Help Generations help kids O 514-933-8585 NOVEMBER 2009 VOL. XXIV N 2

INSIDE Rebel with a cause: David “Life Woodsworth at 91 p. 3 begins

Margaret at 80 ” Trudeau says Geraldine campaigns for Doucet mental health p. 7 p. 5

These supermarkets really deliver p. 8

All you need to know about H1N1 p. 9

Too cold in your apt? p. 11

Ste. Anne’s Vets remember p. 19 Editorial A just sentence for crimes against humanity It was a first for Canada: Desiré ate Hutus. He was arrested in Munyaneza, scion of a wealthy fam- in 2005 under the new ily in the former Belgian colony of Crimes Against Humanity and War Rwanda, was sentenced in Crimes Act. last month after a lengthy trial for The evidence showed that Mun- crimes against humanity during the yaneza’s family had stockpiled ma- genocide of 1994.He was not the first chetes just before the attacks began. alleged war criminal to enter Canada, The evidence showed he killed dozens but was the first to be convicted himself in a deliberate and premedi- under Canada’s War Crimes Act, tated way, justifying the toughest sen- which allows Canadian residents to tence under Canadian law. be prosecuted for genocide, war In his trenchant ruling, the judge crimes and crimes against humanity. wrote that Munyaneza “chose to kill, All who believe that nobody who rape and pillage in the name of the commits crimes against humanity supremacy of his ethnic group,” re- should be given impunity will re- minding us that “every time a man joice. Yes, Rwanda, tucked away in claims to belong to a superior race, a east Africa, is far away, but in the chosen people, humanity is in dan- global village we are all Rwandans. ger.”As for the accused denying guilt, Until the 1980s, Canada was among Denis wrote,“Denying genocide is to many countries that were guilty of kill the victims a second time.” inaction in failing to prosecute those “There is no greater crime than geno- who lied on their applications for cide, crimes against humanity and war refuge after the Second World War in crimes,” he continued. “History has failing to mention that they had shown that what happened there could served the Nazi killing machine. This happen anywhere in the world, that “let-bygones-be-bygones” attitude nobody is safe from such a tragedy.” flourished in France with regard to Meanwhile, at The Hague, the Vichy régime collaborators, until genocide and war crimes trial of such courageous citizens as Beate ex-Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Klarsfeld tracked down Klaus Barbie, Karadzic continues, even though he the Butcher of Lyons, in Bolivia and claims he needs more time to prepare compelled his return to France to his defence. He was branded the face trial. “undisputed” leader of Serbs in- In his landmark judgment, Justice volved in the ethnic cleansing cam- André Denis of Superior paign from 1992-95 in Bosnia and Court sentenced Munyaneza to life in Herzegovina. The prosecutor in his prison with no chance of parole for opening statement said that, “In the 25 years. Munyaneza not only incited course of conquering the territory he genocide, he led a team of Hutu mur- claimed for the Serbs, his forces killed derers as part of the systematic killing thousands of Bosnian Muslims and of at least 800,000 Tutsis and moder- Continued on page 4

2 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Photo: Martin C. Barry David Woodsworth is a founding member of the NDG Senior Citizens Council Rebel for societal change Martin C. Barry office somehow or to emergency, which is an impossible task for al- Mot du premier ministre When David Woodsworth,a Profes- most anybody at six hours [wait Le jour du Souvenir rend hommage à tous ces sor Emeritus, retired from his job time] or more. Access to a physician’s femmes et hommes, héros de guerre, à l’ines- as director of McGill University’s care is a very significant issue.” timable sacrifice qu’ils ont fait pour que l’avenir School of Social Work decades ago, Woodsworth comes from a family du monde soit meilleur. he decided he wanted to work with for whom social consciousness is a Honorons la mémoire de ceux que la guerre senior citizens.A colleague who had tradition. nous a enlevés, saluons nos vétérans qui sont tou- taught courses on gerontology sug- His uncle, J.S. Woodsworth, was the jours avec nous, et pensons à nos militaires québé- gested Woodsworth’s knowledge of first leader of the Co-operative Com- cois et canadiens qui sont présentement en the elderly was limited. monwealth Federation (CCF), which mission à l’étranger pour défendre la paix, la jus- “This was true, but I learned,” says became the New Democratic Party. tice, la liberté, le respect des droits humains. Woodsworth, 91. In 1986, he became David Woodsworth’s grandfather, Portons fièrement le coquelicot en leur honneur. a founding member of the NDG Rev. James Woodsworth, was a senior Senior Citizens Council. Prior to this, Methodist missionary in western there had been no organization look- Canada. His father was also a Remembrance Day pays tribute to all the men ing after the specific interests of sen- Methodist minister, as was another and women, to all the war heroes, whose ines- iors in the area. uncle. Strong faith would become a timable sacrifices made the future of the world “I don’t think the average person powerful factor in determining better. Let us honour the memory of those who are no understands what it means not Woodsworth’s social convictions. longer with us. Let us salute the veterans who are being able to hear,” he says of the Woodsworth acknowledges that still with us. Let us remember our troops who are types of infirmity that typically beset all this led him into social work. abroad to defend peace, justice, freedom, and re- the elderly.“Hearing and sight are a Despite his politically activist her- spect of human rights. couple of the major physical prob- itage, he insists he isn’t partisan and Let us proudly wear the poppy in their honour. lems. And then there’s the increasing will usually vote for the party whose immobility. policies he favours.While he says he “You cannot go into the Metro, you has voted for three of Canada’s cannot go up and down the Metro leading political parties, he admits stairs, and so therefore what do you he never supported the Conserva- do? You have to take a taxi every- tives. But he says he admired Tory where, but you can’t afford a taxi. prime minister John Diefenbaker “If you’re ill and you need atten- because of his stance on human tion, no doctor will come to the rights. house. You have to go the doctor’s Continued on page 4 November 2009 3 THE SENIOR TIMES He has social activism in his blood since 1986 Continued from page 3 direction our society has taken in re- As a social worker and commenta- cent decades. tor, Woodsworth says he feels com- “The dominant politics in modern Publisher & Managing Editor Barbara Moser Advertising Jodie Alter, Gloria Beigleman, pelled to warn others in his field of a times is the politics of private enter- Assistant Editor Kristine Berey Shirley Cohen, Sandra Schachter tendency brought on by public pol- prise and ownership. That has been Copy Editor Andrea Shepherd Production & Design Albert Cormier icy, which leads them to accept bu- greatly supported by the demise of Journalists Martin C. Barry, Kristine Berey Web Design Scott Philip Editorial Assistant/Journalist Shannon Rose Front page photo Martin C. Barry reaucratic and legalistic requirements the Soviet Union. So all of these Office Manager Thelma Gearey Printing Hebdo Litho to bring about changes in individuals. things contributed to a great victory.” Sales Manager Jacquie Soloway-Cons Phone 514-484-5033 • Fax 514-484-8254 “It’s the fault of the individual; in Woodworth blames George W.Bush other words, it’s not the fault of the for furthering the interests of private society,” he says, describing the enterprise as a way to deal with socie- mindset. “I would rather emphasize tal organization or problems. DELUXE BUS TOURS the fault of the society.” “The consequence of that has been Acknowledging that this profes- a whole range of errors, omissions Plattsburg NY Sat. Nov 21 sional framework corresponds to a and suffering, which were avoidable $35 rightward shift in politics that started had there been different politics. Christmas Shopping in the 1980s, Woodsworth adds, “I “But you couldn’t have a different American Thanksgiving Black Friday think there is a class difference re- politics because the people who own lated to that. The people who man- the power thought otherwise,” $129 Weekend Special Nov 28-29 dd age things, the movers and shakers, Woodsworth adds. 2 Days 1 Night Breakfast incl. Burlington & Plattsburg are out to protect their own interests. “So it’s basically a power struggle. They come to believe sincerely that The Soviet Union was a prime exam- Rideau Carleton/Racetrack Slots $40 that is the way to do it. I don’t doubt ple of authoritarianism in the name New Year’s Eve Special the sincerity of the prime minister of of doing good for the people. Canada. I think he believes what he “It was probably more repressive Call Claire 514-979-6277 says and does. I just think it’s wrong.” than what we’ve got. But it doesn’t Woodsworth is cynical about the make our system the right one.”

Editorial continued from page 2 Croats, imprisoned thousands more notions of “war crimes,” such as in Delivered to your home! in squalid and brutal camps and de- the recent Goldstone Report, when it Lower in salt and made with fresh tention facilities, and forced hundreds comes to Israel’s actions in Gaza last ingredients. Meals come in biodegradable of thousands away from their homes.” year. Israel acted in response to years containers for easy freezing, and can be He quoted Karadzic as saying before of unprovoked rocket attacks from heated in the microwave or oven. the war that Serb forces would turn that territory against civilian targets For Menu call: the Bosnian capital, Sarajevo, into “a in Israel. As the report said, “The 514 713-1951 or 613 632-9249 black cauldron, where 300,000 Mus- Government of Israel has a duty to lims will die.” The charges of geno- protect its citizens.” Yes, innocent vic- A convenient way to have a nutritional home-style meal. [email protected] From the freezer to microwave oven. cide, war crimes, and crimes against tims died, on both sides, as they al- humanity and other atrocities include ways will in armed conflict. But with allegedly organizing the massacre of Gaza ruled by Hamas, dedicated to New Tasty up to 8,000 Bosnian men and youths destroying Israel and allowing or di- Recipes in Srebrenica. recting rocket attacks and other acts What a contrast between these hor- of terror against it, there is no deny- rific episodes of planned mass mur- ing its primary responsibility for the der with those who throw around deaths that occurred. DRIVER In your Home, Residence or Long-Term Facility FOR SENIORS All Equipment Provided... Reliable driver will pick We’re the gym that comes to YOU! you up and drive you to Wide range of individualized your appointments and training programs for: Over 30 years Autonomous Active/Inactive vacation departures Combined geriatric experience Dependent Frail Safe & professional instruction Available 7 days a week We focus on: Certified Older Adult Fitness Specialists • Strength Côte St-Luc • Westmount • Côte-des-Neiges Special Introductory offer for Women • Balance & Flexibility NDG • TMR • West Island • St-Laurent • Endurance Terry & Joanne Diachun • Weight Control Alan 514-941-0047 514-220-1663 FREE CONSULTATION Denise 514-927-9042

4 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Photo: Martin C. Barry “I chose sanity,” says Margaret Trudeau, who has bipolar disorder Margaret Trudeau speaks out on mental health awareness Martin C. Barry I didn’t think was possible. My news is that if you get help and you follow Margaret Trudeau is living proof your doctor’s orders and you exercise that mental illness can be success- and you eat well and live a good life, fully treated and that people af- you can recover from a mental illness.” flicted with it can recover and live Trudeau was asked why no one happy, productive lives. The former seems to want to discuss mental ill- wife of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, ness.“Because they don’t understand Canada’s 15th prime minister,was in the brain,”she says. Montreal last month as honorary “Weunderstand all the other organs chairperson for the first annual in the body and how they function, Montreal Walks for Mental Health. but not the brain. The brain is like the The five-kilometre fundraiser was last taboo.… More and more research sponsored by CSSS Cavendish and is needed to find remedies for mental several local community groups in- illness. For those who are suffering volved with mental health. The walk from a mental illness it’s such good began and ended at Côte St. Luc’s news. There is help and it’s good help Celebrating Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park. and you can have a good life.” th “There are a lot of people who suf- Trudeau says she finds it easier now our20 fer, and they suffer in quiet despera- to speak out about her own prob- tion; they don’t reach out for help,” lems than in the past. “One out of anniversary says Trudeau,who revealed three years five is suffering with their ago that she had been diagnosed with emotional and mental health,” she bipolar disorder. says, “either with depression or anx- “There is a lot of help for people iety or stress or insomnia or differ- who suffer from mental illness. I suf- ent types of behaviour that are not fered from bipolar all my life and it normal and don’t allow them to live wasn’t until I got treatment that I re- a whole functioning life. So it’s covered. I live a wonderful life, which Continued on page 6

TRAVELERSTRAVELERS INNINN FLORIDAFLORIDA Our Inn offers efficiencies, executive suites and well st appointed rooms. Saturday November 21 Canadian Dollar equal to American Dollar Starting Per/Week Per/Month The Wellesley is celebrating 20 years December $300 $750 of quality excellence • Olympic-sized swimming pool January $350 $1250 • Shopping nearby at Boca Raton & Pompano & elegant senior living! February $450 $1500 • FREE Continental Breakfast every morning March $425 $1450 • Choice of many golf courses Daily rates *** Rates include standard room with refrigerator • 1.5 miles to the beach $ and microwave and are for 1 or 2 persons plus taxes. • FREE high-speed internet just 69 230 Hymus Blvd., Pointe-Claire Deerfield Beach, Broward County plus taxes 514.697.7331 1401 S. Federal Highway • Deerfield Beach, FLORIDA 33441 Our undivided attention | TOLL FREE: 1-800-283-9946 November 2009 5 THE SENIOR TIMES Sleep problems a sign of trouble JEANNETTES Continued from page 5 “One in five Canadians is suffering Custom Framing something that affects every family. from mental illness,”she says. & Laminations It affects every group of friends. It’s hard for people to be honest Needlepoint Canvases “The more information you get, about mental illness because of the Knitting Yarns the more you get an understanding stigma attached, she says. of the workings of the brain, of the While pharmaceuticals are com- problems of chemical imbalance, of monly prescribed for mental illness, the need for medication, of the need Trudeau said the range of treatments 5015 Coolbrook Avenue for therapy. Then you can be an ad- is much wider.“There’s everything – vocate yourself, and that’s what I’m meditation, yoga. Certainly medica- (514) 486-2800 trying to be as an advocate for the tion is important with a doctor. But mentally ill. I suffered terribly from then you have to have a very good at- mental illness and I haven’t for a titude toward life through eating long time because I got help. Now I well, getting your vitamins, your live a balanced life — I chose sanity.” Omega fish oils and getting exercise. CARNIVAL CRUISE Trudeau’s stopover in Montreal was Of course, sleep is the most impor- January 24-31, 2010 part of a nationwide campaign to tant. To get a good night’s sleep. 8 day cruise on the Carnival VICTORY raise awareness of mental illness is- That’s the first sign that you’re start- All meals & entertainment on board Return transportation by air sues. She has been involved for three ing to get into trouble emotionally or $1,575 pp dbl inside (all taxes) years and has accepted speaking en- mentally. You lose your sleep pattern $1,675 pp dbl outside (all taxes) Day trip to Upper Canada Playhouse gagements all over the country. or you sleep too much.” December 5, 2009 $1,895 pp dbl balcony (all taxes) Show Ticket “The Christmas Express” CUBA Festival of Lights Tour, Turkey Lunch January 15-22, 2010 Motor coach transportation, $89 (all taxes) All inclusive 4* Junior Suite TURNING STONE Brand new property directly on Cayo Santa Maria CASINO • RESORT $908 pp (all taxes incl.) December 6-8, 2009 The Cow Patti Theatre Company 2 nights Turning Stone Casino Resort Day trip to Cornwall, Ontario 2 breakfasts / 1 dinner February 7, 2010 $20 food credit / $85 US free play coupons Show ticket “Cooking with Gus” Baggage handling Brunch Motor coach transportation Motor Coach transportation $355 pp dbl / $445 pp single (all taxes) $85 (all taxes) For information and to reserve please contact Danielle McCartney 514 794-7884 or 450 691-5555

ret ire Photo: Martin C. Barry in style The first annual Montreal Walks for Mental Health was held October 18


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her talent. “That’s when it opened up,” she says. Photo: Martin Barry achieved beyond the age of 80. Next summer She had met Roger in New York City, where they Geraldine Doucet celebrated her 80th onstage she will start making the rounds of senior resi- both attended the New York College of Music. says. “Everything happens here. This is where the dences with this project. While her career had always been secondary to his, movies are made and you can’t fly back for an au- she says her big break came “when he left me. I dition. The flight is $500 and then you don’t get would rather have had him, but that’s the way God the part.” meant it to be.” She is somewhat bitter that opportunities in Geraldine was born in New York City’s Chelsea show business are so few for seniors. “More and neighbourhood. “My mother had a wholesale/re- tail fish business there, and my father was a gam- bler,” she says. “He went to the track, he was a SELLING YOUR HOME? bookie and a good time charlie.” She became interested in showbiz because of her LOOKING FOR A CONDO? involvement in activities at the local church.“I was always in all the church plays, in the church choir.” Doucet is best known for a series of stage musi- cals such as Nunsense, which played in Montreal at the now defunct La Diligence supper club on Décarie across from Blue Bonnets, and her partic- ipation in CTV Montreal’s long-running annual Fulfilling Needs fundraiser for sick children, the Telethon of Stars. Senior Residence She appeared in a run of shows at the Centaur at Every Stage • Retirement lifestyle of distinction & quality • Round-the-clock Theatre and the Saidye Bronfman Centre. She also had success with her half-hour show, caregiving by full nursing staff • Quality service • Luxurious Geraldine, which ran for 39 weeks on CBC- accommodations • Recreational programs • At-home atmosphere Montreal. Visit us today! Since 1999, Geraldine has been a “snowbird” 4432 St. Catherine St. West, Westmount who spends her winters in Florida.“From a health point of view, I think it was a really good move. 5 1 4 9 3 5 - 1 2 1 2 ww w. p lac ek ens ing ton. c om From a career point of view it was a disaster,” she A DIVISION OF FAIRWAY MANAGEMENT CORP .

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Make Manoir King David Your Home 5555 Trent, Côte St. Luc, Tel: (514) 486-1157 • November 2009 7 THE SENIOR TIMES Cashless system of food delivery a necessity

Personal Organizers Kristine Berey n’t bother,”recounted Mark, her son, We specialize in the transition to assisted living who asked not to be referred to by his You could call what happened to real name. “I could have settled the MINIMIZE clutter Gabrielle unfortunate. Or you could whole thing right there.” say it was a misunderstanding. But Though the police were polite, the MAXIMIZE space when Daphne Nahmiash heard of incident left Gabrielle shaken. “Being the incident, she called it by its true a heart patient I get out of breath. At MAINTAIN organization name: elder abuse. “Calling the po- 94 you’re more fragile; everything af- lice on a 94-year-old woman is ex- fects you very badly,even small things,” Ideal for people moving & down-sizing cessively ridiculous and also she said. Mark was also worried about punitive and scary,” said the chair- his mother. “What would have hap- 514-512-8912 • 438-887-1949 person of the NDG Community pened if she had a heart attack? That Gaétane (French) • Mary (English) Committee on Elder Abuse. night she had to take a bunch of tablets The fiasco started one afternoon because her heart was racing.” when Gabrielle, who uses a walker, is Mark went to the store to pay the hard of hearing and legally blind, bill, and the owner called Gabrielle to needed to order some food for guests apologize. Still, the experience was Do you h av e reg rets? who were visiting following a death in very hard on the family. the family. Usually Gabrielle relies on Seniors want grocery stores to do Dr. Wr os ch, o f the P sycholo gy Depa rtment at Con cordia Un iversi ty, her son to do her shopping, but this more for their older clients. Dis- is conducting a resea rch p roject and is loo king for adults aged 60 years time she took the initiative. She called counted rates or free delivery on spe- and older who h ave at least 3 distinct reg rets about past de cisions her local supermarket and placed a cial days are of course important, but or beh aviour s. The stu dy i nvol ves completing questionnai res: On ce at telephone order, believing the store there must be a system in place that the un iversi ty ( compensation = $20) and twi ce by mail at a later date would accept a cheque at the door.She allows seniors to place phone orders (compensation = $10 x 2). had been told this would be possible and pay through some cashless For mo re in formation please call: both by the clerk at the store and by method, since keeping large amounts (514) 848-2424 ext. 2236 someone at the store’s head office, who of money at home is dangerous. assured her he would call the NDG Luckily some stores do have systems store and let them know. “I called the in place, though most are reluctant to store and they confirmed they had re- take cheques. ceived the call,”Gabrielle said. “Weused to take cheques, but we lost When the delivery man arrived, he hundreds of dollars every month,”said dropped off one box but had to go back Maléka Khetani, co-owner of Le to pick up a second box he had forgot- Marché du Village in Côte des Neiges. ten. “When the delivery man came to “So now clients give their credit card my door my cheque was all ready,” number over the phone, we enter the Gabrielle said.“But when he came back, information manually into the ma- he said,‘they won’t accept your cheque. chine and the client signs to approve I have to take back the order’.” the payment at the door.” Meanwhile, Gabrielle had put the I’m taking care of my health groceries away and didn’t want a The Senior Times would like to com- stranger going through her cup- pile a list of senior-friendly grocery Did you know that good communication between you and your healthcare boards. She told him to leave or she stores for our annual Resource Direc- professional is key to receiving safe care? would call the police. tories. If you have a favourite store that Instead, the delivery man did so, will bring you food when you’re Ensure that you are well prepared for your appointments with your health even though he had just seen snowed in and let you use your credit care professionals, whether at the doctor’s office, the pharmacy or the Gabrielle’s son enter the home. “He card at the door, let us know at editor@ hospital. could have asked me to pay, but did-

To assist you, Supermarkets offering phone orders please consult the quick reference guide PA Supermarket, 1420 Fort, downtown Metro, Sherbrooke and Victoria I’m taking care of my health, 514-932-0922 Westmount, 514-488-4083 a document full of helpful tips. Phone orders: 7 days/wk, 8am-9pm Phone orders: Tuesdays and Wednesdays Over $25 for seniors, $1 delivery charge before 11am Under $25 for seniors, $3 delivery charge No delivery charge for seniors for mini- Credit card: Provide number on the mum $35 order. Available at the two CLSCs of the CS SS Cavendish and on the web site: phone and produce card on delivery. Credit card: provide no. on phone www Manager: Lucie Desantis and produce card upon delivery (In the “What’s new” section) Delivery area: West to Décarie and sign for it and north to Queen Mary Manager: Graham Fletcher Delivery area: in and around Westmount CLSC René-Cassin CLSC de NDG–Montréal-Ouest Provigo, 2300 Lucerne, TMR 5800 Cavendish Blvd., #500 2525 Cavendish Blvd. 514-735-0731 Le Marché Du Village, 5415 Gatineau Phone orders: Call Linda Wednesday, Côte des Neiges, 514-735-3611 The C SSS Cavendish offers health and social ser vices to the residents of Thursday and Friday before 11 am Phone orders: Monday-Saturday Côte St-Luc, Hampstead, NDG, Montreal W est and Snowdon W est and is Delivery charge: $5 (no minimum) 8am-9pm comprised of: Credit card: Provide no. on phone and Delivery charge: $3.25, produce card upon delivery and sign for it minimum $25 order Richardson Hospital CLSC de NDG –Montréal-Ouest Cheques: must apply in the store for this right Credit card: Give number over the phone, Henri-Bradet Residential Centre CLSC René-Cassin Manager: Amandine Nicolas produce card at the door. Delivery area: TMR and some parts of Manager: Nizar Khetani Ville St. Laurent Delivery area: TMR, CDN, NDG, CSL 8 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES H1N1: Hopefully, this too shall pass Kristine Berey them apart: A sore throat, runny nose and a cough to be immunized. The adjuvanted Canadian vac- indicate a cold. The same symptoms with fever and cine, manufactured by Glaxo Smith Kline, con- Since the flu-de-jour has monopolized headlines, fatigue so overwhelming that bed rest is required tains squalene and thimerosol, two substances thesmallestcoughorsneezecanelicitdirtylooksin likely indicate the flu. H1N1 differs from the sea- anti-vaccine activists are worried about. a bus or supermarket.As passengers or shoppers sonal flu in that sometimes there is no fever, but In the NFB documentary film Silence on Vaccine, sidle over to a hopefully less infectious spot, their vomiting and diarrhea may be present. Lina B. Moreco focuses on families who believe “bubble”invariably reads:“I hope it’s not H1N1!”. If the illness worsens it’s important to seek med- their children have suffered adverse reactions to The perception that H1N1 is to be feared has ical help, as the H1N1 virus tends to attack the vaccinations.“I did three years of research and met created what one pediatrician has called “H1N1 cells deep in the lungs, causing rare but serious people who suffered from side effects,”Moreco said. psychosis,” as worried people swamp emergency complications requiring hospitalization in about 1 “When I finished the film, the NFB hired a lawyer clinics and vaccination sites. out of 1,000 cases. According to the Public Health from outside and from the film board and some- The fact that the virus has been declared a pan- Agency of Canada, warning signs are: fever over one to check the archives I used to make sure I demic by the World Health Organization is, in itself, 39.5C, rapid breathing or shortness of breath, didn’t play with the information.” not a reason to panic, says Eric Toner, senior associ- chest pain, bloody sputum, dizziness or confusion, Vaccine fears may originate in a 1976 swine flu ate with the Center for Biosecurity of the University persistent vomiting, bluish or grey skin colour, vaccination campaign when there was an increase of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Quoted in Bioworld and low blood pressure. of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a neuro-immune dis- Today, Toner says,“‘Pandemic’means a global out- “Weknow that this is now the dominant influenza order. Experts still debate whether it was coinci- break of an infectious disease … But the word‘pan- virus transmitted around the world,”said Dr. Tim- dental or causal that during the campaign 500 fell demic’ doesn’t relate to severity of the illness. So we othy Brewer, director of global health programs for ill and 25 died in the U.S. have a pandemic of a virus that causes mild illness, the McGill Medical School and senior advisor for Since then, Dr. Brewer says, studies done on the apparently much like we did in the last influenza the International Society for Infectious Diseases. seasonal vaccine have shown no increase in Guil- pandemic.” Dr. Toner predicts that H1N1 will re- “The good news is that since this virus has been rec- lain-Barré. As well, there are unprecedented track- place the seasonal flu we know starting next year. ognized, in April, it has been stable, not become ing systems in the US and Canada to monitor Experts say that in most people this virus will re- more deadly. Most people have mild disease and do possible adverse reactions.“We’ll have to look and solve on its own,what makes the H1N1 strain some- well.A very small percentage of people get very sick follow after people start using H1N1 vaccines. It’s what sinister is that it sickens healthy younger and it’s even a smaller percentage who die.” the only way we’re going to know for sure.” people and there is no sure way of identifying yet Since Canada’s unprecedented mass vaccination To date, the vaccine has been tested in more than who is more susceptible to severe illness. If compli- campaign started, people have flooded flu clinics 40,000 people globally. NDP health critic Judy Wa- cations develop, they are severe, especially in people and stood in line for hours waiting to be immu- sylycia-Leis says the vaccine seems to be effective with underlying medical conditions. Healthy peo- nized. However, some are concerned about possi- and safe. “We continue monitoring, but based on ple born before 1957 are less at risk. ble side effects of the vaccines. A recent Associated everything I’ve seen and heard, the risks from se- Although the symptoms of a cold, the seasonal Press-GfK poll found that 38 per cent of U.S. par- rious illness are greater than problems you might and swine flu (H1N1) are similar, here’s how to tell ents said they were unlikely to allow their children get from the vaccine.”

26 bone s, 33 join ts, 10 0 mus cle s an d a m illion storie s.

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AchilFllae stTefe n edotn-itiDs -iUnabues tuales Sizes- Arthritis - Heel Pain Come in for a free foot analysis Study staff will re view additio nal cr it er ia and other s tudy Owner: Simon Bitton info rm at ion with yo u at your first vis it . St udy participants will no t Orthoprothésiste: Annie Grimard be c ha rge d fo r s tud y-re lat ed offi ce visits or me di cal eval uati on s. 368 Vict ori a Ave. Westm ount For m ore inf orm atio n on thi s MDD st udy, p leas e c ontact: 514-564 - F OOT (3668 ) Kells Medical Research Group ww w.foots oluti ons. com/m ont real 514-694-9940 ext. 149 November 2009 9 THE SENIOR TIMES More than food on the menu at holiday benefit breakfast

Generations Natalie Bercovici

On Friday, November 27, the La Stanza Buffet & Grill Restaurant in St. Leonard will host the Genera- tions Foundation Holiday Benefit Breakfast. La Stanza staff will arrive at 4am to prepare the buffet. When 92.5 The Q begins its broadcast at 5:30am, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee will be wafting through the air. Volunteers from high schools and CEGEPs, board members, friends and acquaintances play an integral role in this labour of love for chil- dren. They will don their Genera-

tions aprons and be ready when the Photos courtesy of Generations Foundation doors open at 6:30 am. There’s something to please every palate at La Stanza’s 50-item buffet Former Expos Denis Boucher and Ron Piché When you walk in the door, Adrian brunch delectables. years. They have helped to shape the guests. At recent breakfasts we were and I will be delighted to meet and We are very thankful to La Stanza lives of precious children and their fortunate to have our pictures taken greet you, along with our team of owner Peter Bakos and his family for families by helping us raise $1,195 with former Expos Ron Piché and volunteers and an assortment of 50 their generosity and support over the million dollars over the last decade. Denis Boucher as well as the Club de Global Quebec’s This Morning Live, hockey junior de Montréal. terminated over a year ago, con- Thanks to Hasbro, we will have tributed to Generations Foundation’s many toys to give out to children success. The show was broadcast live who attend. We encourage everyone on location at 21 La Stanza break- to come and enjoy the festivities. fasts. The loss of This Morning Live Tickets are $10, and proceeds from and what it did for us tugs at my the event will support Generations heart. Many Global TV personalities Foundation’s breakfast, lunch, and played a role in shaping Generations snack programs for needy kids. Foundation including the Asper If you can’t attend the breakfast but family, Maureen Rogers, Jamie Or- would like to contribute, you can chard, Andrew Peplowski, Tracey mail in a donation to Generations McKee, Richard Dagenais and Ken Foundation, C.P.Elysée 89023, Laval Bodanis. QC H7W 5K1. Last year, Corus Québec’s 92.5 The La Stanza Buffet & Grill Restaurant Q and AM940 stepped up to the is at 6878 Jean Talon E. in St. Leonard. plate. Aaron Rand, Ken Connors or The breakfast runs from 6:30 to 10 Natasha Hall will host our November am. Tickets are available at the door. breakfast live on location. *** Bring your autograph book. We are To reserve a large table, or for more often treated to visits by surprise information , call 514-933-8585.

Adrian and Natalie Bercovici with the group from ING, a big supporter 10 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Why we shiver and don’t complain Five common misconceptions concerning inadequately heated apartments Susan Ruth Fitch ture at not less than 21 degrees Cel- 4. The rental board is far too busy 5. My landlord is aggressive and I cius or 71 degrees Fahrenheit and overloaded with cases to help fear he will take reprisals against Why do many tenants suffer in si- throughout the year. me with my heating problem. me if I complain to authorities. lence in inadequately heated apart- It’s true that tenants can wait a long Aggressive people have a way of ments during our coldest months of 3. My landlord says the building is time for rental board hearings to be making others feel isolated and vul- the year? Here are five common mis- warm enough, but I’m shivering. I scheduled, but if your apartment is nerable. But as a tenant you are not conceptions about apartment heat- can’t prove my apartment is too cold, extremely cold you can ask that your alone. The following community or- ing issues that often act as roadblocks because it’s his word against mine. case be considered urgent and heard ganizations and offices can provide to resolving heating problems. Start keeping a temperature log, at an earlier date. Additionally, the you with the information and support over a number of days, of the tem- existence of a City inspector’s report you will need to take a proactive and 1. A cold apartment automatically perature inside your apartment and can be mentioned in your applica- assertive stance in negotiating with indicates a cold-hearted landlord. outdoors. Such a written record can tion, and this will speed up obtain- your landlord for adequate heating. Not necessarily. A landlord living be a useful form of evidence at a ing a hearing. Arnold Bennett’s Housing away from the property may be un- rental board hearing. Toobtain an ac- While waiting for your hearing, con- Hotline: 514-990-0190 aware of the problem, or a novice curate indoor temperature reading, sider purchasing space heaters as a City of Montreal Permits and landlord may be ignorant of how to locate a thermometer near the centre temporary heating measure, and the Inspections, Borough of Côte most effectively operate your build- of a room, one metre off the floor. rental board will require that your des Neiges/NDG: ing’s heating equipment. Send your landlord a registered let- landlord pay for the extra electricity 514-872-5160 Before any landlord can deal with a ter explaining your heating problem consumed. A word of caution: Space Elder Abuse Info-line: heating problem, it has to be clearly and noting his responsibility to hon- heaters may place a serious strain on 514-489-2287 and accurately communicated to our the heating requirement of your the wiring of older buildings, posing a NDG Senior Citizens’ Council: him or her by tenants. lease. Include your temperature log. fire risk. Inspectors from the Régie du 514-487-1311 Should your landlord fail to rectify batiment du Québec will come and The Organization for Housing 2. Landlords are only obligated to the problem you can forward a copy examine the wiring of older buildings Education and Information of heat apartments during certain of your letter to City of Montreal in- to determine if electrical equipment is Côte des Neiges: 514-738-0101 months of the year. spectors, who will visit your apart- up to standard to allow the safe use of Project Genesis: 514-738-2036 The City of Montreal Housing ment building and advocate for space heaters. This service is free. Régie du batiment du Québec: Code states that if heating is included adequate heat on your behalf. Finally, the rental board can award 514-873-0976; in your lease, your landlord must Any reliable witness can help provide a rent decrease for the months you Régie du logement (Rental Board): maintain your apartment’s tempera- evidence at a rental board hearing. were without adequate heating. 514-873-2245; Residence LaSalle

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However, the train has now travelled so Neil McKenty fast and so far I guess it will not be possible to stop it or turn it around, however much we would 514-484-2788 wish to.” After Ireland recently ratified the Lisbon Treaty, The treaty was designed to streamline the EU’s Europe has moved one step closer to being a full- decision-making process following its expansion fledged federation. from 15 to 27 members. Critics, including Klaus, The potential significance for Europe of Ire- have described it as an attempt to create a Euro- land’s Yes vote in the Lisbon Treaty referendum pean superstate that would rob individual na- Home & office security systems Medeco-Abloy may not yet be fully clear, but it is of major im- tions of their sovereignty. Mailboxes, Master key systems, Security grills port. If the Lisbon Treaty now comes into force, Some months ago, Klaus said he he would be the Residential, commercial the Irish electorate’s rethink “last politician” in Europe to Sales, installation, service will have rescued the viability “The train has now sign the the Lisbon Treaty. This 6010 Sherbrooke St. W. (bet. Hampton & Belgrave) of European unity, probably for has come true – but ironically Cell: 514 952-8891 • Tel. & Fax: 514 481-8891 a generation. travelled so fast and so his signature will now be the If the No side had prevailed in farIguessitwillnotbe one that enables the treaty he the referendum (as it did in the possible to stop it.” despises to come into force. first one) the European Union That leaves British Conserva- would have suffered a massive, Czech president Vaclav Klaus tive leader David Cameron. morale-sapping blow. Gavin Barrett, a senior lecturer We don’t just care for plants, Not only would the Lisbon Treaty itself have at Trinity College, Dublin, specializing in Euro- we care been killed off, but so, too, would the prospect of pean Union law, asks what Cameron’s chances are reforming the EU for years, given that this time of blocking the treaty by calling a referendum in about them! next year David Cameron and the Tories – a party England once the Conservatives achieve power. 514 779 CARE ( 2273 ) and a leader both sceptical to Europe – would be “The answer, very simply,” Barrett writes, “is that in power in England. it will end them. Once the Lisbon Treaty comes With a Conservative-ruled UK vetoing every at- into force it will be irreversible. The new institu- tempt to improve the EU, it is more than likely tional architecture will be there to stay.” Part of Alstonvale Boarding Kennel that Europe would be divided between states ad- that architecture might well be Tony Blair, consid- vocating further integration and states opposing ered by many to be the front-runner for the new • Personalized care in a family environment it – a disaster for the continent. position of EU president. • 24 hour surveillance However, the Lisbon Treaty is not quite a done Much to the chagrin of the more Europhobic • Spacious, heated and deal. Two other states have not supporters, Cameron will have air conditioned kennels yet ratified: Poland and the “Once the Lisbon to abandon a now legally • Four daily walks, lots of Czech Republic. Both countries’ Treaty comes into force pointless referendum on Lis- love and play-time parliaments have voted approval bon in favour of a concerted but their Eurosceptical presi- it will be irreversible.” effort to repatriate certain 450-458-2847 dents have withheld their signa- Lecturer Gavin Barrett powers to Britain – in social, tures. employment, justice and home Polish president Lech Kaczynski, however, prom- affairs. Whether he succeeds remains to be seen, Private Senior Residence ised last July to consent to ratification if Ireland although the UK could threaten to block the ac- voted Yes and he has now done so. This leaves cession of new member states if it does not get Czech president Vaclav Klaus, who more than its way. once said he would try to keep the treaty from Cameron’s hardest job will probably be manag- coming into force. ing Europhobia within his own party: An aston- Some have speculated that he wanted to delay ishing 40 per cent of Conservative supporters • Rooms available in a caring home • Personalized care signing until after the general election in Britain, favour leaving the EU altogether. • Qualified & trained caregivers • Short or long term in the hope the Conservatives would win and call Be that as it may, Ireland on its second try has Call 438-885-5876 a referendum on the treaty. broken the logjam preventing a new Europe.

12 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES A show worth seeing – again

Byron Toben the Normandy room in 1945. In at the National War Mu- In a fall season of many fine plays, seum, veterans of more recent mili- three have been outstanding. tary actions attended, as well as a few Haunted, by local wunderkind survivors from World War II. Paul Van Dyck, closed October 31; In Montreal during the show’s Oc- Inherit The Wind closes November 8; tober run, Edna Lee, 90, traipsed in and Till We Meet Again returns to from her Lachine home – at night, Montreal from its successful tour of against the wishes of her children – Ontario for three performances to relive the days of tears, humour November 21 and 22. and hope she had heard on the radio

Many of us are happily haunted by back then. Photo: Shane Kelley the golden age of ’40s songs, 30 of A suprising number of younger L to R: War vets Clive Leguillette and Maxine Bredt with actor Dan Jeannotte which are featured in Till We Meet viewers have shown up, revealing Again. that the show is not only coasting on This entertaining and lively play is nostalgia, but also on good enter- WILLIAMS & ESBER INC. based on a radio show of the fledg- tainment value honed by the talented TRUSTED ling CBC during World War II, and professional cast. SINCE 1957 broadcast from the Normandy room Conclusion? Don’t wait to see – or INDEPENDENT of the downtown Mount Royal hotel see again – Till We Meet Again. INSURANCE BROKERS (now a shopping centre and apart- Till We Meet Again is on at the • AUTO • HOME OWNERS ment complex) from 1940 to 1946. Oscar Peterson Concert Hall at Con- INCLUDING HIGH Besides the songs of the day, the cordia University’s Loyola Campus VALUED HOMES show, dubbed “Music of the Stars,” November 21 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. • CONDO OWNERS & TENANTS features the corny commercials of and November 22 at 2 p.m. INSURANCE the time, heart-warming stories of Tickets are available through Ad- • TRAVEL men at war and letters from home. mission: 514-790-1245. • LIFE INSURANCE During the play’s stopover in Mis- Inherit the Wind continues until PRODUCTS sissauga, one Ray Lank showed up in November 8 at the Segal Centre, “Don’t Buy Insurance the audience. Lank, it turns out, han- 5170 Côte Ste. Catherine. Until WE Talk!” 514-481-0181 dled the live remote transmission of Info: 514-739-7944 4999 Ste. Catherine St. W., Suite 208, Westmount the prototype of the program from or

We Accept For Reservation Call: Direct Payment From Provincial Health Coverage 954-968-8500 November 2009 13 THE SENIOR TIMES Geordie presents: Could your grandchild be a Tiny Tim? Alice Abracen journey through time with the not limited to children. We need to (including their favourite subject at Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, remember that today and open our- school, extra-curricular activities, Wandering through legions of in- and Future, is one of the most endur- selves to the magic.” hobbies, favourite books or writers.) creasingly desperate shoppers as ing holiday tales of the genuine Geordie Productions is also offer- · A completed entry form signed by the holiday season nears is a tradi- meaning of Christmas. ing a rare opportunity: they are a parent/guardian/grandparent. tion in most North American cities. “It’s essentially a play about love searching for a Tiny Tim, the young, One of up to 26 participants will be Montreal is no exception: you need and the true spirit of Christmas,”says frail, but generous and loving son of selected to perform onstage in a single only to venture out of your door on publicist Siu-Min Jim. “We need to Scrooge’s employee Bob Cratchit. performance of A Christmas Carol.All December 23 to be confronted by be reminded of that as Christmas be- The search began November 1, and entries must be received by Novem- the reality that Christmas is an ex- comes more and more commercial, Geordie invites aspiring young actors ber 20 at [email protected] or tremely profitable time for shop- and there’s more of a collective ten- of both genders to seize the opportu- Geordie Productions, 4001 Berri, keepers. Luckily, there is another dency towards the selfish desires rep- nity to perform in front of up to 400 Suite #103, Montréal, QC, H2L 4H2. proud tradition in Montreal that resented by Scrooge in the play.” people! No acting experience is nec- A Christmas Carol runs December 4 serves to remind all generations of According to Jim, this Christmas essary. Tell your children or grand- - 13: Fridays at 7pm; Saturdays at 4pm; the true message of compassion and story appeals to all ages because of the children to send in: Sundays at 1pm & 4pm. Single Tick- generosity of the holiday celebra- themes of kindness and redemption. · A recent head-to-toe photo ets: $20/ $15 children/ $18 seniors. tions: theatre. “The story is still the highlight in · A letter telling Geordie about the All tickets cost $13 if purchased as This December Geordie Produc- this adaptation,” Jim says, “we tell it best gift they’ve ever received or part of a Season Pass. tions presents Charles Dickens’s clas- funny but touching. We also have a given and why? Info: 514-845-9810 between 9am - sic Victorian tale A Christmas Carol, great team of designers, including · A short paragraph about themselves 5pm, Monday to Friday. adapted for the stage by Alexandria Ana Cappelluto, for set and lighting, Haber, in co-production with Con- and James Lavoie for costumes.” cordia University’s Theatre Depart- “This production brings out the He lost his head for the night ment. The story of Scrooge, the cruel best of what theatre is,” Jim says. “It miser who is transformed into a car- gives you just enough so that imagi- ing and compassionate man by his nation can take over. Imagination is

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The UPS Store The UPS Store Prese nt this AD and g et 2348 Chemin Lucerne Carrefour Don Quichotte % Ville Mt-Royal, PQ 15DonQuichotteBlvd.,101 OFF Photo: Sid Birns H3R 2J8 L’île-Perrot, PQ Shipping He lost his head..... but only for Halloween night, as, residents of Côte St. T: 514.341.6245 J7V 7X4 & Packing Servi ces [email protected] T: 514.425.6245 Limi ted time offer, some restrictions appl y. Luc, were surprised at dinner when waitress Terrie Cortina served up their Valid at this loc ation onl y. [email protected] dessert, a bloody head on a silver platter. Along with the ghosts and goblins, Gloria Birns, left and David and Nancy Corber, went along with the evenings “ghostly” festivities.

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14 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES If you don’t have a will, your loved ones may inherit complications person or a certain portion to each of do not necessarily mean your will spouse and privileged ascendants or Legal Ease several people.You may wish to make must be redone. It can be altered with collaterals, your spouse inherits two specific bequests. In certain situations a codicil, a document that alters a thirds of your estate. If the surviving Joyce Blond it might be advisable to set up a trust small part of the will and leaves the relatives are more distant, the rules be- Frank fund or to delay the payment of a balance untouched. It, too, must fol- come more complex. And remember, B.A., B.C.L., LL.M. legacy or to bequeath capital to one low one of the forms indicated above. if you have a common-law spouse and person and let another benefit from If you do not have a will, the laws distant relatives whom you haven’t A will is a formal document that the interest. In some cases these are of intestate succession will be applied seen in years, the latter will inherit specifies how you want to dispose of easy decisions to make, but in others to your estate when you die. unless you have willed it otherwise. all or part of your assets upon they can be more complex, such as Your heirs fall into categories: your There are other problems as well death. In order to be valid it must be when there is property in another spouse, which means the person to when no will exists. Namely, who will drawn up according to specific pro- country, when matrimonial laws whom you are legally married and act as liquidator? Who will find those visions found in the Quebec Civil limit property ownership, when does not include someone with whom distant relations? Who will adminis- Code.A will can only be signed by minor children are involved or in you are living common law; your de- ter or wind up your business? What one person; it cannot be shared. cases of combined families or com- scendants, which includes all children, will happen to the person with You can go to a lawyer or notary for mon-law relationships. even those from an earlier marriage whom you’ve been living as husband a will or you can write one yourself, Sometimes it may help to discuss with whom you have had no connec- or wife for many years? called a holograph will. the situation with a lawyer, notary or tion for many years; privileged ascen- As a last resort, if you have no will A lawyer’s will is called “a will made accountant as there may be tax im- dants, namely parents; privileged and no relatives, the Minister of Rev- in the presence of witnesses.”It must plications involved as well. collaterals,namely brothers and sisters, enue steps in and winds up your es- be signed in the presence of two wit- In your will you must also designate and ordinary ascendants and collater- tate. Your assets and possessions may nesses who cannot benefit under the someone to carry out your wishes. In als, in other words, distant relatives. ultimately become the property of will. In order to take effect after death, Quebec that person is called a “liq- Contrary to popular belief, if you the Province of Quebec. it must be probated. This is a process uidator.” In other places he is usually have no will, your spouse does not au- by which the will is deposited into and referred to as an executor. You can tomatically inherit your entire estate Correction: examined by the court, which can name one or more persons, a trust upon your death. It is only in cases In last month’s column on leases an take a few weeks. The original of the company or both. The person you where you have no descendants, priv- editing error altered the following will is retained by the court and certi- name can be an heir or not. You can ileged ascendants or privileged collat- paragraph, which should have read: fied copies are issued upon request. provide for payment of your liquida- erals that your spouse inherits your “Two problems can arise here. First, A notary’s will does not require tor and for his replacement in the entire estate. If you have a spouse and is the delay provided in the notice to probate and can be used immediately event he can no longer act. You can descendants, your spouse inherits one be counted from the day it is sent or after death. Copies are provided by give your liquidator greater power third of your estate and your descen- the day it is received? The current law the notary upon request. than he has in law. For example, if you dants inherit the balance. If you have a is from the day it is received.” The holograph will must be hand- own an apartment building, the law written in its entirety and signed by permits him to operate and maintain the testator himself. It, too, is subject it, but not to sell or mortgage it unless UPPE R WES T SIDE : to probate after death. you give him the power to do so. The principal provisions of a will Everyone with any assets at all Everything about it says luxury, except the price are those in which you state to whom should have a will, especially those you wish to leave your property. One with family responsibilities. or more people may be designated, as Wills should be reviewed whenever PHAS EI: 100 % SOLD , Than k Yo u well as charitable organizations. You your family or financial situation PHAS E II : Onl y2unit s remain ing , ove r 90 % SOLD . Immediat e occupan cy may want to leave everything to one changes. Changes in your situation PHAS E II I: Im mediat e occu panc y, 2 pen thou ses rem aining . 75 % SO LD PHAS E IV : No w tak ing rese rvat ions . Deta ils ins ide offi ce DI T RE S C G ER NIN ILD AI BU EM IT S R UN

Completely renovated to better serve you. Viewing Rooms, Chapel seating 150 guests, Lounge Room for visitation, wake or receptions. ‘Le Petit Café’ for your receptions, 560 Lakeshore Drive A Columbarium within our Chapel, MOD EL CONDO : Dorval A Crematorium. Easy access by ramp (514) 620-169 9 110 Barn ett ,#105, DDO 514-631-1511 and elevator, all services under one roof. •Concr et econstr uc tion •Elevator •9foot ceilings • Hardwood flo ors Respectfully Yours •Luxur y wood kitchen •AC•Indo or par king available November 2009 15 THE SENIOR TIMES New York’s capital city a capital choice You can ogle the governor’s collection of con- TravelSmart temporary Native American crafts, while the kid- Planet dies will love visiting the original set of Sesame Street (secret: my dad helped build it), as well as Sandra Phillips the full-size carousel built between 1912 and 1916. and Stan Posner The restaurant called Grandma’s is a misnomer, as it’s run by a grandpa. Joseph Danaher opened it If you don’t have a lot of cash to spend and want in 1976 as an alternative to fast food. He stuck to to get away for the weekend, a good choice would such basics as pot roast or meatloaf with mashed CORNER - STONE be New York State’s heritage region, Albany. The potatoes, hot open turkey sandwiches, spaghetti BOOKSHOP state capitol building has free tours, the state and meatballs, quiche, roast chicken, lasagna and museum has free entrance and offers eclectic op- delicious homemade soups. A Browser’s Paradise tions for each member of the family to enjoy, As at all grandmas’ homes, you must leave room Grandma’s is the perfect pit stop for home-made for dessert. Heirloom-recipe pies are the specialty Three Floors of Old Books & Records food (even if you’re just passing through this here: wild blueberry, tart cherry, coconut custard, Mon. - Thurs. 10 am - 6 pm exit) and the uniquely designed Desmond Hotel swiss chocolate almond, four kinds of apple, Fri. - Sat. 10 am - 9 pm Sun. 12 pm - 6 pm is a fun place to rest your head. lemon meringue, pumpkin and even five sugar- The New York State Capitol building, finished free choices. Downtown Plattsburgh, N.Y. th 110 Margaret St. (corner of Court & Margaret) at the end of the 19 century, is a combination of Even sleeping can be fun in Albany, as the renaissance, gothic, and medieval styles, and was Desmond Hotel was planned by a local family to Tel: 518-561-0520 built and carved by hand. When you take the mimic a Philadelphia street. When you are inside tour you can see the difference between the as- the complex it feels like you are outside. Rooms sembly and senate chambers (notice the 23-carat have balconies overlooking landscaped indoor Looking for Snow Tires? gold leaf“wallpaper”and think of it as tax dollars courtyards, back doors with tables and chairs, and Come to Vermont and save while stuck to that wall) and note the $1 million dol- some of the rooms have two floors, with circular you enjoy great shopping! lar staircase. Find out about the whispering fire- staircases leading up to your canopied bedroom Ask for price code “B” for special place, the resident ghosts, and ask to see the (you can see a photo at savings for our Canadian customers carved face of 4-year-old Lucretia (lovingly carved plogger/plogger.php?level=picture&id=634). by her proud grandfather - one of the sculptors Free shuttle to local shopping who were allowed some artistic freedom after Before you go their required list was finished). New York State Capitol, Washington Ave. and Nearby, The New York State Museum covers the State St. Take NY Thruway Exit 23. Walk-in tours gamut, from a passing art exhibit on American Monday-Saturday. Info: 518-474-2418; www.ogs. attitudes toward race to permanent ones on the Adirondack wilderness, archaeology, the Cohoes New York State Museum, Madison Ave. across mastodon, and Harlem in the ’20s. Other attrac- the Plaza from the State Capitol building. Open Please call for an appointment tions include real-time displays of earthquakes in daily from 9:30am-5pm. New York and around the world, a fire engine hall, Info: 518-474-5877; Vermont Tire & Service birds and an enormous mineral collection. Do not Grandma’s Restaurant, 1273 Central Ave. 1877 Williston Rd. 90 River Street miss the exhibit on the rescue after the World Take I-87 Exit 2. Info: 518-459-4585. South Burlington, Montpelie r, Trade Center September 11, 2001, attacks, includ- Desmond Hotel, 660 Albany Shaker Road Vermont Vermont ing the recovery operation at the Fresh Kills land- (Exit 4). Info: 800-448-3500; 518-869-8100; 1-800-639-1901 1-800-639-1900 fill and the public response to the attacks. Vermont Events Until March 27 there Return Guest Special! will be an indoor win- Starting at ter farmers market at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden, 153 + TA X Main, Brattleboro. FIRE PL ACE AND Info: 802-869-2141 or JACU ZZ I S UI TES farmersmarket@ AVAI LAB LE F OR ADDI TIONA L CO ST November 12-22 SPE CIAL RATE APPLIES T O F RIDAY, SAT URD AY & S UND AY NIGH TS ON LY. EXC LUD ES HO LI DAY PE RIOD S UVM Theatre Presents You Can’t Take it With CALL 1-866-337-1616 FOR RESERVATIONS You, a classic Comedy OFFE R AVAILABLE F ROM OC TOBE R 25 T HROUGH FEB RU ARY 7, 2010 . Enjoy a carafe of house wine, appetizer, entrée, and LI MITE D NUM BE R OF S UITES A RE AVAILABLE F OR T HIS P ROMO TI ON by Moss Hart & a dessert to share.* It’s simple – you bring someone RESE RVE EA RLY ! George Kaufman at fun to the table, we’ll bring you something delicious. PROMO TI ON MAY BE TE RM INATE D AT A NY TIME. the Royall Tyler The- *Available from Sunday to Thursday atre, 116 University MU ST P RESE NT Ask your server for details at specic locations. THIS AD F OR Place, Burlington. SPE CIAL RATE Wheelchair accessible. WWW.GREENMOUNTAINSUITES.COM Info: 802-656-2094 or 16 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Ton Koopman among international names coming for Bach Festival 7:30pm at Immaculée Conception Church. sopranos Shannon Mercer and Marie Magistry, Young Belgian organist Els Biesemans, winner of alto Pascal Bertin, tenor Michiel Schrey and bass the Bach Prize at last year’s Canadian International Harry van der Kamp. Organ Competition in Montreal,is featured in recital Closing the festival Dec. 5 is the Akademie für Nov. 28 performing Bach’s Clavier-Übung, Volume Alte Musik Berlin, performing at Telemann and III at Immaculée Conception Church. Bach at Notre Dame Basilica. Russian pianist Evgeni Koroliov is featured Dec. Tickets are free for 16 and under for some recitals. 4, performing Bach’s Goldberg Variations at Mari- For the complete schedule and information, visit Ton Koopman Tini Mathot anopolis College. Another performance of the or call 514-581-8637. Inspired by the tradition of European Bach Fes- Goldberg Variations, this time in Dmitri Sitkovet- tivals, the Montreal Bach Festival brings interna- sky’s arrangement for String Trio on Nov. 29 at tional classical musicians to Montreal. Ex-Centris features cellist Matt Haimovitz, violin- English Afternoon Tea “The timeless genius of Johann Sebastian Bach ist Jonathan Crow and violist Douglas McNabney. laid the foundation for every composer and musi- On Nov. 26, Boris Brott and the McGill Chamber The one and only... cian to follow,” says festival founder and artistic Orchestra perform the complete Brandenburg director Alexandra Scheibler. The festival will Concerti at St. Irénée Church, featuring Matthias partner with Kent Nagano and the OSM. Maute and Sophie Larivière, recorders; Thomas J.S. Bach’s masterpiece St. Matthew Passion Gould, violin; and Luc Beauséjour, harpsichord. launches the festival Nov.24 and 25 at Place des Arts. The Juno Award-winning Ensemble Caprice per- Featuring the OSM chorus and international forms a chamber version of Bach’s Mass in B- soloists, the performance is preceded by an inter- minor Dec. 3 at the Darling Foundry. Led by view with Scheibler by Espace musique’s Mario artistic director Matthias Maute, the work features Paquet at 6:30 pm. A day-long symposium on the work will take RESTAURANT place Saturday, Nov. 21 at Conservatoire de musique de Montréal. Tenor Christoph Prégar- We also serve healthy foods, breakfast, lunch dien, performing the role of the Evangelist in St. and supper prepared daily to suit your taste... Matthew Passion, offers a master class at 2pm fol- and the best coffee and tea in Montreal. lowed by a discussion moderated by Kelly Rice of SOUVLAKI CBC Radio. Registration is required. 4126 St. Catherine W. Westmount Dutch conductor, organist and harpsichordist Ton Koopman, founder of the Amsterdam AA warmwarm GreekGreek experienceexperience 514.931.5571 Mon-Sat: noon-10 pm • Sun: 4 pm-10 pm Facing Westmount Square Baroque Orchestra and Choir, performs The Art and the Royal Bank of the Fugue, a duo harpsichord recital with his 514 227-0505 • 514 227-0606 • Mon-Fri: 6 am – 8 pm wife Tini Mathot, Nov. 29 at 7:30pm at Maria- • Sat-Sun: 10 am – 5 pm nopolis College and an Organ Advent Nov. 30 at 6544 Somerled Free Wi-Fi Maurizio Resto Café EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Valid with this coupon $4.95 on dining room orders only. Offer expires Nov. 30/ 09 7am to 10am 9595 (maximum 2 persons per coupon). Except Holidays and Festivals. 2 eggs, toast, bacon, plus taxes ham or sausages $8.95 plus coffee plus taxes Monday to Friday 2738 St-Charles Blvd, Kirkland 514-694-3003

Start your day at 5:30 am HOUSE the way with “ ” SUPER SPECIAL a sumptuousLa Belle full breakfast starting only at $4.95 Steak or Pepperoni or Vegetarian 11” Submarine Breakfast daily 5:30am till 2pm BIG FRIES BIG POUTINE SUPER FAMILIES Spaghetti* Chicken Gyro Pita Meat sauce SPECIALS * In participating Pita 99 restaurants only 99 2 BIG FRIES BIG POUTINE 495 2

THE BEST IN TOWN 6752 ST. JACQUES W. 514-481-8114 November 2009 17 THE SENIOR TIMES November brings chills, thrills and lots of music to stages around town Byron Toben music (with a Latin twist) are integrated into the Death and the Maiden is at Centaur Theatre, performance. Tyrone Beskin, fresh from his key 453 St. François Xavier, until December 6. Three theatre pieces have now opened here, too role in Inherit The Wind, directs this “tragic fairy Info: 514-288-3161. recent to review, but with great credentials so I tale”by the award-winning Carole Cece Anderson. *** don’t hesitate to list them as must-sees. Swan Song of Maria is at MAI, 3680 Jeanne Mance, Be My Baby deals with teenage girls giving up their Swan Song of Maria stars the incredible Ranee until November 22. Info: 514-932-1104, ext. 226. babies for adoption in the ’60s. Directed by MECCA Lee exhibiting her acting chops to supplement her *** winner Gabrielle Soskin,this touching story features well-known singing and dancing skills. Death and the Maiden brings back former Cen- music from the period and a cast of six, including In this show, which marks the 40th anniversary of taur director Gordon McCall in this proven polit- the versatile Nadia Verrucci. the Black Theatre Workshop, Lee portrays a woman ical thriller by Chilean-born Ariel Dorfman. It Be My Baby continues at Monument National, struggling with Alzheimer’s and memories of love. deals with memories of torture and demons from 1182 St. Laurent, until November 14. Actor-teacher Joel Miller is the husband. Dance and the past, all told in a tight, gripping manner. Info: 514-871-2224.

In honour of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our rights and freedoms.

Kathleen Weil Yolande James MNA for MNA for Nelligan Notre-Dame-de-Grâce En l’honneur de tous ceux et celles qui ont Minister of Immigration Minister of Justice and & Cultural Communities Attorney General of Quebec fait l’ultime sacrifice pour la défense 514-428-8747 514-489-7581 de nos droits et de nos libertés.

Pierre Arcand Raymond Bachand Jacques Chagnon MNA for Mont-Royal MNA for Outremont MNA for Minister of International Relations Minister of Finance Westmount–Saint-Louis Minister responsible Minister responsible for Vice President of for Francophonie the Montreal region the National Assembly 514-341-1151 514-482-0199 514-395-2929

Geoffrey Kelley Pierre Marsan Lawrence S. Bergman François Ouimet MNA for Jacques-Cartier MNA for MNA for MNA for Chair of the Health and Social Services Robert-Baldwin D’Arcy-McGee Marquette Committee; Parliamentary Assistant Chair, Committee on Chairman of the Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Public Security Culture and Education Government Caucus to the Minister for Justice 514-697-7663 514-684-9000 514-488-7028 514-634-9720

18 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Ste. Anne’s veterans recall WWII experiences and horrors of battle Martin C. Barry endured the stresses of being under artillery attack in Holland and France. Although they both served their country with “A lot were killed and badly wounded,” he says. valour during the Second World War, the Fortunately, the only service-related injury he suf- wartime experiences of two Canadian veterans fered was a hernia, sustained during training in differed widely. Canada. However, he acknowledges that for a Olier Déry was 15 in 1940 when he started hanging while he was affected by the carnage he witnessed. around the relatively new DorvalAirport,where mil- “When I came back from overseas, I didn’t want itary aircraft were being prepared for transport to the to speak of it. But now many years have passed and battle front in England. In those days, it was easier, it it’s much less on my mind. The war is over 63 seems,for a young guy with a taste for adventure and years and a person forgets. I never helped to build military life to get his foot in the door. the Bailey Bridge across the Rhine River, but I “I started in the canteen,”says Déry, 85, a former stood guard there and did maintenance work on CP Rail brakeman who now resides at Ste. Anne’s the bridge. I wasn’t there, but there was big loss of Hospital for Canadian veterans on Montreal’s life right there in the engineers.” West Island. Soon pilots taking aircraft aloft on More than 400 veterans, most of whom saw serv- test runs were inviting him up for a spin. By the ice in the Second World War and the Korean War, time he was 18, he had enlisted in the Royal Cana- live at Ste. Anne’s Hospital. Many other veterans dian Air Force, where he was designated as an receive medical treatment on an out-patient basis. LAC, a former ranking for aircraft maintenance Several hundred Canadian veterans of more re- personnel. cent conflicts in Bosnia, Rwanda and Haiti also re- “I got to see my aunt,” he says of the time he ceive treatment at Ste. Anne’s. For Veterans’ Week, spent near London. Called upon to take part in Nov. 5 to 11, the hospital is staging or taking part night-time surveillance from rooftops, Déry re- in a number of activities, some of which will be calls seeing the bright trajectories of “tracer” am- WWII veterans Gerry Hemlow (left) and Olier Déry open to the general public. munition fired from British positions at German out of it,the ones who survive are in really bad shape. On Friday, Nov. 6 at 10:45 a.m., a Souvenir Cer- aircraft flying in during air raids. It makes a lot of people suffer.” emony, organized in conjunction with the Royal From a distance, he saw the effects of the many V- Gerry Hemlow, 91, a retired factory worker,served Canadian Legion, is being held in the hospital au- 1 flying bombs that rained down on London, taking in the Royal Canadian Engineers, a branch of the ditorium. (A special pass is required). On Wednes- thousands of lives and causing untold damage.In the Canadian military’s land force. Much of their task day, Nov. 11 at 10:30 a.m., veterans from the end, he avoided becoming a casualty himself. “It’s was to put into place the many bridges that were nec- hospital accompanied by dignitaries will attend a stupid,”he says of war.“You’re destroying everything, essary for the Allied forces to penetrate Nazi-occu- Remembrance Day ceremony and wreath-laying you’re killing a lot of people, and when they come pied Europe. Hemlow, who was in his early 20s, at McGill University. This event is open to all.

Canada On this important day of Remembrance and reminder, we commemorate all those who fought for liberty! Hon. Stéphane Dion Hon. Irwin Cotler P.C., M.P. En cette importante journée du Souvenir, P.C., O.C., M.P. Saint-Laurent–Cartierville Mount Royal 514-335-6655 nous nous rappelons tous ceux qui se sont 514-283-0171 battus pour la liberté!

Dr. Bernard Patry Marc Garneau Francis Scarpaleggia Lise Zarac M.P. M.P. M.P. M.P. Pierrefonds–Dollard Westmount–Ville-Marie Lac-Saint-Louis LaSalle–Émard 514-624-5725 514-283-2013 514-695-6661 514-363-0954 November 2009 19 THE SENIOR TIMES Adaptation of 12 Angry Men touches modern themes Alice Abracen sake of expediency or bias results in see how the female actors have made racy is vulnerable,but also a defense their gradual awakening to the re- the play their own.” against tyranny. You look at recent Many people would prefer to avoid sponsibility conferred on them and “In theatre departments, you often injustices – Abu Ghraib, Guantá- jury duty, but even the most politi- an examination of the prejudices have to turn men into women,” he namo – and you realize how that cally negligent cannot avoid this that would have allowed them to adds. While the title of the play system needs to be preserved. Espe- civic responsibility that is central to commit a grave injustice. might have become more gender- cially in a time of war, you don’t our legal system. With a jury com- The play, which has been produced neutral over the decades, the emo- throw away the values you’re com- posed of peers, ordinary citizens both as a teleplay and as a film, is tion that typifies the characters mitted to. True values persist,” are the arbiters of justice, and the directed by retired John Abbott the- remains unchanged. Napier insists. “The jurors’ hearts effectiveness of democracy rests in atre professor Murray Napier. This “Anger is the central energy in the are in the right place. It’s exciting to their taking the trouble to engage in is his second production with play,”Napier says. “There’s the anger see whether or not they’ll do the their duty to listen, discuss and de- Lakeshore, the first being David of someone who will fight for justice, right thing.” cide on guilt or innocence. French’s Silver Dagger from the whose battle is aimed at getting to According to Napier, the jurors un- While political analysts despair over 2007-2008 season. the truth, and there’s the personal dergo a catharsis, a self-realization public apathy, there remains a hope Napier says he is impressed with the anger of the jurors getting in the way only encountered through the re- of life mimicking art as in a new pro- organization of the Lakeshore Players of justice. In the beginning, the anger newed pursuit of justice. “You’re duction by the Lakeshore Players. and the dedication of their volunteers is directed at this one relentless juror. moved by the way they deal with the In 12 Angry Jurors, written by and actors. “I proposed this play be- Then, as they start to ferret out the conflict,” Napier says. “What you Reginald Rose in 1954 and adapted cause I was struck by their talent,” truth, the anger changes direction.” enjoy is to see that good will survive for the stage by Sherman Sergel, a Napier says, adding that the play “is a Despite the near unjust conviction the onslaught of obstacles, to watch group of strangers cast off their showcase for talent. It’s a terrific cast.” at the beginning of the play as a re- justice and understanding triumph.” lassitude to assume their juridical This is Napier’s third time direct- sult of the jurors’prejudices, Napier “This play gives a hopeful message,” responsibility. ing 12 Angry Jurors. The previous asserts that his play is very support- Napier says. “It gives the audience a The jurors are summoned to pass productions were at John Abbott. ive of the justice system: It only re- sense of the good side of what Amer- judgment on a young Puerto Rican “These actors are the right age,” quires that the role of the individual ica wants to be.” man accused of his father’s murder. Napier adds jokingly.“I don’t have to to ensure justice be taken seriously. 12 Angry Jurors runs at John Rennie When nearly all of them quickly re- encourage them to be more mature “The system is susceptible to mis- Theatre, 501 St. Jean, Pointe Claire, solve to condemn the boy to death, in their portrayals.” takes,” Napier admits, “but that from November 5-7 and 11-14. To a lone dissenter votes “not guilty”, Rose’s teleplay was originally called comes with a democracy. Democ- reserve, call 514-631-8718. obliging the others to discuss the 12 Angry Men and later changed to matter further to reach a conclusive 12 Angry Jurors. verdict. “I’ve always done it with mixed His forcing them not to act for the casts,”Napier says.“It’s interesting to


Until November 22, Black Theatre Workshop presents Carol Cece Anderson’s Swan Song for Maria at MAI, 3680 Jeanne Mance. Info: 514-932-1104 ext 226



NOVEMBER 19 TO JANUARY 30 DINNER SHOW AT 6 P.M. | SHOW AT 8:30 P.M. 514 790-1245* Infos : 1 800 361-4595 *service charges apply

20 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Royal West’s Bardolators “Oh, had I but followed the arts!” Alice Abracen teenagers, and the inner workings of their minds.” The lament of Sir Andrew Ague- She offers the example of Hamlet, a cheek from William Shakespeare’s young man who’s “stressed and de- Twelfth Night finds no resonance pressed.” Not to be overly dramatic, among the halls of Royal West Acad- she says, but she can appreciate how emy. There are a variety of ways to he feels. get involved in theatre,including the While the students admit to being Bardolators, the student Shake- sometimes overwhelmed by the large speare group that mounts two of the workload and number of rehearsals Bard’s plays every year, a tragedy required to put on a show, they are and a comedy. quick to share their favourite thing This year’s fall production, Shake Up about being part of the theatre group. Shake Down, is an assortment of “Being onstage – It’s the greatest scenes from Shakespeare’s comedies feeling ever,” said William Lapin, a The Bardolators on their trip to England a year and a half ago, at the London Eye and tragedies.While the students nor- grade eight student. mally perform two full-length plays a Kaiser-Reiss interjected, “Doing year, they recognize that the high- Dinner Theatre. Everyone’s been eat- lighting of choice scenes from differ- ing and drinking and there’s really ent shows gives the cast a chance at good vibes. It’s so much easier to get EDUCATING larger roles and the opportunity to onstage and just go crazy because the A PLAY BY discover works of Shakespeare that people looking up at you just want it.” RITA WILLY RUSSELL they had not yet encountered. Pask credited acting as being re- directed by MARCIA KASH Doug Floen, the longtime artistic sponsible for her boost in confidence director of many shows at Royal West when it comes to speaking and writ- Academy,is a staunch supporter of the ing as well having helped her better students being exposed to Shakespeare express her thoughts to her teachers. outside the classroom setting. She said there is a great sense of ac- Sidney Westlake a teacher and complishment when a play closes. Royal West and is the producer and Sidney Westlake, shares Emma’s treasurer of the bradolater plays. pride in being involved in such a She agrees with Floen on the point large production. of active student involvement with Floen said one reason for his long Shakespeare. commitment to the promotion of “Teenagers should be exposed to theatre at Royal West is,“the joy of the genius of Shakespeare as he truly watching kids grow and explore char- understood human nature.” acters and parts they wouldn’t nor- The recognition of Shakespeare’s mally be able to do in the classroom.” perpetually relevant insight Mrs. Floen has been amazed by the tal- Westlake hoped for seems to have ent demonstrated by students. materialized itself in the students. “Some of the most pure and hon-

“Shakespeare’s themes were perti- est acting comes from novices who presented by THE SEGAL CENTRE FOR PERFORMING ARTS and KPMG nent then and they’re pertinent bring a fresh spirit to it,”he said. NOVEMBER 22 – DECEMBER 13, 2009 now,”said Emma Pask, a fourth-year Shake Up Shake Down runs No- Bardolator. “You can always relate vember 23-26 at 7pm, Dinner The- DON’T MISS OUT ON THIS INCREDIBLE SEASON! to what’s happening in his plays.” atre November 27 at 6pm. SUBSCRIBE NOW. GET FREE INDOOR PARKING AND SAVE UP TO 30% Rebecca Kaiser-Reiss, in her last Admission: $10, Seniors $7, Stu- SUBSCRIPTIONS: (514) 739-2301 ext. 8327 year at Royal West, explains the em- dents $5. Advance Tickets for Dinner BOX OFFICE: (514) 739-7944 pathy evoked in students by the Theatre $25. 5170, ch. de la Côte-Ste-Catherine WWW.SEGALCENTRE.ORG Shakespearean characters. Tickets can be bought at the door “I didn’t notice until recently but or by calling 514-489-8454 for lots of Shakespeare’s plays deal with reservations.

Le Marché du village makes life Fast & Reliable Delivery easier by delivering your order right in CDN, Westmount, to your door. We guarantee Outremont & TMR the produce to be as fresh as Telephone orders including if you had chosen it yourself. delivery, $3.25, in store orders Your grocer so close by Order by telephone from Monday Butcher, Fruits & Vegetables, Bakery, to Saturday, 8:30 to 4:30 Prepared Meals, Loto, Telephone Cards November 2009 21 THE SENIOR TIMES SIMCHA RESIDENCE Oh Canada! We stand on cars and freeze Located in Snowdon I kiss this guy.”Hendrix was aware of this misinter- CURRENTLY ACCEPTING RESIDENTS pretation and sometimes during a performance he Elegant seniors’ residence Across from MacDonald Park would help perpetuate the misunderstanding by Full service menu with Kosher style cuisine The Word Nerd kissing a male associate after saying the line. Includes personal care, housekeeping & activities The obscure lyrics and indistinct pronunciation Spacious semi-private & private rooms Howard Richler Starting from $2,200 a month of many songs facilitate misinterpretations. On a 514-564-9894 website dedicated to misheard lyrics, I noticed that Growing up in the drug-hazed ’60s, I pondered in Sarah McLachlan’s “Building a Mystery,” her the identity of the enigmatic Leslie referenced in lyric “you strut your rasta wear and a suicide the popular song “Groovin” by the Rascals: poem” was interpreted as “you stretched your ass “You and me and Leslie” to where in a suicide home.” In the Aerosmith Leslie, however, was not a member of some Ideal opportunity for someone who has always dreamed song “Dude looks like a lady,” the titled lyric is of living in the beautiful countryside, with garden, deck, threesome but rather a figment of my imagina- somewhat squealed. I always thought the line was and surrounded by trees. Senior autonomous lady needs tion, or more precisely of my imagined hearing. “Do the funky lady.” This website confirmed that a live-in companion, male or female, who is fit and prefer- The lyric, I found out in later years was, “You and I was not the only confused listener. Others had ably who drives and can do small home repairs. All the joys of country living and the company of a wonderful me endlessly.” misheard this line as “Do the shockalayley”,“Do lady with room and board and perhaps small salary, in I had been “mondegreened.” the rock-a lady” and “Doodoos like a lady.” exchange for your time and caring nature. The term “mondegreen,” which is listed in the Some song lyrics are almost impossible to decipher. For interview, contact her daughter at 514-363-6777 Oxford English Dictionary, was coined by writer I suspect few people know that the lyric that follows Sylvia Wright in 1954. As a child she had heard the “Willie and the Poor Boys are Playin’ (by Credence Scottish ballad“The Bonny Earl of Murray” which Clearwater Revival) is“bring a nickel tap your feet.” Montreal South-West Community Ministries she interpreted thus: Small wonder that someone at this website reported We are a Montreal community organization (MSCM) helping Ye Highlands and Ye lowlands hearing the lyric as “singing pickles can’t be beat.” ex-inmates return to a regular life in society by supporting them in their spiritual, social, emotional and practical needs. Oh where have you been? Also misinterpreted by this musical group is the lyric They hae slay the Earl of Murray “there’s a bad moon on the rise” which has been To do this, we need your If you are interested help! Help can come in in assisting us and would And Lady Mondegreen. heard as“There’s a bathroom on the right.”Unilin- form of transportation, also like to learn about Wright was wrong in thinking a double homicide gual troglodytes claim to have heard the Beatles’ supportive listening, Restorative Justice, feel had occurred.“Lady Mondegreen”was a projection “Michelle, ma belle, sont les mots qui vont très bien participation in circles of free to contact Pete at support and re-integration [email protected] of her febrile imagination,for the last line in fact was ensemble, très bien ensemble” as“Michelle, my bell, or prison visits. or call 514-244-6147. not“Lady Mondegreen”but“laid him on the green.” some day monkey play piano song,play piano song.” Children are particularly prone to this type of Some mishearings are somewhat incredible. mistake, where an unfamiliar word or phrase is Dylan’s line“the answer my friend”in“Blowin’in changed into something more familiar.This process the Wind” has apparently been interpreted ento- has created some memorable“religious”personages mologically as “the ants are my friends.”A Crys- such as “Round John Virgin” (instead of “round tal Gayle song years ago was heard as “Doughnuts Healthy Men yon Virgin”); “Harold be thy name” (instead of Make Your Brown Eyes Blue” and at the afore- The McGill University Health Centre is seeking “hallowed be thy name” and “Gladly, the cross- mentioned website somebody claims to have healthy men for a study of protein metabolism. eyed bear” (instead of “Gladly, the cross I’d bear”). heard the lyric from Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick Many a familiar phrase has been mondegreened. in the Wall,”“no dark sarcasm in the classroom” as IF YOU ARE: A “dog eat dog” world has been rendered as a “no Dukes of Hazzard in the classroom.” • normal weight and over 55 yrs “doggy dog world”; “for all intents and purposes” Montreal-born Stephen Pinker in The Language • ex-smoker and free of other serious illnesses has become “for all intensive purposes”; “duct Instinct says that the“interesting thing about mon- tape” has turned into “duck tape”; and “no holds degreens is that the mis-hearings are generally less Principal Investigator: Stéphanie Chevalier RD, PhD barred” has been phrased as “no holes barred.” plausible than the intended lyrics. He relates the Co-Investigator: Errol Marliss, MD The majority of mondegreens seem to occur in the anecdote of a student who heard the Shocking McGill Nutrition and Food Science Centre Royal Victoria Hospital lyrics of songs.Word maven William Safire years ago Blue song “I’m Your Venus” as “I’m your penis” cited an American grandmother who interpreted and thus was amazed that it wasn’t censored. Length of study: 2 days the Beatles’lyric“the girl with kaleidoscope eyes”as *** For more information, please contact “the girl with colitis goes by.”The lyric “Excuse me Howard Richler’s latest book Strange Bedfellows: the Research Coordinators: Connie Nardolillo while I kiss the sky” from Jimi Hendrix’s Purple The Private Lives of Words will be published in or Aaron Winter at (514) 843-1665 Haze was interpreted by some as “Excuse me while March 2010 by Ronsdale Press.

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22 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Pastoral volunteers provide spiritual care for those at home Mathew Rettino and “go with the flow.” The pastoral volunteer’s role is to Every Sunday, Inez Macaulay listen to the spiritual needs of the watches Mass on TV. person and to provide non-judg- Inez cannot drive or walk to church mental care and support. on Sundays. She can only go to church “We’re not social workers,”McAnany when she manages to get a lift, but said. “We are not there to cook meals most of the time she has to stay home. or look after the sick and elderly.We’re After the televised Mass, a volunteer here on a strictly pastoral basis.” comes in and brings Holy Commun- The elderly generally need accom- ion to her.“I appreciate it very much,” paniment and simply to talk about Macaulay said.“I find it’s a big help.” things going on in the world and in The volunteer is a Pastoral Home their lives, McAnany said, adding Care (PHC) volunteer from St. Mon- that getting things in return “is not ica’s Parish in NDG. PHC is a service in line with the pastoral visit.” with wide and increasing need because McAnany said he does appreciate Louis MacAnany, a PHC volunteer, in front of the rising senior demographic. Ac- prayers from those he visits. of St. Luke’s Parish in DDO cording to volunteer Louis McAnany, While PHC can be provided for peo- Homecare Coordinator for the Eng- many people who are home-bound ple of all faiths and even those who do lish sector of the Archdiocese of Mon- risk feeling disconnected from their not practise Catholicism, McAnany treal. Her job is to encourage small church communities. “They are not administers Holy Communion for groups of pastoral volunteers in each

forgotten,” he said. “They are still Catholic seniors. He says simply giv- of the 35 English Catholic parishes of Photos: Matthew Rettino members of the community.” ing them Communion is impersonal. Montreal to organize volunteers giv- Inez Macaulay, a pastoral home care reci- Priests and lay volunteers from “They need emotional, spiritual ties as ing spiritual support to the sick and pient, at daughter Cathie Macaulay’s home PHC provide a service that meets the well to feel part of the community.” homebound.“In the English sector,we to help seniors reach a deeper under- spiritual needs of seniors who are He said he can see the joy on the have over 170 volunteers,”she said.“In standing of aging in a spiritual con- physically unable to attend Mass. faces of those he visits.“They tend to the whole diocese, there are over 600.” text, and how to accompany others When McAnany, who has been a grow more sociable with others. Part of her role is to teach visitors or dealing with issues such as grief. PHC volunteer at St. Luke’s Parish in “A visit opens them up and gives volunteers how to listen deeply, how Continued on page 24 Dollard des Ormeaux for many them a desire to get back into life.”To years, visits seniors and the disabled, McAnany, that is the greatest reward. he is mainly there to listen to them Cathie Macaulay is the Pastoral NEW PHARMACY IN THE WEST-ISLAND WELCOME SENIORS!

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514 694-9294 Photo: Sid Birns Bowlers from Côte St. Luc finished off their successful 23 weeks of league bowl- 701 Donegani, Pointe Claire ing with a banquet, as shown by six of the top bowlers as they wave their en- velopes with more money than they expected. Left to right: Shirley Abramson, with a high average of 157; Mildred Balta, with a high single of 197; Eve Rigler, with a high triple of 495; Moe Melnick, with a high single of 257; Harvey Shapiro with a high average of 176 and Arnie Cohen, with a high triple of 618. 24 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES You say vegivore, I say tunatarian spending a summer in the mead- bounty. I never knew what to do ows, from the more earthy spring with the shanks,the tough narrow Flavour Guy lambswinteringonhay.Whenthey part of the legs. Recently, I found Barry Lazar are about a year old – past lamb- shanks served as a $20+ special in hood but not yet mature or gamey some of our better bistros. Why enough to be called mutton – Phil not make this incredibly flavour- In the beginning was the lamb, trucks them to market. ful slow cooking dish at home? anditwasgood.Alsothechicken. The routine that follows is always Here’s a version from The Good I didn’t know that I was part of the same: a rushed phone call that Cook series: Take4lambshanksand a trend until someone asked me the lambs are ready and a scramble 20unpeeledgarliccloves.Brownthe if I was a locavore. I had to think among friends to see who would shanks with a little olive oil in a pot about that. I do consider myself a like one since I have to drive any- just big enough to hold them. The BELGO Roofing Inc. carnivore (i.e., someone who eats way.Finally,a trip over the Ontario pot needs a thick base and a tight- Knowledgeable Waterproofing Solutions meat) but when someone asks border to Phil’s butcher in L’Orig- fitting lid. A Dutch oven is great. Residential / Commercial / Industrial “are you a vegetarian?” I usually nal or to the farm if I don’t get to Add the garlic cloves and cook reply “no, I’m an omnivore” the butcher in time. In that case, everything slowly, over the lowest Asphalt and Gravel / Shingles meaning that I eat just about Phil keeps it frozen and I return heatpossible.Coverthepotandturn 514-567-5444 anything. (And why isn’t it vegi- home with“lamb in a box.”When thelamboccasionally.Itcooksinits vore or omnitarian? Cue the I visit the farm in the off season I own juices. After an hour or two [email protected] Howard Richler column, please). make it a point not to get friendly (the longer the better) the liquid Locavore is the buzzword for with the animals. I don’t want to evaporates and the lamb sizzles in Bonded and Insured R.B.Q.: 5588-6436-01 APECQ, CCQ someone who eats food grown lo- know my dinner’s name. its own fat.Add some salt, pepper cally.If youspendmoretimeshop- I’ve learned a lot from eating andadustingof driedherbssuchas ping at the Atwater or Jean-Talon Phil’s lambs. I’ve watched a whole marjoram,thyme,or oregano.Add Men and Women Markets than you do at Loblaws or lamb get divided into meals and alittlewater.Cookanotherhouror Metro, you may qualify as a loca- worked with the butcher to cut it so.When the meat is falling off the with Type 2 Diabetes vore. Of course, it’s hard to be a theway Ilike.I’velearnedtosavour bones, remove it to a platter and The McGill University Health Centre is recruiting men locavore and a tunatarian or a both the tough but tasty shoulder scrapethecaramelizedbitsfromthe and women with type 2 diabetes for the study of blood pescivore(whichiswhatIcallsome- chops and succulent tender ribs. pan as you stir in some dry white glucose levels and the state of protein in the body. one who chews fish but eschews Chunks are bagged for brochettes. wine. Pour the liquid through a meat)sincemostlocallycaught fish Leftover bits get ground.Bones are strainer. Force the garlic through IF YOU ARE: would be from the St. Lawrence. set aside for the seder table. I used the strainerintotheliquid.Skimfat • < 65 years of age with type 2 diabetes ItturnsoutthatI’vebeenatrendy to keep everything – until I opened fromthesauceandreducetheliquid • Have no other major health problems • Are willing to stay at the Clinical Investigation food eater for years, but I didn’t the freezer a while ago and found a inasmallpanuntilitthickens.Pour Unit of the Royal Victoria Hospital for 4 or 7 days know it. It started with Phil. He’s a half dozen heads looking back. I thesaucebackintothepot,stirinthe friend who lives about 60 kilome- had kept them for years thinking shanks, and reheat. Add a squeeze Principal Investigator: Réjeanne Gougeon, PhD tres from Montreal.He farms,sells that eventually I would make a of orange or lemon and chopped McGill Nutrition and Food Science Centre antiques, and keeps lambs and Greek lemon soup I once had at fresh parsley just before serving. Royal Victoria Hospital chickens. His lambs are raised in Meracles, a steam table restaurant This meal goes great with gar- Length of study: 7 or 12 days fields or on hay,depending on the on Park Ave. Now both it and the lic toast, good wine and winter. For more information please contact season. Over the years I’ve learned heads are gone. Barry Lazar is the Flavourguy. the Research Coordinators, Connie Nardolillo to distinguish the autumn cull, I’m also learning that each part E-mail him at flavourguy@the- or Cherise Labonté at 514-843-1665 which have an herbal flavour after of the animal yields its own e early bird cuts the bagel Don’t feel like cooking? We can help you!

DAILYFOOD (CANADA INC.) Presents its door sale SALE OF FROZEN MEALS Sunday November 29th, 2009 From 10 am to 3 pm Large variety of healthy frozen meals Seafood, chicken, beef, lamb, fish, vegetarian, pasta Starting from $1.50 to $4.50 per meal (min. order of 4 to 10 meals depending on meal) CASH ONLY • Tasting available on site Delta Dailyfood Canada Inc.

Photo: Jack Frank For information Issie Abramson, left, along with Al Grosser, both longtime members of the call: 26 Séguin Street, Rigaud Côte St. Luc Senior Men’s Club, arrive at the club at 6:30 am to cut more 450-451-6761 450-451-6761 ext. 212 than 250 bagels for the club’s breakfast meeting. While Issie cuts the 30 minutes from West Island bagels, Al makes sure the other goodies – cream cheese, herring, orange ext. 212 Exit 9, Highway 40 (Direction Ottawa) juice, coffee and Danish – are ready to be set on the tables for the arrival of the hungry members at 9. November 2009 25 THE SENIOR TIMES Tel: 514-939-7247 Fax: 514-939-2699 Adjusting to changes improves daily living will go unnoticed, as opposed to hearing-impaired JOYCE BLOND FRANK people who think their hearing is okay and have B.A., B.C.L., LL.M. Avocat-Attorney Let’s talk about it others speaking loudly to them. Certain medications and illnesses affect balance, Bonnie Sandler, S.W. Family and Elder Law as do postural changes in the elderly. Those who suffer from chronic back or leg pain may have dif- ficulty walking, but many still refuse to use a 1310 Greene Ave. Suite 660 Physical abilities decline with age. There can be walker or even a cane. Suggesting a walker to some Westmount deficiencies related to hearing, vision, mobility people is akin to using foul language. After all, they and balance. Thankfully there are aids to assist tell me, walkers are for old people. What would with these challenges. others think? Many of my clients, even those in their 90s, stub- Instead, their worlds become smaller because bornly refuse to admit to these changes and resist they avoid physical activities that include some de- Healthy Senior Women using any kind of aids that would improve their gree of walking. When you see someone leaning daily living. I am not speaking of those with cog- against a wall as they walk, holding on to some- The McGill University Health Centre is recruiting healthy senior women nitive impairment, but rather of otherwise healthy one for dear life, wincing in pain as they walk awk- for the study on the effect seniors who are fighting to retain their independ- wardly and with difficulty, do they look young and of insulin on protein metabolism. ence and refuse to acknowledge changes in their physically able? It is the people who walk confi- IF YOU ARE: functioning. dently with a walker, or even scoot around on their • between 65-85 years of age and overweight When I try to converse with someone who is scooters – those who have taken control of their • With or without type 2 diabetes hearing disabled, I invariably ask about hearing lives – who are not stared at. • non-smoking and without major health problems aids. I get all kinds of answers including: “I hear Resistance to adjust to the changes in your body just fine and don’t need any hearing aids” or “I as you age will reduce your quality of life. Making Investigator: José A. Morais, MD McGill Nutrition and Food Science Centre tried them and they are bothersome.” (I under- those adjustments and using the necessary tools Royal Victoria Hospital stand that some people find them disturbing with to assist you will allow you to continue your usual Length of study: 7 days regard to noise) or“They are expensive and I man- activities as well as making it easier for your loved For more information please contact age fine without them.” ones to be in your company. Making use of aids the Research Coordinators, Connie Nardolillo Spending a couple of hours with a hearing-im- will not make you look sick or older. Canes, walk- or Jessica Murphy at (514) 843-1665 paired client who refuses to consider hearing aids ers and hearing aids are not only used by seniors – results in a sore throat and exhaustion for me. If they help everyone who has difficulty with mobil- the interaction is in a public place there is no ity and hearing. Those who refuse aids, often caus- doubt that others will stare, likely wondering why ing frustration in loved ones, stand out more than the person is not wearing a hearing aid. Hearing those who make healthy choices by adjusting to aids are no longer cumbersome-looking; technol- the changes in their bodies. ogy has changed over the years and is quite so- Send comments and questions to b.sandler@ phisticated now. A person wearing a hearing aid e Montreal real estate market home stretch ate jobs – stimulated the growth in both sale price and number of transactions. Never before had mortgage interest rates been so low. Real Estate Realities At the end of the third quarter in September, sale Daniel Smyth prices continued to increase by one to two per cent over the same time last year. It is likely that 2009 will be another record- December 2008 marked the end of a record- breaking year for average sale prices in Montreal. breaking year in the Montreal real estate market. Were it not for the initial sensationalism of the Average sale prices of single family dwellings, poor economy in the first quarter, 2009 sale trans- •OCULARIUM• condominiums, and revenue properties all in- action numbers would probably finish above creased from one to four per cent despite a 6.6 per those of 2008. OPTOMETRISTS cent reduction in the number of sale transactions. Sale times are reducing, however. It now takes Since 1956 This reduction signalled the initial effect of this about eight fewer days to sell a single-family Dr. H. Bergman is well- year’s economic downturn. dwelling and five fewer days for a condominium. known for his thorough By the end of the first quarter in March of this There has been no change in sale duration among eye exam and personal year, the average sale price of single family revenue properties. approach. dwellings, condominiums, and revenue properties Does this indicate that the market is now bal- • Laboratory on Site had fallen as a result of the slump in the economy. anced? It is too early to tell. • Great Choice Traditionally, there are two peak real estate peri- • Personalized Service I wrote two articles earlier this year predicting that the real estate market was going to stabilize. ods: one beginning in February and the other in Harold By the end of the second quarter in June, the September. December, January, July and August Bergman market began to recover, despite the fact sale are slow real estate months because of the Christ- for members of a transactions were down 1.8 per cent over the pre- mas season and summer holidays. & Associates seniors’ organization OPEN 10 % vious year. Sale prices increased by 2.3 per cent for Currently, there are lots of buyers available and with purchase of banks are making it easier to qualify for mort- MON. –FRI. Off new lenses. single family dwellings, 2.7 per cent for condo- 9 AM – 6 PM Valid until Nov. 30, 2009 miniums and 6.1 per cent for revenue properties. gages. If you are thinking of selling or buying, now An increase in consumer confidence – generated may be a good time. 514-488-6391 by the government’s economic stimulus package, Comments and questions regarding this column? 5510 Monkland (at Girouard) Villa Maria implemented to reduce interest rates and gener- Call 514-941-3858. 26 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Sheri McLeod: senior in training Martin C. Barry tries to remain independent.“We try to have a certain amount of auton- After nearly 20 years with the NDG omy, while still respecting that a lot Senior Citizens Council, Sheri can be gained for the general popu- McLeod has come to the conclusion lation through certain types of in- that retirees today increasingly are volvement.” viewed through a “wider lens,” in- While there is a tendency among stead of on the basis of an “illness” people to view advancing age with a model that dwells mostly on vul- degree of dread, McLeod says,“I think nerability. everybody who works here is ironically “There’s a greater appreciation of a lot less afraid of being old than other later life as an extension of one’s en- people. You would think it would be tire life experience, and that’s slowly the opposite, because we have all seen seeping into people’s consciousness,” so many times how incredibly resilient says McLeod, who has been the and strong people are. council’s executive director for the “Often people fear what they see as past decade. unknown, and for us it’s not really. “Older people in general are being Collectively it’s a journey everyone is provided with more options in on and so we’ve seen thousands of everything from accommodations to examples of people who’ve overcome vacation packages, lifestyle maga- Photo: Martinso C. Barry much. And regardless of what you zines and leisure opportunities that I Aging is “a journey everyone is on,” says Sheri McLeod get handed as you move through think 20 or 25 years ago people end community for decades, it now sometimes encouraged to sign your own aging, there are a lot of would not have thought about. also provides new programs, such as agreements. things you can do and put in place to “Also what we’re seeing is the begin- a grief support group for people who “It’s a big machine and we’re not,” optimize your own experience.” ning of awareness of adapting the are having difficulty adapting to life’s says McLeod, adding that her group workplace to the needs of the older changes. Community lunches and so- employee,”McLeod adds.“Something cial interaction facilitated by the that’sbeen shown in a number of stud- council also help seniors make friends ies is that some people would quite and maintain a social network. willingly return to part-time work if McLeod, 45, describes herself as a they had the opportunity,because peo- “pre-senior” or a “senior in train- ple’s vitality exists for a much longer ing.” She joined the NDG Senior period of time now; I think that’s start- Citizens Council 19 years ago as a ing to change things. It’s no longer volunteer coordinator, before grad- about being 65 years old, so here’s the uating from McGill University’s gold watch,it’s over.It’s more where do School of Social Work and taking on you see yourself in your life?” a heavy load of the council’s case Declining health and the eventual work. The council operates on a Our caregivers make the difference... loss of a spouse or close friends are budget of about $330,000 per year, every visit, every time. inevitable, and for seniors who live which comes from grants from var- alone, social isolation can lead to de- ious sources. The council’s offices OUR CLIENTS SAY it’s the compassion and • Nursing pression. However, for transporta- were until recent years located on professionalism of our caregivers that makes • Personal Care tion to doctor’s appointments, help Terrebonne in NDG. They are now the difference – and allows them to live with • Home Support with income taxes, hot meals, or just in the Montreal West United independence and dignity in the comfort of • Companionship their own homes. Find out how a personalized • Funding Investigations much-needed companionship, the Church. • Free Assessments NDG Senior Citizens Council con- Since two-thirds of the NDG Sen- care plan can help you or your loved one. In the Montreal area, please call • Nurse Supervised Staff tinues to meet the needs of about ior Citizens Council’s funding comes 514.879.5657 / 1.800.322.9228 • 24 Hour/7 Day Service 1,100 seniors in Montreal West and from Centraide as well as from the Notre Dame de Grâce. government, there are some strings This year marks the council’s 35th attached, such as an increasing pres- BEST anniversary. While its services have sure to work more closely with other MANAGED COMPAGNIES been a mainstay of Montreal’s west groups, with whom the council is


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William Le Concierge du Coin Piano for sale EUROPEAN The Caretaker Near You Tree Service RENOVATIONS • Felling • Pruning • Brick Work, Brick Pointing 514-489-9882 • Stomp Removal • Cement, Stone Work, Flat Stone Get Ready for Fall & Winter • Cedar-Hedge • Cherry Picker • Stucco Foundation • Chimney Repair Pick up leaves / clean-up lawn • Planting Trees Cedar & Shrubs References • Gutter Cleaning Put on outdoor winter carpeting Call Manuel Costa Snow removal with contract 514 488-9003 Full Insurance & Free estimate 514 487-7219 514 917-8774 Cell N.D.G. & WESTMOUNT ONLY Call William 514-983-8474 WWW.CDUC.BIZ 28 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES Wednesday, November 11 at 8pm, Beth Zion Sis- Thursday, November 19 from 11am to 2pm, Hel- Montreal’s newest concert terhood presents a book review with Rabbi Ira vetica Seniors Club hosts a lecture on the End of Ebbin discussing The People of the Book by Pulitzer Life Reflections by Gillian Fisher followed by a hall celebrates Haydn Prize winner Geraldine Brooks. 5740 Hudson, luncheon and meeting at the Restaurant Monk- Beth Zion Congregation. Info: 514-489-8411 x24 land Grill. Info: 514-481-2928

Wednesday, November 11 at 8:30pm, School of Friday, November 20 from 10am to 11:30am, The Canadian Irish Studies presents a lecture by Dr. South Shore Community Partners Network pres- Claudia Kinmonth, Through Artists’ Eyes: Irish ents Living Longer and Keeping Fit, with Janice Farmhouse Interiors as depicted in Nineteenth Cen- Burdon, a McGill certified fitness trainer and mo- tury Paintings, in rm H-1220, Hall Building, 1455 tivational speaker at the Cynthia Coull Arena, 195 DeMaisonneuve W. Info: 514-931-6770 x 248 Empire. Info: 450-466-1325

Thursday, November 12 from 7:30pm to 9pm, MUSIC JGH Hope and Cope Wellness Centre presents a Saturday, November 21 at 3pm, St. Clements An- lecture and discussion, Cancer in the Family: Help- glican Church presents a concert with Paul Stew- ing Your Children Understand a Cancer Diagnosis art on piano. Saturday, December 5 at 3pm, in the Family. Panel includes two families with Jonathan Tsay will perform Berg - Sonata, Op. 1; children who have experienced a cancer diagnosis Liszt - Sonata; Medtner - Three pieces, Op.31 on and Yvonne Clarke, an experienced therapist spe- the piano. 4322 Wellington. cializing in families, cancer and grief. 4635 Cote Info: 450-769-5373 St. Catherine. Info: 514-340-3616. THEATRE Wednesday, November 18 at 7:30pm, Jewish Pub- Till November 15, Tuesday to Sunday at 8pm, Sat- lic Library hosts an illustrated book talk on The urday and Sunday at 2pm, Altera Vitae produc- White Space Between with author and Jewish book tions presents Bent, a play about acceptance, award winner, Ami Sands at 5151 Cote St. Cather- tolerance and love in the wrong place and time at ine. $5/$10 non-members. Info: 514-345-6479 Espace 4001, 4001 Berri. Info: 514-287-8912

Haydn Trio Eisenstadt Much more intimate than a symphony orchestra As part of the festivities commemorating the bi- Club will launch its 118th season with the Pen- centennial of Joseph Haydn’s death (1809 – netier-Pasquier-Pidoux Trio. They will perform 2009), the Festival de musique de chambre de music by Mozart, Merlet and Beethoven. Montreal in collaboration with the Austrian Info: 514 932-6796 or Consulate and the Conservatoire de musique de On November 21 Musica Camerata will cele- Montreal, presents the Quebec premiere of the brate its 40th season with two major works for Haydn Trio Eisenstadt in Montreal’s newest con- piano, cello and violin by Dvorak (Trio in F minor cert hall, Conservatoire de musique de Montreal, and Beethoven’s renowned Archduke Trio. 4750 Henri-Julien (Mount-Royal metro). Fine Arts Quartet Info: 514 489-8713 or The concert will take place Monday, November Three venerable chamber music societies will The Fine Arts Quartet, one of the world’s oldest 16 at 8 pm. A voluntary contribution is appreci- present some of the most beautiful music ever and most renowned chamber ensembles will per- ated. Parking is $5. written for small ensembles. More intimate than form String Quartets by Haydn, Bruckner and You are invited to attend a Master Class with the a symphony orchestra but more accessible than Schumann’s wonderful String Quartet in A minor students of the Conservatoire de musique de a solo recital, chamber music offers the best of at Promusica’s Emerald Series on November 23. Montreal on November 16 from 1 to 3 pm. Free all musical worlds to the classical music lover. Promusica celebrates its 61st anniversary this year. admission. Reservations and information: 514- On November 15, the Ladies Morning Musical Info: 514 842-2112 or 489-7444 or [email protected] Pet of the month at SPCA Monteregie My name is Camela and I got lost one day, Montérégie. Adoption fees cover steriliza- but no one came to look for me. tion, vaccination & deworming. I hope to find a home to call my own. To Info: 514-386-5960,[email protected], adopt an animal or volunteer, call the SPCA

ONLY Meet a Friend $25 Sara is an attractive, charming and feminine widow (taxes who is honest, caring, artistic, educated and a good lis- DELIVERS included) tener. She is interested in cinema, exercise and happy Bring us right to your door, times and would like to meet an honest Jewish gentle- every month of the year. man 65 plus, who is financially secure, caring and sin- First Class Mail! • 1 year = 11 Monthly issues HANDEL’S MESSIAH cere. He enjoys nature, music, exercise, good plus Annual Residence & Resource Directory will be performed by Cantabile Chorale conversation – and always keeps smiling. Name: and Orchestra under the direction To contact Mary at Meet a Friend, send your Address: letter and a recent photo to Mary @ Meet a City: Prov: of Peter Willsher on Friend, c/o The Senior Times, 4077 Decarie Postal Code: Saturday, December 5th, 8pm Blvd, Montreal, QC, H4A 3J8. Tel: Would you like to Meet a Friend? Send your bio Please make cheque, or money order payable to: Admission $25 • Seniors and students $15 Can be purchased at the door on Dec. 5th. of 25–30 words and a $20 cheque to the above THE SENIOR TIMES or pay by or address or call 514-484-5033, or email your bio For information 514-449-8765 THE SENIOR TIMES to [email protected]. 4077 Decarie Blvd. Montreal QC H4A 3J8 Wereserve the right to edit for clarity and brevity.All contact info Tel : 514 484-5033 • Fax: 514 484-8254 is kept private and all responses are forwarded from our office. November 2009 29 THE SENIOR TIMES Students gather on Parliament Hill demanding environmental action Shannon Rose In our debriefings at the pubs tonight, we were talking about how it’s going to be like withdrawal. Thousands of students from across Canada This issue is so important. To not be organizing stood on Parliament Hill in the rain last month and mobilizing would be impossible for me.” demanding that the federal government take ac- “World leaders are going to decide the future of hu- tion at the upcoming UN environmental summit manity,”she added.“I guess we’ll see what happens.” in Copenhagen. The UN environmental conference will take “When we go to Copenhagen, Canada has to place December 6-18 in Copenhagen. choose: Are we going to lead, follow or get out of the way?” said Gracen Johnson, organizer of Fill the Hill, the demonstration that took place on Oc- • Final Expense Protection... tober 24. “It’s got to be one of those three.” Affordable! Students at the rally were advocating for “miti- • Funeral arrangements... gation, adaptation and a green economy.” Guaranteed! Mitigation is the science-based emission reduc- tion targets, Johnson said. Adaptation is the stu- • Peace of mind... dents’ demand for a fair climate deal. Priceless! “Tohave a green economy,we need green jobs.We FAMILYSIDE need just transition for workers, we need to rethink the way we plan our cities, and we need urban transportation that’s so much better than it is. For FREE information “We have the resources available here and it’s just Rainer Schmalhaus not being utilized and I think that’s criminal.” rschmalhaus@ 514 606-9426 Approximately 3,000 students attended the rally. “Everyone was together and we were all rallying but there’s so much negative information floating around,”said Jordie Cumber, a student at the Uni- versity of Ottawa. Bonnie Sandler, Social Worker “The energy could have been better. ‘Here are the positive things we can do,’instead of,‘We suck. We don’t do anything’.” • Assessment Johnson said she thinks the message was re- • Placement ceived. “It is very loud and clear. If you look on the news today you can see all of these people, world- • Case Management wide, millions of people asking for the same thing. • Support Groups “For the message to be ignored, it would be as- tounding. We’ll see what the leaders do with that.” • Educational Workshops Most of the effort was organized on the web, 514-489-8678 with Johnson communicating with volunteers via Skype (a long-distance video calling system) and ALZHEIMER’S EXPERTISE e-mail for the past 10 months. “I have 70 more hours a week of my life to enjoy now that it’s over,” Johnson said, adding that it’s going to be odd having so much free time. “It’s been so much work, but totally rewarding. Over 30 years experience at your service BARBIERIG AUDIOPROTHÉSISTES DIGITALHEARINGAID(S) NOWPAIDBYMEDICARE Come in and discover what a digital hearing aid can do for you! • Assistive Listening Devices • Audiometric Exam • Ear Protectors • Hearing Aid Repairs – All Makes Illustration not • Invisible Hearing Aids covered by medicare Come in for your COMPLIMENTARY HEARINGTEST 1396 St. Catherine W. Suite 404 (Corner Bishop) House calls available Call for details

514 866-1687 Photo: Peter Dudley Thousands of protesters gathered on Parliament Hill October 24 30 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES We’re gearing up for the holidays points on November 7 between 9am and 4pm with proof of and 8 between 9am and address, proof of revenue and the 4pm. Sun Youth will ac- medicare cards of everyone living at Here at Sun Youth cept bikes at its headquar- the address. The baskets will be Nicolas Carpentier ters (4251 St. Urbain); in handed out from December 18 to the East End, bicycles can December 24. For more information, be taken to Houle Toyota contact Sun Youth at 514-842-6822. November will be a busy month at (12305 Sherbrooke E.); North Shore Sun Youth. As each day gets us closer residents can go to Collège Saint- Lyne Lavoie, executive director of totheholidays,wearegettingreadyto Sacrement (901 Saint-Louis in Terre- the J. Armand Bombardier Foundation, assist thousands of people with food bonne); on the South Shore, bikes can presents Tommy Kulczyk, Sun Youth’s hampersandtoys.Hopefully,theywill be taken to Collège Jean de la Mennais assistant to the executive vice- have something to smile about at this (870 Saint Jean in La Prairie). president and director of emergency

time of year, despite the economy. Sun Youth thanks everyone in- services, with a cheque for $20,000 Photo: Nicolas Carpentier We would never be able to bring volved in this event. holiday cheer to so many people with- The end of November will mark the Lease returns and minor accidents out the assistance of those who have return of the annual live broadcast of been instrumental to Sun Youth’s abil- CHOM and CJAD’s shows from the ity to make a difference in the lives of sidewalk in front of the Sun Youth many Montrealers. We recently had building to launch our Christmas the chance to welcome the executive Basket Campaign. On Thursday, No- • Paintless Dent Repair • Windshield Repair • Detailing director of the J. Armand Bom- vember 26, the morning shows of the • Bumper Repair • Window Tinting • Paint Protection Film bardier Foundation, Lyne Lavoie, who two stations will air from 5:30 to • Paint Touch-Up • Interior Repair • Rustproofing generously presented our organiza- 10am,the drive home show will be be- tion with a $20,000 cheque. tween 4 and 7pm. BEFORE AFTER The weekend of November 7 will People will be invited to give mon- see the return of the annual Recyc-a- etary donations or non-perishable Bike (Recyc-Vélo) collection. For the foods for our holiday food hampers. third year, Sun Youth will collect Again this year, we will give baskets to used bicycles to be distributed to about 18,000 people. In addition, families in need next spring. This ini- more than 10,000 new toys will be Call us today for a free estimate! 514-684-6393 tiative is the brainchild of Michel handed out to the children whose (just East 2345 Hymus Blvd., Dorval of Sources) Houle, general director of Houle parents are registered for baskets. As Toyota. The bicycles collected during usual,these toys will be hand-wrapped this weekend will be geared up by by members of our Seniors Club. one of Houle Toyota’s mechanics. There is still time to register for a People are invited to bring their used Christmas or Chanukah basket. Come bicycles to one of the four collection to Sun Youth from Monday to Friday Need Respite Care? • Recuperating from surgery • Family caregivers away on holidays The Montclair Residence “Just what the doctor ordered!

• Short & Long Term • All-inclusive Meals etc. • Certi fied Caregivers • Up to 3 hrs of care daily • Exercise Program • Tea Time, Activities

All this f rom just $60 a da y (Extra large room available f rom $75 a day) The Salvation Army Montclair Residence For further information, please call Vicky Stewart (514) 481-5638 4413 Montclair Ave., Montreal (NDG) H4B 2J4 Owned and operated by The Salvation Army November 2009 31 THE SENIOR TIMES Justin Trudeau tells youth they must be leaders today Shannon Rose The electoral strategies of the political parties based on slander and short-term goals are not When Justin Trudeau went to Dawson College overly inspiring, he said. Canadians of all ages are October 23 to talk about politics and youth, he becoming more cynical about politics and are quickly dispelled the notion that students are “tuning it out or turning it off.” apathetic. He said it’s hard for anyone to see how stuffing “Young people in general get a pretty bad rap for envelopes and knocking on doors for this blue being disconnected, disengaged and apathetic,”said team, orange team, or red team is going to change Trudeau, who is the Liberal member of parliament the world in a positive way. for Papineau. But this is the wrong assumption, he “It seems ludicrous, particularly when we see said.“More young people than ever before are get- that more and more politics are [...] just figuring ting involved in non-governmental organizations.” out a way to get a little more power. Among the organizations he cited are Green- “It’s easy to get elected. Pick a group with enough peace, Amnesty International, local community votes and completely marginalize another group groups and student groups. and brush them aside. You’re going to get yourself “They’re out there fighting an issue, voicing their elected. Stephen Harper is proof of that. But it’s no concerns. They just don’t think that politics is a way to govern a country or be responsible.” particularly interesting use of their time.” He said that politics have fallen into easy sound bites full of superficiality, headlines and attacks.

The goal should be to unite everyone for a com- Photo: Martin C. Barry mon goal, and that can be done, he said, by having “Take on responsibilities and shape the world,” Justin conversations about the direction we would like Trudeau told students at Dawson College last month our country to take as a united front. politics relies on the citizens being engaged and “[Short-term political goals] are no way to pull active. He told the students that they are not the together all of our extraordinary diversity. It’s al- leaders of tomorrow, even though they are told ways easier to divide.” that in the hopes of inspiring them. He said the days of a political party or leader “Being the leaders of tomorrow is conditional. If being able to change things is over. He cited the you do your homework, graduate from college, get United States as an example. a good job and a promotion, then maybe you can “As extraordinary a leader as Barack Obama is, be a leader.” he’s not going to be able to do it alone. He cannot He says this mentality is false and detrimental. succeed in turning the enormous juggernaut that “You’re leaders today. That’s what we need you is the United States onto a more balanced and to be. It’s how we need you to act. Take on re- prosperous path without the input, mobilization sponsibilities and shape the world around you.” and action of hundreds of millions of citizens, be- Unless young people do this now, the next cen- cause they are part of the solution.” tury is going to be a depressing one, Trudeau said. He explained that the future of democracy and “We need to collectively and individually step up.” Donate a bike to someone who needs it The Rotary Club of Westmount will hold a used bicycle collection on Saturday,Nov.14 from 10am to 3pm at Victoria Hall, 4626 Sherbrooke W. “This winter don’t take up precious space in your CLINIQUE PODIATRIQUE garage or locker with that bicycle you plan to replace SEAFORTH next year,”organizer Marilynn Vanderstaay says. Especially concerned with the good function of your feet Westmount Rotarians,in collaboration with Cyclo Pierre P. Cardin, DPM, Joëlle Picard, DPM Nord-Sud,will put old bikes to good use by shipping Podiatrists them to organizations in Africa and Latin America. Relief of: * Calluses and corns To cover shipping fees, Cyclo Nord-Sud requests * Ingrown nails by permanent surgical cure a donation of $12 per bicycle. Donors will receive * Plantar warts * Heel, arch and muscular pain an income tax receipt equal to the value of the * Alternative choices to surgery bicycle and the cash donation. Festival that will be happening at the same time * Plantar orthotics Even if they do not have a bicycle to donate, inside Victoria Hall. For those who cannot get to 3550 Côte-des-Neiges,suite 430 514-934-3658 members of the community are invited to visit the Victoria Hall with their bikes on Saturday, The Ro- Montreal collection table on their way to the annual Artisan tary Club will do pickups in Westmount on Thursday evening November 12 and Saturday morning November 14.

Caring for People.. .Everyday “Bicycles are a very useful, economical and ecolog- ical mode of transportation, whether used by a Senior Services Cuban to get to the bamboo fields, by a widow in When Ch oice Matte rs Burkina Faso to get to literacy classes or by a little To- On-sit e or in-ho me servi ce s fo r seni ors golese girl to transport water to her parents. They’re wh o ha ve co mpl ex ca re need s: soc ial, an original and sustainable way to change someone’s emoti onal, behav iou ral, and/or psy chi atric. life,”said Ted Sancton, coordinator of the pick ups. For a p rivate and confidenti al consultation please contact: Toarrange a pickup, call the Rotary office at 514- Doug Brice -or - Melinda Atkinson 935-3344 or 514-933-2922, e-mail info@rotary- 514.991.7432 514.501. 8438 Info about Cyclo Nord-Sud: [email protected] [email protected] 514-843-0077 or Info about www.bartimae The Rotary Club: 32 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES It’s time for annual beauty and fashion sales

and liquidated goodies, now is the time, since the For years, those in the know have slid in to the next warehouse sale won’t be held until spring. entrance at the rear of the Tyfoon building in the Smart Shopping All Marcelle colours are $2.50, Annabelle colours Blue Bonnets area to rummage through the sam- Sandra Phillips are $1.50, and creams or lotions cost $8 to $24. It’s ple racks of upper-end brand name clothing. a good time to stock up on gifts, as there are usu- The hunt is worth it, for men’s and women’s ally gift boxes for sale.You can be put on a mailing shoes and accessories from such names as: Kitson or phone list for future sales. LA, Inkslingers, A.B.S., Cezer New York, Parish, This week I’m going to tell you about NOT shop- Location: 9200 Côte de Liesse at 43rd Ave. Phone: aka Stash House, Triko, Coogi, David Brooks, Pas- ping in stores. Just as we have garage sales, there 800-387-7710. Dates: Thursday and Friday, Nov. try, Akademiks, Crown Holder, Marithé François are many manufacturers or distributors in the 5 and 6 from 4-8pm; Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7 Girbaud, Levi’s, Black Sheep, Pellepelle, and Euro- city that have annual or semi-annual clearance and 8 from 9am-4pm. pean lines Nienhaus woman, Frank Walder and sales. Sometimes it pays to wait for a certain time Brandtex. of year to buy. The Clarins Groupe has skin care, fragrance and Location: 5540 Ferrier at Devonshire. Phone: These businesses must clear out their ware- cosmetic brands under its umbrella, so when its 514-731-7070 Dates: Friday, Nov. 27 from 9am- house space to make room for next season’s mer- warehouse opens to the public, look for your 9pm; Saturday, Nov. 28 from 10am-5pm; Sunday, chandise. They sell off samples or liquidated favourites among such names as Burberry, Thierry Nov. 29 from 12-5pm. items they are no longer producing, leftovers Mugler, Escada, Azzaro, Puma, Le Couvent des from last season, seconds or lines that never sold Minimes, Anna Sui, Annick Goutal, Nuxe, well. Whatever it is, the price is always right. Christina Aguilera, Brumisateur Evian, Occitane, The products vary as much as retail varies: toys, Quicksilver, and, of course, Clarins. bowling balls, golf equipment, pianos, flatware, Location: 815 Desserte (Autoroute 13 service china, crystal, duvets and linens, home electron- road) at Notre Dame in Laval. Phone: 450-688- ics, makeup and skin care products, perfume, 0144. Dates: November 13 from 10am-9pm and Halloween costumes, winter jackets, lingerie, November 14 from 9am-5pm. Quebec designer fashions, casual clothes for men and women, and chocolates. Lise Watier, Quebec’s own cosmetics queen, has When you attend a sale, ask if you can be put on semi-annual clearance sales of last year’s discon- a mailing list for future sales. If you can’t make a tinued lines or slightly damaged packages of sale, you can try to leave your name with the re- makeup, perfumes, and skin care products. The ceptionist at the company for notification. Some sale lasts two days for two or three weekends in a have online mailing lists. row. The next one will probably be in March. You November is a good month for makeup and skin can sign up on the website to be notified of future Life Coaching and Wellness care sales and I’ve thrown in one fashion sale, too: events by e-mail. Le Centre Wholistik Personal Home Care Service Location: 5600 Côte de Liesse. Phone: 514-735- Leap & Faith • Life Coaching • Herbology Marcelle makeup and skin care products were 4959, ext. 840. Dates: November 21 from 9am- 113 Ste. Anne Street • Nutrition • Counseling developed for women with sensitive skin. The 5pm; November 22 from 9am-4pm; November 28 Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue company, whose products are manufactured and from 9am-5pm; November 29 from 10am-4pm; We care about our clients. designed in Quebec, also produces the Annabelle December 5 from 9am-5pm; December 6 from 514-505-0535 We ensure a safe, warm line. If you would like to buy their discontinued 9am-4pm. 514-910-3713 and friendly service. We come to you!

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Molly on the Ponte Vecchio The view from the Duomo Florence: a city filled with treats for the eyes We had been in Italy for a week, but dainty cafés, narrow streets, glorious body spoke English, they pointed us Across from the Duomo is the Bap- it wasn’t until we arrived in Flo- museums, medieval castles, a roman- in the right direction. Suddenly, from tistery, famous for its tremendous rence, or “Firenze” in Italian, that I tic river, gelato, Michelangelo, Botti- what seemed like out of nowhere, the bronze doors depicting scenes from suddenly felt unfashionable and un- celli, Gucci, Prada and Valentino. It street opened up into a huge piazza the Bible. derdressed. The first thing I noticed has a population of about 367,000 with a massive and beautifully neo- After an overpriced dinner in a was how chic and elegantly dressed and is the capital city of the northeast gothic decorated Duomo. However mediocre tourist trap, we ended our Italian women were.My friends and region of Tuscany. I’m reluctant to admit that after wit- first night watching the sun set from I were backpacking around Europe, The first sight we visited was the fa- nessing the grandiose exterior, the the Ponte Vecchio, the 14th-century and coming from three weeks on the mous Duomo of Santa Maria del blandness inside was somewhat dis- bridge lined with shops on stilts over laissez-faire beaches of the Greek is- Fiore. We made our way through a appointing, with the exception of the the Arno river. The bridge is filled lands. Wewere not quite prepared to maze of unidentifiable narrow streets, decorative 100-metre-high Brunel- with hundreds of locks placed there blend into the fashion-filled streets. stopping for pizza along the way and leschi’s Dome, named after the archi- by lovers. After locking their love Florence is a classic Italian city – asking locals for directions.While no- tect who designed it. The interior of during the romantic sun set, they the dome is painted with a scene of throw the keys into the river to show the apocalypse. During its construc- their commitment. Locking your tion, Brunelleschi built kitchens, love on the Ponte Vecchio is illegal, dorm rooms, and bathrooms be- and if the police find you doing it tween the two walls of the cupola so you can be fined. City workers the builders would never have to de- painstakingly cut the locks off one by scend. We climbed the seemingly one, but before long they are re- endless old, claustrophobic staircase placed by new ones. to reach the top with its beautiful If you are in Florence and only have 360-degree view of the city. time to visit one sight, make it the

The front gates of Palazzo Vecchio with a replica of Michelangelo’s David A statue in Piazza della Signoria 34 November 2009 THE SENIOR TIMES The locks on the Ponte Vecchio Accademia dell’Arte del Disegno to relish Michelangelo’s David. We waited in line for 20 minutes to enter this small museum filled with sculptures. The masterpiece of Renaissance mar- ble depicting the biblical King David contemplat- ing his upcoming battle with Goliath stands 5.17 metres high. David looked magnificent: strong, yet soft and angelic. We all appreciated the semi-cir- cular bench placed around the back of the statue, The bronze doors of the Baptistery where many women sit and enjoy the view of explore on our own, I found the syna- David’s perfectly sculpted derrière. gogue – Tempio Maggiore, built in 1874- We then walked to the Piazza della Signoria to 1882. The synagogue, of Italian and tour the Palazzo Vecchio, which from the outside Moorish design, is extravagantly beau- looks like a castle straight out of a Disney movie. tiful. Unlike most of Italy’s Duomos, We waited in line for half an hour to tour the ex- which you can simply walk into, I had to travagantly decorated old rooms of this crenel- go through a thorough security check lated fortress. Michelangelo’s David once stood at before entering. There is a small but vi- The view from the top of the Duomo the front entrance, before it was moved to the Ac- brant Jewish community in Florence that maintains opened my map and within seconds a nice young cademia dell’Arte in 1873. A copy now stands in the temple, which was almost destroyed during the man who spoke no English approached me to its place. The Palazzo now functions as a museum Second World War. The Italian resistance defused offer his help. That trick works every time. Fillippo and the town hall of Florence. the explosives and saved it. I stopped at Ruth’s escorted me back to the Piazza della Signoria, The great Uffizi museum is right next to the Kosher Vegetarian Restaurant for a quick bite be- passing several kiosks selling inappropriate post- Palazzo Vecchio. It is one of the oldest and most fore heading back to meet my friends. cards of David “parts” along the way, where I met famous museums in Europe, displaying works by I got lost, of course. But that is what you do when my friends. I introduced them to Fillippo, and for such artists as Botticelli, Michelangelo and you travel in Europe – lose yourself to the city. It the rest of the night they joked about my new Leonardo da Vinci. Despite this, we were not in- was getting dark. I stood in the middle of a piazza, Italian “boyfriend.” spired to stand in line for four hours to get in. After my friends and I decided to venture off and

The front of the Duomo November 2009 35 THE SENIOR TIMES You’re at home with us!

Les Résidences Soleil MANOIR ST-LAURENT Les Résidences Soleil MANOIR LAVAL Les Résidences Soleil MANOIR ST-LÉONARD Les Résidences Soleil POINTE-aux-TREMBLES

APARTMENTS SHORT STAY, CONVALESCENCE 1 1/2 to 4 1/2 OR TRIAL PERIOD! Competitive Rates Our concept of short stay or convalescence allows seniors to take a short vacation or to relax in a safe environment while recovering after a hospital stay. Starting at $50 a day, including three meals and snacks.

Residences Soleil GUARANTEE If you are not satisfied during your first month with us, you may terminate your lease. SERVICES a family business • 24 hour security, cameras Rental Office open every day! • Cultural activities Under construction • Sunny terraces 11/2 to 41/2 • Health care Ready to occupy Dec. 2009 • Nurse or nurse’s aide or an attendant 24 hours • Medical services and doctor visits • Hobby room Mini-golf - Theatre - Bowling • Library • Resident committee to organize activities Les Résidences Soleil Manoir Sainte-Julie in cooperation with the administration 450-922-9000 • Indoor/Outdoor parking 1975 Fer-à-Cheval Rd (corner des Hauts-Bois blvd) • Billiard room • Hairdresser • Convenience store A warm ambiance, activities, recreation, comfort and security • Banking services • Dining room • Excellent food (all you can eat) The chance of a lifeTime aT SainTe-Julie • Menus prepared by a qualified chef in collaboration with a dietician • Utilities and heat included YOUR RENT FREE FOR LIFE • Cleaning staff • Emergency and fire alarm in each apartment • Indoor pool, sauna, spa Among the clients who will have signed a lease for Les Résidences Soleil Manoir Sainte-Julie before • Elevators , one client will have the chance to win the cost of his or her rent (excluding • Chapel, choir December 31, 2010 • Game room services) free for life as long as he or she resides at Les Résidences Soleil Manoir Sainte-Julie. • Your children are always welcome • And much more…

Our priorities are to meet your needs of today and those of tomorrow. Visit every day from 9am to 6pm Come visit us every day… If you lack available transportation Toll Free Number we can arrange to pick you up, by appointment. 1 800 363-0663

Les Résidences Soleil Les Résidences Soleil Les Résidences Soleil Les Résidences Soleil MANOIR ST-LAURENT MANOIR LAVAL MANOIR ST-LÉONARD POINTE-AUX-TREMBLES

115 Deguire blvd 1455 de l’Avenir blvd 7650 Lespinay 13900 Notre-Dame East BEST MANAGED 514 332-3434 450 629-0019 514 255-9298 514 642-2234 COMPAGNIES Since 2003 Sherbrooke | Boucherville | Sorel | Mont-St-Hilaire | Du Musée | Granby | Dollard-des-Ormeaux