Leader’s Guide: Ages 12-14 Kings & Kingdoms Part 1: The Life of Unit 3, Lesson 15

Jesus and the Lesson Aim: To see communion as a declaration of the new covenant.

THE WORSHIP Who God Is: The King Who Loves THE WORD What He Has Done: Jesus gave His disciples a way to remember Him. Scripture Focus: Luke 22:1-23, 31-34 Key Verse: Luke 22:20 Christ Connection: Jeremiah 31:31-34 THE WAY The Big Question: Why is it important to remember what Jesus did for us? UNIT 3 FOCUS VERSE “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9

Unit 3: The King Who Loves Bible Story What He Has Done Lesson Aim* 12 Jesus Is Anointed, Jesus received and delighted in To give our treasures to Jesus as John 12:1-11; Mark 14:6-9 Mary’s sacrificial worship. an act of worship. 13 The Triumphal Entry, Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the To understand the deeper Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19 humble King. meaning of the triumphal entry. 14 Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet, Jesus washed the feet of His To love others through serving. John 13:1-17 disciples. 15 Jesus and , Jesus gave His disciples a way to To see communion as a Luke 22:1-23, 31-34 remember Him. declaration of the new covenant. 16 Jesus in the Garden, Jesus prayed and then He To pray for God’s will to be done, Matthew 26:36-54; Luke 22:51 submitted to being arrested. and to submit to it. 17 The Cross: Jesus Dies for Us, Jesus chose to suffer and die to To see how Jesus’ suffering and John 19:1-16, 28-30; save us from our sins. death finished God’s plan for our Luke 23:32-43 salvation.

LEADER’S ENCOURAGEMENT This week, read 1 Corinthians 11:17-26. Please join us in praying, “Thank You for giving us a way to remember You. Sow these truths into the hearts of the students that You will be glorified with each communion they take. Amen.” Lesson Aims are based on reflecting God’s character as we participate in His actions to, for, and in the world. Take Home Elements: The Journal Entry, Action Card, and Family Discussion Card may be sent home to encourage students to reflect on the lesson. The Journal Entry is an in-depth personal study. The Action Card is a visual reminder of the Bible story, God’s action, and how we can join into that action. The Family Discussion Card gives parents and guardians a way to engage their students in what they are learning. Leader’s Tip: For larger gatherings, teach THE WELCOME, THE WORSHIP, and THE WORD in a large group setting and divide into small groups for discussion with THE WAY.

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Getting started THE WELCOME

Suggestion: Choose a game that focuses on concepts related to the lesson such as remembering, communion, cups, bread, or supper.

ACTIVITY OPTION 1: RACE TO SUPPER Purpose: To introduce the Bible story. Supplies: Paper plates, cups, napkins, tablecloths (or large sheets of paper, plastic, or cloth), baskets, optional: tables Preparation: For each team, prepare a basket with a tablecloth and enough plates, cups, and napkins for each person on that team. Optional: Set up enough tables so each team can have one.

Directions: 1. Form equal teams of 6-8 players. 2. Assign each team a table (or a section of the floor). Teams line up near their table. 3. Give each team a basket with a tablecloth, plates, cups, and napkins. 4. On your signal, the first player on each team spreads the tablecloth on the table (or floor). 5. That player tags the next player in line and goes to the end of the line. 6. The next player chooses one item (cup, plate, or napkin), sets it in place on the table. Only one piece may be set by a player during his/her turn. 7. Repeat steps 5-6 until all the items from the basket are in place on the table. 8. When all the place settings are ready, each player must stand (or sit) in front of a place setting. 9. The first team to complete the task wins.

ACTIVITY OPTION 2: CUP STACK RELAY Purpose: To introduce the Bible story. Supplies: 30 disposable plastic cups, 2 tables (or floor), floor tape or twine Preparation: Set up two tables at one end of the play area. At the other end of the play area, mark a starting line with floor tape or twine. Set a stack of 15 cups on each table.

Directions: 1. Divide into two teams of the same number. If you have an odd number of students, the team with one less player chooses one person to play twice. 2. Each team lines up behind the start line, facing their table. 3. On your signal, the first player on each team runs to the table and stacks the 15 cups in a pyramid formation. The player runs back and tags the next person in line. 4. The next player runs to the table and collapses the pyramid, returning the cups to a stack of 15 on the table. 5. Continue steps 3-4 until each team member has participated in the relay. 6. The first team to complete the task wins.

Teacher Tip: If you have a small group, have team members create the pyramid and collapse it before returning to their team.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2017. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ ResourceWell.org Kings & Kingdoms Unit 3, Lesson 15 ~ Ages 12-14 ~ Page 2 of 6

The King who loves THE WORSHIP

Note to Leader: The instructions below are suggestions only. Adapt this time of worship to suit your environment, resources, and cultural expression. Encourage students to broaden their view of corporate worship by including a variety of expressions such as group prayer, group praise, silent meditation, singing, listening to music, reading scripture, collecting an offering, drama, dance, visual arts, and/or a physical exploration of nature or neighborhoods.

Ideas for Optional Visuals:

The Seven Stars of Lent If this lesson is taught during the Lenten season (the 40 days before Easter), we recommend the Seven Stars of Lent activity located at ResourceWell.org under Other Resources. Choose one star for each week of the Lent season.

Today, we worship God as the King who loves. Jesus knew we would need a way to remember who He is and what He has done for us. Because He loves us, He gave us a way to do that by partaking together in Holy Communion.

Read Unit 3 Focus Verse: Deuteronomy 7:9.

Sing worship songs that focus on remembering what Jesus has done for us or Communion.

Read John 6:51.

Invite students to offer sentences of praise to God by completing the following sentence: “Lord, we worship You for ______.”

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2017. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ ResourceWell.org Kings & Kingdoms Unit 3, Lesson 15 ~ Ages 12-14 ~ Page 3 of 6

The new covenant THE WORD Presentation

Note to Leader: Adapt this segment to your setting (Sunday School class, youth group, multi-age gathering, youth camp, retreat, etc.). In some settings, you may choose to have a student read the scripture aloud, and then have the leader, in his or her own words, briefly communicate the Teaching Points, the Christ Connection, and the Big Question. In other settings, a teacher, pastor, or other experienced speaker may present a lecture or extended message that includes those same elements.

Ideas for Optional Visuals: You may choose to include an object lesson, video clip, drama, dance, song, or work of art to illustrate the teaching points. Option 1: Invite students to partake in Holy Communion with you during or after the teaching points.

Option 2:

TEACHING POINTS Consider current culture and influences impacting your students, and adjust the teaching accordingly.

Read the suggested scripture and communicate each of the points noted. The leader or a student reads Luke 22:1-23, 31-34 aloud.  Luke reports that Satan entered Judas. Jesus was in control of everything, yet he allowed Satan to enter Judas in order to plot his betrayal. This, as well as Jesus’ words at the Passover meal, confirm the mission Jesus was sent to fulfill–to save the world through His death by paying for our sins and giving eternal life to whoever believes in Him.  Jesus knows the future. He knew Judas would betray Him, Peter would deny Him, and the soldiers would crucify Him. He even knew a man in Jerusalem with a water jar would meet the disciples and lead them to a homeowner who would offer them a room for their Passover meal. The fact that Jesus knew the future shows us He chose the cross in order to save us.  At the Last Supper, Jesus announced one of His disciples would betray Him and Peter would deny Him three times. He even gave Peter instructions for what to do when he denied Him. It is possible He announced this to everyone to help the disciples later to forgive Peter for denying Jesus and to give them confidence in him as one of the leaders of the Church.  The Passover meal is a time of remembering how God spared the lives of and His people in Egypt by passing over those who put lamb’s blood on their doorposts as they were commanded. In Bible times, the Jewish families traveled to Jerusalem for Passover. For every family, a lamb was chosen, taken to the temple, and slain for the forgiveness of sins based on the old covenant’s demand for the sacrifice of a lamb.  John the Baptist correctly proclaimed Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. As the final Passover lamb, Jesus’ blood would spare the blood of all who believe in Him.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2017. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ ResourceWell.org Kings & Kingdoms Unit 3, Lesson 15 ~ Ages 12-14 ~ Page 4 of 6 THE WORD Presentation continued

 At the Last Supper, Jesus gave His disciples new symbols to help them remember how, as the Lamb of God, He saved us from our sins and gave eternal life to all who would believe in Him. This remembrance has become a sacrament (a holy and sacred activity) of the Church called Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper.  At the Lord’s Supper, the bread is the symbol for Jesus’ body that was given for us.  The cup stands for His blood which was given for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus called the cup “the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” In the old covenant, only the sacrifice of lamb’s blood could pay for the sins of the people. In the new covenant, the blood of Jesus (the sacrifice of His life) paid for all the sins of the world.  The covenant between God and us helps define our relationship with Him. The old covenant was based on works (actions we had to take to earn God’s forgiveness). The New Covenant is based on grace–a free gift from God to us through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. The new covenant gives us a new kind of relationship with God.  It’s important to remember that the meal in the upper room that night was more than a Passover meal and more than a teaching on the new covenant. It was Jesus’ last supper with His friends. They would become the leaders of the early Church after He rose from the dead.

Connecting the Old Testament, the , and Us CHRIST CONNECTION

In the whole story of God, what's the connection between this New Testament story and the Old Testament?  Through Moses, God made the old covenant with His people. A covenant is a promise or agreement. God promised if they obeyed Him fully, He would make them His treasured possession. Because we are all sinners, no one could fully obey Him, so the relationship remained broken. 600 years before the Last Supper, the Lord described the new covenant Jesus would bring. Listen for the five actions He promises. The leader or a student reads Jeremiah 31:31-34.  God said, “I will be their God, and they will be my people” under the new covenant. It is for all who believe in Jesus. If you are a believer, each of these promises is for you.

THE BIG QUESTION Introduce and elaborate on this question. Students will answer it in their discussion group.

Why is it important to remember what Jesus did for us?

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2017. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ ResourceWell.org Kings & Kingdoms Unit 3, Lesson 15 ~ Ages 12-14 ~ Page 5 of 6

Remembering the Covenant THE WAY Discussion

GETTING STARTED Display and review the Discussion Group Covenant below: We will include everyone here, treating one another with respect and kindness. We will encourage everyone here to express their thoughts and opposing views.

Every student shares his or her best experience or greatest challenge of the past week.

READ IT AGAIN Read Luke 22:14-23, 31-34 and Jeremiah 31:33-34 silently or aloud. How do you think Peter felt to hear Jesus say he would deny knowing Him? What situations tempt us to deny or downplay our relationship with God? What do the bread and the cup stand for in the Lord’s Supper?

THE BIG QUESTION Invite students to share their answers. Why is it important to remember what Jesus did for us?

TAKE ACTION Lead students in a discussion using the questions below. The old covenant was based on God’s people earning His forgiveness. The new covenant is based on grace. Because Jesus paid for our sins, we don’t have to earn the right to a relationship with God, in fact we can’t! Instead, we receive His free gift of forgiveness and eternal life. The new covenant gives us a new kind of relationship with God. Why is it important that we understand the difference between the old and the new covenants? What means the most to you about life under the new covenant as it is described in Jeremiah 31:33-34? Ask each student to complete this sentence: God calls us to remember what He has done SO THAT others might ______.

PRAY Share prayer requests and answered prayers. Have students pray with partners, or have the whole group pray together.

FINAL FIVE MINUTES When only 5 minutes remain, begin this segment. Give each student Action Card #15 and Journal Entry #15. Take home today’s Action Card as a reminder of how we can join in what God is doing. Use the Journal Entry as your personal devotional study. Complete your Journal Entries at home and keep them together in a notebook or in your Bible. Optional: Provide parent or guardian with Family Discussion Card #15.

THE WORSHIP, THE WORD & THE WAY ~ © 2017. Northland, A Church Distributed, Inc. ~ ResourceWell.org Kings & Kingdoms Unit 3, Lesson 15 ~ Ages 12-14 ~ Page 6 of 6 WHAT DOES IT MEAN? KINGS & KINGDOMS  Why is this meal called the Last Supper?

JOURNAL ENTRY #15  Why is Jesus called the Lamb of God? Jesus and the Last Supper Luke 22:1-23, 31-34 WHAT CAN I DO? WHAT DOES IT SAY?  How do you think Peter felt when he heard he would deny  Pray!!! Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what He wants you knowing Jesus? to learn from this passage.

 Now read Luke 22:1-23, 31-34 and Jeremiah 31:31-34.  If you have ever downplayed your relationship with Jesus to avoid a conflict, describe how you feel about that.

 Describe what Judas did when Satan entered him. Reread Luke 22:32 and take comfort in knowing that Jesus prays for us in these situations, and He wants us to strengthen  When did Jesus say would be the next time He would eat each other. the bread and drink the cup with the disciples?

 Of all the promises in Jeremiah 31:31-34, which ones are most meaningful to you?  In your own words, describe life under the new covenant as explained in Jeremiah 31:33-34.

 As the Lamb of God, Jesus has brought us the new covenant– a new relationship with God. What might be a next step for you in your relationship with God? JESUS AND THE LAST SUPPER JESUS AND THE LAST SUPPER