The Magazine of Bosham Church and Village

April 2020


Bosham Life — 1 — April 2020 Tree, Hedge & Garden Services HOLLY REDFORDREDFORD----WILSONWILSON


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Bosham Life — 2 — April 2020 The Churches of Bosham HOLY TRINITY with ST NICHOLAS Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Bosham, PO18 8LS Vicar: Canon Martin Lane The Vicarage, Bosham Lane, Bosham, Chichester PO18 8HX 01243 573228 email: [email protected] For baptisms, weddings and funerals, please contact: Parish Administrator: Kate Cameron 01243 210242 [email protected] Ofice hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, 9:30am-12:30pm Sunday Services 8:00am: Holy Communion 9:30am: Sung Eucharist Common Worship Order Two Common Worship Order One Weekday Services Holy Communion is celebrated in the Parish Church at the following times: Thursday Healing Service: 6:30pm Saturday: 8:30am and 6:00pm Holy Trinity Church Ofice Holy Trinity Website: ℅ The Vicarage, Bosham Lane, Webmaster: Adrian Mosley 945404 Bosham, Chichester PO18 8HX website: Churchwardens email: [email protected] Christine Smee 572295 ‘‘‘Bosham‘Bosham LifeLife’’ magazine The Old Lodge, , Editors: Priscilla Pendle and Mike Whittle c/o 2 Marcuse Fields 572195 Chichester PO18 9LG Bosham, Chichester PO18 8NA email: [email protected] website: Laura Ritchie 574959 email: [email protected] 2, Manor Villas, Taylors Lane, Magazine Subscriptions and Distribution Bosham, Chichester PO18 8QQ Diana Beck 572829 email: [email protected] 2 The Holdens Hon Secretary of PCC Bosham, Chichester PO18 8LN Martyn White 583965 email: [email protected] 5 Homeield Avenue Magazine Advertisement Secretary Bognor Regis PO22 6AN Mike Whittle 572195 email: [email protected] 2 Marcuse Fields Hon Treasurer of PCC Bosham, Chichester PO18 8NA Carol Bishop 574301 email: [email protected] Church Archivist Chequers Green, Chequers Lane, Joan Langhorne 574044 Bosham, Chichester PO18 8EJ Burield Stables, Bosham Lane email: [email protected] Bosham, Chichester PO18 8HG Parish Safeguarding Oficer email: [email protected] Caroline Homer St Nicholas Church Hall Bookings email: [email protected] Helen Jelley 572866 Director of Music 36 North Road Ben Lathbury 07919 098869 Bosham, Chichester PO18 8NL email: [email protected] email: [email protected]

ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH: OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION Canon Tom Traherne and Father Sebastian Paul The Presbytery, Cawley Rd, Chichester PO19 1XB 782343 MASS TIMES: 11:00am Every Sunday and 10:00am Every Tuesday Feasts of Obligation: Mass at 7:30pm COPY DEADLINE FOR BOBOSHAMSHAM LIFE: THE 1111thththth OF EACH MONTH Bosham Life — 3 — April 2020 Canon Martin Lane, Vicar of Bosham, writes...

Dear Friends, I must say that the world has certainly changed in recent weeks, as it comes to terms with the onslaught of this horrid coronavirus—COVID-19. As I sat in our beautiful church yesterday, all alone, my mind wandered, and I imagined what the historic walls of our church would say if they could speak... Perhaps they would speak of wars, plagues, insurrections, storms, loods, kings, knights, peasants, isherman, villagers, visitors; then there would be words of hope, love, joy and peace. There would be music, laughter, singing; or tears of joy, and tears of sorrow, of many thoughts and countless prayers. The welcoming hello and inal farewell. Not to forget grand processions, or a single child running up the aisle. A great peal in celebration, or a sombre mufled bell. The smell of incense or freshly brewed coffee after morning worship. A smile, or the occasional glare. Of sinners set free or those too burdened to tell, of a choir in full voice, or that still small voice of calm. Oh, if these walls could speak! Ultimately, they are just walls, albeit ine ones, yet what makes them more than this are the countless generations which have inhabited them. The people of God. As Christians it is our faith that unites us at this dificult time, along with a common purpose. We must remember, Ex ide fortis , that from faith comes strength. Our faith will sustain us in these coming weeks and months and no doubt it will be tested. Yet we should not be surprised at this, for the scriptures make it clear that we will surely face adversity in life, so we will need to rely upon our faith and one another. As Christians we are never without hope—for we are an ‘Easter people’. We will embrace Easter, in our homes and in our hearts; as we do so we are reminded that God chose to become like us in order to transform the poverty of our nature and give us life—life to the full and welling up to eternity. My brothers and sisters, whatever we face in the coming months, let us not lose sight of the hope of resurrection which is the crowning truth of our faith. There is no person or situation beyond its reach. Be assured of my daily prayers for you all. Martin Cancellations due to COVIDCOVID----19191919 Our original intention was to list those local events which had been postponed or cancelled in response to the pandemic. It now seems that EVERYTHING in the village is cancelled for at least the month of April, and probably longer! The Church of and the Roman Catholic Church have both said that all events taking place in church should be cancelled, with the exception of funerals and weddings. Please seek advice from the churches. The Editors

Bosham Life — 4 — April 2020 Chichester Cathedral CHICHESTER CATHEDRAL FESTIVAL OF FLOWERS Make sure you don’t miss out on booking a ticket for the Chichester Cathedral Festival of Flowers—a spectacular loral celebration which is held every other year. The three day Festival runs from May 28th-30th, and the theme is ‘Realms of Glory’. Over 80 stunning arrangements are produced by volunteer lower arrangers using in excess of 50,000 lowers. More than 570 volunteers are involved, including lower arrangers, community groups and individuals across the working together providing lower arrangements, visitor information, refreshments and more.

As well as the lower arrangements in the Cathedral and environs, visitors can stroll through the cloisters and Cathedral grounds and visit the Festival Market. There will also be a lower sale, live music, and delicious refreshments in Café des Fleurs. Internationally renowned sculptor Philip Jackson will be exhibiting his work. All proceeds go to the work of the Cathedral Restoration and Development Trust. Please visit the Cathedral website at for details of how to buy tickets and for group bookings. Tickets may also be bought by calling TicketSource on 0333 666 3366 please note additional fees will apply for phone sales. Image credit: Jim Holden

Bosham Life — 5 — April 2020 Nicholas ‘‘‘Nick ’ Langhorne, 1937 ---2020 We are very sorry to have to report the sudden death of Nick Langhorne, a well known and popular resident of Bosham. He made numerous contributions to the life of the village, one of the most visible being the setting up and maintenance of the ‘Bosham Book Box’, a free lending library based on the disused phone box in front of the Catholic Church. More recently, he took over the organisation of ‘Bosham Friends’, which provides local transport for people to attend medical and other appointments. He will be greatly missed by many, both young and old. In view of the current world health situation, a Memorial Service to celebrate his life has been postponed for the time being. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Joan, and all his family.

St WilfridWilfrid’’’’ss Hospice OPEN TOURS 2020 The proposed public tours of the hospice have been cancelled, because of the COVIDCOVID----1919 virus outbreak.

MOONLIGHT WALK 2020 Revised datedate————SaturdaySaturday September 5th from 10:00pm Be a star for St 's Hospice! Join #TeamWilf for a ive- or ten-mile sponsored walk through the night. Walk to remember a loved one, walk for the challenge, walk with family and friends, walk to show you care.

SAHARA DESERT TREK, MOROCCO This is your invitation for adventure on a trek that summits the top of the highest sand dunes in the Sahara—The Chigaga Dunes. You will trek and camp for four days on November 11th-16th 2021, through an ever-changing landscape. Taking on a trek like this can be a spiritual experience for those who wish to walk in memory of someone cared for by St Wilfrid's Hospice. For others it will be the physical challenge that calls to them. Whatever the reason you are drawn to this trek you will be fully supported for the entire journey—from signing up, to fundraising, to the trek itself.

LEAP4LOVE TAKES IT TTOO THE NEXT LEVEL IN 2020 For the irst time St Wilfrid's is offering a tandem skydive at 15,000 feet next year, offering you a whole minute of free fall experience in which to enjoy the view! “It was a truly amazing experience and I wanted to do it again as soon as I landed!” Rebecca— Leap 4 Love 2019. Sunday July 19th 2020 Register for your place by Sunday June 21st

Bosham Life — 6 — April 2020 Bosham Monday Club Bosham Monday Club Bosham’s social club for the over 60s has had another month of fun, friendship and laughter, and we have welcomed some new members to our friendly club! We began with our own version of the team game Blockbusters, which challenged the memory with some easy and not so easy! general knowledge questions. Our craft session, ‘carte à gratter’ scratch board was fun and easy. We produced some colourful and beautiful pictures see photo. We were very grateful to Sarah Hughes, Community Wildlife Oficer for Council, who took time out of her busy schedule to come to talk to us about wildlife in and around Bosham. It was refreshing to hear that certain wildlife, like the water vole, are doing well in this area. We also got some good advice on how to attract wildlife to our gardens. Sarah explained that wildlife utilises corridors to travel between their habitats, which between and the South Downs should be safeguarded, thus allowing animals space to forage, feed and breed. We had quite a lively session to inish off the month. Team skittles started it off and was a lot of fun. Then there was a selection of other games to play or observe like table tennis and badminton. For the less energetic, there was always shove halfpenny! Monday Club will not meet again until the current virus epidemic is over. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in a few months. If you have any questions, please call me on 07710 483718. Jan Davies

Music in Bosham All ‘Music in Bosham’ events have been cancelled, including the come-and-sing performance of Stainer’s Cruciixion.

Bosham Forum Regrettably, all meetings have had to be cancelled, together with all other FORUM events, until further notice. Your membership is highly valued and we will miss our regular meetings at the Village Hall. It is hoped that we will be seeing you all again later in the year. For further information please contact me on 574033. Jennifer Fidler

Bosham Life — 7 — April 2020 Food Deliveries During the COVIDCOVID----1919 crisis A number of local irms are offering home delivery of meals in the Bosham area, during the current pandemic. These are the ones we know about: Millstream/Marwick’s 573234 Berkeley Arms 573167 White Swan 697273 Helen Clegg Sailing Club* chef 07855 053028 If you know of more people or irms offering this or a similar service, please let us know, and we will include the details in the next issue of the magazine. * You do not have to be a Sailing Club member to use this service.

Bosham Life — 8 — April 2020 A Response to the COVID ---19 pandemic

Lockdown All over the world people are slowing down A poem by Fr Richard Hendrick, OFM and relecting Priest-friar of the Irish branch of the All over the world people are looking at Capuchin Franciscan Order their neighbours in a new way All over the world people are waking up to a Yes there is fear. new reality Yes there is isolation. To how big we really are. Yes there is panic buying. To how little control we really have. Yes there is sickness. To what really matters. Yes there is even death. To Love.

But, So we pray and we remember that They say that in Wuhan after so many years Yes there is fear. of noise But there does not have to be hate. You can hear the birds again. Yes there is isolation. They say that after just a few weeks of quiet But there does not have to be loneliness. The sky is no longer thick with fumes Yes there is panic buying But blue and grey and clear. But there does not have to be meanness.

They say that in the streets of Assisi Yes there is sickness People are singing to each other But there does not have to be disease of the across the empty squares, soul. keeping their windows open Yes there is even death. so that those who are alone But there can always be a rebirth of love. may hear the sounds of family around them. Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now. They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland Is offering free meals and delivery to the Today, breathe. housebound. Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic Today a young woman I know The birds are singing again is busy spreading liers with her number The sky is clearing, through the neighbourhood, Spring is coming, So that the elders may have someone to call And we are always encompassed by Love. on. Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Open the windows of your soul Temples And though you may not be able are preparing to welcome to touch across the empty square, and shelter the homeless, the sick, the Sing. weary. Contributed by Rosemary Keating

Bosham Life — 9 — April 2020 From Our Member of Parliament Many of you raised concerns relating to rural crime within the constituency, including burglary, ly-tipping, speeding as well as speciic crimes targeting rural industries such as our farmers. I recently joined other West MPs for a farming conference where we heard how issues like machinery theft, vandalism, hare coursing and livestock worrying are an ever-increasing concern. The solution to this is more police in our rural communities and the Government is investing in policing, with 20,000 new oficers being recruited nationally, with 379 locally. On top of this our local Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, announced a further 100 Police and Community Support Oficers PCSOs are being brought in; which means we will have a named PCSO for every community across the county. This will bring back the days of local area policing but also will mean we will now have specially trained rural oficers. In Bosham, your local PCSO is Karen Turrell. Recently, I went out with , to see how they are tackling crime in our area and what I could do, as an MP, to support them. On the day, I joined PCSO Jason Lemm, who was working to prevent anti-social driving and speeding through our villages—something I know has been of particular concern in , , Bosham and Fishbourne. There is currently a joint initiative run by Sussex Safer Roads Partnership and Sussex Police, called Operation Crackdown. The operation asks communities to report anti-social driving. These data are then used by the police to issue warnings, develop a greater understanding of hotspots and help them build cases against offenders. To ind out more visit: This was my third time out with the Police. Last year I went out with Sgt Carter and the Environment Agency, where I learnt more about ly-tipping. Illegal dumping of waste is a serious concern as it pollutes our environment and poses a risk to livestock, wildlife and all of us who enjoy the countryside. There is more to be done, and we are currently looking into establishing a rural taskforce, which will ensure a strategic approach to tackling this type of crime. I will continue to work with the police, our Police and Crime Commissioner, Katy Bourne, and all the communities across the constituency which ight against rural crime. Gillian Keegan, MP

Bosham Parish Council The Parish Council have reluctantly decided to postpone their Annual Assembly, planned for Wednesday April 29th, and the celebration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day, which was due to take place on Friday May 8th. Alastair Johnstone Chair, Bosham Parish Council

Bosham Life — 10 — April 2020 WI News In his earlier life, John Bowers spent over 15 years in various prisons throughout the UK. He spoke about his dificult childhood without his GI father, who disappeared when he was born, so he never knew him. John returned to the UK when he was 15 months old and has no recollection of his life before he was six years old, at which time he was fostered and led quite a happy life. At the age of seven, he was taken back to live with his mother and stepfather, which was not successful, and at 14, life became unbearable and he ran away—never to see his family again. This was the beginning of his life of crime, starting with petty offences— like stealing food and small amounts of money. He was sent to Youth Detention Centres where there was discipline, brutality and violence, then later going into Youth Custody. On release, he re-offended time and time again and when back in prison the anger kicked in, he was drugged to be kept quiet, and put into Segregation. He became a mess physically and mentally. Over the years, after continually re-offending and not able to cope with prison life and the utter boredom and desperation he experienced, he became suicidal. Miraculously, he decided ‘enough was enough’ and he was going to do something with his life. He wrote articles in prison, and when he was eventually released he obtained part-time work on a newspaper, becoming its commissioning editor. He now visits schools, aiming at trying to steer children away from the temptations of ‘getting in with the wrong crowd’ and committing petty crimes. He also speaks to older groups such as WIs and the U3A. At the end of his talk he said ‘if only I knew then…what I know now!’ He has regrets—of course—but no self-pity. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, all meetings are cancelled until further notice. For further information, please contact Rosemary Keating on 839953. Jennifer Fidler

Funtington Players THE NEXT PRODUCTIONPRODUCTION————’’’’OUROUR COUNTRYCOUNTRY’’’’SS GOODGOOD’’’’ Cancelled due to the virus outbreak

THE PRODUCTION AFTER NEXT... The Players are holding auditions at 7:45pm on Tuesday May 5th at West Ashling Village Hall, for their production of ‘Disposing of the Body’ by Hugh Whitemore. Performance dates are 24th-28th November 2020. Warning—the auditions may also have to be postponed! Henry Preece takes early retirement and moves with his wife to the country, hoping to settle down and write his book, but he does not foresee just how shockingly his life will change. This is a thriller with a difference, an atmospheric study of ordinary life and how it can become extraordinary. Anyone interested in auditioning, or wanting to help backstage, is very welcome.

Bosham Life — 11 — April 2020 KEN WOODWOOD————THETHE BIRD MANMAN————WHOWHO DIED IN FEBRUARY Pat Fenn wrote about him as one of her ‘Bosham Lives’, in January 2002. I stalked him like a deer, I tickled him like a trout and I snared him like a rabbit. All of which clichéed similes are entirely appropriate in Ken Wood’s case, because his life is focused on all creatures that run, swim, ly or sidle. He must be one of the most familiar igures in Bosham, cycling purposefully down towards the quay, tweed hat in place, plastic bags on carrier, nodding from left to right at acquaintances, on his royal progress. His favourite acquaintances of course are the birds that come to be fed from his much-pecked hand. The pair of swans and their ive adolescent offspring are his special concern. He knows exactly where to ind them and they know exactly where to ind him and his bags of goodies. Previously that day he will have pedalled in his unhurried fashion into Chichester, and stopped to stock up on stale bread and digestive biscuits at Tesco’s. “What do you do in the city every day?” I asked him. “Just have a look round to make sure nothing’s changed”. He might even cycle in a second time for further supplies, so I reckon his weekly mileage must be enough to make him a very it man. Small compensation per- haps for the back injury that precludes him from driving or walking. He keeps track of all that goes on in the estuary. One year he counted 130 swans, many of them progeny of the current resident pair who have been lording it in Bosham creek for seven- teen years, seeing off all interlopers, related or not. Soon now, probably in March, the parents will drive their fully- grown ive sons and daughters away to fend for themselves and to make room for next year’s cygnets. There are al- ways eight eggs hatched, but foxes in- variably bring down the tally. Ken sometimes gets a premonition that all is not well and cycles down at night to see that the babies are safely tucked up. All this he tells me when I track him down, feeding the ducks in the millstream or throwing grain to the numerous seabirds, whose names he can recite to order. “The lapwings are late this year. Look, there’s an egret!”. But I know if I get out a notepad and start getting close-up and personal he will lee and I shall lose my prey. Every in- terviewee insists that no one would be interested in reading about them, but Ken real- ly, really believes it. He shies away when I suggest an article and only the previous piece on his mate, ‘Dave the Ice’, convinces him that my intentions are honourable. Eventually I snare him into agreeing to take a cup of tea—“but I can’t tell you what time, because I don’t know who I shall meet on the way!” Gradually I learn that his was a far-from-boring life. He and his four siblings were brought up on a 80ft ex-Navy motor launch moored at Dell Quay. There was a little community living there on seven launches, and Ken describes his childhood as ‘wonderful’. Wonder he must have at the wildlife, swimming and lying all round him, and I have no doubt that it was in early childhood that his love of all God’s creatures was founded. He made no exceptions in later life; some animal lovers might draw the

Bosham Life — 12 — April 2020 Iine at an alligator for a pet, but not Ken. He saw it languishing in a Bognor pet shop and couldn’t resist its cuddliness. He took it home and kept it in the bath. I didn’t like to ask what happened when Ken wanted a bath, but I can guess—he just told the ‘gator’ to move over. For four years it thrived on a diet of minced meat spread with codliver oil, until all its teeth fell out and Ken mourned over its corpse. There’s no doubt that Bosham’s Dr Doolittle has extraordinary afinity with all man- ner of wildlife. Dogs cross the road to be petted by him, rainbow trout leap out from under the bridge when he arrives with titbits and ducks respond to his calling them by name. His caring extends to the human animal as well as the furred, feathery and scaly ones. For twenty two years he looked after his ailing mother and handicapped sister. When they died he looked forward to marrying, at last, his long term sweetheart, only to learn that she had terminal cancer. So Ken lives alone, shopping and running er- rands for his neighbours. For his sustained record as a carer, Bosham Parish Council presented him with a parchment scroll listing his good deeds, a most highly prized possession. I think he came to enjoy our little chats and now he volunteers anecdotes whenever we meet, usually about cars and planes, both passions of his: “When I worked at Wad- hams, the Duke of Richmond would not have anyone else look after his cars” and “During the war Flight Lieutenant Hankey kept a Westland Lysander in his garden at Dell Quay. He used to meet spies in the pub and ly them off to France.” I could write a book... Pat Fenn

The Ten CommandmentsCommandments————AA Modern ‘‘‘Slant‘SlantSlant’’’’ 1: Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Practise loyalty to the sacred. 2: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Do not forget that any given image of God is only a glimpse. 3: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Do not use God’s name to do harm. 4: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Do not let life be deined by productivity. 5: Honour thy father and thy mother. Care for those who have cared for you. 6: Thou shalt not kill. Do not be destructive. 7: Thou shalt not commit adultery. Be faithful to the commitments you make. 8: Thou shalt not steal. Do not take what does not belong to you. 9: Thou shalt not bear false witness. Do not hinder justice from coming to fruition. 10: Thou shalt not covet. Do not let your internal desire lead you to harm another. From the Internet, author unknown; submitted by Barbara Knight

Bosham Life — 13 — April 2020 Bosham, Chidham and District Horticultural Society Every time I type in the title of this article, I always feel it makes us sound such a grand society, for those with large gardens and maybe even gardeners! However this is exactly what we are NOT! We are just a very friendly group of people with a passion for plants and their gardens, and who want to share their knowledge and learn from the speakers. The speaker for our March meeting was one of the best we have had since I have been booking the speakers each year. Roger Hirons, who calls himself the Plant Doctor, gave us an outstanding talk as his knowledge on plants and gardens is second to none. We just all wished that we could have listened to him for another hour, but sadly had to vacate the hall by 9:00pm for the badminton players! Unfortunately, new government legislation, from late 2019, prevented him from bringing any of the plants he was talking about for us to purchase or admire. It was a pity that a lot of members felt it wise to stay away from the gathering, because of the threat of the COVID-19 virus, but quite understandable. If at a later date we have to cancel any future meeting, I will of course contact you beforehand and it will be on our website. As I write, due to COVID-19, our next Meeting, on April 9th, will be cancelled. Happy Gardening! Rozie Bradley

QUICK QUIZ What has changed its name in Bosham High Street? Answer on page 22


This month’s puzzle: Answer to last month’s puzzle: What are these buoys used for? What is the name of the house which sports this ine thatch peacock—and where is it? Chapel Cottage, near the Millstream Hotel

Bosham Life — 14 — April 2020 Bosham Rainfall in February 2020 February average for 2004-2019 61.0mm Supplied by our oficial rainfall observer, Margaret Williams

Date mmmmmm Date mmmmmm Date mmmmmm Date mmmmmm 1 12.4 9 12.5 17 2.8 25 2.5 2 --- 10 0.3 18 5.0 26 14.2 3 3.1 11 --- 19 1.1 27 0.9 4 --- 12 23.3 20 4.4 28 15.2 5 T 13 3.0 21 0.0 29 1.3 6 --- 14 0.1 22 2.6 7 3.2 15 23.4 23 3.4 8 1.1 16 13.1 24 4.4 TOTAL 153.3 --- none; T trace less than 0.1mm; s snowmelt; wf wet fog; ↓ carried over to next day Readings are taken at 9:00am for the previous 24 hours.

Bosham Life — 15 — April 2020 Diary of Events Photograph by Jim Buckley MARCH 2020 Sun 29 Lent 5 —”— START OF BRITISH SUMMER TIME

APRIL 2020 All Church and village events are cancelled

FURTHER AHEAD Sat Jul 18 Bosham Church Fête

For a more detailed and up-to-date diary go online to: and click on ‘Online Calendar’

Prayer for a Pandemic May we who are merely inconvenienced, Remember those whose lives are at stake.

May we who have no risk factors, Remember the most vulnerable.

May we who have the luxury of working from home, Remember those who must choose between preserving their health or paying their rent.

May we who have lexibility to care for our children when their schools close, Remember those who have no options.

May we who have to cancel our trips, Remember those that have no safe place to go.

May we who are losing our margin money in the tumult of the economic market, Remember those who have no margin at all.

May we who settle in for a quarantine at home, Remember those who have no home.

As fear grips our country, Let us choose LOVE

During this time when we can not physically wrap our arms around each other, Let us yet ind ways to be the loving embrace of God to our neighbours.

Amen From the InternetInternet————authorauthor unknown

Bosham Life — 16 — April 2020 Relections A river is nearly always there and yet the water lowing through it is never the same water and is never still. It’s always changing and is always on the move and over time the river itself changes too. It widens and deepens as it, ‘rubs and scours, knows and kneads, eats and bores its way through the land.’ Even the greatest rivers: the Nile and the Ganges, the Yangtze, the Mississippi and the Amazon have been no more than trickles before they grew into mighty rivers. Are people like that? Like the river itself—always lowing but always different like the water lowing in the river. ‘The river portrays humanity precisely with its tortuous windings, its accumulation of driftwood, its unsuspected depths and its crystalline shadows.’ The importance of a river cannot be overstated in the history of the country or the development of a nation. Most of the great cities in the world have been built around rivers as a nation’s means of access from the sea or ocean but it is more than an amenity, it is a treasure, a thing of magic, a moving, living part of the earth itself. They nourish and refresh us and provide a home for dazzling varieties of ish and wildlife, trees and plants. Rivers have life and sound and movement, ‘an ininity of variation; they are veins of the earth through which the lifeblood returns to the heart’. Life is like a river: ‘sometimes it sweeps gently along and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere’. In the words of my favourite Winnie the Pooh, ‘Rivers know this: there is no hurry, we shall get there someday’.

From the Registers BAPTISMS 'We welcome you into the Body of Christ' Baptised February 9th Chloe Lennox

DEATHS 'Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord' Died 7th February Kathleen Joyce Wilkins Aged 76 Died 14th February Kenneth Harry Wood Aged 90

YEARYEAR’’’’SS MINDMIND————APRILAPRIL We remember on Sundays those of this parish whose anniversaries fall at this time. Peter Stern 03/04/2014 Jason ‘J’ Richard Wilkins 14/04/2016 Winifred Walls 04/04/2016 ‘Ros’ Smith 16/04/1994 Rosie Slater 07/04/2018 Bobbie Iris Currey 18/04/2016 Leslie William Blott 08/04/2016 Joy Gammon 18/04/2016 Brian Nicholas Howe 08/04/2016 Lily Howard 19/04/2017 Reginald Howell 09/04/2015 Michael Cowan 20/04/2015 David Brookes 10/04/2001 Eileen Patricia ‘Pat’ Ross 21/04/2015 David Stear 10/04/2017 James Bush 26/04/2015 Doris Wilson 13/04/2015 Rev’d John Pilkington 28/04/2019 Names are considered for removal from this list every ive years. If you would like a name to be kept on the list, or to be added to it, please contact Bosham Life.

Bosham Life — 17 — April 2020 Local Organisations, Clubs and Websites

BELL RINGERS BOSHAM PARISH COUNCIL Mandy Rodgers 574074 Clerk: Lisa Roberts 576464 BIBLE STUDY Tuesday: Sarah Page 573779 BOSHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL Wednesday: Audie Rowe 576970 Head Teacher: Debbie Allen 572375 BODYLINE FITNESS Joanna Wright 573311 BOSHAM SAILING CLUB BOSHAM, CHIDHAM AND DISTRICT 572341 HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY BOSHAM SHORT TENNIS CLUB Stephanie Fiske 572991 Ken Firman 575771 BOSHAM TABLE TENNIS CLUB Angela Willer 575262 BOSHAM ASSOCIATION BOSHAM VILLAGE FRIENDS 07981 794723 Ros Bowen 572831 BOSHAM VILLAGE HALL Booking Secretary: Liz Taverner BOSHAM BADMINTON CLUB [email protected] Ray Lyon 574091 BOSHAM WI BOSHAM 50 BADMINTON CLUB Rosemary Keating 839953 Steve Bailey 573217 BOSHAM BINGO CLUB BOSHAM YOGA Nigel Kyte 528744 Vivien Ward 572353 BOSHAM BRIDGE CLUB BOSHAM YOUTH CENTRE Daphne Perkins 573229 Caroline Austin 07787 543933 BOSHAM BROWNIES CHILDREN’S BALLET CLASSES Pearl Green 374042 Sue Bethel 920499 BOSHAM BURIAL GROUND ASSOCIATION FRIENDS of CHICHESTER HARBOUR Judy Stern 573396 Ann de Potier 512301 BOSHAM CARPET BOWLS CLUB Maurice Penfold 572953 FRIENDS of OLD BRIDGE MEADOW BOSHAM CHURCH FLOWERS Stephanie Fiske 572991 Sue Lambert 576317 BOSHAM CONSERVATIVES HARBOUR VOICES community choir Caroline Butler 576190 Pam Sweet 574239 BOSHAM CRICKET CLUB [email protected]  Martin Farrell 575946 KAREN’S KLASSES Colts: John Strudwick 573934 Karen Ongley 573411 MEETING POINT BOSHAM FLOWER CLUB Sally Morley 572855 Ann Myers 572356 MONDAY CLUB BOSHAM FOOTBALL CLUB Jan Davies 578914 Richard Doncaster 375184 NATIONAL CHILDBIRTH TRUST Stephanie Walford 776541 BOSHAM FORUM mobile 07850 331864 Jennifer Fidler 574033 OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION BOSHAM HANDBELLS PLAYGROUP John Beck 572829 Donna Twine 572319 BOSHAM INVESTMENT CLUB SOUTHBOURNE LIONS CLUB Douglas McGregor 572263 Peter Etheridge 783365 BOSHAM LIFE ST NICHOLAS CHURCH HALL Helen Jelley 572866 BOSHAM MONDAY CLUB BUS TALKING NEWS Ian Hyde 576790 Local news for the visually impaired 775050 BOSHAM MOTHER and TODDLER GROUP [email protected] Rachel Goldsmith 576928 WIND AND TIDE IN CHICHESTER HARBOUR Kerry Betsworth 573741 BOSHAM OLD ENGLISH BOWLS Brenda Wilkins 574038

Bosham Life — 18 — April 2020 Shopping and Facilities Guide ACUPUNCTURE, AROMATHERAPY and REMEDIAL GARDENING MASSAGE THE LAWN RANGER CAROLINE KING BAHons Bac MIROM All aspects of gardening... 3 Stream Close, Bosham 572719/07783417380 Call Phil... 573195

BEAUTICIAN SERVICES HOME HELP THE BEAUTY OASIS—Sadie Middleton. Mobile Experienced local lady to help with Services and Beauty Studio at Hambrook. cooking/shopping/house duties/companionship. 572454/07887 748501 Sarah 07535 364337

GT LYMPANYLYMPANY————FlatFlat Rooing Specialist. 37 years’ THE MILLSTREAM HOTEL and RESTAURANTRESTAURANT, experience, free quotations, 10-15 year guarantee. Bosham Lane. Restaurant open for lunch and Fully insured. dinner every day; booking advisable. 573234 02392 478019 Mob: 07949 948249 NURSING HOMESHOMES,,,, REST HOMESHOMES,, HOME NURSINNURSINGGGG CARPENTRY AND HANDYMAN SERVICE BEGGARS ROOST NURSING HOME, Old Park Lane, ADAM WHITTLE Fishbourne. Secluded garden, conservatory. Bosham carpenter with 20 years’ experience. Matron—Mrs Karen Curd 573750 07808 475 445 PLUMBERS, CENTRAL HEATING ENGINEERS and CHIMNEY SWEEP ELECTRICIANS AT HOLMES and SON, Holmleigh Main Road, AP SQUIRES ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING, Nutbourne. Master Member NACS, Trading 2 Poyntz Close, Donnington. Standards approved and Which? Trusted Trader. 780535/ 07850 899148 572767 SOLICITORS / CONVEYANCERS CLOCK REPAIR AND CONSERVATION BISHOP AND SEWELL LLP FULLY EQUIPPED WORKSHOP in the heart of the Stephen Bishop “Bothered of Bosham—see our South Downs. Jon Butt BSc Hons Bishop!” 59-60 Russell Square, WC1B 4HP. 02392 631836 [email protected] 020 7631 4141 DENTURES BOSHAM DENTAL LAB—complete denture service. VETERINARY SERVICES 572463 PRIORS LEAZE VETERINARY CENTRE RW Kynoch, BVMS, MRCVS, Priors Leaze Lane, DOMESTIC HELP Nutbourne. 24 Hour Service. 376000 POPPIES OF CHICHESTER YOGA Professional domestic help. 814600 YOGA Viv Ward, Dip FRYOG. Classes and private tuition. email: [email protected] [email protected]. Website: 572353 Mob: 07443 867181 FURNITURE RESTORATION SIMON PATERSON. Professional Restoration of Antique Furniture. Over 30 Years experience. 811900 Useful Phone Numbers EMERGENCY SERVICES 999 RSPCA 0300 1234999 POLICE non-emergency 101 NHS HELPLINE 111 FIRE non-emergency 786211 ST RICHARDRICHARD’’’’SS HOSPITAL 788122 SOUTHERN WATER 0845 2780845 TELEPHONES faults 0800 800151 WATER 02392 499888 BOSHAM PARISH COUNCICOUNCILLLL 576464 FLOODLINE 0845 9881188 CHICHESTER COUNCIL 785166 ELECTRICITY 08000 727282 COUNCIL 777100 GAS LEAK 0800 111999 TRAVELINE advice 0870 6082608 CRIMESTOPPERS 0800 555111 STAGECOACH BUSES 01903 237661 CHILDLINE 0800 1111 NATIONAL RAIL 08457 484950 SAMARITANS 08457 909090 GATWICK AIRPORT 0870 0002468 DOMESTICSunset, seen VIOLENCE from Quay Meadow0808 by 2000247 Mark Slade HEATHROWA signpost, AIRPORT seen in the Falkland0870 Islands0000123 HATE INCIDENTS 0845 0751021 TOURIST INFORMATIONby Beverley Andrews 775888

Bosham Life — 19 — April 2020 Hamblin Centre Update In these unprecedented times, the welfare of our class and group participants, speakers, teachers and event attendees is of paramount importance. We must therefore take action in line with Government advice. The main hall is to be closed for all activities for at least 12 weeks. All public events that were scheduled to take place between Saturday 20 March until Saturday 20 June are postponed. We will endeavour to reschedule all events planned by the Hamblin Centre. If you have paid for an event, you will be contacted as soon as possible about ticket exchange, credit, donation or refund options. We are deeply sorry for the disappointment this will cause. Please understand that the team will be very busy during the next few days, so your patience is much appreciated. For further information:

Spring is Here!

There are things in life apart from the COVID-19 virus! Enjoy these new-born lambs, and a rare patch of better weather!

Bosham Life — 20 — April 2020 RAIL SERVICE 700 BUSBUS––––BOSHAMBOSHAM tototo CHICHESTER MONDAY TO FRIDAY ONONLYLY Monday to Friday modiied Service on BoshamBosham- ---VictoriaVictoria VictoriaVictoria- ---BoshamBosham Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays dep arr dep arr White Swan roundabout to Cathedral 0620, 0638, 0658, 0718, 0750, 0810, 06:02 07:52 c 05:54 08:18 c 0830, 0855, then at 15, 35, 55, until 06:26 08:12 07:36 09:19 c 1915, 1945, 2045. 06:39 08:40 c 08:36 10:19 c Cathedral to White Swan roundabout 07:31 09:10 09:36 11:19 c 0535, 0635, 0648, 0701, 0721, 0741, 07:52 09:40 c 10:36 12:19 c 0758, 0822, 0847, then at 07, 27, 47, until 08:29 10:11 c 11:36 13:19 c 1727, 1749, 1808, 1842, 1912, 2012, 09:28 11:11 c 12:36 14:19 c 2112, 2212. 10:28 12:11 c 13:36 15:19 c 11:27 13:11 c 14:36 16:19 c 12:27 14:11 c 15:36 17:19 c 13:27 15:11 c 16:06 17:43 14:27 16:11 c 16:36 18:19 c Correct as we go to press, but subject to 15:30 17:13 c 16:54 18:37 c change! Please check before travelling! 16:27 18:12 c 17:36 19:19 c 17:27 19:11 c 17:54 19:37 c 18:27 20:11 c 18:36 20:19 c FREE SUPERMARKET BUSES 18:37 20:43 c 19:36 21:17 19:27 21:13 c 20:36 22:13Emergency timetablesRoute 4848:: Chichester to Tesco 19:37 21:41 c 21:36 23:21 Tuesday and Wednesday only in forcedep Cathedral 10:03am, then at 333333 and 20:27 22:11 c Grey box: not 333 mins past each hour until 1:33pm 21:28 23:12 c eligible for off- 22:29 00:41 c dep Tesco 10:15am, then at 454545 and 151515 peak travel mins past each hour until 1:45pm

c one change required Route C2C2:: Bosham to SainsburySainsbury’’’’ssss NB—Journeys requiring two or more Wednesdays only changes have not been shown dep Bosham Walk 10:05am 08451 272920 dep Sainsbury’s 12:05pm

BUS ROUTE 565656–56 –––BOSHAMBOSHAM TO CHICHESTER AND RETURN Monday to Saturday, except public holidays From Bosham car park: From Chichester Cathedral: 8:20 7:55 school hols, 8:15 Sats 7:29* not Saturdays 9:30 8:54 9:04 Saturdays 11:00 10:34 12:25 11:59 1:50 1:24 3:20 2:24* 2:49 school hols and Sats 4:45 4:19 6:10 5:44 *** On schooldays, goes to White Swan roundabout, but does not go to Bosham car park For further information: or 08712 002233

Bosham Life — 21 — April 2020 APRIL HIGH TIDES: BOSHAM QUAY 1 W B 0522 3.8 1808 3.7 2 Th 0637 3.6 1924 3.7 3 F 0754 3.7 2046 3.8 444 SaSaSa 0911 2155 555 SuSuSu 1011 2246 6 M 1100 4.7 2332 4.9 7 Tu 1147 4.9 8 W C 0017 5.1 1232 5.1 9 Th 0101 5.2 1319 5.1 10 F 0146 5.2 1408 5.1 111111 SaSaSa 0231 1456 121212 SuSuSu 0316 1545 13 M 0403 4.6 1635 4.5 MOON SYMBOLS 14 Tu D 0453 4.2 1729 4.1 A New Moon B First Quarter 15 W 0549 3.9 1830 3.8 C Full Moon D Last Quarter 16 Th 0651 3.6 1940 3.7 17 F 0809 3.5 2136 3.7 ©Crown Copyright and/or database 181818 SaSaSa 1010 2241 rights. Reproduced by permission of the 191919 SuSuSu 1058 2320 Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery 20 M 1130 4.1 2348 4.5 Ofice and the UK Hydrographic Ofice 21 Tu 1157 4.3 22 W 0015 4.6 1228 4.5 23 Th A 0045 4.7 1300 4.6 APRIL SUNDAY 24 F 0116 4.7 1332 4.6 SUNRISE AND SUNSET TIMES 252525 SaSaSa 0146 1404 Date Sunrise Sunset 262626 SuSuSu 0215 1436 5 6:29am 7:43pm 27 M 0246 4.5 1512 4.3 12 6:14am 7:54pm 28 Tu 0320 4.3 1553 4.2 19 6:00am 8:05pm 29 W 0402 4.1 1645 4.0 30 Th B 0502 3.9 1751 3.9 26 5:46am 8:17pm

ANSWER TO QUICK QUIZ page 14 ‘‘‘The‘The Breeze CaféCafé’’ in the High Street has changed hands. It is now ‘‘‘Shoreside‘Shoreside CaféCafé’.’.’.’.

THIS MONTHMONTH’’’’SS COVER “““Celebrating“Celebrating EasterEaster”” by kind permission of Christian Publishing and OutrOutreacheach

ADVERTISEMENT SECRETARY Prof Mike Whittle, 2 Marcuse Fields, Bosham, Chichester PO18 8NA 572195 email: [email protected] WHEN REPLYING TO ADVERTISERS PLEASE MENTION ‘‘‘BOSHAM‘BOSHAM LIFELIFE’’’’

Bosham Life — 22 — April 2020 ADVERTISE IN BOSHAM LIFE


Classiied adverts ‘small-ads’ £15 per line per year

Display adverts Between £125 and £600 per year, depending on size of advert and location in magazine

Circulation: 650 copies each month Estimated readership: at least 1,000, mostly from within Bosham For further information, go to: and click on ‘Advertise in Bosham Life’

Bosham Life — 23 — April 2020 Along with other local businesses, Marwick’s is offering a local delivery service of meals during the COVID-19 pandemic. See page 8 For further details.