Kunene Regional Development Profile 2015
Kunene Regional Council Kunene Regional Development Profile2015 The Ultimate Frontier Foreword 1 Foreword The Kunene Regional Devel- all regional stakeholders. These issues inhabitants and wildlife, but to areas opment Profile is one of the include, rural infrastructural develop- beyond our region, through exploring regional strategic documents ment, poverty and hunger, unemploy- and exposing everything Kunene has which profiles who we are as ment, especially youth, regional eco- to offer. the Great Kunene Region, what nomic growth, HIV/AIDS pandemic, I believe that if we rally together as a we can offer in terms of current domestic or gender based violence and team, the aspirations and ambitions of service delivery (strengths), our illegal poaching of our wildlife. our inhabitants outlined in this docu- regional economic perform- ment can be easily transformed into ances, opportunities, challenges It must be understood clearly to all of successful implementation of socio and and constraints. us as inhabitants of this Great Kunene, economic development in our region, and Namibians at large, that our re- which will guarantee job creation, In my personal capacity as the Region- gional vision has been aligned with our economic growth, peace and political al Governor of Kunene Region and a national vision. Taking into account stability. Regional Political Head Representative the current impact of development in of the government, I strongly believe our region, we have a lot that we need With these remarks, it is my honor and that the initiation
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