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Neuroanatomy.Org NEUROANATOMY VOLUME 4 [2005] Supplement 1 4th National Congress of Neuroscience Mersin, Turkey, March 29–April 2, 2005 ABSTRACT BOOK Honorary Comittee Prof.Dr. Ugur Oral - Rector Prof.Dr. Suha Aydin - Dean Scientific Committee Prof.Dr. Turgay Dalkara Prof.Dr. Tamer Demiralp Prof.Dr. Murat Emre Prof.Dr. Lutfiye Eroglu Prof.Dr. Yucel Kanpolat Prof.Dr. Fatma Kutay Prof.Dr. Filiz Onat Prof.Dr. Cigdem Ozesmi Prof.Dr. Gonul Peker Prof.Dr. Sakire Pogun Prof.Dr. I. Hakki Ulus Prof.Dr. Pekcan Ungan Organizing Committee Prof.Dr. Huseyin Beydagi - Chairman Asst.Prof.Dr. Seyit Ankarali - Secretary Prof.Dr. Emin Erdal The conference is organized under the auspices of Assoc.Prof.Dr. Belgin Buyukakilli Turkish Council of Scientific and Technical Reseach, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Aynur Ozge TUBAS, Assoc.Prof.Dr. A. Hakan Ozturk BAD, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Kemal Yazici Asst.Prof.Dr. Tolgay Ergenoglu and Asst.Prof.Dr. Cetin Okuyaz Mersin University. e-ISSN 1303-1775 • p-ISSN 1303-1783 Honorary Editor Technical Editor Tuncalp Ozgen, MD M. Mustafa Aldur, MD-PhD Editors Managing Editors M. Dogan Aksit, DVM-PhD Mustafa Aktekin, MD-PhD Ruhgun Basar, DDS-PhD Alp Bayramoglu, MD-PhD M. Deniz Demiryurek, MD-PhD Deputy Editor C. Cem Denk, MD-PhD H. Hamdi Celik, MD-PhD A. Hakan Ozturk, MD-PhD Associate Editors Eray Tuccar, MD-PhD Owned and Published by Mustafa K. Baskaya, MD Associate Technical Editor Safiye Cavdar, PhD Ilkan Tatar, MD Scott Lozanoff, PhD M. Mustafa Aldur, MD–PhD Scientific Advisory Board Department of Anatomy Erdogan Sendemir, MD Salih Murat Akkin, MD Hacettepe University Mustafa F. Sargon, MD-PhD Mehmet Alikasifoglu, MD-PhD Faculty of Medicine Selcuk Surucu, MD-PhD Ossama Al-Mefty, MD 06100 Ankara–Turkey A. Beliz Tascioglu, PhD Kudret Aytemir, MD e-Mail: [email protected] Ibrahim Tekdemir, MD Mustafa Berker, MD-PhD Phone: +90 312 305 24 66 Engin Yilmaz, MD-PhD Jacques Brotchi, MD-PhD Fax: +90 312 478 52 00 M. Ibrahim Ziyal, MD Saruhan Cekirge, MD Aims and Scope Ethics Editors George Chaldakov, MD-PhD Neuroanatomy is a journal in English, and publishes original research articles dealing Robert Daroff, MD Ernesto Coscarella, MD with neuroanatomical sciences in animals (vertebrates and invertabrates) and humans. Meserret Cumhur, PhD Papers in any of the following fields will be considered: molecular, cellular, histological Sevket Ruacan, MD Michail S. Davidoff, MD-PhD and gross anatomical studies on normal and/or abnormal experimental animals and Section Editors humans. Functional, morphological, biochemical, physiological and behavioral studies D. Ceri Davies, PhD Developmental Neuroanatomy are considered if they include neuroanatomical analysis. Reports on techniques applicable Aclan Dogan, MD to the above fields are also considered. Occasional reviews on subjects selected by the Hakki Dalcik, PhD Editors will be published. Miscellaneous items, including essays, book reviews and Barbaros Durgun, MD commentaries may also be published on approval of the Editorial Board. Structural Neuroanatomy Yaman Eksioglu, MD-PhD Editorial Correspondence Attila Dagdeviren, MD Vedat Evren, MD All material for publication should be sent to M. Mustafa Aldur, MD, PhD, Department Neurobiology Ozhan Eyigor, MD-PhD of Anatomy, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine, 06100, Ankara, Turkey; e-mail: Reha S. Erzurumlu, PhD Figen Govsa Gokmen, MD [email protected]. For detailed instructions concerning the submission of manuscripts, please refer to the Instructions to Authors at the back of the journal. Functional Neuroanatomy M. Oguz Guc, MD-PhD Subscription Rates Uner Tan, MD-PhD Erdem Gumusburun, PhD Both the electronic and the printed versions of Neuroanatomy are FREE. The printed Chemical Neuroanatomy Gustav F. Jirikowski, PhD version of journal (pISSN 1303-1783) is published annually. The electronic version of Turgay Dalkara, MD-PhD Tetsuo Kanno, MD journal (eISSN 1303-1775) can be accessed on internet ( Clinical Neuroanatomy Erkan Kaptanoglu, MD Copyright and Photocopying Bulent Elibol, MD-PhD S. Tuna Karahan, MD 2002-2004 © No authorization to photocopy items for internal or Marios Loukas, MD-PhD personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is required by the publisher. Surgical Neuroanatomy Jacques Morcos, MD This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying such as copying for general O. Selcuk Palaoglu, MD distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works Akio Morita, MD-PhD Radiological Neuroanatomy or for resale. Special requests should be addressed to the publisher ([email protected]). Aytekin Oto, MD Isil Saatci, MD Disclaimer Wladimir Ovcharov, MD-PhD The Owner, Publisher and Editors can not be held responsible for errors or any Pathological Neuroanatomy Hasan Ozan, MD consequences arising from the use of information contained in this journal; the views and Figen Soylemezoglu, MD opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Owner, Publisher and Editors, Emin Oztas, MD neither does the publication of advertisements constitute any endorsement by the Owner, Educational Neuroanatomy Levent Ozturk, MD Publisher and Editors of the products advertised. The all responsibilities of the contents Selda Onderoglu, PhD Tuncay Peker, MD of the articles belong to the authors. Historical Neuroanatomy Reinhard Putz, MD Printed by Recep Mesut, MD Kayihan Sahinoglu, MD Variational Neuroanatomy Madjid Samii, MD-PhD Alaittin Elhan, PhD Mustafa Sarsilmaz, MD Hacettepe University Hospitals Printing House Terminology Laligam N. Sekhar, MD 06100, Ankara, Turkey Sezgin Ilgi, PhD Levent Sennaroglu, MD +90 312 305 30 68 Ahmet Sinav, MD Ankara, December 2004 Comparative Neuroanatomy Robert F. Spetzler, MD Orhan E. Arslan, DVM-PhD Ali Tascioglu, MD [5187 numaral› Bas›n Yasas› mucibince gösterilmesi zaruri bilgiler] Language Editors Ertugrul Tatlisumak, MD Sahibi ve Sorumlu Müdürü: Doç. Dr. M. Mustafa Aldur Selma Yorukan, MD Yönetim Yeri: Hacettepe Üniversitesi T›p Fakültesi Anatomi Anabilim Dal›, 06100 S›hhiye, Ankara. Ugur Ture, MD Telefon: 305 24 66 Faks: 478 52 00 Emine Ozkul, PhD Emel Ulupinar, MD-PhD Yay›n Türü: Yerel Süreli Yay›n Ayberk Kurt, MD-PhD Ismail H. Ulus, MD Yay›n Dili: ‹ngilizce Yay›nlanma Biçimi: Y›ll›k A. Kagan Karabulut, MD-PhD Statistical Advisor Bas›m Yeri: Ankara Bas›m Tarihi: Mart 2005 (Cilt 1’e ek olarak bas lmaktad r) Muzaffer Seker, PhD Ergun Karaagaoglu, PhD ı ı Bas›mc›: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Hastaneleri Bas›mevi, 06100 S›hhiye, Ankara. Telefon: 305 30 68 Selcuk Tunali, MD Medical Illustrator Ücretsiz olarak dağıtılır. Reklam kabul edilmez. Dogan Tuncali, MD Fikret Sen, MD Atila Muftuoglu, MD Professor of Anatomy President of Turkish Society of Anatomy February 7, 1950 [Gaziantep–Turkey] • January 16, 2005 [Istanbul–Turkey] This supplement of NEUROANATOMY is dedicated to Professor Atila Muftuoglu. We are deeply sorry for his sudden death. Dr Muftuoglu will be in our thoughts and prayers. Neuroanatomy (2005) 4 (Suppl 1): 1–46 Abstracts Presented at the 4th National Congress of Neuroscience; 29th March–2nd April 2004; Mersin University; Mersin–Turkey Published online 15 April, 2005 © CONFERENCES involves a complex set of neurobehavioral functions that includes orienting attention, allocating additional attentional resources, directing investigatory activity, and assessing the meaning and impact of a novel event. Event-related K1 [NOT PRESENTED] potentials (ERPs) have been a major tool for investigating how the brain responds Ion channels and epileptogenesis to target and novel events. These patterned voltage changes in the ongoing Avanzini G. electroencephalogram, time-locked to cognitive events, have exquisite temporal Instituto Neurologico C. Besta, Milano, Italy resolution of underlying cognitive processes. [email protected] The focus of this lecture will be on cortical components of the cerebral network that subserves the processing of novel events. We will emphasize results from The implication of membrane channels and receptors in the generation of the our ERP laboratory and try to place them in the broader context of data derived epileptic discharges was suggested as early as in the Sixties, when high-frequency from other labs. action-potential discharges superimposed to a sustained depolarising envelope were recorded for the first time from neurons belonging to an epileptogenic The lecture will address the following major issues: 1) Significance of the topic of aggregate. This type of discharge, that was christened paroxysmal depolarising novelty processing to cognitive neuroscience and clinical work; 2) Brief overview shift (PDS) by Matsumoto and Ajmone Marsan (Exp Neurol, 80, 286, 1964), of ERP methodology; 3) P3 ERP component: standard methods and conventional was thought to be related to a dysfunction of ion-channel-dependent excitable view; 4) Variant of the novelty oddball paradigm—linking the novelty P3 to mechanisms. Only recently, however, direct demonstrations of genetically viewing duration and exploratory behavior; 5) Central role of the prefrontal determined ion channel defects resulting in epileptogenesis have been provided. cortex in the allocation of attention to novel events; 6) Contribution of the parietal lobes—updating internal models of the environment. In 1995 Phillips et al. (Nature Genetics, 10, 117, 1995) showed evidence of a mutation in the CHRNA4 gene coding for a subunit nicotinic receptor of We will review data which
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