.. /./ I' . WORD AND IMAGE: Posters and Typography from the Graphic Design Collection of The Muse'um of 1879-1967

January 25 - March 10, 1968


/("1 ~g ACKOFF, Milton (American, born 1915). Wipe Out Discrimination. 1949. Offset lithograph, 46 x 33 inches. Gift of the Congress of Industrial Organizations. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

AMBASZ,Emilio,(Argentina, born 1942) Poster for Geigy 19b7. Offset on black paper /S--j..., /5 1/70.;;,,"5 ~ift of the designer. . ..

AMMIRATI, Ralph (American, born 1930), art director; .1 iJjl.eOSBORNE, Walter (American, born 1918), photographer. -"'---=-'.="--'=-=Bier Time At Belmont. 1962. Offset lithograph, 45 x 59 inches. Gift of the New Yor k Racing Association.

ANCONA, Stephen (American, born 1932); GlANAI):OS, Cristos (American, born 1934). 3;lO.0G.SenclO\.u'Boys Home. 1966. Offset lithograph, 12 1/4 x 17 inches. Gift of the clesigr1er. .

ANCONA, Vidor. Sce KOEHLER, Karl.

ANDERSON, J_ S.· (American). /ot,bK Motorists Prefer Shell. 1935. Offsct lithograph,· 30 x 443/", inches.

ARTKO. 196 )o7--,hl-·~.c~o C~)lcl:- 7", 1 S,-l~·::. s c r e c u , 3:::; x. 2.5 In,,':l1C3. Gill of Joseph 1-1. Heil. -2-

BAKER, Carl. See ENGELMANN, Michael. ,, 1 J., BAYER,Herbert Der Ba\lhauskapeJ.le. 1928. j (Invitation to a ball with Bauhaus Orchestra): , Lette.rpress. 1 :t., 'j BAYER, Herbert (American, born Austria 1900). -.,-~..,,1 Kandinsky zum 60. Geburtstag. 1926. / c, i' Offset lithograph, 19 x 25 inches. D'!I- Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Al£redH. Barr, Jr.

Architektur Lichtbilder Vortrag Professor Hans Poelzig. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist jOJ'/6d' 1926. Letterpress, 18314 x 25 1/2 inches. /MUJu Gift of 1!!lfiUi/ltJ#:JIlflfJi#fHhll# 1rli#.~#~#fliJJtH:~'lfffXrff. Philip Johnson. J' . I . l"Vie Wohnen? Die Wohnuncr Werkbund Ausstellung. 1927.' 3(,r.~ Offset lithograph, 44 3/4 x 32 3/8 inches. Gift of Philip Johnson.

I!Ausstellung Europaisches Kunstge\verbe 1927 Leipzig. /fJI1J111W1I 1927. . No {"II Offset lithograph, 35 114 x 23 3/4 inches. i Gift of lftl1M#t/>#ltMf###4#/..Mr. and Mrs• Alfred H~'Barr, Jr.

Our Allies Need Eggs. 19427 !/O'b'i Silk screen, 20 1/4 x 30 inches. Gift of the Rural Electrification Administration.

Olivetti. 1953. 3J.?oSilk screen, 27112 x 19 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer.

BEALL, Lester (American, born 1903) .. Slums Breed Crime. 1941. Offset lithograph, 39 1/2 x 29 1/8 inches. Gift of the ere s igne r .

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BEARDSLEY, Aubrey (British, 1872-1898). A Comedy of Sighs! 1894. J/;LtO'Lithograph and letterpress, 30 x 20 inches . . Acq1.1ired by exchange.

Children's Books. 1894. 'fI/.s1 Lithograph and letterpress, 30 x 20 inches. Phyllis B. Lambert Fund.

Beggarstaff Brothers: PRYDE, James (Scottish, 1869-1941); N'ICHOLSON, William (British, 1872-1904). ';;;0;3.1.''1 Rowntree's Elect Cocoa. 1895. Lithograph, 38 x 28 5/8 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Cohen. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

BERNHARD, Lucien (German, born 1883). Das ist der Weg zum Frieden. 1914-1918. Lithograph, 253/4 x 18 3/4 inches .. Gift of Peter Muller-Munk . • Ii

. BEVACQUA, Art. The American DrealD. 1967. Silk screen, 35 x 23 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil.

BILL; Max (Swiss, born 1908). Negerkunst Prahistoris che Felsbilder S1.ldafrikas. 1931. //'-1. (.is Linoleum cut and letterpress, 497/8 x 343/4 inches. ~. Gift of the designer.

Futurisrno & Pittura Metafisica Kunsthaus Zurich. 1950. Offset lithograph, 39 1/4 x 27 1/2 inches.

Gift of the de 5 ignel". -4.-

BINGLER, Manfred (German, born 1928). '1 J-i/.t,S- Swissair Mediterranean. 1964. Offset lithograph, 40 x 25 inches. ,'Gift of Swissair.

BONNARD, Pierre (French, 1867-1947). Salon des Cerit , 1896. Lithograph, 223/4 x 15 1/8 inches . .Purchase fund.

France-Champagne. 1891. Lithograph, 30 1/8 x 23 inches. Purchase fund.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist La 'Revue Blanche. 1894. 31 3/4 x 24 3/8 inche s. purchasr fund.

BRADLEY, Will (American, 1868-1962). The Ch~p Book. 1895. Letterp1ress (?), 21 1/4 x 14 inches. Acquired by .excha.nge ,

The Chap Book Thanksgiving No. 1895. Letterpress (?), 203/4 x 14 inches. Acquirec1 by exchange.

The Echo. c. 1895. Lithograph, 23 3/4 x 15 3/4 inches. Acquired by excha ng e .

The Inland Printer Christmas.' 1895. Letterpress (?), 121/2 x 8 1/2 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil.

The Chap Book May. 1895. Letterpress (?), 22 x 16 inches. 'iI. & 0 Acquired by exchange.

Bradley, His Book. 1896~ it ,:;-,&0 Lithograph, 423/4 x 29 inches. Acquired by exchange. - 5 - '-.-- .~.:'\~~~



.~ BRAQUE, Georges (French, lBB2-1963) . . .-' - -~-.--..;~ Galerie Maeght G. Braque. 1950. Lithograph, 21 it» x. 29 inches. Gift of Galerie Maeght.

~ OJ j_'(. (,7- G. Braque Galerie Maeght. 1956. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Offset lithograph, 29 1/2 x 20 1/4 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Farland. ,j c)herie Maeght Exposition G. Braque. 1959. lft"C-O' ~ithOgraph, 25 5/8 x 19 3/B inches. . . II ift of Mourlot Fr~res.

iBRATTlNGA, Pieter (Dutch, born 1931). P,T.T. I'P, T ,'T. . de Man Achter de Vormgeving van de

9 3;)'/" (//'1 Offset60. lithograph, 25 x 14 314 inches. Gift of de Jong &: Company.

BRODOVITCH, Alexey (American, b orn Russia 1900).

Ma rtini. 1926. Lithograph, 46 1/2 x 60 5/8 inches. '" ;, Gift of Bernay"d Davis.

BRUN, Donald (Swiss, born 1909). International" J\,1usik["st Wod,en LUZCTn. 1950. ?,'l3b70£fsct lithogTaph, 501/4 x 35 3/'0 i~s. Gift of Kunstgc··.·!erbe lvluseu.rn, Zurich. -I---,-- ~ --'

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1 .....-.• __;.,~-~,.~:i BURCHARTZ, Max (German, born 1887). Schubertfeier del' Staeeltischen Buehnen Essen. 1928. Offset lithograph, 23 1/4 x 33 inches. Gift .of Philip Johnson.

CARLU, Jean (French, born 1900). II}. (,? Give 'Em Both Barrels. 1941. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Offset lithograph, 30 x 40 inches. Gift of the Office of Emergency Management.

America's Answer! Production. 1942. Offset lithograph, 30 x 40 inches. Gift of U. S. Office for Emergency Management.

I . fIft~~/Ii!I,ff,.W4/.U¥f,~ GATO,Bah (American, born 1923) Public Sculpt'lres in Public Places. 1967. JI'! {,t Offset lithograph, 15 3/4 x ·25 1/4 x 16 3/4 inches, ir re gul a r , Gift of Bob Cato.

CASSANDRE,A. M. (Mouron, Adolph .Eean-iMa r ie) (F'r.e n ch, born Russia .I90l). t,.~-,,(3. (}..J Chemin de Fer elu Nord Nord Express. 1927. Lithograph, 4·1 x 29 1/4 inches. dirt of French National Ra iIw ay s ,

Chemin de Fer du Nord Chantilly Lys. 1930. 31'1, ~'"7 Lithograph, 39 1/4 x 24 5/8 inches. Gift of G. E. Kidder-Smith.

. . S. S. "Cote D'Azur". 1931. :drtl. 3[,- Lithograph, 39 x 24 5/8 inches. AnonylTIOUS gift. I

Grande .Quinzaine Inte rnationale de Lawn- Tennis. 1932. ,/li,3:>-Lithograph, 61 3/4 x 46 1/2 inches. Anonymous gift.

Restaurez-vOus au Wagon-Bar. 1932. 1{,.t./ Lithograph, 39 3/8 x 24 3/8 inches. Gift of Benjamin Weis s ,

. _ Spidoleine Securite. 1932. <) "J"l. 35 Lithograph, 62 x 46 inches. Anonymous gift.

Dubo Dubon Dubonnet. 1934. Lithograph, 17 1/2 x 45 1/2 inches. Gift of Bernard Davis.

New York Via Le Havre et Southampton. 1935. Lithograph, 39 1/4 x 24 3/8 inches. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Gift of. the designer.

Nicolas. 1935. o/Z7.:3s_0ffset lithograph, 12 feet 11 1/2 inches x 15 feet. 7 1/2 inches. Anonymous gift.

CHERET, Jules (French, 1836-1932). Palais de Glace Champs Elysees. 1893. /()/' ,,!?Lithograph, 487/8 x 343/4 inches. Acquired by exchange:

Les Girardl'Horloge Champs Elysees. 1879. /;;J,/'j!, Lithograph, 225/8 x 17 inches. Acquired by exchange.

Exposition des Arts incoherents. 1886. Cl '1£/. (.)- Lithograph, 48 5/8 x 34 1/4 inches. Don Page Fund.

CHERMA YEFF, Ivan (American, born 1932); 3 Y/'b;Z:GEIS"lAR, Thomas (American, born 1931). ~\,ncrican Graphics (in Russian). 1964. - OLisct lithograph, 33 x 24 inches. /vc qu ir cd by exchange. CRoUWEL, "iHem (Dutch,born 192tl). Jonge Engelse Beeldhouwers. 19b7. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, catalogue. Offset lithograph Gift of the designer.

Wilfredo Lam. 19b7. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, catalogue Offset Litho~raph. , MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist -8-

CIESLEWICZ, ROITlan (Polish, born 1930). Operacja Konieczna. 1956. Offset lithograph, 24 x 34 inches. Gift of the designer.

Strawinski Per~'O.. 1961. 13£"1" 3 Offset lithograph and gravure, 38 x 26 5/8 inches. Gift of the designer.

CLERGUE, Lucien (French, born 1934). r7'(..OLucien Clergue Photoausstellung. 1963. Offset lithograph and letterpress, 50 1/4 x 35 1/2 inches. Gift of KcmstgewerbeITluseUITl, Zurich. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

COCTE-~U,, Jean (French, 1891-1963). 7JUntitled (Nijinsky in Spectre de Ia Rose). 1911. 5 ,WLithog)aph, 493/4 x 417/8 inches. , Gift of Icarl van Vechten.


COINER, Charles (AITlerican, bani. 1898). Give It Your Best! 1912. (.2'!.C,l'Offset lithograph, 20 x 28 1/2 inches. Gift of the Office for EITlergency ManageITlent.

CRESPIN, Adolphe (Belgian, 1859-1944). Paul Hankar Architede. 1894. jJ).t,.F Lithograph, 23 x 15 1/2 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kern.

DEPERO, Fortunato (Italian 1892-?) Deraro Futurista. 1913-1927. .1928. Paee from pook, DEXEL, Walter (German, born 1890). Gas zum/ Kochen/ Balken/ Heizen/ Beleuchten. Announcement. Letterpress. ~ift of Philip Johnson.

Thliringer Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei. (Calendar) Gift of Philip Johnson.

Exhibition and lecture announcement. Letterpress.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Gift of the designer.

DE HARAK, Rudolph (American,born 1924) Franz Liszt: The Two Piano Concerti Record jacket. .~Ii ,I VAN DOESBURG, Theo (Dutch, 1883-1931) SCHWITTERS, Kurt HUSZAR. Dada. 1923. POster for DADA Exhibition. Offset lithograph. Gift of Philip Johnson. .-~


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DEXEL, Walter (German, born 1890) . . ~ ; 303 3 t- Verwende Stets Nul' Gas. 1924. .. __'._":~J Letterpress, 19 x 25 inches. Purchase fund.

Fotografie del' Gegenwart. 1929. /;l£,.{,f' Linole.um cut, 331/4 x 231/4 inches. Gift of the designer.

DUBUFFET, Jean (French, born 1901). MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

ultensi1es Utopiques. 1966. Offset lithograph, 17 1/2 x 22 1/4 inches. 1ift of Robert Fraser· Gallery.

J. DublLffet Ustensiles Demeures Esca1iers Ga1erie / J7,(. ~ jeanne Bucher. 1967. Offset lithograph, 22 1/4 x 14 1/4 inches.

DUCHAMP, Marcel (French, born 1887). Wanted $2,000 Rewa:rd a Retrospective Exhibition by or of Marcel Duchamp or Rrose S61avy. 1963. Offset lithograph, 34 1/4 x 27 inches. Gift of Pasadena Art MuseUlil.

DUMONT, Henri (French, 1859 - ?). T'ous Les Soil'S AuA. Amb a s oadev rs Yvette Guilbert. c. 1900. Lithograph) 82 x 32. inches. Ci.ft of Pierre Beres. , 1 -}o-

EINBECK, George (German, 1871-1951). 7. Internationale Aus stellung von Kunst-Photographien. 1899 .. Gravure, 34 1/4 x 16 inches. Acquired by exchange.

ENGELMANN, Michael (Czech, 1928-1966), designer; BAKER, Carl (American), photographer. Good Mornings Begin with the Inquirer. 1958 . .Offset lithograph, 85 x 42 inches. Gift of the designer.

ENGLISH, Michael (British).

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Love Festival. 1967. Silk screen, 29 7/8x 40 inches. Gift of P. Reyner Banham.

ERNI, Hans (Swiss, born 1909). Atomkrieg N ein , 1954 . v-. JJ,/. c J' Offset lithograph, 50 x 35 1/4 inches. Gift of the designer.

ERNST, Max (French, born Germany 1891).

: ..... lYrax Ernst Galerie Rene Drouin. l':!~U. Lithograph, 24 x 16 3/4 inches. Gift of the designer.

EVENPOEL, Henri" (Belgian, 1872-1899). 40: Expos ition d 'Ens em bIe Salon de sCent. 1899. Lithograph, 247/8 x 17 3/4 inches. Gift of Ludwig Cha rell.· -11 -

" ' .I, I FAIVRE, Jules-Abel (French, 1867-1945), On Les Aura! 1916. /3oJ,,';? Lithograph; 44 1i2 x 31 1/4 inches. Acquired by exchange.

FASSLER, Franz (Swiss), designer; MA YER, Fred (Swiss), photographer. 1962 .. Winter Sunshine-Sports-Holidays~in SwitzerLwd. Offset lithograph, 397/8 x 251/4 inches. Gift of Swiss National Tourist Offic.

FEURE, Georges de (Fr,ench, 1868-1928). 1900. /3/08' La Late Fuller dans sa Creation Nouvelle Salome. 'Lithograph, 51 x 361/2 inches. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist , , , I FISCHER-NOSBISCH, Fritz (German, born 1919). ~ fS3, (,3 Apoka1yptische Visionen. 1963. a Offset lithograph, 323/4 x 23 1/2 inches; , GHt Hwi,che' L"n,~,=u,"umDum,"" " 1~1 o: __ FIlF-MASSE!'U, Pierre (French, 1869-1937). .' ~ S-. 13. /);5 Exactitude Etat. 1932. ' ' J Offset lithograph, 39 3/8 x 241/4 'inches. Gift of the French Na t io na.l ,Railways. ~

FLAGG, James Montgomery (American, 1877-1960). 35';1.. t.'J I Want You for U. S. Arn2X- 1917. Lithograph, 40 1/4 x 29 1/2 inches. Acquired by exchange,

FUCHS, Heinz (German, born 1886). Arbeiter Hunger Tod naht Streik zerstort Arbeit crnahrt. 1919. Lithograph, 29 1/2 x 40 3/4' inches. Gift of Peter Muller-Munk.

FUSS, Albert (Germ2.n, born 1889). Frankfurt A.M. Messe. 1928. Of f s e t lithograph, 27 x 18 1/2 inchc s . .-\r:onyrTIous gift. -12-

GAGE, Robert (American, born 1921). New York Is Eating It Up! Levy's Real Jewish Ry!c. 1952. Offset lithograph, 46 x 30 1/4 inches. Gift of Doyle Dane' Bernbach, Inc.

GAMES, Abram (English, born 19 ) /3'hti? . DP (c .1946) Offset lithograph

1 - .•. _ "J;. ":':;'~ GAUL, Winfred (Austrian, born 1928). -@ teJJ S Galerie St. Stephen vVien_ .Images Meditatives. y MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist 19 6O. NCV£f'F/l3c/Z11(,/J 'Silk screen, 27 5/8 x 19 7/8 inches. . Gift of the designer.

GEE, Peter (English, born 1932). 3.2,/,(., Color Imag~. 1966. Silk screen on metallic paper, 21 3/4 x 21 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer.

Graphic Design Peter G. 1966. 3;) 3 u: Silk screen, 28 1/4 x 22 inches. Gift of the designer.


G.ERSTNER, Karl (Swi s s , born 1930). e ~I'I0, (, 'I N. , 1 'j /3t. 4i :.National Zeitcu1li: !. 'it/I, (, $I National Zeitung Sport lesen. • J:I , '1'1;)" (, 'I Lokal national internat~onal Nc_tional Zeitung. 1964. Silk screen, each 50'1/4 x 351/2 inches, variable. Gift of the designer.

Auch Du bist liberal. 1959. Offset l itho graph , 50 1/4 x 35 1/4 inches. Gift of the d e s igne r .

Boite a Musique. 1957. Shopping bag for record. Silk screen.


I I " -- r ~ GlANAKOS, Christos. See ANCONA, Stephen.

GLASER, Milton (American, born 192.9). Mahalia Jackson Easter Sunday Philharmonic Hall Lincoln Center. 1967. Offset lithograph, 38 x 2.45/8 inches. Gift of the designer. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

f i . GfAF, Carl B. (Swiss). 3i25-)} G,las aus vier Jahrtausenden He1mhaus Zurich. 1956. . Off s et lithograph, 50..1/2. x 351/4 inches. . qift of Kunstgewerben,usemn, Zurich. I GRASSET, Eugene' (French, 1841-1917). Salon des Cent Exposition E. Grasset. 1894.' Lithograph and letterpress, 2.37/8 x 161/4 inches. Gift of Ludwig Charell.

l(1.(3. (, . GRETCZKO, Robert.· (American, born 1941) 'I Out Town 1970. 1964. co-designer ZIMMERMAN,Charles Offset lithograph, '27 7/8 x 18 inches. (American, born 1942) Gift of the Municipal Art Society. r. ,,,v

GREVER, Otto L. (American). 71£./ Untitled (Charlie Chaplin). 1917. Lithograph, 54 x 40 inches. Ari orryrn ou s gift. GUIMARD, Hector (French,18b7-1942). Cover for REVUE D'ART. 1899. Gift of Stan Ries, MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

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;. GROHE, Glenn (American, born 1912). '1 j 137,c,yHe's Watching You. 1942. :j Offset lithograph, 14 1/8 x 10 inches. '. ::1. Gift of the Office for Emergency Management. "'.---1

GRUBER, Marlene. See LOHSE, Richard P.

GUIMARD, Hector (French, 1867-1942). 'Exposition Salon du Figaro Ie Castel Beranger. 1900. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Lithograph, 35 x 49 1/4 inches . . .' Gift of Lillian Nassau.

HAJNOCZKY, Peter (Swiss, born 1943). 3J9, &3 Winter Hilfe ~'62. 1962. Offset lithograph, 50 1/4 x 35 1/2inches. Anonynlous gift.

HARDY, Dudley (British, 1886-1922)., A Gaiety Girl. c. 1895. Lithograph, 89 x 39 1/2 inches. P'r orrri sed gift of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nassau.

HAZENPLUG, Frank (American, born 1873-?). <~7" The Chao,-Book. 1895. -' :'''0 ' Lithograph, 21 1/4 x 13 3/4 inches. Acquired by exchange.

HEINE, T'horn a s Theodor (German, 1867-1948). Die Holle Fest des Sirnplicissimus. 1929. 33?·61 Li tho g ra pb , 47 x 33 inches. Acquired by exchange. - 15-

HENRION, F.H.K. (German, born 1914). Artists Aid Russia Exhibition. 1940. Jl7 '13 Offset lithograph, 25 1/4 x 19 1/4 inches. Gift of Mrs. John Carter.

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MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist ~ . -1


HOFMANN, Ar m in : (Swiss, born 1920). Rene Auberjonois. Ernest Bolens Kunsthalle Basel. :5 35', U 1961: Offset lithograph. 501/4 x 35 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer.

Stadt Thee.tre Basel. 1967. Offset lithograph, 50 1/4 x 35 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer.

HOHLWEIN, Ludwig (German, 1874-1949) . . /'IO,t,r! ConL~ctio~Kehl. 1908. Lithograph, 48 1/2 x 36 1/8 inches. Gift of Peter Ivluller-"rv1.unk. -16-

HerITlann Scherrer Sporting and Ladies-Tailor. 1908. S-S'l,

Kunstgewerbehaus Gebrueder Wollweber. 1908. i'll, cs Lithograph, 49 1/4 x 35318 inches. Gift of Peter Muller-Munk.

Carl Stiller Jr. Schuhe. c. 1"909. Lithograph, 28318 x 37 3/4 inches. Gift of Peter Muller-Munk.

WilheIITl Mozer. 1909., n/. '13 Lithograph, 49 1/4 x 34 3/8 inches. Gift of Peter Muller-Munk. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

! HOLZMAN, David (Arrie r ica n ). c' Love. 1967. ) 1;3, {,/I Silk screen, 23 x 15 1/2 inches. Gift of Joseph H, Heil. , II

, ~OOVER' John (American, born 1928). 7-();.t,/.l~y 1, 1776. 1965. ' S,ilk screen, 30 x 12 inches. , rift of Graphic Directions Incorporated. ,

Il'lDLJ\NA, Robert [Arn er ican , born 1928). )L/,;/,(( Ro'b~rt Indiana New Art Stable Gallery. 1964. Offset lithograph, 45 1/2 x 30314 inches. Gift of the designer.

IVES, Nor m'a n (American, born 1923), , ' 57: 1Tony Smith~ 1967. 3..1 ,6 Silk screen, 44 3/4 x 29 3/8 inches. Gift of the designer.


h - bY Visions, 1967 . .} 75, GO" . '. . t i s c t lithograph, 35 x 23 inches. Cift of Joseph !-I. .Beil.· JONES,ALlen (British, born 1937) Englische Gradhik· Ga.lerie del' .Spi.egeL,: 19bb. Silk screen, 35 x 22 3/8". Gift G41erie der- Spiegel -17-

JOHNS, Jasper (American, born 1930). Peintures &: Sculptures 8, Dessins &:. Lithos Jasper Johns GaleTie R~ve Droite. 1960. Offset lithograph, 29 1/4 x 18 1/4 inches . . Gift of the designer.

KANDINSKY, Wassily (Russian, 1866-1944); worked in Germany and France). Phalanx 1. Ausstdlung. 1901. Lithograph, 191/2 x 26 7/16 inches. Gift of Mme . MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist KAUFFER, E. McKinght (American, 1890-1954). U. htJccl (poster for Daily Herald). 1918. ifiEc/1!iiy 131120

J Lithograph, 39 1/4 x 59 5/8 inches. i Gift of the de signer.

Metropolis. 1926. Tempera, 18 1/2 x 29 3/4 inches. . H"( An on ym ou s gift . I Power the Nerve Centre of London's Underground. 1930. '10/ 3 II Lithograph, 39 1/2 x 25 ·inches. I" .Gift of the designer.

Magicians Prefer Shell. 1934. Lithograph, 30 x 45 inches. Gift of the designer.

KIESLER,Frederick J. (American, born Austria 1892-19b5). De Stijl 2; 1923. Magazine cover.- Letterpress.

Internationale Ausstellung Neuer Theatertechnick. 1924. Page from catalogue. Let terpre ss • Gift of Philip Johnson. -18-

KIESER, Gunther (German, born 1920). Jazz Band Ball. 1963. Offset lithograph, 33 1/8 x 23 1/4 inches. Gift of the de s igner ,

------.'--- . .-~~ .' "j ..':.1 KLUTSIS, G. (Russian). J'Ic,.t,8 Transport Achievement of the First Five-year Plan. 1929. Gravure, 287/8 x 19 7/8 inches. Pur cha se fund.

Fulfilled Plan Great Work. 1930. "3 ~7"37-trt3 Gravure, 48 5/8 x 33 inches. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Purchase fund.

KOEHLER, Karl (American, born 1913); AN <;::ONA,Victor (American). This Is the Enemy. 1942. Offset lithograph, 34 1/4 x 23 3/4 inches. Anonymous gift.

KOKOSCHKA, Oskar (British subject, born Austria 1886). Kokoschka Drama Komoec1ie. 1907. 3'13.(,(. Lithograph, 46 1/2 x 30 inches. Purchase fund.

Nieder mit deln Bolschewisrnus. 1919. l'iiJ. 6f Lithograph, 26 1/4 x 39 1/4 inches. Acquired by exchange. "

:·~000:ING, W'i l l e rn de (Am e r ic an , born The Nc t.he rlanrl s 1'? D.n Cl.73 " (,.J. (J ~~C2....()ni~~ 1965, ~.~:!:sC:t.lithograph,. 29 x 20 inches. '~'~lL of Aspen Institute for I--hananistic Studies',

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KRThJET, Ferdinand (German, born 1942) WhoWhom' if a'Hunter.: 1963. Let terpress.

Kukrinski: 1 .; KUPRlANOV, Mikhail (Rus sian, born 1903); ; ".,,'"~;--~ KR YLOV, Porfiry (Russian, born 1902); 157J, r;,g SOKOLOV, Nikolai (Rus sian, born 1903). Hitler is Breaking Thro).lgh the Non-aggression Pact! 1941.' ' . Lithograph, 34 3/8 x 24 1/2 inches. Anonymous gift.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist LANDSHOFF, H. (American, born Germany 1905). Visit Wonderland USA. 1960. Offset lithograph, 39 1/2 x 29 3/4 inches. Gift of the Government Printing Office.

LE CORBUSIER (Charles-Edouard Je,mneret) .~ {French, born Switzerland 1887-1965}. Le Corbllsier - Potme de 11Ang1e Droit r9 /0, n 'Berggruen&: Cie. 1955. Lithograph, 24 1/2 x 15 5/8 in'che s . Gift of Berggrllen &:C'ie ,

,LEGER, Fernand (French, 1881-1955). __ F. Leger Museurn Morsbroieh Leverkusen. 1955. /7-/ S S Lithograph, 30 x 22 1/4 inches. Gift of Mour1ot Freres.'

LE PARC, Julio .(Argentinian, born 1928; lives in Paris). ~;J(, 3.' '1 Le Pare Denise Rene'. 1966.

Offset lithogra.ph w ith rn eta l t ic e co at e d plastic d isk attached, 297/8 x 16 1/2 inches. Gift of :N1r. and 1\'11'5. Leo "Vi[. Farland. i

, . LICHTENSTEIN, Roy (American, born 1923). -.:; , i i 1 1

Aspen Winter Jazz. 1967; Silk screen, 40 x 26 inches. Gift of M1'. and Mrs. Armand Bartos. ;, ,

" MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

LIdNNI, Leo (American, born The Netherlands 1910). /51. a Ke& 'Em Rolling; 1941. .i . Of set lithograph, 40· x 28118 inches. (JiFt of the Office for Emergency Management. i< • .j" i LIisSITZKY,E1 ! ,,(,;:.P.'-o;c.ur:...... :M.'-o:..:u:.:.n:..:t:..:a:..:i.'-n~Go=-a=-t:.:s:.!..).1922. Bookcover. ~ @ Letterpress.

NPO 2. 1922. , (The Story of Two Squares). !lonkcdver. Let terpress.

LISSIT ZlZY,.El (El ea z.ar Markovich) (Rus sian, 1890 - 19'11), Russische Ausstellung. 1929. G'ra v'ur e , 49 x 35 1/4 inches. Gift of Philip Johnson.

LOHSE, Richard P. (Swiss, born 1902). 100 Jahre Eisenbeton Kunstgewerberr'.llsemn Zurich. 1950. '-I 9'1. 0'1 Offset lithograph, 49314 x 35 1/2 inches. Gift of the Swiss Governlnent. MACKINTOSH, Charles Rennie (Scottish, l8b8-l928l. Die HoffnunR ist in dem Irrt •••1901.

There is Hope in Homest Error •••190l. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist 21 LOHSE, Richard P., designer; GRUBER, Marlene (Swiss), photographer. Aus stellung Musikinstl'UITlente Kunstgewerbem.useurn ZUrich. 1962. Offset lithograph, 501/8 x 35 1/4 inches. Gift of Kunstgewerbemuseum, Zurich.

MacDONALD, Frances (Scottish, 1874-1921); , t MacDONALD, Margaret (Scotti.h, 1865-1933); McNAIR,' Herbert (Scottish, 1864- ?). The Glasgow Institute of the Fine Arts. c. 1894. Lithograph, 93 1/8 x 39 7/8 inches . .'Acquired by exchange.

MACKINTOSH, Charles Rennie (Scottish, 1868-1928). MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist The Scottish Musical Review. 1896. Lithograph, 97 x 39 inches . . Acquired by exchange.

. I,i

MA\'f" RAY (American, born 1890). Keel/)s London Going. 1932. Off#et lithograph, 39 5/8 x 24 1/4 inches. Gif1rof Bernard Davis .. '

t1AJ±NETTI, F.T. (Italian) Page 105 from LES MOTSEN LIBERTE FUTURISTES. 191~.

MARISOL (Marisol Escobar) Venezuelan, born France 1930; lives in U.S.A.). Paris Review, 1967. Silk screen, ~nches. Gift of Page, Arbitrio &. Resen. I I

_.~:\,., 'I'fE" 'h,T- Her be rt (._"-\.rt1erlC2.n, . born Swi t z c rLa nd 1907). ~:,:eslnaDC>' . E•''ngaGllL 193j. - ) 5"56 J Gr''''ui'e, 40 x 25 1/.8 inches. (,lit-.~0' .:."1 Lle de1s i .g ne r. ,",

- 22-

Engelberg TrUbsee Schweiz Suisse Switzerland. 1935. Gravure, 39 7/8 x 25 1/4 inches. Anonymous gilt.

Engelberg Trtibsee Schweiz Suisse Switzerland. 1936. Gravure, 40 x 25 1/4 inches. Gift of the designer. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

-l . ------_. I,

MAVIGNIER,I Almir '(Bra,zilian, born 1925; ,.'~'1J b'l works'in Germany). , ' ;'" C;E Getulio Kleine Galerie. 1962. cfr' irj Silk!screen, 33 1/4 x 233/8 inches. ',<1",/' , Gift,of th~ designer .

., MAX, Peter (Arne rica n , born Germany 1937).

Untitled (Bob Dylan). 1967. , /5')-(.'1 Offset lithograph, 36 x 24 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil.

Pennc'{'S R2-inbov/ Lane". 1967. Offset, lithograph, 357/8 x 24 1/4 inches. Gift of the designeT: r---=------~!!!!!!!!!!! MELIN, John (Swedish, born 1929); OSTERLIN, Anders (Swedish, born 1926). Den Inre Och Den Yttre Ry;nden Moderna Mused. 1965. Silk screen, 39 1/2 x 27 1/2 inches. Gilt of Moderna Museet, Stockholm.

- \ j,

; .1 j 1 I ,


" .1 I I .',i

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist ; ~ MEUNIER, Henri (]3e1gian, 1873-1922). "pollet et Vittet Choco12.terie de Pepinster. c. 1896. Lithograph, 19 x 26 7/8 inches. , Gift of Joseph H. Heil. i.

., ; \

MICHEL, Karl (German, born 1885). Faust. 1927. Lithograph, 5S 1/2 x 36 1/2 inches. Gift of Ur.ive r sun Film' Aktien Gesellschaft .

.' MIHO, Tomoko (Ame r ica.n, born 1931). G'r e at Architecture in Ch ic ag o, 1967. Silk screen on metallic paper, 50 x 35 inches. Gift of Container Corporation of America.

MIRO, Joan (Spanish, born 1893; works in France). Joan Mir6 Ga1erie Mae~. 1948. Lithograph, 23 5/8 x 17 1/8 inches. Anonymous gift. ".

MOHOLY NAGY, Laszlo 14 Bauhausbiicher. c.1930. Brochure. Letterpress. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist ,

- 24-

Galerie Maeght Peintures Murales Mir6. 1961. Lithograph, 26 1/4 x 19 1/8 inches. Anonymous gift.

MLODOZENIEC, Jan (Polish, born 1929). ) 51, t,t Cyrk. 1966. Offset lithograph, 37 x 261/4 inches. Gift of the designer.

MOLZAHN, Johannes (Gennan, born 1892). / Deutschlands grosste Ausstellung 1929

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist 33'1. 31 Wohmmg und Werkraurn Breslau. 1929. Offset lithograph, 35 1/8 x 23 3/8 inches . . Purchase fund.

MOSCOSO, Victor (American, born Spain 1936) .. Junior Wells and His Chicago Blues Bane!. 1966. Offset Iithogr aph. 19 3/4 x 14 inches. Gift of the designer.

Big Brother 8< the Holding Co. 1967. Offset lithograph, 20 1/8 x 14 inches . . ',~ .~. Gift of the designer.

Hawaii Pop Rock Festival. 1967. !t.;),t, 6' Offset lithograph, -20 1/4 x 14 inches. Gift of the designer.

Quicksilver Messenger Service. 1967. Offs et lithograph, 20 1/4 x 14 inches. Gift of the de s igne r .

Sopwith Carnd.1967. Offset lithogra.ph, 197/8 x 14 inches. Gift of the designer.

The Blllshing Peony. 1967. / It :),1.'( Offset lithograph, 20 7/8 x 14 inches. Gift of the designer. !

, , j

..j -:1 '1, .J ) ... -," ~.--, MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist MOSER, Koloman (Austrian, 1868-1918). Frommes Kal errde r , 1903. /t?,Ol Lithograph, 37 1/2 x 24 1/2 inches. .Anonyrno us gift.

MUCHA, Alphons-Maria (Czech, 1860-1939; lived in France). J 'J-c.;, :,-{" XXme exposition du Salon de sCent. 1896. Lithograph, 25 1/4 x 17 inches. Gift of Ludwig Charell.

Job. 1897. Lithograph, 61'x 39 3/4 inches. Gift of Lillian Nassau.

Sarah Bernhardt La Sarna r ita.iric . 1897.' Lithograph, 70 x 24 inches.

Medee . 1898. ,J ;;lJ'(),6'fLithograph, 81 1/4 x 30 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil.

MULLER, C. O. (German, born 1893). , . S-t., '-0 7. Himmel Phoebus Palast. 1927. Linoleum cut, 46 1/2 x 32 1/4 inches. Gift of Mr. and'Mrs. Alfred H. Barr, Jr. 1------

- 26-

MULLER, Fridolin (Swiss, born 1926); Oskar Schlemmer lmd die Abstrakte BUhne. 1961. 337-, f.,/ Offset lithograph, 50 3/8 x 35 1/4 inches. Gift of Kunstge'.verbernuseU1TI, .Zu r ich ,

MULLER-BROCI<..l'vlAN, Josef (Swiss, born 1914). Musica Viva. 1957. Offset lithograph, 50 1/4 x 35 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Der Film I


NONEMAN, JolLn (American, born 1938). PopuJar Optical Art Ball, 1965. Accordion-folded silk screen with die-cut letter forms, 22 1/2 x 17 5/8 inches. Gift ~f th-e designer.

, - 27-

sere n with ie-cut inches

ORAZI, Manuel (French). Theatre de Lore Fuller exposition universelle.1900. Lithograph, 78 1/2 x 25 1/4 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist OSBORNE, Walter. See AMMIRATI, Ralph.

OSTERLIN, Anders. See MELLN, John.

PAOLOZZI, Eduardo (Scottish, born 1924). Universal Electronic Vacuum 1967 New Sculpture at the Pace Gallery. 1967. Silk screen and offset 1itl1ograph, 373/4 x24 3/4 inches: Gift of the Pace Gallery.

PARRISH, Maxfield ·(American, 1870-1966). Poster Show Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. 1896. Lithograph, 43 1/2 x 27 inches. Acquired by ex.change.

PENFIELD, Edward (American, 1866-1925). 9.;1(,5-.(,7- Harper's March. 1897. "'. Lithograph, 14 x 19 inches. Gift of Po ste r Originals.

PICASSO, Pablo (Spanish, born 1881; lives in France). Vallauris 1951 Exposition. 1951. /7,), r;,i Linoleum cut, 255/8 x 19 1/2 inches. Anonymous gift.

f:x:oosition ValJauris .1952. 1952. ....lnoleurnI. cut; 26 1/4 x 20 1/ 4 inches. C iit of Curt Val entin.

","" cs -".'>5 (:n"II 'fa 2_U1"15 . I9--jj. I()--IJJ ~~::-.":J~'~UI-n cut, 291/2 x 201/4 inches. , '.:'~:f ~.tr. a.nd :klrs. Leo "Ill. Farland: - 28-

"Les l\1enines" Ga1erie Louise Leiris. '1959. co:co .Lithograph, 263/8 x 18 3/4 inches. Gift of Mour10t F'r e r e s .

I PINTORI, Giovanni (Italian, born 1912). Olivetti Tetraetys. 1957. Offset lithograph, 273/4 x 19.U2 inches. Gift of the Olivetti Company.

PRUSAKOV, Boris (Russian). I Hur'yy to See the Khaz Push. 1927. Offset lithograph, 28 ",41 1/2 inches. Anonymous gift.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist PRYDE, James. See BEGGARSTAFF Brothers.

PR Ea t 0f Kn

"'- (American, born 1914) . . 1 ILND' Paul 1 II'I

Interfaith Day. 1954 Offset lithograph, 45 x 29 in ch es . Gift of the designer.

RASSENFOSSE, Armand M. (Belgian, 1862-1934). Salon des· Cent exposition de c1essins originaux et d1cstanlpes. 1896 . . Lithograph, 221/8 x 30 1/4 inches. #J/I#i:jiilfi#ik1fllcflltMHI.#JNiil:lfiJ# Gift of Ludwi.gCharell.

RE~, Johannes (German, born 1935; lives, in U. S.A.). Rev-DE-IBM. 1967. ' /7-3.(,1 Silk screen, 343/4 x 24 3/4 inches. Gift of Rob e rt s ~, Regn, Inc.


3 tc,.31 l;r~.e~.J ~; i - J g" .... /l'tL?'9 l'Z&' c;,c INc Ih=vo/,-c,) riCIN. (Cd9.J CJ) ...c.cerpress, 293/4 x 41 3/4 inc hcs , .. c:··.. c d' 0, .Ia v Leyda. ~.-., _.. - .... ~:7."J, "J .1 , 1 / -j ; . ;i -i :! .~ RODCHENKO,Alexander(Russian, 1~91-195b). SalnrlDada.. 1922.. Catalogue ~over for Galerie Montaigne, Paris.

SANDBERG, Will em (Dutch, born 1897). Acht Argentijnse Abstraeten Stedelijk Museum

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist 3'/1:;7 A'dam. 1950-1960. Offset lithograph, 39 x 27 inches. Gift'of the Stedelijk 'Mus eurn , Amsterdam.

SAVIGNAC, Raymond (French, born 1907). L'Eau' gui fait pschitt. 1950. Offset, lithograph, 90 1/4 x 62 3/4 inches. Gift of the designer ..

SCHIELE, Egon (Austrian, 1890-1918). Shaw otler die Ironie. 1910. Lithograph, 24 1/2 x 14 1/4 inches. Don Page Fund. '

Secession 49. Ausstellung. 1918. jy,~?- Lithograph, 263/4 x 20 7/8 inches. Gift of Dr. and Mrs. Otto Kallir.

SCHLEMMER, .Oskar (German, 1888-194·3). Grosse BrUcken Revue. 1926. 3)')·-::7 Lithograph, 46 1/2 x 38 1/2 inches. Purchase fund. SCHtvEDT, Joost (German, 1893-1942). Staatliches Bauhaus Ausstelhmg. 1923. 3;;0. Sf Lithograph, 26 1/4 xI8 5/8 inches. Gift of Walter Gropius.

SCHMIDT, Wolfgang (German, born 1930). '1011. fc,S- Schreib Galerie Gunar DUsseldorf. 1965. Silk screen, 34 x 24 inches. .... Gift of the designer. : •.r, SCHULZ-NEUDAMM,,-see page 34 Unkno,<>'li SHAHN, Ben (American, born Lithuania 1898).

Break Reaction I s Grip Register Vote. 1944. Offset lithograph, 44 x 29 inches. Gift 0.£ S. S. Spivack.

For Full Employment after the War Register Vote. 1944.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Offset lithograph, 30 x 397/8 inches. Gift of the CIO political Action Committee.

Ballets' U. S. A. 1959. Silk screen and offset lithograph, 31 3/8 x 21 1/4 inche s , Gift of Mildred Constantine.

SHAlNE, Ted (American). Turn On Tune In Drop Out. 1967. Silk screen, 28 1/2 x 20 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil.

SOKOLOV, Nikolai. See Kukrinski.

SPOHN, Hans Jurgen (German, born 1934). 'l3)-.0~-·Jugend Veranstaltungen Del' XIV Internationalen Filnlfestspiele Berlin. 1964 . . Offset lithograph, 23 3/4 x 33 inches.

Gift of the de s igne T.

River Boat Shuffle. 1964. r 3'1 ..'j- Offset lithograph, 33 x 23 1/4 inches. Gift of the designer.

STAHL-ARPKE, Otto (German, 1886-1943). Ol,bl Das Cabirie t des Dr. Caligari. 1919. i_:thograph~ 27 1/8 x 37 inches. Gi~t of li~.iversun Film Al.t ie n Gcsellschaft. --==--

STEll'lBERG, Saul (American, born Rurna ni a 1914).

,1 l ~ .j The Paris Review? 1967 . ..",.~-~~ Silk screen, 40 x 25 5/8 inches. Gift of Page, Arbitrio & Resen.

STEINLEN, 'I'h eoph il e (French, 1859-1923). Ala. Bodiniere exposition T. A. Stein1en. 1894. Lithograph, 23 3/4 x 31 1/2 inches. Acquired by exchange.

Lait Pur de 1a Vingeanne Sterilise. c. 1895. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist L/;t(,.S-1 Lithograph, 53 1/4 x 381/4 inches. Gift of the Swiss Government.

STELLA, Frank (American, born 1936). I } .. cs lfincoln Center Festival 167. 1967. 7-7', Offset lithograph on graph paper, 143/4 x 291/2 inches. Fift of List Art Posters .. I

SUTNAR, La dislav (American, born Czechoslovakia. 1897). lli, '6 Zdravotnicka vy s t av a . 1931. Offset lithograph, 37 x 23 5/8 inches. Gift of the designer.

TERRAZAS, Eduardo (Mexican, born 1936); WYMAN, Lancer (American, born 1937). lvlcxico 68. 1967. Offset lithograph, 34 x 34 inches. Gift of the Olyrnpic Com.rnittec .

• f....------~_ ...... :..'~-..:..'-----~---=-._---._- n,. o o o o o c o w o I :~


TINGUELY. Jean (Swiss, born 1925) •. ~ ;;13.q ·M;;, h' OS Tingliely,£ C] lolasJMilano. 1966. - Lithograph, 27 1/2 x 19 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Leo W. Farland.

TOOROP, Jan (Dutch, 1858-1928). Delfts cheSlaolie. 1895. Lithograph, 36 1/2 x 241/8 inches.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Acquired by exchange.

TOULOUSE-LAUTREC, Henri de (French, 1864-1901). 9 ct" Divan Japonais. 1892. r. 1 Lithograph, 31 7/8 x 24 9/16 inches. I purChaSC[Und.

Reine de ~de. 1892. _'7-3- (,/ Lithograph, 59 x 38 3/4 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rodgers. I Jane Avril. 1893. '-!C;c.. 5-'( Lithograph, 49 5/8 x 36 1/8 inches. Gift of A. Conger Goodyear.

Elles. 1896. /Jo.L/~..:J.Lithograph, 207/16 x 15 3/4 inches. Gift of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller. --

Troc.tEc de MIle Eglantine. 1896. ':>~7/'/0 Lithograph, 24 1/8 x 31 1/4 inches. Gift of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.

Jane Avril. 1899. !{,J.'7t.Lithograph, 22 x 14 inches. Gift of Abby Aldrich Rockefeller.

TREUMANN, Otto (Dutch, born Germany 1919). L/99.t.rChanoeka Joodse Feest(~agen in het Joads 'Historisch ?\111seurn AmsteYC~~lTL 1963. Oifsct lithogrc.ph, 193/4 x 27 1/4 inches'. Gilt of the designer. -33-

TSCHICHOLD, Jan (German, born 1902). Buster Keaton in: "Del' General". 1927. Offset lithograph, 473/4 x 32 1/2. inches. Gift of the designer. vi Konstruktivisten Kunsthalle Basel. 1937.' ...... ;\ ':.> rh,,-Uc 3:'-(, . .5] Offset lithograph, 51 3/4' x 35 1/2 inches. Purchase fund.

Del' Berufsphotograph Gewerbemuseun, Basel. r;b'" y ro 3r 1938.

Unknown Bauhaus Ausstellung Weimar. Letterpress. Gift of Philip Johnson.

Unknown (Arrie r ic an ). I' .37,;}.&3 Paramarines. c. 1942 . Offset lithograph, 60 x 383/4 inches. Anonymous gift.

'Unknown (German). Das Dritte Reich! 1930-1940. pc-- Lithograph; 32 x 23 1/8 inches. Acquired by exchange.

Unkno,',n (German). The Golenl. 1920. , /13, {,! Lithograph, 28 1/2 x 37 inches. Gift of Tln iv e re a l. F'i lrn Akt ien Gesellschaft. Unknown (German). Die Meister des Bauhauses. 1920-1930. -sr- Linoleum cut (?). 36 x 23 1/8 inches. Gift of. Philip Johnson. ;'

fIJI#I)/JUJ#iH/ (German). Schulz-Neudamm Metropolis. 1926. 26l/ Lithograph, 83 x 36 1/2 inche s. Gift of Universal Film Aktien Gesellschaff.

~. Unknown (German). /2;2.,3 Zeichnel 5 1/21, dl'itte Kriegs-Anleihe. c. 1916. Lithograph, 24 x 37 1/8 inches. . Gift of Peter Muller-Munk. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist

--'.'--"'-'" .,


:~, VALKUS,James. (American) INFO. 1962. Silkscreen on glassine. :!

VELDE, Henri van de (Belgian, 1863-1957). Tropon. 1899. Offset lithograph facsimile, 31 5/8 x 213/8 inches. Gift of Tropon- 'vi' er k e .

VELDE,Henri van de (Belgian, 18b3-1957l- " Title page for ECCEHmlOby Friedrich Nietzsche, 1908.

VIGNELLI,Mas simo (It al ian , born 1931). co-des igne r WA:IBL,Heinz 31B XXXI Biennale Internazionalc d'Arte. 1962. (Italian,born1931). Offset lithograph, 38 1/2 x 2:6 3/4 inches. Gift of the de s igne r.

St ud i.o Verde Co nv e g no . 1964. ~ 73' (,~ Offset l itho g ra ph , 55 ~ 38 1/4 inches. Gift of the designer.

-, VILLON, Jacques (French, 1875-1963). Le Grillon American Bar Concert. 1899. Lithograph, 49 x 34 5/8 inches. , Purchase fund.

VIVARELLI, Carlo (Swiss, born 1919). Pour la Vieillesse Don Volontaire. 1949. Offset lithograph, 50 1/2 x 351/4 inches. Gift of the Swis s Government.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist WARHOL, Andy (American, born 1925). '}3<13. t.. r Paris Review. 1967. Silk screen with die-cut holes, 371/8 x 271/8 inches. Gift" of Page, Arbitrio & Re s en,

WHEELER,, Dennis (American, born 1937). Life Reach for the Skyline. 1963. Silk screen, 463/4 x 59 1/2 inches. Gift' of TiTHe Incorporated.

WHITMAN, Robert (American, born 1935). 37'1. C 3 £,Iole A Theatrical Work by Robert Whitman. 1963. Offset lithograph, 221/4 x 16 3/4 inches: Gift of the designer.

WILLLt>.MS, Mason (American), designer; YAVNO, Max, photographer. Untitled (Greyhound bus). 1967. 1-. Silk screen, 10 feet 3 1/2 inches x 36 feet 2 inches. Gift of the designer .

.!¥ WILSON,_ Robert Wesley (American, born 1937). Grateful Dead Jemior Wells Chicago Blues Band and The Doors. 1966. Offset lithograph, 22 3/4 x 14 inches. Gift of Joseph H. Heil.

-J l,>,C,F From Er zIa.nd The Mindbenc1oTs. 1966. Offset lithograph, 19 5/8 x 14 1/8 inches. Purchase Fund ,

/ N"00 Jhe As s ociat ion , 1966. O[(set lithograph, 19 11/16 x 13 3/4 inches; P~trchase fund. - ,. ~ - ": -36-

. -- ,----'-----

.~ 1, }

L .... "L•• ~._"j WYMAN, Lancer. See TERRAZAS, Eduardo.

YAMASHIRO, Ryuichi (Japanese, born 1920). 7d C; . .,5- Forest. 1954. S'ilk screen, 41 x 29 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist YANEZ, Maurice;· See RUNYAN, Robert Miles.

YAVNO, Max. See WILLIAMS, Mason.

YOKOO, Tadanori (Japanese, born 1936). Recital at Kyoto Festival Hall. 1964. Offset lithograph, 283/8 x 20 1/2 inches. Gift of the de signer.

Vocal Glupe Niji. 1964. Silk screen, 411/4 x 28 7/8 inches. Gift of the designer.

Made in Japan Tadanori Yokoo. 1965. Silk screen, 43 x 31 1/8 inches. Gift of the designer . ., Asahi Beer. 1966. Offset lithograph, 40 1/2 x 28 S/8 inches. Gift of Porter McCray.

The City and Design ~'JMtf/ff/,:'f{;:!/#fJII;I#I#fIfFifJIrpll the Wonders of Life on Earth. 1966. Silk screen, 41 x 29 1/2 inches. Gift of the designer.

Koshinlaki Osen. 1966. 071.(,& Silk screen, 41 1/2 x 293/8 inches. Gift of the designer.

Takar2~zr,~a Grand Revue. 1966. Silk screen, 40 1/2 x 28 5/8 inches. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Leo v\'. Farland . .-===~~~. ~~iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~§£g ill I o o C o .0- o o. o e o o o o 0 ., J .I. '. , . " " cj -t -.37- . :. )~ .::.... ------._.. --- .: ~ .. -~ ".-.1 -,-,;, ': \ .i d ------_. ",i• -; - .~ '='" - -.-:1 ZAGORSYJ, Stanislaw· (Polish, born 1933). Harlem Globetrotters: 1963. Offset lithograph, 38 1/4 x 26- 1/2 inches .

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist . Gift of the designer. .

, ." r I . '-':'-~-:'t .• ZWART, Piet (Dutch, porn 1885) Hqt Spots'-· 1930. 'j ictory advertisement .•· · '1 L t 5S. '1 t.erpre 1 'l ., K~N.V. Neder1andscheKabe1fabriek Delft. 1926• · it'le -page of·trooklet.· ---- ....- .--- .-.----- .....•.~----.- .. - ":-,1.. --.---- "etiterpr~5s, . '-.j _,iff· of Phiiip Johnson. .- ·~ I. 11 West 53 street, New York. N.Y. 10019 Tel. 245·3200 Cable: Modernart WORD AND IMAGE: posters and TyPography from the Graphic Design Collection of The Museum of Modern Art 1879-1961

January 25 - v~rch 10, 1968


posters and other printed combinations of word and image have been collected by the

Museum's Department of Architecture and Design. since the 1930'S. They are chosen

for their intrinsic quality and for their significance in the history of modern

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist graphic design. There have been 35 poster exhibitiona at the Museum, but this

selection of some 300 examples is the first comprehensive survey of the collection.

International in scope, the e::hibition begins with work of the 1880's, marking a

break with traditional graphic styles and the emergence of the modern poster. It

continues with , an interlude during which such painters as Bonnard and

Toulouse-Lautrec designed posters themselves and profoundly influenced the graphic

arts of their time. Subsequent movements in the arts __ , Constructivism,

Cubism, Surrealis~-have all contributed to the forms and even the content of

twentieth century posters.

Bauhaus architecture and industrial design, with their emphasis on structure and

geometry, brought major changes to typography and its appearance on the printed

page. Letter forms became simple geometric configurations, considered appropriate

for mechanical printing. photography, new printing techniques, and new materials

have also encouraged experiments with form and technique. In the past it waa the

painter who moat often influenced graphic design but posters, billboards, and car~

toons form such a large part of the environment that today elementa of their styl~

and subject matter are used by painters.

The poster collection is not meant to document history, but inevitably posters reflect the cultural and political events of their time. Their juxtaposition of word and image triggers an emotional responae more immediate and yet more complex

than either word or image alone could produce. MILDRED CONSTANTINE ,, WORD AND IMAGE will be shown at RemisFair '68 in San Antonio, Texas. • The Museum of Modern Art

cc: Betty Burnham To Miss Dudley

From Eloise Wright

Date February 0, 1908

Re iiJORDAND IMAGE Poster exhibition.

The following are in the exhibition but not, on the check list. The information has been taken off the la~ in the show. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist AMBlI.SZ,Emilio (Argentine, born 1942) Poster for eigy. 1907. Offset on black paper. Gift of the designer. BAYER, Herbert (American, born Austria 1900) Der Bauhauskapelle. 1928. (Invitat,ion to a ball with Bauhaus Orchestra) 1etterp:ress• CROUWEL, Willem (DuCh born 1928) Jonge Engelse Beeldhouwers. 1967. Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, catalogue. Offset lithograph \ Gift of the designer • . , Wilfreda Lam. 1907. Stedelijk Nuseum, Amsterdam, catalogue.

;i: Offset lithograph. DEPERO, Fortunato (Italian 1892~?). Deparo FUturista. 1913-1927. 1928. page from book.

DEXEL, Walter (German, born 189g) Gas zum/ Kochen/ Balken/ Heizen/ Beleuchten. • Announcement. Let,terpress. Gift of Philip Johnson.

Thuringer Verlagsanstalt und Druckerei. (Calendar ) Gift of Philip Johnson.

Exhibition and lecture announcement. 1924. Letterpress. Gift of the designer. The Museum of Modern Art •



DE HARAK, Rudolph (American born 1924) Franz Liszt: The Two Piano Concerti Record jacket. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist VAN DOESBURG, Theo (Dutch 1883-1931). SCHWITTERS, Kurt mrSZAR. Dada. 1923. 'PQS"terfor DADA Exhibition. Offset lithograph. Gift of Philip Johnson. GERSTNER, Karl (Swiss, born 1930). Bo~te a Musique. 1957. Shopping bag for record. Silk screen. GUIMARD, Hector (French, 1867-1942). Cover for REVUE D'ART. 1899. Gift of Stan Ries. KIESLER, Frederick J. (American, born Austria 1892-1965). ~DE STIJL 2. 1923. Magazine cover. Letterpress. , Internationale Ausstellun~ Neuer Theatertechnick. 1924. Page form catalogue. Letterpress. Gift of Philip Johnson. \ \ KRIWET, Ferdinand (German, born 1942) I Who Whom if a Hunter. 1963. J,etterpress. The Museum of Modern Art




Re WORD AND 1M/WE page 3.

LISSITZKY, El /" (Four Mountain Goats). 1922. Bookcover.

MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist L€tterpress. ) NPO 2. 1922. (The story of Two Squares) • Bookcover. Letterpress. /,oMACKINTOSH, Charles Rennie (Scottish, 18b8-1928). Die Hoffnung ist in dem Irrt •••1901.

There is Hope in Homest Error •••19Ul.

MOHOLY NAGY, Laszlo 14 Bauhausbucher. c.1930. Brochure. Letterpress. RODCHENKO, Alexander Salon Dada. 1922. Catalogue cover for Galerie Montaigne, Paris.


ZWART, Piet (Dutch, born 1885) Hot spots. 1930. Factory advertisement. Letterpre ss , The Museum of Modern Art


ZWART, Piet (Dutch, born 18tlS). NKF N.V. Nederlandsche Kabelfabriek Delft. 1926. MoMAExh_0850_MasterChecklist Title page of booklet. letterpress. Gift of Philip Jopnson.
