Jeff Brown BA Dip TP MRTPI Head of DevelopmentControl Seruice TheCouncil House SouthSkeet NorthWarwickshire Atherstone BoroughCouncil Warwickshire CVglDE Switchboard:(018271 7 15341 MrsSheila Porter Fax: (01827)719225 E Mail:
[email protected] Website: www, Dater 01 December2010 TheTown & Counfy PlanningActs TheTown and Country Planning (Listed Eulldings and ConseryationAr€a6) Act 1990 TheTown E CountryPlanning (Gene|"l Development) Orders TheTown and Country Planning (Control of Adyertisements)Regulations 1992 (as amended) DECISIONNOTICE Certificateof LawfulnessApplication Application Ref: PAPl2O10lO528 Site Address crid Ref: Easting42417e.94 , 182Hurley Common, Kingsbury, CVg 2LR Northing297021.22 of Development Applicationfor LawfulDevelopment Certificate for proposeddetached garage Applicant MrsM Plain Yourapplication was valid on 27 hasnow been considered bv the Council. I can informyou that: A planningapplication will not be requiredfor lhe proposeddetached garage. I herebycertify that on 27 October2010, the development described in the FirstSchedule to this Certificate,in respectof the landspecified in the SecondSchedule to this Certificateand edged red onthe planaftached to thisCertificate, was laMul within the meaning of Section192 of theTown andCountry Planning Act 1990(as amended), for the following reason: Thegarage is'permitted development'by virtue of ClassE of part 1 of Schedule2 of the Townand Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (no 2) (England)Order 2008. FIRSTSCHEDULE A garageto be constructedas iflustratedon plannumber 10i3037i01A attached to this Certificate. SECONDSCHEDULE Landat 182Hurley Common, Kingsbury, CVg 2LR as shownon the plan attached to thisCertificate. Authorised Officer Date I December2010 Page I of 2 #Nlusn'.:i,k' NOTES 1. ThisCertificate is issuedonly for the purpose of Section191 of theTown and Country PlanningAct 1990(as amended).