She fetches. will children.fine. He Heneeds doesn’t daily requireexercise a lotand of wouldexercise be butan excellenthe loves Pharaoh is trained to use wee wee pads. Pharaoh is looking running and/or hiking partner for someone who enjoys sleep in a crate at night, but recently she has been sleep- going for walks and being outdoors. He is good on leash for someone to spend time with him, as he is too young these activities. He is house trained and has been ing on a dog bed. Peaches is initially wary with strangers, and is fine with other dogs. Bailey is looking for a walking to be left alone. He will positively make you laugh and through obedience training. Dewey definitely wants to but warms up quickly and lets them pet her. She is best companion- are you the one? smile! Pharaoh will be your new best friend. He will love please and will be your buddy forever. friends with her foster brother, who is about her size. Overall,you Soooo she much! is a very sweet, cuddly dog who does great LADYELLIE MAE with other dogs and older children. Lady is a 4-year-old, 21-pound SHILOH SchipperkeFOSTER mix / but ADOPT looks more Shiloh. He is a 6 year-old Rat like a combination of border WILLIE Ellie Mae is cute hound Terrier mix and around 40 collie and black bear! Lady mix, about 4 years old and pounds. He loves his walks and had a miserable beginning WONKA about 35 pounds. Ellie Mae all the people he meets. Shiloh to her life, unloved and tied Willie Wonka is as sweet as his did not get a great start in is a pure joy at home and is to a short cable by day and name implies. Wonka is a tri- life because she is under- completely house trained. socialized and fearful of insideunfamiliar a storeroom people and at things. night. Shilohcolored, is not 9 poundcomfortable terrier when mix But,Despite she this,is a veryLady affectionate has adapted dog,well andto her quickly foster bonds home strange dogs run up to his withface. longHe gets luxurious nervous eyelashes. and can withand quicklyher person. learned We basic are looking manners for and a housetraining.foster home act out. His perfect home wouldHe’s a be friendly one with guy time who to loves give withGentle the Lady patience loves her to walks. work She with loves Ellie belly and rubs help while her lying upside-down in your lap. Lady thrives on human himpeople lots and of love loves and to time be held. for daily Once walks. you meetSomeone this toguy, toss he acquire the social skills needed for her to become casts a spell on your heart. He loves to snuggle and he aattention wonderful, and wouldloving becompanion. happiest as This the willonly be dog one in theof his ball for him and rub his belly. He knows all his basic LOVES to go for walks! His foster mom takes him out to Fort thehome. most Lady rewarding is ready for things a gentle, you’ll loving ever home do — where and, sheof commands. Shiloh is looking for the perfect companion Funston everyday to get his daily exercise and he truly loves course,can get theif you attention fall in shelove deserves. with Ellie Mae like we did, to share life’s simple pleasures. you can always adopt her! If you think you are that it. Wonka is a gentle boy, looking for a gentle home. Adults that are home more than away would be the best but older, specialGDR’S personMESSAGE: to help Are Ellie you Mae looking blossom, to pleaseadopt a dog in the ? Then you submit a foster application. respectful kids would be OK too. should come out to the Grateful Dogs Rescue Adoption event on March 16 at Pet Food Express on Market from 12:30 to 3PM. Our second March event will be at BellaPelle at 9 MaidenCheck the Lane Grateful on March Dogs 30th Rescue from 11AMwebsite to 2PM. for 2014 upcoming Adoption Events Calendar

FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE AND OTHER DOGS: 415-587-1121 • www.gratefuldogsrescue.org [email protected] GRATEFUL DOGS RESCUE GRATEFUL

This page is sponsored by Locally owned and operated by Michael & Mark GRATEFUL DOGS RESCUE GRATEFUL www.Marinatimes.com THE MARINA TIMES MAY 2014 35 36 MAY 2014 THE MARINA TIMES www.marinatimes.com